With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

May 12, 2019
the common understanding of good and evil.
The rest of the world will now be watching to see if they like what they observe.
Like what they observe, RSAM? Really?

And did they like seeing Palestinians bombed relentlessly for 11 days in the Gaza strip? Their homes and sources of livelihood taken away? The bombardment that you said nothing about?
Do they like seeing Iraqis, Somalis, Syrians being torn apart by bombs?

If this is the common understanding, I don't want the common understanding.

Stop thinking you can lecture us on goodness and morality. You can't.


Jul 13, 2021
I notice you still haven't offered proof for the post you made a page back. I'd like some proof on this claim as well.
You wouldn't believe my source. So what's point telling you it's something I've heard
I notice you still haven't offered proof for the post you made a page back. I'd like some proof on this claim as well.
Just because there is corruption in the west doesn't mean the taliban are any less evil.


Aug 24, 2017
I think self-proclaimed civilised western countries should stop defining good and evil for middle eastern countries, when war crimes have been committed and children have been killed via drones you should be rather happy that it finally stops (I don't think it will though).
Who knows how many US bombings have targeted christians in Afghanistan.
Let's be honest Biden, Macron, Merkel sound like the Antichrist cavalry they don't have any moral high grounds at all.

Of course i'm a christian and I'm preoccupied for my brothers and sisters out there but I think of the example of David in the Bible who was led to become allied with Philistines because King Saul became a mad man leading the kingdom to rebellion toward God.

Let's be honest it's good for humanity that disgusting secular ideals dont get to triumph everywhere, people have their cultures and I wouldn't accept them for myself but I respect those who wants to keep them in their homeland.

At least they have values, the western world have nothing left besides covid trackers.


Jun 28, 2020
You wouldn't believe my source. So what's point telling you it's something I've heard

Just because there is corruption in the west doesn't mean the taliban are any less evil.
So you're saying your source doesn't have enough credibility to share. No problem.

All men can be evil. As I've highlighted to zionist Red, I'm American and the only thing i know about the Taliban is what the zionist media has told me, which has no credibility. But I know Christians lived in Muslim lands for centuries protected by Muslims.

I can tell you're new and its pretty easy to see your bias and really don't know the first thing about Islam. But if you stick around you might pick up a thing or two. Of course haters have to hate so it depends on which side of the fence you want to be on.



Nov 24, 2020
There has been a long standing criticism of American hegemony in the region. Perhaps not without substance? Was George W.B a good man or a bonesman?

My point in starting this thread as @Daze asked me was to address two questions…

1: What effect will the new Islamic regime have on the course Afghanistan now takes?
Time will tell. The initial statements have been promising, particularly around their seeking to reassure women. There are also some scary stories circulating, but they're not confirmed as far as I'm aware and until the fog of war lifts we may not get an accurate feel for what's happening in the ground. My guess is there will be some tragic acts of evil as there are in most military transitions of power.

The good part however is that the Afghan people will be governing themselves. There won't be an external force, so whatever good or bad occurs will be the result of the deeds of the people themselves. If the Taliban fail the people they will deserve to fall, if they deliver good governance and the country prospers then hopefully the wealth generated will stay in the country and be reinvested into its people rather than being funnelled into the pockets of warlords and their globalist backers.

2: Will this regime epitomise unchallenged Islamic rule and lead to the “House of Peace” or will the world (including perhaps some in the Muslim world) have reservations about the Taliban?
By virtue of its location, Afghanistan's history is littered with interference from external forces. It sits on a strategically vital point and various great powers have fought over it ever since. Even the borders of the country have been imposed from elsewhere, whilst the populace takes heed of traditional tribal boundaries.

If the Taliban instil an Islamic system of government it could have an impact on adjoining nations, perhaps encouraging Islamists within them to seek a similar system, or it could be viewed as a uniquely Afghan solution. Again, time will tell.

Let's be positive. The transition has been virtually bloodless, with little to no fighting reported. We must wish the Afghan peoples well, all of them including the ones who have different beliefs to most of us. Let's let this war torn country have some years without external powers trying to dictate to them how they live their lives. Hopefully the peoples of the Western World have learned and will continue to learn lessons from this debacle and the next person that tries to get them to sign a blank cheque for an overseas deployment based on lies and deception can be dropped from a B52 from a very great height into a very large ocean.


Mar 4, 2020
I see that you have deleted your comment about ISIS. Somebody obviously pointed out to you that these guys are Israeli funded.

Why on earth would Israel want to fund a jew-hating muslim terror group?
PS- I can still see my ISIS picture on my monitor, you'd better check your own monitor/forum display settings, here it is again-



Mar 23, 2021
I think self-proclaimed civilised western countries should stop defining good and evil for middle eastern countries, when war crimes have been committed and children have been killed via drones you should be rather happy that it finally stops (I don't think it will though).
Who knows how many US bombings have targeted christians in Afghanistan.
Let's be honest Biden, Macron, Merkel sound like the Antichrist cavalry they don't have any moral high grounds at all.

Of course i'm a christian and I'm preoccupied for my brothers and sisters out there but I think of the example of David in the Bible who was led to become allied with Philistines because King Saul became a mad man leading the kingdom to rebellion toward God.

Let's be honest it's good for humanity that disgusting secular ideals dont get to triumph everywhere, people have their cultures and I wouldn't accept them for myself but I respect those who wants to keep them in their homeland.

At least they have values, the western world have nothing left besides covid trackers.
Well said needs to be applauded.


Jan 11, 2020
To quote Neil Young, "I've seen the needle and the damage done"

So please excuse me if my reply seemed a little bit curt.
And I know people with cancer and I found your comment offensive.

I believe in the decriminalisation of drugs, and peoples right to make their own choices.

And to quote neil young. Me too.


Nov 24, 2020
As an aside and without wanting to downplay the seriousness of current events for those with a stake in Afghanistan, when the main stream media focus on one subject to the exclusion of all others it should get us wondering what they don't want us to focus on...


May 17, 2020
And I know people with cancer and I found your comment offensive.
So you found my comment offensive because you 'know people with cancer'

Well, there's no way in God's green Earth i can trump that...well played, well played.