With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?


Jun 28, 2020
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May 12, 2019
Perhaps the plane that was leaving with people falling off of it is CGI? It wouldn't be the first time they faked something.
It's real. Multiple reliable sources have attested to it, there is a lot of footage, they found human remains in the wheels of the US military jet, and Kabulis report having lost family members [1, 2, 3]. The US had told the Kabulis horror stories about the Taliban which is what resulted in the hysteria and panic, and then proceeded to fail in clearing the runway before take-off, fire fatal shots into the desperate crowd, crush several in the jet's wheels, and allow those who clung onto its frame to fall to their deaths. Meanwhile, Kabul was taken without a single shot fired, and the Taliban extended a general amnesty to soldiers who fought against them, as well as government officials [1]. The Americans evacuated their dogs before some of their own personnel in the former Afghan government [1, 2].
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Mar 4, 2020
Incidentally, muslims are always killing muslims; so much for the 'Brotherhood of Islam"..:)
May 12, 2019
Incidentally, muslims are always killing muslims; so much for the 'Brotherhood of Islam"..:)
The cognitive dissonance and victim blaming is strong with this one.


The Americans killed more than 7 people evacuating the airport. The Taliban have declared an amnesty, forgiven their enemies, and announced that they will not take revenge. Enough with your bare-faced lies.
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Nov 30, 2017
You can’t destroy a country, use its people, steal its resources and then leave them there to suffer and die. That’s what’s been wrong with america since it’s founding.

we never should have went there, we certainly shouldn’t have stayed for two decades but we did. We can’t shrug off the responsibility for the consequences of our actions NOW.
We didn't steal their resources. They have a lot of mineral wealth and we didn't take it. I question the motives and character of anyone who was backing the US there. I see these images of them overrunning planes and they look like young fit men. We need to break the invade the world, invite the world system. Btw the Taliban seem to be acting very reasonable since taking over so most people don't need to leave. Only the most corrupt and the young boy rapists need to leave.
May 12, 2019
Only the most corrupt and the young boy rapists need to leave.
You are right. While the US have been told to turn a blind eye to the sexual abuse, the Taliban made the practice punishable by death.

In fact, if anyone knows how the Taliban was founded, it was in response to a warlord who had kidnapped and raped two young girls. Mullah Omar mobilized thirty men, and together they captured the warlord and hung him from the barrel of a tank gun. And in 1994, as the Taliban advanced on Kandahar, two militia leaders fought with each other over a young boy they both wanted to sodomize. The Taliban freed the boy. As word spread of this, more and more joined the Taliban in order to resist these corrupt warlords. It was these same warlords that the Americans propped up and gave power to in the twenty years of their occupation. r*pe, extortion, and bribery flourished under the fiefdoms of these warlords.
May 12, 2019
You are right. While the US have been told to turn a blind eye to the sexual abuse, the Taliban made the practice punishable by death.

In fact, if anyone knows how the Taliban was founded, it was in response to a warlord who had kidnapped and raped two young girls. Mullah Omar mobilized thirty men, and together they captured the warlord and hung him from the barrel of a tank gun. And in 1994, as the Taliban advanced on Kandahar, two militia leaders fought with each other over a young boy they both wanted to sodomize. The Taliban freed the boy. As word spread of this, more and more joined the Taliban in order to resist these corrupt warlords. It was these same warlords that the Americans propped up and gave power to in the twenty years of their occupation. r*pe, extortion, and bribery flourished under the fiefdoms of these warlords.
So who were the bad guys, really?


Mar 4, 2020
...The Taliban have declared an amnesty, forgiven their enemies, and announced that they will not take revenge. Enough with your bare-faced lies.

Yes yes, we know muslims are all sweetness and light, you'll be telling us next it was Mary Poppins who killed 3000 innocent office workers on 9/11.. :p
Oh wait, this previously unseen startling footage has just emerged!-

May 12, 2019

Inside the US-NATO bubble, the media are going into damage limitation mode at the behest of their complicit governments, screaming blue murder about "women's rights", "democracy", "freedom" -- the holy grails that they have used to sell their murderous war to the gullible public --, portraying the Taliban as the worst calamity that could ever have afflicted Afghanistan, all the while conveniently ignoring that, for the past twenty years, they have murdered and carpet bombed the Afghan people; propped up the fiefdoms of criminal warlords; allowed bribery, corruption, extortion, trafficking, r*pe, drug use to flourish; and tortured and killed many in Bagram and other prisons. They abused the human rights of the Afghans, and then claimed “it is we who will bring human rights to Afghanistan”, “it is we who we will civilize the savages”, "God is on our side", a rehash of the rhetoric employed as much in the postmodern imperialist ventures of the War on Terror as in the Christianizing colonizing missions of the 19th century and the Crusades.


Mar 4, 2020
I saw a Taliban leader saying on the TV news yesterday that as long as Afghans respect Sharia law they've nothing to fear from the Taliban.

Top- Sharia Law
Bottom- not Sharia law..:)



Mar 16, 2017
We didn't steal their resources. They have a lot of mineral wealth and we didn't take it. I question the motives and character of anyone who was backing the US there. I see these images of them overrunning planes and they look like young fit men. We need to break the invade the world, invite the world system. Btw the Taliban seem to be acting very reasonable since taking over so most people don't need to leave. Only the most corrupt and the young boy rapists need to leave.
The people they are trying to evacuate are the ones they employed - the ones that worked for the Americans in this hot mess of a situation