With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

Jan 27, 2018
Maybe the Elites planned this is destroy Muslims like the guy says. They’re targeting Christians via the Biden administration and leaders in the West with their crazy policies - now they’ve created a situation to try and target Muslims via the “Taliban.”

Basically I think they want to destroy the big religions. They went after Israel with their mass vaccination program.

They’re calling going after Christian conservatives in the West.

Now they gotta target Muslims en masse.

I dunno - just a theory


Mar 16, 2017
Having known plenty of both, I would rather know the junkie than the alcoholic.

I don't like alcohol. I don't like what it does to people and how it makes them act. (including me)

Makes everything from codine to heroin.

I would rather take heroin than a synthetic nazi mind control drug like methadone.

When I get old and in pain I want the morphine drugs. So someone better be growing them.

Junkies usually just gouch out in weird positions until they die.
Alkies are dangerous.

If junkies coukd get heroin legally they would just go away quietly and take it.
The problems mostly arise because it is illegal and the junkie has to go out, in agony, and sick as a dog, and try to find enough money and a dealer.

Just my opinion and observation.
Every heroin addict I’ve ever known has been extremely irritable - maybe being bothered when they feel so “good” from drugs by things such as people saying hello is just too much for them, idk. Not a junkie. And I can’t stand alcohol either


Jun 27, 2019
Mate, I'm a red-blooded straight hetero Christian male, so of course I take an interest in women.. :p
Jesus said- "at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two, but one." (Matt 19:4)
right Mr. B?

"Right kid"
You should be more careful. In that verse Jesus was clearly talking about husband and wife.

5:27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast [it] from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not [that] thy whole body should be cast into hell.
May 12, 2019
Moazzam Begg, who was detained in Bagram and Guantanamo with some of the mujahideen, and lived in Kabul for many years under the Taliban, has addressed this. He says, anyone who is spreading this theory like the fifth columnist Russians in your article, are either deliberately spreading misinformation, or do not understand the reality of the war, or who the Taliban are.

Minute 26 to 28

Roshan M Salih: I wanna address one point, a recurring theme in the comments... they are basically saying, the Americans created the Taliban... they have little popular support in the country. Its all part of an American plan. They were doing deals with the Americans in Doha, and now they're gonna pull the strings behind the scenes. Your response to that?

Moazzam Begg: This is coming from people who have never seen been to Afghanistan, or lived under bombings, or actually seen a war in their lives, ever. We can sit here and think about or make assumptions based upon based on things we have no knowledge about. Let's just give you an idea. Five of the Taliban who were held with me in Guantanamo were released as a result of a prisoner exchange between the Taliban and Americans who were holding Sergeant Beau Bergdahl who was a US soldier. These five then went off to Doha and brought to where they became part of the political office and the negotiating team. Mullah Abdussalam Zaif who was the spokesman of the Taliban was held with me in Guantanamo. When I met him, he said to me the Americans, General Petraeus came to my house after I was released and said "please can you get me out of Afghanistan, I need to talk to the Taliban." Mullah Abdussalam's reponse was, "listen if you want to talk to the Taliban, its really easy. All you have to do is follow the trajectory of those mortars and rockets that you're firing, you'll find the Taliban there, either to talk or to fight." Anybody who is talking about the Taliban in this way... that its all a American set up, don't have a clue.


Mar 4, 2020
Jesus said- "at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two, but one." (Matt 19:4)
You should be more careful. In that verse Jesus was clearly talking about husband and wife.
5:27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast [it] from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not [that] thy whole body should be cast into hell.

Yes, we Christian holy men don't do "lust"..:)

"Oh Judy Judy Judy, I do love you so"..
May 12, 2019
Moazzam Begg, who was detained in Bagram and Guantanamo with some of the mujahideen, and lived in Kabul for many years under the Taliban, has addressed this. He says, anyone who is spreading this theory like the fifth columnist Russians in your article, are either deliberately spreading misinformation, or do not understand the reality of the war, or who the Taliban are.

Minute 26 to 28

Roshan M Salih: I wanna address one point, a recurring theme in the comments... they are basically saying, the Americans created the Taliban... they have little popular support in the country. Its all part of an American plan. They were doing deals with the Americans in Doha, and now they're gonna pull the strings behind the scenes. Your response to that?

Moazzam Begg: This is coming from people who have never seen been to Afghanistan, or lived under bombings, or actually seen a war in their lives, ever. We can sit here and think about or make assumptions based upon based on things we have no knowledge about. Let's just give you an idea. Five of the Taliban who were held with me in Guantanamo were released as a result of a prisoner exchange between the Taliban and Americans who were holding Sergeant Beau Bergdahl who was a US soldier. These five then went off to Doha and brought to where they became part of the political office and the negotiating team. Mullah Abdussalam Zaif who was the spokesman of the Taliban was held with me in Guantanamo. When I met him, he said to me the Americans, General Petraeus came to my house after I was released and said "please can you get me out of Afghanistan, I need to talk to the Taliban." Mullah Abdussalam's reponse was, "listen if you want to talk to the Taliban, its really easy. All you have to do is follow the trajectory of those mortars and rockets that you're firing, you'll find the Taliban there, either to talk or to fight." Anybody who is talking about the Taliban in this way... that its all a American set up, don't have a clue.
By the way, who actually trusts anything that comes out of Kadryov's mouth? He's essentially a criminal warlord like the warlords the Taliban have usurped. He's a well-known Soviet mouthpiece who is serving his Russian masters well. Also, anyone who is saying the al Qaeda are like the Taliban, have no idea what they're talking about. They say he's an quote-unquote "ardent Muslim", yet he does everything and anything Putin tells him, using Islam as a political tool that he discards when it becomes an obstruction to his interests. RT clearly has an ulterior motive in pushing this narrative, fifth columnists that they are. This is the kind of stuff he says, something no Muslim would even think of saying.



Mar 27, 2017
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Jan 11, 2020
Every heroin addict I’ve ever known has been extremely irritable - maybe being bothered when they feel so “good” from drugs by things such as people saying hello is just too much for them, idk. Not a junkie. And I can’t stand alcohol either
I agree with everything you said there.
I do not think recrelational heroin use is a good thing. But I think drug use should be decriminalised, because prohibition always makes things worse.
May 12, 2019
Maybe the Elites planned this is destroy Muslims like the guy says.
Respectfully, the elites have been trying to destroy Muslims for many years, vigcizmember, and in Afghanistan for twenty years under the previous regime. But as of late, they have been inflicted a crushing defeat. You can read these in response to the RT article.
Moazzam Begg, who was detained in Bagram and Guantanamo with some of the mujahideen, and lived in Kabul for many years under the Taliban, has addressed this. He says, anyone who is spreading this theory like the fifth columnist Russians in your article, are either deliberately spreading misinformation, or do not understand the reality of the war, or who the Taliban are.

Minute 26 to 28

Roshan M Salih: I wanna address one point, a recurring theme in the comments... they are basically saying, the Americans created the Taliban... they have little popular support in the country. Its all part of an American plan. They were doing deals with the Americans in Doha, and now they're gonna pull the strings behind the scenes. Your response to that?

Moazzam Begg: This is coming from people who have never seen been to Afghanistan, or lived under bombings, or actually seen a war in their lives, ever. We can sit here and think about or make assumptions based upon based on things we have no knowledge about. Let's just give you an idea. Five of the Taliban who were held with me in Guantanamo were released as a result of a prisoner exchange between the Taliban and Americans who were holding Sergeant Beau Bergdahl who was a US soldier. These five then went off to Doha and brought to where they became part of the political office and the negotiating team. Mullah Abdussalam Zaif who was the spokesman of the Taliban was held with me in Guantanamo. When I met him, he said to me the Americans, General Petraeus came to my house after I was released and said "please can you get me out of Afghanistan, I need to talk to the Taliban." Mullah Abdussalam's reponse was, "listen if you want to talk to the Taliban, its really easy. All you have to do is follow the trajectory of those mortars and rockets that you're firing, you'll find the Taliban there, either to talk or to fight." Anybody who is talking about the Taliban in this way... that its all a American set up, don't have a clue.
By the way, who actually trusts anything that comes out of Kadryov's mouth? He's essentially a criminal warlord like the warlords the Taliban have usurped. He's a well-known Soviet mouthpiece who is serving his Russian masters well. Also, anyone who is saying the al Qaeda are like the Taliban, have no idea what they're talking about. They say he's an quote-unquote "ardent Muslim", yet he does everything and anything Putin tells him, using Islam as a political tool that he discards when it becomes an obstruction to his interests. RT clearly has an ulterior motive in pushing this narrative, fifth columnists that they are. This is the kind of stuff he says, something no Muslim would even think of saying.

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Not my article. Presented without comment to illustrate what the Chechen dude is saying. That is all. Good rebuttal, though. Time will tell...

Sounds like a real charmer...
Thank you for bringing it up, there is no doubt others will hold the same misgivings.


Jun 28, 2020
Respectfully, the elites have been trying to destroy Muslims for many years, vigcizmember, and in Afghanistan for twenty years under the previous regime. But as of late, they have been inflicted a crushing defeat. You can read these in response to the RT article.
To be fair they hate all Abrahamic doctrine. Jews and Christians do get persecuted. I don't think its on the level of the Muslims, from being used for bullet practice in Gaza to concentration camps in China where Islam is literally being raped out of Muslims, . But stories of burning churches and vandalized synagogues aren't rare occurrences.

The only religions they seem to be happy with are ones that don't discuss the God of Abraham. Such as Buddism, Hinduism, ect.


Nov 30, 2017
Well we know why there's such a disinformation companion. 1. MIC and Israel want us to keep us interested in the war on terror even if it's dying down for now (never know when they might want to re engage. 2. They're desperate to make the case we need to take Afghan refugees even though there's no evidence the Taliban are taking vengeance on them.


Nov 30, 2017
Was watching and reading some MSM and of course they're indignant about Afghan refugees and needing to take them. It's their primary concern. Pro tip when the elite's propaganda arm is in unison with a message/policy it's best to oppose it. The Afghans who worked with us on whatever our bullshit mission was have proven themselves to be obsequious drones to the US government and our corrupt system. No wonder they want them so bad.
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Nov 30, 2017
Is it relevant that Afghanistan may have one of the worlds biggest lithium deposits, and china is willing to help them extract it?
It's good for China. And it's better for the people of Afghanistan for the Taliban to negotiate the deal than the corrupt government they had before.

That's why I disagreed with the person who said the US drained their resources. Obviously we did a lot fucked up things and enriched the MIC but we didn't extract their precious metals.


Mar 16, 2017
It's good for China. And it's better for the people of Afghanistan for the Taliban to negotiate the deal than the corrupt government they had before.

That's why I disagreed with the person who said the US drained their resources. Obviously we did a lot fucked up things and enriched the MIC but we didn't extract their precious metals.
Apparently the American government felt heroin was more valuable then lithium


Nov 30, 2017
We had the fist population decline for white Americans in history. Is any politician talking about it or how to get birthrates up? Meanwhile the southern border is wide open. They're demanding we take in hundreds of thousands of Afghan "refugees." Do people like jess deny this is a replacement agenda? It's all about changing the population to people who will be obedient drones to the elite. Like I said, who's proven to be more obsequient to a corrupt elite than the Afghans who want out?
Feb 22, 2020
I haven't seen any better analysis as to what is going on than from Kyle Kulinski, who quoted President Maduro of Venezuela.

Maduro thinks the "deep state" is sabotaging Biden's withdrawl, and I think it makes perfect sense.

Biden wants to withdraw. Someone in the intelligence or military gives Biden faulty intelligence as to how quickly Kabul will fall. When Biden pulls troops out we see the drastic fall and then the MSM goes into overdrive with anti-Biden pieces and anti-Taliban fearmongering about what they will do to women and collaborators.

What is key is that both the Liberal MSM and the Right wing MSM are both attacking Biden for this move.

CNN and MSNBC are calling Biden sloppy for his withdrawl and are crying crocodile tears for the oppressed women and children who will suffer under the Taliban because of Biden's mistake

FoxNews on the other hand are attacking Biden basically for making the US "look bad and weak" even though their God Trump kind of wanted to do the exact same thing and back then they were praising him for what they are now attacking Biden for.

I think it is very telling when both the right wing MSM and Liberal MSM are on the same page pushing an agenda.

Feb 22, 2020
We had the fist population decline for white Americans in history. Is any politician talking about it or how to get birthrates up? Meanwhile the southern border is wide open. They're demanding we take in hundreds of thousands of Afghan "refugees." Do people like jess deny this is a replacement agenda? It's all about changing the population to people who will be obedient drones to the elite. Like I said, who's proven to be more obsequient to a corrupt elite than the Afghans who want out?

You are just pushing Fox News talking points. FEAR FEAR FEAR.

Fox News the most popular Mainstream Media in America.

Thanks for the corporate MSM message.