Truth is I dont think the elite are able to stir the kind of mass reaction they have been desiring to for so long. They need the majority of the population to be at the edge of their seat and invest all their emotions in this election and covid, because emotional people are easy to control. Its as someone pointed out though I believe at this point and time the general public is too comfortable and docile to react in the way the elite initially intended. If their nominee loses they can just go home and open a 6 pack and turn on their favorite sports team on their lazy boy and order a pizza. Its really only when the things that give people a sense of comfort start being taken away when a civil war will happen... If Biden or Trump loses some uproar will last for maybe a week or two, but then its back to netflix and evening yoga classes....
They can stage a civil war and use the media to paint the idea that all of america is up in arms, yet the reality is it will only be a small minority. All I ever see on television is covid and people on hazmat suits and people in respirators. If you bought into the media they would have you believe its ebola or the end of the world, yet none of that can be seen in reality atleast from where I am sitting. The media will dramatize everything as if there is a major shift about to occur and these riots represent the emotional state of all of America, yet it can only represent the outrage of a minority, because the majority will be too busy going about their life as usual and living a life of self indulgence and comfort.