The World's First Genderless Baby

Apr 12, 2017
Well here, you can get into serious trouble for causing the slightest distress to a student. I definitely don't agree with kids and transgenderism as I don't believe they've lived enough of their lives to come to such a final and absolute decision about their gender.

Many teachers are only doing as they're told to avoid conflict and the Brits are known to be incredibly patient with others. We're always apologising and going out of our way to accommodate others, it's the culture here and it echoes throughout the workplace whether it be a school or an office.
How sad that teachers even have to be told to be respectful.. even more sad that they only oblige in order to stay out of trouble. :(


Mar 15, 2017
How sad that teachers even have to be told to be respectful.. even more sad that they only oblige in order to stay out of trouble. :(
True, teachers have a duty of care and professionalism should be maintained. You can't let your personal politics infiltrate the job.

Well at my place of work, the correct term is probably tolerance. They tolerate the gender hype although bisexuality seems to be the trend among some youth here and we're having to give safe sex advice workshops. Kids are just growing up fast...


Mar 26, 2017
True, teachers have a duty of care and professionalism should be maintained. You can't let your personal politics infiltrate the job.

Well at my place of work, the correct term is probably tolerance. They tolerate the gender hype although bisexuality seems to be the trend among some youth here and we're having to give safe sex advice workshops. Kids are just growing up fast...
what????? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


Mar 15, 2017
what????? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Yh I wish I was kidding, identity is such a bitch at that age and I know most will probably grow out of it but it's annoying to have to just accept and allow people to go down the wrong path

I think we should protect our youth, they're so vulnerable to the media and the likes of MTV doesn't help their already difficult teenage journey of finding themselves.


Mar 15, 2017
We're having to refer kids as young as 12/13 to the authorities due to their engagement in sexual activity. One girl had a long term relationship with an 18 year old, she was 13!

It was clearly a sign of either emotional or sexual abuse. Maybe he was exploiting her and letting her perform acts with his friends. This is pretty common here and the schools and colleges safeguard the kids but ultimately their power is limited if the kid is compliant with their groomer/ abuser

Due to disclosure legislations teachers aren't allowed to know too much detail, it could compromise the safety of the child.

Society has gone mad


Nov 2, 2017
Why not just raise the child as the gender they were born as? The likelihood of them being transgender is so minuscule but if they did somehow end up being transgender, they could deal with it then, when they're old enough to even feel that way. It makes no sense to raise a child with no gender because the actual chance of them wanting to change their gender in the future is so low.
Hmm it's almost like the parents are encouraging confusion, such a screwy world we are living in.

But why would the parents want to raise a child this way, could their agenda be something to do with their own fears about the choices they've made. All of us who have children think at some point or another that we would do some things differently than how we were raised. So is this just a massive 'look how much better job, I'm going to do' are the parents in fact blaming their own gender issues upon their own childhood/parents. Whatever the reasons I fear that this is not going to go well for the child.


Jul 13, 2017
But why would the parents want to raise a child this way, could their agenda be something to do with their own fears about the choices they've made
It kind of reminds me of the "Beauty Pageant moms"
They didn't succeed, or they were forced by family or someone not to do it and quit, so they force it on their kids/babies.
If the kid is a male, they start putting makeup on them, female clothes and then posting it on facebook like it's funny, but in reality, if they get allot of likes, they might pursue this idea further.
This happened to someone i know, but i have no idea how often this happens..


Mar 14, 2017
Let's make this discussion more interesting. What do parents do when their child is born a hermaphrodite with both sexes? Do they choose for the child which sex they should be or let them decide when they're an adult when the operation is much more difficult or even impossible in some cases?
I'm Intersex, and they chose female for me at birth because I have a uterus.

I also have a penis and I'm very very glad no one cut it off me as a baby. Because turns out, I'm a man.

In that case, they expose the child to possible humiliation and discimination in the meantime should their condition be discovered. Unavoidable, yes, but best in the long run. Still, this situation is foreseen but registering a genderless baby is going on speculation without any evidence to back up your decision and could be just as humiliating and discriminatory to the developing child.
I was made fun of like crazy in school. But guess what? It was never because someone found out I'm Intersex.

No one knew, even some guy I dated at 14 and we got a little too handsy in his bedroom one time. He said I had small boobs. I did. But he didn't know I was a male, he thought I was a female like everyone else.

Now as a grown ass adult I can take horemones replacement and get cosmetic surgery if I want.

It's kinda great no one decided for me how to deal with my body, surgically wise.

So a snip here a stitch there and 50,000$ later I'll be allowed to add MALE to my birth certificate.

I may not even do it, but who knows! Maybe when I'm rich.

It's nice to live in a country where I'm free to choose my own life path because I'm not owned by the medical establishment...

But many other intersex babies weren't as lucky as me.

Some were pressured even at puberty to "pick a gender, usually female" and get surgeries they didn't have the capacity to choose, or be informed about he long term implications. Then as adults they feel shame and regret.

My parents heard the doctor say "It'd a girl! Mostly! Raise her like that anyway, no big deal"

Doesn't matter that the doctor was mistaken. He wasn't really! Just observing "the sex which doth prevail". Same as the last 500 years.

Genderless babies are a stupid idea.

Even hermaphrodites know if they're a man or a woman, so.

Hipsters suck so much.


Aug 17, 2017
Genderless babies are a stupid idea, I agree. Even if they survive the years of ridicule and abuse when others who aren't so progressive find out they don't conform to societies norms(?), it creates a whole new set of bureaucratic nightmares when they want to register for almost anything. However, let's take this one step further. Why should we ask anyone to identify as something they don't feel comfortable as? Suppose I self-identified as an asian man, should I not have the right to do so and have my documents reflect that preference.

Maybe all births should just be recorded stating the baby was born alive and well with no designation for sex, race, weight, height, etc. All that is fluid and will possibly change once or even more times as the person grows. We can do a little 'newspeak' as they did in the George Orwell classic, 1984, eliminating such archaic terms such as 'son' or 'daughter', referring to our offspring as 'our child'.

Would that not make it more difficult for someone to hate someone else based on their designation. The women who are condemning all men for their sexual harassment transgressions right now would just identify individuals as being the guilty parties instead of labelling all men as sexual predators. We aren't all guilty of these types of things, I promise. Blacks and whites would not be instant enemies based on the colour of their skin. ALL lives would matter and it would only be the individuals who are actually brutalizing other individuals who would be targeted, not a whole demographic or race as it happens now.

If no one could be identified as being of one race, one religion, one sex or one whatever, perhaps the world would find peace despite its occupants. There would be no Republicans or Democrats, only public-minded politicians who truly wanted the best for the whole population of their city or country., not just what the party line dictates them to believe. But, none of this can truly be realized until the day we are struck deaf so we cannot hear that which is spoken by another person and which offends us. On the day we are struck blind as a whole, we will cease to see the difference in others instead of constantly finding that they aren't just like us, reviling them for just being different than we are. Until we lose our senses of touch and smell and taste, we have no choice but to feel the difference in clothes that are not cut from the same cloth as our own, to smell the different odours and aromas of the foods someone else eats, and to taste that same food with its foreign (no, not the f word!) textures and tastes.

To find true world peace, we have to basically wear blindfolds, stuff our ears and nostrils with cotton, wear heavy mittens (gloves with fingers would allow too much tactile freedom) and eat only bland, non-flavoured oatmeal for the rest of our sad, dispassionate lives. In short, the only time the earth will be totally free of the warring and violent creatures we have become will be when everyone is in their graves, every man, woman and child, even the genderless ones.

But, there may be a way and the couple with the world's first genderless baby might just be the unwitting architects of this brave, new world. They just might be onto something, think about it.

But, then again, they just might be nutcases with a stupid idea. What do I know? I just live here.


Aug 17, 2017
I tend to see the similarities in people and not the differences. Isabel Allende

The differences between a tart, a pie and a quiche are a blur. Yotam Ottolenghi

We go on and on about our differences. But, you know, our differences are less important than our similarities. People have a lot in common with one another, whether they see that or not. William Hall

I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap. Ani DiFranco

Groups break up because they never got across what they wanted to do personally, and they have creative differences, and egos start to clash. Kendrick Lamar

All the different nations in the world, despite their differences in appearance and religion and language and way of life, still have one thing in common, and that is what's inside of all of us. If we X-rayed the insides of different human beings, we wouldn't be able to tell from those X-rays what the person's language or background or race is. Abbas Kiarostami

An anthropologist will not excitedly report of a newly discovered tribe: 'They eat food! they breathe air! They use tools! They tell each other stories!' We humans forget how alike we are, living in a world that only reminds us of our differences. Eliezer Yudkowsky

We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common-which is-we all want to be happy. Ellen DeGeneres


Dec 14, 2017
I tend to see the similarities in people and not the differences. Isabel Allende

The differences between a tart, a pie and a quiche are a blur. Yotam Ottolenghi

We go on and on about our differences. But, you know, our differences are less important than our similarities. People have a lot in common with one another, whether they see that or not. William Hall

I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap. Ani DiFranco

Groups break up because they never got across what they wanted to do personally, and they have creative differences, and egos start to clash. Kendrick Lamar

All the different nations in the world, despite their differences in appearance and religion and language and way of life, still have one thing in common, and that is what's inside of all of us. If we X-rayed the insides of different human beings, we wouldn't be able to tell from those X-rays what the person's language or background or race is. Abbas Kiarostami

An anthropologist will not excitedly report of a newly discovered tribe: 'They eat food! they breathe air! They use tools! They tell each other stories!' We humans forget how alike we are, living in a world that only reminds us of our differences. Eliezer Yudkowsky

We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common-which is-we all want to be happy. Ellen DeGeneres
words are great and all, but reality and implementation of ideas are another thing


Aug 17, 2017

Just do it. (Nike)

Nothing is impossible if you look at it as I'mPossible.(Me)
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