"The way home or catch the fire" compared to bible/ other religions (part 6)


Mar 15, 2017
As usual TWHOFTF gave no indication of which Testament the books from the bible are from again and it claims that God hates ALL organized religions (no matter what).
Reminder: Exodus and Hosea are in OT. https://www.biblegateway.com/
[Gospels of] Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are in New Testament.
Romans is also in NT.

11:8 Man’s soul has always reached for the stars, without understanding why, and it is because the soul is subconsciously home-sick, without knowing why, or where it is really from.

11:9 People started to worship planets, as gods, as the souls were blindly reaching-out for home and their loved-ones, and Satan deceived them, into worshipping many different planets, to keep them from the truth and God. Later-on, he created the worshipping of idols; graven-images and false gods.

This is where bible passages that actually refer to the subject could have been used:

e.g. Romans chapter 1
Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

11:10 God prohibited the worshipping of idols and false gods,

He could have quoted from the 10 commandments there.

Exodus chapter 20
Exodus 20:2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

so Satan had to find a NEW way to deceive the world, and hit on the idea of turning belief in God, into organized-religions.
AJH's opinion there: it isn't ORGANIZED religions that God condemns. It is false religions. It is worshipping other gods that God condemns. Read the first commandment above!!!

Religions would build a wall (or barrier) between the soul and God, turning some into priests, and making priests into false gods (Matt. 23:5-7 & Luke 11:43),
Please look at the chapter. Yet again TWHOFTF is pretending Pharisees = priests.
I have pointed that out in multiple entries e.g. https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/the-way-home-or-catch-the-fire-compared-to-bible-other-religions-part-6.10977/page-6#post-565236

and the blind leading the blind, away from God, and into the ditch or “Fire” (Matt. 15:14)(Hosea 4:9 & Malachi 2:1-2).
Please read the chapter links to see to whom the writing is addressed to.


Mar 15, 2017
The claims below follow TWHOFTF's now consistent pattern - God spoke to Moses, but somehow Satan created ALL religion/s and ALL traditions, including Judaism and Christianity.
The subject of "Torah versus Talmud " deserves its own thread.
The negative portrayal of ALL priests no matter what (yes even if they DO teach unbiblical doctrines etc) has become tiresome to address as well.

11:11 God had given The Book to Moses (Torah/Old Covenant), and forbidden the worshipping of ANYTHING, other than Himself. Satan then created the Jewish religion and traditions (the Talmud) and superstitions, preventing people from doing God’s Will, and having DIRECT-contact with Him.

11:12 Religions build a wall, between the soul and God. Priests do not teach about God. They have absolutely no idea who God really is, or where heaven is; even though they spend much of their time repeating parts of the Bible or Koran; because they are blinded, by their own religious organization’s teachings, and misinterpretations.

Reminder: Catholic priests do not believe in/ repeat the Quran, at least not priests who still believe in mainstream Roman Catholic doctrine.

11:13 Priests teach rituals, they do not teach about God, because, if they REALLY knew anything about God, they would be afraid of being priests, and resign. Satan uses their egos, to fool them into thinking that God’s Rules do not apply to them. What arrogance!

God’s Rules apply to EVERYONE, up to, and including Prince Michael, and God Himself. God is not a hypocrite, and He too lives by His own rules; so who are the priests, to think that God’s rules do not apply to them?

Look at the search result for Prince Michael. Only 3 results and all are in the Book of Daniel (Old Testament). You would think there would be at LEAST one result from the New Testament to support AJH's doctrine, wouldn't you?

11:14 God sent Jesus to destroy religions, and to bring people back to DIRECT-contact with their God, and to DOING God’s Will; and to set them a good example to follow.
Jesus coming to destroy ALL religions is a ridiculous claim (and that has also been addressed multiple times).

After the Crucifixion, the disciples wrote the New Testament.
That is sort of correct but needs some further clarification.
Some of the apostles, the apostle Paul and disciples of the apostles wrote the New Testament.

The Jews and their religion murdered Jesus, the man, and then refused to accept God’s Messages, and the New Covenant/Testament, and they continued to cling to their evil religion. The Devil then turned Jesus’ teachings into another organized-religion, and the same thing happened again, only more efficiently, because the world was now further divided, and easier for Satan to control.
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Mar 15, 2017
This incredibly ecumenical theme has also become entrenched in TWHOFTF.
"A broken clock is right twice a day" applies below.

Of course anyone who has lived for more than a decade and has any knowledge of modern history knows all the "holes in the narrative" that AJH presented below.
IMO the following long "passage" is very self-explanatory, so I am just giving the Quran link.

11:16 Satan’s greatest success, was when he managed to get Mohammed’s students to misunderstand, and twist God’s Message, and discredit Jesus, and write it in the Koran. It was his greatest success, for two reasons: the first being; that the Arabs would not read the New Testament, and follow Jesus’ example, and teachings; even though the Koran says that they MUST (Sura 6:154- 157); and thereby leave them going in circles, and getting nowhere.

The second reason is; that it made it possible, for Satan, to set the three religions against each other, and have their adherents, often, murdering each other.

11:17 This would keep them so busy, that they would not have time to think, about how stupid they were all being, and that they all worship the same God.

The Lord sent all three Books, and, because Satan divided them into separate religious groups, they each only read one Book, which is really only 1/3 of the whole Book, so none of them have any chance of understanding, or knowing, the truth.

11:18 Anyone who does not have direct-contact, and enlightenment; which only comes when the “Self” dies; has absolutely no chance of understanding the truth, by reading only 1/3 of God’s Book. God has always intended that The Torah, New Testament and Koran, should be one Book. How can anyone, who reads only 1/3 of a book, know the full story?

The best lies always contain an element of truth, and that is why religions have worked so successfully, for Satan. Most of the religions in this world contain an element of truth, and the rest is made up of lies. The devil takes God’s name, and mixes it, with superstition and lies, stirs it up, with elements of the truth, and then has the perfect recipe, to deceive the world, into believing that organized-religions belong to God.

11:19 Organized-religions belong to Satan, and use, and abuse God’s name.

11:20 How can you be so stupid, as to believe that organized-religions belong to God, when they have murdered more people, throughout the known history of this world, than everything else combined, and are still doing so?

It is totally illogical, and absurd, to even consider believing, that organized-religions could possibly belong to God, when they are murdering people, and God COMMANDS you NOT TO MURDER.


Mar 15, 2017
For a massive contrast between the accidentally correct generalities that "the way home or face the fire" gives RE Satan and spiritual warfare and a Christian writer who actually knew what he was writing about:
Here is one of the Puritan classics.
(Richard Gilpin) Daemonologia sacra: a treatise on Satan's devices

If you read it please also use your Bible to check references etc. The Puritans weren't infallible, only the Bible is.

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
On itablet right now so I am addressing this issue only:

What you wrote makes sense from a non-Christian world-view (trusting human logic) and it also explains why your heart is so hardened against the actual real Bible and the real Gospel.
In these two chapters AJH shows that for all his pretending to follow the God of the Old Testament, he is way more like a Muslim of the peace-loving variety (who say they believe Islamic teachings that were allegedly written before Islam's prophet became a warlord).

It appears it is hard enough for Muslims born into a Muslim family to overcome their religion's anti-Christianity rhetoric, but it appears those who have rejected Christianity -knowing full well what it actually teaches (not in name only Christian variety, baptised but never attended church) in favour of Islam/ other religions have a permanently hardened heart against Jesus.

The only things which gives me any hope of someone like yourself from not being an apostate is 1. that I am not God 2. You most certainly are a not a Muslim, at least not yet.

A true Muslim is in practice a Mohammedan. Muhammad is valued as highly as Allah. To speak poorly of him is viewed as blasphemy. Google Charlie Hebdo to see what happened when derogatory cartoons were made of him.

There is no way you could have made this oath. "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is his messenger".

You are in practice a JAHtruthian. You claim to follow God but in practice you follow the words of Anthony John Hill and believe his claims that he is Prince Michael/ Jesus reborn in a new human body (Sheffield UK 1948).

That makes your belief system totally incompatible with Islam as well as Christianity.
I wish Muslims would defend (in writing) their own religion against JAHtruth if it ever becomes popular, it could be interesting reading.
I doubt if they ever would though. AJH fits their definition of kaffir. Only Christians are willing to "waste our time" on you all.
If so, then they could read this message that is addressed to them:

As also the other links on this page:


Mar 15, 2017
If so, then they could read this message that is addressed to them:

As also the other links on this page:
2 + 2 does not equal 5 if AJH says so.
The King of King's "Bible/ Quran" is not a Bible or a Quran even if AJH says so.
Gibraltar is not the Al-Tur in the Quran just because AJH says so.

Stop being an intellectual lemming, have the courage to be the black sheep and LEAVE the cult before it is too late for you.



Mar 15, 2017
I will leave TWHOFTF's negative comments about priests/ RCC unaddressed below.

11:21 Open your spiritual-eyes, and see things as they REALLY are. Only the Truth can set you free (John 8:32 / King of kings’ Bible, John 8:23).

John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Verse 31 shows the context. For the truth to set you free, a person has to 1. first believe in Jesus 2. continue in His words (obey teachings and commandments).
A person who believes in another self-proclaimed Jesus is not following the truth.

11:22 You can NOT be taught God’s Will for you, by anyone except God, because He is the ONLY one who knows, exactly what each individual soul needs to learn, before HE will allow them to come home.

Sort of correct! But look below - to know God's will a person has to know/ believe in God first....

Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

11:23 Priests have no idea who God is, and are preventing people from going back to heaven (
Matt. 23:13 & Thomas 15:10). They just repeat bits from their Books; like trained parrots; dressed-up in their silly clothes.

Reminder: the real and properly translated Gospel of Thomas is 1. not in the bible and 2. it is only in verse format.

Therefore I have not given the KoK's reference because that 15:10 verse doesn't even exist.

11:24 Each person has the devil inside them, tempting them, including priests, of whom there have been many, throughout history, who have been guilty of child-molesting; running-away with other men’s wives; etc., proving that they can be just as evil as everyone else, and sometimes worse.


Mar 15, 2017
The "teachings" have been unclear in places, and this is one of them. In some places TWHOFTF appears to believe in a literal Satan/ devil, in others - like below - it sounds like AJH believes that "the devil" is in fact our negative side that chooses to do/ think wrong things.

How can someone, who is evil, teach you, how to be good?
That was put in between 11: 24 and 11:25.

11:25 If you have direct-contact with God, you only have one devil’s voice to fight, and that is your own devil’s voice, inside your own head, and you then minimize the devil’s chances of deceiving you. It is difficult enough, to fight him, without giving him a chance to use reinforcements.


Right there it looks like TWHOFTF believes the devil is in fact the "devil on your shoulder", not the literal fallen angel described throughout the Bible....
but then look at the contrast between 11:25 and 11:26.

11:26 When you put religions and priests between yourself and God; and each person in between, has their own devil’s voice to overcome; you are multiplying, many times over, the devil’s chances of deceiving you, and leading you astray, as he promised to do. That is one of the reasons why Satan invented religions.

It would be so much easier to work out exactly what AJH was saying if he used different terms to describe our sin nature/ tendency to make wrong decisions and our own individual self (who thinks independently of other people etc).

11:27 How can a priest forgive your sins? Who do they think they are, that they think that they have the power, or right, to forgive sins? Who says that they represent God? God certainly does NOT! He has said, over and over again, that they do NOT represent Him, but represent the Devil.
That is a doctrinal statement and deserves its own thread.


Mar 15, 2017
Here AJH returns to his pro-British Israelism worldview. I addressed some of those claims made earlier in TWHOFTF starting here and so I won't repeat points already made on that topic.
(And yes, yet again "quote brackets" are used whenever it suited him. :rolleyes: )

IMO 11:28 deserves its own thread because of the claims made RE Jews, Anglo Saxons and Muslims all thrown together. What a mess it is below! [Spacing added.]

I have enlarged and put in red all the "air quotes", keywords/ phrases which are NOT in the bible and IMO worthy of separate discussion.

11:28 The Jews say that only Jewish people will go to heaven, because of the reference to the 12 tribes of Israel, when they are only a remnant from 2 of the 12 tribes, being descended from the “House of JUDAH” (emblem - Fig Tree).

The other 10 “lost” tribes of Israel, called the “House of ISRAEL” (emblem - Olive Tree); who are by far the majority of Israel, and which, today, are: Britain (the British throne is the “Throne of David”) and the Commonwealth; America; the Celts; Scandinavia; the Netherlands and the 3 Baltic States; have all accepted Christ, at least nominally (Matt. 15:24).

Abraham was told, “In Isaac shall your seed be called”, i.e. known as Isaac’s sons - saacssons - SAXONS - [Anglo]-Saxons (Gen. 21:12). The 12 tribes of Israel, is meant, not only literally, but also metaphorically, to represent ALL the tribes of the world (Luke 13:29), because of the grafting into Israel of the gentiles. ANYONE who KEEPS the COMMANDments, and DOES God’s Will, is automatically an Israelite, and grafted-in. This reference gave Satan the opportunity; because the 10-tribed “House of Israel” was “lost” (Matt. 15:24 the word British is Hebrew and means “the people of the COVENANT” - that is ISRAEL); to deceive the Jews, using their egos, into thinking that their religion is the right one, and so they arrogantly refuse to accept Jesus, and Mohammed, and the Messages that they brought (Matt. 21:42 - N.B. Jesus says that their inheritance goes to others - Matt. 21:43)(Sura 5:13-14).


Mar 15, 2017
TWHOFTF is very self-explanatory (and "becoming a broken record") so I will just insert reference links.

11:29 The Roman Catholics say that only Catholics can go to heaven, and the other Christian sects say that only Christians can go to heaven, so they concentrate only on the New Testament, but at least some of them read the Torah, and have combined it with the New Testament, into the Bible.

This shows that at least they are more open-minded, and tolerant, than the other two groups (
Sura 2:113 & 5:15).

11:30 The Moslems say that only Moslems can go to heaven, because they do not read ALL of their own Book (Sura
2:62 & 5:72); they only read, and mis-interpret, the parts that the devil wants them to read and mis-interpret.

They have become so arrogant, and such fanatics, that they frighten people away, and thereby have prevented, and still are preventing, the adding of the Koran, to the Bible, to make up the complete 3/3 of The Book.

11:31 All people, of all colours, nationalities and beliefs, who do God’s Will, and keep His COMMANDMENTS and COVENANT/Testament (Sura 16:91), written in the Bible, will survive; and ALL the others, of all colours, nationalities and beliefs, who do not DO God’s Will, and keep the COMMANDMENTS, will perish, in “The Fire”, on the Last-Day.

You have God’s Word on that (Joel 2:32)(Luke 13:29 & Rev. 5:9)(Sura 2:62, 112 & Sura 5:72). 11:32 Satan has conned you ALL, perfectly - divide and conquer. The Jews read their 1/3 of the Book (Torah), and refuse to accept anything that came after it.

11:33 The Moslems do exactly the same, in reverse, reading their 1/3 of The Book (Koran), and refuse to accept anything that came before it. The Christians stay in the middle, and read the middle 1/3 of The Book, and refuse to accept what came before, but especially what came after it.


Translation: You three have it all wrong - believe ME, even though I can't translate your books or understand your doctrines.


Mar 15, 2017
I will leave the "you are really from Venus" in 11:37 alone for now.

Here "The way home or face the fire" lays the sales pitch on very thick.
He deserves a 10 out of 10 for alarmist tactics.

alarmist tactics
The use of fear as a means of convincing people to agree to, act upon, or unite behind something.
The political candidate relied on alarmist tactics to win the election, giving the impression that her opponent would plunge the state into financial ruin.
The dictator has always used alarmist tactics to maintain full control over his people.
The union workers are now striking. Clearly, the company's alarmist tactics did not scare them into signing an unfavorable contract.


11:34 You have ALL been conned! You had ALL better start to get it right, NOW, or you will all win the booby-prize - “The Fire”.

11:35 There are no such things as religions, or nationalities, as far as God is concerned, Satan has deceived you all. How can you be of a particular nationality, or religion? You are not from this planet!

11:36 There is no such thing as religions, or nationality, unless YOU want there to be. These things only exist in your minds.

11:37 The only REAL difference between you all, is that a few of you believe in God, and MOST of you don’t believe in God, neither of which is any good. God doesn’t want you to BELIEVE “in” Him, He wants you to believe Him and get to KNOW Him (
John 17:3).

Not only are you NOT Jewish; Christian; Moslem; Buddhists; Hindus; Sikhs; etc., you are not even humanyou are from Venus, and are allowing Satan to fool you all, with his lies (John 8:32 / King of kings’ Bible, John 8:23). CONGRATULATIONS !!!

11:38 How can you possibly be human, if your soul (the REAL you) is immortal, when everyone knows that humans are mortal, and HAVE to die?

11:39 If you were one tenth as smart, as YOU arrogantly like to think you are, you MIGHT be getting somewhere. Humility, and child-like trust in God’s guidance, are the ONLY way to prevent Satan from using your own ego, and arrogance, to fool you into thinking that you are human, and that you are clever-enough to run the world, yourselves. Look at the state that YOU have got the world into!!!

What makes me feel sad is thinking of how the people who would positively respond to those words in 11:39 would most likely be already sensitive, struggling and wounded people, especially if they are prone to fear already.
I cannot imagine a person with any boundaries or self-respect with an OK everyday life responding positively to bullying words like that.

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
2 + 2 does not equal 5 if AJH says so.
The King of King's "Bible/ Quran" is not a Bible or a Quran even if AJH says so.
Gibraltar is not the Al-Tur in the Quran just because AJH says so.

Stop being an intellectual lemming, have the courage to be the black sheep and LEAVE the cult before it is too late for you.

View attachment 89821
Would it be JAH (which is short, for Eli-JAH), or is it they who are kaffir? The explanation from the Holy Koran makes the answer to that, self-evident.

The Holy Koran/Quran states clearly, that those who join Sects and deny the truth will end up in The Fire.
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Mar 15, 2017
Would it be JAH (which is short, for Eli-JAH), or is it they who are kaffir? The explanation from the Holy Koran makes the answer to that, self-evident.

The Holy Koran/Quran states clearly, that those who join Sects and deny the truth will end up in The Fire.
The book JAHtruthers call the Holy Quran is not the book that Muslims use. It can't even be called a poor counterfeit.
It adds, subtracts, and "modifies" absolutely everything that contradicts the JAHtruth doctrines.

You also know full well that the Gibraltar Messenger website is JAHTRUTH.NET version 2.0. It looks way more professional but it is still JAHtruth propaganda and gives links to the JAHtruth website at every opportunity.

On another topic, one that is particularly unpleasant to see from someone who claims to believe in a "Jesus":

I have been watching how you go to the/ start Muslim topic threads but you NEVER disclose who you really believe in.
E.g. it is only because of Christians like myself confronting you do other regulars on this forum know not to take your superficially pro-Quran entries at face value.

Lies via omission in order to deceive is the same as bearing false witness. It is beyond incredible that you see no problem with doing that.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness" is one of the 10 Commandments. TWHOFTF has consistently said that people must follow the 10 Commandments as well.

If you see no problem in never saying you are a JAHtruth believer when you are interacting with Muslims, there must be some fine print added somewhere like "except when evangelising non-JAHtruthers, then you may use taqiya".

The God of the Bible does not give small print, permitting Christians to lie if we believe it is for honourable purposes.

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
The book JAHtruthers call the Holy Quran is not the book that Muslims use. It can't even be called a poor counterfeit.
It adds, subtracts, and "modifies" absolutely everything that contradicts the JAHtruth doctrines.

You also know full well that the Gibraltar Messenger website is JAHTRUTH.NET version 2.0. It looks way more professional but it is still JAHtruth propaganda and gives links to the JAHtruth website at every opportunity.
There is no deception being employed, since as you said, it gives links to the JAHTruth Website and therefore your petty accusation is false (and is therefore bearing false witness and attempting to be deceptive - what you accused me of doing when it actually is you that's doing it).

On another topic, one that is particularly unpleasant to see from someone who claims to believe in a "Jesus":

I have been watching how you go to the/ start Muslim topic threads but you NEVER disclose who you really believe in.
As above.

E.g. it is only because of Christians like myself confronting you do other regulars on this forum know not to take your superficially pro-Quran entries at face value.

Lies via omission in order to deceive is the same as bearing false witness.
Like you have done above in bearing false witness?

It is beyond incredible that you see no problem with doing that.
You still do not understand, even though you have been reading The Way home or face The Fire for some time now. I would therefore suggest you keep reading it, but will also try to save you the effort of searching for a new name for a new religion, because there isn't one.

This is because of it being not about starting a new religion, but about getting away from all organised religions and sects and avoiding them like the plague and being instead about learning to seek, to love and to adhere to the Truth, through learning to have Direct-Contact and a personal relationship with Father/The Creator/God, and following and learning from the Scriptures and from Him and from Christ, about how to become perfected in His sight, by learning to obey Him and doing His Will, instead of choosing to follow the "easy path" of belonging to organised religions and sects.

As the Bible and Quran both teach us to do (i.e. get away from organised religions and belonging to sects, which are all the source of causing divisions amongst the believers).

"Thou shalt not bear false witness" is one of the 10 Commandments. TWHOFTF has consistently said that people must follow the 10 Commandments as well.

If you see no problem in never saying you are a JAHtruth believer when you are interacting with Muslims, there must be some fine print added somewhere like "except when evangelising non-JAHtruthers, then you may use taqiya".

The God of the Bible does not give small print, permitting Christians to lie if we believe it is for honourable purposes.
See below, where I earlier told Daze that we study The Holy Koran, The Holy Bible and The Way home or face The Fire:

You like to use labels, because you see it as different teams competing against each other for who is right, like in a karate competition.

We are Truth seekers.

And once you get yourself away from all organised religions, then you no longer need to resort to using such pointless labels, and as there isn't a new label to use, because it is not about following a newly created organised religion or sect, but becoming free of them and all the associated evil man-made teachings that are a part of all of them.

It's not a new organised religion, or about finding a new organised religion, but about finding freedom from it.

Abraham, who is set forth as an example, had no affiliation whatsoever to any organised religion and neither should we.

This is all explained in minute detail in The Way home or face The Fire - By JAH
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Mar 15, 2017
@The Sojourner I am not going to address individual points of what you said because all this is taking enough of my time already.

JAHtruth may not have formal religious practices like other religions, but you must believe that Anthony John Hill is Jesus (reborn in a new human body, Sheffield UK 1948) to avoid "facing the fire".
You must believe his "translations" and his ebook are inspired "Holy books". That is religious doctrine in itself.
You must believe what AJH says and what he writes to be saved.
The God you communicate "telepathically" with would agree 100 % with AJH, or you wouldn't be a JAHtruther.
What gave you away to me immediately is that you gave and received likes from other JAHtruthers when you arrived, and you even quoted the same verses etc out of context.
You share the same group think as the rest of them.

P.S. what makes the following book interesting is that it is a European one as well as a secular one (and it shows). The dissection of the difference between a sect and a cult is particularly helpful.
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Mar 15, 2017
For the benefit of @The Sojourner and @A Freeman RE the accusation only *I* am using labels:

I will be regularly adding this news link to relevant entries now, don't you worry.
JAHtruth must have changed his mind about organised religions, churches and priests along "the way"...

(If there is a webpage on a JAHtruth/ AJH ally where he openly declared what he said to the Irish courts, please give the link!!!)

High priest' wanted in UK granted bail by High Court
The High Court has granted bail to a Co. Meath-based 'high priest' of a church until his appeal to the Supreme Court against an order for his extradition to UK on charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice has been determined.
FRI, 24 APR, 2009 - 20:10

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The High Court has granted bail to a Co. Meath-based 'high priest' of a church until his appeal to the Supreme Court against an order for his extradition to UK on charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice has been determined.
Earlier this month the High Court made an order for the extradition of Sheffield-born Anthony John Hill (aged 60) Carrick Street, Kells, on charges of sending a controversial DVD to a judge and jury foreman during a trial relating to bomb attacks in London.
Today in deciding to grant Mr Hill bail, pending the outcome of his appeal to the Supreme Court, Mr Justice Michael Peart criticised the fact that he and another High Court judge received several packages which he believed containing DVDs and other materials relating to this case.
The judge said that this material was believed to have been sent by followers of Mr Hill's church from all over the world.
However the fact that he received such material, which the judge said he had not opened, was not a reason to refuse Mr Hill bail.
The judge said that on the evidence before the court he held that it was unlikely that Mr Hill was responsible for this material being posted to the courts. However he urged Mr Hill to do what he could to ensure that no further packages are sent.
The judge agreed to remand Mr Hill in custody, with consent to bail on his own bond of €5,000, with an independent surety of €1,000.
He would also have to sign on three times a week with gardaí in Kells, surrender his passport and not seek travel documents.
The state had objected to Mr Hill being granted bail on grounds that he represented a flight risk. Mr Hill denied that he would not turn up for court.
He has been in Ireland for the last 10 years, and had always turned up to court when he was previously on bail.
Mr Hill had told the court that he is the 'high priest' of a church, known as 'The Way', and teaches his followers scripture over the internet.
Earlier this month judge made an order for Mr Hill's extradition in relation to his alleged actions during the trial of several persons on conspiracy charges related to the July 7, 2005 attacks on the London underground and a London bus.
Mr Hill is wanted in the UK on charges that he sent several copies of a DVD entitled '7/7 Ripple Effect' to the judge and the foreman of a jury at the trial of persons allegedly involved in assisting the 2005 bombings.
The "7/7 Ripple Effect" is a film, available on the Internet, which claims persons accused of involvement in the bombings are innocent.
The film claims the bombings were an "inside job", perhaps involving state intelligence agencies in either Britain or Israel.

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
For the benefit of @The Sojourner and @A Freeman RE the accusation only *I* am using labels:

I will be regularly adding this news link to relevant entries now, don't you worry.
JAHtruth must have changed his mind about organised religions, churches and priests along "the way"...

(If there is a webpage on a JAHtruth/ AJH ally where he openly declared what he said to the Irish courts, please give the link!!!)

High priest' wanted in UK granted bail by High Court
The High Court has granted bail to a Co. Meath-based 'high priest' of a church until his appeal to the Supreme Court against an order for his extradition to UK on charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice has been determined.
FRI, 24 APR, 2009 - 20:10

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The High Court has granted bail to a Co. Meath-based 'high priest' of a church until his appeal to the Supreme Court against an order for his extradition to UK on charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice has been determined.
Earlier this month the High Court made an order for the extradition of Sheffield-born Anthony John Hill (aged 60) Carrick Street, Kells, on charges of sending a controversial DVD to a judge and jury foreman during a trial relating to bomb attacks in London.
Today in deciding to grant Mr Hill bail, pending the outcome of his appeal to the Supreme Court, Mr Justice Michael Peart criticised the fact that he and another High Court judge received several packages which he believed containing DVDs and other materials relating to this case.
The judge said that this material was believed to have been sent by followers of Mr Hill's church from all over the world.
However the fact that he received such material, which the judge said he had not opened, was not a reason to refuse Mr Hill bail.
The judge said that on the evidence before the court he held that it was unlikely that Mr Hill was responsible for this material being posted to the courts. However he urged Mr Hill to do what he could to ensure that no further packages are sent.
The judge agreed to remand Mr Hill in custody, with consent to bail on his own bond of €5,000, with an independent surety of €1,000.
He would also have to sign on three times a week with gardaí in Kells, surrender his passport and not seek travel documents.
The state had objected to Mr Hill being granted bail on grounds that he represented a flight risk. Mr Hill denied that he would not turn up for court.
He has been in Ireland for the last 10 years, and had always turned up to court when he was previously on bail.
Mr Hill had told the court that he is the 'high priest' of a church, known as 'The Way', and teaches his followers scripture over the internet.
Earlier this month judge made an order for Mr Hill's extradition in relation to his alleged actions during the trial of several persons on conspiracy charges related to the July 7, 2005 attacks on the London underground and a London bus.
Mr Hill is wanted in the UK on charges that he sent several copies of a DVD entitled '7/7 Ripple Effect' to the judge and the foreman of a jury at the trial of persons allegedly involved in assisting the 2005 bombings.
The "7/7 Ripple Effect" is a film, available on the Internet, which claims persons accused of involvement in the bombings are innocent.
The film claims the bombings were an "inside job", perhaps involving state intelligence agencies in either Britain or Israel.
He was therefore telling them that he is Christ, which would be noticeable by anyone who knows Scripture well and was paying attention.

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
@The Sojourner I am not going to address individual points of what you said because all this is taking enough of my time already.

JAHtruth may not have formal religious practices like other religions, but you must believe that Anthony John Hill is Jesus (reborn in a new human body, Sheffield UK 1948) to avoid "facing the fire".
You must believe his "translations" and his ebook are inspired "Holy books". That is religious doctrine in itself.
You must believe what AJH says and what he writes to be saved.
The God you communicate "telepathically" with would agree 100 % with AJH, or you wouldn't be a JAHtruther.
What gave you away to me immediately is that you gave and received likes from other JAHtruthers when you arrived, and you even quoted the same verses etc out of context.
You share the same group think as the rest of them.

P.S. what makes the following book interesting is that it is a European one as well as a secular one (and it shows). The dissection of the difference between a sect and a cult is particularly helpful.
Again you use loaded language to imply deception being used when that is not the case and you also make a lot of assumptions and then state your opinions as if they were facts.
Why do you think it is that I gave various likes and shared similar verses and engaged in similar conversations?
What are you trying to hide, since you have projected wanting to do that, onto me?
I give plenty of https://JAHTruth.net links in many posts as well as posts from the Gibraltar Messenger for people to investigate if they feel guided to do so.
Unlike you and the others who belong to sects, I don't push having to belong to a certain sect on others.
In fact, as was explained above and which you said you didn't have time to address, I showed that the message is the opposite of that.
When it is you and others like you who are pushing an organised religion and belonging to sects onto others in the way you post.
That's why you like to use labels to try to differentiate between the various "teams" as if we were here to play sports.
Which sect do you belong to and do you believe that it is therefore the correct one and that all the thousands and thousands of other sects are all wrong?
Whereas I don't belong to any of the sects and only strive to learn and help share the truth.


Mar 15, 2017
He was therefore telling them that he is Christ, which would be noticeable by anyone who knows Scripture well and was paying attention.
Those are the words of a JAHtruther determined to believe anything Anthony John Hill says, whether it is proven to be factually wrong/ lies. So be it.

P.S. Journalists have a code of ethics. Journalists are trained to provide reliable summaries of cases, stories etc. and will therefore publicly retract / apologise for any false information provided.

I certainly trust the words of a journalist above the words of a man who can't get a single bible doctrine correct and DELIBERATELY adds/ words to deceive potential followers.
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Mar 15, 2017
I will try to speed up the review of this particular chapter because it has become "mind-numblingly" repetitive at times.

TWHOFTF is going to expand on his claim that Earth is Hell/ prison (see chapter 2).

First a reminder entry, original entries starting here :
2:1 After making a study of the situation, God and the elders (of the Morning Star) decided to create a reform-school, far enough away, where, for the chosen period, they could safely try to teach Lucifer and his angels to be good, whereupon they could come home (Deuteronomy 28:1) (Revelations 2:28)(Sura 29:6).
2:2 The objective, was for each and every one of them to learn, individually, to be like God (Matt. 5:48 & 19:17); which, later on in history; because people had lost their way and couldn’t find it again by themselves....

2:6 Planet Earth was chosen for the prison, because it was far enough away; being on the far side of the galaxy; had no “intelligent” life-forms, but was capable of supporting crude animal life-forms, and, in its own way, was a beautiful planet (Rev. 12:9, 12)(Sura 17:8 & 83:7)