"The way home or catch the fire" compared to bible/ other religions (part 6)


Mar 15, 2017
On itablet right now so I am addressing this issue only:
The reason for me no longer following Christianity, is because of my own careful reading of the Bible.
I was within Christian circles long enough, to be able to see and find this for myself, thanks to God's Guidance and Help.
I stopped identifying as being a "Christian", because of my own careful study of the Bible and also the Quran.

You can compare various translations on topics like this and study them, if you think that might help.

When I first read the Quran, I liked how it very clearly explains some things in an unambiguous way.
These things are also clearly explained similarly in the Bible, but they have been made unclear by some of the teachings/beliefs of Christianity, that are confusing.

The reality that I encountered is that within Christianity, these issues do not want to be addressed.
That is not something I could accept, because I want the truth.

And then when I finally read the Quran it was found to be the same as I have always felt I believed.
And it's the Bible that taught me to believe it, as well as applying common sense and my own intuition (and asking for Guidance).
I realise that Christians will most likely say that my understanding of the Bible is wrong and so is my intuition, or that I lack critical thinking and analytical skills.

But the truth is often simple. I love how the Quran explains it and makes it clear as a confirmation of what the Bible teaches.
For instance: Like anyone else, Jesus and his mother both had to eat food.

God on the other hand, has no needs - because God is the "I AM".
And He sent Christ into the world, like the Bible teaches.

I won't argue the point further, but just to show why it is that I can no longer identify as a "Christian", at least not in the same way as mainstream Christianity requires, because of the errors in Christian doctrine.
What you wrote makes sense from a non-Christian world-view (trusting human logic) and it also explains why your heart is so hardened against the actual real Bible and the real Gospel.
In these two chapters AJH shows that for all his pretending to follow the God of the Old Testament, he is way more like a Muslim of the peace-loving variety (who say they believe Islamic teachings that were allegedly written before Islam's prophet became a warlord).

It appears it is hard enough for Muslims born into a Muslim family to overcome their religion's anti-Christianity rhetoric, but it appears those who have rejected Christianity -knowing full well what it actually teaches (not in name only Christian variety, baptised but never attended church) in favour of Islam/ other religions have a permanently hardened heart against Jesus.

The only things which gives me any hope of someone like yourself from not being an apostate is 1. that I am not God 2. You most certainly are a not a Muslim, at least not yet.

A true Muslim is in practice a Mohammedan. Muhammad is valued as highly as Allah. To speak poorly of him is viewed as blasphemy. Google Charlie Hebdo to see what happened when derogatory cartoons were made of him.

There is no way you could have made this oath. "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is his messenger".

You are in practice a JAHtruthian. You claim to follow God but in practice you follow the words of Anthony John Hill and believe his claims that he is Prince Michael/ Jesus reborn in a new human body (Sheffield UK 1948).

That makes your belief system totally incompatible with Islam as well as Christianity.
I wish Muslims would defend (in writing) their own religion against JAHtruth if it ever becomes popular, it could be interesting reading.
I doubt if they ever would though. AJH fits their definition of kaffir. Only Christians are willing to "waste our time" on you all.
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Mar 15, 2017
@The Sojourner - I need to ask something

If you lean towards legalism and a salvation by works message, reject the Trinity and do not believe in salvation by grace, feel comfortable prefixing the Qur’an with the word “Holy”…

Why waste time with the pretend KoK harmonisation (which so obviously by now does not work), and simply become a Muslim?
A metaphor came to my mind when I read what you said:

For cooks out there: imagine making a Chili con carne...
But then you remove all Mexican spices, kidney beans, tomatoes and substitute in their place curry spices, carrots and whatever curry ingredients you favour....

If a Mexican-food loving guest came for dinner, would they believe you when you told them your home made curry was in fact still that famous Mexican recipe because you left the mince and the Chili peppers in it?
(If the guest actually did believe the host, they should have stayed at home so they didn't give their severe head cold to the host!)

AJH's fiddling with both religions' ingredients should be so obvious by now....


Mar 15, 2017
On the previous page I had compared the actual Quran to AJH's King of King's "Quran", but I am no longer going to do so because it is simply wasting my own time.
I am also going to temporarily stop giving references to the Quran and bible for the same reason.

Please use KJV when doing searches on https://www.biblegateway.com/ and quran.com (it appears to be a mainstream Quran website).

Reminder: brown colour lettering for sentences left alone because it is relevant to Islam only (not my field).
Blue for religious commentary.
Green for first-person spiritual revelation.

If anyone wishes to leave a quick response to what I have put in brown-black, please feel free to do so.
10:14 The word “Israelite” means “champion of God” - “THOSE WHO DO GOD’S WILL”. It does NOT refer to the Israeli nation of today, or the Jews, it refers to “THOSE WHO DO GOD’S WILL”, i.e. the “children of God.” Anyone who DOES God’s Will, (champions His Cause) not his own, is a “child of God” by adoption, or, “Israelite” (in Hebrew).
That is a claim worthy of discussion in other threads for sure.

Here is the mainstream definition.
Israelite: Brittanica.com

Israelite, descendant of the Hebrew patriarch Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel after an all-night fight at Penuel near the stream of Jabbok (Genesis 32:28). In early history, Israelites were simply members of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. After 930 BCE and the establishment of two independent Hebrew kingdoms in Palestine, the 10 northern tribes constituting the kingdom of Israel were known as Israelites to distinguish them from the southern kingdom of Judah. The northern kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians in 722/721 BCE, and its population was eventually absorbed by other peoples.

10:15 By telling Mohammed, that Abraham had been a “child of God”, and that Jesus was a “child of God”, and that Mohammed must be a “child of God”, He was trying to get the Arabs to unite the world, into one brotherhood (Sura 2:62 & 42:13 & 49:10), and to destroy ALL organized-religions, and divisions (amongst believers), and to unite EVERYONE into one brotherhood. ALL of whom must talk directly, individually and in PRIVATE, to God, and DO God’s Will.

10:16 God said you MUST read and believe “ALL” the messages from God, and NOT just the PART that YOU think you have been sent (Sura 2:91 & 42:15).

That included Mohammed (and ALL Moslems); so ALL believers MUST read the Book (Torah/Old COVENANT), the Gospel (New COVENANT), the Koran (Sura 42:15), and this Book (The Way home or face The Fire)(Sura 16:101-104 & Sura 4:136).


Mar 15, 2017
I would love to read a Muslim apologist's response to 10:19 -10:20!

10:17 God enlightened Mohammed, and he taught exactly the same teachings as Jesus, with one exception, i.e. “I am The Way”, because Mohammed was not The Way. Mohammed was just a messenger, and not THE example to follow, just as all the other Prophets had only been messengers, and none were resurrected from the dead, or would come again.

10:18 ALL the Prophets, except Jesus and Elijah, were your fellow prisoners, who received messages and enlightenment.

Many of the Prophets wrote down God’s messages, without understanding them (Dan. 12:8 & Isaiah 29:11), or at least some of God’s messages, and this includes Mohammed.

10:19 Mohammed was told about re-incarnation, when God said that the souls had had many chances, “if only they had known” (Sura 23:99, 114 & 2:154), and also that parents are NOT the parents of your soul, and that ANYONE who loves father or mother, son or daughter, more than God, is not WORTHY of God (Sura 4:135 & 9:23-24 & 58:22, just like in Matt. 10:34-40).

10:20 God told Mohammed that the Earth is a prison, for those who reject faith in, and love for, God (Sura 17:8 & 83:7), and that souls MUST STRIVE for their salvation, and their right to go home (Sura 29:6).

10:21 The Lord told him, that, on the Last-Day, the human-animals, that had been used by the souls, would be witnesses for, or against, the souls that had used them, depending on whether they had been used for good (God), or for evil (devil)(Sura 41:20-22).


Mar 15, 2017
I won't address the "third eye" , "the force" or AJH's creative interpretation of what the mark of Satan really is here.

The claims were so weird I decided to check the references after all. I am glad I did that! The omissions in KoK's "Quran" are so blatant.
This proves to me that AJH was counting on no-one EVER checking his new Quran *cough* "translation" and just blindly trusting he had been honest about it all.
Reminder: King of King's "translation" in red.

Interesting point: the term veil is used in spiritualism, the veil is between life in this world and the next.

Origin of the veil between two worlds: Patheos.com

10:22 On the Last-Day, everyone shall be known by his mark (Sura 7:46), just as in John’s Revelation 14:9-11, and shall be judged according to his mark. Those who wear the mark of God, in their foreheads, i.e. communicating telepathically with Him, keeping the COMMANDMENTS, and also DOING His Will - blind faith and using the eyes of their soul (3rd. eye), and “The Force” – shall survive, and those who wear the mark of Satan, in their hands, i.e. money and worldly treasures, shall die in “The Fire”.

Quran 7:46 There will be a barrier between Paradise and Hell. And on the heights ˹of that barrier˺ will be people1 who will recognize ˹the residents of˺ both by their appearance.2 They will call out to the residents of Paradise, “Peace be upon you!” They will have not yet entered Paradise, but eagerly hope to.

(KoK) Quran 7:46. Between them shall be a veil, and on the Heights will be men who would know every one by his "marks" (Rev. 20:4): they will call out to the Companions of The Garden, "Peace on you": they will not have entered, but they will have an assurance (thereof).

Revelation 14: 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

(On this very rare occasion verses 14:9-11 KoK Revelation was identical to KJV so I didn't give the entry.)
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Mar 15, 2017
TWHOFTF is using "air quotes" a great deal again....

10:23 Mohammed taught exactly the same as Jesus. God’s message has ALWAYS been the same, and always will be, just as God has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be the same (Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end), and ALL the Prophets have said the same thing.
For an introductory article to see how false the claim is, please read Islamic doctrine and Christianity compared - CARM.org

10:24 God gave enlightenment to Mohammed, about Jesus, “the son of Mary”, but Mohammed did not understand what God was telling him. God told Mohammed, that, “the son of Mary”, was not His Son, which is perfectly true, just as I am not the son of my present mother. My present mother’s body made the body, that I am using this time, but she did NOT make me.

10:25 My soul, which is the REAL me, came down from heaven, just like the last time, 2000 years ago. God’s Son is Prince Michael (the ARCH-ANGEL) - Christ; was Jesus (Christ) The Nazarite; is ME, who was the spirit/soul locked-inside “the son of Mary”, which was a human-animal, created by Mary’s body, with a little help from my Father (the Immaculate Conception).

I used the “son of Mary”, so that people could see and hear me, so I could give the demonstration of how YOU have to be, before you can go home, just as I am now using this body, for the same reason. I controlled “the son of Mary” and used him, from within, for the benefit of everyone, which is what you all HAVE TO DO, with the animal bodies that YOU are using.

What I found especially interesting in 10:25 is that "the way home or face the fire" did not clearly state what AJH claims about himself in any of the earlier chapters. Why is this put in the section JAHtruth's interpretation of Islam, not Christianity?! It is downright blasphemous.


Mar 15, 2017
Here I compared the references for the Quran and KoK's "Quran" but just gave the bible chapter links. For further research, please compare the bible verses with KoK. (e.g. I saw he put clouds in brackets in Mark 9:7 but I have addressed that "bracketing" all the time already).

10:26 God said (in the Koran) that the MAN Jesus (human body NOT the soul) was not His Son (because God is not a human, and therefore can not have a human-son), not the spirit/soul within the man. God told a great many people, on various occasions, in the New Testament, that Christ, the spirit within the hu-MAN-animal, was “His beloved Son, in whom He was, and still is, well pleased,” and God NEVER lies (Matt. 3:17 & 17:5 & Mark 1:11 & 9:7 & Luke 3:22 & 9:35)(Sura 4:171).

Quran 4:171 O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth.1 The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of Allah and the fulfilment of His Word through Mary and a spirit ˹created by a command˺ from Him.2 So believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, “Trinity.” Stop!—for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him! He is far above having a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs.

(KoK) 4:171. O People of The Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of God aught but the Truth. Jesus the (human) son of Mary was (no more than) an Apostle of God; and His Word (John 1:14)**, which He bestowed on Mary's (human) son; was a spirit-Being (Christ) proceeding from Him (making the human+Being called Jesus+Christ): so believe God and His Apostles. Say NOT "Trinity": DESIST: it will be better for you: for "I AM" is one God. Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a human son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on Earth. And enough is God as a Disposer of affairs.

** I used the KJV translation.
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Mar 15, 2017
10:27 Christ did not die on the cross, the human-animal-body being used, called Jesus the Nazarite, the “son of Mary”, died (Sura 4:157).

This single statement is worthy of a whole thread/article. TWHOFTF completely contradicts both Islam and biblical Christianity. Gnosticism and New Age compatible religions have similar beliefs though.

From the Christian perspective: TWHOFTF is claiming Christ and Jesus are separate. That completely contradicts the bible.
Look at the results here. Keyword search "Jesus Christ".

From the Islamic perspective, TWHOFTF is claiming that the man known as Jesus DID die on the cross. That completely contradicts 4:157. Substitution hypothesis - Wikipedia

The substitution hypothesis or twin hypothesis states that the sightings of a risen Jesus are explained not by physical resurrection, but by the existence of a different person, a twin or lookalike who could have impersonated Jesus after his death, or died in the place of Jesus on the cross. It is a position held by some Gnostics in the first to third century, as well as some modern Mandaeans and Muslims and a few skeptics.

Quran 4:157 and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they neither killed nor crucified him—it was only made to appear so.1 Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever—only making assumptions. They certainly did not kill him.

KoK 4:157.
That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ the son of Mary, the Messenger of God";- but they killed Christ not, nor crucified Christ, but so it was made to appear to them (as they crucified the human body called Jesus, that Christ the spirit-being used - Psalm 22;
Isaiah 52:13 to 54:1; Zechariah 11:10-13; Matthew 27)**, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) Knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed Christ not:-

** KJV chapter links given. For futher research please compare to KoK's "version".


Mar 15, 2017

That is an ironic sub-title, because AJH clearly demonstrates he is only human, especially in 10:33.
If AJH was truly Jesus reborn in a new body, TWHOFTF should not be using words like "think".

He should not be using words like "perhaps", "maybe" and "possibly".
He should KNOW. He should be absolutely infallible etc.

10:28 There are two possibilities, about the mis-understanding, concerning Jesus, because Mohammed could neither read nor write, and he did NOT write the Koran, or read it to check that it was correct, because he was NOT ABLE TO.

10:29 The first possibility, is that Mohammed himself did not understand what God was telling him, because Mohammed was a simple and un-educated man, but was kind, honest and humble.

10:30 The second possibility, is that Mohammed did understand what God was telling him (which is unlikely with the world’s level of mentality at that time), but that his students did not understand, and wrote his message down incorrectly, and Mohammed, not being able to read, did not know.

10:31 In any case, the Koran was compiled and published after Mohammed’s death, and it is possible, that Mohammed half-understood, and that his students worshipping him, instead of God; in direct disobedience of God’s and Mohammed’s teaching; did the rest; probably under instructions from Caliph Omar; to try to make Mohammed more important than Jesus. So now the Moslems do not follow Jesus’ example, as the Koran says they should do (Sura 4:159).

10:32 The Devil’s telepathic voice (enemy-within), within the heads of Mohammed or his students (see chapter 3), deceived them, and managed to twist this message perfectly, and Satan has exploited this point, with great success, for hundreds of years. It has been one of his most efficient tricks, so far, and has kept people fighting, and killing each other, ever since (in God’s name?). Just HOW STUPID can people be? They all worship the same God (Who COMMANDS them NOT to murder), and are murdering each other for Satan, and are using and abusing God’s name to do it.

10:33 I really find it hard, to believe that people can be THAT stupid, but I know, for a fact, that they are.

10:34 The problem, that the Moslems have, is that, because Satan has tricked them into worshipping Mohammed, and believing that he is the ONLY Prophet of real value, they have no direction, nor the example, to follow, and they have been running in circles, ever since.


I would love to see a Muslim apologist respond to all the "mildly" derogatory claims about their beloved prophet, that's for sure!!!!


Mar 15, 2017
It would be great to see a Christian apologist address these type of claims in detail!
e.g. On the surface what I underlined below in 10:35 looks reasonable at first. However, what was Jesus' actual definition of doing God's will compared to Muhammad's definition of doing God's will?

Is TWHOFTF ever going to make that clear what AJH actually means by "God's will" (or is it going to remain generalisations only for the whole of the book?)

10:35 Jesus and Mohammed BOTH taught the DOING of God’s Will, but; without having the example to follow; the Moslems do not know which way is forwards, and Jesus; whom they will not accept; is THE example - “I AM The Way (home)” - that EVERYONE on Earth MUST follow, whilst DOING God’s Will, in learning SELF-sacrifice, and becoming unselfish (Sura 4:159).

Quran 4:159 Every one of the People of the Book will definitely believe in him before his death.1 And on the Day of Judgment Jesus will be a witness against them.

In context Quran 4:157-159 is referring to Jesus.

(KoK) 4:159. And, of the People of The Book, they all must believe him (Christ) before their death; and on The Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them (and you) (Surah 43:61);-

That looks like King of King's "translation" is saying Jesus is Christ after all!

10:36 Mohammed and Jesus BOTH preached the same message, which is: that ALL organizedreligion is EVIL, and that you MUST do God’s Will, NOT your own, and that you MUST talk to God DIRECTLY; INDIVIDUALLY; PRIVATELY and CONSTANTLY (
Matt. 6:6)(Sura 7:55).

Quran 7:55 Call upon your Lord humbly and secretly. Surely He does not like the transgressors.

(KoK) 7:55. Call on your Lord with HUMILITY and in PRIVATE (Enoch 56:5; Matt. 6:6): for "I AM" loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds.

10:37 If Christ is not the Son of God - the spirit, not the man – then why is Christ coming again, and not Mohammed, or any of the other Prophets? (
Sura 43:61).

Quran 43:61And his ˹second˺ coming is truly a sign for the Hour. So have no doubt about it, and follow me. This is the Straight Path.

43:61. And (Christ the Mahdi) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) The Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about The (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is The Straight Way.

10:38 The Moslems worship Mohammed,
That is quite an accusation from a person who is supposedly pro-Islam (and therefore pro-Muhammad their prophet)!

which is totally against the Koran and Mohammed’s teachings (Sura 3:79), even though they deny it.

Quran 3:79 It is not appropriate for someone who Allah has blessed with the Scripture, wisdom, and prophethood to say to people, “Worship me instead of Allah.” Rather, he would say, “Be devoted to the worship of your Lord ˹alone˺”—in accordance with what these prophets read in the Scripture and what they taught.

(KoK) Quran 3:79. It is NOT (POSSIBLE) that a man, to whom is given The Book, and Wisdom, and the Prophetic office, should say to people: "Be ye my worshippers rather than God's": on the contrary (he would say) "Be ye worshippers of Him Who is truly the Cherisher of all: for ye have taught The Book and ye have studied it earnestly (Matt. 5:48)."
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Mar 15, 2017
10:40 is relevant to Christianity because takes the Jehovah's Witnesses' cult's doctrine about Jesus to a whole new level.
It is likely TWHOFTF will expand on that "teaching" further so I won't address it here.

10:39 The Moslems’ belief in Mohammed and the HADITH, instead of God’s Truth, in His Koran, is totally illogical, as is their belief that Mohammed is more important than God’s Son. It is illogical, because; if it were true; then surely God would send Mohammed again, instead of which, He is sending Christ, AS IT SAYS IN THE KORAN (Sura 43:61).

The Koran also says that Christ will come WITHOUT RELIGION (to destroy organized-religions, and the FALSE doctrines that abuse His name).

10:40 Just like the last time, God could not entrust such an important mission to just anyone, or to an enlightened prisoner (Prophet). He would only give the mission to His eldest Son, whom He can trust completely, i.e. Prince Michael/Christ (Michael the Archangel).


Mar 15, 2017
This single "verse" certainly deserved special attention. The real Quran's verses compared to the King of King's "Quran" verses were too funny to pass by! :D

10:41 God Himself, through the Koran, has said that Christ will come again, JUST BEFORE the Last-Day, as a last warning of the doom that IS COMING (Sura 43:61 & 52:1-16).

e.g. according to Muslim websites Mount Tur could refer to Mount Sinai, Egypt.

It appears that according to JAHtruth it refers to Gibraltar instead.

(Real) Quran 52:1 By Mount Ṭûr!1

(Kok) 52:1. By the Mount (of Revelation) - the Rock;

52:2 And by the Book written
52:2. By a Decree inscribed [in Prophecy]

52:3 on open pages ˹for all to read˺!1
52:3. In a Scroll opened-up [Isaiah 33:16-17; 42:11-12];

52:4 And by the ˹Sacred˺ House frequently visited!1
52:4. By the much-frequented Fane;

52:5 And by the canopy raised ˹high˺!
52:5. By the Canopy Raised High [the Levanter-Cloud];

52:6 And by the seas set on fire!1
52:6. And by the Ocean filled with Swell [the Atlantic];

52:7 Indeed, the punishment of your Lord will come to pass—
52:7. Verily, the Doom from thy Lord will indeed come to pass;-

52:8 none will avert it—
52:8. There is none can avert it;-

52:9 on the Day the heavens will be shaken violently,
52:9. On the Day when the firmament will be in dreadful commotion.

52:10 and the mountains will be blown away entirely.
52:10. And the "mountains" will fly hither and thither.

52:11 Then woe on that Day to the deniers—
52:11. Then woe that Day to those that treat (Truth) as Falsehood;-

52:12 those who amuse themselves with falsehood!
52:12. That play (and paddle) in shallow trifles.

52:13 It is˺ the Day they will be fiercely shoved into the Fire of Hell.
52:13. That Day shall they be thrust down to Hell-Fire, irresistibly.

52:14 They will be told,˺ “This is the Fire which you used to deny.
52:14. "This", it will be said, "Is The Fire,- which ye used to deny!

52:15 Is this magic, or do you not see?
52:15. Is this then a fake, or is it ye that do not see?

52:16 Burn in it! It is the same whether you endure ˹it˺ patiently or not.1 You are only rewarded for what you used to do.”

52:16. Burn ye therein: the same is it to you whether ye bear it with patience, or not: ye only receive the recompense of your (own) deeds."


Mar 15, 2017
I expect that genuine Muslims would be outraged by the conclusion TWHOFTF made at the end.

IMO it is good that Anthony John Hill is not well known. Look at the fatwa made for Salman Rushdie because he had quoted controversial Quran verses in a NOVEL! Indirectly I hope I am keep current JAHtruthers safe by making even fewer people want to investigate/ convert to JAH"truth" if they decided to Google his material at all.

10:39 The Moslems’ belief in Mohammed and the HADITH, instead of God’s Truth, in His Koran, is totally illogical, as is their belief that Mohammed is more important than God’s Son. It is illogical, because; if it were true; then surely God would send Mohammed again, instead of which, He is sending Christ, AS IT SAYS IN THE KORAN (Sura 43:61).

The Koran also says that Christ will come WITHOUT RELIGION (to destroy organized-religions, and the FALSE doctrines that abuse His name).

10:40 Just like the last time, God could not entrust such an important mission to just anyone, or to an enlightened prisoner (Prophet). He would only give the mission to His eldest Son, whom He can trust completely, i.e. Prince Michael/Christ (Michael the Archangel).

10:41 God Himself, through the Koran, has said that Christ will come again, JUST BEFORE the Last-Day, as a last warning of the doom that IS COMING (Sura 43:61 & 52:1-16).

10:42 In the same way that Satan turned Jesus’ teachings into a religion, and called it Christianity, he turned Mohammed’s teachings into yet another religion, and called it Islam.

10:43 Islam, as an organized-religion, is against the teachings of the Koran.

10:44 The Arabic word islam means “absolute submission to the Will of God,” which is wrong, because God does not want souls to SUBMIT to His Will; He wants them to WANT to do His Will, joyfully, and to keep asking Him, ALL the time, to tell them what He wants them to do next.

10:45 However, the word islam, which means DOING God’s Will, has now become just the name, of yet another organized-religion, instead of saying what YOU should do.

10:46 God initially helped Abraham and his line, to win battles, in order to spread His Word. Lateron, He helped the Romans to conquer the known world, in preparation for the spreading of Christ’s teachings. God made Paul (Saul) blind, and then gave him back his sight, and made him His most efficient and widest-travelling messenger.

10:47 Similarly, God helped the followers of His teachings, in the Koran (Arabs), to conquer many countries; most of which had become Roman Catholic; to spread the word and counteract the spread of Roman Catholicism, with its idolatry, blasphemy and other evils.

10:48 Unfortunately, the word islam has LOST ITS MEANING, and has just become the name, of yet another evil, organized-RELIGION!
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Mar 15, 2017
And before I start chapter 11 , a reminder for people like @A Freeman who will pretend that Al Tur and the Rock (Gibraltar) are synonyms, neighbour landmarks or any other loophole he tries to grab out of thin air to hide the embarrassing truth about AJH's "translation":

Assuming that Al Tur (Mount Tur) is in Egypt, the distance between Egypt and Gibraltar is not just a hop, jump and a skip away.

Look at the map. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/distanceresult.html?p1=89&p2=53

Distance [between Cairo, Egypt and Gibraltar] is 3461 kilometers or 2151 miles or 1869 nautical miles
The distance is the theoretical air distance (great circle distance). Flying between the two locations' airports can be a different distance, depending on airport location and actual route chosen.



Mar 15, 2017
First, here are two classics for people who want to know about a Christian's spiritual walk RE how a Christian deals with spiritual warfare, temptations and Satan:

(John Bunyan) Pilgrim's Progress:
(audio) https://archive.org/details/pilgrims_progress_librivox

(C.S.Lewis) Screwtape Letters

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
Lots of good material can be found collected at the link below, regarding the spiritual walk for followers of The Way (Christ): -

Welcome to The JAH Social and
Spiritual Pages.

This page is divided into two separate sections -
Spirituality and Sociology.


Please CLICK HERE for "Sociology" section.

(Included in the reading list found on this page is The Pilgrims's Progress: )

Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream
detailing the many, many mistakes made by Christians until they become not Christians (Infidels) but Faithful (Fidel) to God.

Wherein is discovered
the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey
and safe arrival at the Desired Country.

by John Bunyan
edited by JAH, 2002
“I have used similitudes.” - Hosea 12:10

“This because those who reject "I AM" follow vanities, while
those who believe follow the Truth from their Lord: thus does
"I AM" set forth for men their lessons by similitudes.” - Sura 47:3

“Had We sent down this Koran to a mountain, verily, thou wouldst have
seen it humble itself and cleave asunder for fear of "I AM". Such are the
similitudes which We propound to men, that they may reflect.” - Sura 59:21

The Pilgrim's Progress

(or digress, as the case may be)

from this World to that which is to Come.

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Mar 15, 2017
Now I have reached chapter 11, I will now be contrasting the Bible's/ Quran's verses with the JAH"truth" King of King's "verses" again.


Please remember: people who love the TRUTH/ have not been seduced by lies choose to not use/ SHARE alleged "translations" - whether the book is fiction (including Pilgrim's Progress) or non-fiction - from a man who has been proved to consistently and deliberately alter words/ phrases to make the text fit their propaganda - unless they have a good active reason to do so e.g. to examine the counterfeit against the genuine and warn others.

Title: Satan’s use of religions to divide; deceive; conquer and rule.

11:1 Satan (Iblis/Lucifer) ....
I will not address whether Islam's Iblis is really the Bible's Satan or not, or whether Anthony John Hill's "I AM" is the bible's God, Allah or his new invention, , because those topics deserve their own thread/s.

asked God to let him live, until the Last-Day, even though he had refused to do his best to learn to be good, along with his former followers (Sura 7:14 & 15:36): YOU.

Quran 7:14 He [Iblis] appealed, “Then delay my end until the Day of their resurrection.”
(Kok) 7:14. He [Iblis] said: "Give me respite till The Day they are raised up."

Quran 15:36 Satan appealed, “My Lord! Then delay my end until the Day of their resurrection.”
Quran 15:36. (Lucifer) said: "O my Lord! give me then respite till The Day the (dead) are raised."

11:2 God granted his request, so that He could “use” him, to test the souls of his ex-followers (Job 1:12 & 2:6-7).

Job 1:12 And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.
(Kok) 1:12 And the "I AM" said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath [is] in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the "I AM".

11:3 Satan (Iblis), the devil, swore to attack you, from the front, and from the rear, and from your left, and your right, and waylay you, and pull you off the straight (and narrow) track (Matt. 7:13- 14)(Sura 7:15),
Why on Earth did AJH put strait in brackets?!!! Does he believe what the bible says or not? (Yes, that is a rhetorical question!)

(KJV) Matthew 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

(KoK) 7:13 Enter ye in at the "Strait" gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
7:14 Because Strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] The Way, which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it.

Quran 7:15 Allah said, “You are delayed until the appointed Day.”
(Kok) 7:15. ("I AM") said: "Be thou among those who have respite."

and SEDUCE you into following his evil ways (Sura 7:27).

Yes, TWHOFTF is correct on that point. Satan will use every method available to lead a person into sin, including seducing a person into following a false Christ....
and then trying to push their "spiritual drug" they are addicted to onto others to get more "supply" for themself.


Mar 15, 2017
IMO The following is borderline green and blue, but I will leave it in blue because it is mostly doctrinal-style statements.

From the Christian perspective TWHOFTF is giving half-truths in 11:4-5. The statements are very overgeneralised and similar to successful cold-reading from psychics many readers would think what AJH says is spot-on.

11:4 He will attack you from every possible angle; from within, telepathically,
It really does appear that according to TWHOFTF " telepathically" means thoughts that come to a person's mind that they believe are not from themself.

with fear, and with what you wrongly think is your imagination running-riot (which is really Satan, telepathically trying to frighten you, by saying frightening things will happen to you – Genesis 6:5);
actual verse. Satan isn't always to blame for our choice to sin!

Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

James chapter 1
James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

and from without, by sending people to get in your way, to try to stop you; or by sending women to seduce you, and thereby prevent you from doing what you should be doing, i.e. what is right - God’s Will.

Sort of correct, but there are way more strategies than that!
Introductory article: five subtle devices of the Devil - Bible helps
Puritan classic book: (Thomas Brooks) Precious remedies against Satan's devices


Mar 15, 2017
As usual, the KoK "translation" is disgraceful - please notice the deliberate meddling with the verses.

11:5 Iblis (Lucifer - Satan) lays in wait, to seduce those who are not “children of God”, and who are not DOING God’s Will, and talking to Him continuously. Satan will also attack, and try to trick, those who are “children of God”, and pull them off the strait, straight and narrow track, that they are on; or at least slow them down, and/or stop them from continuing on their way home; if he can (1 Peter 5:8).
KoK is the same as KJV here.
1 Peter 5
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Satan uses lies, to deceive the whole world (Rev. 12:9),
For context:
7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out to the Earth, and his angels (you - Luke 9:55) were cast out with him (Matthew 25:41).

AJH added YOU in the middle - when were YOU (or any of us) cast of Heaven after battling with Michael and his angels?

just as he did in the Garden of Eden, to trick Eve, because she did not do God’s Will (Sura 7:22)(Gen. 3:4).
Quran 7:22 So he brought about their fall through deception. And when they tasted of the tree, their nakedness was exposed to them, prompting them to cover themselves with leaves from Paradise. Then their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from that tree and ˹did I not˺ tell you that Satan is your sworn enemy?”

KoK 7:22. So by deceit he brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree (of his knowledge which is not Knowledge but only lies), their shame became manifest to them, and they began to sew together the leaves of The Garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto them: "Did I not forbid you that tree, and tell you that Satan was an avowed enemy unto you?"

Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

(Kok) 3:4 And the serpent (devil - liar) said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:


Mar 15, 2017
Summary of my opinion here: Let's say a JAHtruther did obey the instructions and things turned out for the best, that is not because TWHOFTF is correct, that is because of God's mercy - God does allow good things sometimes to occur to non-believers, especially those who have generally good morals.

NEVER under-estimate the devil !!!

11:6 The devil attacks everyone; except those whom he has already seduced, into doing what he wants them to, and who are unknowingly following him, to “The Fire” and execution, already; because he considers everyone, that does God’s Will, to be a traitor, to himself.

Remember that you all fought with Satan, against God.

11:7 If you do good, you automatically become a threat to Satan, and you MUST EXPECT him to attack you, and that is when you NEED to wear God’s Armour

Reminder: what sounds Christian-compatible is applicable/ promised to those who are born-again, i.e. come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ of the bible.

A person who does not believe in Jesus Christ e.g. Anthony John Hill does not have the bible's spiritual armour.

(Ephesians 6:11-17).

Note that AJH left out verse 18 - he rejects the church and therefore the saints (fellow believers).

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

If Satan doesn’t attack you, then you must be already doing what he wants you to do.

That is such an overgeneralised statement it could be a fortune-cookie message, religious version.
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