Re-post: Adrian Salbuchi gives us the groups and some of the individuals behind the now apparent world government.
They have been ruling behind the scenes for a while
Fortune 500 companies, major banks, major multilateral organizations, Federal reserve board, major unis, the MSM and how they deliver news and the key job posts in governments such as the secretary of the state, think tanks......
CFR, Trilateral Commission, Royal institute of International affairs, Bilderberg, IMF, WB
He mentions 6 levels of power or spikes on the wheel of power......
Also that whilst the US is administered from Washington it is governed from London and New York.
2 KEY THINGS: The world government like the Federal Reserve is private, and is not accountable to any citizens of any country.
As Salbuchi highlights in order for us to have a good diagnosis for the social ailments we have to have an accurate diagnosis of the problem.
(Unfortunately, I think due to the state of confusion everyone is in. It is difficult to have a correct reaction or even look for some sort of viable resolution
Why is this virus hitting some (older) populations and not others hard? Whilst others are questioning if it is even real because most of these older groups have underlying causes and compromised immune systems.
This is confusion at its best. The space between appearance and reality is being exploited.
Second the mass surveillance grid and spyware that Snowden highlighted but for which few protested may become more entrenched with the China and Israeli efforts as the 'new normal' for populations.
People will hopefully confront this push for a loss of basic liberties and privacy and these draconian measures after they flatten their 'curves'.