Interesting read, particularly for those referring to themselves as "Seventh Day adventists":
Was Ellen White a Trinitarian and in conflict with the Seventh day Adventist pioneers based on these Ellen White quotes on the trinity doctrine?
Excerpt from the above link:
Was Ellen White a Trinitarian?
It is claimed that Ellen White became a Trinitarian before completing the Desire of Ages which she finished in 1895. This claim is based on a handful of quotes that LeRoy Froom with deliberate intent set out to search for that he rightly figured would be misunderstood. Today many mistakenly believe these quotes say the Holy Spirit is a third being when in fact she actually taught the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God coming to us through His Son.
It is notable that Froom and those who helped him had to search over 100,000 pages of her writings (25,000,000 words) just to find the handful of statements from her that on the surface
appeared to fit the Trinitarian concept on the Holy Spirit. But
only if you choose to read them as such, and at the expense of the
thousands of non-Trinitarian statements she wrote. This would be a deceitful way to treat her writings if that was done, and certainly would be a dishonest way to determine what she believed. This should never be done with Scripture and neither should it be done with Ellen White.
It is alleged that Froom was a Catholic Priest before he entered the Adventist Church and some suspect him of being a Jesuit. He did and said things that an Adventist would never do. It is a known fact that Froom ordered plates for a new book that B.G. Wilkinson was writing on the Catholic Church to be destroyed. No true SDA would do such a thing.
On the 14 December 1955, Leroy Froom in a letter to Reuben Figuhr wrote, “
I was publicly denounced in the chapel at the Washington Missionary College by Dr. B. G. Wilkinson as the most dangerous man in this denomination.” This took place in the mid 1940's. I believe Dr. B.G. Wilkinson had very good reason for saying this, much to the disgruntlement of Froom.
Froom put these quotes that he found in his book Evangelism. Most think that these quotes called “EV” or “Evangelism” are from a book written by Ellen White. But it was written by Froom in 1946 which was 30 years after the death of Ellen White. With the intent to deceive, Froom placed quotes from Ellen White in his book where she had said “third person”, “three great powers” and “Heavenly trio.” But the “third person”, “third great power” and the third entity in the “Heavenly trio” all refer to the Spirit of Christ and not another being. This is how Froom managed to lead the entire Adventist Church astray because people did not take the time to look at what else Ellen White wrote. She in fact wrote non-Trinitarian statements right through to her death which is very easy to confirm if people would only take the time to look.
In looking at what else she wrote we find the answer remains the same every time.
She said the Comforter is the Spirit of Christ,
the Spirit of truth is the Spirit of Christ,
the third person is the Spirit of Christ,
the third great power is the Spirit of Christ,
the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost was the Spirit of Christ,
the Holy Spirit Jesus breathed on His disciples was His own Spirit,
the Holy Spirit Christ sent to represent Himself was His own Spirit,
the Heavenly trio is the Father, Son and Spirit of Christ,
and she reveals over and over again that there are only two beings.
All you have to do is want the truth and to stop reading the quotes from LeRoy Froom with the mindset of a Trinitarian. The early pioneers had no problem with these few quotes that Froom searched for because they knew who the Holy Spirit is and would never read them the wrong way. But if your belief is that the Holy Spirit is another being, then that is what you will see when you read them.
Some Adventists go into denial and claim that God would never allow error to get into His Church. But Ellen White in fact informed us that serious errors would enter the Adventist Church. You continually find such statements being perpetuated in the Adventist Church. God would never allow that to happen, or just because it is Catholic, that does not mean it is wrong, or Ellen White was a Trinitarian and then became non-Trinitarian and then became Trinitarian again. Many such lies are constantly being taught and perpetuated to keep Adventists trapped in a serious lie from Satan.
While there are a handful of quotes that can be misunderstood in regards to the Holy Spirit in these
one hundred thousand plus pages of her writings, there is not a single use of the Trinitarian phrase “God the Holy Spirit” or “God the Son” for that matter. Seventh day Adventists frequently use the phrase God the Holy Spirit but she never used it once. There is also not one use of the word trinity or even so much as a hint of the triune three in one formula in any way shape or form. Considering this is the core foundation of the trinity doctrine, than one might ask why there is not a single mention if Ellen White became a Trinitarian! The answer is obvious unless you are prejudiced. And if you are reading this page with prejudice, you will never find the truth.
The spirit in which you come to the investigation of the Scriptures will determine the character of the assistant at your side. Angels from the world of light will be with those who in humility of heart seek for divine guidance. ... But if the heart is filled with prejudice, Satan is beside you, and he will set the plain statements of God's Word in a perverted light.” — (Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p.108)
We cannot afford for prejudice to be an issue as that alone could cost you everything as Ellen White explains.
In the judgment men will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what is truth.” — (Ellen G. White, PP 55.2)
And below is a further warning for the lazy who seek not the truth and make foolish comments like, “
We do not need to know the truth on the Trinity. We will find out when we get to heaven.” Not caring if you have a counterfeit Father, Son and Holy Spirit is worse then saying, “
I will wait until I get to heaven to find out if I needed to keep the Sabbath.” Such people will not likely get there says Ellen White.
Those who have an opportunity to hear the truth, and yet take no pains to hear or understand it, thinking that if they do not hear, they will not be accountable, will be judged guilty before God the same as if they had heard and rejected. There will be no excuse for those who choose to go in error when they might understand what is truth.” — (Ellen G. White, RH April 25, 1893, par. 10)
And to be shown the truth and yet reject it choosing wilful blindness also carries severe consequences.
The sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit does not lie in any sudden word or deed; it is the firm, determined resistance of truth and evidence.” — (Ellen G. White,
Manuscript 30, 1890)
God said, “
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” Hosea 4:6
And while there are a handful of quotes that can be misunderstood in regards to the Holy Spirit, there is no misunderstanding that Ellen White right through her entire life states that Jesus is the literal Son of God, the First-born of heaven, tore from the bosom of His Father which makes her non-Trinitarian. She is either Trinitarian or non-Trinitarian, but she cannot be both.
You will also discover that the writings of the pioneers are anti-Trinitarian and so it is also claimed that Ellen White at some point in time did not agree with them and chose not to rebuke them for what was supposedly wrong teaching. Yet Ellen White is not known for remaining silent when serious error is being taught and God also instructed her to go from place to place correcting those with false doctrines and that included false theories on God. Not only that but God instructed her in 1905 to make sure the writings of the pioneers were reproduced even though they were anti-Trinitarian. So neither God nor Ellen White had an issue with their anti-Trinitarian writings which means the non-Trinitarian view is correct or God does not mind false doctrine being taught. The Adventist pioneers that God chose to start His remnant Church were in fact brilliant people who knew this topic and the Bible many times better than most Adventists today. Read this letter from
J.S. Washburn on the trinity doctrine for an example. This man had memorized the entire New Testament and had started on Isaiah! J.N. Andrews could also reproduce the entire New Testament from memory in seven different languages.
While it is claimed that Ellen White changed and become a Trinitarian before 1895, you will soon discover that in 1905 she also stated that everything she wrote was what God bid her to write, and that God never asked her to change anything. God told her that what was truth in the beginning was still truth now. And that truth included the non-Trinitarian belief that was a God given Pillar of Faith. The truth is that Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera testified on video that the Jesuit Order was instructed by the Black Pope to infiltrate the SDA Church and bring it over to Rome. What is the central doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church that all other doctrines are based upon? The Trinity doctrine! So was Ellen White a Trinitarian at any time? Not a chance! It has also been alleged that LeRoy Froom was seen functioning as a Catholic priest before entering the SDA Church. Consider this warning from Ellen White below. These fallen angels masquerading as men, who might they be?
Satan will use every opportunity to seduce men from their allegiance to God. He and the angels who fell with him will appear on the earth as men, seeking to deceive. God's angels, also, will appear as men, and will use every means in their power to defeat the purposes of the enemy.” — (Ellen G. White, 8MR 399.1)
Ellen White Never Taught the trinity Doctrine
While Trinitarians falsely claim that Ellen White became a Trinitarian based on statements that can be misunderstood in regards to the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is only a small part of the equation which was the final part of the trinity doctrine. The 3 in 1 god idea was made up in 325 AD but the idea of the Holy Spirit as a third god was not made up until 381 AD.