The British Royals


May 15, 2017
looks like he's on fire wonder if it's Good news like the "royals"
are about to be burned outta Our World but I Know that's way
too Good to be True

why do so many Peoples think this thing is the antichrist
I really Believe it will be a unknown evil that has never been in
the publics eye and there is next to no information online for

it's the only way Ya can capture even the nonreligious in the trap
this is the only way this evil will not have any preconceived bias
from Peoples
Mar 30, 2017
looks like he's on fire wonder if it's Good news like the "royals"
are about to be burned outta Our World but I Know that's way
too Good to be True

why do so many Peoples think this thing is the antichrist
I really Believe it will be a unknown evil that has never been in
the publics eye and there is next to no information online for

it's the only way Ya can capture even the nonreligious in the trap
this is the only way this evil will not have any preconceived bias
from Peoples
I agree. Below is a chart from last fall indicating what nations want to be a republic rather than being part of the British monarchy:


This is interesting to note as well:

Now that Queen Elizabeth II is gone, I don't think people have the same reverence for the British monarchy as they once did. Despite how evil she and Prince Phillip were, there always seemed to be some semblance of respect for her, at least from the MSM view. Aside from cases before the courts about their ownership of countries, we all know about Charles and his escapades with Camilla when he was married to Princess Diana, and not very likeable so the gig might finally be up for the lot of them.


Mar 15, 2017
I agree. Below is a chart from last fall indicating what nations want to be a republic rather than being part of the British monarchy:


This is interesting to note as well:

Now that Queen Elizabeth II is gone, I don't think people have the same reverence for the British monarchy as they once did. Despite how evil she and Prince Phillip were, there always seemed to be some semblance of respect for her, at least from the MSM view. Aside from cases before the courts about their ownership of countries, we all know about Charles and his escapades with Camilla when he was married to Princess Diana, and not very likeable so the gig might finally be up for the lot of them.
In my lifetime, Elizabeth was always painted as the nation’s grandma. Her age was used to excuse a lot of Royal Family scandals and secret laws they passed to benefit themselves. Oh she’s just an old lady, it’s the Royal Family as an institution which is the issue- not her- was the narrative of MSM. It’s expected though given she was a long serving monarch (maybe the longest serving monarch ever?). They’re all leeches and do naff all for this nation.

The Queen was probably the biggest racist out of them all, the things her husband would say and she wouldn’t bat an eyelid. Ironically, it’s the working class which idolise them not so much the middle and upper class. No doubt @Flarepath is a huge supporter of them. They lobby hard for their interests and it’s no secret they’ve bled the country dry.

The Guardian used to do a quarterly article exposing how they amass and hide wealth, yet still suck the public purse dry. These might be of interest:

Mar 30, 2017
In my lifetime, Elizabeth was always painted as the nation’s grandma. Her age was used to excuse a lot of Royal Family scandals and secret laws they passed to benefit themselves. Oh she’s just an old lady, it’s the Royal Family as an institution which is the issue- not her- was the narrative of MSM. It’s expected though given she was a long serving monarch (maybe the longest serving monarch ever?). They’re all leeches and do naff all for this nation.

The Queen was probably the biggest racist out of them all, the things her husband would say and she wouldn’t bat an eyelid. Ironically, it’s the working class which idolise them not so much the middle and upper class. No doubt @Flarepath is a huge supporter of them. They lobby hard for their interests and it’s no secret they’ve bled the country dry.

The Guardian used to do a quarterly article exposing how they amass and hide wealth, yet still suck the public purse dry. These might be of interest:

Some people here Canada revered her as well, and I'm not sure why. I mentioned it earlier in this thread, but reading Noel Botham's book "The Murder of Princess Diana" and what John Morgan seems to corroborate in "How They Murdered Princess Diana" is how evil they were towards her and the people she used to befriend and date. I would laugh out loud at the comments because they're so base since it is the Royal Family, but they're not good-natured or kind-hearted individuals in any sense of the word. Prince Phillip has psychopathic tendencies as described by a psychologist that was featured in the Princess Diana car crash documentary. He didn't like Diana at all.

I have no opinion about Prince Harry, but I understand why he moved away from the bunch of them.


Mar 15, 2017
I have no opinion about Prince Harry, but I understand why he moved away from the bunch of them.
He dressed as a nazi during his 20s, lost his virginity to an older woman in a field (she actually gave an interview on TV, so shameless!) and struck me as the odd, conflicted sheep of the family. I assume he was unable to ever move past the circumstances surrounding his mother’s tragic death and as he grew older, probably realised what a cesspit of a household he grew up in. After venturing out of his elite circles he probably decided for the safety of his wife and children, it’s better he stays away. I don’t have much of an opinion on him either, other than him fleeing across the world in an attempt to escape them shows he knows a heck of a lot more than he’s publicly stated.

William is painted as the more likeable and friendly brother; he strikes me as evil and twisted as his father.


Feb 8, 2021
So I wasn't sure whether I should post this or not because I don't want to spread gossip. I have always felt Princess Kate is a sweet lady and not part of the evil of the British Monarchy.

I just feel like there is more to this story than her having cancer. I feel like there is a big cover up. I pray this is not true and if she does have cancer pray she will recover. 1000004155.jpg
Oct 2, 2017
looks like he's on fire wonder if it's Good news like the "royals"
are about to be burned outta Our World but I Know that's way
too Good to be True

why do so many Peoples think this thing is the antichrist
I really Believe it will be a unknown evil that has never been in
the publics eye and there is next to no information online for

it's the only way Ya can capture even the nonreligious in the trap
this is the only way this evil will not have any preconceived bias
from Peoples

The last two world wars saw the end of quite a few royal households. Most more strong and well off than the British ones. Just look at the russian royal family. If we do have WW3 hopefully that will be the positive outcome. I'm so fed up of having them associated with our country
Oct 2, 2017
In my lifetime, Elizabeth was always painted as the nation’s grandma. Her age was used to excuse a lot of Royal Family scandals and secret laws they passed to benefit themselves. Oh she’s just an old lady, it’s the Royal Family as an institution which is the issue- not her- was the narrative of MSM. It’s expected though given she was a long serving monarch (maybe the longest serving monarch ever?). They’re all leeches and do naff all for this nation.

The Queen was probably the biggest racist out of them all, the things her husband would say and she wouldn’t bat an eyelid. Ironically, it’s the working class which idolise them not so much the middle and upper class. No doubt @Flarepath is a huge supporter of them. They lobby hard for their interests and it’s no secret they’ve bled the country dry.

The Guardian used to do a quarterly article exposing how they amass and hide wealth, yet still suck the public purse dry. These might be of interest:

Id disagree. The working class hate them. The middle class I find treat them as something revere.


May 10, 2022
Hmm... That is interesting. I'll be honest, I can't stand celebrity worship of any kind. I watch people scream and cry over their favorite actor or musician, and I just can't get my head around it. That being said, it's hard not to notice some of the more disturbing or bizarre situations that unfold around these people. This story with Kate Middleton is strange. **Warning: total speculation** For one, I believe it is just a story. If she really had cancer they would be wheeling her out (at least periodically) at events for the public to gawk at her, and to drum up sympathy for the royal family. I think they would, at least, give a little more detailed information about her condition. Something. There is some speculation on the interwebs that they are going to "cure" her "cancer" with their new miracle "cancer curing vaccine." Maybe that is what they're up to over there across the pond. It's possible.

However, there are a couple of other theories circulating. The post @Lucy shared previously on this page is concerning, if true. Maybe she couldn't deal with being princess Diana 2.0? It does seem more and more like Prince William is a chip of the old block with all the whispering about Rose Hanbury. That behavior has been more normalized since the King of England himself has his mistress sitting by his side on the throne. Or maybe she didn't do it herself, but perhaps They are taking her out at the behest of the future king. It's certainly possible...

Still, an even more out of the box theory is floating around out there... what if they are using this cancer story as a means to cover up that they are really hiding her away somewhere in preparation for whatever catastrophic future events are soon to unfold? I find it strange that it is not only Kate, but also the children who are completely missing from public view. I understand if their mother has cancer they would be upset. But not hardly a glimpse of them since Christmas? That is strange. We had the incident with the black and white horses. Now the PM of the UK is issuing a statement advising all citizens to stock up on food and emergency supplies for at least 3 days. He lists various possible events that could occur. Could be more fear mongering? It could be. Here are a couple of mainstream news articles about his comments. Sorry if they have been already been posted elsewhere :
Anyhow, I couldn't help but feel some curiosity about the "Where is Kate Middleton" story. For various reasons, the cancer story does not ring true. So if it's not the truth, then what is? Is it just some far off affair, inconsequential to our everyday lives? Or is it a sign they are moving their players around in preparation of something bigger? Just thinking out loud here.


May 10, 2022
"'Dreadful' new Kate Middleton portrait outrages the public..."

Sorry I had to respond to this. Not to sound boastful, but I do hand drawn portraits professionally. I have a close friend who paints oil portraits that are such an uncanny likeness of the subject, they could pass as a real photograph. I don't want to be too hard on the artist here, but that looks nothing like her... Did they select the painter from a middle school art class? I would not even guess that is supposed to be her. There is no way this isn't being done intentionally to humiliate her... Or as some kind of inside joke. No way.