The British Royals

Oct 2, 2017
I think people are reading too much into the horses. One of them was bloodied as it had crashed into a vehicle (a double decker I believe). Horses are naturally spooked so easily, London is very busy and hectic so it’s no surprise they were running riot around the city. Anyone who has seen the guards on their horses would attest to the fact that they’re constantly on edge (the horses not the guards) as they usually have blinkers on and can’t see around them well, so the noises and crowd spook them easily.

I am open to being completely wrong of course, I just don’t see this as anything of concern at this moment as there is no evidence…

PS: Big Ben never works, it’s always under construction or being mended so if the wrong time is shown i doubt again, it’s a cause for concern.

What is definitely concerning and increasingly odd is how Kate and her kids have been out of the limelight for months.
Na. Those horses live and work London every day. If they were spooked it would happened all the time. They are trained to be bomb proof. Granted no horse is 100% bomb proof. But they would be used to the noise of London. They even stand for 8 odd hours at gates and barely move
Oct 2, 2017
Remember the appearance of the grim reaper at King Charles' coronation...?

Charles reign has had numerous issues. People were late to the coronation. It rained on the day which some say is bad luck. The grim reaper. William and Kate clearly had a fight in the carriage. And months before the queen died some of the ravens escaped the tower of London. Which is a famous omen of the end of the monarchy


Mar 18, 2017
Charles reign has had numerous issues. People were late to the coronation. It rained on the day which some say is bad luck. The grim reaper. William and Kate clearly had a fight in the carriage. And months before the queen died some of the ravens escaped the tower of London. Which is a famous omen of the end of the monarchy
It's curious that they didn't resort to cloud seeding like they always do for the royal weddings. Perhaps they intentionally didn't tamper with the weather because the downpour would serve as a that months down the road people would read into it exactly the way you have done.


Mar 26, 2021
I still find it perplexing that this dress somehow got on Kate Middleton’s body during her revealing Louis from the hospital and there’s never really been any public statement on it; no “Sorry, I thought it would be hilarious” or So and so suggested it, etc.

It was pretty formal looking compared to what she wore leaving the hospital with the others.



Apr 27, 2024
I still find it perplexing that this dress somehow got on Kate Middleton’s body during her revealing Louis from the hospital and there’s never really been any public statement on it; no “Sorry, I thought it would be hilarious” or So and so suggested it, etc.

It was pretty formal looking compared to what she wore leaving the hospital with the others.


May 10, 2022
I still find it perplexing that this dress somehow got on Kate Middleton’s body during her revealing Louis from the hospital and there’s never really been any public statement on it; no “Sorry, I thought it would be hilarious” or So and so suggested it, etc.

It was pretty formal looking compared to what she wore leaving the hospital with the others.
I completely agree. The few people I've pointed this out to just kind of shrugged or rolled their eyes. But if someone has climbed the ranks in the fashion world to the level of styling princesses, they probably eat, sleep, and breathe anything and all things "fashion." It is possible the stylist did not see Rosemary's Baby. However, what are the odds that they would, completely at random, choose a dress also worn by the woman presenting her baby in that movie? It isn't a new movie. The style of the dress is completely outdated. And red is an odd choice (in my opinion) for a mom to present her new baby. To me this appears to be, at best, a sick joke. Maybe the stylist was fired when they realized how it all looked afterwards? Or maybe it was intentional... This is me reaching here, but there is a scene in rosemary's baby where the protagonist is looking at this painting of a burning church.

Coincidentally, it was almost a year to the day after Louis was born that Notre Dame was almost completely destroyed in a huge fire. Now that could have been a coincidence, but it did catch my attention.


May 10, 2022
It is my belief that these are messages for the other elites. Sure they love to flash their hidden symbols and gestures in front of the unknowing masses, but this is different. I have the same opinion about the incident involving the black and white horses that escaped last week. I think it's a signal to those who are "in the know."


Nov 5, 2022
I think it’s odd that the children haven’t been seen, at all, for months. I can understand not having them out interacting with the public, being asked questions or hearing innuendo, etc. But one altered compound photo of all of them, looking much younger?

It’s just weird. I can understand Kate not wanting to look like a mess to the public and the royal obsession with archived images of them but I don’t see what’s so secretive about going through cancer treatment; who would judge her if she were seen sitting on veranda in a cancer turban looking worse for wear, with her children, etc.?

It’s all very odd.
Have her parents been seen? What about Pippa? Seems like they've disappeared. Nothing is as it seems.
Oct 20, 2021
I guess even " Royals" got vaxxed. Poetic justice considering the common people dropping like flies. Kind of sorry to see Kate Middleton suffer though because she was the only one I could stand. Hope Charles and Camilla got all the boosters too lol. Even though they murdered Diana to tell you the truth I would rather get killed in a car crash then get injected with the poisonous vaccines. At least it was over quick and she didn't suffer long unlike the death shot.