If they stuff from sufi islam you believe in goes against the teachings of Quran and Hadith then they are plain wrong. The fact that they gave a name to it to separate it from the norm is also really pathetic.
Last time we talked about stars and zodiac and stuff, all that stuff if Angels not being a real physical being but a thought EVEN THOUGH Quran says otherwise, The stuff about jinn not being real physical entities and AGAIN Quran and hadith says otherwise. And all the stuff about cosmos and thought process which again isn't mentioned either in Quran and Hadith, if its not in Quran or Hadith or heck even Bible and Torah, then they aren't part of faith. Its as simple as that.
There are definitely alot of stuff in spiritual sense but if you take everything as being "spiritual" you'll lead yourself astray. You say you don't follow sufi leaders and sheikhs BUT when these concepts are given by them, whats the difference?
If you feel it is against the Quran then surely avoiding it would be the better option for you but not everyone has the exact same understanding you do. You have to also respect that you cannot fully appreciate another person's thought process especially if it's been developed over time. Plus much of how we think comes from intuition ie what we FEEL is the right answer along with our logical understanding.
our views came from somewhere, my views were developed over time, i didn't just begin with them.
But i'll give you an example
The Prophet SAW said "when you sleep your soul returns to Allah" but he also said "my eyes sleep but my heart doesn't sleep"
now i don't know about you, but to me this indicated that beyond the deep sleep state IF i could remain conscious, i could witness God.
However i also knew that in dreams we're in the theta state, waking=beta and thinking=alpha
so what happens in delta and beyond if i could remain conscious? even still it requires a lot of meditation and practice to get into deeper and deeper states yet in these states you're going deeper into yourself.
Anyway in hinduism they call this state the Prophet SAW referred to as 'turiya consciousness'
incidently they believe when you're in Turiya consciousness you are united with Brahman.
There is sooooo much material on this topic I wouldn't know where to begin.
I believe the metaphysics are the same regardless of religion but our interpretations do differ. Still sometimes i like to read their viewpoints just to get another perspective. Islamic tawhid is important to me as it is to you.
And all the stuff about cosmos and thought process which again isn't mentioned either in Quran and Hadith, if its not in Quran or Hadith or heck even Bible and Torah, then they aren't part of faith. Its as simple as that.
It depends how you look at the Quran
in the Quran a word may be mentioned which requires a lot of further awareness to understand.
So for example the Quran says
“It is Allah Who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof"
personally i've read different tafsirs on this verse and do not agree with them/ to me, 'of the earth' refers to the human form ie bani adam and the likeness of the 7 heavens is within our soul.
So take the 7 chakras and the 7 heavens and the corresponding prophets.
How do they relate?
For example the first chakras, the root chakra symbolises the physical form, the prophet on this level was Adam AS. not very deep there but you get it right?
The next one is the sacral chakra which is connected with the Etheric plane/body. Now i know you do not know what 'etheric' means or how it relates ot the creation of the physical world, I won't get into that. Basically the etheric represents the lifeforce and the breath. The symbol of the chakra is Water. it's also related to our sexual organs, fertility to our birth etc. The connected prophets are Yahya and Isa AS.
You know the Mandean religion which was built o Yahya AS (john the baptist) they were basically devoted to the principles of life/fertility etc.
You have their miracilous births mentioned in the Quran. We know Isa AS was born from the Divine breath (which is the universal energy, the etheric plane). It is also connected with other sayings of Isa AS and also with the baptism.
The third (solar plexus) chakra relates to the astral body/plane. It's symbol is fire. It is also the level where we interract with jinns, but i won't get into that aspect here. It is connected with willpower and desire. in hinduism it is called the kama body where kama means desire (hence the kama sutra which again is a diff topic lol).
The reason it's connected with willpower specifically is because desire can overpower us or we can have control over it. Yusuf AS is connected to it...if you read the Quran Yusuf AS was tempted when he was offered sex. He was protected by Allah.
4th chakra is connected with pure thought that arises from a clean heart. It's connected with Enoch/Idris AS who was transported and witnessed the physical universe, the 7 heavens and hells etc. It represents the mental plane. It is also the angelic level.
similarly the 5th/throat chakra is represented by Harun AS. it represents the state of our soul when Allah first communicated with the souls, so it also represents the creation of the soul
"Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified.
This loka is called jana loka which means 'to be born'this chakra is connected with pure communication...
in the case of Harun AS he was known for being eloquent in speech and he communicated the Torah to his people.
The 6th chakra (the third eye) is connect with the 'akashic records' aka the loh al mahfooz of which the Quran (and Torah) is a microcosm, this level represents the Laws of the universe. The prophet Musa As represents the Torah.
7th chakra is connected to pure consciousness. Basically it's the level where we meet Allah and it represents the highest level of faith Ihsan, the prophet mentioned on this level was Ibrahim AS which i think you can make sense of.
of course you can try understanding the nature of creation downwards from the highest level to the lowest ie why did communication come before thought and desire?
also, even though we were created AFTER the Loh al mahfooz yet we can rise above it not due to our own power but the light of Allah.
There's a lot of material written by sufis and hindus on the subject explaining our descent and ascent. Why something lower can rise above something lower ie why did ibees rise higher than angels? this is one of the keys of Allah's creation inc why Adam AS is higher than the angels.
Also there are different metaphysical systems, for example in kabballah the central vertical 5 represents the 5 salahs
im not merely saying this because there are 5, but because i've looked into their nature ie what they represent as a part of the self.
This system also does connect with the 7 chakras but in a difference way.
the left and right sides deal with the Transcendent and Immanent aspect of Allah which also breaks down our Descent and Ascent.
Now the angels jinns are not physical beings. The unseen is explained to us whilst we're in the physical, using physical terms/imagery we can relate to with the senses.
The light is knowledge/order that's reflected from the loh al mahfooz which angels represent.
The fire is the desire/craving connected to the astral body which jinns represent.
The prophet SAW said he saw Gabriel AS in his 'true form'
but the form itself is a formation of thoughts/images that are produced in the mind.
To get to the point where you can witness a true form, means to overcome our lower thoughts and desires/attachments etc.
for example whilst we're sinful, can we see angels at all?
the purer our heart and mind become, the more accurate the reflection
until we see pure reflections
however they are still reflections and not the real thing.
the real thing cannot be seen by us in this life.