Stand With Ukraine? No Thanks. Business As Usual.


Nov 8, 2022

Where is the unity of Delhi
The meeting of the G20 foreign ministers was held to the accompaniment of mutual accusations of Russia and the West
However, all participants of the meeting in Delhi agreed, among other things, to fight climate change, to resist the criminal use of new technologies, as well as to condemn terrorism in all forms and manifestations. At least something in common was found in the end."

Oh, no! So the fight against the globosatanists is over?!?!?...

Well, then I will continue to read reliable alternative media, where the fight against globosatanists is in full swing, and it is getting fierce, and Russia, which always does the exact opposite of the inhuman globosatanists, is about to deliver a crushing blow to their insidious plans! (Fuck jewdeepstatebankstersilluminati. SLAVA RUSSAINI!)


Nov 8, 2022
American politician Young called the reason for the impending death of mankind
Jeffrey Young: Washington's policy will lead to the disappearance of humanity

WASHINGTON, March 3, 2023 — US provocations with threats of nuclear war and Western imperialism will lead to the disappearance of humanity, American politician Jeffrey Young wrote on Twitter. So he commented on the words of Elon Musk about the danger of reducing the birth rate.

Earlier, Musk said that the demographic pit associated with a decrease in the birth rate poses a much greater risk to civilization than global warming.

"Elon Musk is wrong," Young wrote.

The politician stressed that the main threat to the world is Western imperialism promoted by Washington and the threat of nuclear war. In his opinion, humanity has never been so close to complete extinction.

As reported by IA REGNUM, Jeffrey Young on February 23 on his Twitter page spoke sharply about the essence of the current Ukrainian regime

Who Is This Jeffrey, I don't know. A Republican? A man of the Savior in the Rye who would have drained the swamp of the Deep State, but only had the power to press operation warp speed? (Weren't covvaccines the main cause of the decline in birth rates? Sputnik is working super, the birth rate in Russia is falling steadily, and maternal mortality is rising (along with total mortality). It must be because of American imperialism and the provocation in Ukraine.....)


Nov 8, 2022
I bet that, although I provide a source for everything and it can be checked immediately, most people think I'm "this nasty anti-Russian troll" (and maybe "pro-American," why not...) :)

Cool, I'm not complaining. :cool:


Sep 8, 2018
Will make a separate thread on this this but this also belongs here:



Nov 8, 2022
Boys and girls, this is a very serious matter.

I'm seriously worried.

As it turns out, the deep state conspirators with the climate change hoax and the dastardly sustainable development goals, with their provocation in Ukraine (the dirty proxy war of the Deep State), are preventing Russia from diligently implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the fight against climate change.

The Federation Council is the “upper” chamber of the Federal Assembly, the Parliament of the Russian Federation.”
Galina Karelova is Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council
G. Karelova: The meeting at the IPU site will serve to expand the interaction of women across the entire spectrum of the international agenda

March 11 , 2023
The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council spoke at the 35th session of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians within the framework of the 146th Assembly of the IPU.

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Galina Karelova spoke at the 35th session of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians during a thematic discussion on "Women's leadership in solving security problems and crises." The event took place in Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain) within the framework of the 146th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
"The topic of our meeting is extremely relevant. In the conditions of international turbulence, Russia consistently defends the principles laid down in the UN Charter. Unfair restrictions have been imposed against our country for the sake of suppressing our sovereignty. This has had a negative impact on the whole world. It has harmed the implementation of the UN Agenda and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals stated in it in almost all countries," Galina Karelova said.

According to her, in conditions of instability, parliaments bear a special responsibility for ensuring the rule of law, for the future of countries and the world as a whole. "Women parliamentarians should show the world an example of constructive interaction, maintaining a dialogue in the interests of the peoples we represent. Women feel especially keenly the value of life and this defines our special mission. Women parliamentarians are called upon to protect the interests of families, children, and ensure their physical and social security."

The senator said that in Russia women participate in the implementation of all relevant areas of state policy. First of all, they make a significant contribution to the development of healthcare, education, and the social sphere as a whole.

The Deputy Speaker of the SF noted that women are most actively promoting the environmental agenda. "Today, everyone has witnessed an increase in climate and environmental threats. This requires a joint urgent response. In Russia, we set the task of creating a national climate risk management system and are aimed at full cooperation with other countries. In recent years, Russia has provided assistance in overcoming natural disasters to more than 110 states."

Galina Karelova drew attention to the fact that the promotion of women's leadership is among the priorities of Russian state policy. Dozens of leadership projects are being implemented on a permanent basis under the auspices of the Federation Council together with women's non-profit organizations and volunteer associations. They cover all spheres of society. "We are open for cooperation in this direction as well," the senator said.

Galina Karelova expressed hope that the meeting at the IPU site will serve to expand women's cooperation in the field of security, give a new impetus to the common work."

Stand with Russia

I did it.


Nov 8, 2022
Russia - despite all the difficulties presented to it by the deep state conspirators with the dastardly UN Sustainable Development Goals and the false fight against false climate change - will stand and fulfill its national humane ideals: the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the fight against climate change.

I believe that.


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky embezzled hundreds of millions of dollars that the US allocated for the purchase of fuel, according to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh.

In his blog, Hersh writes – The Ukraine government, headed by Volodymyr Zelensky, has been using American taxpayers’ funds to pay dearly for the vitally needed diesel fuel that is keeping the Ukrainian army on the move in its war with Russia.

It is unknown how much the Zalensky government is paying per gallon for the fuel, but the Pentagon was paying as much as $400 per gallon to transport gasoline from a port in Pakistan, via truck or parachute, into Afghanistan during the decades-long American war there.

The issue of corruption was directly raised with Zelensky in a meeting last January in Kyiv with CIA Director William Burns. His message to the Ukrainian president, I was told by an intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting, was out of a 1950s mob movie.

The senior generals and government officials in Kyiv were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, so Burns told the Ukrainian president because “he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.”

Burns also presented Zelensky with a list of thirty-five generals and senior officials whose corruption was known to the CIA and others in the American government. Zelensky responded to the American pressure ten days later by publicly dismissing ten of the most ostentatious officials on the list and doing little else.

“The ten he got rid of were brazenly bragging about the money they had—driving around Kyiv in their new Mercedes,” the intelligence official told me.

Meanwhile, Hersh, citing an intelligence official, said that the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines and lack of strategic planning with regard to Ukraine had caused a growing rift between the White House and the US intelligence community.

“There is a total breakdown between the White House leadership and the intelligence community,” the intelligence official was quoted by Hersh as saying.

The alleged rift dates back to the covert operation last fall to blow up Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines, a move that was purportedly ordered by President Joe Biden.

“Destroying the Nord Stream pipelines was never discussed, or even known in advance, by the community,” the official said.

Another issue dividing the Biden administration and the intelligence community is the lack of planning on Ukraine. The official highlighted Biden’s decision to deploy two brigades a few miles from the Ukrainian border in response to Russia’s special military operation.

Another issue dividing the Biden administration and the intelligence community is the lack of planning on Ukraine. The official highlighted Biden’s decision to deploy two brigades a few miles from the Ukrainian border in response to Russia’s special military operation.

The actual manpower of the 101st and 82nd airborne divisions could total more than 20,000, but there is still “no evidence that any senior official in the White House really knows what’s going on in” the brigades, the intelligence officials told Hersh.

“Are they there as part of a NATO exercise or to serve with NATO combat units if the West decides to engage Russian units inside Ukraine? Are they there to train or to be a trigger? The rules of engagement say they can’t attack Russians unless our boys are getting attacked,” the official said.

The official said that while the White House lacks clarity on its policy in Ukraine, the Pentagon is somewhat optimistically preparing for an end to the conflict. Two months ago, the US Joint Chiefs tasked members of the staff with drafting an end-of-war treaty to present to the Russians “after their defeat on the Ukraine battlefield,” Hersh said, citing a source.

But it remains unclear what will happen if the Pentagon’s scenario goes wrong and Ukrainian forces fail on the battlefield: Will the two American brigades deployed close to the war zone “join forces with NATO troops and face off with the Russian army inside Ukraine?” Hersh asks.
(EuroAsian Times)


Nov 8, 2022
I, again, to repeat, like an annoying neighbor in slippers and with a cup of coffee in her hand:

Please, ladies and gentlemen, don't be stupid and naive, lift your nose a little out of the "war" and look at what is really going on, namely: the two supposedly warring alliances are implementing the same anti-human agenda leading to the new world order (which is global, not with the hegemony of one power or another).
They are also in open agreements. (It's not even hidden, but... it is presented quite differently in the double game of mainstream-alternative media.)

You have at your disposal two whole topics (which continue) with real evidence with specific sources that point only to this. Understand that the fog that descends over you together from mainstream (+"expert" think tanks) and alternative media is for you - to confuse and suppress first in your minds and hearts the thoughts and feelings about reality that the supposedly now warring world powers together began in 2019-2020. And they continue without deviation. Together.

But... who cares?! :) (Especially since we have hundreds of thousands of "news" and "analyses" at hand from honest alternative experts.) The most important thing - from the beginning to today - is that the party continues, to doesn't stop.. That's clear. :D



Nov 8, 2022
What would be the difference If the "War", the "enmity", continued indefinitely, or if it soon ended in "truce" (in quotation marks, because there is no war and enmity)? None difference: in both cases, the opponents follow one program and will impose it. But why watch them run a one program when we can watch the show "the enmity and the war" and the imaginary differences between the "warring camps" highlighted by honest experts?

//However, my preference is entirely for the "truce option". To enjoy the "awakening of the sleepers" who now dream "the enmity and the war" fueled 24/7 by The Matrix's "alternative media-alternative brains" interfaces.

For after this " truce "it will become painfully clear to even the most sleepy that the" two camps " are striving to implement a common program.

And then we will remember again 2019-2020-2021 (until 2022), when for each of the "warring camps" there was only one global "enemy" and "another camp" - that of the populations of the world who are "against public health safety and progress."
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Oct 20, 2021
MSM is completely ignoring the fact that Zelensky sent drones to the Kremlin to try and kill Putin. Think of the outrage there would be if Russia sent drones to the White House to get rid of the lying dog pony soldier who is pretending to be president. And that White House press secretary just outright lies about everything. Everyone knows that they are lying and they don't even care.


Jun 17, 2017
In on it

guy films some suspicious activity at a military base and implies that it might be housing some of the 50 to 60 THOUSAND missing ukrainian children (according to the UNs numbers).


Jun 17, 2017
For those wondering why Lindsey Graham is so invested in Ukraine winning and Russians dying:

@LindseyGrahamSC was with Deep State McCain in Ukraine in 2016, telling the Ukrainians how they are going to get support from Washington so they can go on the “offensive” against Russia in 2017.

Only problem was, Trump won, and the Deep State plan was suspended until Trump was removed.

The reason Lindsey has called for Putin to be assassinated and celebrates Russians dying, is because if Russia wins, Lindsey’s corruption in Ukraine will be exposed, and then he’s a dead man.


Jun 17, 2017
This woman watches Bitchute

1:45. ukrainian woman interviewed about the war. she says ukraine started the war before rethinking it and then clams up to the reporters questions in the typical communist era style. old habits die hard, i guess.


Jan 10, 2019
This woman watches Bitchute

1:45. ukrainian woman interviewed about the war. she says ukraine started the war before rethinking it and then clams up to the reporters questions in the typical communist era style. old habits die hard, i guess.
With the government banning of political opposition parties, criminalizing any honesty surrounding the Russian military operation, and the known terror campaigns of Ukraine's SBU it's probably smart for lady to keep her mouth shut. It was strange how the young journalist was badgering her for answers, implying she's waiting for the "Russian World". Good call to get the hell out of there.