If the government already knew about the attack and they were watching the group, then why didn't they do anything to prevent it?
I remember after Christchurch the venom coming out of Hindu Nationalist accounts was as bad as any White Supremacist. Literally cheering the massacre and these are from the leading political party in India. It’s a gross ideology ( as all forms of nationalism are ) and it’s why I don’t trust Tulsi Gabbard.Most tragedies in 'third world' countries are not reported nor grieved internationally, unfortunately.
When these events happen it is a good rule of thumb to ask who benefits from killing Catholics in churches, Muslims in mosques and Jews in synagogues? Good question to ask, who benefits from one minority targeting another in Sri Lanka?
Who wants an environment of more wars and destruction to bring about their stated goals?
Those who think they can push peaceful people by hook and by crook into division and hatred. All because they need their wars for one reason or another. Bring Jesus, Bring the Moshaich, (these two groups are demented because they think they can dictate God's timeline) Create a Greater India etc......
Inevitably, there will be those who fall for the division and hatred and others will usually retaliate against innocents.
The media is the one that should be held responsible for linking world religions to the actions of misguided terrorists.
Hindu nationalists have currently targeted Muslims and Christians as not fit for the Indian nationality. They have a project called Greater India and they are rewriting the Indian constitution to exclude these groups.
Shashi Tharoor is an Indian politician and a former career international diplomat who is currently serving as Member of Parliament.
Constitution of India is under threat | Shashi tharoor explain
Hey, The Zone Indians are comprised of different faiths and India as a country has adherents from the major world faiths. I think perhaps you mean Indians and Pakistanis as countries? Currently the people in power the BJP party are Hindu (religion)nationalist and they are working to instill division in India . People like the politician I posted above (and in another video below) Shashi Tharoor (Hindu)are warning other Indians about those who are sowing division and the need to restore good relations and tolerance. This kinda reminds me about what could happen in the US with the Left/Right if grievances are not addressed .. My understanding is that the two do not like each other a lot as in Muslims and Indians. Is this true?
what does it have to do with Jew? He was just quoting some Quran verses.So what are your Jewish paymasters planning?
Are you just a pawn or know something ?
I find it astonishing that the grossly misnamed religion of peace has specific verses in it's holy book about killing Jews and Christians, but whenever there's another massacre perpetrated by Muslims against their favourite targets, everyone pretends it's some other Islam that's doing all the killing.So what are your Jewish paymasters planning?
Are you just a pawn or know something ?
Thanks, DR- I didn't know there was a Zizek-Peterson debate! Sounds interesting.I was watching parts of the Jordan Peterson and Zizek debate/discussion and Zizek makes a good point about some religious people justifying doing bad things because they believe it is okay for their group.
If you pay close attention the truly religious would never say that being immoral is okay in any circumstance.
We must expose those from all paths including religion that have dual standards for what is moral or immoral.
If we pay close attention to the last few weeks it started with the Tree of life synagogue, New Zealand mosques, the churches in France including Notre Dame, In the US St. Patrick's Catholic church was nearly burned down, Al Aqsa and many churches/mosques in Israel and now in Sri Lanka.
The Zionist World Order needs their religious wars and they started down this path with the black op 9/11.
Then wars or attacks Syria, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Palestine,India, many countries in Africa etc these conflicts keep growing.
These immoral Zionist zombies have planned this for years.
This is phase 2 of the manufactured religious wars.
Wake up!
Pompeo blames 'Islamic radical terror' for Sri Lanka attacks
Pompeo: 'I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole'