Russia through the hidden eye (continuation)


Nov 8, 2022
Operational meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers

July 3, 2023

On the agenda: on the support of backbone enterprises of industry and trade, on the rules for granting grants for the creation and development of agro-industrial technoparks, on the course of the admission campaign to universities.

From the transcript:

Mikhail Mishustin: Dear colleagues, good morning!

The Government continues to support the backbone enterprises in various industries.

On behalf of the President, a special loan program was launched in March last year. Within its framework, organizations of trade, agro-industrial, construction complex, transport, communications enterprises received loans of up to 10 billion rubles on preferential terms from March to August last year. And if we are talking about a group of companies – up to 30 billion rubles. And the interest rates were significantly lower than the market.

We will allocate an additional 3 billion rubles from the budget to subsidize the loan rates for more than 100 industrial and trade organizations. In total, about 25 billion rubles have already been allocated for such purposes this year. The business uses these funds primarily to replenish working capital, including the purchase of raw materials and the payment of salaries, which, together with other systemic measures, made it possible for domestic enterprises to adapt to the changed conditions, build new cooperative ties, logistics chains and master promising markets.

The next topic concerns the support of the agro-industrial complex.

The President has repeatedly spoken
about the importance of technological, scientific and food sovereignty, and it is extremely important to provide the industry with everything necessary for the further success of our agriculture.

To this end, the Government has approved the rules for granting grants for the creation and development of agro-industrial technoparks. They will specialize in research and innovation activities, including biotechnology, animal breeding and agricultural crops, the production of food and feed additives, plant protection products and a number of other areas in demand by farmers.

At such sites, it will be possible not only to conduct scientific projects, but also almost immediately launch small-scale production, set up experiments and process agricultural products. A laboratory complex, a pilot-industrial workshop and other facilities will be located together in one space.

We hope that this mechanism will become an effective support measure for residents of agrobiotechnoparks and will help to provide domestic material to the needs of our agricultural producers. Which in turn guarantees the supply of high-quality and affordable food products to the domestic market.

Another important question.

On June 20, an admission campaign to higher education institutions was launched across the country. This year, the Government has decided to increase budget places.

The President instructed to translate the most important public services for people into electronic form so that they are provided in a proactive mode, format and it was enough for a person to send only a request, and the rest was done automatically. .."

The Government will provide grants for the creation and development of agro-industrial technoparks

July 3, 2023
The government is launching a program of state support for the creation and development of agrobiotechnoparks – scientific and technological projects that will introduce modern technologies into the agro-industrial complex and increase the level of agricultural production. The resolution on the rules for granting grants for these purposes was signed by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers Mikhail Mishustin.

The network of agro-industrial parks will become a platform for interaction between scientific organizations and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. The results of scientific, technical and innovative activities will be immediately tested and implemented in the process of agricultural production.

Agro-industrial parks will specialize in research and innovation activities in the field of biotechnology,
breeding of animals and crops, food and feed additives, plant protection products and a number of other areas in demand by farmers. At such sites, it will be possible not only to conduct scientific projects, but also almost immediately launch small-scale production, set up experiments and process agricultural products.

In 2023, the federal budget provides over 1.5 billion rubles for grants to create the necessary infrastructure for agrobiotechnoparks. State support will be allocated for the design and modernization of industrial and technological infrastructure facilities of the park, comprehensive equipment for the production of biotechnology products, scientific research and experimental developments in the field of biotechnology."

A digital database of plant genetic resources has been created in Russia
It will form the basis of the future unified state information system, said Elena Khlestkina, director of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N. I. Vavilov

ST. PETERSBURG, June 30, 2023. A network system of plant genetic resources with digitized data on more than 15 thousand samples of various crops was created on the basis of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N. I. Vavilov (VIR). The digital database prepared by VIR specialists in partnership with five other institutes will form the basis of the future unified state information system, VIR Director Elena Khlestkina told TASS on Friday following the results of the forum "Genetic Resources of Russia".

"Together with our project colleagues, within the framework of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies 2019-2030, we have successfully launched a network system that combines digitized data on more than 15 thousand samples of various cultures stored by us and our partners. The system has been launched, its structure, functionality and interface have been fully developed, and with the creation of an appropriate state platform in the future, it will be able to form its basis," Khlestkina told the agency.

She stressed that the creation of such systems is an important event for the joint work of geneticists and breeders in the study and improvement of agricultural crops.[...]
Further creation of the state information system (GIS) for all participants of research work is expected after the adoption of the law "On Bioresource centers and biological (bioresource) collections", which is currently under consideration in the State Duma.

About the Institute
The Federal Research Center "All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N. I. Vavilov" traces its history back to 1894, when the Bureau of Applied Botany was organized under the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property of the Russian Empire. Currently, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a National Center for Plant Genetic Resources is being created on the basis of VIR, which will unite about 20 scientific organizations into a network structure.

About the forum
The second scientific forum "Genetic Resources of Russia" was held in St. Petersburg from June 26 to 28 under the auspices of the Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders (VOGiS). More than 700 specialists from all over the country took part in it. Scientists from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Estonia and Japan also took part in the forum. The central theme of the forum this year was collections of bioresources and banks of genetic data."


Nov 8, 2022
Poll: the majority of Russians are against paying for goods using biometrics

MOSCOW, July 3 [2023] - RIA Novosti. Eight out of 10 Russians are not ready to pay with their "face", smiling into the camera at the checkout, a study of the SuperJob service for RIA Novosti showed. "Today, only 7% of Russians agree to pay with their face, while eight out of 10 respondents (81%) are not ready for this yet," the survey of 1,600 respondents showed. Among their arguments are uncertainty about the security of their bank account, as well as unwillingness to hand over biometric data. "You walk past the cash register, smile — and someone's purchase will be at your expense," the respondents explain. ...

Most Samaritans do not want to pay in stores using the biometric payment system

8 out of 10 Samaritans are not ready to pay with their "face", smiling into the camera at the checkout. Men are against paying for purchases using the biometric payment system more often than women. Representatives of the economically active population from the city took part in the survey of the SuperJob high-paying job search service.

Only 8% of Samaritans agree to pay "face" today, while 83% of respondents are not ready for this yet. Among their arguments are uncertainty about the security of their bank account, as well as unwillingness to hand over biometric data. "You walk past the cash register, smile — and someone's purchase will be at your expense," the respondents explain.
Men speak more often than women about the unwillingness to "pay with their face" (89% vs. 77%). There are more opponents of using biometrics for banking transactions among respondents aged 35 to 44 (84%).

Date: June 28-30, 2023"

Researchers have identified the most in-demand specialists of the video game industry in Russia
According to the results of a study by the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics, 3D graphics developers who are able to work in a team and offer non-standard solutions are most in demand
July 3, 2023
A published study notes that the video game market is growing both in the world and in Russia. The number of Russian specialists involved in the creation of video games by 2030 may reach, taking into account state support, 40 thousand people. .."

The Government has approved a Strategy for the development of unmanned aviation until 2030
June 28, 2023

Over the next six and a half years, a new branch of the economy associated with the creation and use of civilian drones should appear in Russia. This is the main goal of the Strategy for the Development of unmanned Aviation until 2030 and for the future until 2035. The order on its approval has been signed.
The greatest potential for the use of drones is in agriculture, construction supervision, the creation and updating of geospatial databases and the delivery of goods to hard-to-reach areas.

The strategy defines five key areas for the development of unmanned aviation. The first concerns stimulating demand for domestic unmanned aircraft systems. The second is the development and mass production of such systems, as well as the creation of large production centers that ensure the introduction of new technologies in the creation of drones. The third implies the development of infrastructure, including the construction of airfields, heliports and promising drone ports. The fourth is the training of personnel for unmanned aircraft. The fifth is fundamental and promising research in the field of unmanned aircraft systems.

The action plan for the implementation of the strategy has been formed taking into account these key areas. For example, as part of the development and serial production of drones, work will begin in 2023 to create a system of scientific and production centers of competence and testing in the field of unmanned aircraft systems. The Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Government of Moscow, the ANO Platform of the National Technological Initiative and a number of other organizations have been identified as responsible for this direction.

In order to form a personnel reserve of specialists in unmanned aviation in 2024, it is planned to begin the development of training modules and basic UAS training courses and the introduction of these components into general, secondary vocational and higher education programs. This work will be carried out by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Government of Moscow, ANO "University of NTI 2035". They were also instructed to create a digital register of BAS personnel, linking data on vacancies and the personnel potential of specialists in this field.

The President instructed the Government to develop a strategy for the development of unmanned aviation at the end of 2022. Its implementation will allow launching enterprises that will be engaged not only in the final assembly, but also in the production of materials and components, the preparation of software solutions.

"Currently, in parallel with the development of a Strategy for the development of unmanned aviation, on behalf of the President of Russia, the Government is finalizing the formation of a national project for the development of unmanned aircraft systems. The national project will become the main management mechanism for the implementation of the adopted strategy," First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov commented.

Promising solutions of Skolkovo residents was presented to Putin

June 29, 2023
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the exhibition of promising domestic companies during the forum "Strong Ideas for a New Time". The resident companies of Skolkovo presented their projects to the head of state: Yablochkov, Stereotech, Pix Robotics, VR Concept and Ovision.


These companies have become winners of the competition of new domestic brands, which is organized by ASI, the Roscongress Foundation and VEB.RF. Vladimir Putin was shown several innovative developments of the leaders in the nomination "High Technologies". These are Yablochkov charging stations designed for electric transport and Stereotech industrial 5D printers.

The President also saw the novelties created by the winners in the nomination "Information Technologies". For example, Pix Robotics produces software for business analytics and robotics, and VR Concept has created a multi-user software platform for working with any 3D model in virtual reality, which allows you to speed up the analysis of such documentation twice and identify 30% more critical errors.

In addition, on the head of state was shown how the Ovision facial recognition system used at the entrances to buildings and premises works. She is able to recognize a person in 0.2 seconds, even if he came wearing glasses or a hat."

In Moscow, the winners of the All-Russian popular science video contest "Do you know?Teach me!"

April 27, 2023
On April 26, the award ceremony for the winners of the second season of the All-Russian children's popular science video contest "Do you Know?Teach me!". The competition is included in the initiative "Infrastructure for the popularization of Science, content creation" of the Decade of Science and Technology and is supported by the national project "Science and Universities".

The competition was held among students of grades 1-11. To participate in it, it was necessary to record a 3-minute popular science video and publish it on the website . The video was supposed to explain a scientific theory, concept or phenomenon in an accessible and interesting way.

In total, more than 7.5 thousand schoolchildren from all over the country took part in the competition, more than 2.5 thousand of them sent videos in which complex scientific concepts and theories were explained in simple language.
"I am glad to see so many talented schoolchildren who are interested in science at the hospitable VK site. In the Year of the teacher and mentor, announced by the President of the country, a new nomination was introduced in the competition – "Mentor". This is very important, because everything we achieve in life is possible thanks to our teachers. Many of you will graduate from school very soon, and for you, future students, the Russian Government creates all conditions and opportunities for study, development and scientific discoveries. For example, this year each student can receive 1 million rubles for his startup. We will be able to support 1.5 thousand guys! In the Decade of Science and Technology, we also actively support schoolchildren - the competition "Do you know? Teach me!" is a vivid example of this," commented Dmitry Chernyshenko.

The winners of the contest were determined in three age categories, five thematic nominations and three special nominations. The age categories were divided into "Junior School", "Middle School" and "High School", in each of which children of the corresponding ages competed. The list of thematic nominations includes "Natural Sciences", "Information Technologies and exact Sciences", "The place of man in the universe", "Sciences of the Future", "Social Sciences and Humanities". Special nominations were devoted to the following topics: "Digital view of the world" from the digital educational platform "Spherum", "Aviation of the future" from the partner of the contest PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation", "Big experiment at Big Change" from ANO "Big Change". Additionally, in the Year of the teacher and mentor, the best mentor of the contest participants was determined, and additional activities of the competition were held – "Marathon of Regions" and "School relay Race".

Dmitry Chernyshenko, in right.
However, there are better photos of Chernyshenko, such as the one from October 2021.



Nov 8, 2022
The International Platform of Skills and Professions financed by the EDB Fund for Digital Initiatives hosts over 20 training events within its first month of operation

29 June 2023
Moscow, 29 June 2023. The International Platform of Skills and Professions, financed by the Eurasian Development Bank’s (EDB) Fund for Digital Initiatives hosted over 20 training events within its first month of its operation. The platform, available at, has already attracted 158 regular users from EDB member countries.

The International Platform of Skills and Professions by the Professional Skills Development Agency (WorldSkills Russia) provides access to professional development services while promoting the best international standards, technologies, and skill models. Additionally, the platform facilitates information exchange with potential partners and employers and supports career advancement through skill assessment and development initiatives.

The training events offered during the initial phase covered 13 competencies, including web technology; graphic design; CAD engineering design; intelligent image processing; information security; quantum technologies; flying robotics; machine learning and big data; mobile robotics; mobile application development; blockchain technology; modern and advanced mobile communication networks (5G); and BIM information modelling technology.

The successful implementation of the organisational service, the first of the three planned pillars, enabled the swift organisation of complex training events and the engagement of interested individuals. Visitors to the website can access the knowledge base through a dashboard that contains documents from past training events.

The next stage will implement services for designing, developing, testing, and implementing new professions in priority high-tech sectors and critical technologies for EAEU, BRICS, SCO, and ASEAN countries.

Additional Information:
The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) is an international financial institution promoting integration and development in its member countries. For more than 17 years, the Bank has worked to strengthen and expand economic ties and foster comprehensive development in its member countries – Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Russia and Tajikistan. The EDB's charter capital totals US $7 billion. Its portfolio consists principally of projects with an integration effect in transport infrastructure, digital systems, green energy, agriculture, manufacturing, and mechanical engineering. The Bank’s operations are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG principles.

The EDB Fund for Digital Initiatives, which is supervised by Tigran Sargsyan, Vice Chairman of the EDB Management Board, was established in June 2020. Its objective is to assist the EDB member states in creating digital transformation tools and practices by integrating their information resources and participating in developing and financing projects. The Fund’s flagship project is the COVID-19-Free Travel mobile app used in nine CIS countries."

The EDB as a member of international organisations
The EDB is a member of: ... World Economic Forum (WEF); "
"Eurasian Transport Network ...
Sochi, 8 June 2023. The Eurasian Congress '23 starts today at the Sirius Park of Science and the Art in Sochi. The forum will bring together representatives from governments, businesses, academia, and experts from dozens of countries. The discussions will focus on the future of Eurasia, cross-border public-private partnerships, food and water security, as well as investment and capital growth opportunities for Central Asian countries. The congress is hosted by the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB). ..."
https :// www .weforum .org/agenda/2023/06/creating-a-green-and-digital-corridor-through-eurasia/
From pathway to highway in Eurasia, June 9, 2023 .."

Arzybek Kozhoshev, "Eurasian transport corridors are shaping the new transport frame of the Greater Eurasia"

Arzybek Kozhoshev, Minister in charge of Energy and Infrastructure of the Eurasian Economic Commission, noted positive dynamics in the relations between the Eurasian Economic Union countries and the People's Republic of China in his speech delivered in Chongqing on July 3 during the First High-Level Forum on Building Trans-Eurasian Cooperation, Supply Chains in the New International Land-Sea Corridor and Freight Forwarding Exhibition.

The EEC Minister proposed to emphasize initiatives on improving supply chain efficiency, border crossing facilitation and prospects for developing transport corridors between the EAEU and PRC.

Arzybek Kozhoshev stressed that achieving the ambitious goals to establish the Greater Eurasia in terms of transport required creation of relevant infrastructure, as well as increasing the capacity of roads and railways, ports, checkpoints and inland water transport infrastructure. Plus, regular events aimed at synchronizing the activities of logistics services, optimizing transport conditions, facilitation of customs, phytosanitary and veterinary procedures, improving investment attractiveness of joint projects.

Fruitful interaction between the EAEU and the PRC is promoted in the framework of the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Priority Action Plan for Digitizing Freight Carriage by Rail. Relevant initiatives are implemented in the interests of promoting trade and economic cooperation between the EAEU countries and the PRC.

Arzybek Kozhoshev thanked the organizers for quality event holding having stressed that it would serve as a good platform to discuss current challenges and develop proposals on overcoming them.

The Forum also hosted the plenary "One Belt, One Road and the Greater Eurasian Space: New Integration Horizons" where transport and logistics issues were discussed by representatives of government organizations, railway and information platforms, business entities, the academic community, specialized logistics companies of the APR and ASEAN, members of the Coordinating Council for Trans-Eurasian Transportation, China International Freight Forwarders Association and AFFA."


Nov 8, 2022
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 3363-r dated 11/27/2021 "On approval of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 with a forecast for the period up to 2035"

As PDF, and as text from a normative document library. Excerpts:
[along with countless others] The Strategy takes into account the acts (decisions) of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, including:

The main directions and stages of the implementation of the coordinated (coordinated) transport policy of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, approved by the decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council of December 26, 2016 No. 19;

Strategic directions for the development of the Eurasian economic integration until 2025, approved by the decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council No. 12 of December 11, 2020, as well as other acts and decisions of the bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union in terms of transport.
The strategy provides for the implementation of the following long-term goals for the development of the transport system until 2030 and for the forecast period until 2035:

increasing spatial connectivity and transport accessibility of territories;

increasing the mobility of the population and the development of domestic tourism;

increasing the volume and speed of cargo transit and the development of multimodal logistics technologies;

digital and low-carbon transformation of the industry and accelerated introduction of new technologies.
The implementation of the Strategy measures is carried out in 3 stages. The 1st stage is implemented from 2021 to 2024, the 2nd stage - from 2025 to 2030, the 3rd stage - from 2031 to 2035, taking into account the further implementation of the goals, objectives and main activities of the Strategy after 2035."
For remind:
"On October 16, 2014 at the office of the Russian Venture Company (RVC), an expert seminar "The Neuronet Roadmap" was held with the participation of Stephen Dunn, director of Starlab Neuroscience Research; Karen Casey, creator of the Global Mind Project; Randal A. Kuhne, CEO of the Science Foundation and the founder of NeuraLink Co....

..the most important result of a scientific and technological breakthrough in the field of neuroscience is the achievement of a new quality in communications. The modern Internet transmits information and even semantics, but is powerless in transmitting emotions and the unconscious. The Neuronet is the next generation of the Internet, which will use neural interfaces to create new types of communication between people and machines. By linking hundreds or, in the future, even billions of intelligences into a neurocomputer network, it will be possible to achieve a synergistic effect in their joint work, since the brain has the property of plasticity. Perhaps, in the era of the Neuronet, people will finally agree on solving the world's problems, because an environment will appear that will help overcome the usual human distortions of thinking and perception. New opportunities will open up in teamwork and improving the effectiveness of educational programs.
The main stages of the development of the Neuronet, Source: Pavel Luksha. Presentation “Roadmap for the development of the Neuronet”, 2014
BiometriNet (pre-Neuronet) (2014-2024)
The onset of the Neuronet (2025-2035)
Full-Fledged Neuronet (2035+)



II. Assessment of the current situation, the main problems of the development of the transport complex of the Russian Federation

1. Implementation of the Transport Strategy
In the Russian Federation, transport is one of the fundamental branches of the economy and an integral part of the industrial and social infrastructure. During the implementation of the Transport Strategy, the strategic goal of the development of the transport system was formulated - meeting the needs of innovative socially oriented development of the economy and society in high-quality transport services that are competitive compared to the best world analogues.

To achieve this goal, key projects for the development of the transport complex were initiated and implemented:
with regard to digitalization - the creation of electronic navigation maps of inland waterways, the introduction of electronic waybills and electronic seals, the commissioning of the State Automated Information System ERA-GLONASS, the development of digital fare payment systems for urban transport.
In 2014-2020, a number of risks were realized in the Russian and global economies, including a general slowdown in global economic growth resulting from global trade conflicts, fluctuations in energy demand, and volatility in global commodity markets. Among the opportunities that have opened up during this period, the growth of market models of transportation based on modern digital platform solutions stands out.

The most important factor influencing the transport industry was the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
, which led to a shock compression of demand in some market segments (passenger transportation) and contributed to the development of others (transit container transportation, cargo air transportation, online trading).

Due to the significant distortions caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), it is advisable to consider the success of the implementation of the Transport Strategy based on the results of 2019 (taken as the base year) preceding the pandemic. To analyze the achievement of the Transport Strategy in changing conditions, the previous edition of the Transport Strategy identified 6 goals for the development of the transport system of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. The degree of achievement of goals is determined by the values of 81 monitored indicators. An analysis of the achievement of the goals of the Transport Strategy is given in Appendix No. 1.

Analysis of the best world practices and trends in the development of transport systems of territories with stable transport links with the Russian Federation

When implementing the Strategy, current trends in the field of international economic and transport policy are taken into account. One of such key international trends is the multilateral policy on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 70/1 "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". The implementation of the goals and objectives of the Strategy is directly related to the sustainable development of transport and the implementation of the goals of its stable development, in particular in such aspects as transport mobility, road safety, the creation of sustainable cities, connectivity of urban and rural areas, including taking into account the implementation at the global level of the United Nations urban development program "New The Urban Agenda", adopted on October 20, 2016 at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

The participation of the Russian Federation in the work of organizations of the United Nations system, key international intergovernmental and industry organizations within which a multilateral transport policy is implemented will ensure that the priorities of the domestic transport complex are reflected in the formation of international standards and recommended practices in the field of transport.

The most important trend for the Russian transport sector is the Eurasian economic integration, and first of all, the implementation of a coordinated (coordinated) transport policy within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and such priority areas that meet the interests of the Russian Federation as the formation of a list of priority integration infrastructure projects, joint implementation of significant infrastructure projects in the Eurasian space, the development of transport corridors, including including transcontinental and interstate, increasing passenger and freight traffic in order to realize the transit and logistics potential of the Eurasian Economic Union, creation and development of transport infrastructure in the territories of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union in the East-West and North-South directions. When implementing a coordinated (coordinated) transport policy, initiatives to link the development agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Silk Road Economic Belt are also taken into account as part of promoting the idea of forming the contour of Greater Eurasia.

... ...
III. Forecast economic conditions for the development of the transport complex of the Russian Federation until 2030 and 2035

1. Forecasts up to 2030 and 2035 in terms of the transport complex
2. Trends in the transfer of vehicles to alternative fuels

Increasing the number of vehicles running on alternative fuels

The trend of "energy transition" and the associated substitution of classical fuel for vehicles (diesel, gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene) is emerging in the world alternative fuels, including liquefied natural gas, battery energy, hydrogen fuel cells. This trend is due to the implementation of the global climate agenda, the tightening of international regulation in the field of greenhouse gas emissions by vehicles in order to ensure the principle of low-carbon in the long term, and in addition, a significant potential for cost savings (especially for liquefied natural gas).
Foreign transport strategies of countries with highly developed transport systems determine for themselves the following priorities for the development of the transport complex:
in terms of investments:
in urban transport - prioritization of public spaces and pedestrian zones (in localities with suitable climatic conditions - dedicated lanes for cycling and means of individual mobility) to the detriment of the road network for personal transport, increasing the share of mainline rail transport in the total volume of traffic, the transfer of ground urban transport to a new eco-friendly low-floor rolling stock and the launch of personalized bus transportation on demand, the development of intelligent transport systems, fare payment systems and mobile applications;

in terms of the development of new technologies and solutions:

development of information technologies, primarily to improve the efficiency of interaction with users (mobility as a service, information, digitalization of document flow);
development of systems for monitoring the technical condition of public vehicles;

development of innovative railway infrastructure, rolling stock and control systems;

development of innovative monitoring and control systems for the construction of infrastructure facilities;

the development of systems for interaction with staff and passengers using industrial Internet technologies;
the emergence of modes of transport with zero impact on the environment and climate;
the application for a number of projects of an approach to charging for the use of infrastructure with the investment of the funds received in new infrastructure or subsidizing more environmentally friendly modes of transport;

implementation of approaches on individual modes of transport for the transfer of payments and fees to the system of payment per kilometer run, administered through digital technologies.

Reducing the number of vehicles running on traditional fuels

The decrease in the number of vehicles running on traditional fuels is directly related to the international obligations of the Russian Federation to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

The pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) led to a sharp decrease in the overall level of mobility: at the peak of restrictions, intra-agglomeration mobility in the largest agglomerations of the world decreased by 60-80 percent. At the same time, mobility has not recovered to the previous level in most agglomerations. Due to the fact that some residents will continue to work remotely, the overall level of mobility may remain 5-10 percent below the level before the pandemic.

Along with the reduction in the overall level of mobility due to the pandemic, the attitude of the population to modes of transport has changed. At the peak of morbidity, passengers began to travel by private cars much more often. By the end of 2020, the share of a personal car in the modality structure has not decreased to previous levels and remains higher.

Forecast of the needs of transport and related industries in labor resources
In addition to the growth of cargo and passenger traffic, two main trends will affect the number of labor resources involved in the industry. Firstly, an annual increase in labor productivity by 3 to 5 percent due to the improvement of skills and productivity of employees will slow down the growth of hiring new employees. Secondly, in the period up to 2030, the share of autonomous transport used will increase, which, of course, will affect the level of employment in the industry as a whole. The greatest impact is predicted in the segment of road transport due to the relatively short life cycle of vehicles, as well as higher unit labor costs. In addition, autonomous vehicles will be introduced on railway transport. The introduction of autonomous transport technologies is also predicted in maritime and inland navigation, which is closely related to the development of the Internet of Things infrastructure and navigation technologies.

IV. Goals and objectives of the development of the transport complex of the Russian Federation
In accordance with this goal-setting system, the Strategy provides for the implementation of the following long-term goals for the development of the transport system until 2030 and for the forecast period until 2035:
goal 4 "Digital and low-carbon transformation of the industry and accelerated introduction of new technologies".
To achieve goal 1 "Improving spatial connectivity and transport accessibility of territories" defined tasks:
Task 5 "Bringing transport infrastructure into compliance with regulatory requirements and ensuring its long-term sustainability, including ensuring its protection from the effects of climate change".
To achieve goal 4 "Digital and low-carbon transformation of the industry and accelerated introduction of new technologies", the tasks are defined:

Task 11 "Digitalization of passenger transportation";

task 12 "Digitalization of freight transportation";

task 13 "Digitalization of the life cycle of infrastructure and vehicles";

task 14 "Digitalization of transport complex management";

Task 15 "Increasing the level of technological development and decarbonization of the transport complex".

The principles of forming a Unified Backbone Network
When constructing new facilities of a Unified Backbone Network and operating existing ones, environmental standards, principles of sustainable development and the G20 principles on investments in high-quality infrastructure, best practices in the design of transport infrastructure facilities aimed at the convenience and quality of passenger service, including those with limited mobility, are taken into account. and also on the comfort of passengers' stay at transport infrastructure facilities.

Uninterrupted access to cellular communications and wireless broadband access to a mobile network of at least the fourth generation (4G) will be provided at all facilities of the Unified Backbone Network, which will allow providing a wide range of digital services.

Infrastructure and telecommunication components of key road, rail and inland water routes will be prepared for the operation of unmanned transport.

Principles of development of a Unified Backbone Network

The development of a Unified Backbone Network is carried out in accordance with the following principles on all types of key transport links:

creating conditions for achieving the target parameters of transport accessibility;

elimination of bottlenecks on the transport network;

ensuring the reliability and safety of the functioning of the transport infrastructure, maintaining its regulatory status;

contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals in accordance with the United Nations agenda and the principles of high-quality environmental, social and corporate governance.
Principle 4 "Contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations General Assembly and compliance with the principles of high-quality environmental, social and corporate governance"

When implementing projects for the development of a Unified Backbone Network, the contribution of projects to the achievement of sustainable development goals will be taken into account in accordance with the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" and the principles of responsible investment developed by the United Nations. At the same time, the following projects implemented on the principles of high-quality environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and corresponding to certain categories will receive a special order of consideration:

projects aimed at reducing the carbon capacity of the transport industry (decarbonization) by switching cargo flows to more environmentally friendly modes of transport, such as inland waterway transport and rail transport;

projects that take into account the need to develop infrastructure for alternative energy sources and fuels, including hydrogen, liquefied natural gas, methanol, biofuels, electric energy;

projects that use energy from zero-emission sources (renewable sources, nuclear power) or from low-carbon sources in their implementation and operation;

projects implemented using the best available technologies;

projects implemented taking into account the requirements for the conservation of biological diversity;

projects that create opportunities to improve the level of occupational safety and vital activity of the population;
projects, the implementation of which will lead to a reduction in the volume of industrial and other waste.

Development of the main transport network of urban agglomerations
A necessary condition for the development of the main infrastructure of agglomerations is the introduction of intelligent transport systems on the road network and public transport.

The development of the main transport network of urban agglomerations should be carried out in sync with the development plans provided for in the national project "Housing and Urban Environment".

Providing comfortable multimodal trips
The development of multimodal transportation is implemented on the basis of the following principles:
creation and development of a network of transport hubs with a "smart infrastructure" based on the principles of "Mobility as a Service" (Mobility as a Service/MaaS);

Ensuring transport safety and security
The principles of ensuring transport safety and Transport Security are aimed at solving the general supporting tasks of the transport complex, including the tasks of ensuring transport safety and transport security, and include:
increasing the degree of implementation and use of digital technologies, including the transfer of medical examinations to the telemedicine format and the introduction of monitoring and maintenance systems to reduce accidents on various modes of transport;

predictive analytics and control of accident centers, including using artificial intelligence;

introduction of new technological solutions that provide control of speed and technical condition of vehicles, including telemetry;
development of systems for automating inspection procedures, including the use of new technologies, technical means, digitalization and artificial intelligence systems, in order to reduce the time and improve the convenience of passing inspection procedures by passengers, as well as increase the likelihood of detection of prohibited items and substances;

development of computer vision systems and related analytics in order to automate the detection of attempts to commit acts of unlawful interference;

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II. Digital transformation, as well as technological and personnel support for the development of the transport industry

1. Assessment of the current situation of digital transformation in the transport complex
The achievement of this goal has a direct impact on the implementation of other set goals of the Strategy, creates conditions for achieving the following forecast results for all modes of transport:

labor productivity growth by at least 2 times by 2035, primarily due to autonomous driving technologies, automation of control processes based on predictive analytics based on the use of artificial intelligence;

increasing the speed of multimodal transportation by 4 times, including in terms of transit and domestic freight and passenger transportation, due to digitalization of planning and management of cargo and passenger flows and related document flow;

reduction of waiting times and customs procedures by 10 times due to digitalization of cross-border information exchange;

reducing the waiting time and passing control procedures on all types of transport by 5 times due to the introduction of digital ticket systems.

In addition, the implementation of digital transformation initiatives contributes to achieving the basic objective of the Strategy - reducing social risk in road transport.

Digital transformation targets are included in the overall set of Strategy indicators. The necessary investments for the implementation of digital transformation are provided for in the general forecast of investments in the transport industry.

The implementation of digital transformation is based on the results achieved during the implementation of the Transport Strategy, in particular:

in air transportation - in terms of digitalization of interaction with customers and the introduction of digital airport management technologies;

in railway transportation - in terms of digitalization of interaction with customers, digitalization of infrastructure and train traffic management, pilot implementation of virtual coupling;

in intra-agglomeration transportation - in terms of digitalization of ticket systems, the introduction of intelligent transport systems in the largest agglomerations, the introduction of digital taxi aggregators;

in freight transportation by road - in terms of the introduction of a system of automatic calculation and collection of fees from freight transport;

in the road sector - in terms of implementing a road fund management system;

in the state management of the transport complex - in terms of creating and developing a unified state information system for ensuring transport security and an information and analytical system for managing the transport complex.

The combination of directions of digital transformation, industry and industrial tasks creates a targeted vision of the model of management of the transport complex based on digital technologies.

2. Analysis of the digital maturity of the transport industry
Currently, a large number of pilot projects are being carried out to introduce digital services into transport activities. Among them are the following pilot projects:

pilot operation of highly automated vehicles on public roads, including the organization of the movement of unmanned and highly automated vehicles on the public highway of federal significance M-11 "Neva";

introduction of autonomous navigation technologies;

introduction of transport unmanned aircraft systems and cargo delivery services by unmanned air transport;

digitalization of document flow, including the translation of transportation documents into electronic form;

real-time monitoring of the state of transport infrastructure;

introduction of intelligent transport systems in urban agglomerations;

digital transformation of the provision of public services in the transport industry;

transition to uniform standards of fare payment and ensuring the possibility of using a "single ticket" on all types of public transport for passengers of different regions;

implementation of a cargo tracking system using electronic navigation seals.

3. Technological trends of digitalization in the transport industry

Large data processing systems and artificial intelligence

In the transport and related industries, a number of new and existing technological directions will have a key impact on the development of the industry.

It is predicted that by 2025 up to 30 percent of the data will be collected and analyzed in real time, and in transport it will be used for modeling and optimizing traffic flows, planning the development of transport and logistics infrastructure, optimizing repairs and maintenance through forecasting based on data mining and events.

Distributed registry technology includes blockchain, which is used in the transport industry to conduct mutual settlements between participants in the transport market, for example, based on smart contract technology.

Biometric technologies make it possible to increase the level of service for passengers, including reducing the time for pre-trip procedures, ensuring the necessary level of transport security, reducing the number of criminal and fraudulent actions, and reducing the downtime of vehicles.

In the transport industry, virtual and augmented reality technologies can be used in information modeling systems for infrastructure projects (BIM) and the creation of digital twins in the training and retraining of personnel.

The Internet of Things involves the exchange of data between various devices, in the transport industry it is used to create services for intelligent transport systems, auxiliary infrastructure for autonomous vehicles, as well as to track the movement of vehicles and monitor their use.

Robotics and sensor components are used for the introduction of autonomous transport, as well as for automation and robotization of warehouse and port operational processes. Of particular importance are unmanned aircraft or drones - aircraft without a pilot on board, which can have different degrees of autonomy from remotely controlled to fully automatic. In 2016-2020, the global sales volume of civilian unmanned aircraft increased from 2.5 to 7 million vehicles per year, respectively.

In the transport industry, unmanned aircraft are used to deliver cargo and mail, including to remote and hard-to-reach areas, as well as for warehouse administration, aerial photography, patrolling territories and other aviation work. Air traffic management systems are being developed in order to integrate unmanned aircraft into a single airspace and perform regular flights of unmanned aircraft together with manned aircraft to ensure an acceptable level of flight safety.

Information modeling of buildings and structures (BIM modeling), or digital doubles, allows you to design the construction of any infrastructure object, as well as manage various stages of its life cycle - design, construction, equipment, operation, repair and demolition. Changing one parameter of an object allows you to track changes in other parameters of both the object itself and the project of its construction in real time (changing drawings, specifications, deadlines and budget for the implementation of the project).

Wireless communication technologies, high-speed Internet based on technologies of the 5G generation and higher, in addition to higher data transfer speeds, support connecting more devices to the Internet information and telecommunications network, and working at high frequencies ensures uninterrupted communication. The provision of this communication standard at infrastructure facilities is necessary for the full functioning of the Internet of Things.

Additionally, the use of existing mature technologies will expand, which will include the following areas:

development of digital channels and platforms for interaction with end consumers and market participants;

digitalization of interaction between participants in the transport services market and related industries, as well as the transition to paperless document management;

the growth of computing power and further improvement of user characteristics of mobile devices as a replacement for stationary;

the growth of computing power and widespread automation of processes. "

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Nov 8, 2022
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 3363-r dated 11/27/2021 "On approval of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 with a forecast for the period up to 2035"

As PDF, and as text from a normative document library. Excerpts:
4. Directions of digital transformation of transport

The main directions of digitalization of the transport complex

Based on the goals and objectives of the Strategy, high-tech trends and assessment of the digital maturity of the transport industry, digital transformation will be implemented in the following areas:

implementation of integrated transport services that allow digitalizing processes for transportation participants and improving the efficiency of interaction between participants, the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) service model, electronic platforms for ordering cargo, logistics services and e-commerce services (in the Freight-as-a-Service format), as well as the introduction of digital transport corridors;

digitalization of cargo flows, which provides for:

cargo movement tracking systems, infrastructure for reading and monitoring the passage of goods through transport hubs and logistics terminals;

intelligent analytics of cargo flows and planning of transport corridors;

digitalization of vehicles, including the introduction of:

advanced driver assistance systems, highly automated and unmanned vehicles on all types of transport (unmanned vehicles, autonomous rail transport, autonomous water transport, unmanned aircraft, autonomous vehicles and loaders for transport terminals, unmanned wheeled vehicles for delivery on the road network);

vehicle monitoring and predictive maintenance and repair;

digitalization of transport infrastructure, which provides:

intelligent transport systems (all types of transport, including the urban public transport network);

digital counterparts of transport infrastructure facilities;

predictive repairs of transport infrastructure facilities;

digital (intelligent) terminals (passenger, cargo, checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation);

digitalization of the activities of authorities in the field of the transport industry, providing for:

public services in electronic form;

situational centers and modeling of the development of the transport industry;

creation of digital platforms as a basic condition for digital transformation, including:

state information system "Electronic transportation documents";

infrastructure for the exchange of legally significant data between industry participants and the state;

cargo tracking and cargo transportation monitoring system with the use of specialized devices, tags and other equipment;

digital passenger profile;

secure technological networks of the transport complex;

digitalization for transport security;

biometric technologies.

The methodology for determining the level of digital maturity is given in Appendix No. 8.

When creating digital platforms and information systems, the following principles are used:

paperless interaction aimed at providing participants of transport and logistics activities on the territory of the Russian Federation with a comprehensive electronic service for the registration of the transportation process;

interaction of citizens and business with the state on the principle of "one window" in the organization of transportation of goods and passengers by various modes of transport;

conducting control and supervisory activities in a remote format using information systems.

When introducing digital services into the processes of providing transport services in electronic form, including state and municipal services, and the creation or development of information systems, it is envisaged to use the infrastructure of electronic government, in particular the federal state information system "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)", the federal state information system "Unified Identification Information System and authentication in the infrastructure, providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form", systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction, as well as the signing of documents with enhanced qualified electronic signatures and enhanced unqualified electronic signatures, certificates of verification keys of which are created and used in the specified infrastructure.

The directions for digitalization of the transport complex are detailed in the relevant program documents regarding the digital transformation of the transport industry of the Russian Federation and serve as the main one for inclusion in the relevant state programs of the Russian Federation with the necessary resources. The implementation of these directions will be carried out taking into account the requirements for import substitution in the interests of developing the global competitiveness of domestic suppliers of software and hardware solutions, as well as integrators and developers of digital products and ecosystems.

New directions of digital transformation and technological innovations will require coordinated actions of executive and legislative authorities in order to effectively regulate the processes of implementing advanced solutions in the transport industry.

It is advisable to implement new directions of digital transformation and technological innovations based on the best practices implemented in the Russian Federation, including by scaling already implemented successful projects to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Creation and development of integrated transport services

The development of service models in the "Mobility as a Service" format (Mobility as a Service/MaaS) will provide the opportunity to implement single tickets for payment for multimodal transportation, purchase discounted tickets throughout the country by relevant categories of citizens, selection of optimal tickets for multimodal transportation, and will also create a tool for monitoring passenger traffic in order to redistribute vehicles on routes and ensuring the connectivity of urban and suburban areas. In accordance with world practice, it is expected that the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) format services will be used on all types of public urban and suburban public transport, when using personal transport (taxi, carsharing) and rental services of means of micro-mobility.

The use of service models will provide data exchange and implementation of services for companies, conditions for collecting and aggregating data on transport services, transportation and cargo in real time, as well as conditions for issuing permits for transportation in digital form in the "one window" mode. The Freight-as-a-Service model is of particular importance in providing small and medium-sized businesses with transport services on competitive terms, reduces transaction costs and ensures that there is a constant supply of such services for small and medium-sized businesses.

The state will create the necessary regulatory framework, as well as provide conditions for the formation and functioning of a competitive environment for data exchange and the implementation of digital services for transport companies.

The set of measures within the framework of the digital transport corridors development direction involves the implementation by the Russian Federation of the digital transport corridors development plan of the Eurasian Economic Union, including ensuring the introduction of services and digital infrastructure, the creation of uniform standards for transport and logistics services, including standards for ensuring legally significant data exchange between transport participants (states - members of the Eurasian Economic Union and third countries), the transition to an end-to-end integrated surveillance system based on data analysis in order to optimize the resources of carriers.

In 2024, all procedures required to pass at the border will be issued electronically.

Digitalization of vehicles
In order to implement the direction for the introduction of highly automated and unmanned vehicles, it is planned to finalize the existing regulatory framework governing their operation at the level of the United Nations and its working bodies, as well as at the level of the Eurasian Economic Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It is assumed that within the framework of this direction, standards and requirements for the operation of highly automated and unmanned vehicles will be formed, the necessary infrastructure will be created and incentive measures for their production and use will be taken. By 2024, autonomous vehicles will begin to be introduced in the pilot sections of the Unified Backbone Network, and by 2035, the introduction of autonomous vehicles will be ensured in all key transportation directions within the framework of the Unified Backbone Network.
Digitalization of transport infrastructure

To ensure reliable information exchange and digital management of transport infrastructure facilities, it is meant to create a single closed protected digital environment built on the basis of secure cloud technologies and including distributed storage and computing centers, network infrastructure, infrastructure of intelligent sensors and integration interfaces of communication with digital systems of organizations operating transport infrastructure facilities, rolling stock and vehicles, and also the cybersecurity infrastructure.

The management of intelligent transport systems using artificial intelligence tools implies the implementation of solutions for automated effective management of transport infrastructure, including monitoring of weather conditions, distribution of flows, monitoring of the state of transport infrastructure, forecasting of possible emergencies, determining the speed limit. Intelligent transport systems make it possible to improve transportation safety, optimize routes, increase the carrying capacity of the transport system, reduce the costs of maintenance, repair of infrastructure and transportation in general, as well as plan the comprehensive development of transport infrastructure, including the infrastructure for managing highly automated and autonomous transport, charging and refueling infrastructure of "green" transport - transport that has minimal impact on the environment.

Intelligent transport systems are supposed to be used at infrastructure facilities of all types of transport in the following formats of interaction using V2X technology:

vehicle - infrastructure;

vehicle - vehicle;

vehicle - any elements and objects that are significant for the purposes of transportation.

Within the framework of this direction, standards of interaction on V2X technology in terms of intelligent transport systems will be developed, data transmission networks will be developed, incentive measures will be formed for the introduction and formation of a national network of intelligent transport systems.

The implementation of the digital (intelligent) terminals development direction will increase the level of passenger and cargo carrier service, as well as the level of security and capacity of transport infrastructure facilities, reduce vehicle downtime in terminals and operating costs for terminal services.

As part of the direction for the formation of digital passenger terminals, it is expected:

to ensure the management of the passenger's passage of all stages of pre-trip procedures, including interaction between the information systems of executive authorities in terms of passenger terminals;

creation of a data exchange platform for all transportation participants in the terminal, including sending data to the specialized information systems of the federal executive authority responsible for the development of state policy and regulatory regulation in the field of transport of the Russian Federation, and the introduction of technology for joint decision-making by transportation participants;

implementation of digital passenger traffic management and digital terminal infrastructure;

introduction of digital systems that increase the level of passenger service in the terminal (biometric identification and passenger authentication technologies, personal navigation, personalized advertising, ticket purchase, additional services);

As part of the direction for the formation of digital cargo terminals, it will be provided:

cargo handling process management in terminals, including interaction with related authorities;

creation of a unified terminal platform for data exchange between all participants in the cargo handling process;

development of competencies of domestic suppliers of digital solutions for terminals;

implementation of digital solutions that optimize terminal operations (electronic dispatching of operations, including placement of vehicles, cargo, automatic identification of cargo, robotization, dynamic pricing for terminal services, monitoring of work safety, etc.).

Within the framework of the direction on the formation of digital (intelligent) checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation will be provided:

development of standards, definition of requirements for digital checkpoints;

creation of a unified information system for transport participants at the checkpoint;

implementation of digital solutions for border control of passengers (predictive identification of passengers who are not allowed to enter the country, monitoring compliance with the period of permission to enter the country, identification of passengers using biometric technologies, computer vision with elements of intelligent video analytics, etc.);

ensuring the possibility of preferential use of biometric parameters based on passport and visa documents issued in the Russian Federation and in other countries;

continuation of equipping checkpoints with equipment that allows crossing the state border of the Russian Federation on the basis of a single electronic visa, as well as the transfer of migration cards into electronic form;

expansion of interdepartmental and interstate information exchange, including through the unified information technology infrastructure of the Mir system;

introduction of digital solutions for border control of goods (inspection and inspection complexes, electronic dispatching of vehicles, electronic queue, predictive identification of goods that require thorough inspection by the security service, identification of goods using computer vision, devices for working with intelligent electronic seals and other means of cargo tracking, etc.);

implementation of interactive interaction tools with foreign trade companies or their representatives;

implementation of processes for collecting, receiving, accumulating, storing, transferring to executive authorities and analyzing preliminary and actual information about crossing checkpoints, including information about cargo and vehicles;

creation of a system for predicting the congestion of checkpoints based on artificial intelligence and the presentation of analytical reports.

Digitalization of the activities of authorities in the field of transport industry

As part of the direction for the development of public services for organizations and individuals in electronic form, it is assumed:

expanding the list of public services in the field of transport in all services available online (for both individuals and legal entities), including through the federal state information system "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions)";

development of digital skills and improvement of digital literacy of employees of executive authorities in the field of transport;

updating of information, computer and telecommunication equipment of executive authorities (development of computing capacities, increasing the capacity of communication networks, ensuring information security of systems of executive authorities);

attracting all users of transport services to use (collecting feedback, call centers, applications) digital public services.

The implementation of the direction of creating situational centers and modeling the development of the transport industry will improve the efficiency of monitoring the state, planning and development of the transport complex and transport and logistics processes.

Within the framework of the direction it is assumed:

creation of the federal situational information center of the federal executive authority in the field of transport (management system in crisis and emergency situations in transport, collection of citizens' appeals and assessment of the quality of transport services);

creation of similar situational centers in the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities, as well as a system of interaction with the federal situational information center online;

creation of a unified accounting system for transport complex objects - an industry data management system using unified data standards and processes, integration of forecasting and modeling systems for the transport industry, operational monitoring of transport flows and the condition of transport infrastructure facilities, introduction of a tool for assessing the contribution of the transport complex to achieving national goals, as well as a tool for managing transport flows;

integration of the unified control center of the transport complex with the national data management system, providing for information interaction of intelligent transport systems of the subjects of the Russian Federation with the unified control center of the transport complex.

When creating digital platforms as a basic condition for digital transformation, integration with elements of the e-government infrastructure will be carried out, including the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, the federal state information system "Unified Information System of Identification and authentication in the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form", federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)".

When creating and developing digital platforms, the principle of paperless interaction and the widespread use of remote technologies is used.

The state information system "Electronic Transportation Documents" will provide the possibility of processing all transportation documents in electronic form, reducing the cost of transportation and increasing the speed of cargo delivery.

Within the framework of the direction it is assumed:

development of electronic transportation document formats for all types of transport and the procedure for their exchange;

creation of the state information system "Electronic transportation documents";

development of multimodal electronic transportation document formats, including integration with carrier systems on different modes of transport;

development of interoperability formats with international electronic documents.

The share of transportation documents issued in electronic form will reach 100 percent by 2035.

As part of the formation of an infrastructure for the exchange of legally significant data between participants in the transportation process and the state, it is assumed:

creation of an industry platform for the exchange of standardized data, including integration with the state information system "Electronic Transportation Documents", the exchange of legally significant data between participants in the transportation process and executive authorities, government and commercial services, analytical tools, as well as the connection of data sources;

introduction of blockchain-based smart contract technologies (for the possibility of performing all mutual settlements between participants of the transport market on all types of transport).

As part of the formation of a cargo tracking and cargo monitoring system, it is assumed:

development of cargo transportation tracking systems using specialized devices, tags and other equipment;

ensuring the transmission of cargo data using intelligent locking devices, tags and other equipment;

ensuring traceability of transit traffic through the territory of the Russian Federation using electronic navigation seals;

formation of the ecosystem of "green corridors" - end-to-end electronic document flow, simplified customs procedures and the possibility of using electronic copies of documents contained in electronic locking devices (if necessary).

As part of the formation of a digital passenger profile , it is assumed:

development of a software platform - integration with transport systems (airports, ground intercity transport, public transport), with ticket booking services and loyalty programs;

integration of data from the state information system of individuals, data from the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and carrier data, including data on public transport benefits;

ensuring the integration of the passenger's digital profile with the federal state information system "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)" (the main method) and a unified personal data information system that provides processing, including collection and storage, of biometric personal data, their verification and transmission of information on the degree of their compliance with the provided biometric personal data of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

implementation of pilot projects at federal airports and on public transport and their scaling.

As part of the formation of a system of protected technological networks of the transport complex , it is assumed:

definition of requirements for a secure technological network from digital platforms and digital services of all subjects of the transport complex of the Russian Federation;

formation and approval of the concept of creating a secure technological network of the transport complex of the Russian Federation.

The creation of a secure digital network of the transport complex includes:

creation of a backbone fiber-optic network in the subjects of the Russian Federation and on its basis - a secure network of instant access to data (using SDN technology);

creation of wireless networks providing data collection and aggregation (using 3G, 4G/LTE, 5G, Radio Ethernet, LPWAN technologies);

creation of secure access nodes to ensure a secure connection with information systems and digital services;

provision of computing power necessary for the full functioning of digital platforms and digital services of the transport complex of the Russian Federation;

provision of technological networks with physical protection (protection against penetration into objects, damage, tie-ins) and cybersecurity (firewall for monitoring and filtering network traffic, IPS intrusion prevention system).
The introduction of digitalization in the field of transport security will help to achieve the following forecast results:

reduction of administrative procedures in the field of transport security (relative to the level of 2019) by 30 percent in 2024;

The share of incidents related to the information security of critical information infrastructure facilities transferred to the state system for detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks on information resources of the Russian Federation in the total volume of such incidents will be 100 percent in 2024.

As part of the direction to increase the level of protection of transport facilities from the consequences of computer attacks, it is planned to provide:

by 2024 - the development and modernization of a single closed protected digital environment for ensuring transport security, as well as the introduction of a national interactive system for preliminary passenger information;

by 2030 - digitization of public services and functions in the field of transport security, creation of conditions for the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the implementation of measures within the framework of a single transport security contour, implementation of online monitoring technologies to improve the efficiency of monitoring the state of transport security and ensuring the security of transport facilities, the introduction of advanced analytics, systems for processing large amounts of data for the formation of indicators and indicators of transport activity processes in the field of transport security;

by 2035 - the introduction of additional functionality in the field of transport security for the integration of digital passenger identification tools, as well as the introduction of intelligent self-adaptive systems for identifying potential security threats, equipped with automated processing tools and subsequent necessary response to security events.

In order to digitalize in the field of transport security, it is necessary to develop a methodological and regulatory framework for digitalizing public services and public functions in the field of transport security and building an interactive system of preliminary passenger information.

The development of biometric technologies will improve the convenience of passengers through the use of biometric identification technologies, including through a single biometric system, in order to speed up the passage of pre-trip procedures, payment for public transport and increase the effectiveness of transport security measures.

Within the framework of this direction , it is assumed:

formation of the regulatory framework and technical standards;

integration of these technologies with a unified personal data information system that ensures the processing, including collection and storage, of biometric personal data, their verification and transmission of information on the degree of their compliance with the provided biometric personal data of a citizen of the Russian Federation, including issues of information technology security and personal data security, and integration with a single closed protected digital security environment;

development of competencies of domestic suppliers of biometric solutions;

equipment of passenger transport infrastructure facilities (airports, bus stations, railway stations, sea passenger terminals, metro stations) and vehicles, including the implementation of pilot projects and their scaling;

integration of biometric data of foreign citizens into a single biometric system.

5. The main stages of digital transformation of transport

By 2024, it is planned to carry out pilot operation of digital solutions for the transport industry, develop the necessary standards, regulations to ensure the introduction of digital solutions in the transport industry, implement pilot projects of digital solutions, adopt and use government support measures to stimulate companies implementing digital solutions, as well as launch programs for the development of digital literacy of personnel and competencies in the transport industry.

By 2030, it is planned to evaluate the pilot operation stage and large-scale application of positive results in other transport infrastructure projects, on transport routes (directions), in the subjects of the Russian Federation and companies by selecting according to the developed criteria, as well as evaluating the interim results of the implementation of digital transformation directions and updating goals and objectives, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the application measures of state support and programs for the development of digital literacy of personnel and competencies of the transport industry.

By 2035, it is planned to apply the results of digital transformation on a large scale throughout the country.

6. Development of industry science and education in the field of transport
The main beneficiaries of transport education will be:

students - future employees of the transport industry within the framework of the implementation of mainly personal development trajectories;
The key tasks of the backbone transport university in the future until 2030 will be:

creation and development of new areas of educational, scientific and expert activities that allow for a full cycle of complex transformation of the transport industry;

introduction of flexible educational programs based on foresight of the development of the transport industry, design of educational programs for the professions of the future;

development and implementation of digital competencies in the system of continuous education of transport workers;

development of individual educational trajectories through the variability of educational programs and the use of digital footprint technologies;

mass introduction of distance learning technologies, e-learning and the "blended learning" model;

expanding the use of simulators, virtual and augmented reality tools;

7. Introduction of new technologies aimed at reducing the negative impact of the transport complex on the environment, as well as technologies for vehicles with zero emissions (EV, hydrogen) and the necessary infrastructure

To reduce the negative impact on the environment, the transport complex will use alternative fuels more widely, namely liquefied natural gas, batteries, hydrogen fuel and fuel cells. In the Russian Federation, the introduction of such energy technologies takes place within the framework of the development of the energy industry as a whole and is planned by the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035. ...

3. Proposals for communication and data transmission systems, covering the transport infrastructure with high-speed mobile and satellite data transmission services, geo-positioning systems
The possibility of high-speed data transmission using communication technologies of the 4th and 5th generations, as well as satellite communications, should be provided throughout the entire length and on the objects of a Unified Backbone Network. Upon completion of the Strategy, the 5th generation network will be developed in the Russian Federation, which will support the development of autonomous transport and the implementation of digital transformation.

In agglomerations, it is required to ensure the availability of infrastructure for data transmission, including Wi-Fi, mobile communications of the 4th or 5th generation, at transport infrastructure facilities (airports, railway stations, stops of urban passenger transport), as well as in vehicles (buses, rolling stock of railway transport and metro).

Throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to maintain high-quality satellite communications coverage, which allows for the functioning of high-precision geo-positioning systems.

Particularly important for expanding the possibilities of using the Northern Sea Route is the development of a high-latitude satellite constellation created on the basis of domestic technologies and equipment.

In the Russian Federation, quantum communication technologies are being developed within the framework of the roadmap for the development of the high-tech field "Quantum Communications" for the period up to 2024, approved by the decision of the Government Commission on Digital Development, the Use of Information Technologies to improve the quality of life and business conditions (Protocol No. 17 of August 27, 2020). The successful development of data encryption technologies will be used to improve the security of communications in the transport sector. The infrastructure indicator of the roadmap is to achieve the total length of quantum networks of at least 7 thousand kilometers by 2024 and at least 15 thousand kilometers by 2030.

elimination of the "digital inequality" of the subjects of the Russian Federation by creating an information and telecommunications infrastructure to ensure high-speed data transmission accessible to the population of the Russian Federation;"



Nov 8, 2022
XII. The main projected results, technological risks and opportunities in the implementation of the Strategy
1. The main projected results (parameters of the basic scenario)

The implementation of the Strategy will ensure a new level of quality of transport services for consumers, namely:
70 percent - reduction of the "carbon footprint" from the operation of public transport in large and largest agglomerations;

85 percent - the share of passengers using non-cash payment for public transport in the largest agglomerations;

80 percent - the share of passengers of suburban, intercity and international road, rail and air transport identified through the use of biometric technologies;

80 million people by 2035 - the population of large and largest agglomerations in which intelligent transport systems will be implemented on public transport and in traffic management;

2. Technological and energy risks and opportunities in the implementation of the Strategy

Risks of decarbonization

Upon completion of the Strategy, there is a possibility of implementing stress scenarios in which "carbon neutrality" in the world will be achieved by 2050 due to accelerated technology development, significantly exceeding the consensus estimates of industry experts, including in the field of hydrogen energy, solar energy, energy storage technologies and other technologies.

Technological risks

This Strategy is designed for a long-term implementation period, during which there is a high probability of achieving scientific and technological breakthroughs and introducing innovations in markets related to the transport industry, which may have a significant impact on the implementation of the Strategy and require its revision. For this reason, within the framework of the Strategy, the achievement of scientific and technical breakthroughs and the introduction of innovations related to the transport industry are designated as risks and opportunities. At the same time, the risks realized for some sectors of transport may be opportunities for others.

On the example of the decade from 2010 to 2020, market transformations are clearly observed related to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the commercialization of developments and the introduction of platform solutions combining technologies of global satellite navigation systems, the Internet of Things and a new level of development of personal mobile devices, for example, the transformation of the taxi market, the emergence of carsharing, electrified means of individual mobility and others solutions.

For the period from 2024 to 2030, the risks and opportunities for the emergence of both "disruptive" and breakthrough innovations are increasing, including:

creation of inexpensive solutions for equipping any rolling stock with ready-made means of driver assistance up to the level of full autonomy with the help of a ready-made set (for example, as part of cameras, computer vision systems and integration of car control into the data cloud). ...

mass introduction of magnetic levitation technologies due to cheaper production of high-temperature superconductors and other components of Maglev systems.
The acceleration of the development of virtual (Virtual reality, VR), Augmented (Augmented reality, AR) and mixed reality (Mixed reality, MR) technologies will lead to a decrease in demand for passenger transportation. The pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has led to a long-term transfer of the interaction of company employees to an online format, and further development of digital technologies can accelerate this trend.

The Strategy (sections VI and VII) provides for appropriate directions, which mostly correspond to the above estimates of innovative development. At the same time, in the case of a more rapid development of a number of technologies and, accordingly, an increase in consumer demand for such technologies and services, it will be necessary to revise the relevant resources and deadlines for the implementation of the Strategy.

In 2030 - 2035, the risks of the emergence of breakthrough technologies and innovations that can lead to a fundamental revision of the entire paradigm of the development of the transport industry are significantly increasing. Certain categories and parameters of risks on the long-term horizon of the Strategy implementation are formed on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature by the foresight method in relation to existing technological, economic or social trends. These include the following risks:

the risks of creating affordable transport equipment operating on other physical and operational principles: for example, the development of unmanned aircraft technologies and vertical take-off and landing systems for the purpose of transporting people over long distances will lead to a lack of need for the construction of airport complexes, expanding the accessibility of remote areas, etc.;

mass distribution of additive technologies based on new principles and materials, primarily high-quality and high-precision 3D and 4D printing. The possibility of printing food products, building structures, large-sized structures directly near the points of transport demand, as well as port facilities on the coast, may lead to the migration of production to the coastal zone and reduce the demand for transport services for products with high added value within the continent. Cheap and high-quality 3D printing of buildings and structures based on materials with new properties will also lead to cheaper construction of transport infrastructure facilities, such as bridges, terminal facilities, etc.;

the introduction of neural interfaces-implants will lead to the transfer of smartphone functions to implants, will provide the possibility of unambiguous identification of passengers and operating personnel, integration of geo-positioning systems with implants to create personalized transport products taking into account individual mobility technologies;

the introduction of fundamentally new materials, for example, based on nanotechnology, can lead to a change in the engineering model, construction technologies;

reaching the point of technological singularity and creating a "strong" artificial intelligence.

This list of technological risks, compiled on the basis of foresight technologies, is not exhaustive or final, does not serve as a guide or a mechanism for determining development priorities.

In order to keep the Strategy up to date, it is planned to regularly update the Strategy in terms of adjusting targets with an analysis of the causes of deviations, as well as priorities for scientific and technological development (updating priorities will be carried out under the leadership of the federal executive authority responsible for the development of state policy and regulatory regulation in the field of transport, in accordance with section VII Strategies) that will also take into account the work, conducted within the framework of the National Technology Initiative and its working bodies (including initiatives in the areas of "Autonet", "Marinet", "Aeronet" and other initiatives).

All scenario conditions suggest the need for the readiness of the system of sectoral training for the development of new professions due to interdisciplinary training and modern scientific, pedagogical and material base.

Accelerated commercialization of new technologies will also require prompt and coordinated actions by executive and legislative authorities to accelerate the introduction of best practices into the economy of the Russian Federation."


Nov 8, 2022
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Russia has invited the member countries of the Group of Twenty to join scientific projects

July 5, 2023
International cooperation

Russia opposes the politicization of the scientific agenda and invites the constructively minded countries of the Group of Twenty to participate in joint activities. This opinion was expressed by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Airat Gatiyatov at the meeting of G20 Ministers of Research and Innovation in the Republic of India.

This year, the Indian side, which chairs the Group of Twenty, promoted a broad research agenda, in particular, it dealt with the issues of the blue economy, sustainable energy, biodiversity, bioeconomics, eco-innovations for the energy transition.

Ayrat Gatiyatov appealed to the constructively minded states of the "twenty" and invited them to join the project being implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to create carbon landfills. Currently, 16 scientific and educational experimental sites have been launched in different regions of the country on the basis of universities and scientific organizations, where studies of greenhouse gas flows are carried out and technological solutions for their control and absorption by natural ecosystems (forest, marine and agricultural) are being worked out.

The Deputy Minister also invited to take part in the Floating University project, which is aimed at training young specialists. Expeditions on research vessels help students — future oceanologists — prepare for scientific work in the World Ocean, get their first practical experience and find their way into science. The project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the coordination of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities". It contributes to the implementation of the objectives of the UN Decade dedicated to Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

"We are convinced that big science should be implemented in accordance with the modern multipolar world order. At the same time, we strongly oppose the politicization of the traditionally neutral scientific sphere through the G20. Since global science is impossible without Russia, we are ready to contribute to this common work," said Airat Gatiyatov.

The Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia also presented to foreign colleagues the results of the implementation of national projects under the state program "Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation" and the Decade of Science and Technology announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In particular, it was a federal project to create a network of modern university campuses. On behalf of the head of state, 25 world-class campuses will appear in Russia by 2030. Today, 17 projects are under implementation in different regions of the country (the national project "Science and Universities").

Ayrat Gatiyatov spoke about the launch of ambitious projects for the construction of megasience-class scientific installations in different regions of Russia, reported on the activities of world-class scientific and educational centers and technology transfer centers.

As a result of the meeting, a declarative "final document" was adopted, which reflected Russia's position on the inadmissibility of double standards within the Group of Twenty as an economic platform that takes decisions by consensus.

Note that the Group of twenty (G20) consists of 19 countries: Russia, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, UK, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Canada, China, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, USA, France, South Korea, South Africa, Japan, and the European Union. The chair country of the forum sets priorities and topics of work for the year, draws up a calendar of events, prepares basic documentation and organizes negotiation processes. Decisions in the Group of Twenty are made by consensus. This year, India is the chairman, Brazil will take over the baton in 2024, and South Africa in 2025."

Bali Declaration of the Leaders of the Group of Twenty
As a result of the G20 meeting in Indonesia, the Bali Declaration of G20 leaders was adopted.

November 16, 2022

22. We recognize that a broad immunization campaign against COVID-19 is a global public good, and will continue efforts to ensure timely, equitable and universal access to safe, affordable, high-quality and effective vaccines, therapeutic and diagnostic tools (VTD). Confirming the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration on the WTO Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Preparedness for Future Pandemics and the Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement at the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (CM‑12), we note that no later than six months from the date of the Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement, WTO members will decide to expand Its scope is to cover the production and supply of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for COVID-19. We remain committed to implementing a cross-sectoral “One Health” approach and strengthening the global surveillance system, including genomic surveillance, in order to identify pathogens and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) that may pose a threat to human health. To ensure global surveillance of pathogens, as part of our commitment to the IHR (2005), we encourage the timely exchange of pathogen data through shared trusted sites in collaboration with WHO. We call for the sharing of benefits arising from the use of pathogens, in accordance with applicable national legislation.

23. We recognize the need to strengthen local and regional health product manufacturing capacity and cooperation in this area, as well as sustainable global and regional research and development networks to facilitate access to VTD worldwide, especially in developing countries, and emphasize the importance of public-private partnerships, technology transfer and exchange knowledge on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. We support the work of the WHO Technology Transfer Center for the Production of mRNA-based Vaccines, as well as all recipients in all regions of the world, in order to exchange technologies and technical practical knowledge on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. We welcome joint research and joint production of vaccines, including increased cooperation among developing countries. We reaffirm the importance of uniform technical standards and verification methods within the framework of the IHR (2005) to facilitate unhindered international travel, interoperability and recognition of digital and non-digital means, including confirmation of vaccination. We support ongoing international dialogue and cooperation to create reputable global digital health networks as part of efforts to strengthen prevention and response measures against future pandemics, which should use and build on the success of existing standards and digital certificates for COVID-19. ..."


Nov 8, 2022
And some more news from Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
How do our body's batteries break down? The geneticists answer

June 26, 2023
With age, mitochondria — the energy stations of cells — can lose fragments of their DNA. This is fraught with various pathologies, especially of the brain and muscles. Understanding the mechanisms of loss of mitochondrial DNA fragments will allow us to develop a technique to stop the degradation of important tissues. Thus, an international team, which included employees of the Immanuel Kant BFU, found out that some parts of the mitochondrial genome are at high risk because of the features they possess. The results of the work will help in predicting certain diseases associated with mutations of mitochondrial DNA – neurodegeneration and sarcopenia. This will improve the methods of their treatment and prevention.
The authors are developing a unified concept, the purpose of which is to identify fragile places in the mitochondrial genome of any person, that is, an individual analysis of the risk of deletions, which can then be worked with by methods of gene therapy.

The scientific article of the scientists was published in one of the international journals (BMC Biology).

Electricity from waste: a "living" basis for renewable energy sources has been created

June 27, 2023
Biofuel elements convert the energy of chemical bonds of organic substances into electricity with the help of microorganisms. They can be useful where centralized power supply is not available, as well as for charging mobile phones and computers, powering low-power lighting devices of private households. Young scientists have developed bioanodes that serve as the basis for such biological fuel cells. Their use will solve a number of problems of waste disposal of biotechnological industries and stabilize the environmental situation as a whole.

As an element of the biosensor, the bioanodes being developed can also be used in the framework of environmental monitoring and assessment of the degree of environmental pollution.

The staff of the Youth laboratory of Environmental and Medical Biotechnology of Tula State University (TulSU) worked on the scientific project with the participation of colleagues from Tambov State Technical University (TSTU).

Biological fuel cells contain a biocatalyst — cells of microorganisms and their enzyme systems that are able to utilize a wide range of substances. By combining them in one bioelectrochemical system, it becomes possible to convert the energy of chemical bonds of waste into electricity. For example, waste from alcohol and fermentation industries can be used as fuel in such a system.

Scientists have established that the components of natural enzymatic cascades and modified carbon nanotubes participate in the joint formation of certain structures of bionanocomposites, depending on the type of polymer matrix. The revealed patterns made it possible to form effective bioelectrochemical systems in a targeted manner. As a result, polymer-based biocomposites were developed, which include the natural polymer chitosan, a biocatalyst based on subcellular structures of bacteria and carbon nanotubes.

Such biocomposites are capable of simultaneously conducting electric current and ensuring the safety and comfortable conditions for the functioning of biological structures. At this stage, the research is fundamental. The main scope of application of the developed bioanodes is alternative energy and small generation sources.

"The greatest difficulties in the development of biocomposites for us were associated with the combination of a biological catalyst and nanomaterials in one polymer matrix, since mutual influence should not disrupt the operation of the fuel cell. We managed to achieve effective interactions between the biocatalytic part and carbon nanotubes in a matrix of polymer hydrogels. The results obtained on the development of effective bioelectrochemical systems once again prove the importance and prospects of research at the intersection of biotechnology, chemistry and nanotechnology," said Sergey Alferov, head of the department, Head of the Laboratory of Environmental and Medical Biotechnology, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor.

The research was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as well as within the framework of the work of the REC "Tulatech". The results of the study were published in a highly rated international journal.

We remind you that world-class scientific and educational centers (RECs) were created within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities".

Russian scientists have patented a new composition of a serum-free nutrient medium for growing stem cells

June 29, 2023
With the help of stem cells, it is possible to study the causes and features of the course of various diseases, grow healthy cells in bioreactors for new organs, and also check the effectiveness and safety of medicines. Scientists from Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelSU") have patented a new composition of a nutrient medium for growing stem cells, characterized by stability and productivity.

Mesenchymal stem cells can turn into cells of bone, cartilage and adipose tissue. They are called "biological factories" because of their ability to produce a number of cytokines, growth factors and other biologically active substances, which allows them to simulate the functioning of other cell types, for example, cells of the immune system. Due to their biological properties, mesenchymal stem cells have become one of the most popular sources for cell therapy.

The innovative technology is aimed at import substitution in the biotechnology industry. The development will allow the development of biotechnologies both in the food industry and in the field of regenerative medicine using bioreactor systems.

The research was carried out during the implementation of the project "Innovative solutions in agriculture" of the World-class Scientific and Educational Center (REC). RECs were created and are being developed within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

"New level": the head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia outlined the vector of development of the Union State in the field of science

June 28, 2023
The issues of creating a single scientific and technological space of Russia and Belarus, the implementation of research projects within the framework of the Union State, strengthening cooperation in the field of education are in the focus of attention of the two countries, said the head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Valery Falkov.
"Currently, one of the main priorities for the Union State is the development of scientific potential. We are bringing our own technologies to a new level in microelectronics, mechanical engineering, information technology, industry and other important areas," Valery Falkov said.
"We believe that this will launch initiatives in areas of mutual interest, in particular, fundamental research in the field of genetics, the peaceful use of atomic energy, as well as nuclear medicine. I am sure that the representative office of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", opened on March 29 this year in Minsk, will make a significant contribution to this activity," the Minister said.
Special attention is also paid to the quality of engineers' training. On behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, the "School of the Union State in Engineering Sciences" was held. Similar accents are placed in the program of the Summer University — a large international project.
300 students from Russia and Belarus were trained at the School of Engineering Sciences of the Union State
May 3, 2023

From April 17 to April 30, the School of Engineering Sciences of the Union State was held in St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod and Pskov. 300 students of Russian and Belarusian universities were trained in a large-scale educational intensive organized within the framework of the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools". The idea of creating a joint engineering school arose during the communication of Russian President Vladimir Putin with students.
Lectures and practical classes within the framework of the School were conducted by leading scientists and teachers, and practical engineers told the participants about the peculiarities of the work of enterprises. As part of the project module, student teams developed passports for future projects — these were both cases from technological enterprises and their own projects. At the end of the training, Russian and Belarusian experts evaluated the participants' developments and gave feedback. Students took intensive courses in four modules:
— Workshop on autonomous and unmanned transport;
— Design laboratory for design based on topological optimization, computer engineering and 3D printing;
— VR Workshop;
— Laboratory for Digital Transformation and Lean Manufacturing.

At Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, participants created the project "Robot Painter". ... At the site of Pskov State University, the participants proposed the project "Deep-sea soft-bodied autonomous robot researcher with a silicone body".
Recall that since January 1, Russia has assumed the chairmanship of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Russian President Vladimir Putin has identified the training of qualified personnel as one of the most important strategic priorities of joint work. In this regard, it is planned to harmonize national scientific and technical programs, develop common educational and professional standards, as well as launch joint training programs, including the practice of interuniversity internships and academic exchanges.

More information about the project is available on the official website of the School of Engineering Sciences.

The Federal State Autonomous Scientific Institution "Center for Sociological Research" ("Sociocenter") is a non—profit organization subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Carries out organizational and technical, informational, methodological, expert and analytical support of the state program "Priority 2030" and the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools".

Science has no borders: the project "Summer University—2023" was announced at the site of the exhibition "Eurasia is our home"
On June 8 [2023], within the framework of the Eurasia — Our Home exhibition, a panel discussion "Summer University as a platform for foreign youth to get acquainted with the potential of Russian education" was held.
"[...]The main educational blocks relate to the study of economics in the digital world, physics, IT technologies and environment design. We will use the example of Kazan to show how a modern city is planned and developed."
At the end of the discussion, Andrey Keller [head of the FSUE Sociocenter] stressed that the "Summer University" is an element of promoting Russian education. Within the framework of the project, science, education and culture have no borders and they should not be interrupted artificially. "Summer University-2023" will contribute to the development of international cooperation, the promotion of Russian education and will create one of the growth points for the socio-economic development of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The federal project "Summer University" is a socially significant event in the field of education, science and youth policy on an international scale. For the first time, the "Summer University" was implemented in 2021 in the format of a large-scale educational project of the Union State."

Meeting with graduates of the Higher School of Economics RANEPA

Vladimir Putin met with graduates of the fifth stream of the Personnel Management Reserve development program of the Higher School of Public Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in the Catherine Hall of the Kremlin.

July 4, 2023

The RANEPA Graduate School of Public Administration was established in 2013. The division provides training, retraining and advanced training of managerial personnel for the public administration system, forms and develops personnel reserves at all levels.

* * *
Vladimir Putin:
Now we had an international event – [a meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States] of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The President of Kazakhstan [Kassym-Jomart Tokayev] said that they have very great success in providing electronic services, and even named some place in the international ranking. But, as far as I know (I just know about it), we have made good progress in the field of providing electronic services to both business and the public, right?

Dmitry Kim [the Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media]: Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich, absolutely.

Suffice it to say that we have more than 100 million users of "Public Services". But, it seems to me, an even more striking indicator is the number of people using our application on mobile phones every day. There are more than 45 million of them ‒ every day they come in and use certain services that we provide conveniently in electronic form. And here is a great merit of all the FOIVS [federal executive authorities], who have been actively involved in this process, and now digitalization is on everyone's agenda.

Vladimir Putin: As far as I understand, in any case, we occupy one of the first places in the world in terms of the growth rate of the provision of electronic services.

D.Kim: Absolutely. Even the first one. Our electronic services are definitely developed many times better than in Europe ‒ it's not even comparable. It really makes sense to compare yourself with Kazakhstan, for example. They are also doing well, they are developing very actively. But we, Vladimir Vladimirovich, are still faster.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you. Success.
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Nov 8, 2022
Meeting of the Council of Heads of SCO Member States

The Head of the Russian State took part in a videoconference session of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

July 4, 2023

The meeting was chaired by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The meeting was also attended by President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov, President of China Xi Jinping, Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi and President of Mongolia Ukhnagiin Khurelsukh were invited to the meeting as heads of observer states at the SCO, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov – as a guest of the presiding party.

In addition, the summit was attended by the heads of the permanent bodies of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and heads of delegations of a number of invited international organizations and associations.

Following the meeting, the leaders signed and adopted a package of documents, including the New Delhi Declaration.
* * *
Speech at the meeting of the Council of Heads of SCO Member States

Vladimir Putin: Thank you, Mr Prime Minister Modi.

Dear friends!

First of all, like my colleagues who have already spoken, I would like to thank the Prime Minister of India for organizing our meeting, as well as to positively assess the work done by the Indian chairmanship in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The implementation of a solid package of documents and decisions prepared for the current Council of Heads of State will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to strengthening the strategic partnership within the SCO.

And of course, Russia supports the draft New Delhi Declaration, which sets out the goals and objectives for the further comprehensive development of our cooperation, reflects consolidated approaches to topical international issues.
New Delhi Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

July 4, 2023

The leaders of the member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (hereinafter referred to as the SCO or the Organization), following a meeting of the Council of Heads of SCO Member States via videoconference on July 4, 2023, declare the following.

Today, the world is undergoing unprecedented transformational changes and is entering a new era of rapid technological development, which requires increasing the effectiveness of global institutions. These fundamental processes are accompanied by the strengthening of multipolarity, increasing interconnectedness and interdependence, and accelerating the pace of digitalization. At the same time, threats and challenges are becoming more complex, destructive and dangerous, existing conflicts are becoming more acute and new conflicts are emerging.

The growing technological and digital divide, the continuing turbulence of global financial markets, the global decline in investment flows, the instability of supply chains, the strengthening of protectionist measures and other barriers to international trade, the consequences of global climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbate instability and uncertainty in the global economy and create additional challenges for economic growth, maintaining social well-being, ensuring food and energy security, and also for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To this end, new integrated approaches are required to promote more equitable and effective international cooperation.

The Member States
, relying on the proximity or coincidence of assessments of the current regional and international agenda, confirm their commitment to the formation of a more representative, democratic, just and multipolar world order based on universally recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security, cultural and civilizational diversity, mutually beneficial and equal cooperation of States with the central coordinating role of the UN.

The Member States confirm that the SCO is not directed against other states and international organizations and is open to broad cooperation with them in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the SCO Charter and international law, taking into account mutual interests and common approaches to solving regional and global problems.

In accordance with the principles of the SCO Charter, the member States adhere to a line that excludes block, ideologized and confrontational approaches to solving problems of regional and international development, countering traditional and non-traditional challenges and threats to security. Taking into account the views of the Member States, they confirm the relevance of initiatives to promote cooperation in the construction of a new type of international relations in the spirit of mutual respect, justice, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as the formation of a common vision of the idea of creating a community of a common destiny of mankind.

The Member States advocate respect for the right of peoples to an independent and democratic choice of ways of their political and socio-economic development, emphasize that the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of States, equality, mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs, non-use of force or threat of use of force are the basis for the sustainable development of international relations. They reaffirm their commitment to the peaceful settlement of differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultations.

The Member States intend to further develop cooperation in the fields of politics and security, trade, economy, finance and investment, cultural and humanitarian ties in order to build a peaceful, safe, prosperous and environmentally friendly planet Earth, achieve harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

The Member States consider it important to step up the joint efforts of the international community to counter the activities of terrorist, separatist and extremist groups, paying special attention to preventing the spread of religious intolerance, aggressive nationalism, ethnic and racial discrimination, xenophobia, ideas of fascism and chauvinism.

The Member States, reaffirming their commitment to peace, joint development and equal relations based on the principles of mutual respect, friendship and good neighborliness, will continue to conduct a constructive and trusting dialogue, deepen effective multifaceted cooperation, make every effort to strengthen security and stability, and ensure sustainable development in the SCO space.

The member States consider Central Asia to be the core of the SCO and support the efforts of the countries of the region aimed at ensuring prosperity and peace, sustainable development and the formation of a space of good neighborliness, trust and friendship.

The Member States, reaffirming their firm commitment to the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, are determined to continue taking active measures to eliminate the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism, to block the channels of terrorist financing, to curb recruitment activities and cross-border movement of terrorists, to counter extremism, radicalization of youth, the spread of terrorist ideology, as well as to eliminate "sleeper cells"and places that are used as terrorist shelters.

The Member States note the inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of States under the pretext of countering terrorism and extremism, as well as the unacceptability of using terrorist, extremist and radical groups for selfish purposes.

The Member States consider it important to increase the joint efforts of the international community to counter attempts to involve young people in the activities of terrorist, separatist and extremist groups.

The Member States note the effective activities of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure to promote cooperation of competent authorities in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, including within the framework of the implementation of the relevant Program for 2022-2024. The importance of implementing practical measures aimed at expanding its capabilities to strengthen practical cooperation in these areas was emphasized.

The member States, in accordance with their national legislation and on the basis of consensus, will strive to develop common principles and approaches to the formation of a single list of terrorist, separatist and extremist organizations whose activities are prohibited in the territories of the SCO member States.

The Member States emphasize the key role of the UN in countering threats in the information space, creating a safe, fair and open information space based on the principles of respect for state sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

They consider it important to ensure equal rights for all countries to regulate the Internet and the sovereign right of States to manage it in their national segment.

The Member States are categorically opposed to the militarization of information and communication technologies (ICT). They support the development of universal rules, principles and norms of responsible behavior of States in this area, including the launch of the development under the auspices of the UN of a comprehensive international convention on countering the use of ICT for criminal purposes. The Member states will continue to cooperate within the framework of specialized negotiation mechanisms at the UN and other international platforms.

[... fight the proliferation of drugs; non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; space without weapons; destruction of bioweapons; blah-blah...]

The member States call for increasing the effectiveness of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a key platform for discussing the international trade agenda and adopting the rules of the multilateral trading system. They emphasize the need for an inclusive reform of the organization as soon as possible, focusing on issues of its development and adaptation to modern economic realities, as well as the effective implementation of monitoring, negotiation and dispute resolution functions.

The Member States reaffirm the importance of further improving and reforming the architecture of global economic governance and will consistently defend and strengthen an open, transparent, fair, inclusive, non-discriminatory and multilateral trading system based on WTO principles and rules, promote the development of an open world economy, ensure fair market access, oppose protectionist actions and trade restrictions, which contradict the principles of the WTO, they undermine the multilateral trading system and threaten the global economy. They stressed that the unilateral application of economic sanctions, except those adopted by the UN Security Council, is incompatible with the principles of international law and has a negative impact on international economic relations.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, confirming their support for China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative, note the ongoing work on the joint implementation of this project, including efforts to combine the construction of the Eurasian Economic Union and the OPOP.

They called for the implementation by the interested Member States of the "Roadmap for a gradual increase in the share of national currencies in mutual settlements."

The member States intend to expand and deepen cooperation in the interests of sustainable socio-economic development, improving the welfare and standard of living of the population in the SCO region.

They consider it important to ensure the implementation of the SCO Economic Development Strategy adopted by the interested states for the period up to 2030, other joint programs and projects aimed at promoting cooperation in such priority areas as the digital economy, high technologies and innovations, the creation of new and modernization of existing international routes for road and rail transport, multimodal transport corridors and logistics centers, finance and investments, energy and food security, reliable, sustainable and diversified supply chains, industrial cooperation, interregional relations.

The Member States intend to increase cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology, culture, healthcare, ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, as well as tourism, sports and people-to-people contacts, especially through women and youth, public diplomacy institutes and cultural centers, mass media.

The member States, noting the importance of cooperation in the field of environmental protection, environmental safety and prevention of the negative effects of climate change, the development of specially protected natural areas and eco-tourism,
agreed to declare 2024 the Year of Ecology of the SCO.
The chairmanship of the SCO for the coming period passes to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The next meeting of the Council of Heads of SCO Member States will be held in 2024 in the Republic of Kazakhstan."

Documents [13] signed and adopted following the meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

July 4, 2023
13. Statement of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on cooperation in the field of digital transformation.

12. Statement of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on countering radicalization leading to terrorism, separatism and extremism.
9. Decision of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the signing of a Memorandum between the Secretariat of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme.
7. The decision of the Council of the Heads of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the approval of the Concept of Cooperation of the SCO member States on decarbonization of transport, promotion of digital transformation and innovative technologies to achieve higher efficiency and sustainability.

6. Decision of the Council of the Heads of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the declaration of the city of Almaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the tourist and cultural capital of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2023-2024.


"One of the main attractions of Almaty is the Monument of Independence of Kazakhstan, located on Republic Square (the central square of the Southern capital). It is made in the form of a human figure made of gold. The prototype of the monument was the Egyptian Independence Monument, located in Luxor.

The center of the exposition is a vertical shelf mounted on a semicircular pedestal (height — 28 meters). On the stele there is a "golden man" controlling a winged leopard (height 6 meters).

The composition is located on the site and is in harmony with the two high-rise buildings behind. In its lower part there is a sculptural group consisting of allegorical figures. These are the symbols of heaven (Sage), earth (Mother) and two children (foals), which means the unity of the family."


Nov 8, 2022
Researchers have identified magnetic nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery in the body
The movement of these particles through the blood vessels was modeled using AI

MOSCOW, July 7, 2023. Specialists of the Ural Federal University (UrFU) with colleagues from the University of Vienna, with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, have identified groups of bound magnetic particles most suitable for targeted drug delivery in the human body. As reported on Friday in the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, researchers have used artificial intelligence to simulate the "behavior" of these bound particles in blood vessels.

"The object of scientists' research is linear, looped, Y-, X-shaped complexes of magnetic nanoparticles "crosslinked" with each other by polymer bonds and simulating magnetic material on the example of cobalt ferrite. Using supercomputer technologies, the researchers simulated the behavior of these complexes inside microscopic channels filled with viscous fluid (analogous to blood vessels). In the model, the movement of clusters through channels was carried out by the influence of an external magnetic field. The directions of the applied magnetic field and the fluid flow inside the channel, the velocity of the fluid, its temperature and viscosity varied," the press service noted.

In recent years, at the junction of physics, chemistry and biology, researchers have begun to create magnetic particles and composite materials. The unique ability of such materials to react to magnetic fields has proved to be very promising, in particular for biomedicine.

The aim of the research project of UrFU and the University of Vienna is to determine the optimal structure, size, mechanical and magnetic characteristics of composite particles that would be conveniently controlled in the body using a magnetic field. These nanocomposites can be used, for example, for drug delivery and even targeted destruction of tumor cells."

In Russia, they are developing a smart access system with protection against injuries and theft
The technology can be used in industry, at oil and gas production facilities, warehouse complexes, the press service of the university reported

ST. PETERSBURG, July 7, 2023. Students of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (GUAP) are developing a new generation access control system. It will not only prevent industrial injuries by tracking all elements of workers' equipment, but also fight thefts at enterprises, the press service of the university told TASS on Friday.

"<...> In existing solutions, a problem arises: when a person passes through the reader frame due to interference on the receiving antenna, it is not always possible to fix all the tags - the employee has to pass through several times frame or stand there until finally all the chips are counted. Our solution uses a different reading principle - thanks to the frequency separation of the labels of different equipment elements, it was possible to significantly increase the stability of operation. In addition, the system has a wide software functionality and integration capabilities - so it will allow you to record the movements of employees, fight theft and control the movement of goods," the press service quoted the words of the project manager, a student of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Infocommunication Technologies of GUAP Andrey Trofimov.
As told in the press service of the university, it is proposed to track each item of equipment. To do this, special tags will be sewn into the uniform - chips with antennas that are read when passing through the turnstile. This is how the system checks for a complete set. This will be possible thanks to Radio Frequency IDentification technology, which allows you to recognize objects at a certain distance. Now the developers are discussing the functionality of the throughput system with potential customers - representatives of large and medium-sized businesses."

A prototype of a medical device for online examination of patients has been created in Russia
The development combined the functions of eight diagnostic devices

MOSCOW, July 6, 2023. Students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have developed a prototype of a medical device that combines the functions of eight diagnostic devices, including a stethoscope, a blood glucose meter and a tonometer. The development can be used at face-to-face and online receptions in medical organizations, the press service of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) Platform told TASS on Thursday.

"Russian students have created a prototype of a medical device that combines the functions of eight devices. <…> It will allow you to measure vital functions during [face-to-face and] online doctor's appointments, as well as record and visualize the recorded indicators," the organization said.

The complex device combines the functions of a heart rate monitor, oximeter, stethoscope, otoscope, tonometer, glucose meter, thermometer and electrocardiograph. According to the project leader Philip Malakhov, the size of the device, which has no analogues in the domestic market, will be 20 by 10 cm.

"Such a device is necessary primarily for medical companies. Now doctors record data and fill out questionnaires [on a computer] manually, which is inconvenient. <...> Individuals interested in constant monitoring of indicators also need a single device instead of a large number of different devices," he said.

The authors of the technology became participants in one of the acceleration programs launched in Russia within the framework of the federal project "Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship". The accelerator operator is the NTI Platform [National Technology Initiative].

A Russian digital platform for neuro-linguistic experiments has been created
In the summer, it will be tested by Russian and foreign universities

TOMSK, July 6, 2023. A domestic digital platform for conducting neuro-linguistic experiments was created by scientists from Tomsk State University (TSU) together with the Tomsk IT company IPST. In the summer, Russian and foreign universities will be able to test the platform, the press service of the university told TASS on Thursday.

It is noted that earlier experiments were mostly carried out in laboratory conditions, later, during the pandemic, they went online. The world community has begun to test the legitimacy of conducting experiments when the subject and the researcher interact online, and to use appropriate platforms. But now, due to geopolitical events, such platforms have been closed to Russian researchers, so the task of creating your own product has become acute.

"This year, the company will launch the created software product into the daily practice of scientific research. The basic experiments have already been developed, and now scientists are going to scale the platform to test new types of experiments and expand the range of their possible designs," the report says.

In the summer, the platform will be tested by Russian and foreign universities - Urgench State University (Uzbekistan), Russian-Tajik University (Tajikistan), Higher School of Economics, Altai State Humanitarian Pedagogical University named after V. M. Shukshin and others. In autumn, the project participants will process and analyze the results.

On the digital platform, you can create neuro-linguistic experiments and configure their parameters, upload, process, store and analyze data on research conducted, generate statistics based on cognitive linguistics methods - and all this without using algorithmic programming languages and third-party software tools. AI technologies allow automating the process of processing and visualizing results and forming a single experimental base in the field of cognitive linguistics.

The project was supported by the Priority 2030 program. For the development of the platform, as well as for the creation of a universal educational digital environment "New Platform", which helps to optimize the interaction of students and teachers, the team received the international university award "Gravity" in the field of artificial intelligence and big data in the nomination "Improving the quality and availability of data"."

TSU linguists received the Gravity Award for a project in the field of AI and Big Data

On the digital platform, you can create neuro-linguistic experiments and configure their parameters; upload, process, store and analyze data on research conducted; generate statistics based on cognitive linguistics methods. And all this without the use of algorithmic programming languages and third-party software tools by experimenters. Technologies allow automating the process of processing and visualizing the results and forming a single experimental base in the field of cognitive linguistics.
The universal platform of experiments will be convenient for respondents and useful, first of all, to scientists of research laboratories who create experiments in the field of cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, neurobiology, experimental psychology and other related fields, says Valeria Vladimirova, a junior researcher at the TSU Laboratory of Linguistic Anthropology.
In order to optimize the interaction of students and teachers of the humanities, TSU together with IPST developers are developing another software project – the universal educational digital environment "New Platform". This product was included in the Russian Software Registry on July 5, 2023.

– The essence of the development is to conduct online classroom classes by building interactive blocks where the user performs various tasks - test, with videos, with pictures, – says Daniel Buinitskaya, an IPST employee, a graduate student of the Computer and Cognitive Linguistics program at TSU. – First, we implemented a module for self-checking students' assignments to determine the semantic similarity between two short definitions of the term. For example, a teacher creates an exercise: describes what medicine is, and gives the system an ideal answer, which we consider to be a reference. When a student gives a detailed answer, we use different metrics to compare the semantics between the two definitions and determine how accurate it is.

The second implemented module is the generation of question–answer structures based on methodological material: based on the text posted on the platform, the system generates questions about the text with a known correct answer. Now the auto–generation works on two topics - information systems and electric power. In the future, the developers will conduct user testing of a large audience, highlight and post relevant topics on the platform, the processing of which will then be automated.

After promoting the platform and full-fledged load testing, the authors plan to introduce neural networks that will adjust the auto-verification of tasks and the generation of question-answer structures for a specific teacher, adds the TSU graduate student.
For reference. The first international university prize in the field of big data and artificial intelligence "Gravity – 2023" was established in 2023 by TSU and RANEPA with the support of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers. The award is also organized by Lomonosov Moscow State University, MIPT and Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

The award supports university teams working in the field of big data and artificial intelligence, and developers of software solutions for the education sector. The initiator of its establishment was Tomsk State University as one of the leaders in the creation and implementation of technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and big data in various sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration."


Nov 8, 2022
VKontakte (VK) - a largest Russian social network

VK NTI 20.35

National Technology Initiative
The National Technology Initiative #NTI2035 is an association of business representatives and expert communities for the development of promising technology markets and industries in Russia that can become the basis of the global economy.

[Neuronet, and many others]
The community was created 7 April 2020

NTI 20.35
22 Feb [2023] at 15:15
❔ Do you want to feel like a hero of the Middle Ages or a conqueror of space?

At the NTI Competence Center in the direction of "Neurotechnology, virtual and augmented reality technologies" on the basis of FEFU, they are working on a "suit of the future".

The REMO complex together with the Teslasuit suit "push" the muscles of the body and force them to perform certain actions, immersing a person in the virtual world.

The invention can be used, for example, for the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke.

More about the invention — in the material on : ..

NTI Platform, Feb 8, 2023
Russian scientists have created VR technology for transmitting sensations

The costume of the future began to be used at the NTI Competence Center in the direction of "Neurotechnology, virtual and Augmented Reality technologies" at the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) as a rehabilitation after a stroke. Patients are completely immersed in the virtual world, in which they can become, for example, heroes of the Middle Ages or conquerors of space.

"Rehabilitation software and hardware complex with the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies" - REMO — opens up new opportunities for personalized medicine to the doctor. The developed rehabilitation technology is an exercise constructor that allows you to optimize procedures for individual conditions.

VR immersion with sensations to restore health
The REMO complex works in conjunction with the Teslasuit suit. Special electrodes are located inside it. The peculiarity of such a bundle is that patients are not just stimulated by a particular muscle at the time of an event, but create an animation of these stimulations taking into account the individual parameters of each person.

The technology of the suit is based on electrical impulses that "push" the muscles of the body and force them to perform certain actions.

Experts of the NTI Center based on the FEFU note that the technology used in the Teslasuit suit shows itself well in medicine and industry. The REMO project is aimed at restoring a person's motor activity after a stroke, since the suit has the stack of technologies that is necessary for rehabilitation. And for easy immersion and motivation to do exercises, the developers have integrated a large amount of visual content (game objects, animations, locations) into the rehabilitation. So, patients can feel like the heroes of a virtual game, where the plot unfolds in a parallel world and at the same time with the full transmission of physical sensations. And in order to simplify the work of doctors, analytical and statistical modules have been created that allow objectively assessing the results of rehabilitation and correcting it in time.

Now specialists are working on adding a module for the rehabilitation of fine motor skills, functions for different individual characteristics of the patient and a decision-making assistance system for rehabilitation doctors. And the development of REMO itself is at the last stage of implementation and is already being registered as a medical device.

Is fiction becoming reality?
"Speaking of immersive technologies, we can immerse the user in virtual worlds and interact with him using special interfaces. But this is far from the idea of immersion in them with the transmission of physical interaction, smells or tastes. VR helmets and suits are updated technologically and we get a new picture quality, tracking system functions and a large number of cases (games, applications, demonstrations), but this is more a movement in breadth than in technological growth," notes developer REMO, specialist of the NTI Center in the direction of "Neurotechnology, virtual and augmented Reality technologies" on the basis of FEFU Artem Ionis.

And in order for dreams of "full immersion" to come true, according to experts, it is necessary to develop neurotechnologies — the interaction of the human brain with supercomputers and artificial intelligence. And such a connection is already developing — at FEFU, prosthetic arms and legs are being sensed using electrodes, Elon Musk has opened a company Neuralink aimed at developing implantable neurocomputer interfaces, and at the Higher School of Economics there is a laboratory for the study of BCI (Brain Computer Interface). It is worth noting that these are still the first pilots to create direct interaction between the brain and the computer."

Again, for remind:
"On October 16, 2014 at the office of the Russian Venture Company (RVC), an expert seminar "The Neuronet Roadmap" was held with the participation of Stephen Dunn, director of Starlab Neuroscience Research; Karen Casey, creator of the Global Mind Project; Randal A. Kuhne, CEO of the Science Foundation and the founder of NeuraLink Co....
..the most important result of a scientific and technological breakthrough in the field of neuroscience is the achievement of a new quality in communications. The modern Internet transmits information and even semantics, but is powerless in transmitting emotions and the unconscious. The Neuronet is the next generation of the Internet, which will use neural interfaces to create new types of communication between people and machines. By linking hundreds or, in the future, even billions of intelligences into a neurocomputer network, it will be possible to achieve a synergistic effect in their joint work, since the brain has the property of plasticity. Perhaps, in the era of the Neuronet, people will finally agree on solving the world's problems, because an environment will appear that will help overcome the usual human distortions of thinking and perception. New opportunities will open up in teamwork and improving the effectiveness of educational programs.
... ..
Neuronet (NeuroWeb) will become the next generation of the Internet /17.10.2014

Many participants of the international seminar held last night on the territory of the Russian Venture Company (RVC) are sure of this.

And Pavel Luksha, Ph.D. in Economics, professor at the Skolkovo Business School, Director of Global Education Futures, one of the co-founders of the Russian Neuronet Group, is most confident in this.

In his opinion, the possibilities of the current Internet are very limited. In particular, they do not allow direct transfer of life experiences and emotions from brain to brain. The Neuronet will allow you to raise the quality of communications to a whole new level.

In addition, it will dramatically increase the efficiency of teamwork and open up new opportunities in the field of training.

Pavel Luksha believes that in the modern world, many problems arise due to the fact that people cannot agree with each other on the joint use of certain resources. The neural network – through the organization of a kind of “collective mind” - will help to solve these problems.
The main stages of the development of the Neuronet, Source: Pavel Luksha. Presentation “Roadmap for the development of the Neuronet”, 2014
BiometriNet (pre-Neuronet) (2014-2024)
The onset of the Neuronet (2025-2035)
Full-Fledged Neuronet (2035+)
Тhe timeline in “Roadmap for the development of the Neuronet”, 2014: 2014, 2020, 2030, 2040.

And more:
Project registry
Maintaining a register of STI projects in order to implement action plans ("road maps") The National Technological Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the DC, NTI, respectively) is carried out by the NTI project office in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the implementation of the National Technological Initiative" dated April 18, 2016 No. 317, in accordance with the information set out in the description of the projects.

"The Neuronet Roadmap was approved by Protocol No. 1 of 02/28/2022 by absentee voting of the members of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.

The next technological revolution will be associated with neurotechnologies and a radical increase in the productivity of mental labor due to the integration of the human brain and computing machines. The rapid development of this direction will begin after the decoding (mapping) of the brain is completed, by analogy with the biotechnological revolution that started after the decoding of the human genome.

The neural network will be the next stage in the development of the current Internet (Web 4.0), in which the interaction of participants (human— human, human—machine) will be carried out using new neurocomputer interfaces
, in addition to traditional methods, and the computers themselves will become neuromorphic (similar to the brain) based on hybrid digital-analog architectures. The emergence of social neural networks and full-fledged hybrid human-machine intelligence is predicted.
In the XXI century, the world is faced with global problems common to all countries:

- population ageing;
- the increasing complexity of the technosphere;
- an increase in the number of man-made disasters;
- increasing the information load.

The answer to this is the emergence of various solutions based on neurotechnologies, including hybrid human-machine intelligence, which will significantly expand the resources of the human brain and increase its productivity through integration with the technosphere. ...."

One comment (on the publication "Russian scientists have created VR technology for transmitting sensations")
"I remembered the series Rick and Morty - about the game of life simulation )

There are many other interesting articles on this site in this section about NTI. Here's just one of them.
NTI Platform, July 2, 2020
The era of vaccination: a world of the future or a world without a future? Part 1

While a modest Victory Day parade was held in Moscow on May 9, a wave of demonstrations swept through Germany itself. But the war had nothing to do with it – about 15 thousand Germans protested against restrictions during quarantine and ... against vaccines. They accused Bill Gates of seeking to destroy humanity through vaccination and claimed that he had "more power than Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and Hitler had at that time."

The anti-vaccination movement has rapidly taken over the world. In poor countries, where you can still see with your own eyes what measles, diphtheria, polio, and so on are, people tend to trust doctors. In prosperous countries, they have already forgotten what life is like side by side with scarlet fever and polio. As a rule, skepticism about vaccines goes hand in hand with distrust of quarantine measures. The experience of fighting the terrible "Spanish flu" a hundred years ago showed that the tougher the quarantine,
the faster the economy recovers after it.

Neglect of quarantine and vaccination against habitual diseases will postpone the arrival of the post-crisis "new normality". Moreover, they will kill hundreds of thousands of people around the world: the coronavirus willingly finishes off those who are already ill with something. The mass movement of anti-vaccinators can slow down the appearance of personalized vaccines that already belong to the medicine of the future. These are the islands of the HealthNet market appearing before our eyes, and how successful they will be depends on the level of society's resistance to myths. Let's critically analyze the main theses of anti-vaccinators in several publications.

Bill Gates is getting ready to chip humanity Murat Dilmanov

Myth 1. With the help of vaccines, Bill Gates and other villains want to "chip" humanity in order to control or destroy it
Actually: it's not like that. And, perhaps, this is the most popular and hype myth. Leaving aside the question of whether the insidious Gates naively "leaked" his terrible plans to a wide audience (see here, here, here and here), let's see if it is possible to implant such chips during vaccination.

There are indeed technologies for controlling behavior by influencing the brain. They should be feared if you are a rodent and electrodes have been implanted in your head. Indeed, by stimulating different areas of the brain, primitive reactions are caused in animals: hunger or rage, sleep or twitching of the antennae. In experiments, such technologies
allowed people to learn how to control partially paralyzed limbs. But it is still impossible to change complex forms of behavior, to feel sympathy for someone, and so on, even in monkeys. At the same time, you need to implant electrodes in the brain, at least put them on your head. There have been successful experiments on mice when the brain was affected remotely. But in this case, an optical neuroimplant was implanted under the skull and even before the conception of the experimental animal, its DNA was modified. To prevent this from happening to you during vaccination, just make sure that no hole is drilled in your skull.

Is it possible to simply track a person's movements using a chip? And there are such technologies! Probably, everyone has seen flat stickers on books or things bought in the store, similar to a chip. These are
RFID tags (they are also transponders). In the center of the label, in fact, is a microchip with information, and around it is a flat antenna. Its dimensions are limited by the length of radio waves. Getting into the induced electromagnetic field, it begins to transmit information from the microchip. Is it suitable for tracking? Perhaps. But the weak signal strength from a transponder without a battery allows it to be read at a distance of 1 cm to 10 m maximum. In order to track the movement of the chipped, it will be necessary to fill the planet with reading devices like those that stand at the exit of the store. Without them, there is no point in chips. And, again, such a label will not fit through the needle of the syringe in any way – everyone can make sure of this by peeling off the RFID tag from the book and trying to shove it into the syringe.

Are there smaller labels? Yes! For example, the
VeriChip technology, which allows you to reduce the label to the size of a rice grain. It is even implanted under people's skin just for medical purposes – the doctor reads the information recorded on the chip at the reception. But a chip the size of even a grain of rice will not fit through the needle of a syringe in any way: you need to make a special large puncture. Plus, because of the small antenna, information from it will be read only closely.

Is it possible to increase the distance to the scanner? Yes, if you add a battery. The smallest ones, but designed for several years, are the size of a tablet. A nickel-63 battery,
capable of working for half a century, the size of a finger. It costs about 4.5 million rubles and will not fit through a syringe in any way (and a microchip and an antenna are also needed for it). The data will be transmitted at a distance of only up to one meter. There are chips that work a kilometer away from the scanner, but they are the size of a small smartphone.

Miniaturization is taking big steps, but the minimum length of the antenna is set by the laws of physics, and the size of the battery limits its capacity. It is extremely unlikely that in the foreseeable future, the chip, antenna and battery can be passed through a syringe needle for at least a few years (at the same time they must be covered with protection from the aggressive environment inside the body, otherwise they will oxidize in a matter of days). If you have more miniature, long–range and cheap devices, you are probably James Bond.

And then the main question arises – why is this all? Our behavior with you, friends, is already perfectly monitored through mobile phones, computers, and so on. Almost everyone has a smartphone with geolocation programs. Contextual advertising systems keep an eye on what you are looking for (evil tongues say: even for what you say). All this information is collected for marketing purposes and is not personalized, stored in the form of big data. And no one really needs personal information about who of us watched porn, or memes about Putin, or anything else: the behavior of the overwhelming majority of people is too similar. Although, if necessary, such data about you will be easily collected without chips. So, if you are an outstanding and unusual person who is afraid of surveillance, first throw away your gadgets (and no Facebook!).

By the way, it is not a fact that the Covid-19 vaccine will be injected through a syringe. Maybe it will be injected through a dispenser into the nose or taken orally. But the need to get rid of the smartphone in order to avoid surveillance by the government and corporations, this, of course, will not cancel.

In the next article, we will continue to analyze the myths around vaccination. In particular, we will talk about whether the vaccine against the human papillomavirus leads to female infertility and whether vaccinations provoke autism."

Five comment:
Stas S., 2.07.2020
Why is this at all on vc? From any iron now haight to anti-vaccinators, why? Are you undermining collective immunity? Everyone makes their own choice about what to do with their health and the health of their children. I don't smoke, and now every smoker needs to prove that he is harming himself and others?

Your life experience and set of knowledge allows you to say that vaccinations should be done. And mine tells me that it is not necessary: on the living example of children who have received serious complications after vaccinations, although no one will ever admit that these are the consequences of vaccination. There are no official statistics, but if there is a minimal chance that after vaccination your child will irreparably become down, will you at least think a little about whether it is worth doing it?

1 Reply
Elena, 2.07.2020

So, only he himself, and then they are going to do it forcibly. It remains only to guess about the real goals of this action. Just sterilization or reduce the life of the bulk.

Yuri, 2.07.2020
What I like about anti-vaxxers is that they expose the most secret, most secret projects of the world behind the scenes. You can hide from the secret services, deceive governments, but it is impossible to deceive housewives and taxi drivers! True, they do not give any evidence, they do not know the basics of medicine or physics, but why? The main thing is that they themselves have successfully reached the age when they can master the Internet, thanks to total vaccination, they died neither from whooping cough nor from diphtheria - and there the grass does not grow)))

Vitaly, 2.07.2020
And what, does someone really think that chipping is done through vaccination? This, forgive me for the jargon - lol.. I thought it was such modern banter.. Unfortunately, we are still very, very far from nanochips.

And so, I give a working option - a special metallized material is injected through the vaccine, which, under external irradiation, turns the human circulatory system into a receiving antenna. Through this antenna, transmitters on a strictly calibrated wave transmit bio waves to the circulatory receiver, forcing a person to make decisions that he would never have made without radiation. Adherents of the theory of chipping - you can live with it, do not thank.

Andrei, 20.07.2020
All this will happen and there is no getting away from it...with the exception of how the situation will go later, I still expect three types of development, presumably two years to we prepare for changes"

NTI 20.35 Telegram channel, July 7, 2023

"Imunologist Prodeus: revaccination from meningococcal infection is needed every 5-7 years

Source: Russia Today
HealthNet Market Expert (HelsNet) National Technology Initiative, MD, immunologist-allergist Andrey Prodeus told RT who is shown vaccination against meningococcal infection.

Prodeus explained that vaccination is usually recommended between the ages of nine months and two years.

"Then a two-time vaccination is done with a difference of three months. Then revaccination at 15-17 years is recommended. Unfortunately, vaccination does not provide lifelong protection, on average, revaccination should be done once every 5-7 years. If the vaccination was not carried out in childhood, a one—time vaccine is made over the age of five," the specialist said."
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
Tomsk State University
The students received an additional points for admission to TSU by winning CS:GO and Dota2

The international esports online CS tournament has ended at Tomsk State University:GO and Dota 2 for schoolchildren of grades 10-11 from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The tournament hosted more than 1,000 matches, and the audience coverage on social networks was more than 250,000 people. The tournament was held to attract the attention of applicants from neighboring countries to Russian higher education. The winners received additional points for admission to TSU. During the preparation and during the tournament, the National Association of University Esports conducted comprehensive work with Big Data to increase brand awareness of TSU.

For reference. The esports tournament is part of a project to attract potential applicants from CIS countries to Tomsk State University within the framework of the strategic project "Socio–Humanitarian Engineering: Research and Design of man and Society", supported by the strategic academic leadership program "Priority 2030".

"The Neuronet Roadmap was approved by Protocol No. 1 of 02/28/2022 by absentee voting of the members of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.
Stages and terms of implementation of the first stage (2016-2018)
Second stage (2019-2025)
The third stage (2026-2035)

Development of neurointerfaces and virtual and augmented reality technologies in teaching; educational programs and devices on neurotechnologies, devices for strengthening memory and analyzing the use of brain resources.

3) "Neuroeducation"

In this case, we mean an education system based on patterns and the use of neurocognitive mechanisms for acquiring new knowledge, learning and memory, as well as data on individual human predispositions and brain plasticity, the use of neurocomputer interfaces, elements of virtual and augmented reality, hybrid intelligence.

Currently, the products and services of the market Neuroeducation is developing in such segments as distance learning, lifelong learning, mass open online courses, blended learning, as well as innovative models of additional education.

The priorities are the creation of educational and laboratory places for schoolchildren and students based on neurotechnologies of enhanced perception, optimized memorization and enhancement of cognitive functions, and by 2035 - the full use of integrated systems of natural and artificial intelligence.
Neuro-entertainment and sports
Development of brain fitness, games using neurogajets, neurodeveloping games.

4) "Neuro-entertainment and sports"

The segment of neuro-entertainment and sports can be divided into the following sub-segments, which are already developing:

entertainment (games, entertainment gadgets, systems of interaction with virtual and augmented reality); biometrics (the market of wearable electronic devices);

evaluation devices and training of cognitive abilities;

devices for monitoring and tracking potentially dangerous psychoemotional states in real time;

devices for self-determination (conducting selections based on objective predisposition data based on EEG;

assistance in identifying optimal areas of effort;

analysis of the level of involvement;

a platform for the interaction of products within all segment projects, exchange, storage, analysis and provision of data;

non-invasive autonomous systems for obtaining biometric data from the nervous system and other physiological data.

The product of 2035 will be a large-scale gaming platform that constantly interacts with the user. The platform will continuously monitor functional, psycho-emotional states, assess the cognitive background of the user's current activity. Based on the data obtained, non-invasive stimulation of users will be carried out to achieve the necessary conditions. The platform will work according to the game format, the format of permanent trainings.

The best technology projects at the forum "Strong ideas for a New time" were presented to Vladimir Putin
June 29, 2023
The initiatives were presented by Dmitry Peskov [on the picture], Director of the Young Professionals direction of the ASI, Special Representative of the President for Digital and Technological Development.
The project of the National Cyberphysical Platform "Den" [Berloga], the leader of which is Alexey Fedoseev, is dedicated to the mass involvement of young people in scientific and technical creativity and education through a mobile game. The project is based on a gaming platform created by Russian developers. The pilot project "Den" was launched with the support of ASI and is currently being implemented in Bashkiria. Earlier, the idea was presented at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Entering the "Den", a student can program directly during the game, as well as develop his character by participating in real educational events. The platform integrates with the events of the NTI Circle Movement and technical creativity sites, which makes it an entry point for young people into technological circles, helps them learn programming and other in-demand technical skills through the game.

The project leader proposes to form measures to support domestic developers of educational technology platforms and socially useful computer games in entering foreign markets, including to promote the country's culture and strengthen international cooperation.

Dmitry Peskov stressed that the "Den" is "an attempt for the first time in the world to combine the physical and virtual world in the individual logic of a child's development."

Tomsk State University
Priority 2030 Program / Strategic projects/

Engineering (Synthetic) Biology 2.0: Bio design, molecular and cellular engineering

The strategic project is designed to form an ecosystem that includes multidisciplinary educational, frontier scientific, and cross-industrial components aimed at creating a Siberian outpost of biotechnologies - the National Hub of Engineering (Synthetic) Biology.

The goal is to form a globally recognized scientific and educational innovation ecosystem in the field of engineering biology on the basis of scientific schools of expert class.

The "Association of Specialists in the field of Molecular, Cellular and Synthetic Biology" was established. Work continues on the implementation of 3 interrelated projects of the program for the development of genetic technologies with the participation of TSU, FITC "Biotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences", Lomonosov Moscow State University, SIC "Kurchatov Institute", TUSUR, SibSMU, IHBFM SB RAS, NPF "Mikran".

An All-Russian scientific conference, a round table on agro-industrial technologies, a round table on the topic "Functional nutrition" at the PromSkills Industrial Partners Forum were held. A memorandum was signed between TSU and Sibagro JSC; an agreement on a consortium of organizations implementing development programs in the field of agro- and biotechnologies (NEITHER TSU, UNN, FEFU, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after them. Peter I).

The main directions and objectives of the strategic project
In 2022, 19 research topics are being carried out in the Cellular Engineering project. 2 scientific schools were created: under the leadership of D.O. Zharkov (Head of the Laboratory of the IHBFM SB RAS, corresponding member of the RAS) on the topic "Bioprospecting of tools for genetic technologies..." (specialization in prokaryotic genetic engineering, 7 young scientists); and under the leadership of V.V. Kuznetsov (G.N.S. IFR im. K.A. Timiryazeva RAS, corresponding member. RAS) in partnership with ICIG SB RAS on the topic "Genomic editing as an innovative technology for controlling mechanisms of stress tolerance and increasing plant productivity ..." (specialization in plant bioengineering, 7 young scientists). The new competencies allowed to attract more than 200 million rubles for research projects. Research is being carried out in the field of medical biotechnologies (non-invasive methods for assessing myelination and neurogenesis for MRI have been developed; priority data linking pro-inflammatory activation and metabolism of the main cells of innate immunity of monocytes and macrophages were obtained; genes of predisposition of monocytes to pro- or antitumor action were revealed). In the field of food biotechnologies, the influence of dietary regimes has been studied and unique freeze-dried food concentrates promising for extreme conditions have been investigated. During the search for alternative sources of protein, four invertebrate species promising as food raw materials and waste processing were selected and studied. In the field of industrial biotechnologies, new strains of organic destructors and BAS producers have been obtained. Compounds for oxidative degradation of pharmaceutical pollutants have been developed.

Within the framework of fundamental research and the creation of a methodological base, technologies for the analysis of ancient DNA have been developed. Methods of atomic force microscopy of bacteria have been developed. The microbiome of malaria mosquitoes and ixodid mites was studied to search for economically significant microorganisms.

The research infrastructure "Open Laboratory" has been created on the principles of collective use. The laboratory space of 146.1 m2 is equipped with modern high-performance equipment (more than 75 million rubles). for cellular technologies (research in the field of oncology, coatings with bactericidal properties, biomaterials for tissue regeneration, IVF for commercial and breeding livestock). The equipping of the laboratory space (350m2) for the amount of more than 63 million rubles is being completed. for genetic engineering (microbiology, microbial consortium design, protein and genetic engineering).

In the Digital Engineering project, a group of specialists in digitalization and computational biotechnology has been formed to solve urgent problems of breeding and genetics for agriculture, content for educational modules has been prepared.

The project "School of Engineering Biology" created 7 educational programs, including "Synthetic Biology", "Bioinformatics" "Bioengineering", trained more than 300 students.

The Bio-Environment project has implemented initiatives on "citizen science", more than 1,000 volunteers have been involved in the collection of biological material, the Chemistry of Biotechnologies and I am a Professional Olympiads (track "Biotechnologies") have been organized and held - more than 230 participants. An accelerator of projects in the direction of biotechmed was organized, 30 teams, 180 students took part.

Within the framework of the activity, comprehensive programs for the development of genetic technologies are being implemented (3 interrelated projects), together with the FITC "Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences", the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Kurchatov Institute Research Center, prototypes of producing strains for industry and microbial consortia for agriculture are being developed, TSU is developing special materials for the project to create a "genomic printer" (the head organization of TUSUR, co-executors of IHBFM SB RAS, NPF "Mikran"), new cellular technologies for immune response management (the head organization of SibSMU). With the participation of the consortium, an application was prepared and supported by TSU together with SibAGRO JSC, SFNCA RAS, IHBFM SB RAS and SIC Kurchatov Institute for the creation of an Advanced Engineering School "Agrobiotek". Training of specialists in bioengineering technologies for the field of agrobiotech has been organized, engineering approaches to training have been introduced.

Key results:
In 2022, the project was aimed at:

development of scientific schools and formation of world-class competencies;

advanced creation of research infrastructure;

designing an educational component on a modular basis for teaching advanced achievements in the field of biotech;

development of cooperation within the consortium for the implementation of major projects and "civil science".

The goal-setting of scientific initiatives has been reassembled, taking into account the changed international situation in the context of achieving practical results in the interests of the industry (sovereign biotechnologies), and a bet has been placed on partnership with leading Russian research centers and high-tech companies.

In 2023, the focus of the Strategic Project is focused on the development of the methodology of synthetic biology and molecular biotechnology within the framework of world-class scientific schools to solve the problems of import substitution and reengineering in the field of agriculture and biomedicine. And also on the concentration of the university's resources to solve the urgent tasks of ensuring the food security of the state.

News about the strategic project

I will be like Gelfand and Severinov: a new Master's degree in bioinformatics at TSU University

World medicine and healthcare today need specialists who have competencies at the intersection of biology and computer science. In Russia, the educational trend for artificial intelligence and big data analysis in the field of natural sciences is still being formed, but the advanced Engineering School "Agrobiotek" TSU is launching a master's degree in bioinformatics right now.

The new program will train experts in the field of integration of biological knowledge with programming and analysis of quantitative biological data. During full-time training on the basis of the Scientific Research Center "Agrobiotek", undergraduates will study methods of DNA sequencing, processing, evaluation and interpretation of data, prediction of the functions of biological molecules. Students will also master interdisciplinary competencies that will allow them to search, analyze and find solutions to problems in healthcare, medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and related fields.

— Recently, the natural science industry has begun to rely more and more on complex analysis of biological data and artificial intelligence, — says the program manager, senior researcher at the Agrobiotech Research Institute, Muhammad Amjad Nawaz. — Therefore, the need for interdisciplinary specialists with deep competencies in the field of molecular biology, genomics, biotechnology and computer science is growing all over the world, including in Russia: these are mathematics, statistics, programming and machine learning.

The belief that bioinformatics is a new direction is wrong, Amjad is sure. The first steps were taken in the middle of the last century, when the first analysis of protein sequences was carried out and probabilistic models of amino acid substitutions were created. With the further development of biology and computer science, humanity was able to decipher the genomes of many living beings, including humans, and make these data open.

Today bioinformatics is engaged in accelerating the process of genome sequencing, modeling the structure of proteins using AI, shortening the development and testing of medicines by predicting cell behavior, breeding resistant varieties and breeds, bypassing the growing stage, using the analysis of biological data. In the future, the amount of data will grow, personalized medicine will develop, ethics issues will arise. For these and other tasks, new specialists are needed, who are beginning to be trained at the Agrobiotech Research Center.

The Master's program "Bioinformatics" is designed for undergraduate graduates with qualifications in biology, molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, computer science, machine learning, data analytics, molecular biomedicine and natural sciences. Graduates of the Master's degree program at Agrobiotech will be in demand in clinical bioinformatics, precision agriculture, drug development in silico, genomic data analysis, and other fields of medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. The training will take place in a hybrid format at the Agrobiotech Institute of Tomsk State University. Entrance tests – motivation letter and interview.

You can apply for training and learn more about the Master's degree in Bioinformatics on the program's website.
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
Enable yourself to work on an interdisciplinary scientific basis to decipher the biological processes with the help of computational tools. Become an expert in integration of biological knowledge with programming and develop quantitative data analytical skills.

Program overview
Recently, the healthcare, biology, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industries have become more reliant on complex biological data analysis and artificial intelligence. Therefore, the need for experts with competence in biology (molecular biology, genomics, biotechnology) and computer science (mathematics, statistics, programming and machine learning) continues to increase.

The TSU MSc in Bioinformatics program combines studies in big data analysis and computer sciences with the areas of biology, including molecular biology, biotechnology, genomics, personalized medicine, and genetics. Students will explore current issues and develop analytical skills related to combined use of biotechnology, genomics, and computer science.

The school was established by TSU jointly with partners to ensure that our students receive technologically advanced knowledge in agriculture, engineering, and bioinformatics, and affiliated desciplines.

Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, stated that the distribution of grant funds was influenced by schools' efficiency, their integration into the real sector of the economy, their adherence to recommendations given by the last year's Council, and the amount of extrabudgetary funds they were able to attract.

“New-age engineers are in demand both by society and the government, and we are responding to this demand. Ministry of Science and Higher Education is placing increased focus on each of the thirty Schools of Advanced Engineering Studies, because they can become the impetus to solve the problem of training engineers for high-tech sectors of the economy. When assessing the progress and potential of these engineering schools, we have been noting how efficiently the universities communicate with industrial partners and how much they incorporate students in solving relevant engineering tasks in certain industries. The broad and diverse make-up of the Council ensures that engineering schools receive all-around, unbiased criticisms — if any — during the reporting period and that grants are distributed evenly,” comments Valery Falkov.

The project is a significant step toward the country's technological sovereignty, so it is supervised with all due responsibility. While assessing the reports presented by the participants of the Schools of Advanced Engineering Studies project, Council members made no concessions. To enable further development and efficiency of engineering schools, expert groups will be accompanying each participating region.

Currently, over 40 industrial partners are taking part in the project: Among them are enterprises specializing in agricultural biotechnology, machinery engineering, chemical processes, aviation and spacecraft technology, nuclear energy, medical devices, and information technology. The list includes such enterprises as PJSC Sibur Holding, PJSC Kamaz, and JSC United Engine Corporation.

TSU is the oldest university Western Siberai, Russia. It was founded in 1878 in Tomsk as the First Siberian Imperial University."

** **
Wait, I'll leave these for later, as a reminder, so I don't forget them.
TSU Scientific Digest: on the contribution of engineering biology to space exploration

The new issue of the Scientific Digest of Tomsk State University – "Engineering (Synthetic) Biology 2.0: Assistance in Space Exploration" – introduces readers to an overview of world news and resources about achievements in the field of engineering biology for the development of space research.

What contribution can synthetic biology make to space exploration? What goals does Roscosmos set for the development of space biotechnologies? What nutrients will synthetic biology be able to produce on the space station in the very near future? Will synthetic biology help humanity settle on Mars?

In the digests of Tomsk State University you will find links to the most relevant scientific articles from top journals, monographs, books, thematic portals, scientific media, upcoming events with brief annotations to them.

TSU Scientific Digest: on the interdisciplinary aspect of neurotechnologies

The new issue of the Scientific Digest of Tomsk State University – "Neurotechnologies: an interdisciplinary aspect" – introduces readers to an overview of world news and resources about neuroscience and neurotechnology.

How can we improve the quality of life with the help of neuroscience? Why, despite its growing popularity, neuromarketing continues to face harsh criticism? Is it possible to create a reference toolkit for emotion recognition?

In the digests of Tomsk State University you will find links to the most relevant scientific articles from top journals, monographs, books, thematic portals, scientific media, upcoming events with brief annotations to them.

TSU Scientific Digest: overview of resources on socio-humanitarian engineering

The new issue of the TSU Scientific Digest introduces readers to an overview of world news and resources about socio–humanitarian engineering and transhumanism - where the boundaries between human improvement for the sake of man and technological progress are, how to solve the problem of loss of confidence in human improvement technologies and what high humanitarian technologies aimed at improving the quality of human life are being developed in Tomsk state university.

In the digests of Tomsk State University you will find links to the most relevant scientific articles from top journals, monographs, books, thematic portals, scientific media, upcoming events with brief annotations to them. In addition, the digest includes sections "Golden Archive" and "Scientometric analysis".

The digests were prepared by the staff of the Laboratory of Comparative Studies of Quality of Life, the Department of Social Communications and the Laboratory of Humanitarian New Media Technologies of the FP with the assistance of the Scientific Library and the Information and Analytical TSU Center. This is the result of an in-depth analysis of monitoring the resources of international databases using SciVal online tools.

The project team hopes that digests will help make your scientific activity even more effective and will be the beginning for you to master new fields of research and technological developments."
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
TASS is Russia's leading state news agency. On September 1, 2022, TASS turned 118 years old
Scientists have created a biosensor for the rapid detection of coronavirus in crowded rooms
The system was tested on samples of clean air, as well as in the apartments of people with covid

TASS, July 10. American researchers have developed a detector of viral particles in the air. He is able to track the presence of any coronavirus strains in crowded rooms in five minutes and notify others. This was announced on Monday by the press service of Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL). The description of the work is published in the journal Nature Communications.

"To date, there is no device that can immediately show how safe a particular room is. If you've been in the same room with hundreds of other people, you probably won't want to find out in five days whether you've been infected or not. Our device allows you to receive information about the presence of the virus in almost real time," said WUSTL professor John Chirrito, whose words are quoted by the press service of the university.

The system is a biosensor that was originally used to solve a completely different task - detecting traces of beta-amyloid, a pathogenic protein associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease, in the blood of patients. After the outbreak of the pandemic, researchers wondered if it was possible to adapt this device to detect SARS-CoV-2 particles.

The authors of the work changed the device of the system so that it passes through itself not biological fluids, but air. They built nanoantibodies into the electrodes of the device, capable of connecting with the shells of all known strains of coronavirus. Upon contact with SARS-CoV-2 particles, the resistance of the electrodes coated with antibodies changes, which makes it possible to detect the presence of the virus in the air.

According to the researchers, the high speed of the system is provided by a powerful pump capable of pumping through about a thousand liters of air per minute. Thanks to this, the device can detect traces of the virus in closed rooms in just five minutes after people appear in it.

Scientists have successfully tested the sensor's operation both on air samples with coronavirus particles and in rooms where patients with coronavirus infection were located. In the near future, the authors plan to create biosensors capable of detecting other pathogens, including influenza virus, rhinovirus and other pathogens of SARS, as well as various hospital infections. The relatively inexpensive device, as reported in the press release, can be used in healthcare institutions, as well as in schools and other public spaces.

At the opening of the Digoria forum, Kiriyenko said about the value crisis that has engulfed the world

July 11, 2023
First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko welcomed the participants of the V All-Russian Forum of Young Political Scientists and specialists of the socio-humanitarian profile "Digoria". The opening of the forum took place on Monday, July 10, in Nizhny Novgorod.

"Let me <...> wish successful work to the fifth anniversary Digoria Forum,— Kiriyenko addressed the participants of the event via video link.
He also conveyed to them the address of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During his speech, Kiriyenko noted that at the moment the world is in a global crisis of values, when concepts such as family and marriage, good and evil are questioned.

"In addition to changes in economic and geopolitical crises, we, of course, have a global value crisis. Today, seemingly basic value things, such as family, traditional values of a huge number of people living in the world, are subject to this erosion," Kiriyenko said.

He added that, in his opinion, this value crisis is "much more fundamental than economic, geopolitical and even military crises."

The previous Digoria Forum was held from August 10 to 13, 2022 in the Moscow Region. Then, also speaking at its opening, Kiriyenko said that current events in the world are Russia's time, since any crisis is a unique time of opportunity.

Addressing the participants of the Digoria, he noted that the XX century gave Russia a huge number of similar examples and experiences. Kiriyenko stressed that sometimes they were difficult, but they taught a lot,
so the Russian Federation is able to change and integrate into the ongoing changes faster and even manage these changes."

"Digital pumping of the region" will be held in Nizhny Novgorod

On July 20, Nizhny Novgorod will host a "Digital pumping of the region" on the topic "Smart City" and "Data-based management of the region". The event will be organized by ANO "Digital Economy" and the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region with the support of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment" and the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation".

The key topic of discussion will be the digital development of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the main trends in digitalization. During the "Digital pumping of the region", representatives of different regions, as well as industry experts, will share their experience in managing the region based on data and the use of Smart City technologies.

In addition, experts will discuss cases of leading companies in the digital segment focused on current issues. The plenary session will be attended by Deputy Director of the FAA "Project Directorate of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Daria Dolgikh. Her report will be devoted to the updated Standard of the Smart City project: "Smart City Standards. Where are we going? Who is responsible?".

Another important issue will be the methodology for calculating the Digital Transformation Index "IQ of cities". It is calculated annually to determine the effectiveness of digitalization of urban economy. According to the results of 2021, the average value of the index reached 52.6 points. At the same time, for example, the IQ index of Nizhny Novgorod is 88.26. This is one of the highest results.

The methodology for calculating the index contains 47 indicators in 10 areas, including urban management, smart housing and communal services, smart urban transport, intelligent public and environmental safety systems, and much more.

"Digit" qualitatively changes people's lives. Therefore, a constant exchange of experience is necessary to unlock the potential of digital solutions of cities. And now, in a rapidly changing world, the Smart City project is even more relevant," said Daria Dolgikh, Deputy Director of the Project Directorate of the Ministry of Construction of Russia."

ANO "Digital Economy"

6 july at 14:30
Today, at 15:00 (Moscow time), within the framework of the Russian Creative Week, the session "Of all the arts for us, GameDev is the most important!" will begin.

The discussion is addressed to the problems of socialization through the digital gaming process, saturation of gaming environments with cultural images and meanings in the interests of the development of Russian society, economy and state with a focus on increasing the competitiveness and export potential of domestic products.

Maxim Parshin, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia;
Vladimir Prokuranov, Deputy Director for Development of ANO "Digital Economy";
Alexander Mikheev, VK Play Product Director;
Vasily Maguryan, CEO of VK Play;
Pavel Zhukov, Chief Engineer Developer of the Gamification Laboratory at PJSC "Sber";
Sergey Kosinsky, Deputy General Director of Gazprom Media;
and other speakers."

Southern Federal University

At the training of entrepreneurial competencies "Startup Game" in SFU, will be talking about technological entrepreneurship

On May 16, a new season of entrepreneurial competence trainings "Startup Game" will start at the Southern Federal University within the framework of the "University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform".
Participants are waiting for all the latest knowledge about technological entrepreneurship, diagnostics of competencies and opportunities for the development of business projects, as well as delicious coffee breaks and gifts.

"Startup Game" is a one-day intensive game training, lasting six hours, covering eight competencies in the field of technological entrepreneurship, including generation and formation of product ideas, team formation, validation of potential consumers, development of hypotheses and ideas of a minimally viable product (MVP), justification of a business model, preparation of a presentation and negotiations with investor, etc .

The training program is based on full immersion in the process. According to the plot, the participants get into the game world, in which they have to go through the path of developing a startup in one day. In the process of "moving in time and space" - completing tasks to work out the startup's business model, including in the training chat, participants and teams will be able to form their rating. Receiving "financing from an investor" in the final means the victory of the team in the game, one of which will be able to receive a valuable prize – the SFU merch.

The federal project "Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship" was created to reveal the entrepreneurial potential and train professionals in the field of technological entrepreneurship.

You can choose a suitable date and register for the training on the official website of the project /, the number of seats is limited.

The modern Russian family: the expert of the SFU told about new trends in family relations

On July 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This holiday was approved by order of the President of the Russian Federation, and it coincides with the Orthodox celebration in honor of the patron saints of the family and marriage of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky.

The topic of family has always played an important, life-defining role, and today it also remains significant for most people. However, the rapidly changing world forces us to reconsider our views on many things, including family. The problems of the development of family relations in the modern world are of interest not only directly to family members, but also to the scientific community of economists, doctors, psychologists, sociologists, etc.

Anna Vereshchagina, Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Sociology and Methodology of Regional Studies of the Southern Federal University, told about what factors influence the formation of modern marriage unions in Russia and how married couples of the 21st century differ.

The vicissitudes of marriage unions and the pandemic
Today, according to the expert, there is a trend associated with an increase in the age of starting a family, and such an increase is typical for both men and women. Much more often people began to start a family after 35 years, on average, the age of marriage today is 27-29 years for most Russian couples.

"We also see that the number of concluded family unions and the number of divorces with them are decreasing. And this can be explained by the growth of so-called civil marriages, which are also called trial marriages (not everyone now risks getting married immediately under the influence of romantic relationships, but prefer to test their feelings). In addition, it is not excluded, as experts believe, the introduction of the institute of trial marriage in the near future, when those entering into marriage will be given a period to test the relationship – a probationary period," notes Anna Vereshchagina.

As you know, the coronavirus pandemic has taken over all aspects of our lives, including affecting family relationships. The expert adds a remarkable fact: it turns out that in 2020, when the pandemic isolation was at its peak, a record number of applications for a marriage contract (142.5 thousand) were registered in Russia. Such popularity of marriage contracts is explained by the desire of couples to protect themselves and their property from creditors and business failures.

"In addition, the pandemic has become a serious impetus to the already developing idea of atomization of society, where everyone strives for personal comfort, which can be achieved even without being a family man, on the contrary, the family only interferes with the comfort of private existence, which has become a source of spreading loneliness as a consciously chosen trajectory of life. But despite this, the pandemic has also shown the value of strong family ties as an indicator of stability in life," the expert emphasizes.

Who has the last word?
According to a recent VTSIOM survey on the distribution of roles in Russian families, over the past 15 years, the share of Russians who believe that there should be a head of the family has halved — from 58% to 29%. The consensus model is gaining more and more support, which in principle does not imply the presence of the head in the family.

The sociologist notes that the family as a micromodel of society cannot develop outside the trends of social development, which demonstrate, and for quite a long time, the spread of liberal values and attitudes in all spheres of society, the movement for equality of civil rights, including in the gender aspect (between men and women).
In addition, according to Professor Vereshchagina, patriarchal family foundations are giving way to egalitarian (equal) ones, and this is the natural course of evolution of human and family relations. For European and Russian society, the egalitarian family is not something new. It is important that the dynamics of the spread and consolidation of egalitarian family relations in different regions and types of settlement are not the same. There are fewer such families and relationships in rural areas and regions with a stable traditional culture than in urban areas and modernized regions of the country.

It is also worth noting that today the ideal image of a woman in the eyes of men, according to sociological surveys, is no longer limited to the image of the keeper of the hearth and comfort, a loving wife and mother. A woman should be educated, have a profession, be able to earn a living, and the non-patriarchal image is more widespread among young Russians. Of course, the situation varies somewhat in different regions of the country, but the all—Russian trends are exactly like this, the expert adds.

"Today, the family is becoming autonomous, becoming an independent unit, an independent microcosm focused on satisfying its own needs and interests, independent status always defines as an important condition for survival a high level of individual responsibility and cooperation, partnership (therefore, some researchers also call an egalitarian family, a family of equals a partner). These two characteristics (individual responsibility and partnership) are key for an egalitarian family. Count on yourself, support each other, substitute (in everyday life, in education, in work) – this is the only way a modern family can survive in a world of rapid changes and cataclysms. when everything can change in an instant (and the coronavirus pandemic is an example of that)," explains Anna Vereshchagina.

The sociologist adds that an egalitarian family is a very difficult format of family relations, requiring a deep communicative culture from the spouses, as well as knowledge of a psychological, sociological, ethical nature, revealing the peculiarities of the formation, preservation and development of family (marital, parental, child–parent) ties and relationships, since there is nothing more fragile, vulnerable and so on a world that has a greater impact on the life of an individual than the world of a family. And this should be taught from early childhood – how to build this world in such a way that it is stable, joyful and happy.

When is it time to become parents?
An integral part of a family union is the birth and upbringing of children. And here, too, there are some changes.

Professor Vereshchagina notes that the average age of a mother at the birth of her first child has increased to almost 26 years, and this fact is associated with both female emancipation and the postponement of the wedding, i.e. the official conclusion of marriage. Also, in the Russian family, they still prefer to follow the tradition when children are born in marriage. This is also facilitated by the modern family policy of the state, assistance to young families, etc.

According to VTSIOM research, another trend has emerged where fathers have become more involved in the upbringing of children, moreover, there are situations that involve not just involvement, but also equality, and sometimes full responsibility of the father for the upbringing of the child and caring for him.

"This trend is a consequence of the processes of democratization and egalitarization of social and family relations. The interchangeability of roles as a key feature of an egalitarian family implies the active participation of both spouses in the upbringing of children. Moreover, in such a family, again due to the interchangeability of roles, it is often the father who takes care of the children most of the time if the mother spends most of the time at work. In such a family, the contribution to family life is not assessed purely by material income. Cases have become quite frequent when it is the father who takes leave to care for the child, and the mother continues her professional work - this is the decision of the family in terms of economic benefits, and modern family legislation allows making decisions of this kind. That is, the legal framework of family relations in the Russian state also contributes to the involvement of fathers in educational activities, recreating the institution of fatherhood in our country in a new format," the expert comments.

What is the meaning of family today?
At different times, family relationships personified a certain stability and success of a person. When creating a family, people aspired to the special comfort that a marriage union can give, but it is worth noting that over time, the understanding of comfort has also undergone changes. And today, as the sociologist notes, a family model adequate to the modern digital world is being consolidated – the family-platform model.

"The time frame of the family-platforms, boundaries (family composition), the nature of interactions do not have clear outlines. Such a platform makes it possible for both partners to create the necessary line of relationships for life self-realization. There can be many variations of platforms, as well as the forms in which it is created the format of a guest marriage, for someone - a childfree, for someone – a civil marriage. Strong, stable and long-term relationships are gradually losing their significance, becoming a rarity. The family has ceased to be an end in itself, has ceased to be dominant in a person's life, it is woven into many network interactions, in the space of which the individual's personal and collective life is built," adds Anna Vereshchagina.

It turns out that now the family is becoming an auxiliary tool for achieving goals, similar to the digital world, where everyone can choose the necessary set of functions for a comfortable and successful life.

In conclusion, the specialist noted that the institution of the family will constantly evolve and transform depending on the social context, the spirit of the times and the challenges of the era. For everyone, family means something of its own, for someone it embodies home and comfort, love and care, someone will say that family means children, and also mutual understanding and responsibility. And despite the changing family values, we still strive to surround ourselves with close and dear people. According to the expert, the institution of the family will never leave the historical arena. What will it be like in 50 or 100 years? Only time will tell.

The State also tries to support families by taking various steps in the field of material, social support and the legal basis for the existence of the institution of the family."
The best technology projects at the forum "Strong ideas for a New time" were presented to Vladimir Putin
June 29, 2023
The initiatives were presented by Dmitry Peskov, Director of the Young Professionals direction of the ASI, Special Representative of the President for Digital and Technological Development.
The project of the National Cyberphysical Platform "Den" [Berloga], the leader of which is Alexey Fedoseev, is dedicated to the mass involvement of young people in scientific and technical creativity and education through a mobile game. The project is based on a gaming platform created by Russian developers. The pilot project "Den" was launched with the support of ASI and is currently being implemented in Bashkiria. Earlier, the idea was presented at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Entering the "Den", a student can program directly during the game, as well as develop his character by participating in real educational events. The platform integrates with the events of the NTI Circle Movement and technical creativity sites, which makes it an entry point for young people into technological circles, helps them learn programming and other in-demand technical skills through the game.

Dmitry Peskov stressed that the "Den" is "an attempt for the first time in the world to combine the physical and virtual world in the individual logic of a child's development."


Nov 8, 2022
JULY 10, 2023
VTB presented options for using smart contracts with a digital ruble

VTB presented its proposals on the basic scenarios for the use of smart contracts with a digital ruble for individuals and legal entities. Vadim Kulik, Deputy President and Chairman of the VTB Management Board, told about this during the Financial Congress of the Bank of Russia.

"It is no longer enough for modern society to simply make a transfer from account to account. There is a need for the formation of a new trust settlement space, where translation, transaction programming and information management are linked into one and are reliably protected. The digital ruble platform will provide new opportunities for creating self-executing transactions, a secure environment for programming smart contracts will appear," Vadim Kulik said during his speech.

The use of smart contracts with a digital ruble will allow individuals to ensure transparency of payments, as well as the possibility of flexible management of balances on their digital wallets. This can be convenient when using "children's" wallets, when it is necessary to spend only on a given list or to prohibit the purchase of certain categories of goods. And also for transfers of individuals for various purposes, for example, for charity, when transparency of calculations is important.

This may be applicable for self-executing trades. For example, to collect money with an automatic transfer to the recipient when the required amount is reached, automatic congratulations on the contact list with the subsequent transfer of a certain amount on a given date, or automatic replenishment of the digital wallet when the minimum balance is reached or when receiving a salary. It is possible to transfer digital rubles to the bank's wallet to guarantee their further transfer with confirmation through a banking application by analogy with a letter of credit.

For legal entities, the use of smart contracts with a digital ruble will allow automating settlements under contracts, as well as monitoring their intended use, including in public procurement and state contracts. This functionality will be useful for both financial market participants and businesses.

The functionality of smart contracts will allow legal entities to automatically transfer digital rubles from the wallet of the parent organization to the wallets of subsidiaries or dependent organizations for the execution of their payments in case of insufficient own funds. Smart contracts also allow you to automatically generate payment documents and transfer digital rubles according to pre-set conditions — payment of wages, tax payments, repayment of the loan term, settlements with suppliers, etc. It also provides a reduction in labor costs for making payments on the client's side.

VTB has been actively participating in the work on the digital ruble since the launch of the project by the Bank of Russia in 2020. Last year, the bank tested a prototype of the digital ruble platform of the Bank of Russia. During this work, various operations with digital rubles were tested — opening and closing wallets, transfers between individuals, as well as payment in favor of legal entities. Testing of VTB systems with the digital ruble platform of the Bank of Russia has been successfully completed.

The next stage is piloting operations in digital rubles on real money. As stated, this will happen after the adoption of bills on the digital ruble. Piloting will take place at a limited number of trade and service enterprises and individuals from among VTB employees, as well as other pilot participating banks. On the part of VTB, such a focus group has already been formed. Based on the results of the focus group, it will be possible to assess the readiness to launch payments in digital rubles as a whole."

Chernyshenko's office: The draft resolution on the equalization of paper and digital driver's licenses is ready

The office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko reported on the readiness of the draft resolution on the equalization of electronic and paper driver's licenses.

"The draft resolution has been developed and has passed interdepartmental coordination and is being prepared for submission to the government. We expect that it will be sent in the coming days," RIA Novosti reports with reference to the Deputy Prime Minister's office.

Earlier, the head of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Mikhail Chernikov, in an interview with RG, said that amendments to the rules of the road were being prepared, which would allow drivers not to carry with them paper rights and a certificate of registration of transport.

Recall that now a digital copy of the driver's license is available for verification in the mobile application "Gosuslugi Avto". At the same time, the driver must still have paper documents with him, since the rules do not yet allow him to do without them."

Dmitry Chernyshenko, in left

Neural network drivers: Which professions are leaving and which ones are coming with the development of artificial intelligence

In the coming years, artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of replacing about 300 million jobs in the world. Such data is provided by Goldman Sachs bank. In May of this year alone, almost 4,000 people officially lost their jobs due to artificial intelligence. Experts of Rossiyskaya Gazeta told how dangerous this trend is, how actively it will grow and which professions AI can completely replace.

"Four thousand people are just the beginning of the trend," says financial expert, author of the Telegram channel "Economism" Alexey Krichevsky. - Analysts' forecasts a couple of months ago were that artificial intelligence could cut almost 25 percent of jobs in the next 5-10 years. And this is actually happening, just so much and openly began to talk about it only now after the swing of neural network products. After all, de facto all production is already robotic, an extremely small percentage of all goods in the world are assembled manually."

According to the expert, now we are no longer talking about mechanical work, but about intellectual work. There are two very simple examples, he explains.

The first is that neural networks are gradually learning encoding, which means that after some time there may simply not be a need for juniors. And this will create the problem that there will be a shortage of mid-level specialists. But it plus or minus will be solved through the distribution of tasks between AI and staff.

The second case is designers, artists, that is, graphic creative specialists. Already, in many areas, there is a rejection of paid workers of this format. Neural networks perfectly generate the necessary images on request, and unique ones.

"That is, today there is a trend for job cuts. In addition, many American giants from different sectors - IBM, Intel, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, AMD, Bank of America, Walmart, Amazon, Google - openly say that they are suspending the hiring of employees who can be replaced by AI. These are the losses of tens, if not hundreds of thousands of jobs," Alexey Krichevsky summed up.

Danya Shepovalov, IT expert, Digital studio Dani Shepovalova agrees that AI will take more and more work from a person every day.

"When autonomous cars drive through the streets, and chatbots provide technical support, it's annoying," he said. - True, AI not only takes away jobs, but also creates them. For example, professions have appeared: a neural network driver, a trainer who trains models, a roboticist who puts AI into an iron body, an information security specialist who will urgently plug the holes created by AI. A watchman will also come in handy, who will pull the switch in time to prevent an AI apocalypse."

According to the expert, the problem is that mass jobs requiring less qualifications are being taken away, and those for which technical education and enthusiasm for learning new things are being created. "But you will not retrain from a seller or a lawyer in a month, for example, to a data scientist (a specialist in working with data to solve business problems)," added Danya Shepovalov."
List of assignments based on the results of the conference "Journey into the world of artificial intelligence"

Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions following the results of the conference "Journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence", held on November 23-24, 2022.

January 29, 2023
changes to national projects and state programs of the Russian Federation providing for the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in every branch of the economy and social sphere.

The deadline is September 1, 2023 ..."

Plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the XXVI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

June 16, 2023
Vladimir Putin: Dear friends! Dear Mr. President, Ladies and gentlemen!
The next direction of the supply economy is to increase the efficiency of the real sector and the service sector, increase labor productivity in Russia by eliminating bottlenecks, eliminating losses, and implementing optimal solutions. All this is described by the term "careful production".

Since 2019, we have been implementing the national project "Labor Productivity". About five thousand enterprises participate in it, more than 88 thousand employees have been trained in new modern methods. We see how this work is yielding results, including in the military-industrial complex: it allows you to quickly customize the production of weapons and military equipment.

The introduction of the principles of careful, efficient production should gain momentum, not only in the basic sectors of the economy, but also in other sectors, in the social sphere. Here it is necessary to fully utilize the resource of the Federal Competence Center and expand its mandate.

Another key area of the supply economy concerns active automation and the development of artificial intelligence technologies.

In Russia, due to objective demographic processes, the supply on the labor market will be limited. In these conditions, it is extremely important for us to increase the pace of automation of mining, manufacturing, agriculture, transport and logistics, trade and many other areas.

Russia has not only huge potential here, but also effective solutions of its own. Just the other day, as part of our forum, the launch of KAMAZ unmanned trucks on the Neva federal highway took place. Unmanned Yandex taxis are already operating on the streets of Moscow. These are good, but so far isolated examples, and we need the mass introduction of such technologies.

Let me remind you that last November we discussed measures to stimulate the introduction and production of industrial robots in Russia. We agreed that the Government will approve the relevant federal draft by July 1. I ask you to strictly maintain this deadline: delay here is absolutely critical for our economy.

I repeat: we need to cover more and more industries and institutions, forming the techno–economy of the future - an economy with institutions operating on a qualitatively new technological basis.
I would like to add that we regularly review the implementation of new technological solutions in the Russian economy and hold an annual conference dedicated to artificial intelligence. And starting this year, we are launching a new special platform – the Forum of Future Technologies, where advanced areas of technological development will be discussed on an annual basis. .."

Forum of Future Technologies
Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the participants, organizers and guests of the Forum of Future Technologies

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has sent greetings to the participants of the Future Technologies Forum, which will be held under the motto "Ahead of Time" on July 9-14, 2023 in Moscow. The appeal is posted on the Kremlin's website. ...
Participants, organizers and guests of the Future Technologies Forum

July 9, 2023, 09:00, Greetings

Dear friends!

I welcome you to the Forum of Future Technologies, held under the motto "Ahead of time". It will become traditional and is intended to serve as an open platform for dialogue between representatives of government, business, scientists, to develop joint steps in those research and technological areas that in the near future will determine global development, the future of humanity. Our task, the most important priority of Russia, is to use the enormous potential of such innovative solutions to grow the economy and improve the quality of people's lives.

The current forum is dedicated to quantum technologies. The scope of their application is exceptionally wide: these are new-generation computers, the development and creation of unique medicines and materials, optimization of power grids and logistics, as well as secure data transmission channels, ultra-sensitive measuring devices, medicine and security.

Today, in the face of unprecedented external challenges, and most importantly, large–scale, high-quality renewal of industry, agriculture, all sectors of the Russian economy, public administration and the social sphere, it is fundamentally important that the advanced developments of our engineers and researchers are implemented as quickly as possible. This is the key to strengthening our technological sovereignty, which means national progress, and the growth of the well-being of our citizens. I hope that the Forum of Future Technologies will give an additional powerful impetus to this work.

I would like to note that foreign colleagues will also take part in the upcoming meetings. I see this as a good opportunity to build mutually beneficial cooperation, to form promising technological partnerships and implement joint breakthrough projects.

I wish you success.

Vladimir Putin"

An expanded program of the Future Technologies Forum has been published

An expanded version of the business programme has been published on the official website of the Future Technologies Forum "Computing and Communication. The Quantum World", which takes place in Moscow from July 9 to 14 and opens a series of annual events dedicated to discussing promising areas of technological development of the country. The Forum was launched by the closed international scientific conference ICQT-2023 on July 9-12. The open days of the program are July 13-14.

"The modern economy is becoming more and more a data-driven economy. In such conditions, computing and data transfer technologies are becoming one of the key technologies of the modern economy. And it is important for Russia to be a leader in new technologies that can be revolutionary in nature. This means that quantum technologies and photonics are the areas that need to be given increased attention," said Maxim Oreshkin, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.

The business program of the Forum will consist of four main thematic parts. The topic of science and technology synergy will be the main topic in the sessions of the block "Science and Technology: ensuring sovereignty and development", which included discussions: "Technological sovereignty and Russia's place in international Science: contradiction or synergy?", "How and what moves science? Instruments of non-financial state support", "To help or not to interfere? State regulation of science", "Trusted environment as the basis of the digital economy", "How to combine talents? Find, develop and save".

The block "What will be the technologies of tomorrow" includes sessions: "Moore's Law: Does Transistor Microelectronics have a future?", "Quantum Superiority: in search of Practical application", "Quantum Internet: Is it possible to create a quantum supercomputer? Will there be a place for artificial intelligence?", "Quantum communications: from research to technology business".

The sessions "Quantum City of the Future", "Quantum computers and sensors in industry: is the future already here?", "Medicine and the man of the future in the quantum world: fiction or reality?" are devoted to the use of new technologies in various fields, and "Blockchain: scaling, security, prospects", which were included in the thematic block "How technologies are changing the world".

The discussion block "Combining science and creativity" includes sessions: "Ethics of the digital world: old utopias in a new light", "The Image of quantum in human consciousness", "Modern Science: engineering or creativity" with questions about the transformations in human life that further digitalization inevitably brings with it.

The technological sovereignty of the country is the key to economic progress
, a strategic resource for creating a competitive economy and the foundation for the well-being of residents. Therefore, the main topic of the Forum this year is the development of one of the most promising technologies of the future.

"It is quantum technologies that can become the basis of a new technological order.
Within the framework of the Forum, leading experts will discuss promising areas of implementation and the impact of new technologies on people's lives. One of the main key issues will be new models of international cooperation and the role of Russian science. I am sure that the Forum will serve as a basis for a constructive scientific dialogue "without borders" and the emergence of many business partnerships," said Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Additional events of the Forum include: VTSIOM session "Image of the future: public opinion on high technologies", an open meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the roadmap for the development of the high-tech field "Quantum Communications" and a press conference dedicated to the establishment of the National Prize in the field of Future Technologies "Challenge".

The operator of the Future Technologies Forum is the Roscongress Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Co - organizers: JSC "Russian Railways" and the state corporation "Rosatom". Title partners: The Government of Moscow and Gazprombank JSC. Sberbank PJSC is the General Partner of the Forum. The organizer of the ICQT 2023 scientific conference is the Russian Quantum Center."

How is the international industrial exhibition going?

On July 10, Innoprom-2023 opened in Yekaterinburg. This year, the international industrial exhibition, which is being held for the 13th time, gathered participants from 60 regions of Russia and 35 countries. In total, about 700 companies are represented — a record number for the entire duration of the event. Guests, participants and exhibits of the exhibition are in the photo gallery of Kommersant.



Dec 1, 2019
Moscow Metro is using by HIVITES as cover for MK ULTRA centres entrance, MK ULTRA transportation and Deep military bases. The metro have secret system tunnels among the ones you can visit. The metro has been digged after 1812 catastrophy and it was created in Atlantis -- you can see the technologies.

It not possible to bildt that way now.
They connnect major MK ULTRA centres and it comes abroad the moscow so no one know where the metro system truly ends.
Check the map -- occult symbolism in places.
First station that was opened was Falcon (Sokolnici)near Stromynka 7 and through the station it leads to Hunter market near Kremlin, another ritual place. Falcon (SOKOLNITCHESKAYA)line

From all major MK ULTRA ritual places to metro system leads tunnels from houses nearby. These houses have symbolism and all were bilt and used for MK ULTRA victims.The whole idea copy past underground cites they always used.
Mass deaths of workers are happens here often.
All mass deaths you heard can be cover for mass catch people for rituals.


Nov 8, 2022
The Center of biometric technologies will appear in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the establishment of a joint venture (JV) JSC "Center for Biometric Technologies" (CBT). The founders will be Rostelecom (49% of shares), the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (26% of shares) and the Bank of Russia (25% of shares).
CBT will develop and replicate digital identification and authentication technologies (including those based on biometric personal data), as well as document signing and storage services, including the creation, development and operation of commercial services and standard solutions. This will increase the level of digitalization in various sectors of the economy.
Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky:
"Rostelecom has been developing digital identification and authentication technologies for more than ten years. With their help, you can quickly and safely receive services and services from the comfort of your home — from anywhere where there is Internet...
First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova:
"The unified biometric system is one of the main elements of the country's digital infrastructure. The Bank of Russia supports the creation of a joint venture and believes that the concentration of resources, technologies and management in this new organization will ensure the introduction of secure biometric technologies in various spheres of our lives.
CEO of CBT Vladislav Povolotsky:
"The joint venture will give a new round in the development of mass services using biometric identification and authentication. Our task as an operator of a Unified Biometric System is to become a guide for the safe and comfortable provision of digital services not only in public services, but also in everyday life. In the coming year, we plan to significantly expand services and services in various industries using biometrics."...
X5 is interested in using biometrics when selling alcohol at self-service cash desks
According to the statement of the Center for Biometric Technologies, this should reduce queues and relieve cashiers, while removing the need for buyers to carry a passport with them.

MOSCOW, July 10. /tass/. X5 Group, which manages the Pyaterochka, Perekrestok and Chizhik networks, has sent a request to the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation to clarify the use of biometric data when selling alcohol and tobacco at self-service cash desks (CSR). This was reported to TASS by Stanislav Bogdanov, Director for Interaction with public authorities X5.

"We have sent a request to the Ministry of Digital Development to clarify the use of biometric personal data to authorize the sale of alcohol and tobacco at self-service cash desks," Bogdanov said, quoted by X5's press service.

According to him, the main advantage of this approach for the client will be the absence of the need for additional approval from the CSR operator for the purchase of alcohol and tobacco, which will significantly reduce the time of its purchase. In addition, this will relieve the operator of the self-service checkout.

"We expect that this innovative way of confirming the age of the buyer will be in demand among buyers," added the Director of interaction with public authorities X5.

The press service of the Center for Biometric Technologies, which is the operator of the Unified Biometric System, told TASS that retailers consider biometrics as a way to confirm the age of the buyer. "For example, so that you can pay for tobacco and alcohol at self-service cash desks. This should reduce queues and relieve cashiers, while removing the need for customers to carry a passport with them," the press service added.

The organization noted that the legislation already allows this to be implemented, since the use of biometrics of the "Unified Biometric System" is legally equivalent to the presentation of a passport. "The business can use the same case in bioequaring, when both face payment and age confirmation take place at the same time," the Center for Biometric Technologies added.

The law "On the Unified Biometric System" came into force on June 1, 2023. According to the document, all organizations collecting biometrics in commercial biometric systems must transfer this data to a unified system, the operator of which is the Center for Biometric Technologies."

The head of the ANO "Digital Economy" joined the Council for Improving Data Practices

On June 30, a meeting of the Council for Improving Data Practices was held. Following the meeting, Sergey Plugotarenko, Director General of ANO Digital Economy, was admitted to the Board.

"The digital economy is a data economy, and we hope to bring our experience of interaction with various industries where digital transformation processes are taking place and improving data practices become relevant. It is important to understand that digital industries have reached maturity, and the importance of self-regulation for the development of the industry is coming to the fore. Today, the entire industry — companies, the state, industry associations — are in the same boat. Therefore, it is necessary to help develop the market, avoiding strict regulation," comments Sergey Plugotarenko.

The Council for Improving Data Practices is a single management body responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the Code, developing and updating its provisions, forming and maintaining its most important components: the Register of Bona Fide Data Market Participants and the White Paper of Best Practices in Data Use."

Changing approaches to data turnover: rethinking approaches to the procedure for notification and obtaining consent to data processing


The Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (Foundation for Assistance to Innovations) is a non-profit organization whose key goal is financial support for young scientists and small enterprises engaged in scientific developments with a high potential for commercialization.

The expert jury of the International Award for Innovative Solutions of fintech, blockchain, web 3.0 and Artificial Intelligence, established by the Association of Financial Market Participants "Non–Profit Partnership for the Development of the RTS Financial Market" with the support of PJSC "SPB Exchange", awarded the Edwica project to WEI LLC - the winner of the Start-CT-1 and Start-AI programs-2" Foundation for the Promotion of Innovation – the title of the winner in the nomination "Project with significant social impact". Partners of the International Award "Skilfuk Intelligence 2023" were the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy, Fintech Hub Skolkovo, Skolkovo Technopark, Bashir Rameev IT Park. In total, more than 700 projects in the field of artificial intelligence took part in the competition.

Edwica is a service for automated construction of a career trajectory based on data on the user's education, professional experience, availability and level of proficiency in professional skills, readiness to move, professional goals, interests, inclinations, predispositions and comparison of these data with a large volume of data on the requirements of employers from the labor market.

First, the system generates three selections of the most suitable professions: the first – based on data on education, professional experience, skills, preferences, etc., the second – taking into account the demand for professions in the region in which the user lives or is ready to move to, and the third – taking into account his psychological portrait. Detailed information is provided about each profession: what functionality is meant, where you can work, what salary is available at different stages of development, what kind of competition, is there a risk of the disappearance of the profession, in which region of the Russian Federation such specialists are most in demand, etc.
The system has already been implemented in the Sakhalin Region and at MGIMO University. Pilot testing was successfully completed in the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of employment centers in the cities of Almetyevsk and Naberzhnye-Chelny, where, according to the results of the pilot, both cities recommended the service for implementation at the level of the Republic of Tatarstan. Pilot tests are also being conducted in 11 more universities in the country.


The Greenbar company from Chechnya has signed an agreement with the Indonesian investment company PT Agung Anugrah Investama, which intends to create a large-scale network of vertical farms on the territory of the islands based on the solutions of the Russian developer. The press service of the Russian company reported that the production of digital modules of cityferm will be established in Jakarta, which will then be installed in 15 thousand supermarkets and shopping centers. The agreement on cooperation with Indonesian partners was signed by the financial director of "Greenbar" Ramzan Iriphanov.

Cityferms from "Greenbar" use the domestic software "Virtual agronomist", which has no analogues in the world, in their work. The company received a grant for its development from the Innovation Promotion Fund within the framework of the Start-CT competition. The launch of cityferms and their software using artificial intelligence to the market is also carried out with the support of the Foundation under the program "Commercialization – Artificial Intelligence".

The complex under the control of a "Virtual agronomist" pre-programs parameters for controlling light, mortar node, humidity: temperature, lighting, nutrient components in the soil, etc. Sensors measure indicators and transmit data to the server for storage and processing. The system is self-learning: it recognizes and fixes user errors and does not allow other customers to repeat them."

The project of the research and production company "Mikotech", initiated and founded by young scientists of the ISU and the university administration, received the support of the Innovation Promotion Fund under the "Start-1" program. The grant amount is 4 million rubles.

The Start program is aimed at creating new and supporting existing small innovative enterprises that are at the initial stage of development and seeking to develop and master the production of new products, technologies or services using the results of their own scientific, technical and technological research with significant potential for commercialization. Such companies include the RPC "Mikotech", which is implementing a project at the ISU to create the first production in Russia (including the development of autonomous and mobile technological productions) of functional food products based on mushroom protein.

For the Start-1 competition, the Micotech Research and Development Company presented the project "Development of scientific equipment for biotechnological laboratories and small biotechnological industries".

Denis Aksenov-Gribanov, Head of the RPC "Mikotech", Candidate of Biological Sciences:
"The purpose of our R&D is to develop and test a prototype of a multicomponent biotechnological complex consisting of a vortex bioreactor incubator and a cassette bioreactor. It is designed for the cultivation of bacteria, fungi and plants, as well as biofilms (for example, bacterial cellulose) at constant temperatures, stirring and stable light conditions. Potential consumers: scientific departments and laboratories of universities, scientific institutions, private laboratories and companies producing innovative and biotechnological products, enterprises of the food sector. Thus, the development of a prototype solves the problem of import substitution and the development of Russian instrumentation in the field of biotechnology."

It should be noted that in 2022, Micotech received residency in the Skolkovo Innovation Center, which provides tax benefits and opens up opportunities for further promotion of developments and product launches to the market.

June 22, 2023
PEC has started testing unmanned air delivery

Testing of unmanned cargo delivery by aircraft began in Chuvashia. The logistics provider conducted two test flights in Cheboksary with the support of a partner, the Aeromonitoring Master company.
The VT5 vertical take-off and landing aircraft delivered a cargo weighing 5 kg from the PEC warehouse to the final recipient in the city of Tsivilsk. The drone followed at a speed of 90 km/ h, covering a distance of 40 km twice as fast as vehicles — in 25 minutes.
"In two years, PEC has opened more than 100 branches in Russia and abroad. Of these, 80 are in small cities of our country, we set the task to speed up and simplify delivery to remote regions of Russia, this encourages us to develop unmanned aerial transportation. According to the preliminary calculations of the PEC, it is most effective to use them on the “last mile”. We plan to speed up delivery from the company's warehouses to the final recipients by 30%," said Vadim Filatov, co—owner, Deputy Director of the PEC.

PEC will continue testing unmanned aerial delivery in other regions of Russia in order to build an economic model and decide in which regions it is more appropriate to use the technology.
Last week, PEK launched unmanned transportation along the M11 highway. The KamAZ unmanned truck with PEC cargo set off on its first course from St. Petersburg to Moscow and in the opposite direction.
At the first stage, the company plans four unmanned courses per day between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Thanks to this technology, PEC plans to increase the speed of transportation by 12% and reduce its cost by 10%.

PEC intends to automate warehouse logistics with the use of intelligent Evocargo trucks. The Evocargo service based on the company's autonomous transport will be used for uninterrupted and trouble-free cargo transportation at terminals, warehouses, fulfillment centers of the logistics operator, contributing to improving the efficiency of transport processes and reducing the level of emergencies with a human factor."

July 10, 2023
Sberbank has started negotiations with major banks to connect to the Pay QR service. So far, Alfa-Bank, Tinkoff, Sovcombank have joined the project, Kommersant has learned.
Tinkoff joined the service in July 2023. The QR code can be in the form of a sticker on a retail counter or can be displayed on the screen of a POS terminal. Now there are more than 1.4 million similar terminals across the country.

July 10, 2023
In the next couple of months, Sber intends to extend GigaChat to interact with all customers. While the bank's employees are experimenting with the neural network, Izvestia writes with reference to the first deputy chairman of the Board of Sberbank Alexander Vedyakhin.

He said that while virtual assistants are more focused on facts and on dry communication, it is still difficult for them to understand emotions.

"But our response to ChatGPT, which is called GigaChat, will also have such a large emotional module, thanks to which it will be able to both maintain a conversation and remember the previous conversation. Simply put, he will not forget what happened, will understand the emotional state of a person, will be able to tell a joke and, most importantly, perceive a person's joke," he promised.

Sber released its version of the multimodal neural network in April 2023. GigaChat can answer users' questions, maintain a dialogue, write program code, create texts and pictures based on descriptions within a single context. The GigaChat architecture is based on the neural network ensemble of the NeONKA model, which includes various neural network models and the supervised fine-tuning method, reinforcement learning with human feedback.

Preliminary registration of individual participants on the network accelerator "Exponent PRO"

The network accelerator of technological entrepreneurship of the SFU "Exponentpro" is focused on the accelerated refinement of ideas, initiatives and developments to ready-made projects or products and their commercialization, promotion and scaling.

The objectives of the acceleration program in solving the problems of the real sector of the economy and achieving technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation are:

-identification of promising projects in the field of nano-, bio-, information, cognitive technologies and assistance in their implementation in the real sector of the economy;
- improvement of technology transfer mechanisms and tools;
- involvement of the community of investors and business angels in the implementation and promotion of startup projects, including with the aim of developing the practice of using tools for collective (joint) financing of startup projects.

The purpose of the acceleration program, taking into account the network nature, is the large-scale involvement of students from the South of Russia in technological entrepreneurship, focused on achieving technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation, namely: improving business literacy and the level of work with intellectual property rights; orientation to project activities, including the creation of interuniversity startup teams for replication and scaling of successful projects to the regions where partner universities are located, the development of competencies in the field of attracting venture financing.

The Exponent PRO acceleration program is focused on projects with a technological readiness level of TRL 3 and higher, which involves the use of such tools for project development as producing business processes, product customization, including using CustDev technology, building proper communication with investors, including structuring transactions.

The specialization of the acceleration program is the markets of NTI Technet, Edunet.

Technological direction in accordance with the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 7 July 2011, N 899) - nano-, bio-, information, cognitive technologies within the framework of focus technologies implemented at SFU, including in network interaction with leading universities of the macroregion of the South of Russia, such SQUATS as: big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, robotics, wireless communication, industrial Internet, virtual and augmented reality, new production, as well as nano, bio- and cognitive technologies, etc.

The "Exponent PRO" accelerator is bringing scientific and technological developments to commercial results!"

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 899 dated 07.07.2011

On approval of priority directions for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation

Entered into force on July 7, 2011
(As amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12/16/2015 No. 623)

In order to modernize and technologically develop the Russian economy and increase its competitiveness, I decree:

1. Approve the attached:

a) priority directions of development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation;

b) the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation.

President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev
PRIORITY AREAS for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation

1. Security and counter-terrorism.

2. Nanosystems industry.

3. Information and telecommunication systems.

4. Life sciences.

5. Promising types of weapons, military and special equipment.

6. Rational use of natural resources.

61. Robotic complexes (systems) of military, special and dual-use. (Amended - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 623 of 12/16/2015)

7. Transport and space systems.

8. Energy efficiency, energy conservation, nuclear power.

List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation

1. Basic and critical military and industrial technologies for the creation of promising types of weapons, military and special equipment.

2. Basic technologies of power electrical engineering.

3. Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies.

4. Biomedical and veterinary technologies.

5. Genomic, proteomic and postgenomic technologies.

6. Cellular technologies.

7. Computer modeling of nanomaterials, nanodevices and nanotechnologies.

8. Nano-, bio-, information, cognitive technologies.

10. Bioengineering technologies.

11. Technologies of diagnostics of nanomaterials and nanodevices.

12. Technologies of access to broadband multimedia services.

13. Technologies of information, control, navigation systems.

14. Technologies of nanodevices and microsystem technology.

15. Technologies of new and renewable energy sources, including hydrogen energy.

16. Technologies for obtaining and processing structural nanomaterials.

17. Technologies for obtaining and processing functional nanomaterials.

18. Technologies and software of distributed and high-performance computing systems.

19. Technologies for monitoring and forecasting the state of the environment, prevention and elimination of its pollution.
23. Technologies for creating high-speed vehicles and intelligent control systems for new modes of transport.

Working scientific session of scientists and developers of Neuronet — "CAULDRON of ideas"
Online, July 11

At regular "Working sessions" of the Neural Network — the "CAULDRON" of ideas, there is a review and analysis of "hot" news on neuroscience, artificial intelligence and neurotechnology. First of all, articles from Nature and Science over the past two weeks, samples from ArXiv and sources "lit up" in mass-media.

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Nov 8, 2022
Come on, I'm almost ready to ''quit for health reasons'', so to speak, more softly. A little news and I switch to "throw links" mode (which I have not been able to post) from the files :D


Nov 8, 2022
100 times faster Wi-Fi and much safer: the standard of light wireless communication Li-Fi is adopted

The non—profit association Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has adopted a new wireless communication standard based on optical (using light) transmission of information - Li—Fi (Light Fidelity - literally, "light accuracy"). The publication of the standard was welcomed by manufacturers already trying to implement Li-Fi systems, as this should accelerate the widespread adoption and dissemination of new data transmission technology.

Instead of radio waves, Li-Fi transmits data, creating binary codes by flickering light in the optical range using conventional LED lamps that are used for lighting, and receivers convert photons back into information. At the same time, users will not notice flickering at all, since it is provided with a frequency above 60 Hz and will not be perceived by human vision. At the same time, the transfer rate of Li-Fi is 100 times higher than that of Wi-Fi and reaches 224 GB/s.

The idea of using light instead of radio waves has long been promoted by Li-Fi supporters, including pureLiFi, Fraunhofer HHI and Light Communications 802.11bb Task Group. It is claimed that it will provide faster, more reliable and secure connections compared to the most modern technologies, including Wi-Fi and 5G. Companies working on the technology, in particular pureLiFi, Fraunhofer HHI and Philips, were able to integrate Li-Fi equipment into conventional lighting systems in homes and offices, and some companies offer to use even street lights, headlights and brake lights for data transmission, potentially providing "communication" of smart machines with each other. It is expected that with the adoption of the new standard, the interaction of such systems with Wi-Fi-based alternatives will be ensured.

According to experts, the adoption of the standard will not lead to the disappearance of Wi-Fi, 5G and even wired networks — technologies based on wired and radio communications still have some important advantages over optical. For example, data can be transmitted over a much greater distance and even through opaque objects. However, some of these advantages are also disadvantages of radio communication.

The advantages of Li-Fi are not only high speed, but also operation in the optical spectrum, which ensures reliability, low latency and makes data interception extremely difficult. For example, the fact that the Li-Fi light does not penetrate beyond the walls, unlike the Wi-Fi signal, is important, so it is almost impossible to intercept data transmission from the outside, since it does not extend beyond the premises.

Another important advantage in comparison with Wi-Fi and 5G is the ability to work where radio networks are already overloaded. Moreover, the technology will provide a powerful and stable signal even where other wireless solutions will have difficulties, for example, in tunnels.

After the publication of the IEEE 802.11bb standard, manufacturers can be more confident in the future of the technology and implement it more widely where conditions allow. For example, pureLiFi, which has become one of the locomotives of technology implementation, has already prepared the Light Antenna ONE module for integration into connected devices. The element is only 14.5 mm in size and is already being offered to OEMs for evaluation and testing.

Experts expect that a wide range of devices with Li-Fi support will soon appear — even before the Mobile World Congress exhibition in February next year."

And my browser broke down... like me :D
Testing of the digital ruble will start in August 2023

The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill on the digital ruble in the second and third readings. The main provisions of the law will come into force on August 1, 2023. Immediately after that, the Central Bank will begin testing the digital ruble on real customers with real money in the appropriate legal field.


Yesterday, July 11, 2023, the State Duma adopted Bill No. 270838-8, which forms the legal basis for the introduction of the digital ruble. The digital ruble will become the third form of national currency that the Bank of Russia plans to issue in addition to existing cash and non-cash funds.

The law introduces into the legal plane the basic concepts necessary for the introduction of the digital ruble, including defines the legal status of the digital ruble and transactions with it, the relationship of the operator of the digital ruble platform - the Bank of Russia, its participants (financial intermediaries) and users (citizens and companies).

"The law on the digital ruble has been adopted. Now we need to adopt the necessary regulations, and we expect to do this as soon as possible. We plan to launch a pilot with real digital rubles in August," the press service of the Bank of Russia told ComNews.

At the legislative level, the obligations of the Central Bank as the operator of the digital ruble platform to users are fixed. This means that he is responsible for opening digital wallets, conducting transactions with digital rubles, as well as a number of other functions of the regulator.

"Operations on the digital ruble platform will be carried out according to the rules approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia. He will also determine the tariffs for transactions with the third form of the national currency and the terms in which banks will have to provide customers with the opportunity to conduct such operations. It is planned that transfers and payments in digital rubles will be free for citizens, and tariffs for businesses for accepting payments in digital rubles will amount to 0.3% of the payment," representatives of the Bank of Russia note.

The digital ruble is created primarily as another means for payments and transfers. Therefore, the law stipulates that it will be impossible to open a deposit in digital rubles and get a loan, and interest on the remaining funds in digital wallets will not be accrued.

The document will enter into force on August 1, 2023, with the exception of provisions for which a different date is set for their entry into force.

The second bill on the digital ruble - No. 270852-8 on amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, containing problematic proposals regarding collateral relations, as well as new terminology for inclusion directly in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is still under consideration in the State Duma.

The press service of VTB Bank (PJSC) reported that VTB has been actively participating in the work on the digital ruble since the launch of the project by the Bank of Russia in 2020. Last year, the bank tested a prototype of the digital ruble platform of the Bank of Russia. During this work, various operations with digital rubles were tested - opening and closing wallets, transfers between individuals, as well as payment in favor of legal entities. Testing of VTB systems with the digital ruble platform of the Bank of Russia has been successfully completed.

"The preparation of the legal framework was carried out with the direct interaction of the industry and the regulator. The next stage is piloting operations in digital rubles on real money," added the representative of the VTB press service.

Narine Beglyarova, Managing Partner of SONA PC LLC (Sona Private Consulting), notes that several significant changes have been made to the bill on the digital ruble for the second reading compared to the original bill. Some of them include:

Clarification of the definition of the digital ruble: it has been added that the digital ruble is a form of the ruble of the Russian Federation, an electronic monetary sign issued by the Bank of Russia.

User identification: in the second reading, it was established that the Bank of Russia will have the right to require payment execution operators to receive and transmit information about transactions with the digital ruble. This makes it possible to strengthen measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Restriction of freedom of use: changes have been made to eliminate the possibility of using the digital ruble to finance illegal activities and damage the national economy. Restrictions have been introduced on the amount of transactions, and monitoring and control mechanisms have been provided by the Bank of Russia.

Consumer protection: changes have been made to protect the interests and rights of users of the digital ruble, including the possibility of applying to the arbitration court in case of a conflict with the operator of the digital ruble.

The system of the digital ruble ecosystem: the draft law has been amended to define the main components and rules of interaction of participants in the digital ruble ecosystem in order to ensure the reliability, security and efficiency of the use of the digital ruble.

"These changes were introduced in order to improve the draft law on the digital ruble, as well as to protect the interests of the state and users of this new digital currency. It is obvious that the introduction of the digital ruble into circulation should be accompanied by changes in the civil Code, in particular regarding the list of objects of civil rights. Since the Central Bank will issue the digital ruble, the legislation on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will have to be adjusted," Narine Beglyarova comments.

Lawyer and expert of the educational platform of Digital Skill LLC (Moscow Digital School, part of Ultimate Education) Efim Kazantsev explains that the timing of the launch of the pilot project on the digital ruble was shifted several times because the project required coordination with many departments. "At the same time, we can note the insistence of the Central Bank to launch a pilot in 2023. The corresponding bill was adopted immediately in the second and third readings. Such a forced adoption indicates the presence of political will to launch the project as soon as possible," he said.

The Central Bank's website states that the development of legislation for the introduction of the digital ruble was supposed to be completed in 2022, but the State Duma adopted the bill only by mid-2023. When asked by a ComNews correspondent what could be the reason for the delay in the formation of the legal framework, Yefim Kazantsev replied that this could also be influenced by foreign policy events that required significant the attention of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the internal political struggle of various departments for control over financial flows."

Viktor Rykov, a lawyer at the Pen& Paper St. Petersburg Bar Association, said that when the bill passed its second reading, the Presidential Council for Codification and Improvement of Civil Legislation issued an expert opinion. It contains some criticism of the proposed changes. At the same time, the conclusion concerned not only draft Law No. 270838-8, which may amend certain legislative acts, but also Draft Law No. 270852-8 on amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

According to Vitaly Rykov, the contradictions in the approach of the authors of the second bill are still not eliminated. And the expert council responsible for the consistent codification of civil legislation is not interested in hasty amendments to the Civil Code only to justify some pilot projects in the financial sector.

Digitalization of industry in Russia


Digitalization of industry is the process of introducing digital technologies and innovations into the industrial sphere in order to optimize production processes, increase the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises.

Digitalization includes a wide range of activities, including automation, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), the use of big data (Big Data), artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and other technologies. In Russia, this process began relatively recently, but has already achieved certain results. 79% of Russian industrial enterprises already use digital technologies in production processes. However, only 22% of enterprises are fully digitized, and 34% are at the initial stage of digital transformation. The main impetus for digital transformation was the program "Digital Economy of Russia", adopted by the government in 2018. It provides for the development of digital infrastructure, increasing the level of digital literacy of the population, as well as support for the development of digital technologies in various sectors of the economy, including industry.

Among the most actively using digital technologies are the automotive, electronic and energy industries. At the same time, other sectors, such as agriculture, are at the initial stage of digital transformation. This is due to differences in the structure of production, the availability of technology and economic factors.

It is also worth noting that at the moment only 10% of Russian enterprises use artificial intelligence technologies. However, this segment represents the fastest growing area of digital transformation of the industry.

Despite restrictions on the import of technologies and software, the digital transformation of industry in Russia continues to develop actively. According to analysts' forecasts, by 2025 more than 60 digital platforms will be functioning in Russia, which will significantly accelerate the process of digital transformation of the industry.

However, to fully realize the potential of digitalization, not only technological innovations are needed, but also changes in the organization of production and management of enterprises. Therefore, the success of the digital transformation of industry in Russia will depend on an integrated approach and cooperation between the state, business and the scientific and technical community, as well as demand from Russian enterprises for domestic software.

Results of the Forum of Future Technologies "Computing and Communication. The Quantum World"

"Ahead of time" is the motto of the Future Technologies Forum "Computing and Communication. Quantum World", which opened a series of annual events dedicated to discussing breakthrough areas of technological development of the country. The main task of the Forum is to stimulate the joint work of the state, science and business on the development and implementation of technologies that allow Russia to meet global trends and claim global technological leadership.

"Our fundamental task is to bring the entire economy to a qualitatively new level based on big data," the President of Russia said in his speech at the plenary session of the Forum. Vladimir Putin proposed "to prepare a new national project for the period up to 2030, namely a national project for the formation of a data economy, within a year." "At the same time, we should have not just scientific developments and basic solutions, but the entire technological and production chain," the head of the Russian state stressed. "We are talking, in fact, about the backbone infrastructure for our further development, for the future of our economy as a whole. And it is obvious that dependence in this area means serious threats to national security, weakening, or even loss of the country's sovereignty," he said.

The state corporations responsible for the development of quantum technologies in the country presented their advanced developments to the President of Russia. The most powerful in the country is a 16—qubit ion-powered quantum computer, on which a molecule calculation algorithm is launched using a cloud platform, demonstrated by Rosatom State Corporation. In turn, representatives of JSC "Russian Railways" told about the construction of a backbone quantum network as part of the implementation of the roadmap "Quantum Communications" — by 2030 it will be held in 34 regions. And today Russia is already among the world leaders in the length of the quantum backbone network.

The association "Alliance in the field of Artificial Intelligence", which includes the country's leading companies, including Beac, is launching a new direction of work on the application of quantum technologies in the field of artificial intelligence. At the Forum, Moscow announced the creation of a quantum cluster based on the infrastructure of the Skolkovo Innovation Center by the end of 2024. The creation of the cluster has become a key point in the cooperation agreement signed by Rosatom State Corporation and the Russian Quantum Center. Another agreement — between the Russian Quantum Center and VK — will accelerate the development of quantum computing in the cloud The International Scientific Conference ICQT 2023, which opened the Forum, became an event "without borders" and brought together scientists from Russia, India, Brazil, China, France, Sweden, Belarus, Germany and Australia. A number of discussions on international cooperation and the implementation of joint projects took place at the site. In particular, the scientists told about the Russian-Chinese experiment on testing quantum space communication.

According to experts, the widespread practical use of quantum computing can begin as early as 2025, and on the horizon of 2030, non-quantum technological leadership will become impossible. It is predicted that the global quantum communications market will amount to about $20 billion by 2035.

"Leading countries are actively investing in quantum technologies, realizing the need to ensure national security and transition to new economic models. Today, the most important task for us is to build internal competencies and launch pilot implementations of quantum solutions. The Forum showed the readiness of the state, society and business to jointly resist external threats, create and implement breakthrough technologies," said Anton Kobyakov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the Forum Organizing Committee.

"The roadmap has gone far beyond the action plan for the development of quantum computing and has become the foundation of a trusting relationship between scientific groups and the corporation. We managed to build a real quantum family. We not only became market coordinators, but also assumed administrative responsibility. Today, our main task is to accelerate the introduction of quantum technologies in various sectors of the economy. We are ready to show by the example of the nuclear industry that they will solve complex industrial tasks in the coming years and will become an integral part of the technological landscape," Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation, said in his speech at the plenary session of the Forum.

The support of science, the status of scientists, the resumption of the megagrant program are necessary components for our country's leadership in key industries. And within the framework of the Forum, the first National Scientific Award "Challenge" was launched. The annual award and a significant monetary prize will be awarded to Russian scientists, engineers, inventors whose developments have significant potential and have a horizon of practical implementation of 3-10 years.

As a result of the Forum, more than 1,400 people visited the site, including 750 specialists from more than 80 Russian and foreign educational and research institutions and 250 media representatives. Among the participants were those who had just chosen or were on the way to their profession. "It's great that the Forum was held with the participation of young scientists, even schoolchildren! We have not only seen the decision makers in our country, but we have also seen those who will be the heroes of tomorrow," said Ruslan Yunusov, co—founder of the Russian Quantum Center.

The Forum of Future Technologies is held under the auspices of the Decade of Science and Technology, announced in 2022 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The event was organized by the Roscongress Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Co - organizers: JSC "Russian Railways" and the state corporation "Rosatom". Title partners: The Government of Moscow and Gazprombank JSC. The general partner of the Forum is Sberbank PJSC. The organizer of the ICQT 2023 scientific conference is the Russian Quantum Center.

The Roscongress Foundation is a socially oriented non—financial development institute, the largest organizer of all-Russian, international, congress, exhibition, business, public, youth, sports and cultural events, established in accordance with the decision of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Foundation was established in 2007 to promote the development of economic potential, promote national interests and strengthen the image of Russia. The Foundation comprehensively studies, analyzes, forms and highlights issues of the Russian and global economic agenda. Provides administration and promotes the promotion of business projects and investment attraction, promotes the development of social entrepreneurship and charitable projects.

The Foundation's events bring together participants from 208 countries and territories, more than 15,000 media representatives annually work at Roscongress sites, more than 5,000 experts in Russia and abroad are involved in analytical and expert work.

The Foundation interacts with UN structures and other international organizations. Develops multi-format cooperation with 192 foreign economic partners, associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs, financial, trade and business associations in 83 countries, with 277 Russian public organizations, federal executive and legislative authorities, subjects of the Russian Federation."


Nov 8, 2022
And a few added photos to this:
Of course, biometric surveillance is only part of a large–scale social engineering project called "Smart City-2030". In fact, both the person himself and his behavior – everything should change according to the plans of the digitizers team. The regulatory framework for these cases began to be created back in 2011 – see Resolution of the Government of Moscow dated 09.08.2011 N 349 "On approval of the State Program of Moscow "Smart City", which has been repeatedly supplemented and expanded since that time.
In order to better understand where the Muscovites and the whole country are being led by Sobyanin, praised by the authorities, let's study in more detail the presentation of the UG-2030 project from the website ."
Little more added pics from 2030 mos ru

"...neurointerfaces (the exchange of information between the human brain and an electronic device) will be widely used in the field of healthcare, transport, and industry"
"...medical digital devices implanted in the body… Based on data on the lifestyle and health of Muscovites received from sensors, insurance companies will calculate the amount of insurance payments..."
"gene therapy and genome editing will become an integral part of the medicine of the future..."
"for the treatment of cognitive and other disorders, nanorobots will be used – devices the size of a blood cell functioning inside a person..."



Dec 1, 2019
Just in case everyone forgot -- Hivites rule openly in Russia. All our healthy men were killed in wars. It is now open p***philia and MK ULTRA and murders. And bandits.
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