Russia through the hidden eye (continuation)


Nov 8, 2022
02 Jun, 2023
Economists have proposed schemes to replace the dollar in Russia's external settlements, the biggest prospects for expanding payments in rubles and yuan

VEB Institute evaluated alternative dollar and euro settlement models with other countries

A number of alternative models can replace dollars and euros that are toxic to Russia in international settlements. Among them are cryptocurrencies, a supranational unit, a digital "golden ruble". The pros and cons of the schemes were described by VEB experts

Since 2022, the dollar and euro have become toxic for most Russian companies, and non-cash payments even with friendly countries are difficult due to the threat of secondary sanctions and disconnection of Russian banks from the SWIFT system. However, there is a set of alternative models that Russia can potentially use and develop in international calculations. Experts of the Institute of Research and Expertise of VEB (part of the structure of the state corporation VEB.RF) write about this. In the presentation, which was reviewed by RBC, they assessed the advantages and risks of each of the proposed models.

RBC sent requests to the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance.
Cryptocurrencies and tokens
This method is not suitable as a system solution for international settlements, however, it can be used as a local means of payment for some transactions. There are examples: in 2022, a partnership was established between the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre free Economic Zone and ComTech FZCO in the UAE to issue tokens secured by gold bars stored in this zone in the blockchain network. For Russia, such a model makes it possible to accumulate unauthorized gold produced outside the Russian Federation, or to sell Russian gold to Arab companies that tokenize it, the VEB Institute notes.

Among the risks of cryptocurrencies are high volatility and regulatory pressure, the institute writes. The Russian authorities have not yet allowed the use of cryptocurrencies for external settlements, although business, as stated in the report of the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' rights, considers it "extremely urgent" to form a regulatory framework for the turnover of cryptocurrencies for settlements with foreign counterparties.

Digital "golden ruble"
VEB experts are also considering a scheme with a means of payment in the form of a stablecoin issued by Russia under the security of gold from its international reserves. They call the advantage of such a digital "golden ruble" liquidity, accessibility, ease of use in calculations, absence of issuer risks, relatively low volatility and low costs for participants in international trade.

As the reserves of monetary gold increase, including through purchases of it within the country, it is possible to increase the issue of the "golden ruble". The difference in the exchange rates of the "golden ruble" for the domestic market and international trade will help smooth out the impact of foreign economic shocks on the pace of development of the Russian economy. However, the implementation of the tool requires the development of a regulatory framework. "Without the active actions of the Bank of Russia, the golden ruble is unlikely to be able to gain international recognition," the authors write.

Anatoly Aksakov, the head of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, said in January that Russia could issue stablecoins backed by gold in order to conduct international settlements: this issue was discussed at a meeting of parliamentarians with a delegation from Iran. ..."

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia

October 13, 2021

Dmitry Chernyshenko added that the center will be created on the basis of the ANO "Digital Economy". A corresponding agreement has also been signed between the autonomous non-profit organization and the WEF.

"We are pleased to join the global network of centers of the fourth industrial revolution. Our organization unites the leading digital companies in Russia. Together with their leaders, we will study and adapt the best international practices in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, data regulation and other promising areas of digital economy development, as well as promote Russian practices to other countries," commented Evgeny Kovnir, CEO of ANO Digital Economy.

The Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow building systematic collaboration and constructive dialogue between Russian IT companies, state and international structures, as well as expert communities from around the world.

The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the center will begin its work on October 15. Its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of the executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022."
[**And. by the way, also:
Dmitry Chernyshenko: A billion Internet of Things devices by 2025 is a key goal of the ANO Digital Economy strategy

October 14, 2021

Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" in the Coordination Center. It approved the strategy of the organization's activities until 2024.

The members of the Supervisory Board also agreed on the principles of joint work and identified priority projects for implementation – communications, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other areas.

According to the draft of the new strategy, the work of ANO "Digital Economy" will be carried out in five main areas: "Digital transformation of industries and companies", "Safe open infrastructure", "Personnel for the digital economy", "Effective regulation" and "WEF and international cooperation"."

"The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia will be hosted by ANO Digital Economy in Moscow. It will work across the global network to maximize the benefits of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, while minimizing its risks."

To date:
To date: Centres for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in India, Brazil and South Africa (and in BRICS friends Saudi Arabia and UAE), and WEF Office in Beijing. Without nothing in Russia.


ANO "Digital Economy" is the main platform for interaction between business and the state for the development of the digital economy in Russia.

The activities of ANO "Digital Economy" are focused on areas that meet the current challenges of the development of high-tech sectors of the Russian economy.

We are analytics and research, an ecosystem of business support, staffing, promotion of technologies and solutions, elimination of problems of applicability of digital technologies, a national platform for supporting digital transformation."
Zero (0) results of search "WEF", and only one result of search "World Economic Forum":
The organization "Digital Economy" presented to the WEF experts the experience of Russia in the field of training for artificial intelligence

On January 26, 2022, a meeting of the international group of experts in the field of National Strategies for Artificial Intelligence was held within the network of Centers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum (The C4IR peer group on National AI Strategy, World Economic Forum).

The meeting was devoted to the exchange of experience and best practices in training personnel for artificial intelligence in the framework of the implementation of national strategies. Specialists from Russia and Turkey presented their strategies.

Alexey Sidoryuk, Director of Artificial Intelligence, presented the key elements of the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in Russia related to training, as well as the Federal Artificial Intelligence Project, part of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia".

Mikhail Burtsev, Head of the Laboratory of Neural Systems and Deep Learning at MIPT and Director of Fundamental Research at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AI), spoke about practical approaches and cases in the field of education, and also noted the achievements of teams from Russia at international competitions and conferences.

During the discussion, the experts of the World Economic Forum network highly appreciated the initiatives and projects of Russian colleagues aimed at training personnel for artificial intelligence. Special attention was paid to the educational project "Lesson of Numbers", implemented by ANO "Digital Economy" in partnership with leading technology companies in Russia. According to the participants, this approach is a unique and effective tool for introducing students of different ages to artificial intelligence technologies.
11 results, when WEF is written in Russian. 3 for "C4IR", and 10, when it is written on russian.
Here's the same news about the opening of the C4IR, with another cool photo, for a change:

Anyway, details. :)

ANO "Digital Economy" at the SPIEF-2023: "Scenarios for the use of artificial intelligence in health care - from predictive analytics to the development of mHealth technologies"

On May 11, the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum started – the largest platform for dialogue between representatives of the legal, business, political and law enforcement communities on issues of law in the interests of citizens, business, improving law enforcement practice, promoting legislative initiatives to develop legal culture and regulate the socio-economic sphere in modern conditions.

A session "Artificial Intelligence in healthcare" was held within the framework of the forum.
Experts recalled that artificial intelligence should be massively implemented in all sectors of the economy, including healthcare, over the next 10 years. The regulatory framework for the registration of medical technologies using artificial intelligence has been formed in the Russian Federation. So, currently 21 medical devices with artificial intelligence are registered, 5 are under registration.
The Director of Analytics of ANO "Digital Economy" Karen Ghazaryan highlighted the main conclusions of the report "Effective domestic practices based on artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare". This analytical report tells about domestic AI solutions in the field of healthcare, thereby stimulating their further dissemination and implementation. In the process of compilation, information was collected on more than 100 solutions, of which 46 were selected as part of expert discussions to be added to the final material.

Karen Ghazaryan recalled that the report continues the cycle of analytical materials of the ANO "Digital Economy", dedicated to the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in industries. The materials of the cycle are created in the format of a case book (journal of best practices), with practices of using artificial intelligence technologies in Russia, which have already proven a positive effect and are available on the organization's website.

Based on the conclusions of the report, Karen Ghazaryan noted: "Russia today is one of the world leaders in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence in healthcare, so AI-based technologies can and should be actively used in this area, but for this, in turn, it is necessary to systematically remove regulatory barriers and provide access to the necessary data, as was noted by colleagues during the discussion today. According to the estimates of the National Center for the Development of Artificial Intelligence under the Government of the Russian Federation, 16% of healthcare organizations are already implementing artificial intelligence technologies. Obviously, we cannot stop there - in our report we have identified several scenarios for the use of AI in medicine: from predictive analytics and the development of new drugs, to the development of mHealth technologies and the use of computer vision for the analysis of medical images."

Map of effective practices for the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare

ANO "Digital Economy" presented the study "Effective domestic practices based on artificial intelligence technologies in agriculture"

The research materials include an analysis of successful cases of AI application in agriculture in Russia, identification of trends in the use of AI technologies, a list of processes in which AI solutions can be applied, as well as a description of the ecosystem of AI development in agriculture in Russia.
The study showed that in terms of the use of AI in agriculture in Russia, trends such as the development of precision agriculture, crop production with a controlled environment, the use of predictive analytics and Bigdata, the introduction of robotic agricultural machinery and unmanned aerial vehicles are more evident. To a lesser extent, trends are manifested for the introduction of specialized agrofintech solutions and the development of biotechnologies with AI.
"Currently, large agricultural holdings are already using technologies and digital products with artificial intelligence in their activities — crop management and harvesting, satellite monitoring of agricultural land, management systems for agricultural enterprises, agricultural machinery and others. In order to replace foreign developments and increase the availability of such technologies, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia has formed an industry committee of the agro-industrial complex and created 3 industrial competence centers in the sub-sectors "Crop Production", "Animal Husbandry" and "Food and Processing Industry". In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia provides state support for the purchase and implementation of software products (including artificial intelligence algorithms) for digitalization of production and processing of agricultural products," comments Elena Fastova, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

"In the current conditions, business has quickly adapted and realized that artificial intelligence is no longer the technology of the future, not an exclusive product, but a necessary reality. Something that already allows you to remain competitive and efficient. Our task as a state is to ensure the large-scale introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in all sectors of the economy. The agricultural sector is no exception. In the course of the conducted at the end of 2022 The strategic sessions revealed a great potential for using AI in the industry and obtaining corresponding effects in the future," says Maxim Kolesnikov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

"Artificial intelligence in agriculture is a powerful tool that combines advanced technologies and methods of big data analysis to make effective decisions at all stages of crop production and animal husbandry. Today we see a large number of domestic solutions that have proven a business effect and are ready for replication in the industry. The use of AI in agriculture leads to more efficient and economical use of resources, increased yields, and improved quality of products," said Grigory Borisenko, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

"As of the end of 2022, we see that Russia is significantly lagging behind the leading countries in terms of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in industries, despite the fact that we have our own technologies and solutions that are not lagging behind foreign ones. In this report, we have collected the best practices for the introduction of AI in agriculture, worked out in detail the effects of using AI and hope that this will create an additional incentive for the development of AI in agriculture," comments Alexey Sidoryuk, Director of the Digital Transformation of Industries, ANO Digital Economy

"The study of the ANO "Digital Economy" presents the main trends in the introduction of AI technologies in agriculture in Russia and the world, and also describes the most successful cases of the introduction of AI at agricultural enterprises in Russia. All promising practices of using artificial intelligence in agriculture in the report are attributed to various processes covering the full cycle of activity of an agricultural organization. One of the significant effects, especially in the field of agriculture, is the automation of many routine processes and more efficient implementation of large projects without the use of heavy manual labor. The fulfillment of these tasks is possible with the help of smart crop and livestock farms, through the introduction of smart veterinary systems. I am sure that this report will help many enterprises and representatives of both small and large and medium—sized businesses to make their work processes more efficient," comments Karen Ghazaryan, ANO Digital Economy.

Map of effective practices for the use of artificial intelligence in agriculture

Map of effective practices for the use of artificial intelligence in retail

The analytical direction of ANO "Digital Economy" implements its own and partner analytical and research projects in the field of digital technologies, economics, international experience and regulatory policy. This section presents the most relevant thematic reports of the Organization's analysts."

With a few clicks on "see all" you get to the end of the materials. And there, as the last material (i.e. - the first in date) is: "The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing", dated 31.01.2020. When I click on it, I go here:
The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing

(The picture says: "The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing. Report January 2022")

This report covers best practices and key trends in the development of companies on the way to effective work with data.

Today, one of the greatest strategic opportunities in the field of production is to master the mastery of production data processing, i.e. to use data and advanced means of their analysis to increase productivity, improve customer experience and have a positive impact on society and the environment.

The transition to hyper-connected value creation networks has already begun: manufacturing companies and supplier companies are jointly developing information applications for managing the production and distribution of goods outside the same company. And given that the uncertainty in the economy and in the world caused by global trends such as climate commitments and constant supply chain disruptions is likely to persist for some time, innovative ways of using data in production can become a stabilizing factor for global industry.

This report presents the information collected to date as part of the multi-year initiative "Unlocking Value in Manufacturing through Data Sharing" (Unlocking Value in Manufacturing through Data Sharing), launched in 2019 on the Platform for Shaping the Future of Promising production Technologies and Value Chains of the World Economic Forum jointly with Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

The aim of this initiative is to support manufacturing companies and supplier companies on their way to creating globally connected production data ecosystems.

Read the report >>
(Again Report January 2022)
They're just wrong, we're human, we make mistakes. However, let's check with the site of the now defunct site of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia.

The centers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are a space for cooperation between the public and private sectors in order to use technology to achieve social and economic progress."

Buttons for "C4IR in RF"
What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The first industrial revolution used the energy of water and steam to mechanize production. The second has established mass production at the expense of electricity. The third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now, on the basis of the third industrial revolution, the fourth is taking place. It is characterized by the influence of new technologies that actively affect the physical and digital world.

There are three reasons why today's transformations represent not only an extension of the third industrial revolution, but also the onset of the fourth, and completely independent: speed, scale and impact on various systems. There are no examples of such breakthrough development rates in history. Compared to previous industrial revolutions, the fourth is developing not at a linear, but exponential pace. Moreover, it radically changes almost all industries in different countries of the world. And the breadth and depth of these changes portend a radical transformation of production, management and management systems."

And (in right) to C4IR in WEF site:

"Last news" in the bottom, the last (in left) is: "15.4.2022 The Executive Committee of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia held its second meeting". After clicking in her:
The Executive Committee of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia held its second meeting

The activity of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia has been suspended since March 1, 2022 due to the changed conditions."

3, the middle is "The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing". The same text and picture on the cover; date 31.01.2022.

On the bottom: "The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing ":
Changing approaches to data turnover: rethinking approaches to the procedure for notification and obtaining consent to data processing

The World Economic Forum, together with the Stanford University Center for Internet and Society and the expert community, held a series of round tables on the problems of regulating the procedure for obtaining notification and consent to data processing. The purpose of such round tables is to organize a discussion on the possibility of changing the approach to regulating data processing.

This document is a joint work of experts participating in a series of round tables in San Francisco, as well as the expert community in the field of technology, science and citizens. Although in this paper the regulation of data processing in the USA is considered as an example, the procedure for obtaining notification and consent as a regulatory mechanism is investigated more generally. The report also provides a number of recommendations for updating existing approaches to obtaining notification and consent for both legislators and technology companies.

By offering alternative measures to regulate the procedure for receiving notification and consent to data processing, we hope that an open community will appear to solve today's and future most pressing problems arising in the field of personal data. At the same time, the expansion of citizens' rights and technological capabilities should be based on a solid legal foundation.
[Date 01.07.2020]
In right:
Download the report:
"Centre for the New Economy and Society
Chief Economists
November 2021

This quarterly briefing builds on the latest policy research as well as consultations and surveys with leading Chief Economists from both the public and private sectors, organized by the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the New Economy and Society.

It aims to summarize the emerging contours of the current economic environment and identify priorities for further action by policymakers and business leaders in response to the global economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic."

"The activity of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia has been suspended since March 1, 2022 due to the changed conditions."

Back to ANO Digital Economy / reports -> last 3 at bottom, the same report (and the same picture of cover):
"Changing approaches to data turnover: rethinking approaches to the procedure for notification and obtaining consent to data processing

The World Economic Forum, together with the Stanford University Center for Internet and Society and the expert community, held a series of round tables on the problems of regulating the procedure for obtaining notification and consent to data processing
"The activity of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia has been suspended since March 1, 2022 due to the changed conditions."


The last (in the middle) of the three last (i.e. first by date) reports in the ANO Digital Economy:
"Changing approaches to personal data turnover: rethinking consent to processing

The authors of the report propose to consider alternative approaches to regulating the procedure for notification and obtaining consent for data collection and processing. Each of the proposed ideas is designed to solve existing problems in the field of personal data.



[February 2022]
"The starting point for the preparation of this document is a report developed by WEF experts together with the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford University on the topic "Changing approaches to data turnover: rethinking approaches to the procedure for notifying and obtaining consent to data processing in the interaction of humans and technologies."

To discuss the report prepared by the WEF, as part of the work of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia, a round table on the topic "Changing approaches to personal data turnover" was organized on January 27, 2022 at the site of the ANO "Digital Economy", at which experts, representatives of authorities and the business community spoke about the prospects of the proposed ideas. The discussion was attended by deputy heads of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and Roskomnadzor, as well as experts from Russia, the USA, India and Finland.

The ideas expressed by the experts at the round table are reflected in this document as alternative approaches to data regulation. In addition to the issues raised in the report and at the round table, it is proposed to start a discussion on how the existing mechanisms for obtaining consent for data collection and processing comply with economic principles and to what extent the current regulation reflects the economic value of data.

Read the report >> "
"The activity of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia has been suspended since March 1, 2022 due to the changed conditions."
In C4IR dot Ru:
The same text, cover and report, date 26.02.2022

Nothing, nothing. Just to say.
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Nov 8, 2022
Too much hi-tech and AI, I'm dizzy. Please, something more natural!
And, if possible, also something more traditional-value, something non-collective-Western and non-American-Kabbalistic. Something more Eurasian.

Food 4 Future World Summit is the largest European Congress on innovation technology in the food and drinks industry. A unique platform where to discover the latest emerging technologies and the most innovative solutions. This a mandatory meeting for any professional who wants to boost their company to the maximum level of competitiveness and innovation.

Enjoy more than 56 conferences in our 5 scenarios, where more than 450 international speakers will offer us several forums and agendas carefully designed for each professional profile and vertical industry.

Tech Series sessions
This year at Food 4 Future we will hold different Tech Series, sessions dedicated to the influence of the most important technologies nowadays on the modern business world. Join them to discover how such technologies as Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Blockchain, Internet of Things, and many more can impact your organization and make it grow.

We're looking for speakers!

How about Armen? Why not him? Why don't you fucking cabalistic conspirators invite Armen Harutyunyan to your dirty satanic conference?
Because he wants to feed people only good, clean, traditional food, no biotech shit, no evil transformation for innovative technologies in the food and beverage industry, and the whole of society, with wef-shit like artificial intelligence, data analytics, blockchain, Internet of things, and other digital technologies, behavioral sciences, smart cities, green economy, renewable energy, and if he comes to your shitty conference, he's going to shove the truth right in your eyes and tell you what kind of fucking digitizers, climate cheats, technocratic bilderberg-wef-club of rome transhumanists you are, right?
The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is the permanent regulatory body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). It started work on February 2, 2012.

The main purpose of the Eurasian Economic Commission is ensuring the functioning and development of the EAEU, and developing proposals for the further development of integration.

Director of the Department
Armen Harutyunyan

Armen Harutyunyan was appointed Director of Agricultural Policy Department on November 2020. Before joining the Commission, he was Senior Advisor at the Global Center for Technology, Innovation and Sustainable Development in Singapore and previously Team Leader, Partnership and International Finance Officer at the United Nation in Armenia. Before starting career in international organizations, he served over five years as the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Armenia and coordinated international trade, institutional reforms and international cooperation at the Ministry. He lectured Food Economics at the American University of Armenia and Behavioral Economics at the Executive MBA program at the Yerevan State Medical University.

Armen Harutyunyan holds Master’s Degree in International Development from University of Bristol and Master of Public Administration Degree from Armenian State Public Administration Academy, as well as two year comprehensive certified program of the Texas A&M University in Armenia. He had completed executive education programs at Harvard, Stanford, UCL, London School of Public Relations and others. He is Fintech and Blockchain Fellow at the Singapore University of Social Sciences and Academic Council Member at the Global Fintech Institute.

His wider interests involve digital technologies, behavioral sciences, economic development, smart cities, green economy, renewable energy and other related fields.

Food 4 Future Talks: Armen Harutyunyan, Director of Department Eurasian Economic Commison

(He speaks in English here. Watch and listen, dear visitors, to see what is a real alternative and resistance to the globalist scum, because the examples of traditionalism and ANTI-globalists-transhuman-biotech-genemod-transgenderism are few today. In Armen, I have hope. And in All Eurasia. Viva Eurasia!!!)
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Nov 8, 2022

Stanislav Korolev: The New Rhythm of the Economy Requires New Management Tools

Among the risks that have clearly emerged in the Eurasian space is the speed of the processes of transformation of the world system, which no longer works. The familiar paradigm of Western world domination does not meet today's realities. New financial and technological centres of the world have emerged and are developing at an enormous speed. These were the conclusions shared by Stanislav Korolev, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Director of the SCO National Centre for Public Diplomacy and Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Analytical Center following the session "EAEU - SCO - BRICS: Open Integration Dialogue", which was held at the II Eurasian Economic Forum in Moscow on May 24.

He also noted that today in the Eurasian macro-region the main trend is the appearance on the political and economic map of the world of two new economic zones, which we can call "western" and "eastern". The western one unites the countries of the Anglo-Saxon world, the eastern one - the countries of the Middle East, Asia, China, India and Russia. Many countries of Latin America and Africa gravitate towards the eastern zone. New instruments of integration and cooperation of Greater Eurasia are being formed. ..."

Translation of first 3 paragraphs:

The idea promoted that human activity has led to climate change and increased natural disasters is not true. Global warming is affected by the degassing of natural hydrogen and the decay of the potassium isotope. This decision was made by the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) on complex issues of Eurasian economic integration, modernization, and competitiveness.

The Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Complex Issues of Eurasian Economic Integration, Modernization, and Competitiveness discussed the results of studies of the impact of natural hydrogen degassing and the decay of the potassium isotope on global and local climatic processes and came to a conclusion that completely contradicts the global tendency to blame humans for climate change.

“We are publishing the decision of our Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences, adopted as a result of a discussion of two scientific discoveries that radically change our understanding of the causes and mechanisms of global warming,” writes Chairman of the Council, former adviser to the President of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Glazyev in the telegram channel. - From them, in particular, it follows that the main reason for the warming of the ocean and the heating of the Earth is the removal of the potassium isotope from its bowels. The power of this heat flux is 1 watt per square meter, which is a quarter of the heat flux from solar radiation. This is orders of magnitude greater than the impact of the greenhouse effect, which humanity is trying to fight at the cost of huge costs without real results.
*This is not a new response to the comment (so you don't have to waste time reading), I just use the mention of the "strange case with Glazyev" to publish my post and update the modern Eurasian vision for the future.

I have not yet seen what is happening with Glazyev's revelation, whether there is any development (I have to search for), but I came across one of the many news (because he is a very popular person) related to him, from the news of The Eurasian Economic Commission.
26.12.2022 (Updated: 27.12.2022 10:52)
A report on the use of "smart" energy-efficient technologies in the EAEU has been published

On the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission on December 26, the report "The spread of smart energy-efficient technologies" was published. Earlier it was approved by the EEC Board.

The report provides an analysis of the regulatory consolidation of the concept of "smart" energy-efficient technologies (UET), types, characteristics and areas of use of such technologies, the effects of implementation, as well as application experience and promising areas of development.

As the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics Sergey Glazyev stressed during the discussion of the report at the meeting of the EEC Board, the study of the issue of the spread of "smart" energy-efficient technologies is provided for by the Strategy-2025. The Commission's study showed that the EAEU states are actively developing and implementing programs for the modernization of economic sectors, energy infrastructure and transport system with the use of UET.

For example, in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, the production of smart home devices for controlling various heating and air conditioning systems has been launched, which are also supplied to the European market. Five major projects of automation of distribution electric networks based on smart grid technologies have been implemented in Belarus, and the country's first 330 kV voltage class digital substation Mogilev has been opened. An intelligent video monitoring system "Sergek" has been installed in the capital of Kazakhstan, which monitors and records the traffic flow, as well as logging violations on highways. In Russia, smart manufacturing technologies are being actively implemented in all spheres of the economy. For example, in the metallurgical industry, artificial intelligence helps in the smelting of steel to introduce additional elements into its composition based on a pre-calculated chemical composition of the alloy.

As reported in the report, the main positive effect of the use of UET is the saving of electricity through intelligent regulation and control of the process of its consumption. In addition, positive effects were noted in the field of ecology by reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, in the transport system – by increasing control of traffic flows and reducing the burden on infrastructure, as well as in other areas.

Information Support Department of the Protocol and Organizational Support Department of the EEC"
Words matter, as they say. The deeds, even more. How will development this (obviously, in the near future)?
Unfortunately, for the time being, we will not be able to enjoy the full splendor of this report, as the link that is given, as can be seen, leads here:
"404 Page was not found or was moved."

When searching the report in the search engine of the site, two results were obtained, one is the same message (Glazyev) and the other is this:
Briefing by the official representative of the Commission Iya Malkina on July 21, 2021

We begin our briefing with announcements.

Tomorrow, July 22, at 11.00, the signing ceremony of the memorandum between the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Islamic Organization for Food Security will take place. A briefing by Commission Minister Artak Kamalyan and Director General of the Islamic Organization for Food Security Yerlan Baydaulet is scheduled.
Moving on to your questions. (Quote from the end: )
Question from social networks: How is the theme of the "green" economy implemented in the EAEU?

The Strategy-2025 includes increasing energy conservation and energy efficiency, solving environmental problems and ensuring sustainable development as one of the integration priorities of the EAEU.

For example, in this direction it is planned:

· development of a concept for the implementation of the principles of the "green" economy in the Union;

· stimulating the use of energy- and resource-saving technologies using the tools of the Eurasian Development Bank and the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development;

· dissemination of smart energy-efficient technologies;

· study of the introduction of a phased ban on the import and production of single-use plastic, including bags, and other mechanisms.

However, it is envisaged that the Commission:

· assess the consequences for the EAEU countries of the introduction of a carbon regulation system by the European Union and prepare proposals to minimize such an impact;

· prepare proposals to improve the law of the Union in order to include issues of regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental payments to stimulate environmental activities in the EAEU."

Results significantly improved, both quantitatively and qualitatively, when searching for only "the use of "smart" energy-efficient technologies"

25.08.2014 (Updated: 06/28/2019 16:55)
The EEC plans to develop a "cloud" and digital strategy within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union

On August 21, representatives of the Industrial Policy Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) visited the A.K. Institute of Software Systems. Aylamazyan of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPS RAS), where they got acquainted with the advanced initiatives of IPS RAS on the formation of a "cloud" strategy and the development of supercomputer technologies within the framework of the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The EEC representatives noted that the development of "cloud" and supercomputer technologies can be taken as a basis for the formation of the Eurasian innovation space, within which, as planned, cooperation between the EAEU member states will develop in such new industrial sectors as IT technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology, engineering, energy efficiency.

According to the EEC representatives, "cloud" and supercomputer technologies in the coming years will allow implementing modern technological initiatives in such areas as the development of "smart" industrial plants and shops, "smart" cities and transport systems, grid technologies in the energy sector. Moreover, the most popular will be "cloud" and supercomputer solutions designed for social interaction, e-commerce, monitoring of supply chains of goods (including global logistics flows).

Within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, the use of these technologies can be used to implement initiatives and projects to involve small and medium-sized businesses in industrial cooperation and cooperation through the creation of various information and communication systems similar to existing interaction networks in the European Union (EU).
In turn, representatives of IPS RAS noted that cloud strategies and supercomputer technologies have become a powerful technological initiative in the European Union, the USA and other countries in recent years, which are designed to improve the efficiency of management and production processes in the industry and services sectors, to develop new technological trends in the economy. Background The global market of "cloud" computing is one of the most popular directions of development of the infocommunication industry. Global telecom operators are deploying computing platforms to provide cloud services to large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses and private users.

The leaders in the global market of "cloud" technologies are American companies: IBM, Microsoft, Google, HP, AT&T. According to forecasts, by 2015, revenues from the "cloud" market worldwide will amount to about $73 billion. This market segment will provide employment for about 14 million specialists. In the USA, in 2009, a federal initiative in the field of "cloud" computing was launched, containing 25 points, the main goal of which was to reduce costs and improve management efficiency in the public and private sectors. In turn, the European Commission intends to bring together the initiatives of the EU countries by organizing the European Cloud Partnership (ECP) — an "umbrella" entity engaged in establishing relations between the IT business and buyers from the public sector and business. This implies centralized regulation of the cloud industry at the EU level and active procurement of cloud services. Also, in 2010, the EU launched the Digital Europe Initiative, one of the seven leading initiatives under the Europe 2020 strategy for intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth."

Sounds hopeful. Other results:

29.04.2015 (Updated: 06/28/2019 17:01)
The EAEU countries have great opportunities for cooperation in the field of nanoindustry

The EEC Industrial Policy Department has analyzed the current state and development of the nanoindustry, problems and barriers of the industry in the states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The EEC Industrial Policy Department has analyzed the current state and development of the nanoindustry, problems and barriers of the industry in the states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

According to the results of the analysis, it was revealed that the Parties are consistently working on the development of the nanoindustry, including through the adoption of national program documents on the development of nanotechnology. This direction is considered by the Parties as a sector of the economy capable of increasing the competitiveness of other industries, primarily manufacturing.

Vladimir Maltsev, Director of the EEC Industrial Policy Department, noted that nanoindustry and nanotechnology, including the development and production of new materials, are already ensuring the transition to a new technological and industrial way of life. Renewable energy sources, smart energy technologies, the construction of fundamentally new energy-efficient buildings, the development of electric and hybrid vehicles, the creation and use of 3D printers become the basis of this way of life.

"Cooperation in the so-called NBIC technologies - nano and biotechnologies, information and cognitive technologies - which form new industries can become a successful tool for interaction of industrial complexes in the EAEU countries," Vladimir Maltsev said. According to him, in the field of nanoindustry within the framework of the Union, the joint development and production of LEDs and lighting equipment, composite materials for use in mechanical engineering and the production of building materials are promising for cooperation.

"Promising projects also include the production of solar cells and solar panels for the development of the alternative energy industry, batteries for the production of electric vehicles and hybrid cars, catalysts for oil and gas processing, rare earth materials for the radioelectronic industry," Vladimir Maltsev said.

The analysis revealed the problems and barriers to the development of the nanoindustry in the member states-members of the EAEU. First of all, this is a low demand from business and government organizations, authorities for innovative and high-tech products, including products manufactured using nanotechnology. Also an important problem, according to Vladimir Maltsev, is the high share of imports of such products. According to the estimates of the EEC Department of Industrial Policy, the volume of imports of goods containing nano-developments in the EAEU is estimated at $ 15 billion per year, which corresponds to 5% of the total volume of imports of goods to the territory of the Union.

At the same time, as Vladimir Maltsev stressed, there is a successful experience of interstate innovative cooperation in this area within the framework of Eurasian integration. "For example, the Russian-Kazakh Nanotechnology Foundation has been established, a whole series of scientific and technical programs of the Union State is being implemented, the Non-profit Partnership "International Innovation Center for Nanotechnology of the CIS" has been created, etc.," the Director of the Department noted. There are also examples of successful industrial cooperation in the implementation of joint cooperative projects - a series of projects involving companies belonging to the Rusnano group.

Based on the results of the analysis, proposals have been prepared for the development of cooperation between the EAEU states in the nanoindustry, providing for measures to deepen scientific and technical cooperation, the creation of joint ventures for the production of innovative and high-tech products manufactured using nanotechnology. It is assumed that these proposals will be formulated in the form of a recommendation and, after agreement with the Parties, submitted for consideration by the Union bodies.

You can get acquainted in detail with the results of the analysis of the state and development of the nanoindustry in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union on the official website of the EEC.

Reference: By the decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council at the level of Heads of Government dated May 31, 2013 No. 40 "On the main directions of coordination of industrial policies of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation", the nanoindustry is classified as a priority economic sectors for industrial cooperation. The global market of the nanoindustry today is more than 1 trillion US dollars. According to experts, by 2020, more than 15% of goods in the world will be produced using nano-developments, and the total investment in research and development, startups related to nanotechnology, will amount to almost $ 20 billion per year."

Better. More:
10.06.2016 (Updated: 06/28/2019 17:16)
Director of the Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department of the EEC Arman Shakkaliev: "Our participation in CEN-CENELEC events helps to speak the same language with the European expert community"

On June 7-8, in Skopje (Macedonia), the delegation of the Eurasian Economic Commission headed by Arman Shakkaliev, Director of the Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department of the EEC, discussed a draft Memorandum of Cooperation between the Commission and CENELEC during negotiations with CENELEC President Bernhard Tis and CEN-CENELEC CEO Elena Santiago. An agreement has been reached to sign a Memorandum by the end of 2016. The meeting took place within the framework of the 4th joint meeting of the General Assembly of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).

The meeting discussed issues of further development of European standardization at the international and regional levels, the strategy for the development of new directions in the field of smart technologies (smart cities, smart measurement systems, smart transport systems), the environment, green construction, industrial automation, the development of digital industry, a new generation of digital technologies for use in the field of healthcare, construction, energy efficiency, etc.

Arman Shakkaliyev stressed:
"Participation in such events significantly improves cooperation with the European expert community in the field of technical regulation and standardization. We are starting to speak practically the same, understandable technical language with European experts. The Memorandum of Cooperation between the EEC and CENELEC will allow us to bring our working contacts to a new level. The key goal is to increase the level of harmonization of standards, to use the best international practices in the process of technical standardization in the Eurasian Economic Union."

The possibility of permanent participation of the EEC representatives in the events of CEN-CENELEC, as well as in the General Session of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in October this year in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) has been agreed. The next meeting of CEN-CENELEC will be held on June 21 in Edinburgh (Scotland).

Reference CEN – European Committee for Standardization. It was created in 1961. The main goal is to promote trade in goods and services through the development of European Standards (EN). Other goals are the uniform application in the CEN member countries of the international standards ISO (ISO) and IEC (IEC), cooperation with European standardization organizations, provision of certification services for compliance with European standards. One of the principles of SEN's work is the mandatory use of ISO international standards as a basis for the development of standards or the addition of the results achieved in ISO CENELEC – European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. It was established in 1971 as a result of the merger of two European organizations CENELCOM and CENEL. The main goal is to develop standards for electrical products. The organization promotes innovation and competitiveness by making technology accessible to the entire industry through the production of voluntary standards.

CENELEC creates market access at the European and international level, promotes the adoption of international standards, where possible, through close cooperation with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), according to the Dresden Agreement.

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It was formed in 1906. It is a voluntary non-governmental organization. Its activities are mainly related to the standardization of physical characteristics of electrical and electronic equipment. The IEC focuses on such issues as electrical measurements, testing, disposal, and safety of electrical and electronic equipment. IEC members are national organizations (committees) standardization of technologies in relevant industries, representing the interests of their countries in the field of international standardization."

Better and better for Eurasian peoples. And more: (in the next comment, for not to be too long)
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
27.06.2017 (Updated: 28.06.2019 17:36)
The EEC is building a dialogue with the European Standardization Committees

A memorandum on cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and leading European standardization organizations was signed in Edinburgh (Great Britain). This is another important practical step towards establishing economic ties between the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union. On the part of the Commission, the document was signed by Valery Koreshkov, a member of the Board (Minister) for Technical Regulation of the EEC. CEN President Vincent Lafleche and CENELEC President Bernhardt Thies signed a memorandum from the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), respectively. The event took place at a joint meeting of the General Assemblies of CEN and CENELEC. Valery Koreshkov, speaking at the signing ceremony, stressed: "The memorandum is aimed at improving the competitiveness and safety of products, reducing technical barriers in trade between the states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with European countries and will contribute to the introduction of digital technologies in the Eurasian space."

CENELEC President Bernhardt Thies, in turn, noted that the exchange of technical information and experience, as well as other joint work within the framework of the memorandum will help further economic growth and the well-being of the citizens of the countries concerned. The parties agreed to develop an action plan by the end of 2017 to ensure the fulfillment of the main tasks of the memorandum, including in priority sectors of the economy. The implementation of the document will be carried out in the formats of exchange of information and experience, consultations and other joint actions. In particular, it is planned to cooperate on the harmonization of standards in the fields of low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment, energy efficiency and electromagnetic compatibility, toys, medical devices, etc.

The agenda of the CEN/CENELEC General Assembly included issues of further development of European standardization at the international and regional levels, a strategy for the development of new directions in the field of smart technologies (smart cities, smart measurement systems, smart transport systems), green construction, industrial automation, digital industry development, etc."

Good, globalist alternative and good. More:
10.05.2018 (Updated: 06/28/2019 17:45)
The EEC prevents the appearance of dangerous products and improves the drug market

The issues of competition and antimonopoly regulation, customs cooperation and technical regulation, trade and pharmaceuticals were discussed at the meeting of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) on May 10 in Moscow. The procedure for analyzing the impact of special measures on competition in the commodity markets of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has been approved, a transitional period for labeling food products with the "GMO" sign has been established, a number of decisions have been made on the classification of individual goods and the improvement of the general market of medicines.
A transitional period of 18 months has been established, during which the production and release into circulation of food products obtained with the use of genetically modified organisms is allowed, in accordance with the mandatory requirements previously established by the technical regulations. During this period, manufacturers must apply information about the content of GMOs to consumer packaging. However, it is not necessary to put a "GMO" sign next to a single product circulation sign on the Union market.

A Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of standardization between the EEC and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International), an international organization developing voluntary standards for materials, products, systems and services, has been approved. The memorandum provides for informational, analytical and organizational interaction. The parties intend to exchange information of mutual interest, in particular on requirements for chemical industry products, medical devices, in the field of energy efficiency, smart technologies, including 3D printing, smart city, etc. The parties will promote further harmonization of interstate and national standards of the EAEU countries by bringing them into line with international standards, including those based on ASTM International standards, in order to meet the requirements of the technical regulations of the Union, increase competitiveness and product safety."

This post seems too short.
But, while searching for the Eurasian report on smart energy-efficient technologies, I came across a Kazakh website. Kazakhstan is part of the Eurasian Union. Let's give him his due.

PROFIT is a leader in covering the IT market of Kazakhstan

Students' achievements will be evaluated in electronic format
By order of the Ministry of Education dated April 25, 2023, the "Rules for monitoring educational achievements of students" were approved in a new edition.
May 11, 2023"

The government discussed the development of the "Digital Family Card" and eHealth eHealth
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov held a meeting of the Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on digitalization.

September 16, 2022
The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan said that as part of the development of the state platform Smart Data Ukimet, an information system "Digital Family Card" has been developed for the proactive appointment of social support measures.

All citizens of the country are distributed in the system into 5.9 million families and 5 categories according to economic, social and housing conditions, health and education indicators. Based on this data, the necessary support measures are determined, and then an SMS message is sent to the person with an offer to accept them.

Since September 1, 2022, in this way, payments for 5 types of benefits are assigned in a pilot mode: for birth and child care, for caring for a child with a disability, for unemployment and disability. By the end of the year, it is planned to connect 5 more services: social payment for the loss of a breadwinner, allowance for mothers with many children, TSA, allowance for those awarded with the insignia of Kumis alka or Altyn Alka, as well as pension payments.

The Prime Minister supported the ongoing work and instructed to intensify the integration of information systems of state agencies and quasi-state companies on the basis of a single platform for effective data analysis and improving the quality of public services to the population.

They also discussed the development of the eHealth eHealth architecture, which should unite all information systems of the Ministry of Health, its subordinate and medical organizations. This will contribute to the full-fledged formation of the national electronic passport of citizens' health, which will ensure an increase in the quality and accessibility of medical care focused on the needs of each individual, as well as the transition to continuous monitoring of the health of patients in general.

Another topic of the meeting was the issue of implementing the fifth-generation cellular communication standard 5G/IMT. In the near future, an open auction will be held to distribute the corresponding radio frequencies. According to ICRIAP, in order to ensure competitive conditions, about 100 companies will be able to participate in it."

A mechanism is being introduced to confirm the fact that citizens receive medical services
Vice Minister of Health Beibit Yesenbayev spoke about modern digital healthcare tools for the population.

May 3, 2023
According to him, today Kazakhstanis actively use digital tools that allow them to make an appointment with a doctor, call him at home, get access to the results of tests and other personal medical data.

On the e-government portal, an appointment for vaccination, an appointment with a doctor, a doctor's home call is available for patients. It is also possible to register with a medical organization. In addition, citizens have access to electronic medical documents. For example, referral for hospitalization, discharge from the hospital, receiving sick leave, etc.

"Access to these electronic medical documents will reduce the number of visits by citizens to medical organizations," the speaker said.

In 2022, the eDensaulyq service was launched in the eGov mobile mobile application. It contains extensive information about the status of the donor for the population, electronic prescriptions, medical contraindications, registration and medical examination of pregnant women, hospitalization, laboratory results and sick lists.

"The eDensaulyq service will gradually expand. Information about the blood type and other information will be added in the near future," the Vice Minister said.

The "Social Wallet" project is also being implemented in terms of the issuance of medicines as part of outpatient drug provision through the eGov mobile application. The pilot was launched in polyclinics of Astana city.

eDensaulyq is a benchmark in which all the basic data on citizens of Kazakhstan are consolidated. The transition to the eDensaulyq core will allow using the approach of accounting and tracking the movement of funds of consumers of medical services. Therefore, it provides transparency of spending money on healthcare, automation of the predictable calculation of the need for medicines. The speaker noted that the digitization of many queues is envisaged in healthcare. In addition, the eDensaulyq service in the eGov mobile application allows citizens to view the list of services rendered and contact the Social Health Insurance Fund in case of attribution of unproven services.

"That is, a mechanism is being introduced to confirm the fact that a citizen has received a service through patient biometrics, QR code, SMS. This will increase the transparency of medical care," the Vice Minister said."

The government discussed digitalization of healthcare and education
The Ministry of Health was instructed to work out issues of integration of medical systems by the end of the year.

May 26, 2023
The process of digitalization of healthcare, education and science, carried out as part of the execution of the President's instructions, was discussed at a meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Altai Kulginov.

At the moment, the Social Health Insurance Fund works with a variety of information systems. The Ministry of Health, together with the ICRIAP, is working to consolidate them into a single whole, which will help avoid attribution and correction of data by concentrating all information in a single eDensaulyq database. This will significantly improve the system of compulsory medical insurance.

"The main task of digitalization of healthcare is to ensure that timely and high-quality medical services are provided to the patient within the framework of the OSMS. It is important for the doctor to have access to all information about the patient's health, which will allow him to devote more time to the treatment process, rather than filling out all kinds of forms," Altai Kulginov said.

Ensuring transparency is also an urgent issue for preschool education. It is primarily related to the distribution of places in kindergartens. For this purpose, the process of combining regional databases of preschool children into a single priority database is underway.

An urgent issue for the education sector is the connection of schools to the Internet. The goal facing government agencies is to achieve 100% of the indicator. At the beginning of 2023, there were 1,384 (19%) schools in Kazakhstan covered by high-speed Internet. Five months later, there were 3,741 (49%). By the beginning of the new academic year, the number of schools with high-quality Internet should increase.

"The Internet for modern schools is one of the main indicators of the quality of education. Today there is a difference between urban and rural schools. The availability of the Internet helps to raise the level of rural schools to urban ones," the Deputy Prime Minister stressed.

In addition, in order to create comfortable and safe conditions for students to access school services, it is planned to introduce identification cards with which it will be possible to enter the school building, use the library or canteen.

Along with this, a digital ecosystem of science is being created in the republic. In fact, it will be a digital twin of Kazakh science, which will combine all the information necessary for scientific organizations and universities.

It is planned to expand the international cooperation of Kazakhstan's citation database, which has accumulated articles from republican journals over the past 18 years, bibliographic descriptions of about 200 thousand scientific articles and much more are stored.

As part of digitalization, work is underway to improve the unified platform in the field of higher and postgraduate education, which consolidates the entire ecosystem of these universities in the country.

Following the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister gave a number of instructions. In particular, by the end of the year, the Ministry of Health was instructed to work out issues of integration of medical systems to ensure transparency of the functioning of the OSMS and the introduction of an electronic health passport, the Ministry of Education was instructed to solve issues of launching a single priority and issuing directions to kindergartens. The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry and akimats, together with telecom operators, need to take measures to increase the speed of the Internet in schools, ensure the construction of fiber-optic communication lines and replace satellite equipment, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education will have to complete the digitization of diploma, master's and doctoral works."

"New development centers are being created", "independent of American hegemony," and the like. Everything's going according to plan...
-> -> ->


Nov 8, 2022
Alikhan Smailov gave instructions on digitalization of the work of government agencies and the introduction of 5G
The Prime Minister held a meeting of the commission on digitalization.
May 26, 2022

The 5G network will be built by Kazakhstani operators
Kcell and Tele2 will build more than 7000 5G base stations.

December 23, 2022 /
5G in Kazakhstan: are the winners ready for a large-scale project?
Operators are required to activate more than 7000 base stations in order to cover 75% of republican cities and 60% of regional centers with a 5G network by 2027.
December 26, 2022

By 2027, 5G network coverage will cover almost the whole of Kazakhstan
More than a trillion will be needed for the implementation of the "Affordable Internet" project.

January 27, 2023
By 2027, 5G network coverage will cover almost the whole of Kazakhstan. But it will cost about 1.2 trillion tenge. This was announced at the board of the Ministry of Finance by Chairman of the Telecommunications Committee Yerzhan Meiramov, reports .

"The implementation of the national project "Accessible Internet" will require about 1.2 trillion tenge. Of these, 500 billion tenge is from the state budget. The rest are the means of telecom operators. There are many different projects out there. For example, one of the big ones is bringing optics to three thousand villages. About 68 thousand kilometers of optics will be laid. We are envisaging a project together with the World Bank. About 48 billion tenge to subsidize medium—sized and small operators so that they continue to bring optics to the villagers," Meiramov said.

Test zones of 5G networks were launched in Astana, Almaty and Shymkent in 2022. An auction for 5G radio frequencies was also recently held. Both lots were won by a consortium consisting of Tele-2 and Kcell.

In 2023, officials promise to cover 15% of the country with 5G networks. By 2027 — 75%. From 2024, 5G will be introduced in regional centers.

"It will be all over the country when we release the seven hundredth frequencies and present these frequencies to operators. And then we will demand from them a complete, so—called carpet covering," Meiramov added.

Gradually, telecom operators will be provided with frequencies for the deployment of 5G."

Digital tenge presented in Kazakhstan
The project was discussed at the Congress of Financiers in Almaty.

November 16, 2022
The digital tenge platform was presented at the X Congress of Financiers in Almaty. The chairman of the Center for the Development of Payment and Financial Technologies of the National Bank Binur Zhalenov told about the preliminary results of the pilot project, Sputnik reports.

"Digital tenge is the third form of calculation. You have cash, non-cash, these are banknotes and bank applications. There will be a third form that combines these two properties. You will be able to pay with digital tenge using smartphones and individual cards even without Internet access," Binur Zhalenov explained.

It will also be possible to pay for goods in online stores with digital tenge.

Digital tenge has its own unique properties:

— programmability, that is, the token can be programmed for certain scenarios, for example, targeted spending only on certain transactions;
— recovery in case of loss;
— targeted assignment without the threat of anonymity.

"Programmability will be useful for improving the efficiency of spending public funds. It is no secret that transparency and targeting of public spending is a big challenge. It is very important to learn how to track transactions in such a way that, on the one hand, to increase the efficiency of spending, but, on the other hand, not to violate the rights of citizens to anonymity. We have no task to create a "big brother" and a tool for surveillance of all citizens. We are talking about the fact that certain benefits will be transferred to the digital tenge format, and they will be programmed to spend, for example, from domestic producers or increased cashback on them," Binur Zhalenov added.

The pilot of the digital tenge project was held in 2022. During the five days of the pilot, 3,594 transactions were carried out, 68% of purchases were made using digital tenge. The final decision on the need to introduce the digital tenge will be made by the end of the year by the President. With a positive decision, the implementation of the platform will take about three years."

The President was told about the successful testing of the Digital Tenge
In case of a positive decision at the end of next year, Kazakhstanis will be able to use it.

December 13, 2022
Chairman of the National Bank Galymzhan Pirmatov spoke about the development of the payment system and digital infrastructure in Kazakhstan. According to the Digital Tenge project, the technological platform was successfully tested in October 2022, Sputnik reports.

"As part of the pilot project, real consumers and trade and service enterprises were able to carry out more than 3,500 transactions with digital tenge using applications of financial market participants. According to the results of the population survey, more than 60% of respondents are ready to use digital tenge," Galymzhan Pirmatov said at an expanded government meeting with the participation of Kassym—Jomart Tokayev.

The head of the National Bank noted that a report with the results of a comprehensive study and a final recommended decision on the need to introduce a national digital currency will be published by December 15.

"In case of a positive decision in the IV quarter of 2023, the industrial application of the digital tenge is proposed for scenarios of social payments and public procurement," the head of the National Bank said.

The National Bank of Kazakhstan warns about fake messages and mailings about the Digital Tenge
Digital tenge will not replace cash or non-cash money, but will be used in parallel.

November 30, 2022
The National Bank of Kazakhstan and the NBK Center for the Development of Payment and Financial Technologies (CRFT) warn about the appearance of fake messages and mailings about the Digital Tenge.

"Due to the high interest in the Digital Tenge, attackers are trying to use information about the project for fraudulent purposes and mislead people. So, fake messages and videos in the format of news releases are actively sent out in messengers, which talk about replacing cash with Digital tenge. Fraudulent websites advertising "investments in the project" of Digital Tenge are also being created. These reports do not correspond to reality," the National Bank said.

The department emphasizes that the Digital Tenge is not intended to replace cash or non-cash money, but will be used in parallel. The introduction of digital currency will ensure the further development of the national payment system of Kazakhstan due to a number of unique technological characteristics, such as, in particular, the ability to pay without the Internet."

The Almaty Data Lake project has become a finalist in the international Smart Cities Competition
The IEEE Smart Cities Awards Contest 2022 evaluated the data exchange platform between government agencies and commercial companies of the city of Almaty.

November 7, 2022
The largest international Association of Technical Specialists IEEE has awarded awards to 14 cities around the world for special achievements in creating smart cities. Almaty was also among the finalists with the Almaty Data Lake project, for creating a data exchange platform between government agencies and commercial companies. The jury of the IEEE Smart Cities Awards Contest 2022 assessed how the announced projects help municipalities manage the processes of growing urbanization, as well as the pros and cons of the technologies used.

The Almaty Data Lake project has become a finalist in the international Smart Cities Competition

"The Almaty Data Lake project (Unified Data Warehouse of Almaty city) has already shown the economic efficiency of data on the example of municipal services of the city, when updating information on the number of citizens registered at the address allowed utility providers to start filling the long-term gap of lost revenue. However, the main objective of the project is to use data from various sources to develop proactive services for city residents. This corresponds to the Singapore Citizen 360⁰ model, in which proper data management makes it possible to implement the principle "data runs after a person, not a person after data," said Aida Darmenova, project manager of Almaty Data Lake.

According to her, in 2023 it is planned to digitalize the process of obtaining a preferential "Onai" card for public transport for students and schoolchildren, which will reduce the waiting time for receiving a card from several weeks to 15 minutes. In parallel, work is underway to automate the process of determining the social status of citizens at the place of registration in the city, so that city services can better plan social support measures.

In general, obtaining services will be possible only with the consent of the citizen — data subject or his legal representatives. For example, if a first-year student wants to quickly get a preferential "Onai" card online, he will need to give his consent to the verification of his personal data through the smartphone application.

According to analysts, the size of the global smart cities market in 2020 was estimated at 648.36 billion dollars. It is predicted that by 2030 this figure will grow to 6061 billion dollars — an average growth of 25.2% in the period from 2021 to 2030. Smart cities use ICTs to achieve long-term economic development, effective resource management and ensure a higher quality of life for people. The surge in the introduction and development of smart cities around the world is due to various government initiatives in the field of digitalization and the growing need for more efficient resource management in the urban environment. Based on Statista data, global revenue from smart city projects in 2021 amounted to $ 129.02 billion, and the largest segment of this sphere is smart infrastructure. At the same time, the revenue from the smart mobility segment is $ 27.7 billion, and the income of startups engaged in the construction of smart cities is $ 19.27 billion. The global smart building automation market has reached $223 billion.

On December 9, Almaty will host the largest Kazakhstan conference dedicated to smart cities — PROFIT Smart City Day. The conference will also be available in an online format."

PROFIT Smart City Day 2022: how Kazakhstan's cities are getting smarter
The first hybrid conference on digitalization of cities was held in Almaty.

December 20, 2022
The urban population is growing all over the world. According to UN estimates, 55% of the world's population lives in urban areas, and this figure is projected to increase to 68% by 2050. In the face of this growth and pressing challenges related to transportation, water resources management, energy, waste disposal, public services, and many others, cities are turning to technology in order to become "smart". Thus, according to Statista, the global revenue from Smart City projects in 2021 amounted to 129 billion dollars, and the largest segment of smart cities is smart infrastructure. The projected revenue of companies from Smart City projects in 2025 will amount to $ 241 billion. This figure includes all the revenue that companies earn by offering technologies and products to create more value in a public urban environment.

On December 9, a hybrid PROFIT Smart City Day conference dedicated to technologies for Smart cities was held in Almaty. Representatives of the state regulator, akimats, regional administrations and business discussed how things are going with the digitalization of cities in Kazakhstan.

The event was opened by Saken Nurtazayev, Director of the Department of Interaction with Regions of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He spoke about the reference standard for the construction of Smart cities and the work that ICRIAP is currently doing in this direction. In total, the new standard identifies at least 25 projects out of 75 that should be implemented in the cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is by the number of implemented projects that the rating of the city will be evaluated.

"Two years ago, at the initiative of Bagdat Musin, a special department was created that deals with the development of regions, including the development of Smart City projects. One of the tasks that we have set ourselves is to develop a new reference standard for the development of Smart cities. In fact, this is a methodological guide by which cities should promote their projects. It includes 43 indicators grouped into 6 groups, including Smart Environment, Smart Mobility, Smart Government, Smart Economy, Smart People, Smart Life. If earlier projects were just proliferating and no one measured their effectiveness, now the effectiveness will be monitored according to the methodology that we have developed. It is very important to show that Smart projects have economic and social benefits," Saken Nurtazayev shared.

Evgeny Solovyov, an ITU expert, told about how the International Telecommunication Union assesses Kazakhstan's progress towards building smart cities. He made a comparative review of the regulatory framework and current projects on smart sustainable cities in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries, and also highlighted the problems arising in the implementation of the Smart City concept.

"We have identified the key problems in the development of Smart cities. They can be divided into two groups: problems of a socio-political nature (distrust of modern "smart" technologies on the part of citizens, complexity of internal procedures in decision-making, lack of funding sources, insufficient digital literacy of authorities, population, business); technical problems (lack of the necessary regulatory framework, lack of interoperability between implemented smart solutions)," Evgeny Solovyov shared.

It is worth noting that according to analysts, intelligent infrastructure is the largest segment of the global smart cities market, whose revenues reached more than $ 70 billion in 2021. This is almost 55% of the entire smart cities market. It is predicted that over the next few years, all other segments will show higher growth, and the share of the intellectual infrastructure segment is projected to fall to about 43%. It was about which of the components is most important when creating a Smart city that the experts of PROFIT Smart City Day discussed.

"It should be understood that the concept of Smart City is relatively young when compared with approved methodologies, for example, information security or digitalization of industry. In the last 10 years, Smart City has been developing very actively and, probably, this is one of the blocks that will bring the largest margin projects until 2030. Smart City implies a high-quality ecosystem approach that closes the common block, including digital infrastructure, data transmission channels and data usage, as well as end services. Building a Smart City, many start with services, which is absolutely wrong. Services imply a certain level of already built processes that are based on infrastructure. And the main task with which to start the construction of a Smart City is the development of digital infrastructure," says Bayan Konirbayev, Head of the Digitalization Department of the Akimat of Almaty.

As the speaker noted, digital infrastructure is the main block that will further develop both services, the data layer, and related areas. He spoke about the Smart Almaty project and the basic understanding of digitalization of cities."

25 dizzying photos for the anniversary of Astana

Imagine for a moment that you have become a beautiful bird, you have big strong wings and you can soar high above the Ground. How would you see your favorite city from a height? See the photo! By the way, Astana will be 25 years old in exactly one month!

Man is not destined to become a bird. But to see the world as if people could fly, modern technology and photographers who are able to see and capture the beauty in the frame, find an unusual, special angle allow.
The opportunity to look at the city through the eyes of birds was provided to us by Sputnik Kazakhstan photojournalist Vladislav Vodnev, who prepared a series of pictures taken with the help of a drone. These frames allow you to see details that can only be seen from the air, admire the dizzying views of our beloved Astana, its unique buildings, urban landscapes of the left and right banks, its sunrises and sunsets!

Khan Shatyr, Abu Dhabi Plaza towers, the largest mosque in Central Asia and many other objects that make our capital recognizable all over the world!

Imagine yourself for a moment as a winged bird and see these gorgeous photos!



Nov 8, 2022

Kaspersky Lab solutions will help test cyber defences at SPIEF 2023’s International Cybersecurity Championship

20 June 2023. Moscow. Kaspersky Lab solutions will be used to combat cyberattacks during the International Cybersecurity Championship. The event will be held as part of the 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum at the National Cyber Range, hosted by Rostelekom-Solar, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Roscongress Foundation.

The organizers have invited cybersecurity experts from dozens of countries across various continents to the upcoming competition. The main stage of the international cyber championship will showcase 40 teams.

Kaspersky Lab has provided participants with comprehensive protection tools and training on effectively handling complex incidents to defend against the simulated attacks that are a part of the championship. This was primarily the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform, a SIEM class security system for centralized collection, analysis and correlation of information security events. It also includes the Kaspersky CyberTrace TI platform, which is complemented by various threat data streams from Kaspersky Lab.

"For the past 25 years, we have actively participated in and supported the growth of the information security industry and the international community of IS professionals. Advancing ahead necessitates fostering healthy competition and a thirst for knowledge, which is why we are establishing avenues for the industry's brightest minds to gain unparalleled experience in countering and responding to cyberattacks. We are happy to provide our technology for this large-scale competition and to help people practice their skills," said Eugene Kaspersky, Chief Executive Officer, Kaspersky Lab.

"Participants in the 2023 Cybersecurity Championship will work with a replica of a real typical enterprise infrastructure deployed on the Solar Cybermir platform. The scenario is based on real cybercrime attack cases that numerous organizations in key industries have encountered over the past year. We are delighted to have Kaspersky Lab, one of the leading experts in defending against such attacks, join the competition and provide support to the teams. As we safeguard the perimeter of Russia's largest enterprises, we actively study the mechanics and tactics employed by attackers in "combat conditions," and we are prepared to share this unique expertise with our international partners. We hope that each participant will acquire valuable knowledge and skills throughout the competition," said Igor Lyapunov, CEO of Rostelecom-Solar.

The International Cybersecurity Championship, based at the National Cyber Range, will be held at SPIEF for the second time. The event was first held in 2022.

About the International Cybersecurity Championship
The International Cybersecurity Championship is organized by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Rostelecom, and the Roscongress Foundation. During the event, participants will practice defending against state-level hacker attacks on the platform of the National Cyber Range, developed by Rostelecom-Solar. The company's experts have created cyberattack scenarios based on their own experience in countering attackers while protecting Russia's largest companies from current cyber threats. According to the competition's storyline, a hacker group aims to destabilize the socio-economic situation and sow panic by planning multiple massive attacks on critical infrastructure facilities.

The International Cybersecurity Championship will be held in two stages. The main stage is scheduled for 6 June. Each team will be allocated an infrastructure segment at the National Cyber Range and provided with basic information security tools. In the main stage, participants will need to repel successive massive attacks, conduct investigations, and prepare incident reports. The top three teams will be determined based on the results of the qualifying stage and will proceed to the finals. The final round is set to take place on 15 June. During this round, the finalists will earn points for effectively safeguarding their infrastructure. The team with the highest number of points will be crowned the winner.

Read more

29.05.2023 (Updated: 06.06.2023 12:44)
Happy EAEU Day!

On May 29, the EAEU Member States celebrate the Eurasian Economic Union's Day for the first time. The Treaty on the EAEU was signed this day in 2014 in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“Over the 9 years of its existence, the Eurasian Economic Union has become a key platform for cooperation and interaction between the Greater Eurasia States. We are ready to adopt important strategic decisions. Today, our association has ambitious objectives, including to promote investment development in the EAEU countries, to create a settlement system that is superior to SWIFT, and to develop an autonomous digital currency environment. I am confident that in the coming years the EAEU countries will be able to maintain and even increase the high rates of functioning of the association on the basis of respect for the economic interests of both the Union countries and the States of the entire Eurasian space”, emphasized Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The initiative on the Day of the Eurasian Economic Union was put forward by Sadyr Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, in 2022. It was unanimously supported by the Heads of four other countries of the Eurasian "five" — Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia. As the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council's disposition highlights, establishing such a day will help strengthen solidarity and deepen cooperation between the Union States. According to Sadyr Japarov's proposal, the EAEU Day will be celebrated annually.

In 2023, Russia holds the presidency of the Eurasian Economic Union. Speaking at an enlarged meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on December 9, 2022 in Bishkek, Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, called updating the strategic guidelines for the EAEU development as one of the priorities of Russia's presidency in this association. Besides, Vladimir Putin noted the importance of preparing new strategic planning documents that set the main vectors for further integration cooperation in the medium and long term."

24 May 2023
Eurasian Economic Forum

The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, signed on 29 May 2014, sets out (along with a number of other programmes and concepts of the EAEU) the aim of improving payments and settlements between EAEU member states based on expanding the use of national currencies in mutual settlements. One document — the Concept for the Formation of a Common Financial Market — sets out the position that the development of a common payment space shall be based on principles of national security, independence, and equality of national payment systems.

At the same time, restrictions imposed by third countries have a direct impact on the timing and cost of transnational payments. It is therefore important to ensure uninterrupted and seamless payments, both between EAEU nations in their mutual trade, and with third countries which are either key trading partners, or which have the potential to become so.

This can be accomplished by employing promising financial technologies. These include digital currencies offered by central banks, smart contracts, a special accounting unit, multilateral clearing, and so on. Interstate Eurasian development institutions could play a key role in this regard. The use of new technological platforms could help establish systems which far outstrip traditional ones and ensure rapid settlements, confidentiality, and reduced costs. At the same time, the explosive growth of innovation in the financial sector could bring with it increased cyber threats, technological vulnerability, and financial instability. In a world where developed countries are experiencing stagnation, the ability to boost trade between nations with emerging markets could prove to offer a new source of economic growth. An expansion of this kind requires the establishment of independent institutions and tools — including in relation to payment and settlement — that meet the needs of developing economies and which are tailored to them.

Issues to be discussed:
• Settlements in the national currencies of EAEU member states: current situation and prospects
• Development of payment and settlement relations in the EAEU: challenges and opportunities
• Digital currencies of central banks as a promising tool in foreign trade settlements"

14–17 JUNE 2023

15 Jun , 09:00–10:15

In today's multipolar world, we witness the gradual and profound integration of individual national economies into the global system of production and trade in goods and services. Nevertheless, as these integration processes unfold amidst a multipolar world economy, the flaws of the dollar-centric financial system, established in the latter half of the twentieth century, become increasingly apparent. The freezing of Russian reserves has transformed reserve currencies into geopolitical weapons, casting a shadow over the stability of settlements with trading partners in US dollars susceptible to Washington's ability to impede transactions deemed suspicious. Consequently, global economic trust in the US currency wanes, prompting a surge in de-dollarization. Consequently, global economic trust in the US currency wanes, prompting a surge in de-dollarization. This trend unfolds against the backdrop of cryptocurrency development, the growing influence of the Chinese yuan, and the expanding issuance of IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). As of mid-May, the Russian national currency has appreciated by over 11% against the US dollar since the outset of 2022, catapulting it to the forefront among 31 major global currencies. Furthermore, Russian officials have already announced plans to develop a digital rouble and establish a dual-loop monetary and financial system. Beyond the evident economic drawbacks the existing financial system presents for developing nations, including those in Africa, other issues come to the fore: the dependence of national monetary systems on external factors, vulnerability to potential crises in the US economy, the inability to ensure international payment confidentiality, leveraging the reserve currency and its infrastructure (SWIFT) for political purposes, and unjustifiable transaction costs, among others.
Is it imperative to reevaluate the principles of regulating and owning the universal exchange equivalent?
Is it plausible to transition from the US national currency as the bedrock of global trade towards a fundamentally new supranational currency, overseen by a broad consortium of states operating on principles of partnership?


:rolleyes: o_O :D :D
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Nov 8, 2022
Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)
The EDB is an international financial institution with a charter capital of US $7 billion and the mission to promote economic growth in its member states, expand their trade and other economic ties and foster Eurasian integration through investment.

2006 The Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan establish the EDB
2009 The Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Tajikistan join the Bank
2010 The Republic of Belarus joins the Bank
2011 The Kyrgyz Republic joins the Bank

Key strategic objectives (7)
04 Promoting digital transformation in the region
07 Promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG approaches in the Bank’s corporate governance

Supporting institution

The EDB as a member of international organisations
The EDB is a member of:

Eurasian Fund for Stabilisation and Development (EFSD). The EDB is;
the Manager of the Fund’s Resources amounting to US $8.513 billion;
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE);
Multilateral Financial Institutions’ Working Group on Environmental and Social Standards;

World Economic Forum (WEF);
International Capital Market Association (ICMA);
International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA);
Expert Group for the Development of PPP Mechanisms within the EAEU at the EEC Advisory Committee on Entrepreneurship;
Global infrastructure Facility (GIF) Advisoty Council;
Global infrastructure Connectivity (GICA).

Tigran Sargsyan: Digital transformation plays a pivotal role in the emerging economic landscape
15 May 2023

Almaty, 15 May 2023. Digital infrastructure took centre stage at the investors forum held on 15–17 May 2023 in Almaty, alongside the 46th Annual Meetings of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP).

The session brought together international organisations from various regions, including Europe, Eurasia, Asia and the Pacific, to exchange experiences in implementing and using digital technology to streamline processes, uplift living standards, and foster development opportunities.

Tigran Sargsyan, Vice Chairman of the Eurasian Development Bank’s (EDB) Management Board, emphasised the pivotal role of digital transformation in the emerging economic landscape.

The EDB is observing a trend towards fragmentation of the global digital space, and Asia and the Pacific, particularly the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), are no exception. In 2020, the EDB established a Fund for Digital Initiatives to foster digitalisation efforts.

“We are pleased that the COVID-19-Free Travel mobile app, the flagship project of our Fund, was honoured with the Sustainable Awards in Technology Development by ADFIAP last year. Thank you for this recognition,” said Tigran Sargsyan.

The COVID-19-Free Travel app helped to facilitate safe international travel during the pandemic, surpassing 5 million uses for PCR test result verification.

Furthermore, the Fund launched the Work in the EAEU app to streamline access to public and commercial services for EAEU citizens. Presently, the app offers over 30 services in Russia and Armenia, with ongoing negotiations to expand its reach to other countries.

Additionally, the Fund is actively working on digital projects in different sectors, including healthcare, jewellery, and textiles. Many of these projects will be showcased at the upcoming Third Eurasian Congress on 8–9 June in Sochi.

In the realm of digital infrastructure, particular attention is directed towards cross-border digital identification and document management. These aspects hold significant importance for all countries in the region, and the Fund is actively pursuing optimal solutions for their implementation.

A key task of international development institutions is to seek feasible cross-border solutions. This will inevitably lead to the establishment of new digital banking infrastructure. While banks are currently adopting digital identification technologies, a more advantageous approach would involve the development of a system by intra-bank coalitions. This would not only reduce costs but also ensure secure data exchange. We plan to initiate active discussions within ADFIAP on the creation of relevant joint infrastructure.

The second service pertains to exchange. Each year, it continually expands as a comprehensive digital customer footprint. The evolving customer due diligence practices in various countries provide an abundance of information. A digital infrastructure must be put in place to guarantee the secure flow of data.

“The third service is access to banking transaction data. Banks have begun monetising non-personal financial transaction data, including purchase history and spending locations. This commercialisation has generated billions of dollars in revenue but necessitates proper regulation and digital infrastructure to make sure that access to such information is secure and non-discriminatory,” Tigran Sargsyan emphasised.

The fourth service evolves around the compatibility of payment systems. This will require establishing a non-discriminatory digital infrastructure.

The development of Eurasian digital infrastructure greatly hinges upon the harmonious combination of strategic digital initiatives undertaken by major players such as the Digital Silk Road and the Asia Pacific Information Superhighway initiatives, and the EAEU Digital Agenda.

In conclusion, Tigran Sargsyan noted that international development institutions and regulators need to ensure fair and mutually beneficial cooperation by creating a cross-border space of trust to prevent unfair competition in digital infrastructure.

Cecilia C. Borromeo, President and CEO of the Land Bank of the Philippines, shared a success story of building digital infrastructure and the public sector’s contribution to its development.

“As of early 2023, there were 85 million Internet users in the Philippines, accounting for 73% of the country’s population. More than 84 million people use social media, positioning the Philippines as one of the top three Internet-using countries worldwide," she said.

However, Internet usage in the Philippines faces challenges such as low and slow connectivity due to the large number of users and competition among service providers. The high cost of Internet services is due to the need to maintain infrastructure across multiple islands and frequent typhoons that can disrupt communications.

The Philippine government has acknowledged the utmost importance of digitalisation and is undertaking efforts to enhance communications in underserved areas. Measures are also being implemented to promote competition among service providers and expedite the permitting process for infrastructure expansion.

Digitalisation brings forth ample opportunities for learning, training, and financial inclusivity. The total volume and value of transactions have increased significantly. The Central Bank of the Philippines plans to expand the utilisation of digital payments and increase the share of retail payments to 50%. In addition, it is planned to increase the percentage of adults using banking services to 70% of the population.

Cecilia C. Borromeo presented three initiatives aimed at bolstering financial inclusion and driving digital transformation in the country.

The banking infrastructure interacts with the Philippine statistical authorities to facilitate the registration of national IDs. This has enabled 8.35 million Filipinos to gain access to banking services through the DOBS digital platform.

Strategic collaborations across different sectors will foster transparency and accountability in transactions, while also enhancing operational efficiency and service delivery through online payment platforms.

To enhance accessibility to financial services, the government supports the QR Class programme and the Financial Centre to streamline payments and share social safety net programmes. The primary objective is to improve access to local financial services and provide transactional accounts to 10 million beneficiaries, enabling them to conduct banking transactions.

Shri Shaji K. V., Chairman of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), shared his perspective on infrastructure development and public-private cooperation. He believes that public-private partnerships are instrumental in fostering the exchange of knowledge, resources, and technology.

NABARD started its journey by forging close collaborations with prominent software companies to jointly embark on the initial steps in public-private partnerships. This endeavour has influenced both the official economy and individual sectors.

Available data indicate that digital infrastructure has contributed one percent to India’s GDP growth. NABARD formulates specific strategies, adapts to emerging realities, and monitors changes, as a large part of India’s population is already actively using digital technology.

Infrastructure as a service is becoming a crucial component of operations in India. Specifically designed platforms are being implemented to democratise banking services and payment systems. A unique system available to Indian residents connects them to their bank accounts. Currently, approximately 6% of the country’s population has access to this system, which offers a central bank account for transfers. Furthermore, this system enables document storage and facilitates electronic transactions.

“The GMTrinity project represents an affordable blockchain-based digital infrastructure aimed at enhancing the well-being of the country and its people. Any community transactions can be done through digital platforms, creating new opportunities for all. This initiative reflects the Government of India's commitment to establishing an inclusive and modern digital infrastructure," said Mr. Shri Shaji K. V.

India is witnessing a significant surge in digital adoption, even among the economically disadvantaged. New technological solutions have been developed to address the issues faced by individuals and organisations alike. In rural areas, access to financial services is available to nearly 60% of the population. More than 95,000 businesses and regional banks are participating in the programme.

However, digital technology comes with its fair share of challenges. Its development requires political will and support within democratic systems, alongside significant investments to guarantee data privacy and security. Despite these challenges, NABARD has formulated a plan to expand digital infrastructure and enhance access to digital services. To accomplish these objectives, the organisation focuses on strengthening cybersecurity, ensuring regulatory compliance, establishing digital community centres, and promoting the acquisition of digital skills.

Adama Mariko, Secretary-General of Agence Française de Développement (AFD), concluded the panel by sharing valuable insights from his experience in implementing digital processes in the European region.

AFD acknowledges that digital technology serves as a key tool for sustainable urban development and has formulated a roadmap for the establishment of smart cities.

Despite the rapid advancements in technology, cities continue to grapple with economic and social challenges when it comes to adopting smart city concepts. Many cities and regions struggle with effectively integrating digital technology into their infrastructure and services.

This necessitates the implementation of appropriate policies that encompass infrastructure connectivity, software, applications, and other tools.

While local governments are actively exploring and embracing the opportunities presented by digital technologies, they also encounter challenges in effectively managing cities and addressing the interests of various stakeholders.

Territories often encounter diverse challenges when transitioning to digital technology. However, embracing digital technology can accelerate urban development and contribute to the achievement of еру United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. AFD has developed an educational tool to provide step-by-step support for local governments in developing digital projects and leadership, taking into account local needs and the utilisation of digital services. The digital transition necessitates robust political support, the digitalisation of interventions and citizen engagement, as well as new modes of communication among stakeholders. Gradually integrating ICT into skills promotes efficiency and accountability.

In the digital age, fostering interaction between the government, civil society, and the private sector is crucial for effective governance. Establishing communication channels and integrating ICT into skills are pivotal in enhancing processes and accountability. Regulating digital governance through appropriate frameworks and partnerships ensures balance and security in the use of digital tools and technologies. Controlling the utilisation of digital data is essential for mitigating economic, environmental, and social risks. The sustainable cities roadmap and projects such as the integration of smart cities in the Balkans exemplify a sustainable approach to addressing climate change and transparency. These endeavours enhance citizens’ access to public services and streamline the digital transition.

Digital technology improves urban transportation and helps to modernise cities. Collecting and analysing digital data optimises transport networks and improves services. AFD supports solutions that tackle issues such as traffic congestion, unprofitable transport services, and air pollution through the reorganisation of public transport routes and improved traffic management. In Scotland, for example, digital apps have simplified access to healthcare and improved the management of medical records. Public development banks play an important role in financing subnational infrastructure projects, while affordable digital solutions help build the capacity of local governments to foster change.

Adam Mariko concluded his presentation by underscoring the crucial role of development banks in financing subnational infrastructure.

“Any city, depending on its starting point, can establish goals aligned with its territory and needs. The lack of local finance should not be a hindrance, as we have simple digital solutions that can be easily used and tailored to make a significant impact. It is about building the capacity of local governments to encourage change,” he summarised.

Additional Information:
The Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) was established in 1976. ADFIAP is a major international business association comprising 90 member institutions in 39 countries, including non-regional members such as Canada, Germany, and France. Its mission is to promote sustainable economic, environmental, and social development and growth in the region.

The EDB has been a member of ADFIAP since 2022. The Bank’s charter capital totals US $7 billion. The EDB’s portfolio mainly consists of projects with an integration effect in transport infrastructure, digitalisation, green energy, agriculture, industry, and machinery. Its operations are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG principles.

The forum has brought together 240 delegates from major banks, investment funds, and development institutions from China, Turkey, Japan, India, the Philippines, New Zealand, the European Union, the U.S., Latin America, and the Middle East. It is hosted by the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB).

The event’s global communications partner is the Anadolu Agency, with media partners including BNE IntelliNews, Cronos Asia, FINANCEkaz,, Kazakhstan today,,, Tazabek, TRT, Delovoy Kazakhstan, the MIR TV channel, and the Khabar 24 TV channel."


Nov 8, 2022
Meeting with Mikhail Oseevsky, Head of Rostelecom
Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom Public Joint Stock Company.

June 7, 2023 13:30 Moscow, Kremlin

The issues of eliminating digital inequality, increasing the share of mass socially significant services available in electronic form, achieving "digital maturity" of key sectors of the economy and the social sphere, in particular healthcare, were discussed.

The targets characterizing the achievement of the national goal "Digital Transformation" are established by Presidential Decree No. 474 "On National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030" dated July 21, 2020.

* * *

Vladimir Putin: Mikhail Eduardovich, Rostelecom is our largest telecom operator and an integrated provider of digital solutions, in general, our largest company. Your company's work covers almost all market segments, you work all over the country.

How do you assess the current situation, the state of the company and what do you see as the most immediate and promising goals to be achieved?

Mikhail Oseevsky: Vladimir Vladimirovich, last year, despite all the difficulties and sanctions restrictions, we continued to develop actively and by the end of the year we became the largest operator of telecommunications and digital services in the country, increasing both revenue and profit. This is a consequence of both large–scale investments – and we have invested more than 500 billion rubles in recent years - and a strategy aimed at diversification and import substitution.

The main objectives of our strategy are to fulfill the indicators of the national development plan established by your Decree. I will focus on some of them.

The first is providing broadband Internet access. In 2030, this figure should reach 97 percent of Russian households. To this end, we continue to actively develop a network of optical channels. Last year, we laid more than 77 thousand kilometers, which allowed us to connect more than 900 thousand households, apartments and houses. In general, Russia is actively moving towards meeting this indicator: every year we add about three percent, so in general it seems that this indicator, set by your Decree, will be met.

The implementation of the project "Elimination of digital Inequality" has continued, as you know it well – this is the provision of communications to small settlements. Last year, this project took on a new breath, a new meaning, and the installation of base stations for mobile communications began. Citizens had such a request, and we can now see from the traffic in these localities that it is more than the national average. People use public services, educational resources, and information very actively via the Internet. This year and in the following years, this work will continue.
Another indicator set out in your Decree is ensuring the share of services provided to citizens in electronic form. The core of this system is the public services portal, which Rostelecom has been developing for more than ten years under the leadership of the Government.

A new modern high–performance version of the portal was introduced, which allowed not only to increase the number of registered users - there were 100 million, and there were 70, but also to increase the daily audience on a large scale: now more than nine million people visit the portal. But the most important thing is that the number of services themselves has increased many times. If in 2019 there were only 33 of them, today there are 483, and their number is growing every day.

Of course, this was not only a consequence of the development of the portal itself, but also of the largest state information systems that we have been modifying on behalf of the Government in recent years. I will focus on the three largest of them.

In the field of healthcare, new solutions have been launched for the Ministry itself, for the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. Since the launch, more than 35 million people have already received compulsory health insurance policies through the portal in electronic form, and, what is very important, including residents of our new subjects of the Russian Federation.

I would also like to note the launch of a new registry of bone marrow donors – there was no such product. Today, more than 22 thousand people have expressed their desire to become donors. This database is actively used today by doctors in order to find a suitable donor. It is planned to launch a blood donor register this year.

The next large–scale project is the digitalization of Rosreestr. Since March 1, every citizen of our country can get free information and an extract about all real estate objects that he owns, and it takes only three seconds. Every day from 15 to 20 thousand people use these services.

And the third large–scale project that I would like to focus on is a new social sphere platform - the social treasury. It is assumed that after its implementation – and it will cover the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, medical and sociological expertise - our citizens will receive social services remotely, paperlessly and proactively.

Vladimir Putin: Through "one window", yes?

M. Oseevsky: Yes. The platform itself has already been developed. This year it is planned to introduce it in all regions of the Russian Federation. I would also like to note that this is the world's largest project of digital transformation of the social sphere.

Vladimir Putin: That's great. It will just really help people, make their lives easier.

Mikhail Oseevsky: A lot has been done recently, all payments that were made went through the portal of public services. But it will undoubtedly be a completely new quality.
Vladimir Putin: [...] Let's talk in more detail.

Uh, they stopped broadcasting at the most interesting. :(
Among other technological risks, as indicated in the far left of the graph, “Digital inequality and lack of access to digital services” and “Adverse outcomes of frontier technologies” are also anticipated to significantly deteriorate over the 10-year time frame.

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Nov 8, 2022
Shock! Bomb! General Douglas Macgregor, a routine disinformer in the interests of NWO, spreading mountains of disinformation that fuel both the very claim of a major conflict and the imbecile claim that those "on the other side of the conflict," Russia, Eurasia, the BRICS, are on an unprecedented rise that will bring the standard of living of their peoples to a new quality where there will be uplift and happiness, says the sensational news that these same people will have a meeting in June "to which we should all pay attention"!

"larger plan to back currency with gold.

...It's just the beginning."


02 Jun, 2023
Economists have proposed schemes to replace the dollar in Russia's external settlements, the biggest prospects for expanding payments in rubles and yuan

VEB Institute evaluated alternative dollar and euro settlement models with other countries

A number of alternative models can replace dollars and euros that are toxic to Russia in international settlements. Among them are cryptocurrencies, a supranational unit, a digital "golden ruble". The pros and cons of the schemes were described by VEB experts

Since 2022, the dollar and euro have become toxic for most Russian companies, and non-cash payments even with friendly countries are difficult due to the threat of secondary sanctions and disconnection of Russian banks from the SWIFT system. However, there is a set of alternative models that Russia can potentially use and develop in international calculations. Experts of the Institute of Research and Expertise of VEB (part of the structure of the state corporation VEB.RF) write about this. In the presentation, which was reviewed by RBC, they assessed the advantages and risks of each of the proposed models.

RBC sent requests to the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance.
Cryptocurrencies and tokens
This method is not suitable as a system solution for international settlements, however, it can be used as a local means of payment for some transactions. There are examples: in 2022, a partnership was established between the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre free Economic Zone and ComTech FZCO in the UAE to issue tokens secured by gold bars stored in this zone in the blockchain network. For Russia, such a model makes it possible to accumulate unauthorized gold produced outside the Russian Federation, or to sell Russian gold to Arab companies that tokenize it, the VEB Institute notes.

Among the risks of cryptocurrencies are high volatility and regulatory pressure, the institute writes. The Russian authorities have not yet allowed the use of cryptocurrencies for external settlements, although business, as stated in the report of the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' rights, considers it "extremely urgent" to form a regulatory framework for the turnover of cryptocurrencies for settlements with foreign counterparties.

Digital "golden ruble"
VEB experts are also considering a scheme with a means of payment in the form of a stablecoin issued by Russia under the security of gold from its international reserves. They call the advantage of such a digital "golden ruble" liquidity, accessibility, ease of use in calculations, absence of issuer risks, relatively low volatility and low costs for participants in international trade.

As the reserves of monetary gold increase, including through purchases of it within the country, it is possible to increase the issue of the "golden ruble". The difference in the exchange rates of the "golden ruble" for the domestic market and international trade will help smooth out the impact of foreign economic shocks on the pace of development of the Russian economy. However, the implementation of the tool requires the development of a regulatory framework. "Without the active actions of the Bank of Russia, the golden ruble is unlikely to be able to gain international recognition," the authors write.

Anatoly Aksakov, the head of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, said in January that Russia could issue stablecoins backed by gold in order to conduct international settlements: this issue was discussed at a meeting of parliamentarians with a delegation from Iran. ..."

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia

October 13, 2021

Dmitry Chernyshenko added that the center will be created on the basis of the ANO "Digital Economy". A corresponding agreement has also been signed between the autonomous non-profit organization and the WEF.

"We are pleased to join the global network of centers of the fourth industrial revolution. Our organization unites the leading digital companies in Russia. Together with their leaders, we will study and adapt the best international practices in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, data regulation and other promising areas of digital economy development, as well as promote Russian practices to other countries," commented Evgeny Kovnir, CEO of ANO Digital Economy.

The Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow building systematic collaboration and constructive dialogue between Russian IT companies, state and international structures, as well as expert communities from around the world.

The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the center will begin its work on October 15. Its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of the executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022."
[**And. by the way, also:
Dmitry Chernyshenko: A billion Internet of Things devices by 2025 is a key goal of the ANO Digital Economy strategy

October 14, 2021

Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" in the Coordination Center. It approved the strategy of the organization's activities until 2024.

The members of the Supervisory Board also agreed on the principles of joint work and identified priority projects for implementation – communications, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other areas.

According to the draft of the new strategy, the work of ANO "Digital Economy" will be carried out in five main areas: "Digital transformation of industries and companies", "Safe open infrastructure", "Personnel for the digital economy", "Effective regulation" and "WEF and international cooperation"."

"The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia will be hosted by ANO Digital Economy in Moscow. It will work across the global network to maximize the benefits of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, while minimizing its risks."

To date:
To date: Centres for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in India, Brazil and South Africa (and in BRICS friends Saudi Arabia and UAE), and WEF Office in Beijing. Without nothing in Russia.


ANO "Digital Economy" is the main platform for interaction between business and the state for the development of the digital economy in Russia.

The activities of ANO "Digital Economy" are focused on areas that meet the current challenges of the development of high-tech sectors of the Russian economy.

We are analytics and research, an ecosystem of business support, staffing, promotion of technologies and solutions, elimination of problems of applicability of digital technologies, a national platform for supporting digital transformation."
Zero (0) results of search "WEF", and only one result of search "World Economic Forum":
The organization "Digital Economy" presented to the WEF experts the experience of Russia in the field of training for artificial intelligence

On January 26, 2022, a meeting of the international group of experts in the field of National Strategies for Artificial Intelligence was held within the network of Centers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum (The C4IR peer group on National AI Strategy, World Economic Forum).

The meeting was devoted to the exchange of experience and best practices in training personnel for artificial intelligence in the framework of the implementation of national strategies. Specialists from Russia and Turkey presented their strategies.

Alexey Sidoryuk, Director of Artificial Intelligence, presented the key elements of the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in Russia related to training, as well as the Federal Artificial Intelligence Project, part of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia".

Mikhail Burtsev, Head of the Laboratory of Neural Systems and Deep Learning at MIPT and Director of Fundamental Research at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AI), spoke about practical approaches and cases in the field of education, and also noted the achievements of teams from Russia at international competitions and conferences.

During the discussion, the experts of the World Economic Forum network highly appreciated the initiatives and projects of Russian colleagues aimed at training personnel for artificial intelligence. Special attention was paid to the educational project "Lesson of Numbers", implemented by ANO "Digital Economy" in partnership with leading technology companies in Russia. According to the participants, this approach is a unique and effective tool for introducing students of different ages to artificial intelligence technologies.
11 results, when WEF is written in Russian. 3 for "C4IR", and 10, when it is written on russian.
Here's the same news about the opening of the C4IR, with another cool photo, for a change:

Anyway, details. :)

ANO "Digital Economy" at the SPIEF-2023: "Scenarios for the use of artificial intelligence in health care - from predictive analytics to the development of mHealth technologies"

On May 11, the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum started – the largest platform for dialogue between representatives of the legal, business, political and law enforcement communities on issues of law in the interests of citizens, business, improving law enforcement practice, promoting legislative initiatives to develop legal culture and regulate the socio-economic sphere in modern conditions.

A session "Artificial Intelligence in healthcare" was held within the framework of the forum.
Experts recalled that artificial intelligence should be massively implemented in all sectors of the economy, including healthcare, over the next 10 years. The regulatory framework for the registration of medical technologies using artificial intelligence has been formed in the Russian Federation. So, currently 21 medical devices with artificial intelligence are registered, 5 are under registration.
The Director of Analytics of ANO "Digital Economy" Karen Ghazaryan highlighted the main conclusions of the report "Effective domestic practices based on artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare". This analytical report tells about domestic AI solutions in the field of healthcare, thereby stimulating their further dissemination and implementation. In the process of compilation, information was collected on more than 100 solutions, of which 46 were selected as part of expert discussions to be added to the final material.

Karen Ghazaryan recalled that the report continues the cycle of analytical materials of the ANO "Digital Economy", dedicated to the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in industries. The materials of the cycle are created in the format of a case book (journal of best practices), with practices of using artificial intelligence technologies in Russia, which have already proven a positive effect and are available on the organization's website.

Based on the conclusions of the report, Karen Ghazaryan noted: "Russia today is one of the world leaders in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence in healthcare, so AI-based technologies can and should be actively used in this area, but for this, in turn, it is necessary to systematically remove regulatory barriers and provide access to the necessary data, as was noted by colleagues during the discussion today. According to the estimates of the National Center for the Development of Artificial Intelligence under the Government of the Russian Federation, 16% of healthcare organizations are already implementing artificial intelligence technologies. Obviously, we cannot stop there - in our report we have identified several scenarios for the use of AI in medicine: from predictive analytics and the development of new drugs, to the development of mHealth technologies and the use of computer vision for the analysis of medical images."

Map of effective practices for the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare

ANO "Digital Economy" presented the study "Effective domestic practices based on artificial intelligence technologies in agriculture"

The research materials include an analysis of successful cases of AI application in agriculture in Russia, identification of trends in the use of AI technologies, a list of processes in which AI solutions can be applied, as well as a description of the ecosystem of AI development in agriculture in Russia.
The study showed that in terms of the use of AI in agriculture in Russia, trends such as the development of precision agriculture, crop production with a controlled environment, the use of predictive analytics and Bigdata, the introduction of robotic agricultural machinery and unmanned aerial vehicles are more evident. To a lesser extent, trends are manifested for the introduction of specialized agrofintech solutions and the development of biotechnologies with AI.
"Currently, large agricultural holdings are already using technologies and digital products with artificial intelligence in their activities — crop management and harvesting, satellite monitoring of agricultural land, management systems for agricultural enterprises, agricultural machinery and others. In order to replace foreign developments and increase the availability of such technologies, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia has formed an industry committee of the agro-industrial complex and created 3 industrial competence centers in the sub-sectors "Crop Production", "Animal Husbandry" and "Food and Processing Industry". In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia provides state support for the purchase and implementation of software products (including artificial intelligence algorithms) for digitalization of production and processing of agricultural products," comments Elena Fastova, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

"In the current conditions, business has quickly adapted and realized that artificial intelligence is no longer the technology of the future, not an exclusive product, but a necessary reality. Something that already allows you to remain competitive and efficient. Our task as a state is to ensure the large-scale introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in all sectors of the economy. The agricultural sector is no exception. In the course of the conducted at the end of 2022 The strategic sessions revealed a great potential for using AI in the industry and obtaining corresponding effects in the future," says Maxim Kolesnikov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

"Artificial intelligence in agriculture is a powerful tool that combines advanced technologies and methods of big data analysis to make effective decisions at all stages of crop production and animal husbandry. Today we see a large number of domestic solutions that have proven a business effect and are ready for replication in the industry. The use of AI in agriculture leads to more efficient and economical use of resources, increased yields, and improved quality of products," said Grigory Borisenko, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

"As of the end of 2022, we see that Russia is significantly lagging behind the leading countries in terms of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in industries, despite the fact that we have our own technologies and solutions that are not lagging behind foreign ones. In this report, we have collected the best practices for the introduction of AI in agriculture, worked out in detail the effects of using AI and hope that this will create an additional incentive for the development of AI in agriculture," comments Alexey Sidoryuk, Director of the Digital Transformation of Industries, ANO Digital Economy

"The study of the ANO "Digital Economy" presents the main trends in the introduction of AI technologies in agriculture in Russia and the world, and also describes the most successful cases of the introduction of AI at agricultural enterprises in Russia. All promising practices of using artificial intelligence in agriculture in the report are attributed to various processes covering the full cycle of activity of an agricultural organization. One of the significant effects, especially in the field of agriculture, is the automation of many routine processes and more efficient implementation of large projects without the use of heavy manual labor. The fulfillment of these tasks is possible with the help of smart crop and livestock farms, through the introduction of smart veterinary systems. I am sure that this report will help many enterprises and representatives of both small and large and medium—sized businesses to make their work processes more efficient," comments Karen Ghazaryan, ANO Digital Economy.

Map of effective practices for the use of artificial intelligence in agriculture

Map of effective practices for the use of artificial intelligence in retail

The analytical direction of ANO "Digital Economy" implements its own and partner analytical and research projects in the field of digital technologies, economics, international experience and regulatory policy. This section presents the most relevant thematic reports of the Organization's analysts."

With a few clicks on "see all" you get to the end of the materials. And there, as the last material (i.e. - the first in date) is: "The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing", dated 31.01.2020. When I click on it, I go here:
The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing

(The picture says: "The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing. Report January 2022")

This report covers best practices and key trends in the development of companies on the way to effective work with data.

Today, one of the greatest strategic opportunities in the field of production is to master the mastery of production data processing, i.e. to use data and advanced means of their analysis to increase productivity, improve customer experience and have a positive impact on society and the environment.

The transition to hyper-connected value creation networks has already begun: manufacturing companies and supplier companies are jointly developing information applications for managing the production and distribution of goods outside the same company. And given that the uncertainty in the economy and in the world caused by global trends such as climate commitments and constant supply chain disruptions is likely to persist for some time, innovative ways of using data in production can become a stabilizing factor for global industry.

This report presents the information collected to date as part of the multi-year initiative "Unlocking Value in Manufacturing through Data Sharing" (Unlocking Value in Manufacturing through Data Sharing), launched in 2019 on the Platform for Shaping the Future of Promising production Technologies and Value Chains of the World Economic Forum jointly with Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

The aim of this initiative is to support manufacturing companies and supplier companies on their way to creating globally connected production data ecosystems.

Read the report >>
(Again Report January 2022)
They're just wrong, we're human, we make mistakes. However, let's check with the site of the now defunct site of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia.

The centers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are a space for cooperation between the public and private sectors in order to use technology to achieve social and economic progress."

Buttons for "C4IR in RF"
What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The first industrial revolution used the energy of water and steam to mechanize production. The second has established mass production at the expense of electricity. The third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now, on the basis of the third industrial revolution, the fourth is taking place. It is characterized by the influence of new technologies that actively affect the physical and digital world.

There are three reasons why today's transformations represent not only an extension of the third industrial revolution, but also the onset of the fourth, and completely independent: speed, scale and impact on various systems. There are no examples of such breakthrough development rates in history. Compared to previous industrial revolutions, the fourth is developing not at a linear, but exponential pace. Moreover, it radically changes almost all industries in different countries of the world. And the breadth and depth of these changes portend a radical transformation of production, management and management systems."

And (in right) to C4IR in WEF site:

"Last news" in the bottom, the last (in left) is: "15.4.2022 The Executive Committee of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia held its second meeting". After clicking in her:
The Executive Committee of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia held its second meeting

The activity of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia has been suspended since March 1, 2022 due to the changed conditions."

3, the middle is "The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing". The same text and picture on the cover; date 31.01.2022.

On the bottom: "The path to advanced data-driven manufacturing ":
Changing approaches to data turnover: rethinking approaches to the procedure for notification and obtaining consent to data processing

The World Economic Forum, together with the Stanford University Center for Internet and Society and the expert community, held a series of round tables on the problems of regulating the procedure for obtaining notification and consent to data processing. The purpose of such round tables is to organize a discussion on the possibility of changing the approach to regulating data processing.

This document is a joint work of experts participating in a series of round tables in San Francisco, as well as the expert community in the field of technology, science and citizens. Although in this paper the regulation of data processing in the USA is considered as an example, the procedure for obtaining notification and consent as a regulatory mechanism is investigated more generally. The report also provides a number of recommendations for updating existing approaches to obtaining notification and consent for both legislators and technology companies.

By offering alternative measures to regulate the procedure for receiving notification and consent to data processing, we hope that an open community will appear to solve today's and future most pressing problems arising in the field of personal data. At the same time, the expansion of citizens' rights and technological capabilities should be based on a solid legal foundation.
[Date 01.07.2020]
In right:
Download the report:
"Centre for the New Economy and Society
Chief Economists
November 2021

This quarterly briefing builds on the latest policy research as well as consultations and surveys with leading Chief Economists from both the public and private sectors, organized by the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the New Economy and Society.

It aims to summarize the emerging contours of the current economic environment and identify priorities for further action by policymakers and business leaders in response to the global economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic."

"The activity of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia has been suspended since March 1, 2022 due to the changed conditions."

Back to ANO Digital Economy / reports -> last 3 at bottom, the same report (and the same picture of cover):
"Changing approaches to data turnover: rethinking approaches to the procedure for notification and obtaining consent to data processing

The World Economic Forum, together with the Stanford University Center for Internet and Society and the expert community, held a series of round tables on the problems of regulating the procedure for obtaining notification and consent to data processing
"The activity of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia has been suspended since March 1, 2022 due to the changed conditions."


The last (in the middle) of the three last (i.e. first by date) reports in the ANO Digital Economy:
"Changing approaches to personal data turnover: rethinking consent to processing

The authors of the report propose to consider alternative approaches to regulating the procedure for notification and obtaining consent for data collection and processing. Each of the proposed ideas is designed to solve existing problems in the field of personal data.



[February 2022]
"The starting point for the preparation of this document is a report developed by WEF experts together with the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford University on the topic "Changing approaches to data turnover: rethinking approaches to the procedure for notifying and obtaining consent to data processing in the interaction of humans and technologies."

To discuss the report prepared by the WEF, as part of the work of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia, a round table on the topic "Changing approaches to personal data turnover" was organized on January 27, 2022 at the site of the ANO "Digital Economy", at which experts, representatives of authorities and the business community spoke about the prospects of the proposed ideas. The discussion was attended by deputy heads of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and Roskomnadzor, as well as experts from Russia, the USA, India and Finland.

The ideas expressed by the experts at the round table are reflected in this document as alternative approaches to data regulation. In addition to the issues raised in the report and at the round table, it is proposed to start a discussion on how the existing mechanisms for obtaining consent for data collection and processing comply with economic principles and to what extent the current regulation reflects the economic value of data.

Read the report >> "
"The activity of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia has been suspended since March 1, 2022 due to the changed conditions."
In C4IR dot Ru:
The same text, cover and report, date 26.02.2022

Nothing, nothing. Just to say.
02 Jun, 2023
Economists have proposed schemes to replace the dollar in Russia's external settlements, the biggest prospects for expanding payments in rubles and yuan

VEB Institute evaluated alternative dollar and euro settlement models with other countries

A number of alternative models can replace dollars and euros that are toxic to Russia in international settlements. Among them are cryptocurrencies, a supranational unit, a digital "golden ruble". The pros and cons of the schemes were described by VEB experts ..."

Kaspersky Lab solutions will help test cyber defences at SPIEF 2023’s International Cybersecurity Championship

20 June 2023. Moscow. Kaspersky Lab solutions will be used to combat cyberattacks during the International Cybersecurity Championship. The event will be held as part of the 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum at the National Cyber Range, hosted by Rostelekom-Solar, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Roscongress Foundation.

The organizers have invited cybersecurity experts from dozens of countries across various continents to the upcoming competition. The main stage of the international cyber championship will showcase 40 teams.

Kaspersky Lab has provided participants with comprehensive protection tools and training on effectively handling complex incidents to defend against the simulated attacks that are a part of the championship. This was primarily the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform, a SIEM class security system for centralized collection, analysis and correlation of information security events. It also includes the Kaspersky CyberTrace TI platform, which is complemented by various threat data streams from Kaspersky Lab.

"For the past 25 years, we have actively participated in and supported the growth of the information security industry and the international community of IS professionals. Advancing ahead necessitates fostering healthy competition and a thirst for knowledge, which is why we are establishing avenues for the industry's brightest minds to gain unparalleled experience in countering and responding to cyberattacks. We are happy to provide our technology for this large-scale competition and to help people practice their skills," said Eugene Kaspersky, Chief Executive Officer, Kaspersky Lab.

"Participants in the 2023 Cybersecurity Championship will work with a replica of a real typical enterprise infrastructure deployed on the Solar Cybermir platform. The scenario is based on real cybercrime attack cases that numerous organizations in key industries have encountered over the past year. We are delighted to have Kaspersky Lab, one of the leading experts in defending against such attacks, join the competition and provide support to the teams. As we safeguard the perimeter of Russia's largest enterprises, we actively study the mechanics and tactics employed by attackers in "combat conditions," and we are prepared to share this unique expertise with our international partners. We hope that each participant will acquire valuable knowledge and skills throughout the competition," said Igor Lyapunov, CEO of Rostelecom-Solar.

The International Cybersecurity Championship, based at the National Cyber Range, will be held at SPIEF for the second time. The event was first held in 2022.

About the International Cybersecurity Championship
The International Cybersecurity Championship is organized by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Rostelecom, and the Roscongress Foundation. During the event, participants will practice defending against state-level hacker attacks on the platform of the National Cyber Range, developed by Rostelecom-Solar. The company's experts have created cyberattack scenarios based on their own experience in countering attackers while protecting Russia's largest companies from current cyber threats. According to the competition's storyline, a hacker group aims to destabilize the socio-economic situation and sow panic by planning multiple massive attacks on critical infrastructure facilities.

The International Cybersecurity Championship will be held in two stages. The main stage is scheduled for 6 June. Each team will be allocated an infrastructure segment at the National Cyber Range and provided with basic information security tools. In the main stage, participants will need to repel successive massive attacks, conduct investigations, and prepare incident reports. The top three teams will be determined based on the results of the qualifying stage and will proceed to the finals. The final round is set to take place on 15 June. During this round, the finalists will earn points for effectively safeguarding their infrastructure. The team with the highest number of points will be crowned the winner.

Read more

29.05.2023 (Updated: 06.06.2023 12:44)
Happy EAEU Day!

On May 29, the EAEU Member States celebrate the Eurasian Economic Union's Day for the first time. The Treaty on the EAEU was signed this day in 2014 in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“Over the 9 years of its existence, the Eurasian Economic Union has become a key platform for cooperation and interaction between the Greater Eurasia States. We are ready to adopt important strategic decisions. Today, our association has ambitious objectives, including to promote investment development in the EAEU countries, to create a settlement system that is superior to SWIFT, and to develop an autonomous digital currency environment. I am confident that in the coming years the EAEU countries will be able to maintain and even increase the high rates of functioning of the association on the basis of respect for the economic interests of both the Union countries and the States of the entire Eurasian space”, emphasized Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The initiative on the Day of the Eurasian Economic Union was put forward by Sadyr Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, in 2022. It was unanimously supported by the Heads of four other countries of the Eurasian "five" — Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia. As the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council's disposition highlights, establishing such a day will help strengthen solidarity and deepen cooperation between the Union States. According to Sadyr Japarov's proposal, the EAEU Day will be celebrated annually.

In 2023, Russia holds the presidency of the Eurasian Economic Union. Speaking at an enlarged meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on December 9, 2022 in Bishkek, Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, called updating the strategic guidelines for the EAEU development as one of the priorities of Russia's presidency in this association. Besides, Vladimir Putin noted the importance of preparing new strategic planning documents that set the main vectors for further integration cooperation in the medium and long term."

24 May 2023
Eurasian Economic Forum

The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, signed on 29 May 2014, sets out (along with a number of other programmes and concepts of the EAEU) the aim of improving payments and settlements between EAEU member states based on expanding the use of national currencies in mutual settlements. One document — the Concept for the Formation of a Common Financial Market — sets out the position that the development of a common payment space shall be based on principles of national security, independence, and equality of national payment systems.

At the same time, restrictions imposed by third countries have a direct impact on the timing and cost of transnational payments. It is therefore important to ensure uninterrupted and seamless payments, both between EAEU nations in their mutual trade, and with third countries which are either key trading partners, or which have the potential to become so.

This can be accomplished by employing promising financial technologies. These include digital currencies offered by central banks, smart contracts, a special accounting unit, multilateral clearing, and so on. Interstate Eurasian development institutions could play a key role in this regard. The use of new technological platforms could help establish systems which far outstrip traditional ones and ensure rapid settlements, confidentiality, and reduced costs. At the same time, the explosive growth of innovation in the financial sector could bring with it increased cyber threats, technological vulnerability, and financial instability. In a world where developed countries are experiencing stagnation, the ability to boost trade between nations with emerging markets could prove to offer a new source of economic growth. An expansion of this kind requires the establishment of independent institutions and tools — including in relation to payment and settlement — that meet the needs of developing economies and which are tailored to them.

Issues to be discussed:
• Settlements in the national currencies of EAEU member states: current situation and prospects
• Development of payment and settlement relations in the EAEU: challenges and opportunities
• Digital currencies of central banks as a promising tool in foreign trade settlements"

14–17 JUNE 2023

15 Jun , 09:00–10:15

In today's multipolar world, we witness the gradual and profound integration of individual national economies into the global system of production and trade in goods and services. Nevertheless, as these integration processes unfold amidst a multipolar world economy, the flaws of the dollar-centric financial system, established in the latter half of the twentieth century, become increasingly apparent. The freezing of Russian reserves has transformed reserve currencies into geopolitical weapons, casting a shadow over the stability of settlements with trading partners in US dollars susceptible to Washington's ability to impede transactions deemed suspicious. Consequently, global economic trust in the US currency wanes, prompting a surge in de-dollarization. Consequently, global economic trust in the US currency wanes, prompting a surge in de-dollarization. This trend unfolds against the backdrop of cryptocurrency development, the growing influence of the Chinese yuan, and the expanding issuance of IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). As of mid-May, the Russian national currency has appreciated by over 11% against the US dollar since the outset of 2022, catapulting it to the forefront among 31 major global currencies. Furthermore, Russian officials have already announced plans to develop a digital rouble and establish a dual-loop monetary and financial system. Beyond the evident economic drawbacks the existing financial system presents for developing nations, including those in Africa, other issues come to the fore: the dependence of national monetary systems on external factors, vulnerability to potential crises in the US economy, the inability to ensure international payment confidentiality, leveraging the reserve currency and its infrastructure (SWIFT) for political purposes, and unjustifiable transaction costs, among others.
Is it imperative to reevaluate the principles of regulating and owning the universal exchange equivalent?
Is it plausible to transition from the US national currency as the bedrock of global trade towards a fundamentally new supranational currency, overseen by a broad consortium of states operating on principles of partnership?


:rolleyes: o_O :D :D
14–17 JUNE 2023
15 Jun , 09:00–10:15
Furthermore, Russian officials have already announced plans to develop a digital rouble and establish a dual-loop monetary and financial system. Beyond the evident economic drawbacks the existing financial system presents for developing nations, including those in Africa, other issues come to the fore: the dependence of national monetary systems on external factors, vulnerability to potential crises in the US economy, the inability to ensure international payment confidentiality, leveraging the reserve currency and its infrastructure (SWIFT) for political purposes, and unjustifiable transaction costs, among others.
Is it imperative to reevaluate the principles of regulating and owning the universal exchange equivalent?

Is it plausible to transition from the US national currency as the bedrock of global trade towards a fundamentally new supranational currency, overseen by a broad consortium of states operating on principles of partnership? ......."

24 May 2023
Eurasian Economic Forum
At the same time, restrictions imposed by third countries have a direct impact on the timing and cost of transnational payments. It is therefore important to ensure uninterrupted and seamless payments, both between EAEU nations in their mutual trade, and with third countries which are either key trading partners, or which have the potential to become so.

This can be accomplished by employing promising financial technologies. These include digital currencies offered by central banks, smart contracts, a special accounting unit, multilateral clearing, and so on. Interstate Eurasian development institutions could play a key role in this regard. The use of new technological platforms could help establish systems which far outstrip traditional ones and ensure rapid settlements, confidentiality, and reduced costs. At the same time, the explosive growth of innovation in the financial sector could bring with it increased cyber threats, technological vulnerability, and financial instability. In a world where developed countries are experiencing stagnation, the ability to boost trade between nations with emerging markets could prove to offer a new source of economic growth. An expansion of this kind requires the establishment of independent institutions and tools — including in relation to payment and settlement — that meet the needs of developing economies and which are tailored to them."

Golden McGregor.

And the world will be saved from banking slavery (and american hegemony).

Go to BRICS-Eurasia.
(By the way, walking around websites, blogs and forums, I saw a lot of people spreading the Eurasia/Brix heyday by offering "help" to relocate Westerners there. It is probably insignificant little as a result, but sthere are such traders, and those who read and listen to the Alt-Press and believe in the heyday of Eurasia BRICS are many. Maybe there will be another "great migration" in the future, who knows. However, we all know that Eurasia-BRICS covaxins, AI, crypto and CBDC, digital identifiers and carbon credits - are different, for freedom and for good. Even better is Eurasia-BRICS chips that lie ahead.

#Eurasia-BRICS chiping differently.
#Eurasia-BRICS chip for good
#Golden Eurasia-BRICS chip for double good
Last edited:


Jan 10, 2019
Vladimir Putin: [...] Let's talk in more detail.
I bolded the most important part for you. :D

Seriously talk is not the same as legal action. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying we truly appreciate your tracking of events in Russia, as the vast majority of the West have not a clue of what developments are taking place outside of our mediasphere. You're a VC of the East! But as I've said there's a difference between politely entertaining the weirdo academics and Western backed NGOs to the legitimate actual implementation of technocratic programs. As is said in auto racing all that matters is where the "rubber meets the road". Your posts stirred me to search for information about the government/legislation of the Russian Federation- it's difficult to navigate but I think this is an important catalog of current bills and such. Don't give up on the Motherland just yet! :)

Legislative Acts


Nov 8, 2022
I bolded the most important part for you. :D

Seriously talk is not the same as legal action. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying we truly appreciate your tracking of events in Russia, as the vast majority of the West have not a clue of what developments are taking place outside of our mediasphere. You're a VC of the East! But as I've said there's a difference between politely entertaining the weirdo academics and Western backed NGOs to the legitimate actual implementation of technocratic programs. As is said in auto racing all that matters is where the "rubber meets the road". Your posts stirred me to search for information about the government/legislation of the Russian Federation- it's difficult to navigate but I think this is an important catalog of current bills and such. Don't give up on the Motherland just yet! :)

Legislative Acts
What can I say to you except, "nothing is impossible for the believer." (Did you miss the quotes from official sources saying that all these"politely entertaining the weirdo academics " are either with Putin's approval or directly on his orders?)
I will not talk to you.

Go to Eurasia. I recommend it. Take Ehret and Chung for company. :)

#Eurasia-BRICS chiping differently.
#Eurasia-BRICS chip for good
#Golden Eurasia-BRICS chip for double good


Nov 8, 2022
More "politely entertaining the weirdo academics".

Kremlin Dot RU, (Russian version).
Session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council
A meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

May 25 , 2023

Vladimir Putin: Dear friends, colleagues!
Ensuring the digital sovereignty of the Eurasec is also on the agenda. Let me remind you that Russia initiated the process of establishing the partnership of the "five" in the IT sphere back in 2017. It is important that the member states of the Union form a single digital ecosystem, which would imply the integration of national systems of electronic public services and electronic governments of each of the participants of the "five". I can assure you that Russia has advanced far enough here and has made very good groundwork.
I will also mention that this year the Russian chairmanship pays considerable attention to issues related to climate change. The Eurasec Climate and Environmental Club could synchronize the approaches of the "five" in the field of climate regulation, whose tasks would include the implementation of joint research and development, the introduction of "green" technologies, the achievement of international recognition of Eurasian climate initiatives, the improvement of aquatic ecosystems, the conservation of biological diversity, geological exploration and development of subsoil, the implementation of projects on recycling of garbage and much more.
It is important to continue the formation of free trade zones with interested countries, including inviting them to jointly use the international payment infrastructure available to the participants of the "five" in national currencies
and digital currencies of central banks.
Alexander Lukashenko: Dear participants of our meeting!
I would also like to touch upon a relatively new, but very relevant aspect of our integration – the climate agenda of the Union.

It is not the first year that we have been observing how Europe is actively preparing for trade in the current conditions. The mechanism of cross-border carbon regulation being developed by the EU countries will become a serious tool for influencing international trade. The European Union will get an additional opportunity for maneuver: goods recognized as "clean" will be allowed on the market, and what they do not need will simply be blocked, they know how to do it. In this regard, within the framework of our Union, it is important to combine efforts and develop our own approaches and measures to respond to climate challenges. It is necessary to systematically move towards an economy structure dominated by production and technologies with low greenhouse gas emissions.

Our response to the sanctions pressure is the intensification of cooperation between the SCO, BRICS and ASEAN, the conclusion of new trade agreements and constructive mutually beneficial cooperation with everyone who is ready to be friends and work with us.

President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Along with the development of physical infrastructure, it is extremely important to develop substantive solutions for the creation of a common digital transit system for goods. It should be reliable, but easy to use and based on advanced digital technologies.

It is necessary to solve the issues of the use of electronic seals, guarantee systems of operational information exchange, as well as the development of a "Single Window" system. These measures will create a common digital multimodal corridor
that will accelerate commodity flows and optimize supply chains.

There are great opportunities for collaboration in the areas of digitalization, tourism, and the agro-industrial complex. Here our countries have achieved good results at the national level, but there are not enough integration projects.

Sadyr Nurgozhoyevich Zhaparov, Kyrgyzstan
The most important direction towards creating favorable conditions within the framework of ensuring the four freedoms in the Union is the sphere of migration. I believe that working citizens of our countries should have easier conditions for exercising their labor rights on the territory of any of the member States of the Union.

Modern technologies make it possible to significantly simplify the passage by our citizens of the required administrative procedures in the state of employment. It is necessary to provide an opportunity for citizens to perform the actions required for employment in another country in electronic format, including being in the country of their citizenship.

As a first step, it is proposed to work out
the possibility of recognizing the results of a medical examination of a worker who has passed in the country of departure for staying in the Russian Federation by analogy with the application "Traveling without COVID-19". You can expand its functionality and use it for new needs.

President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez (as translated): Dear Mr. Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, President of the Russian Federation!
Organizations such as the Eurasian Economic Union confirm that other relations are possible between peoples. Eight years after the beginning of its existence, the Eurasian Economic Union is actively developing as an integration mechanism and an alternative model capable of uniting the will of peoples and means to confront modern global problems such as climate change, lack of funds and poverty.
As an observer member of the Eurasian Economic Union, Cuba believes that the growing and diverse needs of our countries can be met only through the expansion of trade and partnership relations in accordance with the potentials of each country. Currently, there is an opportunity to increase mutual exchange between our countries in such areas as food and energy security, investment in industrial and technological development, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, training of human resources and many others.

Tajikistan, Emomali Sharipovich Rahmon
The sustainable course of "green" development chosen by us creates conditions for the development of industries based on these principles. In this context, it seems necessary to cooperate with the countries of the Union in the field of hydropower. We are consistently developing ways to efficiently use renewable energy sources, especially hydropower.

I consider it mutually beneficial to jointly develop the hydropower potential of our country, which, of course, can become a factor in the development of a "green" economy in the region.

Cooperation in the development of digitalization and artificial intelligence, banking and financial markets is also promising. Establishing cooperation in these areas

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)
29.05.2023 (Update: 01.06.2023 09:36)
Outcomes of 2nd Eurasian Economic Forum

The 2nd Eurasian Economic Forum was held on May 24-25 in Moscow and was timed to coincide with the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council involving the Heads of the Eurasian Economic Union Member States and the Observer States. The events were held as part of the 2023 presidency of the Russian Federation in the Eurasian Economic Union's governing bodies. The motto of the Forum is "Eurasian Integration in a Multipolar World".

Business program
The Forum's business program included about 35 sessions. The main topics were the most relevant and sought-after issues of integration processes in the EAEU, including the preparation of new long-term planning documents and determining the main vectors of integration interaction for the period until 2030 and 2045, developing cooperation between the EAEU and non-CIS countries, customs regulation, prospects for the EAEU internal market, as well as digital transformation and improvement of international payments mechanisms.

The events were divided into seven thematic tracks:

Human Capital,

Technologies and Cooperation,

EAEU in a Changing World,

Eurasian Cohesion,

EAEU Internal Market: Customs Cooperation, Competition and State Procurement,

Strategic Unit,

EAEU Business Council's Unit.

The business program also included:

Meeting of the Presidium of the EAEU Business Council;

Business breakfast "EAEU Internal Market: Challenges and Development Prospects",

ASI Business breakfast "New Opportunities for Developing International Cooperation in Eurasia",

EAEU — Indonesia Business Dialogue

Business breakfast of the EAEU — Indonesia Business Dialogue,

Presentation of EAEU — Indonesia sectoral projects.

Plenary session
Plenary session was the key event of the 2nd Eurasian Economic Forum. The event was attended by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sadyr Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mher Grigoryan, Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, and Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The moderator was Alexander Shokhin, President of the All-Russian Non-governmental Organization "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs", and Chairman of the Presidium — President of the EAEU Business Council.

More than 2,700 participants and media representatives from Russia and 59 countries and territories attended the Forum.

High-ranking officials who attended the Forum included Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation; Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus; Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; and Sadyr Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The event was also attended by Mher Grigoryan, Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia; Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, Serik Zhumangarin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Adylbek Kasymaliev, First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, and Alexei Overchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Nine ministers took part in the Forum, including:

Nikolai Shulginov, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation; Almasadam Satkaliyev, Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan; Taalaibek Ibraev, Minister of Energy of Kyrgyzstan; Kudaibergen Bazarbaev, Minister of Labor, Social Security and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic; Daniyar Amangeldiev, Minister of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan; Ayaz Baetov, Minister of Justice of Kyrgyzstan; Ivan Adolfo Acosta Montalvan, Minister of Finance and Public Credit of Nicaragua; Alexander Chervyakov, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus; Irina Kostevich, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus; Viktor Karankevich, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus; and Andrei Ivanets, Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

The Forum was attended by Heads of international organizations and associations, including:

Ming Zhang, Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization; Erna Hayriyan, Chairman of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union; Sergey Pospelov, Executive Secretary of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization; Taras Kupchikov, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council; Sergei Lebedev, Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States; and Dmitry Mezentsev, State Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Union State.

Felix Ramon Plasencia Gonzalez, Executive Secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, delivered a video message during the session.

13 heads of the diplomatic corps visited the venue as well.

The Forum was attended by a large delegation from Indonesia; the venue was visited by such high-ranking officials as Ego Syahrial, Special Adviser to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia on the Energy Transition Acceleration and Energy Infrastructure Development Strategy; José Antonio Morato Tavares, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia to Russia; Royke Octavian Roring, Regent of the Government of Minahasa (Indonesia); Olli Dondokambey, Governor of the North Sulawesi Provincial Government (Indonesia); and Andrei Angouw, Mayor of Manado (Indonesia).

In total, the Event venue was visited by representatives of foreign official delegations from 38 countries and territories.

More than 550 business representatives from about 400 companies took part in the Forum.
Green Eurasia International Climate Competition

The winners of the Green Eurasia International Climate Competition received their awards during the Forum. The competition was held by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects jointly with the Eurasian Economic Commission in 10 categories, including Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency, Clean Manufacturing Industry, Sustainable Agriculture, Low Carbon Transport, Sustainable Building, Green Financing, Efficient Waste Management, Environmental Culture and Public Involvement in the Climate Agenda, Environmental and Climate Monitoring and State Policy in the Field of Low-Carbon Development. The projects submitted to the competition were evaluated by an expert group representing the professional community.

Mher Grigoryan, Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Alexei Overchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, took part in the award ceremony. ..."


Nov 8, 2022
The Eurasian Economic Commission and ANO "Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects" (ASI) announce the first international climate competition "Green Eurasia", which will become the main event of the year in the field of climate in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union Member States.

“The competition is held to identify technological leaders of the green agenda aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of our countries. Applicants will be selected from March 9 to March 31”, said Vladimir Serpikov, Director of the EEC Trade Policy Department.

Participation in the competition is free of charge; each organization can apply for no more than three projects in different categories, including:

· clean energy and energy efficiency,

· clean manufacturing industry,

· sustainable agriculture,

· low carbon transport,

· sustainable building,

· green financing,

· effective waste management,

· environmental culture and public involvement in the climate agenda,

· environmental and climate monitoring,

· state policy in the field of low-carbon development.
For reference
The High-Level Working Group (HLWG) on developing proposals for converging the EAEU States’ positions within the climate agenda was established in 2021 within the Eurasian Economic Union. In 2021-2022, the HLWG conducted outreach efforts to agree on the first package of measures (roadmap) for cooperation between the Union countries within the climate agenda, adopted at the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council’s meeting on October 21, 2022. One of the Roadmap paragraphs envisages the formation of the Bank of Climate Technologies and Digital Initiatives. In order to further promote the Member States' best technologies, both within and outside the integration association, the ASI, jointly with the EEC, holds the "Green Eurasia" competition."

EAEU Climate Technologies and Digital Initiatives Bank
[among them]
Wind Farm-Based Production of "Green" Hydrogen. Each year, 12 thousand tons of hydrogen are planned to be produced and exported to the EU countries.
Sector: Energy
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : Rusnano JSC PAO Enel Russia

A set of software and hardware, as well as organizational measures for ensuring the security in the city, as well as for managing the urban infrastructure facilities in a single information space.
Sector: Public security
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : The Government of Moscow

Urban management system modernization.
Development of such products as:
Public Safety Answering Point
Web portal for citizens
Work performance records

Sector: Public security
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : The Government of Moscow

Organization of representation of electronic public services via various channels (mobile applications, SMS services, Web portals and chatbots).

Sector: Public security
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : The Government of Moscow

The feedback platform is a technology platform that allows you to collect and process feedback from citizens. The platform implements effective channels of interactive interaction with citizens, which ensures:
1. Public control and expert support of government decisions.
2. Obtaining objective information «from the field».
3. Involvement of citizens in the process of making important decisions

Sector: Public security
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : The Government of Moscow

The system allows for the complete urban outdoor lighting network monitoring and management process automation. Functioning is provided by controller installation.
Sector: Public security
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : The Government of Moscow

IT platform for cargo road transportation digitalization. Connecting to a single platform.
Sector: Public security
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : Web Logistika LLC

A professional management and control system allowing for the development of an integrated monitoring and management environment based on a variety of specialized systems.
Sector: Public security
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : Alphaopuen, LLC

Charging infrastructure for electric transport implemented on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The total number of charging stations by January 1, 2022 will be over 600 charging stations. 134 11–44 kW charging stations, 456 50–180 kW charging stations. The project contributes to the development of electric transport and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Sector: Public security
Country: Republic of Belarus
Project developer : RUE State Production Association Belorusneft

The Roadly infrastructure digital twin is an integrated smart video registration system, consisting of a DVR and specialized software installed on the vehicle. All data is recognized, analyzed and placed in exact geographical coordinates. The system allows for creating 3D models of transport infrastructure facilities.
Sector: Public security
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : Agency for Strategic Initiatives

The first project of the Digital Initiatives Fund of the Eurasian Development Bank. The application is designed for people planning to travel to the EAEU countries. It can be used to find laboratories performing coronavirus PCR tests located nearby and included in the program, and make an appointment. The test results are sent to the application in the form of a QR code to be used at the border crossing.
Sector: Public security

The robotics competition, the international Robotics Olympiad "ROBBO Class" is a solution for educational institutions that includes a set of equipment, software and methodological materials for training young innovative engineers of the future in the specialties: creative programming, circuit engineering and microelectronics, mobile robotics, Internet of Things (IoT) and smart home, 3D-prototyping and 3D printing. ROBBO Club is a franchise of robotics and free programming circles, where children immerse themselves in the world of robotics and go all the way from creating a robot image on the screen to programming and turning their own robots into reality with their own hands using 3D modeling and 3D printing. Programming training is conducted in the Scratch language adapted to children's perception, and ROBBO robotics kits, Arduino microelectronics kits, as well as ROBBO Mini 3D printers are used as equipment.
Sector: Education
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : Robbo LLC

Development of an educational platform for teachers, parents and children by analogy with the implemented MESC project with the involvement of Moscow developers and educational integrator Prosveshchenie JSC
Sector: Education
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : The Government of Moscow

A VR platform based on satellite imagery.
Sector: Education
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : TerraTech JSC

Cloud Accounting is a solution deployed in the cloud that enables transferring all budget institutions (schools, kindergartens, outpatient clinics, etc.) into a single accounting, personnel and management record system.
Sector: Financial accounting
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : The Government of Moscow

The purpose of the project is to reduce the complexity of performing process operations, conducting distance learning or process equipment maintenance, and reducing the time required for personnel training.
Sector: Digitalization
Country: Russian Federation
Project developer : FSUE Technomash NPO

The Digital Documents web service is designed to verify the authenticity of electronic documents using a short code/token after the user provides access to the digital document. Today, within the framework of the digital documents service 15 types of digital documents have been implemented in the eGov mobile application (Identity card, Driver's license, Birth certifyicate, Marriage Certificate, Certificate of change of surname, first name, patronymic, Certificate of Divorce, Technical passport, the result of PCR testing for COVID-19, Student ID, Diploma, Pensioner's Certificate, Candace certificate, Vehicle Registration Certificate, Social ID, Vaccination passport), which were used by more than 720,000 users. The purpose of the implementation of digital documents is to reduce paper document flow and convenience in obtaining government and other services.
Sector: Digitalization
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Project developer : NIT JSC

The objectives of the implementation of the information system "Monitoring emissions into the environment" is to increase the efficiency of public administration in the field of monitoring emissions into the environment by improving the quality of its information and analytical support through the introduction of modern information technologies, which will further help to reduce the amount of emissions into the environment and improve the environment.
The system is designed to provide an integrated management, monitoring and control system with a set of interrelated following functions:
- monitoring compliance with the standards of maximum permissible emissions of pollutants and the mass concentration of pollutants;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to reduce the harmful effects of pollutants on the state of atmospheric air;
- accounting of emissions of pollutants based on the results of continuous measurements, preparation of reports of industrial environmental control;
- generation of reports and forecasts for the authorized body to support management decision-making.

Sector: Digitalization
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Project developer : NIT JSC

Enhancing the efficiency and transparency of the office work with state bodies by unifying departmental and interdepartmental technological processes for the state body documentation support:
1. Electronic document delivery time reduction;
2. Registration and document search time reduction;
3. Streamlining office management business processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4. Guarantee of electronic.

Sector: Digitalization
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Project developer : NIT JSC

1. The project helps to prevent the spread of infection of the country's population by identifying more than 1,000 quarantine violators daily
2. Exclusion of the possibility of visiting public places by infected or contact persons;
3. The opportunity for business to work even while in the "red zone";
4. Restoring the work of small and medium-sized businesses without the risk of infection of citizens

Sector: Medicine
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Project developer : NIT JSC

The EAEU Climate Agenda

Within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU), a high–level Working Group was established to develop proposals on the convergence of the positions of the EAEU member states within the framework of the climate agenda (hereinafter referred to as the HLG) in accordance with the Order of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) dated September 28, 2021 No. 150 pursuant to the Order of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council dated August 20, 2021 No. 10. Based on the proposals received from the EAEU member states, the composition of the HLG at the level of deputy heads of authorized bodies was approved.

On October 14, 2021, at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, a statement on economic cooperation of the EAEU member states within the framework of the climate agenda was adopted, the draft of which was prepared by the HLG. This document, signed on the eve of the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow, reflects the position of the EAEU member states on the global climate agenda and sets a vector for the formation of coordinated approaches in this area within the framework of the integration association.

During 2021-2022, active work was carried out on the site of the HLG to coordinate the First package of measures (Roadmap) for cooperation of the EAEU member states within the framework of the climate agenda in order to prevent barriers and restrictions on the internal market of the Union and preserve the competitiveness of the economies of the EAEU member states in the context of global technological transformation and changes in the structure of the world economy.

On October 21, 2022, at a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, the First package of measures (Roadmap) on cooperation of the EAEU member states within the framework of the climate agenda was adopted, which included the following areas:

- analysis of national legislative regulation in the climate sphere and preparation of proposals for the development of common approaches in this area;

- development of proposals for the formation of joint market and non-market carbon regulation mechanisms to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement;

- determination of measures to stimulate low-emission transformation in the following industries, taking into account the competence: transport, energy, metallurgy, chemical industry, construction, agriculture;

- Eurasian Low-carbon Development Initiatives;

- green financing;

- formation of a Bank of climate technologies and digital initiatives;

- coordination in the field of international trade relations on the climate agenda and other interaction in order to promote the interests of the EAEU member states in the climate sphere in the international arena.

The best available technologies of the EAEU in the field of combating climate change and digitalization

Bank of Climate Technologies and Digital Initiatives Bank

Criteria for green projects of the EAEU Member States (EAEU Model Taxonomy)


Nov 8, 2022
As it became clear:
"Seriously talk is not the same as legal action... there's a difference between politely entertaining the weirdo academics and Western backed NGOs to the legitimate actual implementation of technocratic programs. As is said in auto racing all that matters is where the "rubber meets the road"."

We have also seen many examples of such "politely entertaining the weirdo academics and Western backed NGOs". More:
The Eurasian Economic Commission and ANO "Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects" (ASI) announce the first international climate competition "Green Eurasia", which will become the main event of the year in the field of climate in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union Member States.
Agency for Strategic Initiatives
Creating opportunities for ambitious leaders
ASI is an "agent of change", working together with leaders on large—scale initiatives and combining the efforts of society, business and the state.

of August 11, 2011 N 1393-p


List of modifying documents
(as amended by orders of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 25.06.2012 N 1069-r,
dated 28.02.2014 N 281-r, dated 12.11.2015 N 2308-r, dated 07.04.2017 N 635-r,
dated 27.08.2018 N 1777-r, dated 26.11.2019 N 2814-r, dated 20.07.2020 N 1890-p,
dated 10.11.2020 N 2926-p)

In order to promote the development of social and professional mobility of young people professional personnel and teams in the field of medium-sized entrepreneurship and the social sphere by supporting socially significant projects and initiatives:

1. Establish an autonomous non-profit organization "Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects" (hereinafter - the Agency).
The powers of the founder of the Agency on behalf of the Russian Federation are exercised by The Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Establish that the Agency:

participates in meetings of interdepartmental coordinating and advisory bodies established by the Government of the Russian Federation on issues referred to the competence of the Agency in accordance with the established procedure;

participates in the examination of regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in order to identify provisions in them that unreasonably complicate the conduct of entrepreneurial and investment activities;

requests from federal executive authorities the materials necessary for the examination of draft regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities regulating relations, the participants of which are the subjects of entrepreneurial and investment activities.

3. Approve the attached charter of the Agency.

4. To form the Supervisory Board of the Agency and approve its composition according to the Appendix (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 25.06.2012 N 1069-r)

5. Federal executive authorities:

provide full support to the Agency in its activities;

to ensure interaction with the Agency on issues referred to its competence in accordance with the established procedure by including the Director General of the Agency in the coordination and advisory bodies created by federal executive authorities, including interdepartmental bodies;

send, upon request, the materials necessary for the Agency to conduct an examination of draft regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities regulating relations in which business and investment entities are participants;

determine the person responsible for coordinating the Agency's work at the level of the Deputy Federal Minister (Deputy head (director) of the federal service or federal agency).

6. Recommend to the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, as well as state corporations, should provide all possible support to the Agency in its activities.

7. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, when forming the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period, provide subsidies to the Agency for renting premises and paying for property maintenance services, including utility costs, in the amount of 165,000 thousand rubles annually.
(item 7 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12.11.2015 N 2308-r)

8. The Director General of the Agency and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation shall ensure the registration of the Agency within 2 weeks in accordance with the established procedure.

Chairman of the Government
Of the Russian Federation

[One of many initiatives.]

National Environmental Initiative (NEI)

This is an association of project leaders, experts, companies and scientific organizations that ensure the introduction of promising environmental solutions in the regions of Russia to improve the quality of people's lives.

The mission of the National Environmental Initiative is to create an environmentally friendly and climate-resilient environment in the regions of Russia.

Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation, head of the Supervisory Board of ASI

There are issues of lasting importance. They are of great importance both for the economy and for every individual - these are primarily environmental issues. These are the issues of industrial development and human health.

The purpose of the initiative
Implement the best environmental projects in the subjects of the Russian Federation to transform environmental challenges into economic and social opportunities.

1. Transformation of problems into new opportunities for climatic and ecological development of regions

2. Formation of a portfolio of projects and practices, support and replication of projects aimed at improving the environmental situation in the regions of the Russian Federation

3. Identification of breakthrough projects and technologies, identification of trends based on the analysis and formulation of trends in the environmental and climate agenda

4. Preparation of legislative initiatives to improve environmental regulation

5. Building international cooperation and exchange of practices with the EAEU countries on the climate and environmental agenda

Key programs of the initiative:

Climate adaptation

All-Russian project and educational program "Adaptation of Russian regions to climate change — 2023"

Climate change and the scale of its socio-economic consequences emphasize the need for a timely response to climate threats and their transformation into new opportunities for the regions.

The Agency is launching the All-Russian project and educational program "Adaptation of Russian regions to climate change", thanks to which regional management teams will gain skills in developing and implementing applied projects on mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

the temperature is growing 3-4 times faster in a number of regions of Russia compared to the world average growth rate

up to 3% of GDP
annual economic losses of Russia by 2030 due to climate change

25 million
Russians live in vulnerable regions (both in the Far North and in the South of Russia)

Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation

We must respond to the challenges of climate change, adapt to them agriculture, industry, housing and utilities, the whole infrastructure, create an industry to taking advantage of the carbon emissions, achieve a reduction in their volume and introduce strict controls and surveillance here.

The purpose of the program
Implement the projects developed within the framework of the training aimed at reducing the damage from climate change, using new economic opportunities in the regions of the Russian Federation

Program objectives
1. To form the personnel potential of the regions to solve problems in the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate change

2. Create a platform for cross-functional and interregional cooperation and exchange of best practices in the implementation of climate projects

3. Organize participants' access to technological solutions and financial instruments to strengthen institutional capabilities, including consultations with the best Russian and international experts

4. To form a pool of regional experts with the necessary knowledge and skills for the effective implementation of regional climate policies

Program results
With the support of federal experts and professional mentors, regional teams will be able to update regional climate adaptation plans and develop concepts of applied projects aimed at reducing the current vulnerability of the population and individual sectors of the regional economy to the effects of climate change.

As a result of the training, participants of regional project teams:

1. they will increase their competence in the issues of the impact of climate change on the development of industries and territories of regions
2. learn how to assess the risks and economic/social/environmental effectiveness of climate projects
3. they will study the best Russian and international practices and adaptation technologies
4. gain skills in working with climate data sources
5. they will master the available tools for financing adaptation projects"

Agency for Strategic Initiatives Telegram channel, June 6, 2023
☘ASI together with experts have developed a number of proposals for the development of federal and regional systems of adaptation of industries and territories to climate change, among them:

✔ to strengthen human resources in the field of adaptation to climate change, especially at the level of regional management teams
✔ provide open access to information about climate risks and forecasts of their changes (today all participants of adaptation projects work in conditions of acute data shortage)
✔ conduct stress tests of socio-economic development strategies of regions taking into account climate change
✔ update GOST standards and other regulatory documents for infrastructure and economic complexes, including updating requirements in the field of road construction and design of buildings and structures in permafrost areas to form a rating of regional adaptation to the effects of climate change, which will become a tool for assessing the effectiveness of regional risk management actions

The meeting was attended by representatives of the regions, development institutes, as well as the scientific and expert community - institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and other leading scientific centers of the country.

@asi_ru Jun 6 at 09:49

International Climate Competition "Green Eurasia"

The purpose of the competition is to search for effective practices on climate mitigation and adaptation, as well as other climate practices aimed at sustainable development of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

Svetlana Chupsheva General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects
The Green Eurasia competition jointly held with the EEC will become another reference point for strengthening cooperation and increasing the availability of competitive eco-technologies in the Eurasian space. Mutual exchange of best practices in the field of ecology and climate between the EAEU member states will accelerate environmental transformation in key sectors of the economy and ensure climate sustainability in the EAEU countries.

Andrey Slepnev Minister for Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission
The issues of non-discriminatory use and exchange of technologies that ensure emission reduction and low-carbon development are on the agenda of both the global economy and the internal space of the EAEU. We see in such an exchange a great integration effect and at the same time a significant practical contribution to achieving climate goals. In this regard, the EEC, together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, organizes the "Green Eurasia" competition for the best projects in the field of the climate agenda among the EAEU companies in various industry nominations.

Finalists and winners of the competition

Nomination "State policy in the field of low-carbon development"

1st place
Support measures for the development of renewable energy in Armenia: benefits of the energy system and consumers

Public Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Armenia

Public Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia
Since 2016, the Republic of Armenia has been implementing comprehensive support to the renewable energy market through the following mechanisms:
A mandatory guarantee for the purchase of electricity supplied from renewable energy stations for 15 years for HPPs or 20 years for solar and other renewable energy stations;

2nd place
Strategic project "EcoVologda-2030: a closed-cycle economy city and an eco-friendly place to live with the principles of sustainable development"

Vologda City Administration

Russian Federation

Vologda City Administration
The first environmental standard of the city in Russia. "EcoVologda-2030: includes more than 30 municipal projects in various economic directions. More than 35% of the specialists of the City Administration, as well as representatives of business, NGOs, municipal and state institutions, scientific organizations and residents of the city participate in the implementation of the strategic project.

3rd place
The first climate experiment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Government of the Sakhalin Region

Russian Federation

Government of the Sakhalin Region
The first climate experiment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
On September 1, 2022, an experiment to limit greenhouse gas emissions was launched in the Sakhalin Region. The practice includes: setting a climate goal, setting a climate goal and revealing ways to achieve it, practical solutions to regional policy to mitigate climate change, including industry practices.

Sakhalin Oblast was the first to develop a three-year regional cadastre verified by Roshydromet. The climate project in the Kuril Islands was the first in Russia, and carbon units from it were sold on the stock exchange for the first time. All the measures were implemented on the national infrastructure.

According to the analysis of the dynamics of emissions and removals since 2019, it can be concluded that there is an annual decrease in net emissions, i.e. the Sakhalin Region strives for carbon neutrality, fulfills previously assumed obligations to reduce emissions and increase their absorption in CO2-eq., and the approval of the program will contribute to an even more effective movement towards the planned goals.

Nomination "Green financing"

1st place
"Green" bonds of Moscow

Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow

Russian Federation

On May 27, 2021, the city of Moscow was the first among the regions and cities of Russia to place the issue of "green" bonds. According to the conclusion of an independent expert organization (verifier), the bond issue is recognized as responding as Russian (VEB.RF), and international standards of green finance (International Association of Capital Markets, ICMA). The issue of Moscow's "green" bonds contributed to the popularization of sustainable development bonds in Russia.

Moscow managed to attract 70 billion rubles. The funds from the bond issue were directed to the implementation of priority projects of the city that reduce emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases from motor transport:

10.2 billion rubles to replace the bus fleet of Moscow with electric buses - 400 electric buses (by the beginning of 2022, their total number in the capital reached 1000), achieving a reduction in emissions of pollutants by 104.2 tons per year. year and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 24.2 thousand tons per year;

59.8 billion rubles for the construction of the Great Ring Line of the metro (in 2021, 12 stations and 23 km of new lines of the Great Ring Line were put into operation). This led to a reduction in emissions of harmful substances by 506 tons per year and a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 11.9 thousand tons due to a reduction in the number of cars leaving the streets daily by 5.7 thousand units.

The issue of green bonds in May 2021 increased the value of the Sustainable Development Sector of the Moscow Exchange from 28 to 98 billion rubles (by the end of 2022, this figure increased to 276 billion rubles).

2nd place
Lending to energy-efficient projects, including attracting funding for these purposes through the placement of exchange-traded "green" bonds on the Moscow Exchange

PJSC Commercial Bank "Center-invest"

Russian Federation

Since 2005, Center-Invest Bank has been lending energy efficiency projects to the bank's clients. For these purposes, credit resources were attracted from international development banks (EBRD, IFC, EDB, KfW and others). In 2019 and 2020, the bank placed green bonds (250 and 300 million rubles, respectively) in the Sustainable Development Sector of the Moscow Stock Exchange, which, through a publicly verified fund-raising mechanism, served as a source of funding (refinancing) 81 loans to the bank's customers for energy efficiency purposes. These were the first issues of specialized green bonds in Russia, which were placed by the financial institution for further use of these funds in clients' projects.

At the moment, more than 23,400 energy-efficient projects worth 21.5 billion rubles have been financed by attracting various funding sources. The environmental effect of these projects is equal to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the amount of 258 thousand tons, which is equivalent to 10.3 million planted trees.

3rd place
Responsible financing in the Sber

Sberbank PJSC

Russian Federation

Sber helps Russian businesses to continue their ESG transformation in new conditions by providing sustainable investment and credit ESG products, as well as developing ESG risk management procedures (ESG loans; green and adaptive credit products; social credit products; own green bonds totaling 25 billion rubles; ESG screening.

Key results of 2022:
1.3 trillion rubles – Sberbank's portfolio of responsible financing (the balance of loan debt), of which:
- ESG-loans in the amount of 869.5 billion rubles;
- Green loans in the amount of 456.0 billion rubles;
- Green and ESG loans in the amount of 5.7 billion rubles;
- Social loans in the amount of 0.5 billion rubles."


the green celebration continues later with the other finalists and winners.........


Nov 8, 2022
the green celebration continues later with the other finalists and winners.........
Nomination Green building

1st place
Photovoltaic facade systems

LLC "Unigreen energy"

Russian Federation

LLC "Unigrin Energy" carries out the design and supply of certified photovoltaic ventilated facades. The use of photovoltaic facade systems with photovoltaic modules as a cladding material can significantly reduce operating costs and ensure independence from the growth of electricity tariffs; get additional benefits due to a property tax discount for 3 years (for facilities using energy from renewable sources); to ensure uninterrupted power supply (when using energy storage) and to organize a backup power supply system of the most important objects and processes that are critical to the stability of the energy supply, to reduce carbon footprint, reduce greenhouse gas emissions (1 kWh of "green" energy allows to reduce CO2 emissions in g. 358).

The first example of the integration of such solutions at a facility under construction was the residential complex "Smart House "Helios"" in Ufa. The facade of the house will be lined with photovoltaic modules, which will reduce the energy consumption of the house by 150 thousand kWh per year. According to the project, the lighting of common areas, the operation of elevators and other energy sources of the house will be free for residents.
Another example of the use of energy – efficient facades- construction apartment building in the neighborhood Academic in Yekaterinburg. Photovoltaic facades ensure the production of ~37 million kWh per year, covering the need for lighting of common areas, elevators and other needs at home. In the spring and summer due to the energy of the sun will be replaced by up to 30% of community consumption, and in the autumn-winter period to 15%. Saving the residents at the service of the house will be more than 150 thousand rubles

2nd place
The construction of a "green" apartment buildings: GOST R 70 346-2022 "Green" standards. Building multifamily residential "green". Assessment methodology and criteria for the design, construction and operation


March 2022 certification of facilities according to international standards was suspended at the initiative of the foreign organizations. Against this background, the training, the national "green" standard has acquired special relevance.

September 9 was adopted by Rosstandart, and November 1, 2022 entered into force the first Russian national "green" standard for multi-family homes (GOST R). The project was implemented/standard developed by JSC "DOM.Russia" together with the Ministry of construction of Russia with the active participation of developers, specialized agencies, business and expert communities. At present the assessment of conformity GOST R 4 pilot projects of the 4 regions of Russia: Moscow region (D. Misaylovo), St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok.

In a Unified information system of housing construction (our.home.RF) apartment buildings already marked for 6 from more than 30 of the mandatory criteria of the standard: 1) energy efficiency Class a, A+, A++, 2) Landscaping, 3) Improvement, 4) Children's and sports grounds, 5) a barrier-free environment for disabled persons, 6) platforms for placement of containers for solid waste collection. In the card of each house to find a note on the "green" status, along with the energy efficiency class of the house.

At the moment, "green", 6 the criteria GOST R are 16% MCD (5 of 34 796 511 homes in EISES). At the same time, the share of “green” homes that meet the criteria GOST R, is estimated at 3-5%.

2nd place
The system of assessment and certification of buildings Klever (Clever)

ANO "Center for Sustainable Development in the field of construction and operation of real estate"

Russian Federation

The Klever system is a Russian system of assessment and certification of non—residential buildings, developed in 2022-2023 as a national alternative to foreign standards BREEAM, LEED and WELL. The system was developed by ANO "National PPP Center" together with ANO "Center for Sustainable Development in the field of construction and operation of real estate", major developers and property owners — Millhouse, O1 Properties and MR Group with the support of the State Development Corporation "VEB.RF" and LLC "ProGorod".

The system allows you to evaluate real estate objects for compliance with the principles of eco-friendly, resource-efficient construction and sustainable development approaches in the field of design, construction and operation of buildings, as well as to confirm the quality of the object through an independent verification mechanism.

Evaluation within the framework of the system is available for a wide range of commercial real estate, social sphere, industrial facilities, sports facilities, public buildings, etc.

3rd place
Autonomous modular houses — Ouu


Russian Federation

Ouu (Ayy) is a modern modular house, does not require networking, offline running on renewable energy. The module is self-sufficient in electricity by processing of solar energy and wind energy, including all the installed equipment. Storage tanks, the system of retsirkulyatsii and collecting rain water can be almost completely cover the needs in water supply. The installation of such houses do not apply to capital construction, they can be placed in remote areas and transported to another place without damage to the environment.

Competitive advantages houses Ouu:
- 4-fold reduction of terms of construction and commissioning$
- ua 90% reduction in waste production than in the classical construction of apartments in an apartment building$
- in the production module with the use of additive technologies, the carbon footprint of construction is 174 tons of CO2 compared to 20 tons of CO2;
- reduce 3 times the carbon footprint during use and stay in the offline module — 570 is 1580 kg CO2 kg CO2 stays in the apartment for the year;
- the lack of planning and construction work at the site, which also eliminates the impact on the environment.

In addition, the module can be installed directly into the ground without a Foundation work.

Nominated for "low-carbon transport"

1st place
The project "Moscow bus"

GUP "Mosgortrans"

Russian Federation

In 2018, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin launched the first electric bus route. Today, the electric bus fleet of the capital is the largest in Europe: 1055 electric buses on 79 routes operate in the city. Since the launch, eco-buses have already transported more than 285 million passengers and traveled more than 115 million km. They carry about 430 thousand passengers per day. The main goals and objectives of the project: to create in Moscow the most convenient network of routes of ground urban passenger transport that meets modern requirements of mobility, comfort and environmental friendliness; reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, noise level and improve the environmental situation in the city.

Key results:
Today in Moscow, more than 1 thousand electric buses run on 79 routes, carrying about 430 thousand passengers per day.

In 4 years, electric buses have transported more than 285 million passengers and traveled more than 115 million km.

Electric buses demonstrate good financial payback, and also do not pollute the environment with carbon dioxide emissions. Compared to a conventional bus, an electric bus is more environmentally friendly due to the absence of harmful emissions. Its advantage over the trolleybus is in maneuverability and the ability to travel along any street, regardless of the contact network. In addition, the total cost of operating an electric bus is 10 percent lower than that of a trolleybus.

Ordering Moscow to electric public transport brought to a new level of domestic mechanical engineering, and also showed the prospects of development of electric transport.

Electric bus advanced configuration – completely eco-friendly. They have an increased range of up to 90 km and equipped with electrical heaters. In 2022, the use of electric buses has reduced CO₂ emissions by 36 thousand tons. The emissions of polluting substances in the atmosphere has decreased to 280 tons.

In 2022 in these administrative areas the first in Russia and the largest in Europe elektrobosna Park "Krasnaya Pakhra". It is designed for 300 units. Exit the Park planned capacity due to new supply electric buses will improve transport services and the environment for more than 500 thousand residents of New Moscow.

1st place
Charging network Malanka

Republican unitary enterprise "Production Association "Belorusneft"

The Republic Of Belarus

Republican unitary enterprise "Production Association "Belorusneft" in the Republic of Belarus organized the largest in the CIS network of charging stations MALANKA, including more than 646 charging stations, including power 175 kW, installed on the main highways and ensuring the free movement of electric vehicles across the country.

In addition, the company implemented a pilot project to build super-fast charging of the complex in the city of Minsk, which includes space for super-fast charging (350 kW) electric vehicle of all types, charging post for electric buses, the system of accumulation of energy, the dynamic distribution of power and store offline trade. Due to the high capacity of the complex speed charging allows you to recharge the battery of the electric vehicle 300 km reserve in 9 minutes.

Developed the methodology for determining the effectiveness of the implementation of the charging systems of electric transport, which is registered in the Global Carbon Council and will continue to certify charging network Malanka as climate project.

Taking into account the actual and predicted growth parameters of the number of electric transport in the Republic of Belarus, the provision of charging of electric vehicles allows for 2025 is to save more than 250 thousand tons of CO2 by 2030, 1.5 million tons of CO2.

2nd place
Development of piggyback transportation

JSC "Federal Cargo Company"

Russian Federation

3rd place
Modernization of urban electric transport

State development Corporation "VEB.RF"

Russian Federation

The project VEB.Russia on the modernization of transport infrastructure in the 10 cities of the Russian Federation a total population of 8.8 million people (with the use of concession agreements). The physical parameters of the program: the construction and reconstruction of 619 km of tram tracks; supply 617 trams; supply 148 buses; 43 installation of charging stations for electric buses; setting 1034 sites with pavilions, 174 installation of traffic lights; lighting installation at 504 km; Sewerage 184 km In the program in 10 cities of Russia will create a digital platform for the management and prioritization of public transport. The platform will have the following required functionality: the fare, the passenger traffic and the identification of stowaways, management of the traffic lights, control of a dedicated transit lanes."



Nov 8, 2022
Nomination "Environmental and climate monitoring"

1st place
Software and hardware complex "Green housing and communal services": reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by the territory through the introduction of monitoring, management and digital control systems of housing and communal services and construction facilities


Russian Federation

The first and only single hardware and software complex on the market that seamlessly connects generation sources, heat consumers and air quality readings. It allows you to control heat generation in real time, as one of the main sources of air pollution, taking into account the savings on resources and the achievement of favorable air quality parameters. The package allows achieving the goals of reducing harmful emissions without increasing the load on heat generating companies and at the same time freeing up resources for new consumers.

Key results:
5-40% savings in utility bills for heat. On average, 20% of real savings in utility bills for heat by residents of 13 MKD in the heating season 2020-2021, 2021-2022 compared to the three-year previous period (taking into account the phased connection of facilities to the automation system and weather-dependent management, as well as with abnormal temperatures of the winter period 2020-2021);

15% savings on the operation of gas boilers. 15% savings on the gas boiler house as part of the reduction in the number of personnel required for maintenance, as well as the operating costs of the heating system for the production of 1 gigacalory of thermal energy;

Up to 20% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by gas boilers by reducing the amount of fuel needed to generate thermal energy. By achieving a high energy efficiency indicator both on the part of the resource-supplying organization and on the part of the energy consumer, a synergistic effect is achieved, ensuring an increase in the quality of environmental safety of the municipality as a whole.

As part of the development of the practice, heat supply facilities will be equipped with automatic stations and greenhouse gas monitoring systems for data validation.

2nd place
Databases and systems for collecting information about dangerous convective phenomena (squalls, tornadoes, large hail and heavy downpours) for assessing climate risks

A.N. Shikhov, A.V. Chernokulsky

Russian Federation

3rd place
Environmental complex for monitoring, elimination, utilization, recycling of oily liquids and measurement of emissions of CO2 and other types of greenhouse gases

REC "Center for Carbon Regulation and Sustainable Development in Transport" of the Institute of International Transport Communications of the Russian University of Transport

Russian Federation

3rd place
Real-time atmospheric air monitoring system

URUS-Smart Digital Services LLC

Russian Federation

The real-time atmospheric air monitoring system is a software and hardware complex that allows automated measurements of concentrations of pollutants, suspended particles, meteorological parameters, noise pollution and other parameters with subsequent wireless transmission of telemetry to a single information platform. The solution is delivered as a comprehensive product package (software and hardware complex) consisting of licensed software "EcoMon" (1 license for 1 object without modifications to connect up to 30 posts); certified hardware iot devices (1 monitoring post consisting of a gas analyzer, a weather station and a dust meter).

Nomination "Sustainable agriculture"

1st place
Biological protection of plants by entomophages using unmanned aircraft systems

LLC "Fly and See Agro"

Russian Federation

2nd place
Application of Agro sT 30, DJI Phantom 4 Multispectral drones as an element of precision agriculture

UP "Vitsebskoblgaz"

Republic of Belarus

3rd place
A practical solution for the effective management of organic waste and animal by-products through the use of TUKOS


Russian Federation

Benefits for the supplier of raw materials:

6. The supplier of raw materials also becomes environmentally friendly, conforming to the ESG and carbon agenda.

Nomination "Ecological culture and engagement of the population in the climate agenda"

1st place
Green search engine with learning functionality

Interregional Environmental Public Organization "EKA"

Russian Federation – green search engine with learning functionality Ecо , massively involving the adult population of Russia in an eco-friendly lifestyle, eco-activism, volunteering. The mission of the project – by 2028 with the help of activities to form environmentally responsible behavior in 30% of the active population of Russia (24 million people). For the formation of ecological knowledge in the adult "non-green" population of Russia on the platform 11 online training courses have been created that meet modern trends in education. At the moment, 16 thousand people have been trained on the platform.

Quantitative indicators:
More than 80 thousand users are registered on the platform, media coverage is more than 1 million people in 85 regions;
8000 eco-enterprises organized with the support of ;
more than 932 tons of recyclable materials were collected for processing;
The All-Russian map of environmental events has been launched, which includes more than 500 events.

2nd place
"ZHASHYL ZHANA KOOPSUZ TURAK ZHAI" (green and safe housing)

Public Association "SEICO"

Kyrgyz Republic

The project is aimed at raising public awareness about the benefits and ways of using energy-saving green technologies, increasing the "green skills" and know-how, as well as the basic skills of individual developers, which will eventually lead to an increase in the number of energy-efficient and green houses. Within the framework of the project, training workshops are held for local construction crews and homeowners, consulting and technical support is provided by project engineers, certificates for the purchase of construction tools are awarded, etc.

In 2019-2021, the project was implemented in 9 pilot villages of Tonsky and Jety-Oguz districts of Issyk-Kul region. During this time, 17 information campaigns were conducted with the participation of more than 200 residents. As part of the project, 15 homeowners received support for the insulation of their homes and 1 for earthquake-resistant construction. We have conducted more than 20 master classes for homeowners and local builders. More than 45 homeowners received consulting support with field visits on home insulation and earthquake-resistant construction, some of them received consulting support several times.

3rd place
Youth carbon landfill "Sledovo" in the Kostroma region

OGKOU DOD "Ecological and Biological Center "Sledovo" named after Yu. P. Karvatsky Kostroma region"

Russian Federation

On the basis of the state budgetary institution of additional education of the Kostroma region, the first youth carbon landfill in Russia was created, designed to immerse schoolchildren and students in the problem of climate change and decarbonization of the economy by conducting specialized shifts on this topic, laying and long-term comprehensive monitoring of permanent test areas, preparing research papers by students and young scientists, educating the population in the field of climate change and decarbonization.

Key results:
More than 10,000 schoolchildren, teachers and young scientists took part in a priority project for the state, supported at the level of the President of the Russian Federation.

More than 10 priority additional general education programs and courses for schoolchildren and teachers in the field of low-carbon environmental management and climate have been developed and tested with the participation of representatives of science and the real sector of the economy.

Professional support was provided to young scientists (internships and internships were conducted on the basis of the Carbon Landfill of Lomonosov Moscow State University "Chashnikovo"), who developed proposals on the most effective methods of decarbonization in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

Scaling of the project (creation of youth carbon polygons (including on the basis of Eco-stations) according to the "state franchise" format in other regions of Russia.

3rd place
Team competitions for cleaning green areas "Clean Games"

Interregional public organization "Clean Games"

Russian Federation

"Clean Games" is a team competition for cleaning green areas, in which participants compete in collecting and sorting garbage and win prizes. "Clean Games" in the classic format is a city holiday, a festival, an exciting game with prizes, where participants search for artifacts, solve environmental puzzles, collect and share garbage, getting points for it. During the game, participants use a mobile application. The city event involves from 30 to 1500 people who collect from 0.5 to 20 tons of garbage in 1-2 hours. On average, a participant of such a game can collect 5-10 times more than during regular subbotniks. Sorted garbage is sent for recycling.

Since 2018, the project has reached the international level, since then Clean Games have been held in Bulgaria, Belarus, Venezuela, Vietnam, Germany, Georgia, Denmark, Egypt, India, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nigeria, Poland, the United States of America, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Japan.

Other nominations:
"Clean Industry"
"Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency"
"Effective waste management"

Government Russian Federation
Alexey Overchuk awarded the winners and finalists of the International Climate Contest "Green Eurasia"

May 24, 2023

Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk took part in the awarding ceremony of the winners and finalists of the first International Climate Contest "Green Eurasia". The event was held within the framework of the II Eurasian Economic Forum program.

The International Climate Contest "Green Eurasia" is held by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects in cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Commission to search for effective practices on climate mitigation and adaptation, as well as other climate practices aimed at sustainable development of the EAEU member states, and their popularization.

The competition received about 300 projects from citizens, companies and government agencies of the EAEU member states, as well as a number of neighboring countries. The winners and finalists of the competition were determined by the leading experts of the EAEU member states in the field of climate mitigation and adaptation, as well as members of the presidium of the competition.

From the transcript:

Dear contestants and guests of the forum!

On behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, I am pleased to welcome you to the award ceremony of the winners and finalists of the International Climate Contest "Green Eurasia", held for the first time in the Eurasian Economic Union. The competition is another good illustration of the multifaceted interaction of the countries of our union on the climate track.

The climate agenda occupies a special place in the life of the modern world. Our countries have committed themselves to achieving carbon neutrality. This is a complex process affecting all aspects of the economy.

The implementation of the energy transition and the decline in the share of fossil energy sources entail issues of energy and food security, affect the pace of economic growth, especially in developing countries, require the development and use of new types of raw materials necessary for new technologies, and also pose threats of new cross-border trade barriers.

Taking into account the impact of the climate agenda on the economies of the EAEU member states, we include these issues in the agenda of the Eurasian Economic Commission to develop common approaches.

And the projects of the Green Eurasia contest clearly demonstrate that all the EAEU countries are involved in the climate agenda today.

I hope that the practices that are highly appreciated by experts will be in demand for the development of the technological sovereignty of the Union in the conditions of the growing influence of climate change.

I thank the contest participants for the submitted projects and congratulate the finalists and winners!



Nov 8, 2022
Marat Khusnulin took part in the meeting of the strategic vision group "Russia – Islamic World"
May 19, 2023

Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin took part in the meeting of the strategic vision group "Russia – the Islamic World", held within the framework of the International Economic Forum "Russia – the Islamic World: KazanForum". The event was attended by the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District Igor Komarov, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gainutdin, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Ahmad Kavesa Sengendo, representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, Kuwait, Indonesia and other countries.

Marat Khusnullin stressed that the Russian people have always been on the side of truth and justice, have always stood for unity between nations, for peaceful coexistence. "I sincerely hope that today, by combining all efforts, we will be able to overcome the existing challenges and achieve prosperity of our states and peoples," he addressed the participants of the meeting.

The Deputy Prime Minister also read out the welcoming speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin: "Russia has traditionally had close, trusting relations with Muslim states both on a bilateral basis and within the framework of cooperation with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. They are built on the basis of partnership, respect for each other's sovereignty and civilizational identity. I am confident that the activities of the Russia–Islamic World Strategic Vision Group and the KazanForum International Economic Forum will continue to contribute to strengthening cooperation between the business communities of Russia and Muslim countries, and will open up opportunities for joint projects at the interregional and interstate levels. I wish you fruitful work and all the best."

The topic of the group's meeting is "Russia – the Islamic World: Traditional spiritual and moral values as the basis of interreligious cooperation." "Russia, as a multinational state, has a unique experience in building a mutually respectful dialogue between representatives of traditional world religions. I am sure that the current meeting of the group will make a significant contribution to our joint efforts to strengthen traditional spiritual values. The key to this is an active dialogue between political and religious leaders, cultural figures and representatives of public opinion in Russia and the states of the Islamic world," said the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the strategic vision group "Russia – the Islamic World" Rustam Minnikhanov.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia stressed that Christians and Muslims have always lived together in Russia and this historical experience contributed to the creation of "a very special atmosphere of trust and disposition to dialogue with each other." "Since the creation of the strategic vision group "Russia – the Islamic World" The Russian Orthodox Church actively participates in its work. Turning our eyes to what is happening in the world, we cannot ignore the sad consequences of the West's gross interference in the affairs of other countries. This caused a surge in brutality and violence, led to an increase in terrorist acts. We – both Christians and Muslims – face the task of countering extremism. And in this context, the activities of the Russia–Islamic World strategic vision group are of particular value and importance," the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church added.

Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin recalled that Russia was historically formed as a union of Orthodox Slavic and Muslim Turkic and North Caucasian peoples. "This association was based on the principles of traditional monotheistic religions – Orthodoxy and Islam. In the current period of fierce geopolitical instability, none of the countries of the Islamic world has announced sanctions against Russia, has not acted in a hostile manner towards our country," he said. The Mufti added that Vladimir Putin's initiative at the summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in 2003 to join Russia as an observer member became historic and determined the vector and direction of further multilateral strategic partnership between Russia and Muslim countries.

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga Federal District Igor Komarov stressed that the meeting of the group is devoted to issues that are a priority in building long-term partnerships between the Russian Federation and the Muslim world. "We are building our society on values that are understood and approved by the majority of the population of our planet. This is also the breadth of our opportunities for cooperation and equal partnership. I am convinced that on the basis of common values we will be able to develop other areas of our cooperation in industry, agriculture, culture and education. The Russia–Islamic World Strategic Vision Group has every opportunity to develop and expand the range of issues on which we can agree and go together in the same direction," he added.

The Russia–Islamic World Strategic Vision Group was established in 2006 and acts as an advisory body promoting the expansion of cooperation between Russia and Islamic countries in all areas. The composition of the group is formed by coordinating its members through the diplomatic channels of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the ministries of the participating countries of the project. The Group is a platform for consultations of public and political figures, business circles, representatives of the scientific community and clergy who have authority and influence in their countries.

The International Economic Forum "Russia – the Islamic World: KazanForum" is being held on May 18-19, 2023 in Kazan for the 14th time. In accordance with the decree of President Vladimir Putin, the forum has received federal status since 2023.
The business program includes more than 150 events on 16 thematic tracks, including finance, industry, technology, ESG principles, small and medium-sized businesses, medicine, sports and others. The key objective of the forum is the development of economic, trade, socio–cultural relations between Russia and Islamic states."
Plenary session of the XIV Forum "Russia — the Islamic World: KazanForum"

Alexey Overchuk, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
[...]The transfer of industrial production and the decline in the level of investment in the countries of the global South from the West, de-dollarization and the creation of an independent financial system, energy and food security issues and the processes associated with the fourth industrial revolution affect relations between the countries of the world. Under these conditions, relations between Russia and the Islamic states have a very large and very positive future.

The Government of the Russian Federation is doing everything necessary to strengthen and develop these relations. In addition to transport and logistics, an independent financial system is being created, a system for confirming financial messages, an active integration process is underway within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, where in the first quarter of this year 89% of trade in goods takes place in the national currencies of the Union countries, programs are being developed aimed at sharing the natural resources of the Union member countries."

Kazan Expo
18-19 May , 2023

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
President of the Russian Federation

I am delighted to greet you at the opening of the 14th International Economic Forum in Kazan.

Once again the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan extends a warm welcome to guests from many countries and confirms its status as a reputable and popular platform for holding major representative business events.

Russia enjoys traditionally close, trust-based relations with Muslim states, both bilateral and as part of our interaction with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. These relations are built on partnership, respect for each other’s sovereignty and civilisational identity. We are united by a common desire to create a more just multipolar world order that is based on international law. The Islamic world is actively developing and has important accomplishments in trade, finance, innovations and applied scientific research. Russia is open to extensive business and cultural cooperation with Muslim countries. We are interested in strengthening the existing ties and finding new partners, as well as in promoting agricultural and industrial cooperation and creating new transport and logistics chains. I want to note that Russian Muslims play an important role in expanding international contacts. The holding of today’s Forum is proof of that. I am sure that the activity of the Russia-Islamic World strategic vision group and the KazanForum International Economic Forum will continue to help strengthen interaction between the business communities of Russia and Muslim countries and will open new opportunities for joint projects at the interregional and interstate levels.

I wish you productive work and all the best.

Programme of the XIV International Economic Forum


Sustainable Development Games

18 May, 09:00-11:20
Interactive area, Pavilion 3
Organizer: Academy of Youth Diplomacy.
The floor game “Build a Sustainable World” is a monopoly game, where each participant moves to the centre - the “Sustainable World”. A sustainable world is a world where all the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been achieved. During the game, participants get acquainted with the 17 SDGs, and through the informal nature of the game, they can feel the relevance of this agenda first-hand.

The essence of the game is simple: a player rolls a die, a certain goal falls to him/her, and he/she performs a task related to this goal. The curator checks the correctness of the completed task and, if the result is positive, gives the player a sticker with a goal. The main goal of the game is to collect all 17 goal stickers and reach the centre– the “Sustainable World”.

In addition, an advantage of the game is that it is large. Instead of the usual 40x40 cm playing field, our game has a 3x3m field, and the cubes that participants toss in are 60x60 cm.
The game was developed by the multipliers of the SDG, one of the areas of the Academy of Youth Diplomacy.
In addition to the floor game, in the SDG area, you will find the “Wheel of Fortune”, where everyone can find out information about a certain goal dropped on the wheel and a touchpad with interactive quizzes and tasks.

Conducting a climate business game on the model of en-roads
18 May, 12:00-15:20
Interactive area
Organizer: The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI).
The game is modelled after an emergency U.N. summit on climate change, where the participants can take on one of the roles: an industry or energy representative, climate activist, or country’s leader. The goal of the summit is to stop climate change and keep the temperature rise within a safe 1.5 degrees. The participants make joint decisions on the measures to be taken.

Gamified training allows for 1.5-2 hours of effective networking, delving into the global climate change agenda, understanding the logic of physical, political and economic processes, and assessing the effectiveness of dozens of possible actions through a visual simulation of climate action EN-ROADS, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Climate Interactive nonprofit organization.

The game is open to all participants of the Forum. The game can be played by 6 teams of 6 people at a time.
Invited moderator:
 Lyudmila Kozhanova, one of 8 ambassadors of the game in the Russian Federation, hosts the game in Russian and English.

Financial Technology in Islamic Finance, Trends and Features
19 May,
Hall 10

In recent decades, financial institutions and instruments compliant with Islamic law have expanded into many countries, including the post-Soviet space.
The future of Islamic finance is closely linked to digitalization. Fintech companies are setting new standards of interaction in the financial world: ease of use, fast access, and continuous improvement to best meet the needs of customers.
Experts and practitioners in Islamic finance will talk about current trends and features of modern financial technology in Islamic finance. You will be able to learn how to screen stocks according to the norms of Islam, launch new funds, indexes, the importance of Shariah expertise, conduct daily financial operations, and invest by the example of successfully implemented projects.
Invited moderator:
▪ Ruslan Khaliullin, Head of the Department of Ethical Financial Instruments of “AK BARS CAPITAL” Management Company.
Invited speakers:
▪ Rustem Hazrat Nurgaleev, scientist-secretary of the Ulema Council of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan;
▪ Daniyar Uspanov, co-founder of Tayab Digital Islamic Fintech Service, Kazakhstan;
▪ Muhammad Ayman Az-Zahrawi, AAOIFI certified specialist, Doctor of Islamic Sciences, Syria;
▪ Muhammad Shahid Khan, Associate Professor at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand;
▪ Irina Akopdzhanova, General Director of JSC National APF;
▪ Rustam Rakhmatov, Founder of Iman, Uzbekistan;
▪ Artur Nurmukhametov, Coordinator of the Sahih Invest project.

Development of the market for digital financial assets
19 May,
Hall 10

Organizer: Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The world is witnessing the active development of digital technologies in various spheres of activity, including the financial sector. One of them is the technology of distributed registers, which has created conditions for the emergence of new instruments and services in the global market, including digital financial assets. The issuance and circulation of digital assets is a new trend in the financial market. The market of digital assets is still at the initial stage of development and is many times smaller in volume than the market of traditional financial instruments. Digital financial assets received their first legislative regulation in Russia more than two years ago, but so far, their circulation has been sporadic. What are the pluses of digital financial assets for businesses and investors? What are the limitations to the growth of the digital financial assets market? What is the role of exchange operators in the digital financial asset market?
Invited moderator:
▪ Anatoly Aksakov, Chairperson of the State Duma Committee on Financial Market.
Invited speakers:
▪ Nikolay Zhuravlev, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council;
▪ Oleg Nikolaev, Head of the Republic of Chuvashia;
▪ Alexey Guznov, State Secretary - Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia;
▪ Sergey Shvetsov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PJSC Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS;
▪ Kirill Pronin, Director of the Financial Technology Department of the Bank of Russia;
▪ Dmitry Ishchenko, Deputy General Director of the Association of Financial Technologies;
▪ Denis Iordanidi, CEO of LIGHTHOUSE LLC;
▪ Alexander Volkov, Deputy General Director for Finance and Investments of Bitriver Management Company LLC.

Russia-East: Synergy of responsible and Islamic finance for shared prosperity
19 May,
SBER Lounge A, 1st floor

Organizer: Sberbank of Russia.

The topic of responsible finance has become firmly embedded in the modern banking context. Major banks have begun to integrate the principles of environmental, social, and governance responsibility into their strategies. The socially responsible economic model is at the core of Islamic finance. In the past few years, Islamic finance has firmly established itself as a fast-growing and promising industry. The green Islamic finance market has grown rapidly, with green sukuk issuance rising 35% in the previous year, from $6 billion in 2021 to $8.1 billion in 2021. The green sukuk issuance grew by 35% in the previous year, from $6 billion in 2021 to $8.1 billion in 2022. The regulation of responsible finance markets is developing, and approaches to the standardization of Islamic instruments and reporting in accordance with generally accepted principles of environmental and social responsibility and corporate governance are being formed. The study of responsible finance practices is important to continue in the system of both traditional and Islamic banking. What areas of interaction between financial institutions in Russia and friendly countries need to be developed in the interests of sustainable development? How to integrate various approaches of responsible financing? How are carbon exchanges developing in the world and in Russia? How to ensure compliance with Islamic and responsible finance standards? How is the rating of companies compliant with Shariah principles ensured?

Invited moderator:
▪ Tatiana Zavyalova, Senior Vice President of Sberbank PJSC.
Invited speakers:
▪ Ramazan Abdulatipov, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation;
▪ Sergey Shvetsov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Moscow Exchange;
▪ Sirajuddin Suhaimi, Deputy Director General of the State Agency for Islamic Development, Malaysia;
▪ Khondamir Nusratkhuzhayev, Member of the Financial Accounting Council, Organization of Accounting and Auditing of Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI); Head of Accounting and Reporting Department, Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Arabia;
▪ Mohammed Abdul Khalid, Mohammed Abdul Khalid, Economic Adviser to the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mr. Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia.

Sustainability zone

Climate resilience: Russia - OIC countries dialogue
18 May,
Hall 16

Organizer: ANO Agency of Strategic Initiatives

Climate change is a global challenge to the socio-economic development of nations. In this regard, the adoption of effective policies and the implementation of projects to prevent and adapt to climate change is of particular importance. Building a dialogue at the level of countries, municipalities, cities, companies and communities will contribute to the exchange of experiences and the achievement of global climate sustainability.

What tools help prevent or adapt to climate change? How do investments in climate projects contribute to climate resilience? What are the best technologies and practices for achieving global climate resilience that can be scaled?

Invited moderator:
Irina Pominova, Head of Climate and Green Energy, CSR.
Invited speakers:
Irina Petrunina, Director of the Department of Competition, Energy Efficiency and Environment, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;
Milena Milich, Special Representative of the Governor for Climate and Sustainable Development of the Sakhalin Region;
Elena Kuritsyna, Director of the Corporate Relations Department of the Bank of Russia;
Ludmila Kozhanova, Head of the Climate Adaptation Programme of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) to promote new projects;
Alexander Voronkov, Regional Vice-President, Director Rosatom Middle East, North Africa;
Dmitry Kholkin, General Director of ANO Center for Future Energy Systems "Energinet";
Anna Kudinova, executive director of Exact Farming;
Sergey Korotkov, Director of the UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation;
Malik Mahmud Al Haythar, Chairman of the Advisory Council to the Government of Aceh, Indonesia;
Zuhair Ahmed Koushik, Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, Children and Youth Group Coordinator (United Nations Environment Programme), Bangladesh;
Kaiser Nawab, Founder, Global Strategic Institute for Sustainable Development Association, Pakistan.

The Sustainable Transformation of Companies and Communities in the Global Challenges of the 21st Century
18 May,
Hall 16

Organizers: MGIMO University together with the Academy of Youth Diplomacy.

The United Nations has adopted 17 Sustainable Peace Goals, which include measures for the optimal use of limited resources and the use of environmentally friendly, energy- and material-saving technologies, for maintaining the stability of social and cultural systems, and for ensuring the integrity of biological and physical natural systems. Many companies, communities and organizations integrate the principles of sustainability into their development strategies. What are the practices of sustainable transformation at the local, regional, and global levels? What are the factors of a sustainable strategy that need to be particularly addressed? How to transition to sustainability both within the team and in external communications and business conduct?
Invited moderator:
Elizaveta Eliseeva, SDG coordinator, Academy for Youth Diplomacy.
Invited Speakers:
Evgeny Khokhlunov, Deputy Director of National Strategic Projects, Yandex, Yandex Cloud;
Mohamed Evren Tok, Professor, Expert in Innovation and Community Development, Program Coordinator for Islam and Global Relations, Hamad Ben Khalifa University, Qatar;
Keita Cheick, an expert on legal and legal issues in Africa, a legal assessment with the International Organizations (OECD), founder of the Chamber of African Investment Initiatives and President of Open Business Africa, has been nominated as an African Continental Ambassador by the Commission on Human Rights;
Ainura Sagyn, Software Engineer, General Director and founder of Tazar  Become Greener platform, Kyrgyzstan;
Regina Faskheeva, Founder of Fragency Agency;
Alexander Plakida, Chairperson of the Governing Council of the Global Compact National Network Association;
Ekaterina Golub, Director, Forum Analytical Centre, leading consultant to the Russian financial sector on sustainability agenda;
Asiyat Bagatyrova, Deputy Head of Investment Climate Improvement Department, Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow.

Sustainable investments and Halal: On the road to fair finance
18 May,
Hall 16

Organizer: Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI).

The geopolitical crisis is destroying the paradigm of globalization as the only true and solid foundation for sustainable development. New unions, associations and collaborations are being formed and will develop before our eyes. Global ESG standards, to which the ideologues and ambassadors of sustainable development so actively aspired, will develop along with regional and national ones, and the latter will gain more and more weight for international cooperation as well. Deglobalization is changing the former picture of the financial system; changes are coming not only in form but also in the essence of the relationship between the subjects, the demand for justice and an ethical basis for decision-making is growing. The round table discussion focuses on understanding the role of ethical finance in today’s world. What are the fundamental reasons for the growing interest in Islamic finance and ESG investments around the world? How has the Islamic finance ecosystem developed, and what experience can Russia learn from it? Will finance with purpose, when profit and return are not the only priorities, become the new drivers of multipolar financial systems? What are the prospects for the development of ethical finance in a changing world?

Invited moderator:
Svetlana Bik, head of the expert and analytical platform “Infrastructure and Finance for Sustainable Development”.
Invited speakers:
Olga Manidicheva, Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan;
Milana Verhunova, Managing Director for Sustainable Development, Sberbank PJSC;
Asiya Khasanova, Leading Researcher, Russian Research Institute of Economics, Policy and Law in Science and Technology, Doctor of Economics, Professor;
Ainura Sagyn, General Director, Tazar mobile application, Kyrgyz Republic;
Mohammed Abdul Khalid, Economic Advisor to Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia;
Mehmood Arshad, chairman of the Pakistan-Qatar Business Council, Pakistan.


Healthnet-digitalization of healthcare. Medicine of the future

19 May,
Hall 1

Organizer: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Health Committee under Russia Muftis Council, and Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation.

Digital health care in Russia is actively developing. According to the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, online medical records are among the most popular services for users of the Gosuslugi portal in 2022. Medical organizations in Russia are switching over to electronic document management: already now the number of federally registered medical documents reaches 2 million per day. The medical community of the Russian Federation is actively interested in artificial intelligence technologies: educational programs on Data Science and big data are appearing in medical universities. In what directions is the digital transformation of healthcare developing? What digital solutions for doctors and patients are being implemented in Russia and the OIC countries? In what directions will cooperation in medical research and technology transfer between Russia and OIC countries develop?

Invited moderator:
Muslim Muslimov, Chairman of the Health Committee under the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation.
Invited speakers:
Rushan Hazrat Abbyasov, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims;
Farhad Bekbulatov, Director of the Department of E-Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Airat Garipov, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan;
Fatin Dagchinar, Director of the Medical Cluster of the Ankara Middle East Center for Industry and Trade;
Ildar Khairullin, Chief Physician of the N.I. Pirogov State Clinical Hospital No. 1;
Keisara Niilum Rani Binti Abdullah, Consultant at the V.N. Orekhovich Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry.

Business Opportunities

State and business in digital security
18 May,
Hall 8

Organizer: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Accelerated digitalization and widespread adoption of information technology have exacerbated information security issues and created conditions for the emergence of new risks in this area. In the context of the current geopolitical crisis, the ability to implement and maintain critical elements of the IT infrastructure of private and public companies and services based on local solutions and solutions developed by vendors from friendly countries has become the main condition for ensuring digital security. An important factor is the use of solutions from partners that face real-time threats, which are a significant risk for the customer. Russia has faced and continues to face major attacks on key elements of the digital infrastructure while demonstrating the availability of full working domestic solutions to protect military, industrial and civilian elements of the IT infrastructure. In the present circumstances, friendly countries need to strengthen the exchange of positive experiences and practices of countering threats to international information security. What threats to information security do countries face in the current environment? What technological solutions have been developed to protect key elements of the digital infrastructure? What areas of cooperation should Russia develop with friendly countries to ensure digital security?

Invited moderator:
Vladimir Maslov, Director of the Department of Digital Technology, CCI RF.
Invited speakers:
Alexander Shoitov, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;
Igor Ashmanov, President, Cribrum JSC
Nikolay Murashov, Deputy Director of the National Computer Incident Coordination Centre;
Shavkat Sabirov, member of the National Scientific Council "National Defense and Security", member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Evgeny Abakumov, Director for Information Technologies, Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation;
Semyon Zakharov, Director of Project Implementation Department, PJSC Megafon;
German Klimenko, Chairperson of the Board of the Digital Economy Development Fund “Digital Development Fund”;
Elina Sidorenko, General Director, ANO “Platform”.


Why does the use of additive technologies accelerate the production of innovative products?

19 May,
15 hall

Organizer: Industrial cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Machine tool engineering is the basic and leading branch of mechanical engineering, within which various types of machines and devices for the industrial processing of various materials are produced. In today’s realities, 3D printing has become an integral part for almost all industries. The growth of the additive manufacturing market including equipment, materials, services, and various research and development activities in the Russian Federation is about 20%.

Leading specialists and experts will discuss the prospects of additive technologies on the way to import substitution in the face of sanctions. What has changed over the last year? How has the geopolitical situation affected the development of additive technologies?
Which industries are showing growth and which are lagging behind?

Invited moderator:
Sergey Mayorov, Chairman of the Management Board of the Industrial Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Invited speakers:
Albert Gilmutdinov, aide Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan;
Olga Ospennikova, executive director of the Association for Development of Additive Technologies;
Alexey Khakimov, Head of Laser Processing Department, NIID branch of UEC JSC;
Ilya Mikrukov, Technical Director, Digital Technology Center JSC;
Anna Lavrentieva, Senior Vice-President of JSCB Novikombank;
Nikolay Bulgakov, General Director, ZIAS MACHINERY Povolzhye;
Eduard Panfilov, Deputy Executive Director for Foundry Production - Director of KAMAZ Foundry.


New investment policy tools and territorial development of Russian regions

18 May,
Halls 6-7

Organizer: Rosreestr.

Information about the location of objects is the basis of information processes in management, interaction between the state and citizens, business processes and economic activities. Today spatial data allow solving vital tasks for the society, promote economic development and increase the investment potential of territories.

Reliable, accessible and up-to-date integrated spatial data systems are recognized by the international community as the basis for land management adequate to the current environmental, economic and social challenges. In order to implement the initiatives of the socio-economic development till 2030 a common digital platform “National system of spatial data” (NSSD) is created in the Russian Federation.
The system is to become the tool of the spatial development of Russia: it will enable to increase the capitalization of the country’s territory and to improve the quality of real estate turnover. What tasks will the National Spatial Data System perform? How does the real estate market use geospatial information? How are spatial data used in the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran for effective management, social and economic development?
nvited moderator:
Elena Martynova, Deputy Head of Rosreestr.
Invited speakers:
Al-Kaabi Hamed Khamis, Director General, United Arab Emirates Federal Geographic Information Center;
Javidaneh Ali, Director General, National Cartographic Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran;
Nuria Sooronova, Deputy Director of the Land Resources Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic;
Vladimir Koshelev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Services;
Aslan Mustafa, head of the cadastre department of the General Directorate for Registration of Property Rights and Cadastre of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Development of the Republic of Turkey;
Konstantin Mikhailik, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation;
Vladislav Zhdanov, General Director of "Roskadastr".


Technological sovereignty as a guarantee of sustainable development in the modern world

18 May,
Hall 12

Organizer: Innopolis University, an autonomous non-profit higher education organisation.

In the next decade, the condition for the development of any world power will be the achievement of technological sovereignty. Closing access to international licenses, technology and equipment requires the creation of high-tech solutions within the country. The task of developing new technological solutions to ensure demand and implementation in the new economic conditions comes to the fore. What key technologies need to be created domestically? What is the landscape of software development needs in Russia? Which regions of Russia are reformers in digital transformation? How to ensure the technological sovereignty of the fuel and energy complex? What are the key aspects of Russia’s radio-electronic industry development? Who are the leaders in the domestic software market?

Invited moderator:
Roman Shaikhutdinov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Invited Speakers:
Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
Eduard Sheremettsev, Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia;
Timur Akhmerov, General Director of “Bars Group”;
Gulnara Khasyanova, General Director of Micron JSC;
Andrey Bezrukov, President of the Association for the Export of Technological Sovereignty;
Evgeny Petrov, Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use;
Ahmad Ghanatyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TFM Chip.

Panel discussion "Artificial intelligence - business maturity: real cases"
18 May,
Hall 12

Organizer: ANO VO "Innopolis University".

The penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into business processes is growing worldwide. According to the international company McKinsey, in 2021, 56% of respondent companies from different countries used AI in at least one field of activity – this figure has increased by 6% since 2020. What continues to hold back the introduction of AI? What is the ratio of real cases to soap bubbles? Which areas already have AI maturity, and in which areas artificial intelligence should not be used even with the perfection of technology? How is artificial intelligence used in global healthcare?

Invited moderator:
Ramil Kuleev, Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of the ANO VO "Innopolis University".
Invited speakers:
Ajit Abraham Padat, Professor, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, ANO VO "Innopolis University", India;
Vyacheslav Kondratiev, Professor of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University);
Bader Rashid, Head of the Recognition Systems Development Department at Innopolis University, Syria;
Alexander Bukhanovsky, Head of the Research Center "Strong AI" of the ITMO National Research University,

Urban environment on innovation
18 May,
Hall 12

Organizer: Innopolis City Hall.

In recent years, the transition to an innovative model of economic development has been defined as the main reference point for the strategic development of the country and its regions. Innovations should help to put the economy on a new path of development. In order to form favourable conditions for innovative activity, states form various formats of innovative infrastructure, providing residents with comparable preferences. How can the state and companies influence the development of an innovative environment and stimulate innovation? What factors influence the development of technology and attract high-tech specialists? How does the urban environment influence innovations? What activity is becoming the driver of new cities? How is Russia’s youngest city developing?

Invited moderator:
Mikhail Vanyushin, international English-speaking moderator.
Invited speakers:
Ruslan Shagaleev, Mayor of Innopolis;
Baharesh Bagherian, Founder of URB, creator of Zero Emission Smart Cities Master Plans, UAE;
Yulia Zubarik, Urban expert, creator of master plans and development strategies, founder of the Master's Plan urban planning office;
Adnan Al Noorani, Founder of Future Innovation Summit Forum, Chairman of Leo Invisment and D1 Technologies, UAE.


The best solutions for Smart City: optimizing traffic and improving security
18 May,
Hall 9

Organizer: Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI).

In the context of the technological revolution unfolding in the world, the intellectualization of urban development processes, carried out within the framework of the actively developing concept of smart cities, is an inevitable prospect for Russian cities.
One of the key tasks of the city authorities is to introduce technological solutions to create a reserve capacity of transport infrastructure, taking into account the growing load. The use of intelligent transport systems allows making balanced management decisions and prioritize the construction and repair of the road network, which provides significant budget savings. What are the most relevant areas of development of the road transport infrastructure of Smart Cities? How are projects in the field of digitalization of urban space assessed? What are the solutions for Smart Cities in the field of traffic optimization and road safety?

Invited moderator:
Ruslan Shagaleev, mayor of Innopolis.
Invited Speakers:
Baharesh Bagherian, Founder of URB, creator of Zero Emission Smart Cities Master Plans, UAE;
Dalbir Singh, President of the Policy and Management Foundation, Chairperson of One Globe Forum, Senior Advisor to the Forum of Federations;
Dmitry Ivanov, General Director, Video Analytics LLC;
Loran Akopyan, General Director, iPavlov LLC;
Alexei Khudoleyev, General Director, Traktis LLC;
Sergey Kechutkin, Head of Smart City Department, CITYMATICS LLC;
Armen Voskanyan, Director of Development, SmartC LLC;
Maria Romashova, co-owner of Talking City LLC;
Salvatore Distefano, Professor at the University of Messina, Italy;
Sergey Andreev, Deputy Director of ITC "Spectrum of Security".

Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
[Mishustin is Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation]
Statements by Mihail Mishustin and Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Mihail Myasnikovich to the press following the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council
June 8, 2023

From the transcript:

M.Mishustin: Dear friends, good afternoon!

Two significant events are taking place in Sochi these days. In fact, much more, but first of all – within the framework of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States. We also held a large number of bilateral meetings with participants of today's forums. Useful discussions took place within the framework of the II Youth Forum. We all spoke to young representatives of the CIS countries, as well as other friendly countries.

I am sure that the decisions taken and the new ideas developed here will make a significant contribution to deepening cooperation in our region.

I will comment in more detail on the results of the meeting of the Intergovernmental Council.

Together with the heads of Government of the five member States, we have considered a traditionally very busy agenda. It primarily includes the key issues of our development, our integration. We discussed the implementation of the priorities of the Russian presidency, which were outlined by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in his message to the leaders of the "five".

The wide range of participants in our events indicates a serious, growing interest in our union. Our partners and I understand very well that in the current international situation, only together can we successfully resist any challenges. And our response to such challenges should be the expansion of ties in all directions, the launch of modern production facilities in strategically important industries, the exchange of advanced technologies, innovations, the formation of new value chains.

Now Sochi is also hosting an exhibition of joint initiatives "Eurasia is our home". I hope that you, dear representatives of the media, could visit it and get acquainted with the exposition. There are a lot of projects. They are implemented thanks to close cooperation between our countries.

Such well-coordinated cooperation is in demand to achieve the technological, economic, and financial sovereignty of our countries. Combining our competencies and resources, we are able to produce high-quality products that are not inferior to the corresponding foreign analogues.

In order to increase the number of such projects and examples, we will seriously support cooperative projects and launch a mechanism of financial support at the union level
, which, Mikhail Vladimirovich (addressing M. Myasnikovich), we have already agreed on. It will start working from the beginning of next year. A regulatory framework is being created. We are constantly talking with our esteemed colleagues, the ministers of the commission that this should be done first.

Russia, within the framework of its chairmanship in the bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union, together with its partners, continues to work on all the main directions of our integration.

We discussed the implementation of the plan of priority measures for digitalization of railway transportation. This is very important for strengthening trade and economic cooperation both within the Union and with foreign colleagues, primarily with the People's Republic of China.

In April, an Agreement on the use of electronic navigation Seals came into force. We have just scheduled testing of such a mechanism. The main task is to form a single seamless transit system for goods in order to simplify doing business, speed up the passage of goods across borders, and improve their traceability.

Special attention was paid to the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to create an independent rating agency in the Eurasian space. Such organizations assess the creditworthiness of financial institutions or states. We consider it important to have such a structure within the union. Its economy is growing, and, of course, we need a transparent, transparent, adequate analytical tool.

Another new direction. Today we signed an agreement on mutual recognition of documents on academic degrees in the "five" states. Now their owners will be able to work freely in their specialties throughout the Union. This is a very important decision. Mikhail Vladimirovich (addressing Mihail Myasnikovich), I would like to thank you and all the colleagues who worked on it. Previously, it was necessary to confirm documents, go through a number of bureaucratic procedures, they differed very seriously depending on the specialty, country, university – both in complexity and duration. It wasn't easy.

This decision will give a great incentive to the exchange of qualified personnel between our countries. And in general, in this way we will remove another obstacle, another barrier to the free movement of goods, services, labor and capital.

I would like to say separately about the climate agenda, which is the focus of attention of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council.

Now not only developed, but also developing countries are actively implementing carbon regulation, green financing tools and supporting various technologies in this area.

China, for example, has a national and several regional emissions trading systems. Indonesia and Thailand are now creating similar mechanisms. Pakistan and Vietnam have announced similar plans. Of course, it is impossible to stay away from these processes.

Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia have already set goals to achieve carbon neutrality. To implement them, implement the appropriate strategies that have been adopted. We believe that work on the climate agenda is a basic condition for the further development of each of our states and for the Eurasian Union as a whole."

Meeting with the Heads of Government of the CIS and EAEU states
The President met with the heads of foreign delegations taking part in the meetings of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Sochi.

June 9, 2023, 16:15, Sochi

Vladimir Putin: Dear colleagues! Friends!
Special attention needs to be paid to strengthening technological sovereignty in the backbone sectors of the economy, achieving genuine technological self-sufficiency so that our countries do not depend on foreign technologies and companies in critically important industries.

In the same row, the imperative of ensuring digital independence. This means that we must continue to work vigorously on the formation of a single digital ecosystem that unites national systems of electronic public services and electronic governments.

I must say, I want to brag and say words of gratitude to the Government of the Russian Federation: a lot has been done in this direction in Russia in recent years. And I think we have the right to say that we are certainly world leaders in this area of work – without any doubt.

And in this regard, of course, we are ready to share our best practices and our experience with each of the CIS and Eurasec partner states.

It would be necessary to intensify the activities of the executive authorities and central banks of our states, which are aimed at strengthening financial sovereignty. This will help ensure the stability of the credit-banking and settlement infrastructure, diversify and harmonize the Eurasian financial market so that favorable conditions are created for the preservation of capital and their investment in the economies of our states."

25 MAY
Putin calls for forming single digital ecosystem within EAEU
According to the Russian president, safeguarding the EAEU's digital sovereignty is a priority

MOSCOW, May 25. A single digital ecosystem, including the integration of national systems of electronic public services, must be developed for the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on Thursday.

"It is important that the union's member states develop a single digital ecosystem, which would involve integrating each of the five members' national systems of electronic public services and electronic governments. I can assure you Russia has achieved sufficient progress and laid a solid foundation here," Putin said.

According to him, safeguarding the EAEU's digital sovereignty is a priority."

Roscongress Foundation
To date, digital tools have become widespread in many developed countries. But, despite the global trend, they are still treated with distrust. In Russia, digital financial assets received independent legislative regulation in 2021. CFAs allow tokenizing almost any assets, from precious metals to a square meter of real estate, from debt obligations to securities. At the same time, CFA has technological and other structural differences from classical financial instruments, which makes it possible to distinguish them as a separate segment of the investment and financial market. And a very interesting question has come up – how can the development of the CFA facilitate business access to capital, expand the choice of investment products, as well as reorient domestic investment in the Russian economy under sanctions restrictions? Experts at the SPIEF will be looking for an answer to it.

At the session "Prospects for the development of the digital financial assets market in Russia", speakers will:
Anatoly Aksakov – Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market;
Ivan Chebeskov – Director of the Financial Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
Maxim Parshin – Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and others.

@roscongress #SPIEF

President of Belarus discusses banking systems of two countries with Chairperson of Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina
May 29, 2023
[Lukashenko: ]
"Digital currency is a new phenomenon. Speaking in simple terms about its specifics, it is closer to non-cash money, but also with the ability to perform certain functions of cash. In perspective these technologies are of the greatest interest for cross-border payments. The National Bank has developed and approved the concept of the Belarusian digital ruble. We are in the trend and, at the same time, working without haste. Now we are studying the experience of the Central Bank of Russia. By the end of the year, as the head of the National Bank of Belarus said, after discussions and consultations, a decision will be made on the expediency and possibility of introducing the digital ruble in our country."


Nov 8, 2022
Mihail Mishustin and heads of delegations inspected the laboratory complex at Sirius

June 9, 2023
Mihail Mishustin [Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation] together with the heads of government participating in the meetings of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS, at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, visited the Sirius training center for talented youth, including biomedical laboratories of the University of Science and Technology.

The presented laboratory complex allows solving problems related to the use of genetic technologies in pharmaceuticals, medicine and agriculture. The entire infrastructure being created is being integrated into educational programs for training talented young people in strategic areas for Russia.

Thanks to the opportunity to work on modern equipment and participate in world-class projects, students and postgraduates master the skills that are most in demand in their future professional activities."

Dmitry Chernyshenko discussed with Elena Shmeleva the development of the federal territory "Sirius"

June 9, 2023
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko held a working meeting with the Chairman of the Council of the federal territory "Sirius" Elena Shmeleva. The parties discussed legislative and regulatory initiatives of the Sirius FT Council, the development of physical culture and sports, as well as the implementation of five initiative projects for the socio-economic development of the federal territory.

Being the curator of interaction with the authorities of FT Sirius, the Deputy Prime Minister noted the scale and priority of the tasks necessary to achieve the technological and scientific sovereignty of the country.

"Having a unique infrastructure, research and human resources potential, the federal territory of Sirius is the flagship of breakthrough scientific and technological projects. We keep our finger on the pulse in terms of all the necessary legislative and organizational issues for the further development of Sirius for the benefit of our children – those guys who are already engaged in the science of the future here today," Dmitry Chernyshenko stressed.

Separately, the meeting reviewed the progress of preparatory work on the creation of the Sirius science and technology campus. The project was among the winners of the competition announced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education last year. The new campus will be a comprehensive scientific and educational center with an area of 200 thousand square meters, which will provide housing for over 7 thousand students and employees of the institution. The campus will be carbon neutral, and a landfill will also appear on its territory to demonstrate advanced developments in the field of low-carbon construction.

At the moment, the "roadmap" of the project implementation has been approved, land and property measures and pre-project work are being carried out."

Dmitry Chernyshenko visited the stand of "CIPR" and the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region within the framework of the Eurasian Congress – 2023 in Sochi

June 9, 2023
Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Chernyshenko visited the stand of the Nizhny Novgorod region at the exhibition "Eurasia is our Home" within the framework of the Eurasian Congress in Sochi on June 8. The stand is presented by the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the conference "CIPR" in the form of a multi-brand boutique of residents of "CIPR", who present software and hardware domestic digital solutions.

"The eighth annual conference "Digital Industry of Industrial Russia" has recently ended in Nizhny Novgorod. One of its topics in 2023 was the establishment of strategic relations and work on joint projects with other states. Expansion of integration projects with friendly countries remains a priority for the coming years. Today, the Nizhny Novgorod Region presented to the guests and participants of the exhibition digital products that are already used in the EAEU and CIS countries, as well as those that have a high export potential," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.
The task of the stand is to demonstrate to the guests and participants of the exhibition "Eurasia is our home" and the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council the digital opportunities offered to the partners of "CIPR", and to promote the solutions of Nizhny Novgorod and Russian developers to the international level.

The Eurasian Congress is being held in Sochi from June 8-9. It is attended by leaders of the CIS countries, representatives of business, international and public organizations, scientific and expert community. During the event, the possibilities and role of Eurasian integration in overcoming new global challenges, in ensuring the sustainable development of national economies and increasing the competitiveness of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are discussed."

08.06.2023 (Updated: 09.06.2023 09:24)
Within the framework of the II Youth Forum of the EAEU and the CIS, on June 8, a business breakfast of youth representatives with deputy heads of government of the EAEU countries and the Republic of Cuba, the leadership of the EEC and the CIS Executive Committee was held in the Sirius Science and Art Park in Sochi, at which the youth proposed a number of initiatives for the development of the Eurasian Economic integration.

The business breakfast was attended by Chairman of the EEC Council, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexey Overchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Mher Grigoryan, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Prime Minister – Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Galymzhan Koishybayev, First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Adylbek Kasymaliev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, Chairman of the EEC Board Mikhail Myasnikovich, Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States Sergey Lebedev.
Among the initiatives presented by the youth within the framework of the event is the "Unified Platform "Public Services of the EAEU", a platform for providing services to individuals and legal entities. It is proposed to combine services such as the Russian platform "Public Services", analogues of which are available in most countries of the Union. The "Social Network of young Entrepreneurs of the CIS and the EAEU" was also presented, which will have an educational and information base, online lectures and webinars on entrepreneurship, and even a "Virtual free Economic Zone in the EAEU and the CIS".

09.06.2023 (Updated: 09.06.2023 12:55)
Results of the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council on June 7-8, 2023

Following the results of the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, which took place on June 7-8 in Sochi, 22 issues were considered, 14 documents were signed.

The meeting was attended by the heads of Government of the Eurasian Economic Union – Chairman of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Akylbek Zhaparov; Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Mikhail Myasnikovich; The heads of government of the observer states at the EAEU are Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdullah Aripov and Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba Manuel Marrero Cruz; as well as invited Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Kohir Rasulzoda, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Khojamyrat Geldimyradov.

At the meeting of the Intergovernmental Council, an agreement on mutual recognition of documents on academic degrees in the EAEU states was signed. After the entry into force of this Agreement, citizens of the EAEU countries with national documents on academic degrees will have the opportunity to work in another member state without undergoing a lengthy nostrification procedure, which will increase the mobility of highly qualified specialists and will contribute to the development of scientific cooperation.
The Intergovernmental Council approved plans for the development of transport infrastructure in the territories of the EAEU states in the directions "East–West" and "North –South", including in conjunction with the Chinese initiative "One Belt, One Road"
The report notes that in 2022 all the activities planned by the Commission have been implemented. As for 2023, the EEC plans to work out the issues of forming a list of "bottlenecks" and develop approaches to assessing the necessary funding to eliminate them. It is also planned to continue work on the implementation of priority integration infrastructure projects in the field of transport and digitalization of transport corridors within the EAEU."
The EAEU is moving to the second stage of the development of electronic document management at sea checkpoints, the corresponding plan for 2023-2025 has been approved.
.. .
The plan for 2023-2025 includes five activities based on the results of the first stage. Thus, it is planned to completely switch to electronic document management and the use of digital technologies at sea checkpoints and ensure the unification of data within the framework of electronic document management.

"The refusal to use paper documents will create conditions for seamless transportation through seaports, which in turn will increase the efficiency of transport corridors and routes," said Arzybek Kozhoshev, Minister for Energy and Infrastructure of the Eurasian Economic Commission."
The members of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council reviewed the implementation of experiments on the use of electronic navigation seals. It was decided to sum up their results at the end of this year
. ...
The Heads of Government of the EAEU countries instructed to develop approaches to regulating issues on the climate agenda, providing for the implementation of cooperative climate projects, as well as stimulating low-carbon development. The relevant approaches are planned to be submitted for consideration by the Union bodies in the first half of 2024.
The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Sochi considered the implementation of the First package of measures ("Roadmap") on cooperation between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union within the framework of the climate agenda.

As part of this work, the Eurasian Economic Commission prepared a comprehensive report on the analysis of the national legislation of the member states and the main trading partners of the EAEU in the field of low-carbon development.

Based on the conclusions of this document, the heads of government of the Union countries instructed to develop approaches to regulating the issues of the climate agenda within the EAEU, providing for the implementation of cooperative climate projects, as well as stimulating low-carbon development.

"In particular, we can talk about creating conditions for the circulation of the results of the implementation of cooperative climate projects by interested member states and third parties, taking into account international trends. It is also possible to form coordinated approaches to national accreditation systems for validation and verification bodies in the field of climate protection based on the best international practices and experience of the main trading partners," said the EEC Trade Minister Andrey Slepnev.

In addition, within the framework of these approaches, proposals will be developed to avoid restrictions and barriers caused by various climate regulations of the member States, including coordination and exchange of information on decarbonization plans of the economies.

The relevant approaches are planned to be submitted for consideration by the Union bodies in the first half of 2024.

The first package of measures ("Roadmap") on cooperation of the member States of the Eurasian Economic Union within the framework of the climate agenda, adopted at the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council on October 21, 2022, was prepared by a high-level Working Group on Developing proposals for the convergence of the positions of the member States of the Union, established pursuant to the Order of the EMU dated August 20, 2021 No. 10."
The meeting approved a report on the further development of the integrated information system of the EAEU and the digital agenda of the Union. The basis of digitalization in the EAEU will be an integrated system on the basis of which digital projects will be implemented.
09.06.2023 (Updated: 09.06.2023 17:04)
The reformatting of the digital agenda has begun in the EAEU

At a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Sochi on June 8, the heads of government of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union approved a report on the further development of the integrated information system of the EAEU and the digital agenda of the Union, and also adopted an order providing for further steps to digitalize the areas of cooperation defined by the EAEU Treaty.

During the year, the Eurasian Economic Commission developed and approved such important documents as the Target Program for the Development of the Integrated System (AIS) of the Union until 2027 and the Terms of Reference for its development.

Work continues on automating cross-border interaction in various sectors of the economy through the integrated information system of the Union.

Out of 77 common processes, 51 common processes have been provided with technical readiness in accordance with the schedule (26 of them have been put into operation, countries have been connected and data exchange has been organized, another 25 are in full technical readiness for connecting countries), another 19 common processes will be ready by the end of this year.

The basis of digitalization in the EAEU will be the AIS, on the basis of which digital projects will be implemented. The adopted decree of the Intergovernmental Council gives a start to work aimed at preparing a roadmap for infrastructure support of the digital agenda within the Union.

"Full-scale provision of all types of interaction (G2G, B2G, B2B, C2G, C2B, EEU2S) in accordance with the Target Program for the Development of the Union's AIS until 2027 will become the foundation of the digital agenda," the document says.

The general process within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union is operations and procedures regulated (established) by international treaties and acts constituting the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the EAEU states, which begin on the territory of one of the member states and end (change) on the territory of another member state.

Information Support Department of the Protocol and Organizational Support Department of the EEC."

JUNE 10, 2023
Pinevich announced the creation of a digital healthcare platform

June 10, Minsk /Correspondent BELTA/. The Minister of Health [Belarus] Dmitry Pinevich announced a new project - the creation of a digital healthcare platform. He said this during an event at the RNPC "Mother and Child" held on the eve of the Day of Medical Workers, BelTA was informed by the press service of the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health will work on the implementation of the new project jointly with the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus. According to the minister, the digital platform will cover the entire sphere of information and communication technologies of the healthcare system and is aimed at implementing the instructions of the head of state. The proposed interaction options will serve as an incentive for the formation of new approaches to the digital transformation of the healthcare industry. A clear structure for the creation, implementation, maintenance and development of a centralized health information system will be built.

"This is a strategic task of the Ministry of Health to meet the needs of the state, business and citizens for up-to-date and reliable information in the field of healthcare. The Development Bank and its structures provide all the necessary support in the implementation of such a large-scale project at the national level," Dmitry Pinevich stressed."


Lukashenko: Belarus coped with the Covid-19 pandemic the best in the world

December 5, 2022

In the conditions of a pandemic, the healthcare system of Belarus has performed well. Alexander Lukashenko said this today, December 5, when receiving a report from the Minister of Health of the Republic Dmitry Pinevich.

"For covid, of course, thank you. I have returned to this question more than once. Let me remind you: my gratitude to the health system and doctors is not for the fact that they treated people, but for the fact that, when not knowing how to treat people, they learned. And today we can already say that no one in the world has coped with this problem as it was done in Belarus. This is not only because our healthcare system has correctly oriented itself. We all know that. Therefore, this once again shows that the healthcare system is working under the control of cruel and pressure," the Belarusian leader said.

In turn, Dmitry Pinevich said that the country is calm about the tridemia (simultaneous circulation of coronavirus, influenza and respiratory viruses), since a large percentage of people have been vaccinated. The head of the Belarusian Ministry of Health stressed that the epidemic situation in the country is completely controlled, and the number of sick patients with coronavirus infection, according to data on the morning of December 5, is less than 3%

"We have no questions here. Now we are seeing a small increase in morbidity mainly among unvaccinated individuals, mild and moderate cases of the disease," he said.

According to him, a feature of this epidemiological season should be the simultaneous circulation of influenza viruses, coronavirus and respiratory viruses, which is called tridemia.

"We are calm in this regard, because 72% of the population have been vaccinated against coronavirus infection," the minister drew attention.

At the same time, referring to comparative data with WHO indicators in other countries, he noted that in Belarus the percentage of vaccinated is higher than in Russia, Poland, the Balkan countries, Ukraine.

"In fact, these are the average European indicators," Pinevich stressed.

Recall that no emergency measures have been introduced in Belarus since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The country's authorities have always maintained that they keep the situation under full control. In recent months, the disease has been almost forgotten in the republic."
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)
The EDB is an international financial institution with a charter capital of US $7 billion and the mission to promote economic growth in its member states, expand their trade and other economic ties and foster Eurasian integration through investment.

2006 The Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan establish the EDB
2009 The Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Tajikistan join the Bank
2010 The Republic of Belarus joins the Bank
2011 The Kyrgyz Republic joins the Bank

Key strategic objectives (7)
04 Promoting digital transformation in the region
07 Promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG approaches in the Bank’s corporate governance

Supporting institution

The EDB as a member of international organisations
The EDB is a member of:

Eurasian Fund for Stabilisation and Development (EFSD). The EDB is;
the Manager of the Fund’s Resources amounting to US $8.513 billion;
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE);
Multilateral Financial Institutions’ Working Group on Environmental and Social Standards;

World Economic Forum (WEF);
International Capital Market Association (ICMA);
International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA);
Expert Group for the Development of PPP Mechanisms within the EAEU at the EEC Advisory Committee on Entrepreneurship;
Global infrastructure Facility (GIF) Advisoty Council;
Global infrastructure Connectivity (GICA).

Tigran Sargsyan: Digital transformation plays a pivotal role in the emerging economic landscape
15 May 2023

Almaty, 15 May 2023. Digital infrastructure took centre stage at the investors forum held on 15–17 May 2023 in Almaty, alongside the 46th Annual Meetings of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP).

The session brought together international organisations from various regions, including Europe, Eurasia, Asia and the Pacific, to exchange experiences in implementing and using digital technology to streamline processes, uplift living standards, and foster development opportunities.

Tigran Sargsyan, Vice Chairman of the Eurasian Development Bank’s (EDB) Management Board, emphasised the pivotal role of digital transformation in the emerging economic landscape.

The EDB is observing a trend towards fragmentation of the global digital space, and Asia and the Pacific, particularly the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), are no exception. In 2020, the EDB established a Fund for Digital Initiatives to foster digitalisation efforts.

“We are pleased that the COVID-19-Free Travel mobile app, the flagship project of our Fund, was honoured with the Sustainable Awards in Technology Development by ADFIAP last year. Thank you for this recognition,” said Tigran Sargsyan.

The COVID-19-Free Travel app helped to facilitate safe international travel during the pandemic, surpassing 5 million uses for PCR test result verification.

Furthermore, the Fund launched the Work in the EAEU app to streamline access to public and commercial services for EAEU citizens. Presently, the app offers over 30 services in Russia and Armenia, with ongoing negotiations to expand its reach to other countries.

Additionally, the Fund is actively working on digital projects in different sectors, including healthcare, jewellery, and textiles. Many of these projects will be showcased at the upcoming Third Eurasian Congress on 8–9 June in Sochi.

In the realm of digital infrastructure, particular attention is directed towards cross-border digital identification and document management. These aspects hold significant importance for all countries in the region, and the Fund is actively pursuing optimal solutions for their implementation.

A key task of international development institutions is to seek feasible cross-border solutions. This will inevitably lead to the establishment of new digital banking infrastructure. While banks are currently adopting digital identification technologies, a more advantageous approach would involve the development of a system by intra-bank coalitions. This would not only reduce costs but also ensure secure data exchange. We plan to initiate active discussions within ADFIAP on the creation of relevant joint infrastructure.

The second service pertains to exchange. Each year, it continually expands as a comprehensive digital customer footprint. The evolving customer due diligence practices in various countries provide an abundance of information. A digital infrastructure must be put in place to guarantee the secure flow of data.

“The third service is access to banking transaction data. Banks have begun monetising non-personal financial transaction data, including purchase history and spending locations. This commercialisation has generated billions of dollars in revenue but necessitates proper regulation and digital infrastructure to make sure that access to such information is secure and non-discriminatory,” Tigran Sargsyan emphasised.

The fourth service evolves around the compatibility of payment systems. This will require establishing a non-discriminatory digital infrastructure.

The development of Eurasian digital infrastructure greatly hinges upon the harmonious combination of strategic digital initiatives undertaken by major players such as the Digital Silk Road and the Asia Pacific Information Superhighway initiatives, and the EAEU Digital Agenda.

In conclusion, Tigran Sargsyan noted that international development institutions and regulators need to ensure fair and mutually beneficial cooperation by creating a cross-border space of trust to prevent unfair competition in digital infrastructure.

Cecilia C. Borromeo, President and CEO of the Land Bank of the Philippines, shared a success story of building digital infrastructure and the public sector’s contribution to its development.

“As of early 2023, there were 85 million Internet users in the Philippines, accounting for 73% of the country’s population. More than 84 million people use social media, positioning the Philippines as one of the top three Internet-using countries worldwide," she said.

However, Internet usage in the Philippines faces challenges such as low and slow connectivity due to the large number of users and competition among service providers. The high cost of Internet services is due to the need to maintain infrastructure across multiple islands and frequent typhoons that can disrupt communications.

The Philippine government has acknowledged the utmost importance of digitalisation and is undertaking efforts to enhance communications in underserved areas. Measures are also being implemented to promote competition among service providers and expedite the permitting process for infrastructure expansion.

Digitalisation brings forth ample opportunities for learning, training, and financial inclusivity. The total volume and value of transactions have increased significantly. The Central Bank of the Philippines plans to expand the utilisation of digital payments and increase the share of retail payments to 50%. In addition, it is planned to increase the percentage of adults using banking services to 70% of the population.

Cecilia C. Borromeo presented three initiatives aimed at bolstering financial inclusion and driving digital transformation in the country.

The banking infrastructure interacts with the Philippine statistical authorities to facilitate the registration of national IDs. This has enabled 8.35 million Filipinos to gain access to banking services through the DOBS digital platform.

Strategic collaborations across different sectors will foster transparency and accountability in transactions, while also enhancing operational efficiency and service delivery through online payment platforms.

To enhance accessibility to financial services, the government supports the QR Class programme and the Financial Centre to streamline payments and share social safety net programmes. The primary objective is to improve access to local financial services and provide transactional accounts to 10 million beneficiaries, enabling them to conduct banking transactions.

Shri Shaji K. V., Chairman of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), shared his perspective on infrastructure development and public-private cooperation. He believes that public-private partnerships are instrumental in fostering the exchange of knowledge, resources, and technology.

NABARD started its journey by forging close collaborations with prominent software companies to jointly embark on the initial steps in public-private partnerships. This endeavour has influenced both the official economy and individual sectors.

Available data indicate that digital infrastructure has contributed one percent to India’s GDP growth. NABARD formulates specific strategies, adapts to emerging realities, and monitors changes, as a large part of India’s population is already actively using digital technology.

Infrastructure as a service is becoming a crucial component of operations in India. Specifically designed platforms are being implemented to democratise banking services and payment systems. A unique system available to Indian residents connects them to their bank accounts. Currently, approximately 6% of the country’s population has access to this system, which offers a central bank account for transfers. Furthermore, this system enables document storage and facilitates electronic transactions.

“The GMTrinity project represents an affordable blockchain-based digital infrastructure aimed at enhancing the well-being of the country and its people. Any community transactions can be done through digital platforms, creating new opportunities for all. This initiative reflects the Government of India's commitment to establishing an inclusive and modern digital infrastructure," said Mr. Shri Shaji K. V.

India is witnessing a significant surge in digital adoption, even among the economically disadvantaged. New technological solutions have been developed to address the issues faced by individuals and organisations alike. In rural areas, access to financial services is available to nearly 60% of the population. More than 95,000 businesses and regional banks are participating in the programme.

However, digital technology comes with its fair share of challenges. Its development requires political will and support within democratic systems, alongside significant investments to guarantee data privacy and security. Despite these challenges, NABARD has formulated a plan to expand digital infrastructure and enhance access to digital services. To accomplish these objectives, the organisation focuses on strengthening cybersecurity, ensuring regulatory compliance, establishing digital community centres, and promoting the acquisition of digital skills.

Adama Mariko, Secretary-General of Agence Française de Développement (AFD), concluded the panel by sharing valuable insights from his experience in implementing digital processes in the European region.

AFD acknowledges that digital technology serves as a key tool for sustainable urban development and has formulated a roadmap for the establishment of smart cities.

Despite the rapid advancements in technology, cities continue to grapple with economic and social challenges when it comes to adopting smart city concepts. Many cities and regions struggle with effectively integrating digital technology into their infrastructure and services.

This necessitates the implementation of appropriate policies that encompass infrastructure connectivity, software, applications, and other tools.

While local governments are actively exploring and embracing the opportunities presented by digital technologies, they also encounter challenges in effectively managing cities and addressing the interests of various stakeholders.

Territories often encounter diverse challenges when transitioning to digital technology. However, embracing digital technology can accelerate urban development and contribute to the achievement of еру United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. AFD has developed an educational tool to provide step-by-step support for local governments in developing digital projects and leadership, taking into account local needs and the utilisation of digital services. The digital transition necessitates robust political support, the digitalisation of interventions and citizen engagement, as well as new modes of communication among stakeholders. Gradually integrating ICT into skills promotes efficiency and accountability.

In the digital age, fostering interaction between the government, civil society, and the private sector is crucial for effective governance. Establishing communication channels and integrating ICT into skills are pivotal in enhancing processes and accountability. Regulating digital governance through appropriate frameworks and partnerships ensures balance and security in the use of digital tools and technologies. Controlling the utilisation of digital data is essential for mitigating economic, environmental, and social risks. The sustainable cities roadmap and projects such as the integration of smart cities in the Balkans exemplify a sustainable approach to addressing climate change and transparency. These endeavours enhance citizens’ access to public services and streamline the digital transition.

Digital technology improves urban transportation and helps to modernise cities. Collecting and analysing digital data optimises transport networks and improves services. AFD supports solutions that tackle issues such as traffic congestion, unprofitable transport services, and air pollution through the reorganisation of public transport routes and improved traffic management. In Scotland, for example, digital apps have simplified access to healthcare and improved the management of medical records. Public development banks play an important role in financing subnational infrastructure projects, while affordable digital solutions help build the capacity of local governments to foster change.

Adam Mariko concluded his presentation by underscoring the crucial role of development banks in financing subnational infrastructure.

“Any city, depending on its starting point, can establish goals aligned with its territory and needs. The lack of local finance should not be a hindrance, as we have simple digital solutions that can be easily used and tailored to make a significant impact. It is about building the capacity of local governments to encourage change,” he summarised.

Additional Information:
The Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) was established in 1976. ADFIAP is a major international business association comprising 90 member institutions in 39 countries, including non-regional members such as Canada, Germany, and France. Its mission is to promote sustainable economic, environmental, and social development and growth in the region.

The EDB has been a member of ADFIAP since 2022. The Bank’s charter capital totals US $7 billion. The EDB’s portfolio mainly consists of projects with an integration effect in transport infrastructure, digitalisation, green energy, agriculture, industry, and machinery. Its operations are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG principles.

The forum has brought together 240 delegates from major banks, investment funds, and development institutions from China, Turkey, Japan, India, the Philippines, New Zealand, the European Union, the U.S., Latin America, and the Middle East. It is hosted by the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB).

The event’s global communications partner is the Anadolu Agency, with media partners including BNE IntelliNews, Cronos Asia, FINANCEkaz,, Kazakhstan today,,, Tazabek, TRT, Delovoy Kazakhstan, the MIR TV channel, and the Khabar 24 TV channel."
Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)
The EDB is an international financial institution with a charter capital of US $7 billion and the mission to promote economic growth in its member states, expand their trade and other economic ties and foster Eurasian integration through investment.

2006 The Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan establish the EDB
2009 The Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Tajikistan join the Bank
2010 The Republic of Belarus joins the Bank
2011 The Kyrgyz Republic joins the Bank

Key strategic objectives (7)
04 Promoting digital transformation in the region
07 Promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG approaches in the Bank’s corporate governance
Supporting institution

https ://
The EDB as a member of international organisations
The EDB is a member of:

Eurasian Fund for Stabilisation and Development (EFSD). The EDB is;
the Manager of the Fund’s Resources amounting to US $8.513 billion;
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE);
Multilateral Financial Institutions’ Working Group on Environmental and Social Standards;
World Economic Forum (WEF);
International Capital Market Association (ICMA);
International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA);
Expert Group for the Development of PPP Mechanisms within the EAEU at the EEC Advisory Committee on Entrepreneurship;
Global infrastructure Facility (GIF) Advisoty Council;
Global infrastructure Connectivity (GICA)."

Participants from dozens of countries attend the Eurasian Congress '23

08 June 2023
Sochi, 8 June 2023. The Eurasian Congress '23 starts today at the Sirius Park of Science and the Art in Sochi. The forum will bring together representatives from governments, businesses, academia, and experts from dozens of countries. The discussions will focus on the future of Eurasia, cross-border public-private partnerships, food and water security, as well as investment and capital growth opportunities for Central Asian countries. The congress is hosted by the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB).

On the first day of the congress, the EDB will present its report on Cross-border Public-Private Partnerships. PPPs hold great significance for landlocked developing countries and have the potential to scale up joint projects. However, the full potential of such partnerships has yet to be realised. The Bank has prepared an analytical report that outlines the scope of cross-border PPP projects and assesses their potential for facilitating cross-border infrastructure development in the EAEU and Central Asia.

The Eurasian Congress '23 will feature sessions where experts, along with representatives from government, business and financial institutions, will discuss the region’s most pressing challenges.

One of the sessions will explore cross-border and cross-country PPPs as a mechanism for investment projects. It will focus on the principles of structuring cross-border and cross-country PPPs for key investment mega-projects and highlight the competitive advantages derived from the participation of EAEU member states, private investors, and financing institutions in such endeavours.

Another session will discuss cross-country investment projects in industry. The agenda will address which industries in Eurasia possess real potential for generating unique technological solutions, how to foster the development of regional value chains, and how to adapt logistics to new market conditions.

The session on Digital Transformation and Building a New Economic Setup in Eurasia will bring together dozens of IT and related businesses to discuss new digital projects that could be important in the context of digital transformation, integration, and the development of joint competencies.

One of the most significant topics on the agenda is the Eurasian water and energy complex. Experts suggest a high probability of further deterioration in Central Asian water resources, with water stress projected to increase 2.8-fold by 2050. This will happen not only due to global climate change, but also as a result of rapid population growth, urbanisation, and agricultural and industrial development. EDB experts have extensively studied the issue of water supply in Central Asia and will propose five possible solutions.

The highlight of the congress will be the plenary session titled Eurasia of the Future: From Challenges to Solutions scheduled for 9 June. This key event will bring together high-level representatives from nine countries.

The forum will also witness several signings of documents relating to public-private partnerships and transport infrastructure.

A live stream of the Eurasian Congress '23 is available on the event website.

The Eurasian Congress ‘23 media partners are the Mir TV and radio company, Ala Too 24 TV Channel, Belarus Segodnya, Delovoy Kazakhstan, BelTA, Prime Press, Golos Armenii, ARKA, ArmInfo, Tazabek, Akchabar, Kazahstan Today, Khovar, and LSM.

Additional Information:
The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) is an international financial institution promoting integration and development in its member countries. For more than 17 years, the Bank has worked to strengthen and expand economic ties and foster comprehensive development in its member countries. The EDB's charter capital totals US $7 billion. Its portfolio consists principally of projects with an integration effect in transport infrastructure, digital systems, green energy, agriculture, manufacturing, and mechanical engineering. The Bank’s operations are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG principles."

EDB study: Cross-border public-private partnerships to benefit economic development and infrastructure connectivity in Eurasia

08 June 2023
Infrastructure connectivity is a key priority for all Eurasian countries, as cross-border infrastructure projects become a factor for their socio-economic development, access to goods and services, as well as trade and investment. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) provide an efficient means to implement these cross-border projects. To ensure the successful execution of cross-border PPP projects in the region, the EDB has developed guidelines based on international best practices in cross-border infrastructure development. These guidelines aim to facilitate the initiation and launch of cross-border PPP projects in Eurasia, mitigate implementation risks, and contribute to regional cooperation and economic integration.

Sochi, 8 June 2023. The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) has released a studytitled Cross-Border Public-Private Partnerships. The paper outlines the criteria and scope of cross-border PPP projects, evaluates their potential for fostering cross-border infrastructure development in the EAEU, Central Asia, and the South Caucasus, and suggests guidelines for the successful implementation of cross-border PPPs in the region.

Cross-border infrastructure connects countries and meets the needs for trade in goods and services, the movement of people, and the transmission of electricity and information. With the enhancement and diversification of cross-country and regional economic ties, the development of cross-border infrastructure has become increasingly important, especially to landlocked countries. These infrastructure projects involve two or more countries and necessitate substantial private investment, along with coordination among various stakeholders. Cross-border PPPs emerge as an efficient mechanism for implementing such projects.

Cross-border PPPs leverage the resources of public and private partners, bridging the gap in public funds for cross-border infrastructure development and addressing challenges arising from variations in investment opportunities and legislations across countries. By pooling their efforts as well as financial and other resources, countries involved as public partners in cross-border PPP projects can achieve benefits that would be unattainable if they pursued individual national PPP projects. Engaging a private partner, typically a single entity, in such projects ensures consistent and coordinated execution of the PPP agreement across all participating countries.

A key criterion in cross-border PPPs is the composition of their participants. Primarily, these projects involve multiple public partners, represented by two or more governments or their authorised bodies. Cross-border PPP projects extend beyond the jurisdiction of a single country, requiring specific rules and regulations to govern all involved partners. These regulations are established through an international treaty agreed upon by the participating countries, serving as the legal framework for the preparation and implementation of cross-border PPPs. ....

The EDB and PPP centres of Eurasian countries collaborate to implement joint cross-border projects

08 June 2023
Sochi, 8 June 2023. The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) and public-private partnership (PPP) centres of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan are joining forces to implement collaborative cross-border projects.

The relevant memorandum was signed by Denis Ilin, Vice Chairman of the EDB Management Board; Samat Sagyndykov, Chairman of the Management Board of the Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership Centre; Artem Volodkin, Executive Director of the National Centre for Public-Private Partnerships (Russia); Dmitry Krasovsky, Director of the National Agency of Investment and Privatisation (Belarus); Sanzharbek Bolotov, Director of the Public-Private Partnership Centre at the National Investments Agency under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic; and Alisher Faizaliyev, Director of the Centre for the Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects (Tajikistan).

By signing the memorandum, the participating parties aim to jointly plan cross-border PPP projects and establish institutional mechanisms to prepare, negotiate, and monitor such initiatives.

As an international financial institution and multilateral development bank, the EDB will finance cross-border PPP projects and development programmes.

The Bank intends to provide technical assistance by subsidising interest rates for cross-border PPP projects, financing the development of feasibility studies and financial models, preparing pre-project documentation, conducting applied research, and providing training to project stakeholders responsible for preparation and implementation. ..."

https ://
2006 The Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan establish the EDB
The EDB as a member of international organisations
The EDB is a member of:
World Economic Forum (WEF);
Search results for 'public-private partnership'
25 MAY
Putin calls for forming single digital ecosystem within EAEU
According to the Russian president, safeguarding the EAEU's digital sovereignty is a priority
Meeting with the Heads of Government of the CIS and EAEU states
The President met with the heads of foreign delegations taking part in the meetings of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Sochi.

June 9, 2023, 16:15, Sochi

Vladimir Putin: Dear colleagues! Friends!
Special attention needs to be paid to strengthening technological sovereignty in the backbone sectors of the economy, achieving genuine technological self-sufficiency so that our countries do not depend on foreign technologies and companies in critically important industries.
In the same row, the imperative of ensuring digital independence. This means that we must continue to work vigorously on the formation of a single digital ecosystem that unites national systems of electronic public services and electronic governments.

I must say, I want to brag and say words of gratitude to the Government of the Russian Federation: a lot has been done in this direction in Russia in recent years. And I think we have the right to say that we are certainly world leaders in this area of work – without any doubt.

And in this regard, of course, we are ready to share our best practices and our experience with each of the CIS and Eurasec partner states.

It would be necessary to intensify the activities of the executive authorities and central banks of our states, which are aimed at strengthening financial sovereignty. This will help ensure the stability of the credit-banking and settlement infrastructure, diversify and harmonize the Eurasian financial market so that favorable conditions are created for the preservation of capital and their investment in the economies of our states."

https ://
2006 The Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan establish the EDB
The EDB as a member of international organisations
The EDB is a member of:
World Economic Forum (WEF);
Eurasian Transport Network

Purpose and objectives of the project
Transport connectivity and access to markets are among the most significant challenges for the EAEU+ region and Eurasia as a whole. The lack of direct access to the sea, which is especially relevant for Central Asian countries, increases transport costs, makes production less viable, limits company profits and affects the welfare of the population. We see the solution in strengthening internal and trans-Eurasian transport connectivity and creating

Description of the project
The Eurasian Transport Network is a system of international transport corridors crossing the Eurasian landmass along East–West and North–South axes. The Eurasian transport corridors extend as far as China, India and the European Union, enabling the network to become a tangible foundation for a Greater Eurasia. Unlocking the full potential of the Eurasian continent’s economy relies on the seamless transport connectivity that digitalising transport can provide.

Figures and facts
Connectivity could boost traffic by 40%
Carbon footprint 25% lower compared to the maritime route
Alternative to the Suez Canal, halving delivery times for cargo transported from India and China to Europe
Increase in North–South container traffic by 15 to 30 times

Participants from dozens of countries attend the Eurasian Congress '23

Sochi, 8 June 2023. The Eurasian Congress '23 starts today at the Sirius Park of Science and the Art in Sochi. The forum will bring together representatives from governments, businesses, academia, and experts from dozens of countries. The discussions will focus on the future of Eurasia, cross-border public-private partnerships, food and water security, as well as investment and capital growth opportunities for Central Asian countries. The congress is hosted by the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB). ..."

https :// www .weforum .org/agenda/2023/06/creating-a-green-and-digital-corridor-through-eurasia/
From pathway to highway in Eurasia
June 9, 2023
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