Russia through the hidden eye (continuation)


Nov 8, 2022
Come on, I'm almost ready to ''quit for health reasons'', so to speak, more softly. A little news and I switch to "throw links" mode (which I have not been able to post) from the files :D
Some of the links may be repeated with previous posts. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Maybe a lot of them? I don't know. When I post something I've collected, I don't delete my link in the file, so... From memory.

I'll just leave them here. Not that anyone needs them, but I've collected them anyway, and I'm not gonna need them anymore.

APPROVED by Decision No. 11 of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated December 11, 2020
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS for Developing the Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025

The EAEU Digital Agenda

Innovations, and not only Belarusian ones: this year the latest developments were brought to us from 11 countries. Cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, 3D printing technologies, augmented and virtual reality. Great interest in the possibilities of 5G speeds.

Videoconferencing systems, new mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other smart devices - all this is "TIBO-2021". Alina Lappo has the details.

For more than a quarter of a century, the platform has been presenting innovative developments in the field of information technology, as well as the possibility of their effective application in various directions. By the way, and not only Belarusian ones: this year innovations were brought to us from 11 countries. There are more than a hundred scientific and technical inventions at the forum: these are cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, 3D printing technologies, augmented and virtual reality.

The scale of the event shows that Belarus has achieved high results in the development of technologies. And the tasks for the future are no less ambitious. The plans include the implementation of many significant projects, for example, the introduction of a mobile electronic digital signature, the scaling of smart cities, the development of e-education projects, healthcare and a number of other technologies, including in cooperation with the EAEU.

Golovchenko urges EAEU to intensify efforts on digital agenda
3 февраля 2023

During the plenary session of the digital forum "Digital Almaty 2023: Digital Partnership in the New Reality," Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko urged the EAEU countries to intensify efforts to implement digital agenda, BelTA informs.

"In the era of digital transformation, close attention should be paid to society and business. It is necessary to digitize their communication with the state. Absolutely all the EAEU countries are going this way. And this is absolutely the right and justified decision. It is very good that we have the opportunity to exchange experience in this area," said Roman Golovchenko.

According to him, the provision of remote public services should be developed not only in the country, but for all citizens of the Union. Therefore it is important to create a cross-border space of trust within the EAEU, including first of all recognition of electronic digital signature, without which it is impossible to provide quality public services to the population and effective operation of government and state institutions. "I believe that the heads of governments have the right to instruct the responsible authorities to expedite the necessary work in this direction," Prime Minister pointed out.

"Undoubtedly, without an appropriate level of digital education and understanding of human behavior in the digital world, it is impossible to solve these tasks. Therefore, the training of personnel in the digital economy requires constant modernization of the existing structure of education and paying special attention to the adaptation of various segments of the population to life in the digital world," he stressed.

Belarus to implement 6 "projects of the future" within EAEU
21 июня 2022

In order to speak the same language with partner countries in economic cooperation, it is necessary to maintain common quality standards. This was said during the scientific and practical conference of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Under the conditions of sanctions pressure, the issue of effective, and most importantly, rapid import substitution is especially relevant now. And where the collective West builds barriers, new opportunities for increasing production emerge. Thus, Belarus is interested in the implementation of six "projects of the future" including the development of national electric transport, precision farming, the introduction of biotechnology in the agricultural sector and pharmaceuticals. The innovative health care and "Smart Cities" are also among the promising areas.

Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission:
The work directly at the plenary session and in the sections showed that it is necessary to work very seriously on promising projects, tomorrow's projects. We have certain competences in microelectronics (in Belarus, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Armenia) and all this has to be combined. Today, we are forced by the Eurasian Economic Commission to take decisions to simplify some technical solutions, including in mechanical engineering and automobile construction due to the lack of chips.

Vladimir Gusakov, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:
The Belarusian Academy of Sciences has a lot to offer. We can work together in the field of space, but it all has to be more dynamic, and we have to accelerate these processes in the field of biotechnology, nanomaterials, electric transport. It would be very good if we had a car, an electric car of the EAEU.

Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated October 11, 2017 No. 12 "On the main directions of implementation of the Digital Agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union until 2025"

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 490 dated 10.10.2019 "On the development of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation" (together with the "National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030")

FOR 2017-2030

The Hi-Tech Park Administration was created in 2005 and is in charge of defining national trends and policies in the field of development and export of information technologies.
Main goals:
promote export-oriented software companies using high technologies,
increase competitiveness of the national hi-tech industry,
provide favorable economic, legal and other conditions for the development of R&D in information technologies,
attract foreign investments to the Belarusian hi-tech sector.

(Again: the Russian version is different from the English version. In English, latest news: January 2023, in Russian: July.)
May 18, 2023

Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications
July 11, 2023, CIS Executive Committee Office, Moscow, Russia
On July 11, 2023, a meeting of experts of the CIS Member-States was held in Moscow to agree on the draft Statement of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on cooperation towards the harmonization of public administration systems in the field of digital technologies.
July 11-21, 2023, Geneva, Switzerland

The ITU Council is the governing body of the Union between Plenipotentiary Conferences. The role of the ITU Council is to address a wide range of telecommunication policy issues and to ensure that the Union's activities, policies and strategies fully meet the requirements of today's dynamic and fast-changing telecommunication environment.

Reference - Digital transformation of RSS participants: challenges and operational solutions
during the COVID-19 pandemic


The action Plan ("roadmap") to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers in order to ensure the implementation of the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "Neuronet" (hereinafter referred to as the "roadmap") was developed in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 2017. No. 1184 "On the procedure for the development and implementation of action plans ("road maps") to improve Legislation and eliminate administrative barriers in Order to Ensure the Implementation of the National Technological Initiative and Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" in order to implement the action plan ("road map") The National Technological Initiative "Neuronet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Neuronet" action Plan), approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.

The implementation of the roadmap is aimed at ensuring the priority positions of Russian companies in the emerging global markets of products and services in the field of human-machine communications, provided for in the Neuronet action plan. The key areas of the direction of the Neuronet action plan are the development and promotion, including to these emerging global markets, of products based on advanced developments in neurotechnologies and increasing the productivity of human-machine systems, the productivity of mental and thought processes, the planned segments of Neuronet: Neuromedtechnics, Neuropharma, Neuroeducation", "Neuro-communications", "Neuro-Entertainment and Neuro-Sports", "Neuroassistents and Artificial Intelligence", as well as related technologies - virtual and augmented reality, medical robotics, big data collection and processing. Detailed information, definitions and qualifications of the "Neuronet" segments are given in section 1.2 of the "Neuronet" action plan.

Regulatory and legal restrictions within the framework of the implementation of the Neuronet action plan consist in the absence of legal and technical regulation necessary for the legal provision of the introduction of new products to the market and the entry into the market of subjects of new types of entrepreneurial activity, for the implementation of new business models, in the absence of norms providing conditions for the development and promotion of advanced technological solutions, as well as in the existence and application of regulatory legal acts and documents on standardization, the provisions of which do not meet modern scientific and technological challenges and priorities of scientific and technological development and restrain the introduction of new products and services to the market in the direction of the National Technological Initiative "Neuronet".

The federal executive authorities specified in section II of the roadmap, the autonomous non-profit organization Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects (hereinafter referred to as the Agency for Strategic Initiatives), the joint Stock Company Russian Venture Company, the working group on improving legislation and removing administrative barriers to in order to implement the action plan ("roadmap") The National Technological Initiative "Neuronet" (hereinafter - the Neuronet Working Group), whose composition was approved by the decision of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Development and Implementation of the National Technological Initiative under the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia dated June 19, 2017 No. 3, and the organization performing the functions of the infrastructure center for the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap") The National Technological Initiative "Neuronet" (hereinafter referred to as the infrastructure center "Neuronet"). ...

No. 2871-r of November 5, 2020
1. Approve the attached:
action plan ("roadmap") for the implementation of the mechanism for managing systemic changes in the legal regulation of entrepreneurship "Transformation of the business climate" "New types of entrepreneurship based on the introduction of advanced technologies" (hereinafter - the plan);

Deputy Chairman Government of the Russian Federation A.DVORKOVICH
April 16, 2018

UNTIL 2025
Elaboration of the issue of involving innovative companies and organizations of the Novosibirsk region in the implementation of the "roadmaps" of the National Technological Initiative "Technet", "Marinet", "Aeronet", "Autonet", "Helsnet", "Neuronet", "Fudnet", "Energinet" and "Safnet" ...

of January 15, 2020 N 6

(Neuronet is out there in the connections.)

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, together with the Association of Participants of technological circles, developed Methodological Guidelines recommendations on the creation of a network of circles of the National Technological Initiative (hereinafter - the NTI Circle) on the basis of educational institutions of higher education.
In order to organize the work of familiarizing students with the key areas of development of intellectual and technological markets in various sectors of the economy, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia sends these methodological recommendations for use in the work.
1. Basic provisions and concepts

Methodological recommendations have been developed in order to create conditions for the promotion of new educational technologies (including through the development of a system of technological circles), based on the experience of holding events of the "Circle Movement" in educational institutions of higher education in order to develop mentoring institutions, update the content of education, the use of new forms of learning through the creation and functioning of a network of circles National Technological Initiative on the basis of educational institutions of higher education.

Circles of the National Technological Initiative (hereinafter referred to as "NTI Circles") are created to familiarize students with key areas of development of intellectual and technological markets in various sectors of the economy. The functioning of the circles contributes to the professional orientation of students and the formation of their skills in solving practical problems corresponding to the directions of the National Technological Initiative.

The decision to create the "NTI Circle" is the competence of educational institutions of higher education. When creating an "NTI Circle", it is possible to use these methodological recommendations.

When creating "NTI Circles" on the basis of educational institutions of higher education, it is possible to solve the following tasks:

1) improving the level of functional literacy and competence of students in the technological field;

2) involvement of applicants in the development of new technologies, their acquaintance with promising areas of scientific and technological development, modern forms of employment of scientists and engineers, the formation of an informed choice of their professional and life path in the field of new technologies, including through participation in the National Technological Olympiad;

3) vocational guidance of applicants through immersion in professional activity together with mentors - carriers of professional competencies - to master the skill of choosing a profession, determining guidelines for the formation of educational and career trajectory, including the choice of the level of education and organization for further education;

4) creating conditions for the emergence of youth technology teams implementing projects on the topics of the National Technology Initiative .
2. The procedure for creating an "NTI Circle" on the basis of educational
higher education organizations

The "NTI Circle" on the basis of educational institutions of higher education can operate in one of the following formats:
5. The circle as part of the project-oriented activities of an educational organization of higher education ("NTI School").

The following is recommended for an educational organization of higher education to create an NTI Circle.

To develop and approve a technical orientation program for children aged 10-18 years, corresponding to the directions of NTI (aeronet, autonet, marinet, neuronet, helsnet, foodnet, energinet, technet, safnet, etc.), in accordance with the personnel and material resources available to the educational organization of higher education (hereinafter - the program). ..."


Nov 8, 2022
Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States
SDG 2030 Agenda
On September 25, 2015, the UN General Assembly approved the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. (UN General Assembly resolution 70/1 of September 25, "Transforming the World. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".)

The "Agenda" was signed by all UN member states. It came into effect on January 1, 2016. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which replaced the Millennium Development Goals, are aimed at meeting the needs of the population of developed and developing countries.

The "Agenda" includes three components of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental. It consists of 17 goals combining 169 tasks.

The implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda will be assessed on the basis of a set of global indicators. An Inter-Agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Indicators was established at the 46th session of the UN Statistical Commission to develop a system of indicators to monitor progress in achieving the SDGs. ...


June 2
How Timiryazev revealed the secret of the transformation of the inanimate into organic
June 3 will mark 180 years since the birth of the naturalist Kliment Timiryazev, who found out the mechanism of photosynthesis, defended Darwinism and enlightened the people. TASS — about the life and work of the great scientist
World Environment Day. Dialogue on sustainable development
June 5, 10:00 Moscow
A round table of the Ecumene discussion club will be held in TASS, dedicated to topical issues of sustainable development and timed to coincide with World Environment Day (Ecologist's Day).

Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.EN - The chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Alexander Khinshtein, announced the preparation, together with Roskomnadzor, of a draft law on the obligation of media platforms - such as Yandex.Music - to moderate information, delete prohibited materials, as well as large fines for non-fulfillment of this duty.
Roskomnadzor warned about the risks of using VPN services
Moscow. April 10th. INTERFAX.RU - Roskomnadzor (RCN) warns about the risks to the safety of personal data of users of VPN services; this data can be used for fraud, blackmail and other illegal actions.
Moscow. June 2. INTERFAX.RU - Roskomnadzor confirmed that within the framework of the law on the "sovereign" runet in Russia, work is underway to block VPN services, including Proton VPN, which help bypass the blocking of banned content recognized in the Russian Federation.

"According to the law "On Communications", means of circumventing the blocking of illegal content are recognized as a threat. The Center for Monitoring and Management of the Public Communications Network (CMU SSOP) is taking measures to restrict the operation of VPN services in Russia that violate Russian legislation," the agency told Interfax in response to a request regarding problems with users' access to the Proton VPN service in Russia.
Embedded Finance: A Revolution that cannot be undone, 25.11.2022
The expert believes that neurotechnologies will help people to fight alcoholism and drug addiction
Such systems are based on neurobiocontrol and are already used in the rehabilitation of patients with stroke, trauma and neurological disorders, said the product manager of the company "Neurobotics" Alexander Zonov

NIZHNY NOVGOROD, June 2. /tass/. Neurointerfaces that help users control brain activity and become more aware of their own actions can be used in the future to rid people of alcohol and drug addiction. This opinion was expressed by TASS on Friday at the conference "Digital Industry of Industrial Russia" (CIPR) product manager of the company "Neurobotics" (market participant of the National Technological Initiative "Neuronet") Alexander Zonov.

Similar systems are already used in the rehabilitation of patients with stroke, trauma and neurological disorders. They are based on neurobiocontrol - biofeedback (BOS), through which the user learns to control body movements and brain activity using visual or audio signals.

"Due to this, it is possible to cope with various kinds of dependencies. For example, if a person is addicted to sweets, in order to combat it, he learns to respond correctly to the impulse and stimulus that leads him to uncontrolled consumption of sweets. When a stressful situation or other trigger appears, a person reacts to it more adequately, without falling into an uncontrolled state. The same applies to any other addiction: alcohol, cigarettes, obsessive actions and so on," said Zonov, adding that such systems already allow you to deal with sleep disorders, attention, memory, as well as chronic fatigue and anxiety.

A person receives feedback from his own body using sensors that read the electrical activity of the brain. Correction of actions occurs due to the fact that the patient consciously controls his psychological state, affecting such parameters of brain activity as, for example, the frequency and amplitude of the alpha rhythm.

"The approach does not require medical intervention. Accordingly, there is no withdrawal syndrome, which is important for the effectiveness of the treatment of addictions and other diseases that are on the verge of psychological and physical," the expert added.

Zonov clarified that Russian development teams are already engaged in the development of such systems. The speed of their development depends on overcoming existing barriers - limited access to expensive equipment and insufficient level of consolidation of medical institutions and research centers in this area.

About CIPR
The eighth annual conference "Digital Industry of Industrial Russia" (CIPR) is held in Nizhny Novgorod from May 31 to June 2. Within the framework of thematic tracks, participants discuss issues of digital independence of the Russian industry, the interaction of business, science and the state, as well as the improvement and distribution of domestic software, and other topics. The organizer of the conference is the company "OMG".

Strategic partners are Rostec and Rosatom state corporations, Rostelecom with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow and the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. TASS acts as the general information agency of the conference "Digital Industry of Industrial Russia".
An inter-university quantum network will be created on the basis of four Russian universities
Universities will start exchanging data in 2024
NIZHNY NOVGOROD, June 1. /tass/. The development of the Interuniversity Quantum Network (IUCN) involves the unification of four Russian universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg at the first stage. They will start exchanging data in 2024, Sergey Kulik, scientific director of the Competence Center of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) "Quantum Technologies" at Lomonosov Moscow State University, told TASS on Thursday.
Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod joined the National Quantum Laboratory
The university takes an active part in the development of the quantum industry in Russia, the Acting Rector of UNN Oleg Trofimov stressed
Acting Rector of Lobachevsky University Oleg Trofimov stressed that the university takes an active part in the development of the quantum industry in Russia and is involved in the development of domestic quantum technologies and the development of quantum computing products. According to him, quantum technologies are one of the main directions of the university's development in the strategic academic leadership program "Priority 2030". In 2022, two new research laboratories were created at UNN: the laboratory of materials for quantum technologies and the laboratory of advanced quantum frequency standards and precision time systems.

According to the governor of the region, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UNN Gleb Nikitin, the Nizhny Novgorod region is traditionally a region of innovation. "We are currently carrying out research and development work in all quantum sub-technologies: these are quantum computing, quantum communications, quantum metrology and sensors," the press service quotes Nikitin.

The agreement on joining the consortium was signed at the first Forum of Future Technologies "Computing and Communication. Quantum World", the university reported.
Acceptance of applications for participation in the first scientific prize "Challenge" has been launched
The selection of participants of the national prize in the field of future technologies will last until September 14

MOSCOW, July 14. /tass/. Acceptance of applications from scientists for participation in the first National Prize in the field of future technologies "Challenge" will last until September 14 this year. The competitive selection was officially launched today as part of the Moscow Forum of Future Technologies. This was announced on Friday by the press service of Gazprombank.
"Gazprombank has been supporting innovative scientific projects, high-tech startups and industrial assets for many years. Today, together with our partners, we are pleased to launch the National Challenge Award. We are confident that it will not only celebrate the achievements of scientists, engineers and developers, but also contribute to the popularization of science throughout Russia," said Dmitry Sauers, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank, whose words are quoted by the bank's press service.

As noted in the message, the award is designed to celebrate fundamental breakthroughs, ideas and inventions that change the landscape of modern science and the life of every person. The award, as well as 10 million rubles, will be presented to Russian scientists and developers of promising technologies in the nominations "Scientist of the Year", "Engineering Solution", "Perspective" and "Breakthrough". The award will celebrate achievements that will shape the future in such areas as healthcare, communications, logistics, energy and much more.

"Let's remember the beginning of the sixties: Gagarin in space, "physicists are honored," a favorite movie character is a bespectacled student, scientists with a worldwide reputation are leading popular TV programs. Their challenge to the passing era sounded like "it's fashionable to be smart"! But is the social status and authority of people of science so significant in the modern world? It's time to think. The National Prize in the Field of Future Technologies is a new challenge. This is a challenge to the established formats in the domestic science and socio-cultural space," added Leonid Shlyakhover, president of the Challenge Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations, whose words are quoted by the Gazprombank press service.
In Russia, for the first time, the behavior of immune brain cells in spinal injuries was studied
Microglia cells can "choose" two ways of activation - either to help restore nerve tissue after damage, or to contribute to its destruction

MOSCOW, July 12. /tass/. Scientists of the Research Institute "Gene and Cell Technologies" of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan Federal University (KFU) for the first time investigated the types of activation of immune cells of the central nervous system (microglia) in spinal cord injuries. The results should contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms occurring in the nervous tissue, the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia reported on Wednesday.

The study was conducted in vitro (in vitro) on models of spinal cord injury of different degrees of severity and in different post-traumatic periods (acute, subacute and chronic). As the head of the Center of Excellence "Personalized Medicine" and the Research Institute "Gene and Cell Technologies" of KFU Albert Rizvanov noted, microglia cells are capable of both anti-inflammatory and protective effects, and contribute to the destruction of nervous tissue.

"Microglial cells in spinal cord injury are activated, that is, an immune response occurs, and its degree directly depends on the severity of the injury. As a result of activation, these cells acquire a neurotoxic or neuroprotective phenotype - the process of their polarization occurs. They are polarized spontaneously, but usually polarization towards the neurotoxic phenotype occurs to a greater extent, since this is facilitated by the release of pro-inflammatory molecules by different cells in the epicenter of damage. Activation of microglial cells in the case of acquisition of a neuroprotective phenotype contributes to the restoration of nervous tissue," the press service quotes Rizvanov as saying.

CFU researchers have revealed a pattern: the more serious the spinal cord injury, the lower the ability of microglia to divide and destroy foreign particles and damaged cells in all post-traumatic periods. This result will help in the development of new approaches to the treatment of spinal cord injuries. Now the study has moved to the stage of animal studies, where it is necessary to confirm the results obtained.

"We have yet to find reliable ways to polarize the cells of the brain's immune system towards a neuroprotective phenotype, which will promote neuroregeneration," said Yana Mukhamedshina, a leading researcher at the Gene and Cell Technologies Research Institute, head of the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neuroregeneration research group.

The project is implemented within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Priority 2030", which is one of the measures of state support for universities of the national project "Science and Universities".
MSU has created a system to help identify insincere answers in surveys
She independently selects control questions suitable for this task in psychological and sociological questionnaires

MOSCOW, July 12. /tass/. Specialists of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University have developed a natural language processing system that allows speeding up and improving the effectiveness of the selection of control questions in questionnaires. This was announced on Wednesday by the press service of the university.

The control questions in the questionnaires are several theses of the same content, expressed in different words. They are added to the questionnaires in order to check the degree of sincerity of the respondent: if the answers to them differ, then this may indicate a person's attempts to hide information or evade a direct answer. The selection of such control questions requires considerable effort and takes a lot of time. The authors of the work found a way to simplify this process due to a system that independently searches for similar questions in meaning.

"The [created] natural language processing system is a real breakthrough in the field of questionnaires and selection of control questions. Innovative methods, including latent semantic analysis and thematic modeling, allow experts to effectively find and select control questions, guaranteeing the accuracy and reliability of survey results," the press service of Moscow State University quotes the words of Associate professor of the Department of Algorithmic Languages of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the University Vladimir Abramov.

The new solution uses several methods of working with data that allow you to analyze the frequency and significance of certain words in a document, as well as determine semantic relationships between them.

"This approach helps to more accurately select control questions and avoid repetition or confusion. <…> [Using machine learning technologies], the system automatically identifies the most likely combinations of topics and words discussed in documents. Thus, it determines the probability distribution for each topic in each document, which facilitates the search for questions containing similar topics," the university explained.

The authors have experienced the development when compiling surveys in the field of psychology and sociology. The results confirmed its effectiveness, the MSU press service reported.
(more and interested for MGU Lomonosov)
Putin said that quantum technologies will determine the shape of national economies
The Head of State noted that the forum of future technologies "Computing and Communication. The Quantum World" will become a tradition for discussing promising areas, "which are already on the horizon of the current - the beginning of the next decade will gain more and more strength"

MOSCOW, July 13. /tass/. The development of quantum technologies in the future will determine the shape of national economies and the map of the world as a whole, said Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the first Forum of Future Technologies "Computing and Communication. The Quantum World".

Speaking about the achievements of quantum physics, the Head of state noted: "In many ways, all this (quantum technologies - approx. TASS) will determine the shape of national economies and the map of the world as a whole."

He also drew attention to the fact that the moderator of the meeting Ruslan Yunusov noted that until recently no one could have thought that a forum dedicated to the topic of quantum technologies would be held. "The presenter said that it was difficult to imagine ten years ago that such a forum could take place. Why? We have been striving to ensure that not only such forums take place, but also to ensure that research is carried out, that it is carried out, including by young researchers, so that we reach the parameters and results we need," Putin stressed. "I think it is very important that we achieve our goals," he added. "We set ourselves achievable tasks that are necessary for our country, and we go to them confidently, and achieve results," the head of state continued.

According to the President, the current forum will also become a traditional one for discussing promising areas, "which are already on the horizon of the current - the beginning of the next decade will gain more and more strength."
28% of pensioners go to study online in order to find an additional source of income
According to the educational company "Netology", the older generation is ready to "keep up with the times"
on May 29, 2023

The Russian Ministry of Health telegram channel
The Russian Ministry of Health has issued a permit to the biotech company Biocad to conduct a clinical trial of a gene therapy drug for the treatment of hemophilia A

❕The drug is intended for single administration at least once every few years.

According to the press service of the biotech company Biocad, until recently there was not a single registered gene therapy drug for the treatment of hemophilia A⬇

At the moment, most patients in the world are forced to receive injections of recombinant blood clotting factors for life up to three times a week.

The clinical trial will take place in 11 cities of Russia, including St. Petersburg and Moscow. Up to 15 male patients aged 18 and over with an established diagnosis of hemophilia A will be able to take part in it.

Biocad has been developing this drug since 2018. The first experiments to evaluate the effectiveness on animals were launched in 2019. Preclinical studies on mice have shown that the administration of the drug restores normal blood clotting.

Autonomous non-profit organization "digital economy"

Andrey Belousov: More than 100 companies are involved in the implementation of agreements on the development of high-tech areas
July 14, 2023

First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov held a meeting of the Presidium of the Government Commission on Economic Modernization and Innovative Development. The participants discussed the development of the main high-tech areas. We are talking about artificial intelligence, quantum computing and communications, hydrogen energy, modern communication networks. Energy storage systems, a number of major software products, new materials, promising space systems and services are also being created.

"Let me remind you that on behalf of the President of Russia, the Government has concluded 10 agreements with the country's largest companies on the development of high-tech areas, the essence of which is to create specific industrial products and samples ready for replication and mass production. Detailed roadmaps have been developed for each agreement, specific lists of measures have been formed, and indicators have been determined. More than 100 companies are involved in the implementation of the roadmaps activities. All this work is designed to support the development of end–to-end technologies that define the face of the modern economy and the life of society," Andrei Belousov stressed.

Six of the ten "road maps" are supervised by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. These are "Modern and promising mobile communication networks", "Quantum Computing", "Quantum Communications", "New Industrial Software", "New system-wide Software" and "Artificial Intelligence".

"The work on the six "roadmaps" of high-tech areas supervised by me is carried out according to the planned plans. We expect to achieve all the targets. 93.5 billion rubles are provided for their financing in 2023, of which business funds – 73.9 billion rubles. I would like to note the most significant results since the signing of the agreements. 106 higher education programs in the field of AI have been formed, software development has been completed for ten particularly significant projects, and it will be completed for nine more by the end of this year; 3,000 people have been trained in the direction of artificial intelligence; by the end of the year, the construction of new sections of the main quantum network to the cities of Kazan, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don with a total length of 1.4 thousand km will be completed," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development Maxim Kolesnikov reported on the implementation of the roadmap on artificial intelligence.

"In the first half of the year, the Innovation Assistance Fund supported 44 projects for the development of AI solutions. 102 higher education programs have been approved for the development of education and science in the field of artificial intelligence. Six research centers have been supported. More than 3 thousand specialists have been released to the market," Maxim Kolesnikov said.

"The introduction of artificial intelligence already gives a significant economic effect not only in the banking sector, but also in many other sectors of the economy, such as agriculture and construction. The growing demand for neural networks in Russia and the world, using the example of Kandinsky 2.2 from Sberbank, opens up new opportunities for solving applied problems in the field of generative AI for various industries, as well as for creating new professions," said Maxim Eremenko, Vice President and Director of the Department of Development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies of Sberbank.

The roadmap "Technologies of new materials and substances" has been updated. To the three traditional directions – polymer composite materials, rare and rare earth metals, additive technologies – a new important direction has been added – "Advanced materials and digital Materials Science".

"In the direction of polymer composite materials, a full-cycle production chain for the production of carbon fiber-based composites has already been formed. A comprehensive scientific and technological program “New Composite Materials” has been approved, which provides for the implementation of 19 projects, within the framework of which 42 new technologies will be developed. In the direction of “Additive technologies”, a method of manufacturing elements of equipment for nuclear and hydrogen energy in an additive way has been developed. Additive technology centers have been launched in Novouralsk and Nizhny Novgorod, as well as a site for the digital production of precision products for medicine in Troitsk. The center for additive technologies of RuSat has created a complete technological chain for 3D scanning, printing of products and their further post–processing," said State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Yevtukhov.

One of the key mechanisms for supporting promising technologies will be the implementation in 2023-2028 of the comprehensive scientific and technical project "Additive Technologies. New materials and technological processes". It involves the coordinated development and implementation of modern technologies and products, such as equipment for printing metal products, composites for drones and military equipment of the future, as well as a special software package.

Kirill Komarov, First Deputy Director General of Rosatom State Corporation, in his speech spoke about the implementation of the Energy Storage Systems roadmap and noted that the launch of Russia's first gigafactory for the production of energy storage systems with a capacity of 4 GWh per year is expected in the second half of 2025. He also said that the corporation's projects in the direction of "Hydrogen energy" are being implemented according to the plan.

The implementation of "roadmaps" for new industrial and system-wide software will allow replacing foreign digital products in key sectors of the economy and industry, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Finance Andrey Zarenin reported during the meeting.

"Within the framework of the roadmap "Modern and promising mobile communication networks for the period up to 2030", the largest operators signed forward contracts for the supply of LTE base station equipment in 2025-2030. In total, more than 70 thousand base stations will be produced and delivered by 2030 for a total amount of more than 100 billion rubles. At the same time, a set of measures is being implemented to create a layout of a 5G communication network base station; to develop a domestic electronic component base – the main integrated circuits; the development of completely domestic software without the use of foreign licensed developments," added Andrey Zarenin.

The participants of the presidium also discussed the development of hydrogen transport. A demonstration sample of a mobile plasma hydrogen generator has already been developed, a technology for the disposal of flue gases from gas pumping units with subsequent processing into methanol, an advance project of a hydrogen filling station has been created, said Deputy Energy Minister Eduard Sheremettsev.

The meeting was also attended by Maxim Oreshkin, Assistant to the President of Russia, Mikhail Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom PJSC, Boris Nuraliev, CEO of 1C, Alexey Kashin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO of InEnergy Group of Companies, Nikolay Pozhidaev, President of Sitronics JSC, Deputy CEO Roscosmos Group Ravil Khakimov, Deputy General Director – Chief Engineer of Russian Railways Anatoly Khramtsov, Director of Digitalization of Rosatom Group Ekaterina Solntseva.
Dmitry Chernyshenko: The state is the main customer of scientific research on quantum technologies
July 14, 2023
State policy in the field of scientific research and development
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko took part in the plenary session of the Forum of Future Technologies with the participation of the President. Following the results, the Deputy Prime Minister gave a comment on the development of quantum technologies and support measures taken by the Government in this area.

For the development of quantum communications and quantum computing, the Government, together with the industry, have formed the corresponding "roadmaps" – "Quantum Computing" and "Quantum Communications". They contain a specific list of measures aimed at the development and application of technologies. Until 2026, the "road maps" provide funds in the amount of 41 billion rubles, and the parity of public and private financing is ensured.

"The government is attentive to these requests. In a dialogue with the Ministry of Finance, today we are determining the necessary volumes until 2030 and are working on mechanisms and sources of additional funding. Also, the primary task of the state is to create the necessary regulatory regulation and investment–attractive conditions for scaling up and implementing proven technologies," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

He also noted that quantum technologies have been experiencing explosive growth in recent years.

"The order for fundamental quantum research is constantly growing in the world. The state is the main customer of such research – until 2024, the Government has allocated funding in the amount of over 24 billion rubles for these purposes, but the applied implementation of the results and further order for engineering research should also be on the side of business," the Deputy Chairman of the Government commented.

The Deputy Prime Minister noted the main results that were obtained thanks to the Government's work with the industry, including the implementation of the "road maps". For example, a pilot section of the Moscow –Saint Petersburg quantum backbone network and a Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod segment have been created. By the end of 2023, it is planned to build new segments with a total length of more than 1.4 thousand km. The universities participating in the project are operating and planning to create a line within the interuniversity quantum network: MSU, ITMO, MISIS, N.I. Lobachevsky National Research University.

"According to the roadmaps, by 2030 we plan to build at least 15 thousand km of main channels of quantum communications in key areas, to create monitoring centers of the quantum network. In terms of quantum communications, technology companies should sell products worth 30 billion rubles," the Deputy Prime Minister said.

Dmitry Chernyshenko also spoke about the domestic 16-qubit quantum computer, which was demonstrated to Vladimir Putin at the Forum of Future Technologies. The deputy Prime Minister added that by the end of the year there is a task to create a 20-qubit quantum computer.

Speaking about the impact of quantum technologies on digital transformation, the Deputy Prime Minister noted that quantum computing gives impetus to digital development, since it provides higher data processing speed compared to conventional computers. At the same time, quantum solutions set completely new requirements for information security.
Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting with the leaders of digital transformation at the "CIPR-2023"
On June 1, 2023
Vasily Slyshkin, director of the State Technical University "Gostech", told about the status of the transition to the use of a single digital platform: "First of all, mass socially significant systems and services such as "Doctor's Appointment", "Electronic Journal", military accounting services and others will be transferred to GOSTECH this year. We have completed the formation of the technological core of the platform, and now our plans include the development of standard services, such as PGS, front–end designer, NSUD data storefronts and the modernization of ESIA.",[URL],,,,,,,,,,,,
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Nov 8, 2022
Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight: Revisiting the Draft
A Human City Technology
Wide use of AI-based computer vision technology in the urban environment can make city life safer, more environmentally friendly – and even more humane, believe the CEO of NtechLab Andrey Talenkov. ...

The company is working continuously working to boost the accuracy and speed of algorithms, expanding the domains where computer vision may assist humans. Last year, when the world faced the coronavirus pandemic, we presented our dedicated anti-covid solution. It helps prevent crowds in public places, ensure that people maintain social distancing and wear masks. The solution was in great demand both in the regions of Russia and abroad.

We are continuing our active development. Last autumn, NtechLab raised over 1 billion rubles from the international consortium of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and some leading Middle East sovereign wealth funds. This was not only recognition of the authority of NtechLab and the high quality of its solutions, but also a solid foundation for further technological expansion to the benefit of people and humanity in general, in cities and beyond.
Sergey Katyrin Explained why Countries Aspire to BRICS, 16.11.2022
They are attracted by the alternative, said Sergey Katyrin, President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, head of the Russian part of the BRICS Business Council, in an interview with the Novye Izvestia newspaper.
BRICS has ambitious goals, including counteracting the global economic crisis, improving the quality of life of its population, the transition to high technology in all possible areas of life.
The Head of the Chamber Believes that Foreign Business Would Return to Russia - interview with "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 30.06.2022

July 12, 2023
Sensory marketing, FNRS, neuroprognosis – a workshop on psychophysiological approaches to the study of consumer behavior was held at the Perm campus of the Higher School of Economics
HSE researchers have examined the brain's reaction to violations of social norms and calculated a behavioural index to assess an individual's sensitivity to unfairness. This index can potentially be used to develop individualised rehabilitation programmes for patients with various types of behavioural disorders. The study has been published in Neuroscience Letters.
These findings can be applied in clinical settings to create personalised therapy plans. For instance, in patients with autism spectrum disorders, the degree and depth of their condition may vary, and accordingly, they may require more intensive training in social skills. The researchers suggest that by using the behavioural index, an individualised rehabilitation programme can be constructed for each patient. / July 12, 2023
Researchers at the HSE Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience have discovered that analysing the electrical activity in the brains of a small group of people and studying their visual attention makes it possible to predict the impact of an online advertising campaign on a much larger group of 300,000 consumers. The paper has been published in Brain Sciences.
Stimulating Brains in Basements

Neurobiologist Vasily Klyucharev talks about new world-class labs, the brain's magnetic activity, how our frontal lobes suppress kindness, how stories affect the economy and conflicts between motorists and advocates of greener neighbourhoods

After several years of preparation, the HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICN) recently opened a new cluster of approximately 10 laboratories for the cognitive sciences, enabling researchers to benefit from each other’s experience and make joint use of exclusive equipment for conducting experiments. ICN Director Vasily Klyucharev told IQ.HSE about new prospects for neuroscience research that the cluster has opened up and how far scientists have advanced in penetrating the secrets of the human brain.
Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience
13 Oct,2022
7th IEEE International Conference «Video and Audio Signal Processing in the Context of Neurotechnologies» (SPCN-2022)
The conference will provide an international forum where industry, researchers and academia are able to interact and exchange experiences, ideas, and research results in all areas of Video and Audio Signal Processing in the Context of Neurotechnologies.
HSE University Researchers Caused People to Behave Less Rationally by Suppressing Activity in Specific Parts of the Brain
They applied a magnetic field to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Researchers at the HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience have shown experimentally that magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex of the brain causes test subjects to act less rationally, changing how they assess possible outcomes at the moment they make risky decisions. The scientists believe that the discovery will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that give rise to gaming addiction. The results of the study were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

The structure of the prefrontal cortex showing Brodmann areas 8, 9, and 46.
29 Nov, 2022
Young scientists learned new methods of brain research

On October 27-30, the VIII International School for Young Scientists "Active and Passive Methods of Brain Research" was held at the HSE Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences.

July 10, 2023
Leading HSE scientists will receive grants from the Idea Research Center for research in the field of neuroscience
The Idea Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research is a non—profit organization that conducts its activities through voluntary donations. The mission of the center is the development of science and technology through the creation and use of modern tools to support research and development. The priority scientific direction is research in the field of neuroscience. Priority technological areas are blockchain, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality.


July 7, 2023
HSE employees have become graduates of the Personnel Reserve Development Program in the field of science and higher education


Nov 8, 2022
What is Skolkovo?
On Sept. 28, 2010, then-President Dmitry Medvedev signed a law “On the Skolkovo Innovation Center,” giving rise to the project’s managing entity, the not-for-profit Skolkovo Foundation.

Charged with providing the catalyst for the diversification of the Russian economy, the Skolkovo Foundation’s overarching goal is to create a sustainable ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation, engendering a startup culture and encouraging venture capitalism.

The Skolkovo Foundation identified five key areas of potential growth: energy efficiency, strategic computer technologies, biomedicine, nuclear technologies and space technologies.

To achieve this the Foundation is overseeing the creation of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, composed of companies and startups, developing innovative technologies (currently numbering over 1,000), a Technopark, the Skolkovo Institute of Technology (Skoltech), a new graduate research University established in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Skolkovo city, located near Moscow. Together these entities will establish a vibrant ecosystem of technology innovation and entrepreneurship. Thirty of the world’s most successful corporations, including Boeing, Cisco Systems, EADS, GE, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Siemens, Nokia, Samsung etc. have already recognized the opportunity Skolkovo presents, having signed R&D partnership agreements with the Foundation.

Dozens of innovative projects developed by Skolkovo startups have found success in international markets, in particular, equipment for the dynamic modeling of oil and gas fields, next-generation screen displays and laser systems for soft-tissue surgery.

Surveys have showed that Skolkovo startups are three times more likely to attract investment than non-members.

In August 2013, the Skolkovo project was chosen for inclusion in the government’s “economic development and innovation economy” program, resulting in the allocation of 3.5 billion rubles for the development of Skolkovo through 2020.

Foundation for development of the New Technologies Development and Commercialization Centre is involved in creating Skolkovo centre, a unique one in Russia.

Collaboration: Skoltech and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In October 2011, MIT launched a multi-year collaboration to assist Russian partners in building a new university, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech). The first phase of this joint effort consisted of a wide range of activities leading to the launch and early growth of Skoltech. Beginning in March 2016, the second phase of the MIT-Skoltech relationship built on this foundation through joint research activities that promoted the continued development of Skoltech. The third phase, which started in March 2019, supported joint activities between faculty and students at the two universities in research, graduate education, and innovation. The relationship ended in 2022.

As a result of this 10-year collaboration a pioneering new academic center was created in Russia, and more than 75 academic research projects involving faculty and students from MIT and Skoltech contributed to the development of new knowledge in a wide range of scientific and engineering fields.

Skolkovo named the leaders among the BRICS countries in the introduction of digital currencies
28 July 2023

Experts from Skolkovo (VEB.RF Group) and the MINDSMITH analytical center conducted a study of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) of the BRICS countries. The objects of the study were five countries - Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa, 21 experts took part in the survey, and 233 sources of information formed the basis. According to the results, all countries of the interstate association are actively working on the development of CBDC projects, show interest in cross-border operations in the field of CBDC and the creation of a supranational digital currency of the alliance.

CBDC projects in the BRICS countries are at least at the prototype stage, and in some have already reached the pilot stage. It identifies problems with the concept and relevance of a particular digital currency in the context of a particular country.

Pavel Novikov, Director of Sk Fintech Hub: "On July 24, the President of Russia signed a law on the introduction of the digital ruble and the creation of an appropriate electronic platform. In our study, we tried to understand how each of the countries implements its projects, who is involved in them, and for what purposes it is going to introduce CBDC. Digital currencies have the potential to ensure the financial sovereignty of countries and stimulate GDP growth through the development of new trade and economic ties and the implementation of innovative business models.

According to the study, there is a high interest in cross-border payments among BRICS members. Experts predict the integration of partner countries and neighboring countries into the economic and financial systems of the alliance based on CBDC projects. In addition, in the context of large-scale transformations of the world economy, a hypothesis arises about the possibility of creating a supranational digital currency BRICS. This concept is supported by the leaders of the countries of the association, as it seems to be a promising direction of development. According to experts, a single digital currency will not be a CBDC in the literal sense: countries will not abandon national currencies and will keep their central banks with them. However, for the development of this project, practices and technologies mastered and used in the creation of CBDCs of the alliance countries will be used.

Pavel Novikov, Director of Sk Fintech Hub: "We are witnessing the formation of new centers of power: the BRICS association represents more than 40% of the world's population and accounts for about 30% of world GDP growth. To ensure economic interaction and growth of each of the participating countries, it is necessary to strengthen integration. An important step in this direction is the creation of central bank digital currencies, which contributes to the unification and expansion of the economic space. Digital currencies have the potential to ensure the financial sovereignty of countries and stimulate GDP growth through the development of new trade and economic ties, the implementation of new business models. However, the successful implementation of digital currencies requires joint efforts and balanced decisions on the part of all stakeholders."

The emergence of a single BRICS currency could ease sanctions, as well as reduce the dependence of world trade and the global financial system on the dollar. At the same time, a common currency can strengthen the monetary sovereignty of the BRICS countries, providing them with greater control over their domestic and foreign monetary policies, become a central unit of account between countries, significantly optimize the costs of cross-border settlements between them and simplify the integration of countries that have a large trade turnover with BRICS members in complex political relations.

Since 2022, test scenarios for a prototype of a digital currency platform have been carried out in Russia. More than 40 different functions of the platform have already been tested and the readiness of bank systems to interact with it has been checked. 13 of the 15 banks that took part in the test, together with the Central Bank, will conduct a pilot launch on real clients.

The new form of the ruble is primarily a product of Russia's course towards the development of the digital economy. Among the main tasks of the Russian retail CBDC are: increasing transparency, reducing costs and improving the speed and efficiency of transfers, as well as ensuring the security of the country's economy. Full transparency in the distribution of the budget will allow more efficient use of state funds, the transition to the digital ruble should save the country a significant amount of money in the long term.

In 2020, China began testing and implementing a pilot launch of the project, which involved 20 entities with a population of more than 270 million people. As a result, in January 2023, 13.61 billion digital yuan ($2 billion) circulated in the Chinese economy, accounting for 0.13% of the yuan in circulation in the country. At the same time, in the period from 2022 to 2023, the digital yuan became 15% more popular.

South Africa has a clear vision of the role of digital currency in its economy and financial system. In 2021, the country launched the first project to test interbank transactions, in which the Central Bank of South Africa and eight banks of the country took part. During the pilot, the system was able to process the average daily volume of interbank transactions (70 thousand) in 2 hours. In addition, South Africa is considering different approaches to CBDCs.

India initiated the Digital Rupee project in 2022. 15 cities, as well as financial institutions, including four large Indian banks, took part in the project. The digital rupee, unlike many other CBDC projects, was designed in two forms at once: wholesale and retail. During the e-RUPI project, citizens could receive electronic vouchers in the form of SMS and QR codes. At the moment, the retail digital rupee pilot covers more than 50,000 citizens and more than 10,000 businesses of various sizes, including the largest retail chain in the country.

Work on the digital Brazilian real began after the first pilot launches of the digital yuan. This allowed the Brazilian government to identify possible problems in the implementation of retail CBDCs even before the concept of the digital real was published. In 2023, Brazil launched a digital currency test, in which the Brazilian cryptocurrency exchange Mercado Bitcoin and startups of the LIFT Challenge project took part. The legality of interactions with digital real tokens on a public blockchain was tested.

You can find the full study

Skolkovo resident attracted 155 million rubles from business angels for the development of vaccines
13 July 2023

The biotech company RBT of the Human Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) group raised 155 million rubles during a private placement on the investment platform of the Skolkovo resident Rounds.

RBT (Development of BioTechnologies) planned to attract from 50 to 160 million rubles. The placement took place at the upper limit, with an oversubscription. The amount of applications from investors wishing to take part in the first investment round of the company reached more than 251 million rubles.

In the process of processing transactions, as well as Skolkovo benefits, only a part of the applications was satisfied. 860 investors became shareholders of the company. With the opportunity to receive a benefit from the Skolkovo Foundation - reimbursement of up to 50% of the investment amount - 59 people invested in RBT in the amount of 110 million rubles.

Igor Krasilnikov, Director of RBT: "The placement was successful thanks to the HSCI ecosystem and the support of investors from Skolkovo. This is a good example of the fact that investors in Russia have an interest in biotech. And biotech for its development is able to attract investments in the venture capital market. Investments are planned to be directed to expand the RBT development portfolio.

Vladimir Egorov, Director of Operations of the Biomedical Technologies Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation:
"HSCI is an official partner of the Skolkovo Foundation, developing a number of promising projects in the field of high-tech medicine at the Innovation Center: gene therapy, cell technologies and vaccines. Thanks to our cooperation, we can expand and improve support mechanisms for innovative companies. The placement of RBT was the first experience of raising funds using an investment platform with the possibility of further receiving reimbursement through our program. RBT already has a good portfolio of products at various stages of readiness, and their vaccine development platform has significant potential to expand it."

Edtech hub "Skolkovo" held a Demo Day of the ED2 accelerator in the Metaverse
24 July 2023

The results of the ninth stream of the ED2 accelerator for Ed and HRTech projects, which is organized by the Skolkovo EdTech hub with the support of Innopraktika, have been summed up. For the first time, the demo day of the acceleration program was held in two formats: offline in the Skolkovo Technopark and online in its digital copy hosted in the Metaverse.

For three months, startups tested hypotheses, participated in "pilots", formed offers for customers and tested business approaches. As part of the Demo Day, the 15 best teams presented their products and work results. In total, more than 230 applications were submitted for participation in the accelerator.

The winners of the ED2 program included six Skolkovo residents: the Voltep platform for creating meta-worlds, the Aknauzer additional professional education service for medical workers, the 99 points platform for preparing for the exam and OGE, the sBoard online board, the Innotsifra education digitalization project (developer of the Filin service), the IN. TOP».

During the passage of the program, the participants of the 9th set increased revenue up to 40%, launched new products and carried out implementations. The teams offered the market new approaches and technologies in B2C training, breakthrough solutions in the field of recruitment and corporate education: virtual spaces, smart selection systems, teamwork platforms, new mechanics of children's education.

Mark Trifonov, Director of the Development Projects Directorate at Innopraktika: "Each new set of EdTech Accelerator ED2 is a search for new solutions for the educational sphere, and today they are especially relevant. The participants of the ninth cohort during the program showed decent results, and I hope that both the scaling of new products and their effective commercialization will prove the relevance of their projects."

In addition to the traditional offline format of the Demo Day, the participants of the event were able to meet with the avatars of the founders and organizers in the digital space of the Metaverse, as well as get acquainted with the virtual stands of the projects.

A digital copy of the Skolkovo Technopark for the expanded exposition of the accelerator in the Metaverse was created by one of the ED2 startups, the Voltep project. During its participation in the program, the team increased revenue for the quarter to 8.2 million rubles (by 20%), entered into agreements on pilots with the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and the Steford startup community. The management of Voltep highly appreciates the results of cooperation with the ED2 accelerator and plans to continue it in the next set.

Ivan Teplov, CEO of the Voltep startup: "We wanted to analyze what mechanics the Edtech direction of our platform needs. It turned out that the tools of companies that train employees and accelerators that help startups grow are very similar to each other. The accelerator can also be moved to the metaspace, thereby increasing audience engagement and reducing costs. In addition to folders with presentations and traditional speeches, the projects were presented in the digital space in the format of a full-fledged exhibition inside the Skolkovo Technopark, a virtual copy of which we developed in advance according to the available diagrams and photographs. In real life, the cost of organizing an event of such a plan can reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of rubles. With our help, this is done very quickly and at an affordable price.

Impressive results were demonstrated by other participants of the program.

The main prize of the accelerator - an MSF grant in the amount of 300 thousand rubles was received by the company "CareMyBaby".

The Filin service entered a new market in B2G and implemented the system at the Russian State University for the Humanities, replacing the traditional mechanics of passing exams, tests and thesis defenses with the use of platform neural networks. The pilot was attended by 55 teachers and 195 students. As a result, the service received a request for commercial integration in the amount of 8 million rubles.

The Preax platform also launched 4 pilots with corporations (GeekBrains, SkillBox, Skypro, Hexlet) and received a grant from the Innovation Promotion Fund - 4 million rubles under the Start program.

The online school "99 points" has made sales of its new direction "Professions" for 4 million rubles and conducts due-diligence.

The educational service "" launched a new line of products and entered into a partnership with two companies (the ALGOM medical portal and the platform for assessing and developing emotional intelligence Way2Wey). Also, during the acceleration, the project team held promising meetings with investors and passed the Skolkovo Fast Track program.

I tested the scaling hypothesis in SMB of the "sBoard" project, which relied on cooperation with large corporate customers. The team negotiated a number of new deals with market leaders.

The Velkid startup was able not only to scale sales and the team, but also to negotiate with several investors, including VK Group.

Natalia Tsarevskaya-Dyakina, Director of the Edtech Hub of the Skolkovo Foundation: "Developing your startup at the present time is the hero's way: the speed and depth of changes, economic difficulties, the "venture winter" - an abbreviated list of what an innovative project actually faces. At the same time, the Ed- and HRTech market showed growth in 2022 and demand in the import substitution segment. More than 30% of the Russian population is covered by online education, and this format is a third higher than offline coverage. New technologies and approaches continue to emerge even in long-occupied niches, and Edtech has become a full-fledged part of all segments of education."


Nov 8, 2022
The Internet of Things market in Russia will grow by at least 9% annually

The number of connections to the Internet of Things (IoT) in the world has grown: according to the consulting company Analysys Manson, by the end of 2022, large enterprises had connected more than 1.5 billion devices to the IoT. In Russia, the segment of IoT connections has also increased: in 2022, the increase in the subscriber base of MTS and MegaFon amounted to about 25%.

Analysts at the consulting company Analysys Manson concluded that in 2022 the number of mobile IoT connections around the world grew rapidly: "According to our estimates, by the end of 2022, large enterprises connected more than 1.5 billion devices to the IoT, while by the end of 2021 there were 1.3 billion.

According to Analysys Manson researchers, in absolute terms, between 2022 and 2027, IoT connectivity services for enterprises will account for $4.3 billion in operator revenue, accounting for more than half of the total increase in business collaboration revenue.

"Large enterprises in sectors such as utilities, smart homes, and tracking technologies account for the majority of IoT implementations. However, in sectors with higher added value, including healthcare, retail and automotive, the demand for Internet of Things connectivity is also great," the authors of the study report. According to them, operators in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in some parts of the Asia-Pacific region, where the automotive industry is developed, can significantly increase revenue from connecting enterprises to the Internet of Things.

Sberbank helped launch the Resident's Card information system in the Novosibirsk Region

In the Novosibirsk Region, the Resident's Card project was implemented, the technological partner of which was Sberbank.

The solution was created on the basis of the IS software "Profile of the Resident Card Holder", developed by JSC "Settlement Solutions". The system forms a digital profile of a resident of the region, proactively determines the support measures available to the citizen and interacts with the payment and identification infrastructure for their delivery.
"We have implemented the Resident's Card project in the Novosibirsk Region and plan to develop this solution in other regions of the Russian Federation as well. Thanks to the Resident's Card, citizens will be able to simply access social services and support measures using a regular Mir bank card of any bank as a key," said Dmitry Malykh, Senior Vice President, Head of the B2C Transaction Banking Unit at Sberbank.

"There are no analogues of our "Resident's Card" in the country. To create the service, we studied the experience of similar projects in other regions and developed our own unique concept. The resident's card will combine many services and open up wide opportunities for residents of the region of different social groups. Both government organizations and commercial organizations can participate in filling the "Resident's Card" with services," said Sergey Tsukar, Minister of Digital Development and Communications of the Novosibirsk Region.

"The card of a resident of the Novosibirsk region has become a product with a wide range of services and services for residents of the region. The new information and digital platform is an effective tool for the unified provision of socially significant services in the most accessible and simple form. We are confident that all the created services will be actively used by residents of the Novosibirsk region," commented Vladimir Karpushkin, General Director of Settlement Solutions JSC.

The range of rodent pests may expand by 80% due to climate change

August 8, 2023. Russian and American researchers have found that by 2100, the range of Eurasian field mice, dangerous pests of crops, can expand by about 80% towards the north and east as a result of global warming. This was announced on Tuesday by the press service of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF).

Russian Science Foundation (RSF)
The results of the study, supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), are published in the journal Biology.
Scientists from the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) with colleagues from the University of Tennessee (USA) for the first time predicted changes in the field mouse range that may occur in the next 80 years due to climate warming."


Nov 8, 2022
Aug 4th, 2023
The evolution of the Face ID industry: insights from the online program "Master of computer vision"

As part of the admission campaign, the online master's program "Master of computer vision" held a webinar "Face Recognition: How Does It Work and How Does It Break?" with the participation of Huawei, a business partner of the program. Its participants learned about the basic principles of Face ID algorithms and the features of facial recognition technologies relative to other deep learning models, as well as tricks that mislead artificial intelligence systems.
The Master of Computer Vision programme was developed by scientists from the Higher School of Economics and leading experts from Huawei, SBER Lab, Intel, AIRI, participating in advanced research in the field of computer vision. The educational concept of the master's program "Master of computer vision" combines current research in the field of artificial intelligence, data analysis and machine learning, including deep learning, as well as modern practices in the field of computer vision: methods of processing, analysis and synthesis of images and video.

Rosatom has developed a digital module for environmental monitoring

Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions JSC (RIR, part of the Rosatom State Corporation) has developed a digital environmental monitoring module. It allows you to automate the collection and analysis of various information on emissions and, if necessary, transfer it to regulatory authorities. The IT solution is designed for enterprises that constantly monitor the environment, as well as regularly report on greenhouse gas emissions.

The development team launched a digital prototype for calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions based on its own IoT infrastructure platform – software for an automated operational dispatch control system. The functionality of environmental monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air and the functionality of automated accounting of greenhouse gas emissions at enterprises have been developed.
The introduction of the environmental monitoring module allows companies and enterprises to check production processes for compliance with environmental standards, plan the use of more effective methods to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Verified data will become an important element in the basis of the region's greenhouse gas emissions management system, the implementation of future climate projects, and scientific research on the climate agenda.

"RIR pays close attention to environmental issues and nature conservation for future generations. The company has accumulated vast experience in managing thermal power plants, has competencies in the implementation of environmental projects, including the use of digital technologies," said Olga Golovikhina, Director for Sustainable Development of Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions.

RIR is also an accredited body for validation and verification of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia. One of the priority tasks of environmental activities is to reduce the negative impact of production on the environment, including reducing emissions into the atmosphere. At the same time, RIR solutions in the field of digitalization of the urban environment, housing and communal services and public administration are used in more than 100 cities of Russia. The synergy of the Smart City and the environmental agenda is a logical stage in the development of the product line.

Scientists have created nanostructures that will bring the appearance of video calls in hologram format

The development of Russian researchers will make it possible to speed up signal transmission in devices tenfold

MOSCOW, August 9. /Corr. TASS Ekaterina Zamakhina/. Russian researchers have developed optical nanoantennas based on thin films of gold, which will speed up signal transmission in devices tenfold. Their introduction will bring closer the emergence of such functions as communication of people via video link in the format of holograms, the press service of the Platform of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) told TASS.

"Scientists of the Competence Center of the National Technology Initiative "Photonics" on the basis of the Perm State National Research University, companies that are members of the consortium of the center and Alferov University have developed optical nanoantennas based on thin films of gold, which are the basis of chips for photonic-electronic circuits will speed up data transmission in devices tenfold. One of the practical implementations of the use of new generation chips is the emergence of a video call function that allows subscribers to see holograms during a conversation - three-dimensional images of each other," the NTI Platform said.

The created nanostructures convert an electrical signal into an optical signal. The authors created them by exposing thin films of gold with ultrashort laser pulses. The finished material is somewhat reminiscent of a blister pack for tablets.

"We placed arrays of such blisters in the chamber of a high-vacuum tunneling microscope, where < ... > an interesting physical phenomenon has been studied - inelastic tunneling of electrons. New experiments have shown that in the presence of blisters-nanoantennas, the efficiency of such a transformation increases significantly. At the same time, the wavelength ("color") of optical radiation can be controlled by adjusting the magnitude of the applied electrical voltage, as well as varying the period of location of nanostructures, "the press service of the organization quotes the words of Professor Ivan Mukhin of Alferov University.

Scientists expect that the efficiency and compatibility of the development with the components of existing electronics will make it popular. Specialists from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State University, ITMO University, the Institute of Analytical Instrumentation, the Institute of Automation and Control Processes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the FEFU Pacific Quantum Center also took part in the study."


Nov 8, 2022
"Rostelecom" connected to the "Safe City" video cameras of Rostov schools


Specialists of the Rostov branch of Rostelecom were the first in Russia to develop a technical solution and integrated 332 video surveillance cameras installed in more than a hundred schools in Rostov-on-Don into the Safe City hardware and software complex. In six more educational institutions, the national provider will connect the equipment by the beginning of the school year, when the overhaul is completed there.

Rostelecom has connected video cameras as part of the Digital Educational Environment federal project. At the same time, a third of the cameras were installed thanks to the joint investments of the national provider and the regional budget.

"We continue to increase the number of Russian schools that have an advanced video surveillance system. In some cases, we have to build digital infrastructure from scratch, in others we modernize what was built earlier. It is important that a dedicated secure communication channel is used to transmit the image. The school infrastructure is completely built on domestic equipment," said Sergey Mordasov, vice president, director of the Rostov branch of Rostelecom.
The hardware and software complex "Safe City" combines 43 automated security systems at the municipal, regional and federal levels into a single information circuit, including programs for monitoring and analyzing the environment, the state of engineering structures, automated emergency call systems, video surveillance and other solutions. Thanks to him, all the necessary information is directly transmitted to the relevant services, which can quickly respond to incidents that arise.

Russian telecom operators massively block OpenVPN and WireGuard protocols


Since the end of May of this year, many Runet users have complained about periodic abnormal malfunctions and restrictions on access to the popular OpenVPN VPN protocol. Apparently, then the problem affected primarily mobile operators, access to OpenVPN through which was impossible in principle, or it "fell off" soon after the connection was established. Since then, protocol locks have appeared and disappeared.
Representatives of Terona VPN reported that their customers also faced difficulties in using VPNs, especially from mobile devices. According to the developers, access interruptions are caused by a new wave of blocking by Roskomnadzor, in connection with which the service's specialists are already preparing to switch to more lock-resistant protocols in order to ensure a reliable connection for their users.

4 August, 2023
Memory Diagnostics: IT Solutions for Mental Health

High technology is becoming an integral part of healthcare, and no field of medicine can do without a computer. HSE scientists have developed a multilingual tablet application, the Rey Test, the first fully automated and valid tool for diagnosing auditory and verbal memory disorders.

The application was presented at the joint scientific seminar "Digital Technologies for Medical Applications", which was held within the framework of the strategic project "Digital Transformation: Technologies, Effects, Efficiency" of the Priority-2030 program.

The project was selected as part of a competitive selection of research projects by young HSE scientists (up to 35 years old) on digital transformation and digital technology development in 2022.

'Digital medicine is an extremely broad area of digital transformation,' said Igor Agamirzyan, Director of the HSE School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Academic Supervisor of the project, opening the event.

A method has been found for obtaining magnetic nanoparticles for the treatment of various forms of cancer

The project of MISIS University won the competition "Student Startup" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

MOSCOW, August 8. 2023. Scientists from the MISIS University of Science and Technology have proposed a new technology for producing nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia, a promising way to treat cancer. The new method will make it possible to create substances with specially selected properties for the treatment of different types of tumors, the press service of the university reported.

In magnetic hyperthermia treatment, nanoparticles are injected into the tumor tissue and heated to 43-45 degrees Celsius using an external alternating magnetic field. This leads to the destruction of cancer cells, while the surrounding healthy cells are not damaged. The properties of the most common agents for magnetic hyperthermia - nanoparticles based on magnetite or maghemite - practically do not change, and it is quite difficult to "tune" them to fight different types of tumors.

Scientists at MISIS University have proposed to produce nanomaterials with magnetic characteristics based on strontium hexaferrite with the addition of indium. The technology will make it possible to create agents with properties tailored to the individual conditions for the treatment of various forms of cancerous tumors.

"Indium doping made it possible to change the magnetic properties of strontium hexaferrite over a wide range and adapt them so that the material is heated in alternating fields used in the magnetic hyperthermia method and heated to temperatures sufficient for therapy. The method we use can be scaled up to tens of grams of the final product, while the most common methods currently yield the product only in milligrams," the press service quoted Polina Nikolenko, co-author of the study, a graduate of the Master's program at the Institute of New Materials at MISIS University, as saying.

The project for the production of agents for magnetic hyperthermia won the competition "Student Startup" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the category "New Materials and Chemical Technologies".

In the future, the team of scientists plans to work out the technology and obtain a larger number of samples with different degrees of doping. The end result will be a prototype of the technology that can be scaled for real-world use.

4 August, 2023
Scientists from Russia used a genomic editor to combat the increase in blood sugar

Russian scientists have adapted the "Nobel" genomic editor CRISPR/Cas9 to control the activity of the VDAC1 protein in cellular "power plants" - mitochondria.
This slowed down destructive processes similar to those that occur in the tissues of people with high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and diabetes. This was announced on Thursday by the press service of the Russian Science Foundation.


Nov 8, 2022
August 8, 2023. Chemists from Russia have created a machine learning system that is able to assess how effectively certain liquids absorb and bind carbon dioxide. The AI system will allow scientists to accelerate the development of CO2 sinks necessary for the mass removal of greenhouse gases from the Earth's atmosphere, the press service of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) reported.

3 August, 2023
For the fourth time, the Faculty of Computer Science will hold a summer school on machine learning in bioinformatics

From August 28 to 30, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science will host a summer school on machine learning in bioinformatics. Over the course of three days, participants will receive lectures and seminars from leading experts in the field from the Higher School of Economics, Skoltech, AIRI, Moscow State University, MIPT, Genotek, Sber Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

The volume of biological data is constantly growing, and machine learning (ML) helps scientists process this array. Such problems are solved by specialists in the field of computational biology and bioinformatics, of which there are more and more every year. The annual school of the Faculty of Computer Science gives participants the opportunity to explore these areas in greater depth. Among the main topics are applied bioinformatics, bioinformatics of DNA, RNA and proteins, elementary genomics, modern methods of data analysis, molecular biology, FEG prediction system.
This is a unique opportunity not only to get a new impetus in the development of professional skills before the start of the school year, but also to make new acquaintances.

Novosibirsk State University will create a laboratory of biotechnology in the field of genetics

The project will be implemented jointly with the largest food producer in Russia "Efko", which will allow you to quickly implement the results of research in the industry

NOVOSIBIRSK, August 4. Novosibirsk State University, together with the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Efko company, will create a biotechnological laboratory to unite the efforts of scientists in the field of genetic research. The corresponding agreement was signed as part of the Archipelago-2023 intensive in Novosibirsk, the press service of the university told TASS.

"As part of the Archipelago-2023 project and educational intensive, Novosibirsk State University, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the largest food producer in Russia Efko (trademarks Sloboda, Altero, vegetable meat and milk Hi! and others) signed a cooperation agreement and agreed to establish a joint biotechnology laboratory. The project will combine the efforts of leading Russian scientists in the field of genetic research and Efko, as an industrial partner, for the rapid implementation of joint results of scientific research in production," the press service said.

According to Vladislav Romantsev, Director for Strategic Development of EFKO, the main task of the laboratory will be the development of platforms for the creation of highly effective producer strains necessary for the production of ingredients for the food industry and agriculture, "The second important area is the development and application of genomic editing technologies for agricultural plants and the creation of platforms for genomic selection. In fact, this is the first step towards the creation of a large modern support center for the development of biotechnology in Russia," the press service quoted him as saying.

Scientists have created a sensor for continuous monitoring of cardiac activity in cardiac patients

NOVOSIBIRSK, August 5, 2023. Specialists from the Saratov State Technical University and the Institute for Problems of Precision Mechanics and Control of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed a heart monitor, which, due to its small size and autonomous operation, can be worn constantly to monitor the work of the heart. The device signals pathologies, allowing you to reduce the risk of heart attacks, said TASS in the press service of the Platform of the National Technology Initiative (NTI).

"The small size of the device, which allows you to wear it almost permanently, as well as the ability to function without connecting to a smartphone, make the development unique and unparalleled in the Russian market. Artificial intelligence in the device itself carries out predictive analysis, while retaining the possibility of conducting a retrospective analysis," the NTI Platform said.

The main part of the device in the form of a small container can be hung on a belt, and four sensors are mounted on the body. Unlike gel and rubber electrodes, Russian-designed sensors are made of titanium, a hypoallergenic material.

Young TSU Scientists Create Blood Vessels of Increased Reliability

Young scientists from the Laboratory of Superelastic Interfaces of Tomsk State University won a grant from the Foundation for the Promotion of Innovation for the implementation of a project to create artificial blood vessels. Along with increased elasticity and hyperelasticity, the new structures will have high strength, since they will be based on metal knitted meshes made of titanium nickelide. This will prevent the development of an aneurysm and other conditions that are dangerous for the patient.
It should be added that implants manufactured by TSU scientists from metal nickelide-titanium mesh have already been introduced into surgical practice. They have proven to be highly effective and highly biocompatible. Thus, a "soft" implant made of metal knitwear was used to restore the mobility of the patient's face during a radical operation to remove a malignant tumor. In the near future, hyperelastic and superelastic materials are planned to be introduced into the pediatric practice of pediatric reconstructive surgery. One of the main advantages of the materials created at TSU is that they can "grow" with the child.

For reference: The TSU Laboratory of Superelastic Biointerfaces was created with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation to solve complex scientific problems in the field of medical materials science. The main directions of the laboratory's work: fundamental and applied research, the development of advanced biocompatible materials for the replacement of soft and hard tissue defects arising from injuries, acquired diseases or congenital pathologies.

Implants made of metal knitwear have successfully taken root in laboratory animals

Scientists of Tomsk State University, with the support of a megagrant from the Government of the Russian Federation, have developed new materials for closing various defects of soft tissues - skin, muscles, blood vessel walls, tendons, ligaments, internal organs. Recently, scientists have successfully conducted in vivo preclinical trials involving laboratory animals. The implants were placed in rats. Regeneration processes began in two weeks. Such implants will help people close defects in congenital abnormalities and injuries.
"During the growth of animals and weight gain after 30 days, histological examination and electron microscopy showed that the rough microporous structure of the TiNi wire, as well as the biomechanical behavior of the two-layer metal knitwear, ensure optimal integration of the endoprosthesis in the tissues of the body, forming an elastic framework close to the natural one," says Ekaterina Marchenko, head of the TSU Laboratory of Superelastic Biointerfaces. - Two-layer metal knitwear made of titanium nickelide showed very good results. Clinical trials will soon begin at the Department of General Surgery of the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg. Recently, they were given biointerfaces, which will be implanted in patients with their voluntary consent.

The method of TSU scientists will make it possible to optimally combine implants and biological tissues
The main problem of reconstructive surgery, which uses modern materials to close tissue defects, is implant rejection.
It was possible to solve the problem through modeling. With its help, TSU scientists have developed a unique method that made it possible to assess the biomechanical similarity of materials that are different in structure, but similar in behavior. The new tool made it possible to classify materials and a number of biological tissues.

"Now we know exactly what parameters they have," says Ekaterina Marchenko, head of the TSU Laboratory of Superelastic Biointerfaces. - For example, we know for sure that a mesh with a thickness of 60 micrometers fits the muscles, and 45 micrometers fits the skin. This method has been tested on laboratory animals. Experiments have shown that our model works effectively. A new approach is already being introduced into practice by Tomsk surgeons.
The next stage, which will have to go through the unique development of TSU scientists, is to obtain a registration certificate for the mass implementation of the method.

1 August, 2023
Nanosensors have been created in Russia to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy

Nanosensors to control the concentration of doxorubicin, a common substance for chemotherapy of malignant tumors, were created by SSU scientists. According to them, the development will reduce the side effects of treatment by adjusting the dose of the drug, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body. The results are published in the journal Biosensors.
Sensors are quantum dots, the radiation of light which falls when interacting with the molecules of the drug.
The developed quantum dots, that is, semiconductor nanoparticles, have a special surface modification to bind the maximum volume of doxorubicin molecules, the university said.

"The intensity of the glow of quantum dots decreases with increasing concentration of doxorubicin, which makes it possible to monitor the level of the drug in the blood of patients during chemotherapy cycles in real time," said Svetlana Meshcheryakova, co-author of the work, a student at the Institute of Chemistry of SSU.

Equipment for such analysis, according to experts, is present in almost any medical laboratory in Russia.

In the future, the research team plans to expand the range of anticancer drugs, the concentration of which can be controlled using new nanosensors.

The research is carried out within the framework of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 21-73-10046. The direction is included in the strategic project of SSU "Chemistry and New Materials" of the "Priority-2030" program.

Head: Goryacheva Olga Alekseevna, Candidate of Sciences (PhD recognized in the Russian Federation) Deadline with the support of the Russian Science Foundation 07.2021 - 06.2024
The project is of a complex interdisciplinary nature and involves the use of nanotechnology, inorganic synthesis, physical and analytical chemistry, optics and biophotonics methods.
Publications 2021 1. Goryacheva O.A. Bioconjugation techniques for quantum dots and gold nanoparticles for immunochemical assay Proc. SPIE 12194, Computational Biophysics and Nanobiophotonics, Proc. SPIE 12194, Computational Biophysics and Nanobiophotonics, 1219419 (published year 2022)

2. Moshkov A.S., Meshcheryakova S.A., Strokin P.D., Drozd D.D., Goryacheva I.Yu., Goryacheva O.A. Hydrophilization parameters influencing the properties of shelled alloyed QDs Proc. SPIE 12194, Computational Biophysics and Nanobiophotonics, Proc. SPIE 12194, Computational Biophysics and Nanobiophotonics, 121941A (publication year - 2022)

4. Drozd D.D., Strokin P.D., Moshkov A.S., Goryacheva O.A., Goryacheva I.Yu. Quantum dots based on solid solutions as a luminescent label for analytical systems

5. Modification of quantum dots based on solid solutions by thiocompounds
6. - Scientists have created a "fur coat" for quantum dots RIA Novosti

The new digital platform will accelerate interaction with the regions on the national project "Housing and Urban Environment"

Thanks to the created platform, the task of modernizing and simplifying the process of obtaining subsidies for state programs by regions will be solved.

"The new platform will four times speed up the submission of documents by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for participation in a number of state programs within the framework of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment". Not only colleagues from the regions benefit from its use, who will save both time and money, but also the ministry itself by reducing the complexity of the task of analyzing and summarizing the documents and data provided. The introduction of the system will further optimize the processes of interdepartmental cooperation, thanks to the automated collection of information, its further structuring and evaluation," commented State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation Yuri Mutsenek.

The new service was created by the Project Directorate of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, which has been accompanying the formation of programs since 2022, based on the Smart City automated information system used by the department since 2021 to collect reports of the Smart City project, calculate the IQ of cities index and hold the Best Municipal Practice competition.

"The advantage of the new service is that there is no need to submit applications in paper form, since the verification of the entered data and the signing of the application is carried out directly in the system using an electronic digital signature. Previously, the regions were required to collect a package of documents and sign an application at three levels (municipality, regional ministry and the highest official of the subject). In addition, it is now much more convenient to submit an application: the platform has an intuitive user interface, and thanks to integration with other information systems, many data are filled in automatically, for example, individual characteristics of the object are pulled up from the conclusion of the State Expertise, "said Dina Safiullina, head of the Project Directorate of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

Basic billions. The government of the Russian Federation has allocated 12 billion rubles for the creation of 5G

The Russian government will allocate 12 billion rubles for the development of 5G networks in the country and the creation of base stations for mobile operators, of which 3.5 billion will be allocated by the government in 2023.

According to the government of the Russian Federation, work on the creation of Russian base stations to replace foreign ones, the supply of which was suspended after the start of a special military operation in Ukraine (SMO), is being carried out on behalf of the president as part of the roadmap "Modern and Promising Mobile Networks" until 2030.

On July 28, 2023, Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the allocation of 3.399 billion rubles as a subsidy to the limited liability company KNS GROUP (Yadro) to reimburse the costs of creating a subsystem of base stations of the GSM / LTE / NR (5G) standard for public communication networks, including using the Russian electronic component base.
According to him, by the end of 2023, the average level of technological readiness of developments should be 2.8-2.9, while level 9 means that the equipment is in mass production. Yadro will have to deliver the first domestic base stations to operators in 2025.

"In December 2022, forward contracts were signed with telecom operators for the supply of equipment. We are developing equipment for communication networks, in 2025 we plan the first deliveries of ready-made base stations," the representative of the Yadro press service emphasized.

Eldar Murtazin, a leading analyst at Mobile Research Group, recalled that, in addition to Yadro, Skoltech, Bulat (Rostelecom), Spektr (Rostec) and the Radio Research Institute are involved in the implementation of the roadmap for the creation of 5G base stations.
According to him, by 2025, Russian manufacturers are obliged to replace all foreign suppliers of base stations.

On October 16, 2014 at the office of the Russian Venture Company (RVC), an expert seminar “The Neuronet Roadmap” was held with the participation of Stephen Dunn, director of Starlab Neuroscience Research; Karen Casey, creator of the Global Mind Project; Randal A. Kuhne, CEO of the Science Foundation and the founder of NeuraLink Co. ..
[…]the world’s leading experts in the field of neuroscience and members of the Russian Neuronet group discussed neuroscience and neurotechnology – one of the most relevant areas of research.

The seminar participants said that applied solutions in this area are developing at an accelerated pace. With the help of implanted electrodes, the monkey can already control two independent moving targets. New neural interfaces are just around the corner: scientists turn neurons on and off using light signals and can read information from them and transmit signals to them, introducing neural dust into the brain – the smallest crystals, no larger than 5 microns. All these achievements promise breakthroughs in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, in the development of auditory and visual prostheses.
Neurotechnologies affect the sphere of entertainment, the education system, approaches to the management of industry and trade. But the most important result of a scientific and technological breakthrough in the field of neuroscience is the achievement of a new quality in communications. The modern Internet transmits information and even semantics, but is powerless in transmitting emotions and the unconscious. The Neuronet is the next generation of the Internet, which will use neural interfaces to create new types of communication between people and machines. By linking hundreds or, in the future, even billions of intelligences into a neurocomputer network, it will be possible to achieve a synergistic effect in their joint work, since the brain has the property of plasticity. Perhaps, in the era of the Neuronet, people will finally agree on solving the world’s problems, because an environment will appear that will help overcome the usual human distortions of thinking and perception. New opportunities will open up in teamwork and improving the effectiveness of educational programs.
And Pavel Luksha, Ph.D. in Economics, professor at the Skolkovo Business School, Director of Global Education Futures, one of the co-founders of the Russian Neuronet Group, is most confident in this.
He believes that in the modern world, many problems arise due to the fact that people cannot agree with each other on the joint use of certain resources. The Neuronet – through the organization of a kind of “collective mind” – will help to solve these problems.

The roadmap for the development of the Neuronet for the period from 2014 to 2040 is shown

The main stages of the development of the Neuronet, Source: Pavel Luksha. Presentation “Roadmap for the development of the Neuronet”, 2014

left: BiometriNet (pre-Neuronet) (2014-2024), center: The onset of the Neuronet (2025-2035), right: Full-Fledged Neuronet (2035+)

the timeline at the bottom: 2014, 2020, 2030, 2040.

Article finish with:
“When Biometrinet becomes commonplace, the “Neuronet Offensive” will begin (2025-2035), during which communication protocols based on digital models of mental processes will be developed and approaches to organizing a “collective consciousness” capable of “brainstorming” and solving tasks that require the concerted efforts of many people will be found.”

Review of the roadmap of Neuronet from the PDF on National Technology Initiative.
“The Neuronet Roadmap was approved by Protocol No. 1 of 02/28/2022 by absentee voting of the members of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.”

- BiometriNet (pre-Neuronet) (2014-2024) -

"Russia’s Ministry of Health wants to make Sputnik V mandatory for half the adult population in the event of another COVID “outbreak”
– 28.07.2023, Edward - the controlled opossition ;)

"One of the biggest clot-shot profiteers in Russia: Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy, Labor, Health and Pension Provision. Through her husband’s (former deputy prime minister Viktor Khristenko’s) various investments and dealings, Golikova enjoys fruitful financial ties to several of the Russian pharma firms listed above. (She’s been running pharma scams since Swine Flu. Simpler times.)"

So much for Edward. – The plandemia was about money.

Nothing more...
Minister of Industry and Energy Of the Russian Federation V.B. Khristenko

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2007 “On approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the period up to 2025”

“Forecasts of electronics development for the post-silicon period (after 2020) suggest the widespread introduction of nanotechnology achievements in industry.
The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of its penetration into the daily life of the population. There must be a constant connection of each individual with global information and control networks such as the Internet.
NANOELECTRONICS WILL INTEGRATE WITH BIOLOGICAL OBJECTS and provide continuous control over the maintenance of their vital functions, improving the quality of life, and thus reduce the social costs of the state.
Embedded wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant human contact with the intellectual environment surrounding him will become widespread, and means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with objects surrounding him, vehicles and other people will become widespread. The circulation of such products will exceed billions of pieces per year due to its widespread distribution.

[…] in the period 2016-2025 we should expect another strengthening of the role of electronics in the life of society and be economically ready for a new round of global competition of countries based on nanoelectronic technology.

4. Main program activities …[At the end of Point 4.:]

At the third stage (2016-2025) The strategy is supposed to be implemented within the framework of a new federal target program, which will be developed taking into account the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of electronic component base and radio electronics” and provide for:
– widespread introduction of the achievements of domestic nanotechnology, bioelectronics and microsystem technology in everyday human life in the fields of healthcare, education, housing and communal services, transport and communications.

6. Conclusion
Taking into account the high potential level of domestic science in the field of electronics by 2025, we can expect a significant development of international scientific and technical cooperation and a breakthrough in the field of new technologies, including nanotechnology, bioelectronics, optoelectronics, quantum computers, etc.
On January 29, 2020, Golikova headed the operational headquarters for the prevention of the “import and spread” of “covid19” in the Russia. (“Evil corona! Inject yourself!”)

(October 21, 2022) Golikova will oversee the “direction for the accelerated development of genetic technologies.” [which] is immersed in a specialized federal scientific and technical program approved in April 2019 […] in March 2022, Putin instructed to extend it until 2030.[…]The program involves the creation of genomic research centers, the development of genetic editing technologies…

“Since May 29, 2020, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Tatyana Golikova has been appointed a member of the Supervisory Board of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” for a period of five years.”


Dec 1, 2019
Observe yourself: if you feel your heart got to one it is a signal for hidden Russian parts in MK ULTRA There are centers for that: Stromynka 7 I was there Russian culture have been created by Hivites after they destroyed Atlantis Aryan culture


Nov 8, 2022
Since it is a Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences, this news of the discovery must necessarily reach the ears of Professor Klimenko. Then he will probably change his mind.
Parlamentskaya Gazeta (The Parliamentary Newspaper) is the official weekly publication of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Published since 1997. The founders of the newspaper are the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. The publication is the official publisher of federal laws, resolutions, acts and other documents of the Federal Assembly
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Global warming can be stopped by reducing the population

It is possible to stop global warming if population growth slows down within 25-50 years, says Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, leading expert of the NUST MISIS Competence Center Alexander Klimenko.

The expert recalled that at the conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention, The Glasgow Climate Pact was adopted, which is designed to keep the increase in global average temperature well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels from 1850 to 1900, as well as the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees. According to Klimenko, the pact will not be able to achieve these goals.

The academician noted that the Warsaw Declaration of 2013 "on the fastest possible" reduction of CO2 emissions was not so successful. The gap between the achieved decarbonization index (the process of removing carbon from an alloy or other material) and the necessary increases annually, so such a program in the Glasgow package will not be completed within the specified period, the specialist stressed in an interview with the Gazeta.Ru.

Another important factor in slowing down the process of global warming is the reduction of methane emissions. However, according to the expert, it will also not be effective, since the poorest countries, where the population is growing rapidly, will negate the efforts of the world community to limit emissions.

In addition, the Glasgow Pact talks about stopping the loss of forests by 2030 and restoring them. At the same time, young trees cannot absorb carbon in the same amount as adult trees.

"The world community has no real opportunities to limit the temperature rise within 2 degrees and even more so 1.5 degrees. These opportunities will not become available if the growth of the world's population is not suspended during the life of the current or next generation," the academician summed up.

Earlier, Yulia Zyulyaeva, a researcher at the Laboratory of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate Change Monitoring at the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that due to global warming, the climate in the middle part of Russia will become more and more extreme, as the Parliamentary Newspaper wrote. In summer, temperature indicators will more often be at abnormally high values, and in winter — at zero. An increase in tornadoes is possible.

It will probably no longer be necessary for the official state portal to inform us of the urgent need for population reduction.

Also, probably Tatyana Zavyalova, and the entire long-term ESG program of Sberbank, will end in the near future. Lets remember part of what she said at the end of last year.
Sberbank: Green fintech in Russia needs domestic solutions and the formation of its own carbon market
November 14, 2022

Green fintech is part of the "big fintech" and is developing rapidly: according to experts, last year the volume of investments in the world reached 210 billion dollars. With such a high global pace of development, green fintech in Russia lacks domestic solutions, which in turn are still due to insufficient market demand. This was stated by Tatiana Zavyalova, Senior Vice President for ESG of Sberbank, at the section "Digitalization and the climate agenda" of the FINOPOLIS forum. During the discussion, big data for assessing climate risks, digital solutions in the sustainable financing market and prospects for the development of green fintech in new realities were discussed.

As Tatiana Zavyalova noted, ESG parameters are gradually becoming an integral part of scoring and credit models and are beginning to directly affect the provision of financing. However, in the future, another scenario is also possible, when green fintech will focus exclusively on applied tasks, such as reducing energy costs, switching to renewable energy sources and responsible consumption.

According to the speaker, the request for ESG today comes not only from business, but also from its customers: so, in the Savings Bank, the number of ESG-oriented customers has doubled and reached almost 15 million people. According to Tatiana Zavyalova, the Savings Bank plans to offer ESG customers special products with an ESG component, for example, a green mortgage. The bank has already developed a carbon calculator that calculates a user's personal carbon footprint based on their transportation expenses. In the future, with the help of a calculator, each person will be able to independently calculate the amount of carbon that he produces due to daily activities. And the next logical step for Sber is solutions that will help customers compensate for their personal carbon footprint.

As for corporate clients, as Tatiana Zavyalova noted, stable credit products are already built into the standard credit process of the bank, green marking takes place within the framework of automated banking systems. ...
The Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies FINOPOLIS is held by the Bank of Russia in partnership with the leaders of the IT and financial market and has become the country's largest platform for discussing and analyzing trends and opportunities for the use of modern digital technologies in the financial sector. The mission of FINOPOLIS is to promote the introduction of innovative technologies in the financial sector of the Russian Federation. "

It will no longer be necessary, in the future, to apply calculation and reduce the personal carbon footprint humans leave on the climate. I guess.
Here's what else happened on the so intriguing finopolis 2022.

The head of the Kurchatov Institute expects an increase in mortality from covid to 90%

According to Mikhail Kovalchuk, 9 out of 10 patients will die from the new version of the coronavirus

MOSCOW, November 11. The coronavirus variant with a mortality rate of 90% may become a new threat that humanity will face in the future. This opinion was expressed on Friday at the forum of innovative financial technologies Finopolis 2022 by the president of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” Mikhail Kovalchuk.

“The atomic era has passed, and the atomic umbrella that saves us today is decaying. Because they will kill you and me in another way. A covid with a mortality rate of 90% will come, where 9 out of 10 cases will die, and that will be the end of it. <…> Bio-hazard has become the main one,” Kovalchuk said.

He called cyber threats the second significant challenge. However, unlike biological ones, it is possible to cope with them by turning off the “switch”, the scientist believes.

“But you can’t do anything about bio-hazard. The Americans have surrounded us in all the republics with biological laboratories. They can first make endemic viruses that destroy livestock, undermine agriculture. Here, the African swine fever is man-made, I can tell you in detail. Therefore, we must understand that today [there are] new challenges,” he also explained.

"To name a few," as many journalists like to use this cliche, of the things that will no longer be necessary to reduce/neutralize human influence on the climate, which now, as Glaziev and the council say, is not a factor. I love it and look forward to the development.
"16.05.2023, Parlamentskaya Gazeta (The Parliamentary Newspaper)
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Global warming can be stopped by reducing the population

It is possible to stop global warming if population growth slows down within 25-50 years, says Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, leading expert of the NUST MISIS Competence Center Alexander Klimenko."

Official (VK) website of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives

"yesterday [12.08.2023] at 14:30
In Moscow, in the "Boiling Point-Commune" space of NUST MISIS, the projects of popular science films "Laboratories of Scientific Cinema 2.0" were pitched. 26 novice and experienced Russian directors took part.
The project is being implemented with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

The projects were developed jointly with scientists from Skoltech and the Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University. One of them was together with a Ural scientist from the Institute of Animal and Plant Ecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
All film scripts are united by a single theme: ecology and reasonable consumption.

The experts of the Laboratory have selected 10 projects, they will receive grants for shooting short films. The works will be collected in the film almanac, which will premiere in Moscow in February next year. Also in the spring of 2024, residents of the regions will see it.

"The laboratory is, first of all, a creative environment, networking and high expertise," says Yulia Kiseleva, co-founder and artistic director of the project. - This is the popularization of both science and popular science cinema, which, we hope, will be more and more every year. It is important for us that the films, firstly, pass the examination of scientists, and secondly, be made at a high artistic level."

"Laboratories of Scientific Cinema 2.0"

"Together with Skoltech and the Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Laboratory participants will write 23 scripts and make 10 short films about scientists and research that change our environment, minimize harmful effects on it and make the world more harmonious and cleaner. The films will be released on cinema screens in 2024 as part of the film almanac.

The theme of the Laboratory is ecology and reasonable consumption."

VK, Laboratory of Scientific Cinema 2.0
yesterday at 14:15
"Pitching Science Film Lab 2.0 Unrealistically cool topics. If I were the jury, I would not have been able to choose 10 out of 19 projects... It is very difficult. Important, necessary, about us, about people, ecology, scientific discoveries. But I'm not in the place of the jury, I'm just in the place of the director defending his project. Very strong pumping of the skill of the presentation of the project."
Laboratories of Scientific Cinema 2.0 Telegram channel, Aug 9 at 12:32
We publish the schedule of speeches / project annotations / names of directors / stills of presentations and the full release!

Of course, all the information doesn't fit in this post, so we made a separate page:


"Science creates the future.
And we will make a movie about it!"

12:00 Gathering of guests and participants
12:30 presentation of Laboratory 2.0

12:40 Oleksiy Pavlenko "Go to the Light"

According to the World Meteorological Organization, July 2023 was the hottest month in 120 thousand years. One of the solutions to the problem of global warming is to reduce energy consumption. Will humanity bypass this threat and what can help it?

12:50 Polina Svezhentseva "Fundamental History"

A student of the scientific film laboratory reveals the topic of biodegradable polymers for soil. In the course of the dive, the ecological catastrophe hanging over humanity - desertification - is revealed. An artistic essay with an abundance of large-scale landscapes.

13:00 Darina Bolgova "How to make a fundamental discovery"

A group of scientists is struggling with the unknown in order to achieve a joint breakthrough and make a fundamental discovery. The plot of the film is based on the journey of research on the synthesis of a new material for the creation of bioimplants through the laboratories and minds of scientists from different institutions and countries.

13:10 Alexey Yakovlev and Inna Slukina: "Time is back. Climate Diary"

Ural scientists create a climate history of several thousand years, using data hidden in tree rings. In the unique patterns of tree rings, it is possible to find answers to topical scientific questions of our time. In particular, to confirm that we are now living in conditions of Global Warming.

13:20 Konstantin Zemlyansky "Carondura Project"

A group of young graduate students gets their first professional task - to develop a way to combat carrot sclerotiniasis. By developing a vaccine, scientists are trying to find a way to learn how to identify and defeat the disease in its early stages.

13:30 Lilia Dmytryk "Smell of the future"

The electronic nose is a multifunctional technology of the future that will help humanity in preserving its own health and the environment. But today it is still a very young development and is too dependent on a person. Scientists are working to release the electronic nose from the walls of the laboratory into the real world. So what prevents the electronic nose from becoming a part of our lives?

13:40 Daria Artyushkova "Let there be LED"

In the green thicket, under a layer of moss, white LED bulbs make their way out of the ground ... on the one hand, this is a hint at their ubiquity, on the other hand, the question: how do LED technologies relate to nature?

13:50 Artur Sukhonin "Superfly"

In the future, where there is an ecological crisis and famine, a group of biologists is trying to bring out a new source of food - a modified fly, but is faced with public rejection - a superstitious fear of genetic engineering.

14:00 Ksenia Kazazayeva "Phoenix"

At Skoltech, a revolutionary battery is born that can turn all the light around us into energy. But there is a paradox: the Sun not only gives life to the invention, but also kills it. Will scientists be able to launch the time of new energy?

14:10 Nelya Mursalimova "The Invisible Side"

Scientists from the Laboratory of Dosimetry and Radioactivity of Moscow State University are looking for difficult-to-detect radionuclides in abiotic environmental objects of the Far East. Scientists from a parallel universe are watching them through the "window". Observing, they learn about the difficult history of our world: about wars, atomic tests, terrible accidents and radiophobia and try to answer the question - why in our world society trusts science so little!

14:20 Alexandra Shishova "The city is falling asleep..."

200 thousand tons of rice husks are accumulated annually in production. A chemist is trying to come up with a way to recycle waste that does not rot, does not burn and harms the environment. But the search for an answer suddenly turns into a real nightmare.

14:30 – 15:00 BREAK

15:10 Olga Domovtseva "Hogweed situation" [comedy]

Scientists of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University proposed to use hogweed as a battery. But the scientific community considered it a joke, and the Anti-Hogweed movement generally perceived it as sabotage...


Nov 8, 2022
SCIENCE FILM LABORATORY 2.0 PROJECTS film program (continuation)
15:20 Svetlana Osipova "The Energy of Potato Peels"

A popular science road movie about the creation and use by Skoltech scientists of an automated container with increased efficiency in processing organic waste into biogas and obtaining a "new generation" fertilizer.

15:30 Nastasya Simbirtseva "Operation "Isotope separation" and other adventures of radiochemists"

If nuclear fuel can be used 10 times in a row, it will immediately solve the problem of carbon dioxide emissions, which means global warming. But is humanity ready for such an active use of nuclear energy? As a person born one kilometer from a nuclear power plant, I know that one of the main obstacles is radiophobia.

15:40 Denis Tarasov "The Flower of Hercules"

Hogweed, which lived a peaceful life in subalpine meadows, was taken away by people who did not know about its danger. The mountains were his prison, and, having escaped to freedom, he began to win back their land from people ...

15:50 Yulia Shamporova "Hunger. In Search of Salvation"

Humanity has faced famine throughout its history. And if scientists cannot stop the political and economic factors of hunger, then there seems to be a solution to stop its biological factor - drought.

16:00 Olesya Korepanova "Difficult life "nya"

In Taimyr there is a vanishing people - the Nganasans. According to the latest data, there are only 693 of them left on the entire planet. Today, the life of this northern people directly depends on the environment. And after the 20,000 tons of diesel fuel spilled in Taimyr in 2020, it became more difficult for the Nganasans to get their own food. Scientists from Moscow State University, with the help of their invention, are trying to get rid of oil in soils in order to improve the ecological situation of Taimyr.

16:10 Denis Danilov "H2E SEE H2A H2EFT"

Our civilization is designed in such a way that in order to live well, you need to consume more oil. But is there a real alternative to "dirty" energy? A group of Skoltech scientists has developed an innovative way to produce hydrogen that does not pollute the atmosphere, does not lead to the greenhouse effect and can become a green alternative to gasoline.

16:20 Anna Ovsyanik "Battle for the future: 10 nanometers vs 10 tons"

Each of us leaves behind about 10 tons of garbage annually. The situation is critical, we need a superhero. Carbon nanotruka is incredibly thin, only 10 nanometers, but incredibly strong. Will it be able to make materials more durable and thereby reduce the amount of waste we produce? This question will be answered by a group of Skoltech scientists led by Sergey Abaimov, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics.

The project is being implemented with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives

The project is implemented within the framework of the initiative "Infrastructure for the Popularization of Science, Content Creation" within the framework of the Decade of Science and Technology

Brain Film dot Ru

Yulia Kiseleva, co-founder and artistic director of the project.

The same Yulia, the same site.


12+ 61 min. Production: Risk-Film Studio, directed by Yulia Kiseleva

Five stories of people with implants in their heads.

2023 — honorable mention of the festival "Germany International Film Festival" (Germany)

2023 — XXVIII International Film Festival "Cinema for Children", competition program

2022 — first place in the award "For Fidelity to Science" in the nomination "Science Director of the Year" – Yulia Kiseleva for the film "The Chip Inside Me" (Russia)

2022 — finalist of the National Laurel Branch Award in the field of non-fiction film and television in the nomination "Best Popular Science, Educational Film" (Russia)

2022 — Audience Award at the FANK Festival (Russia)

2022 — Grand Prix of the Russian program of the World of Knowledge Film Festival (Russia)

2022 — nomination for the Jean Luc Godard Award (India, Calcutta)

2022official selection "Raw Science Film Festival" (USA)

2022 – official selection "Blue Star International Film Festival" (Brazil)

2022 — official selection "Man and Nature" (Russia)

2022 — Outstanding Achievement Award in the Documentary Category at the Cult Critic Movie Awards (India)

2022 – Outstanding Achievement Award in the Documentary Film Category at the Tagore International Film Festival (India)

2022 — finalist of the Stockholm City Film Festival (Sweden)

2022 — Prize of the White Unicorn International Film Festival in the category "Documentary Films", (India)

2022 — opening film of the FUTURE.DOC festival (Russia)

2022 — opening film of the festival "Form of Life" (Russia)

2022 — Gagarin Closing Film of the Festival. Doc (Russia)

Against the backdrop of the growing popularity of the topic of "chipping" and people's fears of becoming controlled by artificial intelligence, the filmmakers find five dramatic stories where the "chip in the head" is a vital necessity. In medicine, this is called an "implant", it is used to restore hearing for the deaf, remove tremor in patients with parkinsonism, stop epileptic seizures and treat dystonia.

"May 24, 19:00, Far Eastern University
Yana - cyborg
Stand-Up Show!"

What the scientific discoveries of recent decades lead to, whether it is possible to control people with the help of such technologies and what neuroethical questions arise in connection with their use - world-class neurophysiologists discuss these topics in the film: Alexander Kaplan (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), Mikhail Lebedev (Skoltech, Russia), Jonathan Wolpaw (National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies, USA) and others.

One of the main heroes on the film and neurosurgeon Artur Biktimirov.

Among other things, the film solves the important problem of destigmatizing cyborg people and ridding society of technophobia.

- One simple operation - the installation of a cochlear implant - can radically change the life of a child born deaf: he acquires hearing and the ability to develop like ordinary children. The problem is that many parents are afraid to implant a foreign body into the child's head and deprive him of this opportunity, "says one of the heroines.

The film's director, Yulia Kiseleva, plans that the premieres of the film will be held in Moscow and Vladivostok:

- The film was shot in Moscow, Vladivostok and on Russky Island. The Far Eastern University helped us a lot. We filmed at the FEFU medical center and on the university campus. For example, we organized a stand-up in a university café: our heroine, Yana Linkevich, at that time a FEFU student, went out to the public to talk about her "cyborgism". Yana has a neurostimulator in her brain and a baclofen pump in her stomach. I thought it would be more interesting to frame this story as a speech, and not just in the form of a banal interview. Yana wrote the text, we called the students, and it turned out to be a very lively and emotional episode.

"Chip Inside Me" is produced with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

"Chip Inside Me"

The film is also supported by:

International Scientific Conference "BCI: Science & Practice"

Festival of Actual Scientific Cinema "FANK".

Far Eastern Federal University.

Brain Film TEAM

She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural Federal University and the Directing Department of VGIK. She studied screenwriting at Robert McKee's seminars.

Laureate of the Award "For Fidelity to Science", laureate and three times finalist of the "Laurel Branch" award in the field of non-fiction film and television. Finalist of the awards "TEFI-region", "Knowledge", "Headliner". Twice nominee of the European Academy of Science Film. Auteur films have repeatedly taken part in 85 Russian and foreign film festivals, many of them have been awarded (more than 60 prizes and diplomas).

Member of the Union of Cinematographers and the Guild of Non-Fiction Films and TV.

Personal site:
"Flashes of Light"

2022, 40 min.
There are 40 million blind people in the world. Scientists and physicians are developing technologies that restore vision. Two heroes of the film were able to see with the help of a chip in the retina of the eye. Scientists have gone further: before our eyes, the Elvis implant for the visual cortex of the brain is being tested. Dramatic stories in the film alternate with scientific conversations about the structure and meaning of vision.

• 2023 – 1) Best Short Film and 2) Winner of the Festival according to the results of the audience voting of the Master Doc Film Festival (USA)

• 2023 — Best Documentary Film of the Kstokino Festival (Russia, Kstovo)

• 2023 — Audience Award, Golden Raven Medallion for Best Film of the Short Film Competition of the Golden Raven Film Festival (Anadyr, Russia)

• 2023 — Special Jury Diploma "For the Preservation of Traditions and the Promotion of Popular Science Cinema" of the Golden Raven Film Festival (Anadyr, Russia)

The film is a participant of film festivals:

MasterDoc Film festival (2023, Los Angeles, USA)
Diorama International Film Festival (2022, India, New Delhi)
International Human Rights Film Festival "Stalker" (2022, Russia, Moscow)
International Popular Science Film Festival Future.doc (2023, Russia, Perm)
International Film Festival "8 Women" (2023, Russia, Moscow)
VII International Festival of Cinema, Science and Contemporary Art "Gagarin.doc" (2023, Russia, Saratov)
International Competition of the VII Arctic Film Festival "Golden Raven" (2023, Russia, Anadyr)
Festival "Malaya Zemlya" (2023, Russia, Novorossiysk)
13th "Pune Short Film Festival" (2023, India)

"Robot, do I love you?"

2021, 56 / 60 min.
Children assemble a puzzle under the guidance of a robot, one of the heroes has been living with a synthetic woman for 20 years, the second assures that he himself is a cyborg... Pushing aside the usual story about technology for such popular science films, the film brings to the fore the topic of relations and interaction between people and robots. Among the heroes-scientists are not only roboticists, but also psychologists.
Why do anthropomorphic robots cause fear? Can we live with them as full partners? And where is the boundary between a robot and a human?

The film starred famous scientists: neurophysiologist, professor Mikhail Lebedev (Russia (HSE, Skoltech) - USA (Duke University)), cognitive psychologist, doctor of psychology Maria Falikman (HSE), psychologist, family psychotherapist Maria Travkova, linguist Artemy Kotov (Russian State University for the Humanities, Kurchatov Institute) and others.

• 2021 — winner of the National Laurel Branch Award in the field of non-fiction film and television in the nomination "Best Popular Science, Educational Film" (Russia)
• 2021 — nominated for the European Academy of Science Film (EURA SF Award 2020/21)
• 2021 — finalist of the Knowledge Award (Russia), the film trilogy "Brain. Evolution", "Brain. Second Universe", "Robot, I love you?"
• 2021 — "Best Film of the Russian Program", Jury Prize of Science Popularizers, World of Knowledge Festival (Russia)
• 2021 — Best Feature Film at the Master Doc Film Festival (USA)
• 2021 — Jury Diploma "For an Amazing Journey into the World of Modern Science", Salt of the Earth Film Festival (Russia)
• 2021 — Diploma of the Leonid Gaidai Center for the Development of Cinematography of the Man and Nature Film Festival (Russia)
• 2021 — closing film of the festival Future.Doc (Russia)
• 2021 — Sputnik over Poland Film Festival (Poland)
• 2021 — Slavic Fairy Tale Film Festival (Bulgaria)
• 2021 — Smart Cinema Film Festival (Russia)
• 2021 — Footcandle Film Festival (USA)
• 2021 — Technosreda Festival (Russia)
• 2021 — festival "Form of Life" (Russia)
• 2021 — FANK festival in Moscow (Russia)
• 2021 — Days of Scientific Cinema (Russia)
• 2021 — International Film Festival Manhattan (USA)
• 2020 — Miami Independent Film Festival (USA)

"Brain. Evolution"

2019, 86 min.

"Brain. Evolution" is a continuation of the film "Brain. The Second Universe". The film starred famous scientists: neurophysiologist Mikhail Lebedev, neuroscientists Alexander Kaplan and Vasily Klyucharev, cognitive psychologist Maria Falikman, neuropharmacologist Raul Gainetdinov, philosopher Danil Razeev and others.

The authors not only conducted a dozen experiments for the film and plunged into the world of the latest technologies, but also raised philosophical questions. Scientists argue and ponder. Will we ever be able to understand how the brain works, defeat Parkinson's disease, and enable paralyzed people to interact with the outside world? How does knowledge about the brain change life and our ideas about the world, about freedom, about ourselves? And where does evolution lead us?

• 2020 — bronze prize at the China Dragon Awards (Conference of Science & Education Producers)
• 2020 — Best Scientific Documentary of the Master Doc Film Festival (USA), the film "Brain. Evolution"
• 2020 — finalist of the Headliner Award in the Science and Education category, the films Brain. The Second Universe", "Brain. Evolution"
• 2019 — nominated for the European Academy of Science Film (EURA SF Award 2019/20), the film "Brain. Evolution"
• 2019 — long list of the "Laurel Branch in the Field of Non-Fiction Film and Television" award, the film "Brain. Evolution"
• 2019 — long list of the Golden Eagle 2020 National Film Award, the film "Brain. Evolution"
• 2019 — diploma "for a successful attempt to explain the inexplicable" of the film festival "Zero Plus"
• 2019 — Opening film of the Barents Ecology Film Festival
• 2019 — opening film of the documentary program of the festival "Premonition"
• 2019 — nominee for the Laurel Branch in Non-Fiction Film and Television Award (long list)

"Brain. The Second Universe"

2017, 85 min.

What is the human brain? An organ of the central nervous system, a supercomputer or a host that controls a person's life? The authors began to make a film about modern brain research in search of an answer to the questions: can I control my behavior, my physiology, my consciousness, or am I completely dependent on a neural network? The film's heroes — scientists and people who come to their attention — give different answers, unraveling the complex mechanisms of how our brains function.

• 2018 — Audience Award for "Best Documentary" of the 10th All-Russian Film Festival "A Man Who Knows the World"
• 2018 – special prize of the V International Festival of Children's and Family Cinema "Zero Plus" – "for the fascinating presentation of popular science material"
• 2018 — Audience Award at the I International Film Festival "Premonition"
• 2018 — Special Prize, winner of the "Young Journalists' Choice" category at the Barents Ecology Film Festival
• 2018 — long list of the National Film Award "Nika"
• 2018 — long list of the National Award in the field of non-fiction film and television "Laurel Branch"
• 2018 — Russian MIFF program
• 2018 — Golden Knight competition program
• 2018 — competition program of the North Caucasus Open Film and Television Festival "Kunaki"
• 2018 — out-of-competition program of the festival "KrymDoc"
• 2017 – diploma of the participant of the 24th regional conference "INPUT"
• 2017 – opening film of the World of Knowledge Film Festival
• 2017 – special screening at the VII 360º Science and Technology Film Festival

The best climate change propaganda from the award-winning chip propagandist.

with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives



Nov 8, 2022
Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI)
Russia has developed a neuroservice to enhance human intelligence

20 February 2020

The Laboratory of Knowledge, a participant in the NeuroNet NTI market, launches the Neuro Angel neurotechnological service into commercial operation. It increases productivity and enhances human intellectual activity. The company's team of specialists has been developing a neurotechnological service since 2016. 25 million rubles were invested in the research and development of the solution.

Neuro Angel is a complex consisting of a neural interface that captures brain signals, and software that assesses the psycho-emotional state of a person and gives recommendations for its correction. Neuroservice helps to find your productive state for each type of activity and quickly enter it. The technology also allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of training, assessing the involvement and level of concentration of students during the lecture. In addition, with the help of Neuro Angel, you can analyze the meta-competencies of employees, evaluate the effectiveness of the team and each of its members.

"Over the past year, we have collected feedback from potential and actual customers about the technology and its application options. This made it possible to finalize the solution, and we are ready to put it into commercial operation. The neurotechnological service aroused the greatest interest among the HR community and higher educational institutions," said Alexander Makarov, General Director of the Knowledge Laboratory.

In 2019, the Knowledge Laboratory launched pre-sales of the technology, implementing projects worth 120 million rubles. The university plans to use the technology to improve the quality of offline and online teaching, as well as to create and implement individual educational trajectories.

The technology was also presented at the BarCamp-2019 conference in St. Petersburg and the Winter Island intensive in Sochi. In addition, in September, the Knowledge Laboratory won the Russian stage of the international competition of high-tech startups IPIEC Global. In December, the company's representatives worked for two weeks in different cities of China, where they presented their technology to local investors. As a result, the parties entered into 15 agreements with industrial parks and companies on the implementation and distribution of Neuro Angel.

Neuro Angel
Better me in a better team
Neurotechnological platform for increasing productivity of intellectual activity of people and teams.
Depending on the type of activity Neuro Angel helps to determine personal psycho-emotional state and helps to optimize the transfer of a person to a productive state.

Neuro Angel consists of:

A device reading brain signals

A patented technology determining a person's psycho-emotional state based on brain signals' interpretation, technology of artificial and machine learning

The app offers you personalized recommendations to improve productivity using the selection of the optimal teamwork, making the optimal task schedule in the calendar, based on your goals for the year, competencies and self-regulation skill development

How does the Solution work?
It is easy to start using the platform!

1. A user puts on the neurointerface
2. The device measures brain signals, the platform determines the current state in real-time mode
3. The virtual assistant records your productivity state and signals what exercises should be done to return to your productive state in case of deviation from your norm
4. The user develops his self-regulation skills following the recommendations and transfers himself into a productive state during intellectual activity

What states can the solution measure?

balance flow focus stress energy cognitive load

quickly focus on the task and perform them efficiently in a comfortable environment;
get rid of stress;
develop cognitive abilities;
memorize information faster;

adapt educational content to students' individual learning styles;
achieve team goals faster with more effective communication.

What industries can Neuro Angel be appied in?
The scope of the Solution affects the areas of business and education, where the work of personnel with a high mental load or a high degree of independent decision-making is used. The platform adapts brilliantly to the requirements of companies in any industry that is attentive to the protection and development of the company's human capital.

Measuring the psycho-emotional state of students to adjust the educational content taking into account the individual characteristics of the group of students and increase the students' involvement.

The dynamics of the psycho-emotional state of each participant is analyzed during the game or other team interaction. Neuro Angel allows you to calculate parameters of the ideal athlete, calculate weak skills, prevent burnout and develop self-regulation in a state of stress.

The candidates' selection process is accelerated by 25%.
Already at the first interview, you can identify the real competence of the candidate and offer him the optimal vacancy. Neuro Angel also allows you to strengthen the cognitive abilities of the team in the development of a single solution and reduce the outflow of employees due to psycho-emotional overload.

By following the recommendations of the virtual assistant, you will learn to quickly cope focus on tasks, strengthen your meta-competencies and learn to be able to flow. By studying the state during the day and knowing your goals, Neuro Angel will help you to build an optimal plan of tasks for the day, week or year.

Our partners
Join our partner network – become part of a unique community of professionals creating a new model of personnel management and personal efficiency using the advanced developments in psychophysiology, Neurotechnology, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

[among the partners]
ASI, Rusneuro (Russian Neuronet group), National Technology Initiative (NTI),, Moscow State University, Skolkovo Moscow school of management, University 2035


Nov 8, 2022
Our partners
ASI, Rusneuro (Russian Neuronet group), National Technology Initiative (NTI),, Moscow State University, Skolkovo Moscow school of management, University 2035

Russia's first global digital university

High-quality and timely development of each person in the face of constant change

What roles does the University 2035 play and what tasks does it set for itself?


The digital platform of the University 2035 makes it possible to unite ecosystem participants and optimize their interaction through the introduction of AI technologies in education and the creation of new products.


Ensures the transformation of the existing education system in the context of the transition to digital tools, individualization of educational trajectories, continuity and seamlessness.

Conducts advanced research in the science of human data in development: creates and tests a new model of human development, standards of digital footprint and digital competencies, analytical tools.

It builds up the competencies of the population in high-tech sectors of the economy through the organization of an educational network that includes people, corporations, universities, ecosystem programs and platforms.

It brings Russian education to the global market in order to increase its attractiveness and competitiveness in the international market of educational services.

The goal of the University is to achieve the country's technological leadership through effective and conscious professional education throughout life.

Since 2019, University 2035 has been the operator of national projects aimed at training personnel for the digital economy and achieving technological and personnel sovereignty of Russia. In this capacity, University 2035 is engaged in the expert selection of the best organizations and programs in the market of additional education, accepts applications for training and monitors its results.


The Agency for Strategic Initiatives is an "agent of change" that works together with leaders on large-scale initiatives and unites the efforts of society, business and the state.


Peskov Dmitry Nikolaevich
Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Digital and Technological Development, Director General of the National Technology Initiative Platform, Director of the Young Professionals Department of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects

The SKOLKOVO School of Management was established in 2006 by Russian entrepreneurs, founders of large companies, philanthropists representing the main sectors of the Russian economy.
Skolkovo's research agenda focuses on global practices resulting in applied knowledge which has relevance and impact in the field. SKOLKOVO has 8 centres of expertise conducting research in different areas:

  • SKOLKOVO Institute for Emerging Market Studies
  • SKOLKOVO Executive Coaching, Career and Development Centre
  • SKOLKOVO Energy Centre
  • SKOLKOVO Education Development Centre
  • SKOLKOVO Wealth Transformation Centre
  • SKOLKOVO Healthcare Development Centre
  • SKOLKOVO Centre for Digital Transformation
  • SKOLKOVO Financial Innovations and Cashless Economy Centre
  • SKOLKOVO Consumer market development center

The Skolkovo Founders are 20 Russian and international individuals and businesses. The founding individuals include Alexander Abramov, Roman Abramovich, and Ruben Vardanian in a practical partnership that extends beyond financial contribution to build on the cumulative 200 years of management experience."

In 1999, Vardanyan was recognized as the Businessman of the Year by American Chamber of Commerce in Russia. For the subsequent couple of years he was named the "best business manager on Russia's capital market" by Career magazine. Ernst & Young recognized Vardanyan as the Entrepreneur of the Year in 2004. The National Association of Stock Market participants declared Vardanyan as the "investment banker of the year" in 2004 during the Stock market elite competition. Russian GQ nominated him as the "Man of the Year" as Best Entrepreneur in the year 2010. In 2001 Fortune magazine included Vardanyan in its list of "25 Rising Stars of the New Generation". The same year, Vardanyan was included in the list of "100 Global Leaders of Tomorrow" at the World Economic Forum.

Vardanyan was awarded the Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots by the President of Armenia in 2011, the Order of Saint Gregory the Illuminator by Armenian Church in 2013, and Order of Friendship by the president of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov in 2018. The same year, Vardanyan received the Academy of International Business Presidential Award for contribution to the development of education, and, with co-founder of the Aurora humanitarian initiative Noubar Afeyan, the Search for Common Ground prize to honor accomplishments in conflict resolution, negotiation, community building, and peace-building.
"This global outbreak has shifted the global agenda..."

Tom Catena, Chair, Aurora Humanitarian Initiative
Lord Ara Darzi, Chair, Aurora Prize Selection Committee
Noubar Afeyan, Vartan Gregorian, Ruben Vardanyan, Co-Founders, Aurora Humanitarian Initiative
Impact investor and social entrepreneur; Co-Founder, Noôdome
Ruben Vardanyan is a Russian business leader, social entrepreneur and venture philanthropist of Armenian origin, Co-founder of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. He and his wife Veronika invest in large-scale multifaceted projects in the sphere of global education, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and solving humanitarian problems. Ruben and his family, together with partners from various countries, have invested about $1.5 bln in projects all over the world developing a commercial approach that relies on involving blended financing to find solutions to social problems. Among these projects are the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, the Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology, SKOLKOVO Business School in Russia

The Bank of Russia will launch a pilot project on the digital ruble on real transactions on August 15. Egor Krivosheya, Senior Lecturer, Head of the Blockchain and Fintech Laboratory at the SKOLKOVO School of Management, spoke about the opportunities available to this financial instrument

The most noticeable benefits of the digital ruble are for the state, but all users have benefits, Yegor Krivosheya believes.
"I would say that this is a stage in the calm evolution of payment services and the transition to a more modern infrastructure. In the face of international restrictions, CBDCs can also provide cross-border payments without being tied to the current international infrastructure."

According to various surveys, from 15 to 50% of Russians are ready to give a chance to the digital ruble. [?! :D ]
At the same time, Egor notes, the level of digitalization and innovation of payment services in Russia is quite high, so these benefits for the consumer may not be so noticeable.

Smart contracts that will be used in the digital ruble can only be set up by the owner of the platform, that is, the Bank of Russia, Yegor explained:

"Hypothetically, anyone with the skills of a programmer can propose changes to a smart contract, but only the owner of the platform can write it down, since the system is closed and private. Again, hypothetically, it is possible to configure the system so that such smart contracts can be configured by users, " he argues.

The vast majority of countries are already thinking about a central bank digital currency (CBDC). About 15 countries now have pilot programs for the introduction of a digital national currency, and 24 countries are at the proof-of-concept stage. About 90 countries are exploring the possibilities of CBDC.

The most advanced project is in China, where the digital yuan has already moved from the piloting stage to mass use and is expanding its turnover weekly. In addition to China, the Bahamas, Nigeria and Jamaica are quite active in CBDCs, where the digital currency is designed to solve current macroeconomic challenges, including high inflation rates and dependence on international currencies.
CBDCs can reduce the impact of the current global financial infrastructure, including financial messaging systems (SWIFT) and reserve currencies, as well as international payment systems, by connecting central banks directly to each other. In this sense, CBDC is a project that can create an alternative to current payments, but the final form of CBDC in different countries, including Russia, will depend on the results of experiments and testing. The digital ruble project is currently one of the most advanced in terms of both technical functionality and stage of development, which may allow Russia to become a leader in the introduction of digital currency."


Nov 8, 2022
20 July 2023,
Improving Lasers: ITMO Scientists Suggest a New Way to Couple Light and Matter
A new approach has been suggested at ITMO to enhance interaction of light and matter during metamaterials production. Compared to conventional methods, the novel approach requires less precision and relies on cheaper equipment, while producing more compact and sensitive lasers. The study was described in an article published in Nano Letters.

“We are planning to continue our research and apply the new approach to circularly polarized light – in those cases when the electromagnetic field moves along a spiral instead of a straight line. This light interacts well with molecules curled into spirals. Depending on the direction of the spiral, a substance made of the same molecules can be a poison or a medication for humans, which is why it is important to be able to tell them apart. If we can create such metasurfaces that maintain the electromagnetic light spiraling in only one direction, we will be able to tell these molecules apart. This will be highly useful in sensorics,” shared Mikhail Rybin, an author of the paper and a senior researcher at ITMO’s Faculty of Physics.

This research project is supported by the Russian Science Foundation.

The RSF named the winners of the competition of technological proposals in the field of "Microelectronics" and competitions for grants for the event "Conducting pilot R&D projects within the framework of the strategic initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the scientific and technological sphere".
Recall that in June 2022, the President of Russia decided to extend the powers of the Foundation to the implementation of programs to support development and technological work for the implementation of strategic initiatives of the President of Russia with the appropriate provision of these powers with financial and organizational resources. These strategic directions are also outlined: microelectronics, medicine, agriculture, genetic resources, emissions and absorption of climatically active substances in the country, laboratory equipment to ensure priority areas of scientific and technological development.

Amendments to the Federal Law on the Fund were initiated by the head of state and provide for measures to implement the most significant areas of scientific and technological development that are of key importance for the country's security and socio-economic development, primarily microelectronics, medicine, agriculture and low-carbon energy.

Archipelago 2023 has developed projects for the development of the social sphere
August 09, 2023

[...] in the areas of the National Social Initiative (NSI), which can be implemented until 2030.

"I would like to talk about the future of the social block, to see its systemic development, because talking about the social sphere in the context of services is already a thing of the past. This system should take into account not only the service provided, but also evaluate the emotions that the service caused, whether it was comfortable for a person to receive it, "said Anna Domchenko, regional service commissioner in the Tula region, author of the Family MFC project.
On the track "Inclusive Education", the participants of the intensive presented a model of a new type of school, which implies the presence of a universal design, as well as the development of a standard for an inclusive educational organization. By 2030, a monitoring methodology, criteria and principles for assessing inclusive education should be introduced. Two new standards are expected to appear: an inclusive educational organization and a system of its regulation, as well as
a new profession - a behavior analyst.

Nauka.rf is the official website of the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia. The site contains basic information about the main news, initiatives, projects and events of the Decade of Science and Technology.

"Russian science is developing rapidly. The world's most powerful neutron reactor operates in our country, the largest neutrino telescope in the Northern Hemisphere has been installed, and a unique 4+ generation synchrotron is being built.

One of the tasks of the Decade is to tell what scientific names and achievements our country can be proud of. Throughout the Decade, with the support of the state, educational events will be held with the participation of leading scientists, educational platforms, competitions for everyone and much more will be launched."

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared 2022-2031 the Decade of Science and Technology.

11 AUGUST 2023

Modern technologies have made many household items familiar to us "wiser up" - watches, plasters, cars, entire houses and even cities. What about clothes? One that, for example, determines the heart rate or regulates the temperature depending on weather conditions. How far have Russian scientists progressed in this direction?

Olga Moskalyuk, Head of the SmartTextiles Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Materials of the ICC "Coherent X-ray Optics for Megascience Installations" of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Materials Science and Metrology of St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Technology, spoke about this in an interview with the nauka.rf portal.

– What are "smart" fabrics?

These are materials in which electronics are embedded. In this area, three generations can be distinguished. The first is when electronic components (for example, microcircuits, sensors, sensors) are sewn or placed in the pockets of clothes. But it lacks important features - flexibility and resistance to washing.

However, today we can talk about the presence of a second generation, when these elements are part of the textile. Electronic components can be applied using the technology of printed electronics, silk-screen printing (screen printing). Or woven into the structure of the fabric.
- And what materials belong to the third generation?

When creating them, digital technologies are used. Such fabrics can collect and process data, include elements of machine learning and artificial intelligence, and integrate into the virtual universe. When clothes can interact with other appliances in our environment, we're talking about the Internet of Things.

For example, the domestic company Mircod has created a "smart" uniform
for harsh working conditions in production. Built-in sensors determine the heart rate, temperature, position of the body in space, analyze the concentration of gases in the air. We are also now developing fabrics with electronics integrated into them.

–Impressive! How long does it take to create a new product?

The fact is that the materials obtained in the laboratory can not always be implemented on industrial equipment. According to global statistics, it takes ten or even twenty years from an idea to a product to enter the market. Today, the serial technology entrepreneurship approach helps to reduce this gap to five years.

Having started creating synthetic electrically conductive filaments, we were in the laboratory stage for ten years. Having moved into the ecosystem of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, having received support from the North-West Center for Technology Transfer, in four years we launched several startups, established our own production and brought a number of products to the market.

- What do these products look like and in what areas are they used?

Our key area is electrically conductive functional textiles. It is used in the creation of antistatic materials that provide protection against ignition in production. For example, in the oil and gas industry or when transporting flammable goods.

Research began with this direction. Having immersed ourselves in the topic, we realized that it is possible to create not just antistatic materials, but also full-fledged electrically conductive composites for the textile industry that can replace metal conductors. We have introduced them into fabric heating systems for technical and domestic use in the fields of air, sea and land transport, construction, creation of household furniture, clothing, etc.

In addition, the solutions were in demand in the harsh climate of the Arctic and Antarctic. In particular, we have developed a flexible, elastic fabric that is washable, while being a metal-free heating element. Such "heaters" are charged from a simple portable battery and can maintain a comfortable body temperature in extreme conditions.

Now we are implementing cases in new areas. Among them are antibacterial, thermoregulatory fabrics, color-coded textiles and scaffolds for bone reconstructive surgery.

- Last year, the first plant for the production of "smart" textiles was built in Kaliningrad. How is it used?

It belongs to AMPERETEX, a company engaged in the production of a full cycle of synthetic heating fabrics. They are built into any structures - from ceramic plates, walls, ceilings, to the road surface. In April 2022, the opening of this plant took place in the Khrabrovo industrial park. Today, the company is an industrial partner of the SmartTextiles laboratory of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.

- What difficulties, in your opinion, prevent the mass implementation of such developments?

Unfortunately, investments in the textile industry and the production of new materials are not as large as in the IT sector. The issue of regular and stable financial support is important.

I would like to note that we are creating technologies that, as they develop, pull up other industries. With each new idea, we discover a new direction. I was fortunate to work with talented fellow scientists, leading universities and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There are a lot of young guys in our team, and most importantly, there are industrial partners who help scale solutions.

Thanks to the accumulated knowledge and experience, in September this year, we will launch an additional education program on digital modeling of new polymer composite materials at the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design. Classes are suitable not only for students, graduate students, but also experienced professionals. Participants will learn how to quickly and correctly model products, which in the future will reduce costs and time for its development.

Lenta became a member of the Open to All project
August 09, 2023

One of Russia's largest grocery store chains, Lenta, has signed the National Inclusive Agreement (NID). The document is the main element of the "Open to All" project implemented by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI). Under the agreement, Lenta will audit all outlets for accessibility for people with disabilities, as well as train employees to interact with customers with disabilities.

"In 2022, we adopted the company's sustainability strategy and committed ourselves to increasing the accessibility of the company's stores and online services for people with disabilities. We strive to get closer to customers - to provide an equal accessible environment in our stores for various categories of citizens, to improve the quality of service for people with special needs, "commented Vladimir Sorokin, CEO of the Lenta network, on the signing of the NID.
Earlier, the Pyaterochka, Perekrestok and Magnit retail chains joined the inclusive project of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives."

X5 is interested in using biometrics when selling alcohol at self-service cash desks
According to the statement of the Center for Biometric Technologies, this should reduce queues and relieve cashiers, while removing the need for buyers to carry a passport with them.

MOSCOW, July 10. /tass/. X5 Group, which manages the Pyaterochka, Perekrestok and Chizhik networks, has sent a request to the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation to clarify the use of biometric data when selling alcohol and tobacco at self-service cash desks (CSR). This was reported to TASS by Stanislav Bogdanov, Director for Interaction with public authorities X5.
This should reduce queues and relieve cashiers, while removing the need for customers to carry a passport with them," the press service added.
The organization noted that the legislation already allows this to be implemented, since the use of biometrics of the "Unified Biometric System" is legally equivalent to the presentation of a passport.

The law "On the Unified Biometric System" came into force on June 1, 2023."

12 AUGUST 2023
Russian scientists have developed a mobile application that will help determine the quality of products. It will tell you whether the watermelon is ripe and whether the cottage cheese is sour - and all this using a Wi-Fi signal, the press service of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) reported.

To check the quality, radio waves are passed through the product - Wi-Fi is distributed.
"The antennas of smartphones are very sensitive. They can detect even a slight change in environmental parameters on the incoming signal. Therefore, if we distribute a Wi-Fi signal, then by what part of the power has returned, we will be able to judge the scanned object, "explained one of the authors of the development, Dmitry Filonov."


Nov 8, 2022
The first All-Russian project and educational program on the adaptation of regions to climate change has been launched
11 August 2023

35 regions have started training under the program of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), aimed at improving the effectiveness of management teams in responding to climate change. The modular design and educational program involves the study of the best international and Russian experience in this direction, as well as the joint development of specific adaptation projects with experts.

"We understand that climate change directly affects the socio-economic development of territories, so climate adaptation issues should become part of the socio-economic strategies of the regions. The program that we are launching is aimed at consciously approaching the analysis of the risks faced by the regions and developing practical solutions to reduce the damage from these climate changes," said Maxim Evdokimov, Director of the Ecology Division of ASI.

In March of this year, the Russian government identified measures to adapt to climate change until 2025. The plan contains 17 activities, which are grouped into federal, sectoral and regional blocks. They provide organizational, legal, scientific, methodological and information support for the necessary adaptation measures.

"Adaptation to climate change is a relatively new story for the regions, they needed to quickly immerse themselves in a rather specific topic, but in general, most of the subjects coped, adaptation plans were adopted," said Irina Petrunina, Director of the Department of Competition, Energy Efficiency and Ecology of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

Now we need to determine the first steps, and then what kind of federal and industry assistance is needed in their implementation. In addition, in the future, the Russian climate monitoring system, which is being created with the participation of 42 scientific organizations, will become a new source for updating plans. "It will be our own model of climate change at any given point in the world and the impact of these changes on the economy. That is, the topic of adaptation is not static, it is constantly evolving. The training, which is being launched today, will provide an opportunity, among other things, to exchange experience of still small, but already existing developments in adaptation, taking into account current changes," said Irina Petrunina.

The ASI educational program consists of four modules. Participants who successfully defend their projects will receive a diploma of professional retraining from the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (program operator).

During the training, teams will learn about the main climate changes and their causes, get acquainted with Russian legislation in the field of climate change, climate change scenarios and approaches to climate risk assessment. Each team will form priority adaptation projects for the region, which will take into account financing tools and technologies for their implementation.

The Priority 2030 program will make it possible to concentrate resources to ensure the contribution of Russian universities to the achievement of the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, to increase the scientific and educational potential of universities and scientific organizations, as well as to ensure the participation of educational institutions of higher education in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The goal of the Priority 2030 program is to form more than 100 progressive modern universities in Russia by 2030 - centers of scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the country.

The brain-computer interface will speed up the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke

Scientists from the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU), the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and the Lomonosov Moscow State University studied brain activity in healthy people who performed the task of controlling the movements of the virtual limb using mental commands sent using the brain-computer interface. Observing the movements of the virtual hand causes the activation of parts of the brain involved in predicting and controlling one's own movements. Thus, the interface will help restore sensorimotor neural connections damaged due to stroke. The results of the study are published in the journal Frontiers.

More than 400,000 new cases of stroke are registered annually in Russia. Only 10% of patients tolerate a stroke relatively easily, for the rest, the rehabilitation process stretches for years and does not always end with a complete recovery of the body. As a post-stroke rehabilitation, the approach of monitoring the patient's actions of a healthy person (which the patient is not able to perform) is widely used. This method is not always effective, since the observation is not related to the patient's intentions to make his own movement.

Today, scientists are considering methods that require the active involvement of the patient in the rehabilitation process as alternatives. Such "inclusion" can be provided by a brain-computer interface - a system that allows a person to control external electronic devices - prostheses or their virtual models using mental commands. The patient will not only observe the movements of another person, but will also initiate them himself.

As part of the study, a monitor was placed in front of the subjects, on which a virtual model of the hand was displayed. Participants in the experiment had to mentally move the fingers of this virtual hand, sending commands through the brain-computer interface. At this time, the authors took indicators of the electrical activity of the brain of the subjects. The experiment showed that neural activity at the time of mentally performing an action, waiting for the result and observing the response differed in nature (different areas of the brain were activated) and amplitude. Interestingly, at the time of waiting for a response (movement of the hand model), the subjects' sensorimotor areas involved in predicting muscle action and preparing for movement were activated.

In addition, the authors identified patterns of neural activity specific to erroneous actions. They correspond to the processes of inhibition in the brain, which are observed when a person makes incorrect (not those that he wanted to do) movements. At the same time, observations of stroke patients indicate that their such activity is significantly reduced. It turns out that the principle of "predicting" an action before performing it and observing it can help restore disturbed neural networks for monitoring actions in patients after a stroke.

"The brain-computer interface can be used in the treatment of a wider range of diseases and disorders, such as spinal cord injuries, Parkinson's disease and others. In the future, we plan to enrich the feedback with other sensory modalities, for example, tactile stimulation of the paralyzed limb will also be carried out when observing movement. It is also necessary to adapt this technology for use in rehabilitation practice, it is necessary to make the system as simple and accessible as possible for its patients to use, "says Nikolai Syrov, senior researcher at the Vladimir Zelman Center for Neurobiology and Neurorehabilitation.

Scientists from the Baltic Federal University, Moscow State University and Skolkovo studied changes in brain activity when controlling the brain-computer interface (RSF grant No. 21-75-30024) as part of the Priority 2030 program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (the national project Science and Universities).


Nov 8, 2022
In Russia learned how to grow brain cells from auxiliary living tissue

In the future, with the help of this technique, mature neurons can be obtained from various types of cells, which will facilitate the testing of new pharmaceuticals for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system

ST. PETERSBURG, August 10. Scientists from the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISC RAS) with colleagues from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University have found a way to effectively grow brain cells (neurons) from the connective tissue of the human body - fibroblasts. The new method makes it possible to obtain 10 times more healthy cells that are suitable for testing drugs against Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's syndrome and other diseases associated with the destruction of brain cells, the press service of the ISC RAS told TASS.

The results of the study were published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

St. Petersburg scientists have ensured that up to 80% of all these cells survive, and the method they created is potentially applicable for reprogramming not only fibroblasts, but also other types of cells. Due to this, the cost of such human experimental cells for pharmaceutical companies will decrease, and developers will be able to expand the scope of work on the search for drugs.

"The number of human nerve cells obtained using our approach is up to 80% of the number of fibroblasts used. In the future, with the help of this technique, mature neurons can be obtained from various types of cells. Our protocol will make cell models based on mature human neurons more accessible to pharmaceutical companies," the press service quoted Nina Kraskovskaya, a researcher at the Center for Cell Technologies of the Institute of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as saying.

To achieve this result, the scientists found the most optimal method - they synchronized the connective tissue cells with each other before starting to reprogram them into neural cells. In addition, genetic changes are introduced smoothly and sparingly, in the same way the cells are treated with antibiotics necessary to maintain the process."

National Projects dot RF
August 13, 2023

The free forum of modern technologies "NeuroKazan" was held on August 10 in the capital of Tatarstan. The organization of such an event corresponds to the goals and objectives of the national project "Digital Economy", the republican agency for press and mass communications "Tatmedia" reported.

The forum discussed the use of artificial intelligence technology for the life and development of territories. The speakers at the conference were scientists, businessmen, investors, creatives and experts in the field of AI. Among them are Russian futurologist, candidate of economic sciences Danila Medvedev, creator of the Neuromen movement and brain development system Pavel Palagin, head of the Moscow Innovation Cluster Foundation Anatoly Valetov and many others. They discussed how neural networks are changing cities and what awaits their inhabitants in the future.

The program of the forum also included the presentation of educational grants from the Skolkovo Technopark, the discussion of neural networks from GeekBrains, and the drawing of prizes and gifts.

The national project "Digital Economy" is aimed at accelerating the introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere, creating conditions for high-tech business, increasing the country's competitiveness in the global market, strengthening national security and improving the quality of life of people. National projects initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin started in 2019."
The forum discussed the use of artificial intelligence technology for the life and development of territories. The speakers at the conference were scientists, businessmen, investors, creatives and experts in the field of AI. Among them are Russian futurologist, candidate of economic sciences Danila Medvedev

"Danila Medvedev
Chief moderator of the forum [«HORIZON-2100»]; futurologist and transhumanist, Ph.D. in Economics, director of "Neurocode", TV presenter of "Science 2.0", member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Trans-Humanist Movement"

The Decade of Science and Technology in Russia includes a set of initiatives, projects and activities. All of them are aimed at strengthening the role of science and technology in solving the most important problems of the development of society and the country.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared 2022-2031 the Decade of Science and Technology.

[=Science.rf] is the official website of the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia.
30 JUNE 2023

The online school Sirius.Courses has relaunched a course for schoolchildren that introduces them to the basics of artificial intelligence (AI). Experts from Sber AI, BIOCAD, Gazprom Neft, the Medsi Group of Companies and Tinkoff took part in the development of the improved program. The course was supplemented by lectures and tasks from leading companies in the industry that use AI technologies in their work. The Sirius.Courses project is part of the "Schoolchildren in Science and Technology" initiative of the Decade of Science and Technology.

In the course "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence", students will learn what AI is, how it is used today in different industries and what benefits it brings. The authors of the course plan to constantly replenish the program and invite companies from other industries.

"Neural networks and artificial intelligence are already part of our lives, they are changing markets and industries. To be a leader in this area, it is necessary to start training specialists from school. We are pleased that our programs, implemented jointly with partners, help young people acquire in-demand knowledge in this area and train specialists who develop the Russian high-tech industry," said Petr Polozhevets, Executive Director of the Sberbank Charitable Foundation "Contribution to the Future".

In the financial industry, AI technologies play a key role in the digitalization of the environment. Tinkoff implements its AI Banking strategy and actively uses AI and machine learning technologies. The company continues to improve smart feed algorithms for users of the Pulse social network (a social network for investors).

"The new model of recommending bloggers in Pulse increased the number of subscriptions by 10%. We believe that in the future development of artificial intelligence, more attention will be paid to personalization and investment. AI technologies will be used to develop financial health services and other important processes," said Ilya Shamov, a researcher and developer of the Tinkoff recommendation systems team.

As a leader in the implementation of AI in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation, Gazprom Neft is actively developing and implementing AI.

"Artificial intelligence allows us to identify non-standard relationships in data and find new sources of efficiency growth in them, as well as speed up routine operations. Machine learning allows you to use the generalized expertise of the best specialists to replicate across all assets. Taking into account the complexity of the tasks that are solved with the help of artificial intelligence in the fuel and energy complex, in the future our developments can be scaled to other industries," said Alexey Shpilman, Head of Programs for the Development of AI Technologies and Tools at Gazprom Neft.

"At MEDSI, artificial intelligence is used to decipher images in reference centers for radiation and instrumental diagnostics. The "Third Opinion" service helps to accurately determine the volume of lung damage with an accuracy of one tenth of a percent. The data obtained make it possible to reliably assess the dynamics of the disease, therefore, to prescribe the correct treatment in time. So, during the pandemic, the reference center demonstrated high efficiency, when doctors needed to accurately determine the degree of lung damage in patients with coronavirus, "said Elena Andresyuk, project manager of Medsi Group.

The biotechnology company BIOCAD is also involved in the development of the course, which uses AI to develop drugs for the treatment of genetic diseases. Now the company has drugs for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy and hemophilia at different stages of research.

Until July 31, anyone can join the course "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence", learn about the practices of introducing new technologies into real business, and then proceed to an in-depth study of the topic, for example, in a course on machine learning.

The training is carried out thanks to the federal project "Artificial Intelligence" of the national project "Digital Economy".

Sirius.Courses is one of the leading online schools of additional education in Russia, created on the basis of the Sirius Center. Students independently build an individual trajectory, determine the pace and convenient time of study. The online school has 30 free courses available in scientific disciplines: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. Sirius.Courses are attended by schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, university students and everyone who wants to study the subject outside the school curriculum and understand complex problems. Over the three years of the project's operation, more than 320 thousand students have registered for online courses. Together they solved more than 20 million tasks. The authors of the courses are scientists and popularizers of science, teachers of leading schools and universities of the country, teachers of the Sirius Educational Center.



Nov 8, 2022
Kavkaz Today

Smart technologies of the North Caucasus
Scientists of the North Caucasus Federal District create innovative solutions for projects in the field of agriculture

It has long been believed that science is divided into "high" and, relatively speaking, applied. That is, the first strives for academic heights, aimed at fundamental research in the name of future progress. And the second helps in real life: how to grow vegetables correctly, smelt metal, build a house ... But life makes adjustments to the usual synthesis of theory and practice, and even the highest technologies are now used in everyday tasks.

A similar trend is easy to see in the North Caucasus regions. NCFU scientists in the Stavropol region, for example, have developed a unique (and already patented) system for analyzing soil and crops - as an element of the so-called smart farming. Its essence lies in remote sensing of the earth's surface using UAVs. The author of the development, Head of the Department of Infocommunications of NCFU Gennady Linets notes:

"Today, the main condition for the introduction of precision farming technologies, which together can increase the productivity of the agricultural industry by 20%, is to ensure the flow of accurate and timely information on the physicochemical parameters of the soil. Our development can automatically collect all the necessary data of this type,"

"Smart" drones are also used by farmers in Dagestan. The Russian Agricultural Center of the Republic of Dagestan began to use copters for processing agricultural land in the republic. The department's specialists coordinate the process of processing farmland in the SEC "Agrofirma Sogratl" with the help of special preparations. It is reported that 100 hectares of rice fields have already been processed with the help of a unique UAV.

For the dynamically developing rice industry in Dagestan, this is a very relevant innovation. Its high efficiency is emphasized: when using drones, labor costs and expensive resources are significantly reduced. Given that world rice prices have skyrocketed today, it is difficult to overestimate the significance of such news.

No less smart technologies aimed at preserving the environment in the field of agriculture are currently being developed at Kabardino-Balkarian State University. University scientists are creating a new type of fertilizer, the use of which can ensure the preservation of the natural balance in the environment. Research in this direction is carried out at the Center for Decarbonization of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Regional Economics of the University.

The essence of the innovative method is that traditional fertilizer is combined with biodegradable rock, which slows down the process of releasing nutrients into the soil. As a result, the efficiency of the use of top dressing increases, and the burden on the environment, on the contrary, is significantly reduced. The technologies used in the process of creating "smart" fertilizers make it possible to observe their exact dosage, which helps to significantly reduce production costs and increase yields.

"In addition to this work, we plan to work with the doctors of our university and Samara Medical University. We will assess the impact of products obtained with various technologies on the microflora of the human gastrointestinal tract, "Amiran Zanilov, head of the Center for Decarbonization of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Regional Economy of KBSU, shares his plans.

It should be noted that the use of the latest achievements of science for the sake of "daily bread" occurs in all regions of the North Caucasus Federal District. High-tech mechanisms, complex programs for processing and analyzing information, artificial intelligence and other know-how in the service of commodity producers are no longer a fantasy. Relatively speaking, if earlier space flights served to comprehend the Universe, now space technologies help to better grow crops. And this orientation of science to meet the real needs of man is becoming the prevailing trend.

Scientists from Russia and China have found a way to speed up wireless data transmission three times

The approach is based on the use of the xStream interlayer protocol, developed by specialists from the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

August 10, 2023
Russian and Chinese researchers have studied the nature of data transmission in high-frequency wireless networks and selected additional protocols that can increase the efficiency of data exchange by 3-3.5 times.

The HSE University explained that modern wireless communication technologies operate in low-frequency bands and provide a relatively low bandwidth - up to several hundred Mbps per user. To be able to take full advantage of modern Internet technologies, you will need different data transfer rates, measured not in megabits, but in gigabits per second. Such speeds can be achieved by using high-frequency bands for data transmission. These are millimeter, terahertz and infrared wavelengths, as well as visible light.

"High-frequency connections are high-speed, but extremely unreliable, which leads to big problems in guessing the bandwidth. If radio waves easily bypass obstacles in the form of people and objects, then the appearance of an obstacle between the transmitter and receiver at millimeter wave frequencies can instantly reduce the data transfer rate from a few gigabits per second to tens of megabits per second. The terahertz range and above can simply be obscured by hand, which will dramatically degrade the channel speed," explained Maxim Susloparov, a research assistant at MIEM HSE, quoted by the university's press service.

As the scientists explain, the Internet and local networks use two protocols that transmit large amounts of data: TCP and QUIC. They determine how data is broken down into packets, transmitted and then collected back, with each new transmission having to "guess" the optimal speed. This approach works well with wired connections and radio wave transmitters, but it does not do a good job of transmitting data in high-frequency wireless networks.

Russian and Chinese researchers have found that this problem can be solved with the help of so-called interlayer interaction protocols, which take into account the peculiarities of the physical data transmission channel and the nature of the exchange of packets between network subscribers when exchanging arbitrary data. One of these solutions is the xStream protocol, developed by specialists from the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"With proper deployment and configuration, the solutions we reviewed can significantly improve the performance of TCP and QUIC protocols in high-frequency wireless systems. We believe that the most effective of them are cross-level solutions that can be used both independently and in conjunction with other solutions to achieve the best results," explained Artem Krasilov, Senior Research Fellow at MIEM HSE, quoted by the university's press service.

As the tests showed, this protocol allowed scientists to increase the data transfer rate by about 3-3.5 times through a high-frequency wireless channel, both in the presence of a small number of subscribers and in the presence of two dozen users on the network. This indicates the high prospects for the use of interlayer protocols in the operation of wireless networks of the future, the scientists concluded.
This was announced on Thursday by the press service of the Higher School of Economics.

An international team of researchers with the participation of the IITP of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Higher School of Economics and the Shanghai University of Transport analyzed the existing methods for optimizing the data transfer rate of the TCP and QUIC protocols in high-frequency wireless networks. Scientists believe that the most effective way to increase the speed of data transfer is inter-level solutions. The article was published in one of the most influential (impact factor – 35.6) international journals in the field of telecommunications – IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.

Wireless communication technologies are constantly evolving, providing ever higher data transfer speeds for users. Modern Wi-Fi and mobile systems operating in traditional low-frequency bands (below 6 GHz) provide a bandwidth of up to several hundred megabits per second per user. The next step is to achieve multi-gigabit data transfer rates. This bandwidth will allow you to support cloud gaming, virtual reality, and many other technologies.

It is possible to increase the speed of data transmission in wireless networks many times due to the use of high-frequency ranges: millimeter waves (from 30 GHz to 300 GHz), terahertz (from 300 GHz to 3 THz), infrared (from 300 THz to 420 THz) and visible light (from 420 THz to 750 THz). For example, recent changes in Wi-Fi standards and fifth-generation cellular (5G) systems already use millimeter wave bands for data transmission. The IEEE 802.11 Working Group is finalizing the IEEE 802.11bb standard, also known as Li-Fi, which extends Wi-Fi to the range of light (LW).
High frequencies are being considered as candidates for a variety of future wireless communication systems.

HSE Develops Neural Network to Control Hand Prostheses
AUGUST 10, 2023

Scientists from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) have created a machine learning model that recognizes finger movements for a next-generation hand prosthesis. It will allow you not only to take objects, but also to gesticulate, using the movements of each finger. In the future, the model will help people with disabilities to quickly master and effectively manage the prosthesis.

The algorithm was tested on data obtained by measuring the activity of the muscles of two volunteers, one of them with a congenital absence of a hand, the other survived amputation in adulthood. The accuracy of the model applied to the data of the first subject was 50%, and to the data of the second, it was 71%.

"In modern hand prostheses, the control system is based on the use of two large muscles on the forearm. The mechanism of the prosthesis converts the signals of tension and relaxation of the muscle into commands, the movements of each individual finger are not used on such devices.

Recent studies have shown that if you use various machine learning methods, then healthy people restore the movements of individual fingers, even by superficial muscle signals. We decided to find out if this is possible in people with amputations. Next year, we will continue our work together with HSE MIEM,' said Anna Makarova, Research Assistant at the HSE Centre for Bioelectric Interfaces.

The results of the work on the study of the possibility of accurate restoration of finger movement by electromyographic signals of the muscles of the forearm in people with disabilities were presented at the seminar "Digital Technologies for Medical Applications" within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Priority 2030" (national project "Science and Universities"). The project was selected as part of a competition of research projects for young scientists at the Higher School of Economics (under 35 years old) on the topic of digital transformation and development of digital technologies in 2022."



Nov 8, 2022
Russia has developed software to predict the individual structure of the human genome

The system provides an advantage that will save users weeks, if not months, of time-consuming work, said Maria Poptsova, head of the Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics project at the HSE AI Center

MOSCOW, August 9. Specialists from the HSE Centre for Artificial Intelligence have created software to predict the location of elements of the human genome. The development will help genetic laboratories expand the interpretation of the results of personal diagnostics, and pharmaceutical companies will be useful in finding targets in drug development, the National Priorities ANO reported.

"The developed software is a unique solution with a wide range of functionality. It is built with the rapidly evolving field of deep learning architectures in mind. <... > Aggregation and pre-processing of large volumes of omics data is an advantage that will save users weeks, if not months, of time-consuming work," said Maria Poptsova, head of the Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics project at the HSE AI Centre.

Omics data is a collection of information about various molecular components of an organism, such as genes, proteins, metabolites, and others. The user of the system can upload such data to the server, select the processing parameters, and after that the program creates an AI model and starts the process of training it. At the output, the user receives data on the probability of the presence of an element in the selected position, statistical analysis of genomic traits, annotation of regions for the genome under study.

The study was carried out in accordance with the objectives of the federal project "Artificial Intelligence" of the national project "Digital Economy". In Russia, six research centers on AI have been created under the federal project "Artificial Intelligence". They operate on the basis of Skoltech, ITMO University, MIPT, HSE, Innopolis University and the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences."

National Projects dot RF
7 August, 2023

There are 200 days left before the international tournament "Games of the Future", which will be held from February 23 to March 2 next year in Kazan. The event is held with the support of the national project "Digital Economy".

The countdown indicator to the competition was launched on April 29. Since then, nine tournaments in phygital disciplines have been held in Kazan.

Recall that the first esports "Games of the Future" will be held in new disciplines using modern technologies, digital environment and physical activity. The format of the competition involves the use of the latest developments in the field of e-sports, robotics, augmented and virtual reality, information technology and artificial intelligence. The prize pool will be $25 million.

"Games of the Future" is a new international tournament in phygital sports with elements of a bright show that will unite the most innovative, youth, technological disciplines. More than 2 thousand professional athletes will take part in the competition, who will compete in 16 disciplines.

The national project "Digital Economy" is aimed at accelerating the introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere, creating conditions for high-tech business, increasing the country's competitiveness in the global market, strengthening national security and improving the quality of life of people. National projects initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin started in 2019.

Scientists predicted the evaluation of the film by the activity of the facial muscles
Blockbusters that make you cheekbones

2 August, 2023
Scientists from the Higher School of Economics and MEPhI analyzed what physiological indicators recorded when watching a film can predict the assessment of viewers. It turned out that most of all about the impressions of the movie can be learned by the activity of the zygomatic major muscle, heart rate variability and EEG indicators. The results of the study are published in the journal Frontiers.
The work was supported by a megagrant from the Government of the Russian Federation within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities".
Throughout the experiment, the electrical activity of the subject's brain and facial muscles was recorded using an electroencephalograph (EEG). The photoplethysmograph recorded changes in the heart rate, and the activity of the facial muscles was recorded using electromyography.

We talk about the achievements of Russian enterprises and scientists, without which the systematic work of the largest industries is impossible. Details about the export potential of domestic technologies that compete with foreign analogues, or even do not have them at all
A special project was created with the support of the ANO "Internet Development Institute".


Russian mobile laboratories save the world from global threats

In Russia, there is a special center, whose employees, with the help of unique laboratories on wheels, fight infections and help eliminate the consequences of disasters around the world.

10 regional centers of hygiene and epidemiology in four regions of Russia are equipped with mobile laboratories for molecular diagnostics


They are used in the CIS and EAEU countries, in Vietnam, Mongolia, Guinea, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Deliveries to Venezuela and African countries are also planned. In Russia, these centers are involved in various parts of the country. We understand how this miracle of technology works and why laboratories are in demand all over the world.

Miracle laboratories were created by specialists of the Russian Anti-Plague Research Institute (RosNIPCHI) "Microbe".

"Microbe" began to develop them back in 2006, when Russia, as part of a global strategy to combat infectious diseases, proposed to improve the system for responding to biological threats.

The developments of Russian scientists created during this time are protected by more than 20 patents.

A key element of this initiative was the modernization of specialized anti-epidemic teams (SPEB). Such teams must be mobile in order to be able to easily and quickly move to the most remote corners, equipped with modern technologies and staffed with the best specialists.

In 2019–2021, Rospotrebnadzor specialists and employees of the institute took part in a WHO project to develop a classification of such mobile laboratories and standards for their functioning.

And in 2021, the Russian Anti-Plague Research Institute (RosNIPCHI) "Microbe" received the status of a collaborating center of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the development of rapid response resources to outbreaks of infectious diseases.

ABOUT 1500 studies on the indication of pathogens of infectious diseases can be carried out in a mobile laboratory per day

Rospotrebnadzor then reported that this decision of the WHO confirms the successful experience of the institute in rapid response to biological threats at the international level.

The latest development is a mobile display laboratory based on a pneumo-frame tent. Such a laboratory can be easily transported by ordinary civilian flights: when disassembled, it will take 23 cases of suitcase format.

In 2014-2016, two Russian mobile laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor took part in measures to eliminate the epidemic of the disease caused by the Ebola virus in West African countries.

In 2006 YEAR
The development of new mobile laboratories has begun

The laboratories were deployed in Guinea, where there was no network of in-house stationary laboratories with an appropriate level of biosafety. In total, 26 mobile complexes were deployed on the territory of the affected countries of West Africa, including the mobile complex of the SPEB of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Guinea.

In the course of this international operation, the domestic development was validated at the international level for the first time - the World Health Organization (WHO) included the laboratory in the international response system in the fight against Ebola.

The rich experience gained by the specialists of the Microbe Institute in Guinea helped them to develop a second-generation mobile complex in 2016.

Currently, within the framework of the Sanitary Shield project, the development of a network of mobile laboratories continues in Russia.




Nov 8, 2022
11 Aug 2023
HSE researchers have identified more than 50 key topics in the field of digital technologies

Using the iFORA big data analysis system, HSE experts named the priorities of research and development in the field of digital technologies in Russia and the world. The results were presented at the expert session of the project "Mapping the Russian landscape of research and development in the field of digital technologies: topics, organizations, specialists and competencies".

In the context of sanctions and a corporate boycott of foreign software and information technology suppliers, the role of Russian developers with the competencies to create domestic digital solutions has increased.

In order to identify priority areas for financing such solutions, HSE University is mapping the landscape of research and development in the field of digital technologies as part of the Priority 2030 programme, notes Tamara Zinina, expert of the project 'Mapping the Russian landscape of research and development in the field of digital technologies: topics, organizations, specialists and competencies'.

A significant stage of the study has now been completed: based on the results of group discussions with the participation of 20 experts from the ISSEK, the Faculty of Computer Science, MIEM, the Centre for Language and the Brain, the Institute of Education, the School of Linguistics and the Department for Digitalisation of Education, more than 50 key topics for the digital solutions being created have been identified. These included: big data processing technologies, voice assistants, satellite communications, authentication systems and cloud technologies.

Experts also identified the top 5 technological trends (growing areas), including computer vision, cybersecurity, unmanned vehicles, blockchain, and natural language processing.

In the future, these topics will become the basis for the formation of profiles of priority technological areas, which will include the characteristics of the market potential and the level of competence of HSE University in the field of digital technologies.

The iFORA big data mining system was developed by the HSE ISSEK using advanced artificial intelligence technologies and includes more than 750 million documents (scientific publications, patents, regulatory framework, market analytics, industry media, materials of international organisations, vacancies and other types of sources). In 2020, iFORA was recognized in the journal Nature as an effective decision support tool in the interests of business and government. The OECD classifies the system as a successful initiative in the field of digitalization of science.

The project "Mapping the Russian Landscape of Research and Development in the Field of Digital Technologies: Topics, Organizations, Specialists and Competencies" is carried out within the framework of the strategic project "Digital Transformation: Technologies, Effects, Efficiency" of the Priority 2030 program in 2023.

We talk about the Russian facial recognition system supplied to 26 countries of the world

In 2016, the domestic company NtechLab developed its own face recognition system FindFace. Initially, it was used as a web service that helped to find people from photos on the social network VKontakte. Two years later, the algorithm has grown into a whole range of solutions for video analytics and biometric identification services used all over the world.

The speed of finding a specific person among 1 billion people using the FindFace algorithm


With the help of neural networks, NtechLab technologies can recognize faces and silhouettes of people, cars and registration plates on them in a matter of seconds.

The algorithm is able to identify faces even in low-quality images taken from different angles, in low light. In a database of up to 500 million images, face recognition occurs with an accuracy of 80%.

NtechLab biometric identification systems already solve a wide range of tasks in large cities and regions. Businesses use them in retail, finance, entertainment, and online services.

The system has been implemented on the busiest sections of railways in India

For example, retailers can use them to identify company employees, as well as identify troublemakers and hooligans. In the entertainment industry, the system helps to recognize VIP guests and cut off unwanted visitors.

NtechLab's solutions are actively used by government agencies for purposes related to ensuring public safety. Biometric monitoring, for example, is carried out in the subway, airports, railway stations, sea and river ports.

The algorithm allows you to quickly analyze the flow of information from CCTV cameras and timely identify suspects in offenses, as well as prevent accidents in transport.


By the way, video analytics obtained using FindFace technologies was used, among other things, during the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was used to identify violators of the quarantine regime.

The Russian facial recognition system quickly gained fame and recognition from the world expert community.

NtechLab technologies have successfully coped with the tests of the international laboratory iBeta, which tests the resistance of biometric systems to attacks.

were sold by NtechLab solutions in 2022

In 2017, the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the US Department of Commerce (NIST) recognized the NtechLab facial recognition algorithm as the best in the world based on the results of seven independent tests. More than 100 algorithms developed in China, the United States and Israel competed in the competition. At the same time, according to three of the tests passed, the Russian development set an absolute record in the entire history of the competition.

At the same time, the program successfully coped with the task, in which it was proposed to distinguish a person from his image or cardboard mask, and then a more difficult task - the system was able to distinguish a person from his three-dimensional mask, made of expensive materials resembling human skin in structure.

In total, the Russian company today has 200 completed projects in Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Persian Gulf countries, South and Southeast Asia.

Its products are used by Interpol, the Brazilian police, the Thai Armed Forces and even the IT giant Dell. In August 2021, the facial recognition system was implemented on the busiest sections of India's railways.

NtechLab representatives said that in 2022, the company's revenue increased by more than 35%, and international sales almost doubled. First of all, the increase can be achieved through the implementation of new projects in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the CIS, and the entire solutions were sold to 26 countries of the world.
*According to the SPARK-Interfax system


Russian and African civil servants will exchange experience in the field of digitalization. The programme was presented by the HSE Centre for African Studies together with Innopraktika. The organizers of the program are also ready to hold educational events in any country on the continent.

In recent years, Russia has gained a leading position in international ratings for the development of e-government and has managed to significantly increase its sovereignty in the digital sphere. African countries, where the digitalization of public services is now underway at a high pace, are showing interest in the successful Russian experience.

The Ministry of Digital Development Science and The Ministry of Economy see great prospects for ICT trade with Africa. Which technologies are most in demand

July 28, 2023 at a conference dedicated to cooperation between Russia and Africa […]
The day before, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Minister of Information and Communication Technologies, Postal and Courier Services of the Republic of Zimbabwe Dr. Jenfan Muswere signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of international information security

The chief executive officer of the SAMENA Telecommunications Council, Bokar Ba, among the technological areas that are now actively developing in Africa, cited 4G and 5G networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics and access control, and artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence, in particular, is a priority in accordance with national development plans in 21 of the 32 countries in Africa that responded to the corresponding UNESCO survey. Such data was announced by the first deputy chairman of the board of Sberbank Alexander Vedyakhin. The use of artificial intelligence technologies, in particular, is gaining momentum in Africa in the fields of health, agriculture, etc.

Sberbank, as one of the leaders in the development of AI solutions in Russia, is itself ready to share its developments in this area with African countries, including solutions for predicting climate risks, agriculture and health care, says Alexander Vedyakhin.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development Vladimir Ilyichev believes that Russia is ready to implement joint projects with African partners – both for the implementation and development of AI technologies. In his opinion, the technology market of African countries has great prospects. And some Russian IT companies are already actively working there. As an example, the deputy minister cited Yandex (taxi projects in other areas), Kaspersky Lab, Cognitive Pilot, Neoflex, Promobot.

Young scientists presented the robot “Adam” at the Russia-Africa summit

The humanoid robot is designed to teach the basics of robotics and programming, the developers plan to enter the African market with it.

“We also have a new product – “Adam Junior” – a mobile platform on omnidirectional wheels, it will be more affordable for schools, educational clubs and so on. We have already exchanged contacts with representatives from Namibia and plan to enter the African market.”

The company plans to begin development in the field of drones and exoskeletons. The company “Robot” is engaged in the development and implementation of a personal humanoid robot “Adam” in the system of additional and general education of children.

The company was the first in Russia to develop and patent a method for controlling a robot using controllers and a virtual reality helmet.

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