Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017

Welsh Singer Charlotte Church is in hot water and about to be cancelled for her part in a rendition of From the River to the Sea…

Is anti semitism really on the rise at the rate that has been reported? I posted a few pages ago how data is collected via charities who document reports of ‘anti semitism’ (most of which are generic complaints about very trivial matters) which is then used as evidence to support the claim of a hysteric rise in anti semitism since the Oct 7th attacks.

Here’s a tweet which has gained a lot of traction, where someone offended by Church’s performance, will be reporting her to the Charity Commission, for anti semitism.

The Israelis aren’t happy that Londoners in particular are Pro Palestine and have been chanting this at all protests and marches.

Quite convenient timing wise given that Sadiq Khan, London Mayor, was accused of allowing London to be taken over by ‘Islamists’ by a Tory Whip, Lee Anderson.
When the anti semitism card doesn’t stick, play the islamaphobic one and rile up the far right.


Sep 4, 2023
...only a small percentage of the world (in my experience) are aware that the Romans weren't behind the execution of Christ....
It went like this-
PILATE- "I find Jesus not guilty"
JEWISH PRIESTS- "Whoa bub, he said he was a king which is treason against your Caesar, so if you let him off the hook you'll be recalled to Rome and be slopping out the Colosseum latrines for the rest of your days"
PILATE- "Hmm, okay i'd better sign his death warrant to cover my ass"


"Pilate said “I find no basis for a charge against him.." (John 18:38)

"Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jewish leaders kept shouting, “If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.”
Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified, so the soldiers took charge of Jesus. " (John 19: 12-16)
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Nov 29, 2023
It went like this-
PILATE- "I find Jesus not guilty"
JEWISH PRIESTS- "Whoa bub, he said he was a king which is treason against your Caesar, so if you let him off the hook you'll be recalled to Rome and be slopping out the Colosseum latrines for the rest of your days"
PILATE- "Hmm, okay i'd better sign his death warrant to cover my ass"

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"Pilate said “I find no basis for a charge against him.." (John 18:38)

"Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jewish leaders kept shouting, “If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.”
Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified, so the soldiers took charge of Jesus. " (John 19: 12-16)
The point was, the vast majority don't know this. They probably don't care, first and foremost, but very few know that is wasn't solely the Romans that were responsible.

For a large portion of my life I'd have to count myself as part of this majority.


Mar 15, 2017
Don’t believe a word of this. A ceasefire for Ramadan? Sure. That’s when they plan to inflict the most damage.

During the Meyers interview, Biden also said Israelwould be willing to temporarily halt its war during the upcoming Muslim fasting month of Ramadan if a deal is reached to release some of the hostages. “Ramadan’s coming up and there has been an agreement by the Israelis that they would not engage in activities during Ramadan as well, in order to give us time to get all the hostages out,” Biden said.

His appearance came hours before details of a draft proposal from truce talks in Paris were reported by Reuters, citing a senior source close to the discussions. The plans reportedly included a 40-day pause in all military operations as well as the exchange of Palestinian prisoners for Israeli hostages at a ratio of 10 to one.

Under the ceasefire terms, hospitals and bakeries in Gaza would be repaired, 500 aid trucks would enter into the strip each day and thousands of tents and caravans would be delivered to house the displaced, the Reuters source said.

The draft also reportedly stated Hamas would free 40 Israeli hostages including women, children under 19, people over 50 and the sick, while Israel would release about 400 Palestinian prisoners and would not re-arrest them, the source said.

It would also reportedly allow the gradual return of displaced civilians to northern Gaza, except men of military age.


Mar 15, 2017
You won’t be sleeping like a baby in your grave mate, you’ll be tossing and turning and tasting the inevitable hell that awaits you. The fact that they find humour in this will forever unsettle and haunt me. We don’t know whose cot that is, we don’t know the fate of the infant or its family, yet this serving soldier deemed it appropriate to sit in it and pretend to sleep?



Jan 10, 2019
I think this example of suffering has effected everyone. Ryan Christian said something thoughtful, that in Aaron Bushnell's death he was expressing a deep collective pain and guilt of a world experiencing the extent of Israel's cruelty, which I agree with.

He posted this crazy pic too which shows the extreme division between Israhell and the rest of the world, it's beyond sad:
