Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020
Hi, Stucky ...
I don't see the connection.
If this is "line in the sand" territory for you, fair enough. The subject is futile here, imo-- but the sidebar is important + I owe you a link.
well yea i just don't trust zionists. I have, many times, seen highly intelligent people turn into blabbering fools when they put on their zionist hat. However i can see that you have done some homework which is the only reason why i'm responding to you here.

Neither sounds like, "We want to live alongside Jews..." -- not to me, anyway.
Forgot about that charter, though... it was the no. 1 concession asked of Hamas in 1997.
I'll include my thoughts on the PLO charter here as well.

Khaled Mashaal told The Associated Press that he made the offer to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in talks on Saturday. "We have offered a truce if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders, a truce of 10 years as a proof of recognition," Mashaal said.
The truce implies living side by side with the state of Israel. It also acknowledges that the state of Israel has borders. And this is the important part,

If Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders
So until Israel withdraws to those borders (never going to happen though) neither hamas or PLO are under any obligation to recognise the belligerent occupier. And until Israel withdraws then neither hamas or the PLO should be under any obligation to amend their charters regardless of how vile some may find their wording. It is not for the victim to make concessions to the perp or in this case the belligerent occupier. First the occupation must end. When the occupation ends the charters of both hamas and the PLO become outdated.

As a slight aside. There is no obligation for one state to acknowledge a neighbouring state. States are however obligated to respect another states borders. That's something that Israel does not do.

You bet.
The poll was taken in Sept.
The release date was later, so it may be the same one you found.
Thanks. Yes that was the link that i found. Your date of Sept threw me as the report wasn't concluded until Oct 6th or 8th.

Like i said it was just for my own curiosity. I was curious as to why you would quote FP as his comments all seem to be alike, "i hate jews for killing Jesus and stealing Palestine. I hate Palestinians for being Muslim and it was Muslims who carried out 9/11. I hate Catholics because the provos scared my cat"

Each to their own i guess.

I don't know if you know of this site but here's a link to the avalon project (yale law) it's choc full of documents. Maybe you could start by looking at article 22 of the covenant of the League of Nations...if you're inclined to.



May 17, 2020
Al Jazeera: ICJ Day 6

ICJ: Israel-Palestine conflict did not start on October 7 – Yildiz

Turkey’s representative at the ICJ hearing says the conflict could have been settled by now if international law and human rights law had been upheld and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people had been recognised.
“The conflict is not about a certain Palestinian faction or group. The conflict dates back to an earlier century,” he says.
“The real obstacle to peace is obvious,” he adds, identifying the “deepening occupation by Israel of the Palestinian territories” and a failure to implement a two-state solution as the underlying issues.

Israeli attacks on holy sites encouraged by politicians, says Yildiz

Turkey’s legal representative highlights Israeli actions that have violated the sanctity of holy sites, including Al-Aqsa Mosque.
He claims incidents such as the storming of the mosque by settlers were a response to “heinous calls by Israeli politicians”.
In his closing comments, he says Turkey is concerned by the Israeli government’s plan to limit access for Muslims to holy sites during the holy month of Ramadan.

ICJ: A solution should not ‘put the blame squarely on one party’, says Zambia

Zambia’s solicitor general, Marshal Mubambe Muchende, says his country recognises the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination as well as the legitimate security needs of the Israeli people.
He adds that both have a duty to respect international human rights law and international humanitarian law.
He concludes that a solution to the conflict should not place “blame squarely on one party” but rather advance a negotiated solution that would culminate in a two-state solution.

ICJ: Israeli occupation an ‘affront to international justice’ – League of Arab States

The organisation’s representative, Abdel Hakim El Rifai, tells the World Court that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is the “last oppressive, expansionist apartheid settler colonial occupation still standing in the 21st century”.
“This prolonged occupation is an affront to international justice. The failure to bring it to an end has led to the current horrors perpetrated against the Palestinian people, amounting to genocide.
“There can be no moral or juridical justification for occupying lands, killing, terrorising and displacing their populations.
“Only the rule of law, not the prevailing law of the jungle, will pave the way to peace in the whole region.
“Ending the occupation is the gateway to peaceful coexistence”.

ICJ: Israel perpetrates ‘racial domination’ against Palestinians, says Arab League

Ralph Wilde, second representative of the League of Arab States (LAS), begins by saying the “Palestinian people have been denied the exercise of their legal right to self-determination through the more than century-long, violent, colonial racist effort to establish a nation-state exclusively for the Jewish people in the land of Mandatory Palestine”.
His presentation then addresses the violations of international law arising out of the Israeli regime of what he describes as “racial domination and apartheid perpetrated against the Palestinian people”.
He then looks at the “existential illegality of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem since 1967”.

ICJ: Arab League concludes oral arguments with words by poet killed in Israeli air strike

In his closing remarks, Ralph Wilde says: “There is no backdoor legal basis for Israel to maintain the occupation, through the imperatives of occupation and human rights law.”
He then concludes his presentation by quoting Refaat Alareer, the Palestinian writer, poet and activist who was killed in an Israeli bombardment of Gaza in December.
“If I must die, you must live to tell my story. If I must die, let it bring hope. Let it be a story.”

ICJ: OIC calls for peace based on ‘two-state solution’

Hissein Brahim Taha, secretary-general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), says the body condemns the Israeli aggression on Gaza, which he said has given “rise to massive war crimes and a risk of genocide”.
He then denounced crimes committed by Israel in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Taha then said the OIC calls on a “just lasting and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution”.
He also requested that countries “cease exporting arms and munitions to the occupation authorities, knowing that the army and the settlers are using them against the Palestinian people”.

OIC calls on ICJ to bring Israeli-Palestinian conflict ‘back under the spotlight of the law’

“Israel’s unjustified and unpunished use of violence against the Palestinians leads to more violence in response” that, in turn, leads to an “infernal cycle of vengeance”, says the OIC’s second representative Monique Chemillier-Gendreau.
“Vengeance naturally favours the strongest. This is the murderous chain of events tragically taking place,” she said, adding that an impartial third party was needed to break this chain.
“It falls to your court when you hand down this opinion to bring all of this conflict back under the spotlight of the law,” Chemillier-Gendreau said.

Israel’s war on Gaza ‘shameful attempt to create another Nakba’: AU tells ICJ

The African Union’s first representative, Hajer Gueldich, says “nothing can justify the unspeakable suffering and horrors inflicted on the population of Gaza”.
She also said the Palestinian people have been “the victims of subjugation, displacement and dispossession”.
The Israeli “ruthless war machine” has led to the devastation of the Palestinian population, schools, places of worship, homes and hospitals, Gueldich said.
This case, Gueldich argued, is an opportunity for the court to end Israel’s “impunity”.
In her closing remarks, she reminded the ICJ that the case did not hinge on a dispute between two “equal parties, but an asymmetrical situation in which an oppressed people is confronted with an occupying power”.

International community let Palestinian people down: African Union at ICJ

The African Union’s second representative, Professor Mohamed Helal, reiterates the bloc’s call to end Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.
“The injustice being wrought against the people of Gaza makes it imperative to end Israel’s impunity and hold it accountable for the rule of law,” he said.
Helal warned that “the court of history may very well judge the credibility of international law on the basis of the outcome of these proceedings”.
“The international community has let down the Palestinian people, but the African Union has faith that in this court; justice will prevail,” he said.
“The betrayal of the sacred trust, that is, the self-determination of the Palestinian people, is an enduring injustice that pleads to be remedied,” he concluded.
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May 17, 2020
IDF operation in Rafah would be 'final nail in the coffin' of aid programmes, says UN chief

46 seconds



Mar 18, 2017
By alternative you must be referring to the consequences of defying Hamas: torture and beheading because…Blasphemy!

Now about that Hamas Charter:

According to Hatun Tash, the Preamble to the Hamas 1988 Charter says, “Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam invalidates it, just as it invalidated others before it.”

Beware calls for a two-state solution.

That is part of stealth jihad. When Islam is powerful enough, they will attempt to (as the Islamic World has failed to do—so many times) wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
This post made me break out in laughter...i had to respond.

After 20 years of the War on Terror and the recent hatred for the World Economic Forum, the boogeyman of a looming Caliphate has lost it's hold on alot of people. Many people have woken up to who the real enemy is.

Yes, there will be no two-state the NWO endgame, that is. And i won't stop saying it. You perfectly express the sentiment of every Neo-con that has come out of the woodwork warning that; Two-state solution=End is Nigh/end of democracy etc (iam sure you are familiar with all the talking points)

The latest neocon to chime in (Michael Rubin), a JPost piece and FDD below. I'll do my best to catalogue all these calls. Already have an old post



May 17, 2020
What happened in Gaza while Israel was meant to act to stop genocide

2 mins



Mar 18, 2017
Very little aid coming in, 50% reduction in supplies entering #Gaza compared to January

@Stucky, iam quoting your post because (i didn't have the appetite to watch but went through the transcript) UNRWA is going to collapse on it's own without the funding....seems to be the plan. As i mentioned in an old post, immigration legislation certainly is being formulated to take all this into account because, again, "From the Nile to the Euphrates" predates October 7th. Europe's suicide pact

Bonnie Glick:

Rich, if I may add to that, because the border is a really critical area that there isn’t enough focus on. That is largely due to American foreign policy decision making. What do I mean by that? It’s an international border. There is an international airport that’s located about 50 kilometers from Rafah inside Egypt, an international airport that could whisk refugees away to a third country, as you mentioned, Qatar, but there are countries that are willing to take Gazan civilians and have them resettled there. The point of a refugee–

Cliff May:

Which countries would those be?

Bonnie Glick:

Those are Scotland, Canada, Chechnya, Turkey, Qatar. These are all country… Egypt doesn’t want them resettling in Egypt. But Egypt–

Cliff May:

Even taking temporary refuge for the duration of the war, which seems to be–

RIch Goldberg:

Of course amazing, Bonnie and Cliff, no security council resolution demanding Egypt open that border once since October 7th.

Bonnie Glick:


RIch Goldberg:

No condemnation of keeping people in Gaza when they could be moving into completely isolated empty desert land that doesn’t threaten Egypt at all. I mean, that–

Bonnie Glick:

Part of that, Rich, is because America insists that no Gazan leave Gaza. There’s no other war zone in the world where refugees are not allowed to leave. You’ve had a million people leave Ukraine. You’ve had millions of people leave Venezuela. You’ve had a million Rohingya refugees leave Burma for Bangladesh. Third countries are willing to accept refugees, and that’s the point of refugee resettlement. Giving people the opportunity for a new life. 850,000 Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews left their Arab and Muslim countries in 1948 and came to Israel as refugees. The Jewish homeland and Israel helped them make lives there. That’s the point of refugee resettlement, and it is the key piece that UNRWA refuses to do. UNRWA requires that Palestinians remain in these what they call, so-called occupied areas in the hope of return to a future Palestine. Well, it’s not happening anytime soon. Wouldn’t it be nice to help the people who are in such dire circumstances to get to a safe haven and eventually to be resettled?

Cliff May:

If we understand that, then when we talk about a two-state solution, how does it solve anything to say we are going to recognize a Palestinian state and who’s going to lead that Palestinian state? Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Authority that doesn’t condemn Hamas?

Rich Goldberg:

Listen, this is ultimately why you have a crash ahead of you, if you keep trying to barrel trains down towards this idea of a two-state solution. It’s going to be a devastating train crash in foreign policy terms if this is where the United States keeps pushing the trains, because not only do you have Hamas with what you just described as its ideology, but you fundamentally have a narrative indoctrinated for all Palestinians institutionalized by the United Nations and UNRWA, as Bonnie laid out, that is all about the vision of genocide of Jews. It’s inherent in the narrative that if you are waiting for your moment, your October 7th moment to invade and throw all the Jews into the sea and reclaim what’s really yours, and until then you are refugees, until then you cannot achieve the true two state vision. Who are you dealing with from the Israeli side? Who are you dealing with in Washington? This is outrageous. This is like the campus protests from the river to the sea, but actually operationalized to perform the act from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. That is to say to genocide the Jews.

Cliff May:

Yeah, I doubt the Israelis are going to be held back. I think it’s too imperative that they do so. Going back to Lyndon Johnson trying to discourage the Israelis from understanding that that war was going to be fought by Egypt and Syria and Jordan and others in ’67, and they knew what they had to do, or taking out the nuclear reactor at Osirak and Iraq, or the Syrian nuclear reactor. I think the Israelis sometimes know they have to do what they have to do and they’ll ask forgiveness rather than permission at the end of the day.

One who I give the credit for this, David Satterfield, did say that the White House had decided to stop funding for UNRWA and he said it’s not a suspension, it’s a prohibition on providing further funding. That strikes me as a good move. I saw that two congressmen, representative Andy Ogles and Mary Miller, both Republicans, introduced a resolution to designate UNRWA as a foreign terrorist organization, that’s going even further.
What do you think of those, Bonnie?

Bonnie Glick:

So it’s super interesting, and I think Senator Cruz also has something in the works where he wants to designate UNRWA as a foreign terrorist organization, remove the 501C3 benefit for UNRWA where Americans can get a tax benefit for giving to a 501C3 organization associated with UNRWA, and taking it a step further and saying donations to UNRWA are material support for terrorism.

So there are these good moves to cut not just US government, but also good-willed, well-meaning Americans who have been duped by little kids on Halloween going around with trick or treat for UNICEF boxes. Foreign terrorism organization designation of UNRWA likely won’t happen. I think what’s much more likely is that UNRWA will simply be shut down, tail between its legs and it’ll retreat into the darkness, and the leadership of UNRWA will take up new leadership roles in other equally as perverse UN agencies like UN Women, the International Committee for the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, the World Health Organization, all of which have been complicit since October 7th in either the coverup.

So your first question on UNRWA and the FTO designation, it’s a clever move, but I don’t think it will advance. I do think UNRWA ultimately will have so little funding left that it will be forced to shut down. In addition to that, the UN will make an effort to take care of Palestinians possibly by the only logical means available, and that is to roll them into UNHCR, the UN High Commission for Refugees
. That of course will take away all of the permanent refugee status for Palestinians.


Mar 18, 2017
TPTB hired a PR firm to sell the 9/11 wars and the Covid psyop and while i haven't seen anything yet on Israel's part (or the Lobby) in this regard, this Semafor article provides some juicy bits in the infowar (apologies if it was already's from November). Apparently, Israel has hired PR firms in it's previous Gaza conflict, that is.

Wall Street and Hollywood billionaires have discussed in recent weeks a plan to spend as much as $50 million on a media campaign to “define Hamas to the American people as a terrorist organization.”

Real-estate billionaire Barry Sternlicht launched the campaign in the days after the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, and in an email viewed by Semafor, sought $1 million donations each from dozens of the business world’s wealthiest people.

He wrote that he’d had “a great conversation” about the effort with CNN owner David Zaslav, and that Endeavor CEO and talent agent Ari Emanuel had agreed to coordinate the campaign, though spokespeople for both men said they aren’t involved now.

The campaign would aim to “distinguish between anti-Semites and the Palestinian situation,” he wrote, as U.S and global media increasingly focus coverage on deaths in Gaza, potentially eroding sympathy and support for Israel.

“Public opinion will surely shift as scenes, real or fabricated by Hamas, of civilian Palestinian suffering will surely erode [Israel’s] current empathy in the world community,” he wrote. “We must get ahead of the narrative.”

The email was sent to more than 50 household names, including media mogul David Geffen, investors Michael Milken and Nelson Peltz, and tech luminaries Eric Schmidt and Michael Dell. All told, the recipients have a net worth of nearly $500 billion, according to Bloomberg and Forbes data.

It’s unclear how far the effort has advanced or who is on board, but it has raised several million dollars, hired Josh Vlasto, a former aide to Sen. Chuck Schumer and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, to advise it, and quietly launched a website, people familiar with the matter said.

Some of those on the chain have been vocal already. Investor Bill Ackman and Apollo CEO Marc Rowan criticized universities for their handling of pro-Palestinian student demonstrations, and Michael Bloomberg donated $44 million to Israel’s nonprofit emergency medical service. Some have criticized the Israeli government as well: Emanuel denounced Bibi Netanyahu just days after the attacks, saying: “I just think it’s time that we get rid of this man.”

Sternlicht wrote that he’s trying to raise $50 million from the group and seek a matching donation from a large Jewish charity for a media blitz to “define Hamas” as “not just the enemy of Israel but of the United States.”

This is just one of several behind-the-scenes efforts by business tycoons — many, though not all of them Jewish — to support Israel since the attack by Hamas. Most CEOs have been noticeably quiet on the issue, a shift from years of public statements on geopolitical or social issues
Churches on the frontline, fighting Israel's PR wars/image problems. Iam still looking for a briefing given to pastors (in the early 2000s)....talking points to sell the war on terror.

On the stage sat the evening’s speakers, including Hagee and two Israeli diplomats, Livia Link-Raviv, consul general for the American Southwest, whose office is in Houston, and Gilad Erdan, Israel’s representative to the United Nations. Link-Raviv spoke first. “Last year, I asked you, ‘Did you think that Israel is complicated?’ You all agreed with me: it’s not,” she said about one of the most complicated countries on the planet. “It’s the holy land. It is the homeland of the Jewish people.” Then she got to the crux of her address: “The [Israel Defense Forces are] strong and resilient, but we have a different battle to fight. The front of public opinion,” she said, as much of the audience vigorously nodded along. “Do not get confused. Do not allow others to get confused, not now and not in the days and weeks to come when inevitable difficult images will continue to appear”—an apparent reference to photos of women and children killed and wounded in Gaza by Israeli air strikes intended to target Hamas fighters.

The keynote speaker, Erdan, stated that “to defend our future is to use every mean, every mean at our disposal so that this horror is never repeated. . . . I can tell you that all, all of Hamas’s terror infrastructure is built deep within and under Gaza City. There are terror command centers under hospitals, missile launchers in schools, and rocket manufacturing facilities inside apartment buildings.” His implication was that high civilian casualties could be expected. Yet he also implored the audience to discount “every number and every claim that you hear from Gaza,” because, he implied, Hamas controls all the information coming out, which discounts the information coming from nonprofits and journalists, including news reports of thousands of civilian casualties.

Erdan, Hagee, and Link-Raviv’s speeches didn’t deny that Palestinian civilians were going to die in this war, but neither did they allow for any real consideration of the worth of those civilians’ lives. In a twist on Isaiah’s injunction, the audience was, in effect, being asked to deny hearing any evil or seeing any evil so long as it wasn’t Israel suffering it. Source


May 17, 2020
So your first question on UNRWA and the FTO designation, it’s a clever move, but I don’t think it will advance. I do think UNRWA ultimately will have so little funding left that it will be forced to shut down. In addition to that, the UN will make an effort to take care of Palestinians possibly by the only logical means available, and that is to roll them into UNHCR, the UN High Commission for Refugees. That of course will take away all of the permanent refugee status for Palestinians.
The refugee status seems to be Israel's main objective in destroying UNRWA. The irony is that UN accepted Israel as a member based primarily on res 194.

In the light of the discussions on the admission of Israel to the UN, and the wording of the resolution, it can be argued that “the admission of Israel was linked with its cooperation in implementing the right of return.


Edit: According to one of e=Enoch's posts there's a summit in Geneva discussing the "replacement of UNRWA"

For the avoidance of doubt. I have not watched the video


May 17, 2020

Ralph Wilde Arab League ICJ Lawyer. He goes from the mandate era to 1947/48 to 1967 to the present day and destroys almost every zionist lie ever told.

runtime 26 mins approx



May 17, 2020
Extraordinary charges of bias emerge against NYTimes reporter Anat Schwartz


Mar 18, 2017
The refugee status seems to be Israel's main objective in destroying UNRWA. The irony is that UN accepted Israel as a member based primarily on res 194.


Edit: According to one of e=Enoch's posts there's a summit in Geneva discussing the "replacement of UNRWA"

For the avoidance of doubt. I have not watched the video
My opinion is that the Establishment is just playing with us by saying that UNRWA is going to be replaced (i've watched enoch's video) when infact the plan is to expel Gazans. Many of the important DC power players (when it comes to the Middle East) are saying in unison that Gazans should/will be resettled elsewhere. Enoch posted another video of Jonathan Pollard saying that they should be deported to Ireland. You know, from the Establishment's vantage point, Western countries are being depopulated through the covid vaxx so that non-natives can replace the natives.

Something happened last week, when i was off the board, that had me thinking that "i wouldn't be surprised at all if some Western countries suddenly announced that they are taking in Palestinian refugees."....then i saw Scotland listed in the FDD link.

I read the story and the thought that crossed my mind was that he must have participated in something going on in Gaza since he is/was active-duty anyway.
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Jan 29, 2018
My opinion is that the Establishment is just playing with us by saying that UNRWA is going to be replaced (i've watched enoch's video) when infact the plan is to expel Gazans. Many of the important DC power players (when it comes to the Middle East) are saying in unison that Gazans should/will be resettled elsewhere. Enoch posted another video of Jonathan Pollard saying that they should be deported to Ireland. You know, from the Establishment's vantage point, Western countries are being depopulated through the covid vaxx so that non-natives can replace the natives.

Something happened last week, when i was off the board, that had me thinking that "i wouldn't be surprised at all if some Western countries suddenly announced that they are taking in Palestinian refugees."....then i saw Scotland listed in the FDD link.

I read the story and the thought that crossed my mind was that he must have participated in something going on in Gaza since he is/was active-duty anyway.
Perhaps Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden can go to the American taxpayer to foot that relocation bill as well... just like we saw them get reparations for Holocaust survivors.