Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Apr 26, 2017
You are an absolute roaster. The Eastern Europeans have done exactly...EXACTLY what you just typed and now you want us to feel sympathy for thieving ethnic cleansing genocidal maniacs?

Sheer hypocrisy from an absolute roaster!
Had “The Eastern Europeans” tried to wipe the Palestinian people off the face of the earth, they would have succeeded—creating a smoking hole where Gaza is today. The Palestinian people are still there.

The Islamic World has united behind destroying Israel many times, all to no avail. If you understand how stealth jihad works, you’ll understand why a two-state solution becomes a time bomb threatening Israel’s existence.


May 17, 2020
Had “The Eastern Europeans” tried to wipe the Palestinian people off the face of the earth, they would have succeeded—creating a smoking hole where Gaza is today. The Palestinian people are still there.

The Islamic World has united behind destroying Israel many times, all to no avail. If you understand how stealth jihad works, you’ll understand why a two-state solution becomes a time bomb threatening Israel’s existence.
Gaza is a smoking hole. But i suspect you are talking about using a nuke on Gaza if they wanted to. And of course the answer to that would be a question...Are you effing stupid?

Fact: There was a "Two state solution" and the Eastern Europeans used that as a springboard to steal Palestine and as it stands right now they have wiped Palestine off the map.

elsbet's cat ^. .^

Mar 18, 2023
"... if you have never heard that one from hamas why are you here?"
Hi, Stucky ...
I don't see the connection.
If this is "line in the sand" territory for you, fair enough. The subject is futile here, imo-- but the sidebar is important + I owe you a link.

From the Guardian Jan 11th 2007
From same article,
From NBC news April 21st 2008,
Thanks for the info.
On the "incremental" truce offered by Hamas in 2008...
Meshal said:
... the group would never outright formally recognize Israel.
Jan. 2007
Mr. Meshal (Hamas) said:
"(Israel) is a reality but I won't deal with it in terms of recognising or admitting it." Changing the Hamas charter was also a matter for the future, he said. "The distant future will have its own circumstances, and positions could be determined then," he said.
Neither sounds like, "We want to live alongside Jews..." -- not to me, anyway.
Forgot about that charter, though... it was the no. 1 concession asked of Hamas in 1997.
Letter to UN - Response 27 Jul 1998
c. 1997
1. Complete the process of revising the Palestinian National Charter.
So... nothing changed there, either.
I looked for commentary on the charter from al Jazeera during this time frame with no success. I did find a memorandum (legal analysis) from 'al Jazeera, Transparency' which covers possible difficulties for Palestine: legalities which may cause delays in negotiations, potential revisions of charter amendments, and etc.
Palestinian National Council (PNC):
The PNC is the highest authority in the PLO and is considered to be the parliament of all Palestinians inside and outside of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem. According to the PLOs Fundamental Law, the PNC is responsible for setting PLO policies, electing the Executive Committee and making the necessary changes in its own membership, as well as changing the Palestine National Charter (a special meeting is required) and to the Fundamental Law of the organization. However, it should be mentioned that the functioning of the PNC is irregular, and is constrained by regional developments and political climates. The PNC also elects a speaker, two deputies and a secretary, who make up the Bureau of the Council. The Council has its own standing committees for various aspects of its work, such as its legal and political committees. The composition of the PNC represents all sectors of the Palestinian community worldwide and includes numerous organizations of the resistance movement, political parties, popular organizations (each of the above is represented by specific quotas) and independent personalities and figures from all sectors of life, including intellectuals, religious leaders and businessmen.
According to Art. 5 of the Fundamental Law, the members of the PNC are directly elected by the Palestinian People according to rules determined by the Executive Committee.4 Art. 6 stipulates that if it is not possible to conduct elections, the current PNC would continue to act until the circumstances allow for elections to be conducted.
According to Art. 3 of Law n. 13 on Elections that was enacted in 1995 by the PA, the members of the PLC become, in accordance with art. 5 and 6 of the PLOs Fundamental Law, members of the PNC.5
This law was repealed by art.116 of Law n. 9 for the year 2005, regarding the Elections. The new law does not include any provision regarding the membership of the PLC members in the PNC. Accordingly, the members recently elected to the PLC would not acquire membership in the PNC ex officio for the following reasons...
(two subsections worth reading follow; conclusion here:)...
Therefore, the question of the membership of the new PLC members in the PNC is unclear, and requires further investigation and assessment.
It's exhausting. -.-
More than anything, though, it shows the chaos of overall operations. Nothing is static, due to internal conflict over leadership.

I get what you're saying, though.
In this context, it might be considered progress - but the charter would have been a goodwill concession. Nothing tangible-- but in principle... huge. Going forward, Meshal called the charter "history" in 2010, but also "unchangeable for internal reasons." (?)

It was updated in 2017.
In the revised version, Hamas accepts a Palestinian state (within 1967 borders) + maintains a refusal to recognize Israel. Or renounce the charter (all per wiki). It's pretty barbaric stuff. Not even trying to be contentious, but if someone made a promise, and refused to change his oath to God to do otherwise (which carriers its own consequences; hence, mostly "unchangeable"), no rational person would risk taking it seriously.
(I'm not interested in arguing the point, since our perception differs-- and thats fine. But the people can't be involuntarily committed to another man's oath. Have you read it?)

How did you end up on Feb 5th and why quote Flarepath?

So i had a google and nothing for the date you gave came up. The closest was a survey released on Oct 6th. So if you would be kind enough, have a google and link me to the 23rd of Sept so i can read the context.
You bet.
The poll was taken in Sept.
The release date was later, so it may be the same one you found.

Jews Muslims and Christains all lived peacefully together in the holy lands for centuries before 1948.
To an extent, yes.
Iirc... both Muslim and Jewish folks who were residents agree on this point. Fortunately, that generation is still around to testify and pass it on. That's important, imo. There's a history of interference + persecution from without toward both Muslims + Jews.

Hamas are the people. The people are Hamas. Regardless of how desperate the western media is to separate them.
I hear you.
You mentioned this in another thread, and the possibility Hamas may be corrupted - is this related? Because that was my first thought.

Muslim intellectuals (+ others, of course; see link) have been tracking over the years, which is good. Their effort shows Palestinians do exist apart from Hamas; and in recent years, so do the records of their opinions - as they should.

Anyway... yes.
The West's government has almost succeeded in removing Christianity from the public's minds, but now... they've got religion.
Eschatology speaks for itself, though, and it doesn't change. This is a political campaign,* and as a rule, institutions speak on behalf of the (common) enemy-- common being the operative. -> Note the emotional echo chamber in here.
I'm interested in your statement on corruption, though... thanks

* @Karlysymon covers this aspect in her "Immanentize the eschaton" post. My opinions otherwise do not necessarily reflect hers - or anyone else's. Read it... its relevant. ☺


Jun 28, 2020
Their effort shows Palestinians do exist apart from Hamas;
I mentioned it and will continue to repeat it because it's true.

We are talking about 2 million people so i can't say 100% support Hamas because you can't paint any large group with one brush. But certainly the majority do support Hamas, like 90%+.

Just like you would if you lived in a concentration camp for decades where your family was raped and murdered daily.

Hamas are thier liberators. With the exception of Yemen, no one has come to their aid. Only an ignoramus would believe Palestinians do not back Hamas.


Jun 28, 2020
Let this one sink in.


KSA helps Ukraine while Palestinian Muslims are being slaughtered. They could send generators to Palestine, literally next door, but instead they let the US set up weapons to shoot down Yemeni missiles headed into Israel.

Might want to note that the US is protective of Ukraine because it's the homeland of the Khazars.

The House of Saud is Jewish. Change my mind.


Mar 15, 2017
The House of Saud is Jewish. Change my mind.
Is there credible evidence for this or is it just a conspiracy? My brother always says this but he’s never pointed me to anything concrete.


Jun 28, 2020
Is there credible evidence for this or is it just a conspiracy? My brother always says this but he’s never pointed me to anything concrete.
After all that's happened since Oct and KSA has still announced interest for Israeli normalization after the war ends, even though 96% of Saudis are against it. Is this an Islamic or Zionist position?

I saw a post earlier where MBS said only Saudi women have a right to say what Saudi women should wear.
Is this not western Zionist rhetoric? It's certainly not an Islamic position. Last time i checked, it was God who decided what women should wear.

Idk if you follow Whitney Webb, but here's some info worth acknowledging.



Jan 10, 2019
After all that's happened since Oct and KSA has still announced interest for Israeli normalization after the war ends, even though 96% of Saudis are against it. Is this an Islamic or Zionist position?
If you don't mind me butting into the convo on the Kingdom, their strategy doesn't seem to be as simple as Islamic vs. Zionist. As you noted about childish pretenders online like the irrelevant ninja they can claim to be devotees of Jesus but whether in physical or spiritual terms they are Israelis. So I get what you're saying about Zionist intentions but the way Judaism and Islam were represented in North Africa to Arabia they are very closely related families.

I think all the Saudis care about is themselves, their self-preservation. I'm looking at the wiki entry right now and it's a bewildering event-filled history from the 20th century onward, navigating the intrigue of uprisings, civil-wars, and relating to major powers like Britain, Iran, USSR, and the US. This is the normie version of history too so I hope to gather more authentic insight from independent sources. Not that it's hidden but one podcast recently mentioned secret meetings between JFK and Saud in the early 60's so again more context is needed to understand events like the oil embargo after the YK war of 1973. In some areas they are respected as nationalists, surviving plots to control their natural resources.

Still your point stands: Saudis are not acting as true Muslims, as real defenders of justice. 10's of thousands of aboriginal Islamic based people of Palestine are being slaughtered or tortured in prisons yet all this wealthy government does is issue statements. They could do more. Honest citizens of the planet like ourselves see right through their hypocrisy.


Jun 28, 2020
If you don't mind me butting into the convo on the Kingdom, their strategy doesn't seem to be as simple as Islamic vs. Zionist. As you noted about childish pretenders online like the irrelevant ninja they can claim to be devotees of Jesus but whether in physical or spiritual terms they are Israelis. So I get what you're saying about Zionist intentions but the way Judaism and Islam were represented in North Africa to Arabia they are very closely related families.

I think all the Saudis care about is themselves, their self-preservation. I'm looking at the wiki entry right now and it's a bewildering event-filled history from the 20th century onward, navigating the intrigue of uprisings, civil-wars, and relating to major powers like Britain, Iran, USSR, and the US. This is the normie version of history too so I hope to gather more authentic insight from independent sources. Not that it's hidden but one podcast recently mentioned secret meetings between JFK and Saud in the early 60's so again more context is needed to understand events like the oil embargo after the YK war of 1973. In some areas they are respected as nationalists, surviving plots to control their natural resources.

Still your point stands: Saudis are not acting as true Muslims, as real defenders of justice. 10's of thousands of aboriginal Islamic based people of Palestine are being slaughtered or tortured in prisons yet all this wealthy government does is issue statements. They could do more. Honest citizens of the planet like ourselves see right through their hypocrisy.
The house of Saud themselves are not Islamic. Its quite literally a tribe that has claimed power and authority for themselves. A King.

While it's a monarchy in the KSA today. Islam has always called for a Caliph. A God fearing man, given authority by the people he would rule.

When MBS allows alcohol in Saudi Arabia he is anything but God fearing.

It wasn't always this way. Consider King Faisal, he ruled the land decades ago until he was assassinated in 75'.

Faisal cut off oil to the west because of Palestine. Why don't the KSA do the same today?

Because they are not the nation they was yesterday. While there are many pious people there, after all it houses Mecca, there are also men who wear makeup. Women who don't cover their hair.

I seen a video a day or 2 ago where a Saudi was blocking traffic because he was drunk. While Islam strictly forbids alcohol.

This is the state of affairs today in the heart of Muslim lands.


Jun 28, 2020
There's is a famous hadith.I'll briefly summarize it

The prophet (saw) asked God to bless Sham (Syria, Palestine, Yemen). The people said " also our Najd" (Saudi Arabia).

The prophet continued to ask God to bless Sham, while the people continued to ask him to bless Najd.

After the 3rd time the prophet told them its a land of trials and tribulations and the horns of satan would come out of there

Take a look at Mecca today. At the monstrocity that stands over the Kabah. What's at the very top? Over Allahs name?

The moon / crescent. What does this represent? The star and crescent represents the sun rising between the devils horns.

The hour has quite literally cast its shadow.


Last edited:


May 17, 2020

Israeli airstrikes, dead & injured under the rubble

4 mins

Israeli warplanes destroy heavy machinery critical for rescue efforts in Beit Lahiya

1 min 30 secs



May 17, 2020
"Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham says that he has received death threats for giving an “anti-Semitic” speech at the Berlin International Film Festival.

His film No Other Land – about young Palestinian activist Basel Adra, who is fighting against being displaced by Israeli settlers in the Masafer Yatta community in the occupied West Bank – won the Documentary Award at the festival.

Israel’s Channel 11 aired a section of Abraham’s acceptance speech – in which he criticised the “situation of apartheid” between him and Adra – and labelled it anti-Semitic, prompting a backlash against the journalist.

“In two days, we will go back to a land where we are not equal. I’m living under civilian law, and Basel is under military law,” he said in his speech.

“We live 30 minutes from one another, but I have voting rights, and Basel does not have voting rights. I’m free to move wherever I want in this land, Basel is like millions of Palestinians locked in the occupied West Bank.”
