Nations taking their places for Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Jeremiah 49


Jun 23, 2021
@Journeyman i cant speak for the 'cube' shape in of itself, but the kiswah/cover was originally white.

and the Muslims in Mecca did not participate in the draping of the Kaaba until the conquest of the city at 630 AD (7 AH), as the ruling tribe, Quraish, did not allow them to do so. When Mecca was taken by the Muslims, they decided to leave the Kiswah as it was until a woman lighting incense in the Kaaba accidentally set fire to the Kiswah. Muhammad then draped it with a white Yemeni cloth.[1]

I believe it was changed to black eventually in mourining for the events at karbala.
@Red Sky at Morning

On this, the Kaaba without Kiswah looks like this:

The Kaaba though, in-and-of-itself, is a cube shaped temple, albeit a small one. There is definitely a strong correlation between squares/cubes and the Abrahamic tradition.
While it's predominant name is 'the Kaaba', it is also referred to other names like 'the House' (al-Bayt) and 'the Sacred Temple' Masjid al-Haram.
The main term that the Qur'an uses is "the House", the Qur'an never uses the word "Kaaba" to refer to it.
I think it is more that the word 'Kaaba' is an iconic nickname for it rather than it's technical title.

The Qur'an itself goes by the same Biblical phraseology of a "House of the Lord". (e.g. Genesis 28:17, Genesis 28:22, Exodus 23:19, Exodus 40:33-34, 2 Samuel 7:5-7, 1 Kings 5:4-5, Ezra 1:5, Nehemiah 13:9, Matthew 21:13, Isaiah 56:7, etc)

Qur'an, Surah 2:125
And [remember] when We made the House a place of reward for mankind and a sanctuary,
[declaring], "Take the venue of prayer from Abraham’s Station".
We charged Abraham and Ishmael [with its upkeep, saying],

"Purify My House for those who go around it, [for] those who make it a retreat and [for] those who bow and prostrate."


Jun 23, 2021
my response to you, is totally justified in light of the ramifications of the utter fking shit you come out with and like to share.

you consistently push arguments that ultimately are calling for muslim blood. i dont think Jesus will forgive you, why would i want your forgiveness?
You've made some good contributions but relax a little bro.
Mar 14, 2017
You've made some good contributions but relax a little bro.
the xtian right, the Cufi crowd...havent only been funding wars. they've been joining the military and pmc's purely to kill muslims.
so it isnt just some exchange of posts and opinions we're looking at here, there are real ramifications.

should i relax at that? keep my wits about me?
the guy is a total POS and he has fully embraced it.
in fact he is far more dedicated to it than i thought. i thought he was just confused and mistaken. Turns out, he is a rampant whore of babylon worshipper. like he cant get enough of it.

read revelation 17/18 and maybe think about what it is im actually cursing and why.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
@AspiringSoul - what are your thoughts about the present Iranian leadership, their peaceful nuclear buildup (?) and their sentiments towards Israel?

I have an agnostic relative who is neither Jewish or Muslim who lives in Jerusalem btw.

I genuinely don’t worship Israel. It’s a country like any other with the peculiar aspect that God has some unfinished business with them, and has allowed that to be recorded. They are neither the good guys of history or the bad guys. They are a microcosm of the rest of us in God’s dealing with the world. I am overjoyed when a Jew becomes a Christian brother, but just as glad when a Muslim finds Jesus.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
my response to you, is totally justified in light of the ramifications of the utter fking shit you come out with and like to share.

you consistently push arguments that ultimately are calling for muslim blood. i dont think Jesus will forgive you, why would i want your forgiveness?

Far from “calling for Muslim blood” as for the that Ezekiel 38 reads, Israel is attacked by identifiable neighbouring countries at a time when it is at least relatively undefended and it is not the IDF that defends them, it’s God. Just how He does that is undisclosed. No actions by Xian’s or anyone else is required to kick start this event.

I only raise the subject because there is presently an unusual detante and alignment of interests by Israel, coupled with a global surge in antizionism and antisemitism and weakness and indecision on the side of Israel’s “allies”.

Do I want to live in these times of upheaval? Certainly not!! Will all of this lead to the scenario outlined in Ezekiel 38-39? Maybe. Would it be a happier world if things went quieter for a few hundred years prophetically? That’s for God to decide - we are not in the driving seat of His unfolding dealings with the world, so we get instead to wait and see.

Matthew 24

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

P.s. As you know, I believe in a pre-trib Rapture. I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to go through what will follow. As it appears to me, the world in in the period called “the beginning of sorrows” right now. On so many levels I wish i it wasn’t, but I don’t get any say here. I wouldn’t share the Gospel (with people who think the worst of me!) if I was happy just to let them stumble into what may be soon to come if I didn’t care.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Btw - @AspiringSoul - you said:-

“For example i just broke down Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 20's Gog & Magog prophecies and how you're abusing them by attaching it all to current contexts. Did you care to adress is properly?”

I understand your perspective on both passages but I don’t agree with your interpretations.

This is broadly where I stand on Ezekiel 38 / Rev 20…

Historically speaking, Magog was a grandson of Noah (Genesis 10:2). The descendants of Magog settled to the far north of Israel, likely in Europe and northern Asia (Ezekiel 38:2). Magog seems to be used to refer to "northern barbarians" in general, but likely also has a connection to Magog the person. The people of Magog are described as skilled warriors (Ezekiel 38:15; 39:3-9).

Gog and Magog are referred to in Ezekiel 38-39and in Revelation 20:7-8. While these two instances carry the same names, a close study of Scripture clearly demonstrates they do not refer to the same people and events. In Ezekiel’s prophecy, Gog will be the leader of a great army that attacks the land of Israel. Gog is described as “of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal” (Ezekiel 38:2-3). Ezekiel’s battle of Gog and Magog occurs in the tribulation period, more specifically in the first 3 1/2 years. The strongest evidence for this view is that the attack will come when Israel is at peace (Ezekiel 38:8, 11). The description from Ezekiel is that of a nation that has security and has laid down its defenses. Israel is definitely not at peace now, and it is inconceivable that the nation would lay down its defenses apart from some major event. When Israel’s covenant with the Beast/Antichrist is in effect at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week (also known as the 7-year tribulation, Daniel 9:27a), Israel will be at peace. Possibly the battle will occur just before the midpoint of the seven-year period. According to Ezekiel, Gog will be defeated by God Himself on the mountains of Israel. The slaughter will be so great it will take seven months to bury all of the dead (Ezekiel 39:11-12).

Gog and Magog are mentioned again in Revelation 20:7-8. The duplicated use of the names Gog and Magog in Revelation 20:8-9 is to show that these people demonstrate the same rebellion against God and antagonism toward God as those in Ezekiel 38-39. It is similar to someone today calling a person "the devil" because he or she is sinful and evil. We know that person is not really Satan, but because that person shares similar characteristics, he or she might be referred to as "the devil."

The book of Revelation uses Ezekiel’s prophecy about Magog to portray a final end-times attack on the nation of Israel (Revelation 20:8-9). The result of this battle is that all are destroyed, and Satan will find his final place in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10).

It is important to recognize that the Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38-39 is quite different from the one in Revelation 20:7-8. Below are some of the more obvious reasons why these refer to different people and battles.

1. In the battle of Ezekiel 38-39, the armies come primarily from the north and involve only a few nations of the earth (Ezekiel 38:6, 15; 39:2). The battle in Revelation 20:7-9 will involve all nations, so armies will come from all directions, not just from the north.

2. There is no mention of Satan in the context of Ezekiel 38-39. In Revelation 20:7 the context clearly places the battle at the end of the millennium with Satan as the primary character.

3. Ezekiel 39:11-12 states that the dead will be buried for seven months. There would be no need to bury the dead if the battle in Ezekiel 38-39 is the one described in Revelation 20:8-9, for immediately following Revelation 20:8-9 is the Great White Throne judgment (20:11-15) and then the current or present heaven and earth are destroyed, replaced by a new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1). There obviously will be a need to bury the dead if the battle takes place in the early part of the tribulation, for the land of Israel will be occupied for another 1,000 years, the length of the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20:4-6).

4. The battle in Ezekiel 38-39 is used by God to bring Israel back to Him (Ezekiel 39:21-29). In Revelation 20, Israel has been faithful to God for 1,000 years (the millennial kingdom). Those in Revelation 20:7-10 who are rebellious are destroyed without any more opportunity for repentance.

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Feb 8, 2020
Also, in Revelation, Jerusalem is called mystically Sodom and Egypt. I waver on the U.S. as being Mystery Babylon the Great, but I think my evil and degenerate country is in the beginnings of judgement from the Lord, regardless of who the harlot on the beast is. Boy, it sure seems like it could easily be the USA though! It makes me sad, but nobody I know is even a lick remorseful about how depraved this country has become these last couple generations, or that we spread out wickedness and corporate seats of corruption the world over.
Mar 14, 2017
Also, in Revelation, Jerusalem is called mystically Sodom and Egypt. I waver on the U.S. as being Mystery Babylon the Great, but I think my evil and degenerate country is in the beginnings of judgement from the Lord, regardless of who the harlot on the beast is. Boy, it sure seems like it could easily be the USA though! It makes me sad, but nobody I know is even a lick remorseful about how depraved this country has become these last couple generations, or that we spread out wickedness and corporate seats of corruption the world over.
when did America kill the PROPHETS and saints?
who controls america? who did Jesus accuse of that crime?
who is the prostitute/adulteress/wicked woman in the bible?

Mar 14, 2017
Btw - @AspiringSoul - you said:-

“For example i just broke down Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 20's Gog & Magog prophecies and how you're abusing them by attaching it all to current contexts. Did you care to adress is properly?”

I understand your perspective on both passages but I don’t agree with your interpretations.

This is broadly where I stand on Ezekiel 38 / Rev 20…

Historically speaking, Magog was a grandson of Noah (Genesis 10:2). The descendants of Magog settled to the far north of Israel, likely in Europe and northern Asia (Ezekiel 38:2). Magog seems to be used to refer to "northern barbarians" in general, but likely also has a connection to Magog the person. The people of Magog are described as skilled warriors (Ezekiel 38:15; 39:3-9).

Gog and Magog are referred to in Ezekiel 38-39and in Revelation 20:7-8. While these two instances carry the same names, a close study of Scripture clearly demonstrates they do not refer to the same people and events. In Ezekiel’s prophecy, Gog will be the leader of a great army that attacks the land of Israel. Gog is described as “of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal” (Ezekiel 38:2-3). Ezekiel’s battle of Gog and Magog occurs in the tribulation period, more specifically in the first 3 1/2 years. The strongest evidence for this view is that the attack will come when Israel is at peace (Ezekiel 38:8, 11). The description from Ezekiel is that of a nation that has security and has laid down its defenses. Israel is definitely not at peace now, and it is inconceivable that the nation would lay down its defenses apart from some major event. When Israel’s covenant with the Beast/Antichrist is in effect at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week (also known as the 7-year tribulation, Daniel 9:27a), Israel will be at peace. Possibly the battle will occur just before the midpoint of the seven-year period. According to Ezekiel, Gog will be defeated by God Himself on the mountains of Israel. The slaughter will be so great it will take seven months to bury all of the dead (Ezekiel 39:11-12).

Gog and Magog are mentioned again in Revelation 20:7-8. The duplicated use of the names Gog and Magog in Revelation 20:8-9 is to show that these people demonstrate the same rebellion against God and antagonism toward God as those in Ezekiel 38-39. It is similar to someone today calling a person "the devil" because he or she is sinful and evil. We know that person is not really Satan, but because that person shares similar characteristics, he or she might be referred to as "the devil."

The book of Revelation uses Ezekiel’s prophecy about Magog to portray a final end-times attack on the nation of Israel (Revelation 20:8-9). The result of this battle is that all are destroyed, and Satan will find his final place in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10).

It is important to recognize that the Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38-39 is quite different from the one in Revelation 20:7-8. Below are some of the more obvious reasons why these refer to different people and battles.

1. In the battle of Ezekiel 38-39, the armies come primarily from the north and involve only a few nations of the earth (Ezekiel 38:6, 15; 39:2). The battle in Revelation 20:7-9 will involve all nations, so armies will come from all directions, not just from the north.

2. There is no mention of Satan in the context of Ezekiel 38-39. In Revelation 20:7 the context clearly places the battle at the end of the millennium with Satan as the primary character.

3. Ezekiel 39:11-12 states that the dead will be buried for seven months. There would be no need to bury the dead if the battle in Ezekiel 38-39 is the one described in Revelation 20:8-9, for immediately following Revelation 20:8-9 is the Great White Throne judgment (20:11-15) and then the current or present heaven and earth are destroyed, replaced by a new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1). There obviously will be a need to bury the dead if the battle takes place in the early part of the tribulation, for the land of Israel will be occupied for another 1,000 years, the length of the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20:4-6).

4. The battle in Ezekiel 38-39 is used by God to bring Israel back to Him (Ezekiel 39:21-29). In Revelation 20, Israel has been faithful to God for 1,000 years (the millennial kingdom). Those in Revelation 20:7-10 who are rebellious are destroyed without any more opportunity for repentance.

1) the 3.5 tribulation period is all in your head and ive covered this.
this is the half a week of the final week in Daniel's prophecy.
However it was fulfilled when Titus destroyed Jerusalem and the temple.

what you're imagining is absurd, a 7 yr peace treaty between muslims and israel (because in your head, you associate the HORN and abomination prophecies with muslims, which again is why im cross with you. you keep on projecting all the evils in the bible, to muslims).

Daniel 9
26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[g] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.
27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[j] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.[k]”[l]


You're linking it to Matthew 24 albeit a total misinterpretation. in Matthew 24 Jesus spoke of 2 different events. He was asked about the destruction of Jerusalem AND the end of the world (the second coming etc).
He also added that the 'last hour, no one knows'. he was talking about the destruction of the temple/jerusalem.

Matthew 24
2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.

here Jesus was obv on about the roman destruction of jerusalem.

3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

they're asking about different events.

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—
16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

againt his is Titus.
how can you NOT know that man? jesus christ!!!!
any baby can know this, im not a christian and ik now this.
Titus was the guy from Daniel 9
yet you're picturing a muslim? smh. pathetic.

furthermore, as Jesus himself said 'only the Father knows' it means he didnt know what was to come himself..and that is why the SPIRIT OF TRUTH had to come as it says in John 16.
Now, that is, the holy spirit right? so that inc the book of Revelation prophecies..

look at Daniel 7..
it talks of the 10 horns, the 10 emperors who ruled over the jewish temple.
the little horn, TITUS..
and yet after jumps right to the second coming of Jesus.
everything inbetween is what's basically foretold in the Revelation prophecies. it includes the 1260 lunar yrs of muslim rule.

im sick to death of christians fucking with daniel prophecies and projecting them onto muslims.
the horn of Daniel 8 and 11 was Antiochus epiphanes..and the horn of Daniel 7 and 9 was Titus.
that is very easy to understand. you cant be that smart if you cant even understand such a basic thing.

2) no, they arent 2 different 'gog and magog' events. stop making it up as you go along man. never has it been suggested anywhere in the bible,

-it talks of ISRAEL, not the 'state' but the nation of israel, the 12 tribes. That is proof it is post-messianic and has nothing to do with modern israel.
-LOL so you think if israel makes little peace treaty with muslim nations, it's going to knock down all it's walls and suddenly they'llb e an 'unsuspecting people' with 'UNWALLED VILLAGES' after 3.5yrs?

-it says
'8 After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety. '
yeh that isnt the modern state of israel at all.

3) you've watched too many steven spielberg movies.
satan doesnt just physically walk around amongst people. he influences people, corrupts their hearts and minds

Ezekiel 38
On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme.
11 You will say, “I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.

what is that but satan?
When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison
8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.

btw Tidal posted an image of the world map showing christian countries vs muslim. muslims are in the center..and christian nations all around eg the '4 corners of the world'. What do they have in common?
SAXON/GERMAINIC people..the saxon, germainic tribes were scythians.
you seem to act like the demographics of the world remained static.
the scythians moved about. modern turkic people are not from the scythians.
in fact..your image talks of GOMER AND TUBAL..but that's a race of people, who lived in the land that is present day turkey.
the turkish people are not part of that.
so when the turks took over, where did gomer and tubal go? they also moved on..
oh btw, Gomer are the ASHKENAZIS' lmfao
talk about an own goal

TUBAL moved on to spain...and we know where the spanish went, to south america...
so the '4 corners of the world' makes more sense now.
again an own goal
this only confirms my theory more.

9 You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.
same thing.

the '1000 yrs' reign is something i always took as just symbolic of 'THE DAY' that has been promised throughout the OT ie a day of God is '1000 yrs to us', but that doesnt need to be taken literally.
so for example, Ezekiel 39
“‘On that day I will give Gog a burial place in Israel, in the valley

you're thinking of it too literally, like there will be 1000 yrs of total israel messianic domination and then at the end of it, Gog and Magog invading.
that isnt how i read it at all. it's a period, however long, but symbolic of 'the day of the Lord' where the lost tribes return under the messiah and the invasion of Gog & Magog happens at the end of it.
the culmination of events, that 'day of THE LORD' leads to....

Rev 21
Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

we know that this event, is mentioned before as follows
Isaiah 65

New Heavens and a New Earth

17 “See, I will create
new heavens and a new earth.
The former things will not be remembered,
nor will they come to mind.
18 But be glad and rejoice forever
in what I will create,
for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight
and its people a joy.
19 I will rejoice over Jerusalem
and take delight in my people;
the sound of weeping and of crying
will be heard in it no more.
20 “Never again will there be in it
an infant who lives but a few days,
or an old man who does not live out his years;
the one who dies at a hundred
will be thought a mere child;
the one who fails to reach[a] a hundred
will be considered accursed.
21 They will build houses and dwell in them;
they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
22 No longer will they build houses and others live in them,
or plant and others eat.
For as the days of a tree,
so will be the days of my people;
my chosen ones will long enjoy
the work of their hands.
23 They will not labor in vain,
nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune;
for they will be a people blessed by the Lord,

they and their descendants with them.
24 Before they call I will answer;
while they are still speaking I will hear.
25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox,
and dust will be the serpent’s food.
They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,”
says the Lord.

Ezekiel 39 fits in with the same theme.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
1) the 3.5 tribulation period is all in your head and ive covered this.
this is the half a week of the final week in Daniel's prophecy.
However it was fulfilled when Titus destroyed Jerusalem and the temple.

what you're imagining is absurd, a 7 yr peace treaty between muslims and israel (because in your head, you associate the HORN and abomination prophecies with muslims, which again is why im cross with you. you keep on projecting all the evils in the bible, to muslims).

Wait right there!

Firstly (and I think we have discussed this) you interpret Bible prophecy as a ticklist where as I suspect multiple fulfillments are nearer the mark.

Second (and this would explain a lot) are you thinking I subscribe to Joel Richardson’s perspective of an Islamic Antichrist? I really don’t, you know. If I were to place my cards on the table, I expect a new, universalist religion (perhaps led by someone with the qualities of Pope Francis) to emerge that encompasses all spiritualities and perhaps incorporates a paradigm shift to include “extra-terrestrial” (demonic) higher consciousnesses as well.

Muslims have misunderstood Jesus, but perhaps no worse (and probably less) than Rabbinic Jews! I personally believe Muslims may have a valley of decision moment of their own as I can’t see them willingly taking the Mark of the Beast and worshipping mankind (6) raised to his highest esoteric state and embodied by the Antichrist (666) as God.

For a portion of Jews, the warning is clear and chilling…

John 5:43
King James Version

43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
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Jun 23, 2021
when did America kill the PROPHETS and saints?
who controls america? who did Jesus accuse of that crime?
who is the prostitute/adulteress/wicked woman in the bible?

Precisely, one only needs to turn back to Ezekiel 5 (and following chapters) to see that the Book of Revelation is referring to:

Thus says the Lord God: This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the center of the nations, with countries round about her. 6 And she has wickedly rebelled against my ordinances[a] more than the nations, and against my statutes more than the countries round about her, by rejecting my ordinances and not walking in my statutes. 7 Therefore thus says the Lord God: Because you are more turbulent than the nations that are round about you, and have not walked in my statutes or kept my ordinances, but have acted[b] according to the ordinances of the nations that are round about you; 8 therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, I, even I, am against you; and I will execute judgments in the midst of you in the sight of the nations. 9 And because of all your abominations I will do with you what I have never yet done, and the like of which I will never do again. 10 Therefore fathers shall eat their sons in the midst of you, and sons shall eat their fathers; and I will execute judgments on you, and any of you who survive I will scatter to all the winds. 11 Wherefore, as I live, says the Lord God, surely, because you have defiled my sanctuary with all your detestable things and with all your abominations, therefore I will cut you down;[c] my eye will not spare, and I will have no pity. 12 A third part of you shall die of pestilence and be consumed with famine in the midst of you; a third part shall fall by the sword round about you; and a third part I will scatter to all the winds and will unsheathe the sword after them.
13 “Thus shall my anger spend itself, and I will vent my fury upon them and satisfy myself; and they shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken in my jealousy, when I spend my fury upon them. 14 Moreover I will make you a desolation and an object of reproach among the nations round about you and in the sight of all that pass by. 15 You shall be[d] a reproach and a taunt, a warning and a horror, to the nations round about you, when I execute judgments on you in anger and fury, and with furious chastisements—I, the Lord, have spoken— 16 when I loose against you[e] my deadly arrows of famine, arrows for destruction, which I will loose to destroy you, and when I bring more and more famine upon you, and break your staff of bread. 17 I will send famine and wild beasts against you, and they will rob you of your children; pestilence and blood shall pass through you; and I will bring the sword upon you. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

Ezekiel 16:

Again the word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations, 3 and say, Thus says the Lord God to Jerusalem: Your origin and your birth are of the land of the Canaanites; your father was an Amorite, and your mother a Hittite. 4 And as for your birth, on the day you were born your navel string was not cut, nor were you washed with water to cleanse you, nor rubbed with salt, nor swathed with bands. 5 No eye pitied you, to do any of these things to you out of compassion for you; but you were cast out on the open field, for you were abhorred, on the day that you were born.
6 “And when I passed by you, and saw you weltering in your blood, I said to you in your blood, ‘Live, 7 and grow up[a] like a plant of the field.’ And you grew up and became tall and arrived at full maidenhood;[b] your breasts were formed, and your hair had grown; yet you were naked and bare.
8 “When I passed by you again and looked upon you, behold, you were at the age for love; and I spread my skirt over you, and covered your nakedness: yea, I plighted my troth to you and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord God, and you became mine. 9 Then I bathed you with water and washed off your blood from you, and anointed you with oil. 10 I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with leather, I swathed you in fine linen and covered you with silk. 11 And I decked you with ornaments, and put bracelets on your arms, and a chain on your neck. 12 And I put a ring on your nose, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head. 13 Thus you were decked with gold and silver; and your raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and embroidered cloth; you ate fine flour and honey and oil. You grew exceedingly beautiful, and came to regal estate. 14 And your renown went forth among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through the splendor which I had bestowed upon you, says the Lord God.
15 “But you trusted in your beauty, and played the harlot because of your renown, and lavished your harlotries on any passer-by. 16 You took some of your garments, and made for yourself gaily decked shrines, and on them played the harlot; the like has never been, nor ever shall be. 17 You also took your fair jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given you, and made for yourself images of men, and with them played the harlot; 18 and you took your embroidered garments to cover them, and set my oil and my incense before them. 19 Also my bread which I gave you—I fed you with fine flour and oil and honey—you set before them for a pleasing odor, says the Lord God.[c] 20 And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter 21 that you slaughtered my children and delivered them up as an offering by fire to them? 22 And in all your abominations and your harlotries you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, weltering in your blood.
23 “And after all your wickedness (woe, woe to you! says the Lord God), 24 you built yourself a vaulted chamber, and made yourself a lofty place in every square; 25 at the head of every street you built your lofty place and prostituted your beauty, offering yourself to any passer-by, and multiplying your harlotry. 26 You also played the harlot with the Egyptians, your lustful neighbors, multiplying your harlotry, to provoke me to anger. 27 Behold, therefore, I stretched out my hand against you, and diminished your allotted portion, and delivered you to the greed of your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed of your lewd behavior. 28 You played the harlot also with the Assyrians, because you were insatiable; yea, you played the harlot with them, and still you were not satisfied. 29 You multiplied your harlotry also with the trading land of Chalde′a; and even with this you were not satisfied.
30 “How lovesick is your heart, says the Lord God, seeing you did all these things, the deeds of a brazen harlot; 31 building your vaulted chamber at the head of every street, and making your lofty place in every square. Yet you were not like a harlot, because you scorned hire. 32 Adulterous wife, who receives strangers instead of her husband! 33 Men give gifts to all harlots; but you gave your gifts to all your lovers, bribing them to come to you from every side for your harlotries. 34 So you were different from other women in your harlotries: none solicited you to play the harlot; and you gave hire, while no hire was given to you; therefore you were different.
35 “Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the Lord: 36 Thus says the Lord God, Because your shame was laid bare and your nakedness uncovered in your harlotries with your lovers, and because of all your idols, and because of the blood of your children that you gave to them, 37 therefore, behold, I will gather all your lovers, with whom you took pleasure, all those you loved and all those you loathed; I will gather them against you from every side, and will uncover your nakedness to them, that they may see all your nakedness. 38 And I will judge you as women who break wedlock and shed blood are judged, and bring upon you the blood of wrath and jealousy. 39 And I will give you into the hand of your lovers, and they shall throw down your vaulted chamber and break down your lofty places; they shall strip you of your clothes and take your fair jewels, and leave you naked and bare. 40 They shall bring up a host against you, and they shall stone you and cut you to pieces with their swords. 41 And they shall burn your houses and execute judgments upon you in the sight of many women; I will make you stop playing the harlot, and you shall also give hire no more. 42 So will I satisfy my fury on you, and my jealousy shall depart from you; I will be calm, and will no more be angry. 43 Because you have not remembered the days of your youth, but have enraged me with all these things; therefore, behold, I will requite your deeds upon your head, says the Lord God.
“Have you not committed lewdness in addition to all your abominations? 44 Behold, every one who uses proverbs will use this proverb about you, ‘Like mother, like daughter.’ 45 You are the daughter of your mother, who loathed her husband and her children; and you are the sister of your sisters, who loathed their husbands and their children. Your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite. 46 And your elder sister is Samar′ia, who lived with her daughters to the north of you; and your younger sister, who lived to the south of you, is Sodom with her daughters. 47 Yet you were not content to walk in their ways, or do according to their abominations; within a very little time you were more corrupt than they in all your ways. 48 As I live, says the Lord God, your sister Sodom and her daughters have not done as you and your daughters have done. 49 Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, surfeit of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty, and did abominable things before me; therefore I removed them, when I saw it. 51 Samar′ia has not committed half your sins; you have committed more abominations than they, and have made your sisters appear righteous by all the abominations which you have committed. 52 Bear your disgrace, you also, for you have made judgment favorable to your sisters; because of your sins in which you acted more abominably than they, they are more in the right than you. So be ashamed, you also, and bear your disgrace, for you have made your sisters appear righteous.
53 “I will restore their fortunes, both the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters, and the fortunes of Samar′ia and her daughters, and I will restore your own fortunes in the midst of them, 54 that you may bear your disgrace and be ashamed of all that you have done, becoming a consolation to them. 55 As for your sisters, Sodom and her daughters shall return to their former estate, and Samar′ia and her daughters shall return to their former estate; and you and your daughters shall return to your former estate. 56 Was not your sister Sodom a byword in your mouth in the day of your pride, 57 before your wickedness was uncovered? Now you have become like her[d] an object of reproach for the daughters of Edom[e] and all her neighbors, and for the daughters of the Philistines, those round about who despise you. 58 You bear the penalty of your lewdness and your abominations, says the Lord.

59 “Yea, thus says the Lord God: I will deal with you as you have done, who have despised the oath in breaking the covenant, 60 yet I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish with you an everlasting covenant. 61 Then you will remember your ways, and be ashamed when I[f] take your sisters, both your elder and your younger, and give them to you as daughters, but not on account of the covenant with you. 62 I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall know that I am the Lord, 63 that you may remember and be confounded, and never open your mouth again because of your shame, when I forgive you all that you have done, says the Lord God.”
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Jun 23, 2021
On that, a good little article I just found:



Jun 23, 2021
the xtian right, the Cufi crowd...havent only been funding wars. they've been joining the military and pmc's purely to kill muslims.
so it isnt just some exchange of posts and opinions we're looking at here, there are real ramifications.
Well I don't disagree about that, there is a lot of strong inhuman hatred from the Christian crowd towards Islam and Muslims, and many do join the army because they want to kill Muslims, there is a point to that (although lots of them are nationalists as well who believe in America et al as a kind of deity).
Mar 14, 2017
Far from “calling for Muslim blood” as for the that Ezekiel 38 reads, Israel is attacked by identifiable neighbouring countries at a time when it is at least relatively undefended and it is not the IDF that defends them, it’s God. Just how He does that is undisclosed. No actions by Xian’s or anyone else is required to kick start this event.

I only raise the subject because there is presently an unusual detante and alignment of interests by Israel, coupled with a global surge in antizionism and antisemitism and weakness and indecision on the side of Israel’s “allies”.

Do I want to live in these times of upheaval? Certainly not!! Will all of this lead to the scenario outlined in Ezekiel 38-39? Maybe. Would it be a happier world if things went quieter for a few hundred years prophetically? That’s for God to decide - we are not in the driving seat of His unfolding dealings with the world, so we get instead to wait and see.

Matthew 24

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

P.s. As you know, I believe in a pre-trib Rapture. I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to go through what will follow. As it appears to me, the world in in the period called “the beginning of sorrows” right now. On so many levels I wish i it wasn’t, but I don’t get any say here. I wouldn’t share the Gospel (with people who think the worst of me!) if I was happy just to let them stumble into what may be soon to come if I didn’t care.
Israel's missiles, tanks, fighter jets, anti missile systems, rothschild money, american money = God

I never knew...
Mar 14, 2017
The tribulation in matthew 24 was the destruction of the romans lead by Titus.

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place(R) ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a](S) spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop(T) go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!(U) 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again

Daniel 9's abomination prophecy is all linked to titus.
1m jews were killed in jerusalem back then.

It has nothing to do with modern israel and some imaginary 7 yr peace treaty youre projecting.
The abomination has to do with the jewish temple for example.

As for Iran. Iran would be fine if they were allowed to be free. First america installed the shah and iran..then it led to the shia revolution. Prior to all that iran was prosperous and simply wanted control of its vast gas supplies.
As for jews ..iran was home for jews for 2500 yrs. Theyre the farthest thing from jew haters.
Reality is i watch a jewish made movie like 300...
The fact that greeks/macedonians massacred and persecuted jews ..but the persians saved them.
Persians gifted jerusalem to the jews in the 7th century.

This is the thanks they get. What shit people.


Dec 11, 2017
“Art thou come to take a spoil?”

America has long been identified as one of the Young Lions of Tarshish, who stand by, mildly protest and do nothing.

One year ago, who would have predicted that a semi-aware glove puppet would be in the White House, acting as a mouthpiece for the anti-Israel left? Will an emboldened Iran seeing the vacuum that America is leaving do something prophetic and foolish soon?

Time will tell…

Letter signed by 73 House Democrats calls on Biden to reverse Trump's pro-Israel policies

Israeli supporters of Donald Trumps wave US and Israeli flags to support his candidacy for the presidential in Jerusalem on October 27, 2020 - Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90Israeli

Letter insists that US refer to West Bank, Gaza as 'occupied' in official documents and communications

A letter signed by 73 Democrats in the US House of Representatives calls on US President Joe Biden to "reverse" the Trump administration's pro-Israel policies, including his peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The letter, sent to the White House on Wednesday, urges to Biden to refer to Israeli settlements as illegal under international law and to Gaza and the West Bank as "occupied" in official US documents and communications.

"a semi-aware glove puppet would be in the White House, acting as a mouthpiece for the anti-Israel left? Will an emboldened Iran seeing the vacuum that America is leaving do something prophetic and foolish soon?"

...the foreign press sees and says the things that nobody in America is allowed to see... or remark upon.... :mad:

Foreign Media Skewer Joe Biden As ‘Barely Cogent,’ ‘Bizarre’

While the U.S. media frequently look the other way at President Joe Biden’s verbal and intellectual foibles, foreign media have questioned the president’s mental acuity. Australian reporters have lamented that “the leader of the free world” is “struggling,” “barely cogent,” and a “human corpse” who has sunken deep into “cognitive decline.”

Those quotations come from Sky News Australia, the center-right cable news network launched in 1996 by NewsCorp Australia. Its collection of hosts and journalists have told their growing audience what many in the U.S. media have refused to say: Joe Biden’s declining intellectual capabilities threaten all Western democracies.

In March, Sky News Australia host Cory Bernardi compared the Biden-Harris administration to a “reality show where the Democrats put up a barely cogent candidate for president just so that they could enjoy the spoils of office for four years. And, of course, it features an all-star cast of the politically semi-lucid.”

Biden’s speeches are “often total gibberish,” he said, but due to his evasive campaign strategy of remaining in his basement and effusive media coverage, far-left ideologues have “seized control, without having any idea what they’re doing.” Bernardi also wondered what “canny investing Biden did to afford a lifestyle where his family can afford to abandon laptops in repair shops and enjoy regular jaunts to China and the Ukraine.”


Feb 8, 2020
when did America kill the PROPHETS and saints?
who controls america? who did Jesus accuse of that crime?
who is the prostitute/adulteress/wicked woman in the bible?

Revelation 17:3-6
So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written:
MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
Nothing about prophets, and if you account for all the Christians murdered by bad governments that unelected U.S. malefactors have backed and supported, you have a helluva lot of saints and martyrs, and when you consider the cup full of abominations and filthiness of fornication that the whole world drank of... It's tempting to consider that it may, in fact, be the U.S., and that its destruction in fact would unite the world for a common cause. I consider Israel to be more of a side thing for the u.s. when assessing its global influence. We have invented and perfected all kinds of evil and exported it EVERYWHERE.
Mar 14, 2017
Rev 18
Your merchants were the world’s important people.(BF)
By your magic spell(BG) all the nations were led astray.
24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people,(BH)
of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”


Feb 8, 2020
Rev 18
Your merchants were the world’s important people.(BF)
By your magic spell(BG) all the nations were led astray.
24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people,(BH)
of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”
Ah there it is, I couldn't find it in the short time I had alotted for phone stuff. I know you are dead set on it being Israel, but the United States has done so much more evil to the world, plus it's worth noting that Revelation also calls Jerusalem specifically Sodom and Egypt. It's clearly not a good place, which is like any city I've seen actually haha. Also, I can't swear that the harlot is the U.S., I'm just really tempted to think so and I waver at times. Seriously though, EVERYBODY hates Israel, and if I could imagine anybody waving around a gold cup full of abominations and getting the whole world drunk and committing lewd acts... It's the U.S. The disgusting pride, the turning away from God, and the giving over to complete lawlessness... We used to at least profess a belief in the Lord, and we used to not bring evil and woe to the whole world. Seems like a harlot to me. Israel is largely secular Jews from what I've been able to gather, and it sure seems like the Ezekiel 38 war will force them to consider the God they have abandoned.
Mar 14, 2017
Ah there it is, I couldn't find it in the short time I had alotted for phone stuff. I know you are dead set on it being Israel, but the United States has done so much more evil to the world, plus it's worth noting that Revelation also calls Jerusalem specifically Sodom and Egypt. It's clearly not a good place, which is like any city I've seen actually haha. Also, I can't swear that the harlot is the U.S., I'm just really tempted to think so and I waver at times. Seriously though, EVERYBODY hates Israel, and if I could imagine anybody waving around a gold cup full of abominations and getting the whole world drunk and committing lewd acts... It's the U.S. The disgusting pride, the turning away from God, and the giving over to complete lawlessness... We used to at least profess a belief in the Lord, and we used to not bring evil and woe to the whole world. Seems like a harlot to me. Israel is largely secular Jews from what I've been able to gather, and it sure seems like the Ezekiel 38 war will force them to consider the God they have abandoned.
So you are now fully aware that Rev 18 says the blood of the prophets and saints was on her.
Only Jerusalem fits that accusation and there are no prophets since Mohammad..and if you reject Mohammad then you would say Jesus. Eitherway Jesus accused them of killing prophets.

Youre also ignoring the connection to jeremiah 2, 3 and Zecheriah 5. Eg zech 5 tells us the wicked woman (judea) would be taken to the land of babylon to set her house there. Hence "the whore of babylon".

America is an extension of the Beast system. The colonial powers were the rise of the end times beast.
Colonialism was foretold in Rev 6's white horse prophecy.
The aftermath eg the world wars, bokshevism, holocoast were the red horse.
Now go and read the black horse prophecy of the scales. That is the capitalist era...and this is where america fits in. Notice it says "and do not harm the oil and wine".
Oil and wine are symbols of judaism.
Eg right after ww2, israel was created and has been protected largely by the US.

The whore sits on the beast and assumes control. The illusion being that thr Beast only allows the whore to take it to its destination. Once there, it destroys the whore.
That destination is the world government.

Now what you said about jerusalem being figuratively called Sodom and Egypt.
Dont forget that rev 11 takes place when the 2 prophets are dead (symbolising the death of islam and christianity, both of whom believe in Jesus). That is the antichrist period.
The antichrist period is also the fall of mystery babylon.
In zech 11 it says the worthless shepherd will desert the flock. The antichrist will create a new religion and to do so, require the fall of modern israel aswell as islam and christianity as they are today.
So obv rev 17 tells us the Beast will hate the prostitute.

Furthermore, the whore is not limited to israel. It is the collective cabal of jewish people dominating the world.
For example, the bolshevik revolution was the mass murder and looting of the EOC by fake athiest jews. Then after the collapse of the soviet union all that wealth was inherited by jewish oligarchs most of whom are connected to israel directly or indirectly.

Why do they control hollywood, the media and porn?
As for hating them....

Example, you know about cyrus the great? He defeated babylon and let jews return and rebuild judea.
Persia was the home of jewish ppl for 2500 yrs.
The greeks persecuted jews during the hellenistic era.
Romans massacred them in 70ad.

In the 7th century khosrou fought the byzantines for the holy land so he could gift it to jews.
The byzantines took it back and vowed to finish judaism completely.
Then muslims came and changed that order.

Go watch the movie 300..
See how jews lie about history. Betray the ppl who took pity on them.
Thats why i dont like em. The propaganda, lies, deceptive arguments etc.
Netenyahu summed up persia like this

"In the story of esther, the persians tried to wipe us off the map"
What gratitude to persians!!!
Actually in the story the persian king sided with jews. The guy haman who wanted them killed because he was an amalekite not a persian. The irony there is the israelites quite literally did wipe the amalekites off the map!!!

Israel and its supporters lie about every single thing. That is why i cant fking stand it or them.