Nations taking their places for Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Jeremiah 49

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Have you come across the idea that the Apocalypse of John was planted in the Bible and doesn't really belong there? The Eastern Orthodox rejected it for a long time.

See also:

This site is down now, but you can see a snapshot here:

I am in the uneasy position of seeing all these undoubted concurrences with Revelation and other prophecies, but not feeling that this is a genuine divinely inspired event? To me, this is TPTB following their own script, with them planning to supply both the antagonist and protagonist. This author makes quite a good case for something like this being on the horizon:

That is an admirably clever deception!

If you can create a narrative that TPTB are using Bible prophecies as a form of Masonic tracing board, then you can get people to believe that anything that happens, from the Rapture, a deceptive peace covenant, the mercurial rise of a world leader to the Mark and even the various judgements are all a “put up job”.

It puts me in mind of a very funny scene from a Richard Pryor film I watched years ago…



Nov 24, 2020
That is an admirably clever deception!

If you can create a narrative that TPTB are using Bible prophecies as a form of Masonic tracing board, then you can get people to believe that anything that happens, from the Rapture, a deceptive peace covenant, the mercurial rise of a world leader to the Mark and even the various judgements are all a “put up job”.

It puts me in mind of a very funny scene from a Richard Pryor film I watched years ago…

Is there a way to disprove this? It's very much on my mind as I see things progressing, prophecies seemingly fulfilled etc.

I see signs that TPTB are following the Revelation narrative as if it's a script that they either believe has a different ending, or that they're planning to be behind a false messiah left at the end of it. Look at the history of the founding of the State of Israel, the key part that the Rothschilds played in the Balfour declaration etc.?

We can hope that God has other plans, but at what point will holographic tech, 5G, AI etc mean that we struggle to even believe the evidence of our own eyes?

PS. That's a good clip, never seen that movie.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Is there a way to disprove this? It's very much on my mind as I see things progressing, prophecies seemingly fulfilled etc.

I see signs that TPTB are following the Revelation narrative as if it's a script that they either believe has a different ending, or that they're planning to be behind a false messiah left at the end of it. Look at the history of the founding of the State of Israel, the key part that the Rothschilds played in the Balfour declaration etc.?

We can hope that God has other plans, but at what point will holographic tech, 5G, AI etc mean that we struggle to even believe the evidence of our own eyes?

PS. That's a good clip, never seen that movie.
I think there is some wisdom to be had in the interaction of Moses and Pharaoh.

The first miracles were mimicked by the court magicians. At a certain point the events in Egypt we’re of the nature that could not be replicated by human means.

I suspect future events may follow a similar pattern…


Mar 23, 2021
Is there a way to disprove this? It's very much on my mind as I see things progressing, prophecies seemingly fulfilled etc.

I see signs that TPTB are following the Revelation narrative as if it's a script that they either believe has a different ending, or that they're planning to be behind a false messiah left at the end of it. Look at the history of the founding of the State of Israel, the key part that the Rothschilds played in the Balfour declaration etc.?

We can hope that God has other plans, but at what point will holographic tech, 5G, AI etc mean that we struggle to even believe the evidence of our own eyes?

PS. That's a good clip, never seen that movie.
Remember it's GOD's story in the end do not be troubled.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

On a slightly different tack, you might know that “the cube” has a resonance with the Holy of Holies in the original Tabernacle, the Ka’ba at Mecca and even in the occult.

The real question is which one is the original, and which are the plagiarists?



Nov 24, 2020

On a slightly different tack, you might know that “the cube” has a resonance with the Holy of Holies in the original Tabernacle, the Ka’ba at Mecca and even in the occult.

The real question is which one is the original, and which are the plagiarists?

Yes, there's a couple of images which really hit home when I started to take the idea of the occult nature of the Elites seriously... This one picking out the various black cubes:

Then others which link the cube to the hexagram and thus to Saturn worship:

I can't say that I got much beyond that in understanding. There's a lot of esoteric material around the original tabernacle for instance which just makes my head spin!

As to who plagiarised who, I guess the Jews could easily point the finger at both Christianity and Islam, but I'm coming to the conclusion that there's truths in each of the Abrahamic religions as well as possible traps and deceptions. I think we have to work at it together, because it's the common enemy that benefits when we're set to fight each other.


Jun 23, 2021
Yes, there's a couple of images which really hit home when I started to take the idea of the occult nature of the Elites seriously... This one picking out the various black cubes:

Then others which link the cube to the hexagram and thus to Saturn worship:

I can't say that I got much beyond that in understanding. There's a lot of esoteric material around the original tabernacle for instance which just makes my head spin!
The New Jerusalem also. As I showed on the last page.



Jun 23, 2021
Have you come across the idea that the Apocalypse of John was planted in the Bible and doesn't really belong there? The Eastern Orthodox rejected it for a long time.

See also:

This site is down now, but you can see a snapshot here:

I am in the uneasy position of seeing all these undoubted concurrences with Revelation and other prophecies, but not feeling that this is a genuine divinely inspired event? To me, this is TPTB following their own script, with them planning to supply both the antagonist and protagonist. This author makes quite a good case for something like this being on the horizon:

Your idea has a sniff of things but is still a bit misguided.

The Apocalypse of St John ("Book of Revelation" also commonly called) was the most controversial book to be included in the NT canon and to this very day it is still heavily debated. One famous anecdote is that Martin Luther (not only him but most other major 'reformers' after him as well) wanted to remove it from the canon, but successively the 'reformers' only managed to knock out 7 books from the Protestant-OT and not the NT.

As for the book itself and 'the elite' et al. There is a grain to that but you have to bring it back down to earth. Lots of people have different interests in that book. That book itself has it's relations to the more ancient Jewish Merkabah mysticism. There is a direct relation between mysticism, magic and apocalypticism/messianism. Just as there is between apocalypticism, occultism and politics. All of it fits like a glove.

I think though it is far too complex to cover in a single post, as we're dealing with the different ways these different categories relate and influence each other.
However to take the most "objective" approach however would not single out the Apocalypse of St John alone as an important text in understanding all of this. Islamic Prophecy (eg 1 & 2) contains a lot of important details, symbols and motifs that are also playing out in the world. The same goes with Hindu (nominally Vaishanvite) eschatological messianism as well (which in some sense does compliment the aforementioned Christian and Muslim Prophecies).

When it comes to the Apocalypse of St John specifically, I think it's important you do level the hermeneutic playing field and also explore the Amillennial view, as well as even Preterism. Keep aware of the prism which you interpret the text through.
Many elements of the Apocalypse of St John DO lend substantial insight through the Amillennialist view.



Jun 23, 2021
Again my question - if the Holy of Holies was a cube shape, at what point historically do the other cubes emerge?
It seems to be pretty constant from ancient to modern history as far as I'm concerned, I can't say 'chicken or egg' for that.

The cube symbol anyway symbolically represents time, and in the Abrahamic context would clearly be a symbol for YHWH/Allah.

The name YHWH (or as you're a Christian will probably be more familiar with the attempted transliteration as "Yahweh" and the stand in term "The Lord") itself means basically "the eternal, self-subsisting one" but it implies particularly a sense of 'being' both eternally in the past and in the future (henceforth the "I am that I am" which is a pun on the name of YHWH, relating to the same etymology).

Called titles like "The Ancient of Days" ('attiḳ yomin). In the Qur'an this One God is called al-hayu (the ever living) and al-qayumu (self-subsisting), which means the same thing as what YHWH means.

The relevance of this is that the Abrahamic God is prided upon it's high monotheism, which entails these attributes as central to it's concept of a Single God. Eternity and God in some sense are correlated to the Abrahamic conception of God.

However the equation that people make between Saturn/Kronos and YHWH/Allah is not very founded, as the Abrahamic God is not an anthropomorphic Planetary deity, nor is YHWH/Allah associated with the planet of Saturn.
And at that, the closest thing I've ever found relating to paganism would be YHWH's association with metallurgy. Of course over the past few centuries occultists and pagans have loved to go on about how they think that Jesus is a Solar (sun) deity and all. I don't find such associations to be very convincing personally.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The cube symbol anyway symbolically represents time, and in the Abrahamic context would clearly be a symbol for YHWH/Allah.

The name YHWH (or as you're a Christian will probably be more familiar with the attempted transliteration as "Yahweh" and the stand in term "The Lord") itself means basically "the eternal, self-subsisting one" but it implies particularly a sense of 'being' both eternally in the past and in the future (henceforth the "I am that I am" which is a pun on the name of YHWH, relating to the same etymology).

Called titles like "The Ancient of Days" ('attiḳ yomin). In the Qur'an this One God is called al-hayu (the ever living) and al-qayumu (self-subsisting), which means the same thing as what YHWH means.

The relevance of this is that the Abrahamic God is prided upon it's high monotheism, which entails these attributes as central to it's concept of a Single God. Eternity and God in some sense are correlated to the Abrahamic conception of God.

However the equation that people make between Saturn/Kronos and YHWH/Allah is not very founded, as the Abrahamic God is not an anthropomorphic Planetary deity, nor is YHWH/Allah associated with the planet of Saturn.
And at that, the closest thing I've ever found relating to paganism would be YHWH's association with metallurgy. Of course over the past few centuries occultists and pagans have loved to go on about how they think that Jesus is a Solar (sun) deity and all. I don't find such associations to be very convincing personally.
I interpret it as a battle of narratives between spiritual forces.

The Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle represents the presence of God. Only with certain preparations could the High Priest approach, with a rope tied to his leg in case he died in the presence of God. At the crucifixion, the veil to the Holy of Holies in the second temple was torn “from top to bottom” i.e. from God to Man (not the other way round).

Believers in Jesus are variously described a “living stones” and the “Temple of the Holy Spirit”, one day perhaps figuratively shown as the “New Jerusalem” where we dwell with the Lord forever.

Where the darkness tries to copy it, we have a black cube, a self-focussed spirituality based on an ascension to Godhood, and an maybe even the promise of eternal life through technology and transhumanism.


Jun 23, 2021
I interpret it as a battle of narratives between spiritual forces.

The Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle represents the presence of God. Only with certain preparations could the High Priest approach, with a rope tied to his leg in case he died in the presence of God. At the crucifixion, the veil to the Holy of Holies in the second temple was torn “from top to bottom” i.e. from God to Man (not the other way round).

Believers in Jesus are variously described a “living stones” and the “Temple of the Holy Spirit”, one day perhaps figuratively shown as the “New Jerusalem” where we dwell with the Lord forever.

Where the darkness tries to copy it, we have a black cube, a self-focussed spirituality based on an ascension to Godhood, and an maybe even the promise of eternal life through technology and transhumanism.
I agree with your general sentiments there however you do seem to be getting your wires crossed between symbol and doctrine.

The notion of what you claim a 'black cube' represents is not really substantiated, it is really a convenient non-sequitur.
However the things themselves that you say it represents, I would agree are abhorrent and evil.

Only with certain preparations could the High Priest approach, with a rope tied to his leg in case he died in the presence of God.
Of this which I recall with Moses and Aaron yes, it reminds me of this passage from the Qur'an:

Surah 3:103-104
Hold fast, all together, to the Rope of God, and do not be divided [into sects].
And remember God’s blessing upon you when you were enemies,
then He brought your hearts together, so you became brothers with His blessing.
And you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, whereat He saved you from it.
Thus does God clarify His signs for you so that you may be guided.
There has to be a nation among you summoning to the good,
bidding what is right, and forbidding what is wrong.

It is they who are the felicitous.
Mar 14, 2017

On a slightly different tack, you might know that “the cube” has a resonance with the Holy of Holies in the original Tabernacle, the Ka’ba at Mecca and even in the occult.

The real question is which one is the original, and which are the plagiarists?

you just cant stop coming out with shit arguments man.

speaks of the people ISRAEL (which inc the 10 lost tribes)
a land without walls/gates
an 'unsuspecting people'

likewise in Revelation, it's post antichrist, long after the fall of mystery babylon, after the 1000 yr reign (however you interpret it) that these events take place. A totally different type of world altogether..
and yet you being the zionist whore of babylon worshipper tht you are, are presenting these events against modern israel.

there is no way you do not know this. you're doing it out of spite. flushing your beliefs down the toilet out of sheer hatred of muslims, this is a common theme with the christians today.

the tabernacle

that's a rectangular cube.
the design, structure and inside, outside, totally different from the kaba.

@Journeyman i cant speak for the 'cube' shape in of itself, but the kiswah/cover was originally white.

and the Muslims in Mecca did not participate in the draping of the Kaaba until the conquest of the city at 630 AD (7 AH), as the ruling tribe, Quraish, did not allow them to do so. When Mecca was taken by the Muslims, they decided to leave the Kiswah as it was until a woman lighting incense in the Kaaba accidentally set fire to the Kiswah. Muhammad then draped it with a white Yemeni cloth.[1]

I believe it was changed to black eventually in mourining for the events at karbala.

personally i dont buy into the saturn cube worship claims. i think it's just one big claim without merit. eg post a few images of black cubes, claim 'its saturn worship' and then go on from that. you can find modern structures around the world in various shapes.
i do feel that in some occult circles, they tend to antagonise christianity by posing under non-christian symbolism, inc psuedo islamic symbolism.
for example, satanics wear an upside down cross. the shriners had the star and cresent (which is a turkic symbol and not even islamic) upside down.
i think they're just silly blokes and what they do isnt some grand higher metaphysical design. it's just some blokes wearing stuff in ways that have meaning to them.

Btw, it was christians who came up with this fake 'the vatican created islam' claim. quite literally what they do is they'll say
'did you know the uncle in law of Mohammad was a CATHOLIC????'.

you've got to understand the way these idiots think. literally
kadesh in the bible, in the desert of zin, where miriam died. some say it's Petra. cool
so then you get a bunch of em who noticed the other kadesh that was in the desert of paran. whilst opinions vary on the locations and accuracy of the text, the end result is christians then claiming that the original mecca was in petra.
look, these IDIOTS spent the past few yrs constantly sharing these claims. then the oldest mosque was discovered in israel, with the qibla pointing to modern day mecca. claim over? they just made shit up
'oh the old mosques, underneath them, the original structure, was pointing to petra'
anyone can make that shit up.
only christians are dumb enough to believe this shit. it's no wonder this clown worships amir the jew.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

p.s. @AspiringSoul - I don’t hate either Muslims in general or you in particular. When you reply to me the way you do, I choose to let it go. The sins of Muslims were also put on Jesus on the cross, and salvation bought for them if only they would believe.
Mar 14, 2017
The Holy of Holies was located in the westernmost end of the Temple building, being a perfect cube: 20 cubits by 20 cubits by 20 cubits.
The kaba isnt a perfect cube

Width: 11.03 m (36 ft 2 in)
Height (max): 13.1 m (43 ft 0 in)
Length: 12.86 m (42 ft 2 in)

Plus the point journeyman was making was about how the elites are imitating prophetic events to make it seem like the fulfillment of prophecy. You being the typical babylon worshipper decided to make this about the kaba. Had nothing to do with prophecy. Islam never tried to claim the kaba was THE temple of jerusalem. Both are holy in islam.

The kaba doesnt resemble the temple nor the inner sanctuary. The kaba has its own story.

In the bible theres the miracle of the spring that appeared from the heel of ishmael in the desert of paran. That was how long ago? 5000 yrs? For the entire history of islam theres been the zamzam water. Prior to covid it was being distributed all over the world every single day..and it hasnt run out?
You xtians just dont have any relevance to the abrahimic story.
Your neither connected to Jesus as branches to his Vine and hence not really part of the covenant with Isaac. Nor are you circumcissd in the flesh and hence part of the covenant with Abraham.
The ovenant with jacob is for the israelites only.
The true christians were part of isaac through Jesus as children of spirit but all this pagan trinitarianism has cut you off from it.
I think spiritually the Jesus connection would be the most powerful im combatting evil and sins of the flesh. But xtians were the first to fall and dragged all the world down with them.
Thats the fruit of rome, the beast systen and the whore that sits on it pushing all the 'wine of her adulteries' via hollywood, music, porn, media propaganda, politics.
Keep worshipping that shit.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
…Thats the fruit of rome, the beast systen and the whore that sits on it pushing all the 'wine of her adulteries' via hollywood, music, porn, media propaganda, politics.
Keep worshipping that shit.
I’m not entirely clear who that polemic was directed to? Do you think that most genuine followers of Jesus really love all these evils you mention or was that a different group?
Mar 14, 2017
I’m not entirely clear who that polemic was directed to? Do you think that most genuine followers of Jesus really love all these evils you mention or was that a different group?
ive always tried to differentiate between authentic/good intended christians and the 'xtians' who i call fake christians.
to me, you're fake. ive had enough exchanges with you, seen enough of your posts to know that you do not care one ounce about 'truth' and are only hell bent on dissing islam and supporting it's enemies, whatever the contexts.

For example i just broke down Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 20's Gog & Magog prophecies and how you're abusing them by attaching it all to current contexts. Did you care to adress is properly? nope, you're not interested. you're only interested in pushing the agenda which is why im calling youj a whore of babylon worshipper.
the whore of babylon is most def not the vatican. that is what that retarded guy Martin Luther claimed. Luther was a nutcase who used to claim the pope was literally the antichrist in his own time.
The whore of babylon, as ive pointed out many times, is the adulterness of Jeremiah 2, 3. The wicked woman of Zechariah 5. linked to babylon via Habakkuk 2 and Zech 5. There are multiple themes at play, but most notably the link to trees and stones.
Likewise Jesus accused Jerusalem of killing and stoning the prophets/saints. Death by crucifixion in his case...WOOD and STONEing. Same theme. Habakkuk 2 links these to usury and the theft of homes.
it all goes consistently with modern israel aswell, backed by usury/rothschild money.
when they control hollywood, music, porn, the the actual fuck are you on their side in this?

I also pointed out that Zechariah 13 directly proves that the true remnant of Judea, survived and remained in the holy land. 1/3 it says. they remained. they didnt leave. the modern jewish people of israel are the camp who left, they're hence NOT part of the remnant.
the ones who remained were absorbed into roman palestine and then arab.

Likewise Revelation 11 directly confirms the 1260 lunar yrs rule of the holy land, fulfilled by muslims. Revelation 12 directly tells us about the woman (sarah) and her offspring (the true remnant of judea) going into the wilderness for 1260 days. This all connects once again with the idea that the true jewish bloodline remnant, became muslim.
it tells us the dragon will make war against them after the 1260 days. this is happening.
NOT that this means every palestinian in 'jewish' in blood. being jewish is not about following the law of Moses. The covenant is with Jacob..and his bloodline.

It says they 'believe in Jesus and obey God's commandents'
that is true if they're muslim, not if they're christian or jewish.

Despite all the above arguments. you will blank all of it..and just post more vids of this babylonian twat.

another example. muslims were the only ones to conquer Jerusalem peacefully. How did christians do it? think first crusade.
islam which means 'peace' and Jerusalem which means 'city of peace'...
muslims took it peacefully. picture it.

Ironically, the city of Babylon still existed in the 7th century but it was finally put to an end by muslims. Basically islam defeated the persians, the byzantines, the crusaders and ended babylon.

Whilst i know that the 'rock' in Daniel 2, is Jesus, and the death of the final Beast is from him, you want to discredit islam's position as the one that literally ended the 4 beasts of Daniel? it proves that islam is a precursor to Jesus.
Eg Jesus was passive the first time, the suffering servant. Will return as the Davidic conquerer. Mohammad was passive in Mecca and active in Madina as a ruler who returned and conquered Mecca.
justlike in John 16 Jesus passed the torch to the holy spirit. The holy spirit is the microcosmic expression and the Son/Logos/Image of God is the macrocosmic expression. This then plays out via Jesus and Mohammad, where islam and Mohammad are akin to a lesser version of the true messianic kingdom.
this isnt imitation, it is by design..because Jesus sent the holy spirit to fulfill it all.

Isaiah 40
A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

is more true for Mohammad than it was john the baptist.
i even posted the related verses proving that the Gospel account doesnt do it justice.

isaiah 40 points to the wilderness. the 'straight path' is islam.
yet in the Gospel account it is written as

John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”
this is different to isaiah 40. it is a misinterpretation

was john the baptist saying
‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’

OR was he saying
' in the wilderness make straight the way for the Lord.’
the latter seems more legit and in line with isaiah 40, which paves the way for islam.

i also pointed out about the miracle of the zamzam water in Mecca..linked to the story of Ismael and Hagar in Genesis.

you're all about proof of biblical events.
a story that is 5000 yrs old..
commemorated like this?

you're aware of prophecies like isaiah 42's new song prophecy.

besides, the Quran commemorated the story of the 7 sleepers, a christian story. St George/Juraij is mentioned in hadith. Islam clearly respects early christianity but opposes the trinitarian doctrine in it's existing form. The fact that islam more than accepts early christianity, means we were never really opposed to it. We only diff in how we understand and interpret the NT.

At the end of it all...fuck all of that, just worship the whore of babylon.

For all the nations have drunk
the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

“‘Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins,
so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
5 for her sins are piled up to heaven,

Your merchants were the world’s important people.
By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people,
of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”

richest people in the world, many of them are zionist jews. of course many of them also profited from the massacre of eastern orthodox christians during the bolshevik (jewish) revolution.

give a fuck though?
nah.not you.

Jesus however
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.


remember 'her ADULTERIES'
“Look up to the barren heights and see.
Is there any place where you have not been ravished?
By the roadside you sat waiting for lovers,

sat like a nomad in the desert.
You have defiled the land
with your prostitution and wickedness.
3 Therefore the showers have been withheld,
and no spring rains have fallen.
Yet you have the brazen look of a prostitute;

“Have you seen what faithless Israel has done? She has gone up on every high hill and under every spreading tree and has committed adultery there.
7 I thought that after she had done all this she would return to me but she did not, and her unfaithful sister Judah saw it.
8 I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce and sent her away because of all her adulteries. Yet I saw that her unfaithful sister Judah had no fear; she also went out and committed adultery. 9 Because Israel’s immorality mattered so little to her, she defiled the land and committed adultery with stone and wood.

11 The Lord said to me, “Faithless Israel is more righteous than unfaithful Judah.

after the 1260 days of muslim rule, which ended in 1948
Revelation 11
8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified.

yet you worship this version dont you?

and yeh im aware you try to sidestep all fo this with 'but da messianic israel is real' crap..
yes, it's real...after the fall of mystery babylon, after the one-eyed jewish messiah (zech 11), the man of lawlessness in the temple ie after a new jewish temple. After the fall of rome and the coming of Jesus.
..and yet all of that is also after the euphrates prophecy.

notice something about Revelation 9 btw?
the locusts/apollyon prophecy links to the Nile
then you get the Euphrates?

greater 'israel' albeit this satanic gay version?
keep on worshipping it.
Mar 14, 2017
View attachment 58240

p.s. @AspiringSoul - I don’t hate either Muslims in general or you in particular. When you reply to me the way you do, I choose to let it go. The sins of Muslims were also put on Jesus on the cross, and salvation bought for them if only they would believe.
my response to you, is totally justified in light of the ramifications of the utter fking shit you come out with and like to share.

you consistently push arguments that ultimately are calling for muslim blood. i dont think Jesus will forgive you, why would i want your forgiveness?