'Guilt by association' I see (with the eye in the triangle).
It all makes a lot of sense actually. Except for Passio's use of it, which could be taken in both a positive sense (that God is to him "truth, freedom and love" or contrarily, that God to him represents the oppression of "truth, freedom and love" which he seeks to expose - given that he is an anarchist ideologically).
Neither matter to me because Passio doesn't matter to me. If you like him, good for you.
So how it makes sense. Freemasonry was founded predominantly by anti-Catholic Protestant Christians who were interested in a fraternal order. Like attracts like. Almost a hundred years after the first Masonic lodge opens, some Masonic lodges start incorporating the eye in the triangle symbol which had already been used in Protestant Churches in the centuries prior to the formation of Masonry.
As Freemasonry keeps developing it's mythology and general trajectory (which follows similar trends to which result in the "enlightenment era") the incorporation by American Presidents early in American history to have it on US money makes a lot of sense, seeing that (Novus ordo seclorum) following the tradition of intellectuals like Francis Bacon, they envisioned America as a "new Atlantis" or, in traditional Christian terms, they wanted to make the (at the time) very new America into the "New Jerusalem". That also lines up with the Freemason allegory of Solomon's Temple, which the New Jerusalem is an eschatological answer to (following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70AD by the Romans).
It is frankly, incredibly Christian in it's premise and stands true to the general anti-Catholic views in American Protestantism.
The same trend also explains the advent of Mormonism which shares "American exceptionalism" views with the American founders and American nationalists in general.