Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
I disagree. What satanic agenda Michael Jackson and Whitney pushed?? Michael exposed the evils of the music industry. He too was getting tired of the fame and wanted to live a normal life, that’s why he tried to retire back in 1989. So I don’t believe that.. if anything.. they were victims used by the music industry to generate billions of dollars in life, and sadly in death. Furthermore, they were trying to kill Michael back in 1984.
I meant in the sense that Michael's early album covers and mvs were filled with alot of symbolism


Jan 19, 2021
I disagree. What satanic agenda Michael Jackson and Whitney pushed?? Michael exposed the evils of the music industry. He too was getting tired of the fame and wanted to live a normal life, that’s why he tried to retire back in 1989. So I don’t believe that.. if anything.. they were victims used by the music industry to generate billions of dollars in life, and sadly in death. Furthermore, they were trying to kill Michael back in 1984.
i believe he was involved with the occult...


Aug 23, 2020
Which albums?
He and Wh!tney have always utilized evil symbolism. They’re just puppets, there’s no “good guys” or “exposers” in the industry, it’s just a bloodline. No one’s innocent.


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Mar 12, 2021
This is str@y k1dz' merch. Tho I know it's a key in a triangle, but it does look like that occult symbol (sulfur cross) but it might be a coincidence but when I remember that it can possibly not be a coincidence... yeah anyway it's a whole triangle

For those interested to know more or make us learn more with their knowledge, there's this group's discussion thread:

(im neither the maker of the thread nor I am promoting but it's only for the sake of knowledge that can be useful)



Aug 20, 2020
My first thought was J0nghyun the color of the moon is similiar to sh1nee's fandom color
One of the member was in CNBLUE (the group of Juniel aka Lee jonghyun),he left the group for personal reasons on september 2009,he entered in Nflying agency,he did trainee,he was in the group,and on dec 2018 after being accused of sexual assault he was removed from the group

The coincidence is that the scandal started on 18 dec 2018...and who died the 18th dec?Jonghyun
So it is not a coincidence that the moon in the teaser is pearl aqua moon
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Jun 2, 2021
One of the member was in CNBLUE (the group of Juniel aka Lee jonghyun),he left the group for personal reasons on september 2009,he entered in Nflying agency,he did trainee,he was in the group,and on dec 2018 after being accused of sexual assault he was removed from the group

The coincidence is that the scandal started on 18 dec 2018...and who died the 18th dec?Jonghyun
So it is not a coincidence that the moon in the teaser is pearl aqua moon
Yes I heard about them Lee jonghyun and seungri of b1g bang were caught in burning sun scandal the biggest sex scandal in history of kpop which happened in early 2019 (March-April If I remember correctly) could it be possible that the burning sun scandal was a huge ritual as well I read about it in the past alister crowley and his followers used to perform sex magick rituals to gain energy from demonic entities maybe they were performing sex rituals in those buildings because that same year we had 2 deaths in koop (3 if you include an actor who also commit suicide in 2019) back to back at the end of the year :eek::eek::eek:


Jun 2, 2021
I was wondering j0nghyun said in his suicide note that his doctor put the entire blame of his depression on his personality I find this strange why would a dr. Do something like that and correct me if I am wrong 5m or his family never said anything about that dr. After that he was a high profile celebrity that dr. Should Have faced some kind of consequences for this right? that makes me think maybe his dr. Was somehow involved in this we've seen it happen before with high profile celebrities where their dr.'s drug them to keep them in control maybe his dr. Was actually a handler also In this letter j0nghyun talks about losing his memories you don't lose your memories in depression do you?


Aug 23, 2020
I was wondering j0nghyun said in his suicide note that his doctor put the entire blame of his depression on his personality I find this strange why would a dr. Do something like that and correct me if I am wrong 5m or his family never said anything about that dr. After that he was a high profile celebrity that dr. Should Have faced some kind of consequences for this right? that makes me think maybe his dr. Was somehow involved in this we've seen it happen before with high profile celebrities where their dr.'s drug them to keep them in control maybe his dr. Was actually a handler also In this letter j0nghyun talks about losing his memories you don't lose your memories in depression do you?
Some people have said that perhaps Jjong was talking about mk ultra and I think that theory makes sense, as Jjong talked about losing memories. That occurs during mk ultra. There’s a video series on YouTube called “THE MURDER OF Kim Jonghyun-MK ULTRA/SOLSTICE SACRIFICE”, it discusses the same thing: mk ultra & Jjong.


Aug 20, 2020
Yes I heard about them Lee jonghyun and seungri of b1g bang were caught in burning sun scandal the biggest sex scandal in history of kpop which happened in early 2019 (March-April If I remember correctly) could it be possible that the burning sun scandal was a huge ritual as well I read about it in the past alister crowley and his followers used to perform sex magick rituals to gain energy from demonic entities maybe they were performing sex rituals in those buildings because that same year we had 2 deaths in koop (3 if you include an actor who also commit suicide in 2019) back to back at the end of the year :eek::eek::eek:
It could be possible...satanists consider sex magic rituals important


Aug 20, 2020
I was wondering j0nghyun said in his suicide note that his doctor put the entire blame of his depression on his personality I find this strange why would a dr. Do something like that and correct me if I am wrong 5m or his family never said anything about that dr. After that he was a high profile celebrity that dr. Should Have faced some kind of consequences for this right? that makes me think maybe his dr. Was somehow involved in this we've seen it happen before with high profile celebrities where their dr.'s drug them to keep them in control maybe his dr. Was actually a handler also In this letter j0nghyun talks about losing his memories you don't lose your memories in depression do you?
A doctor who cures depression has the rule to not blame the people who cures,because if they are blamed it could be a damage for them.This doctor violated the professional etique.
Reading the letter seems that he is talking about his life controlled,and that he is not free.
He left the letter to spread about mk ultra
To open the eyes of others
He said that he didn't know why he choosed this life...that make me think to what i said yesterday,that these people are programmed.And so he realized that this life was not his free choice,but he was programmed to be famous.I read that in mk ultra they could push someone to suicide.The handler controls completely the person,and that could explain the injuries he had,his soul wanted to rebel to the program.He had a strong personality,and at a certain point he was waking up.He realized that he wanted a different life,but he was destroied.
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Jun 2, 2021
A doctor who cures depression has the rule to not blame the people who cures,because if they are blamed it could be a damage for them.This doctor violated the professional etique.
Reading the letter seems that he is talking about his life controlled,and that he is not free.
He left the letter to spread about mk ultra
To open the eyes of others
He said that he didn't know why he choosed this life...that make me think to what i said yesterday,that these people are programmed.And so he realized that this life was not his free choice,but he was programmed to be famous.I read that in mk ultra they could push someone to suicide.The handler controls completely the person,and that could explain the injuries he had,his soul wanted to rebel to the program.He had a strong personality,and at a certain point he was waking up.He realized that he wanted a different life,but he was destroied.
yes you are right about that also I have observed alot of these kpop idols do not have passion for music or performance like most of them are very mediocre in terms of the skills they possess and you hardly ever see them improve throughout their career like take for example j1n they said he was scouted only for his visuals and had no interest in becoming an idol so maybe they are programmed before debut to become famous
Also the memory loss thing I have noticed this happens with T@emin as well he did not remember anything about sh1nee 12th anniversary which is strange bcz he was the one who hosted that vlive and even when sh1nee tried to make him remember he could not remember anything about it in advice era he kept forgetting lyrics of his own songs
here as well he did not remember playing the piano part for dcm and was surprised when they talked about it he did not remember move mv as well I find it wierd because if it happened once or twice it is understandable but with him it happens so many times and in his mv's he is always tied or has "alters" and his dancers are always trying to control him that makes me think 5m programs their idols they are also notorious for being a company which tries to control their artists.