Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
Many companies have burner accounts. I tried to talk about Jonghyun's death. I was reported and I received quite a few responses which were worded the same. Employees create SNS accounts just to attack anyone who speaks the truth about idols.

That's odd!!
I've been talking about it honestly since 2017 on Twitter, then I had to move to Instagram one year later. And my page is still active as we speak, I even uploaded a new post ten minutes ago.


Jul 23, 2020
That's odd!!
I've been talking about it honestly since 2017 on Twitter, then I had to move to Instagram one year later. And my page is still active as we speak, I even uploaded a new post ten minutes ago.

My page is active, but I received two flags for "inappropriate content" and both were about Jonghyun. I was asking why his friend kept the letter without telling his mom. Yup. I was so shocked. Thankfully, twitter found no violation.


Apr 6, 2018
Article finit: La fin de l'article comporte les infos du prochain (ce ne sera normalement pas le prochain article publier, je vais me concentrer sur le programme MK-Ultra et ce qui l'accompagne) qui permet de développer, cette article répertoriant les cycles. J'espère que l'article est bien compréhensible, malgré le manque d'infos qui seront visibles dans le prochain article:
End of article: The end of the article includes the info of the next one (this will not normally be the next article to be published, I will focus on the MK-Ultra program and what comes with it) which allows us to develop, this article listing cycles. I hope the article is understandable, despite the lack of information that will be visible in the next article:


1. L'univers a la structure d'un solide. Elle donne pourtant naissance à la lumière, une matière active et source de toutes les énergies vivantes et conscientes. Créer par la projection d'ondes et dont chaque fréquence est ralliée à un goût, une odeur, une couleur; donnant à l'ensemble de la lumière la couleur blanche alors que l'univers inactif est noir...
2. La lumière: le soleil, éclaire le jour. La nuit tout en continuant a éclairé la lune, disparait dès le soir venue, en passant l'horizon, et réapparait à l'aube. Séparant horizontalement, le ciel et la terre, le jour et la nuit, comme verticalement, les dieux solaire du premier et second quart contre le troisième et quatrième quart des dieux de la lune.
3. Le temps est lui même répartie en quatre quart d'une durée de six heures: Le premier démarre a minuit et se termine à six heure du matin le second commence à six heure et finit à midi A partir de midi le soleil redescend jusqu'à six heure du soir ou le soir venu il finira son quart à minuit.
4. L'Homme a un cycle de vie dont la forme est c'elle d'une devinette: "Qu'est-ce qui marche à quatre pattes le matin à deux pattes à midi et à trois pattes le soir?" Réponse: "L'Homme". A minuit l'âme étant au paradis pendant que le corps est resté sur terre.
5. Les parents conçoivent leur fils au dernier quart de leur premier cercle. La mère passe ensuite sa période de grossesse sur le premier quart du premier cercle du fils. Allant de sa naissance jusqu'à l'adolescence, le fils passera le second quart sous la protection et l'éducation de sa mère.; Au troisième quart devenue adolescent, il prendra petit à petit son indépendance, tout en restant sous la tutelle de sa mère. Au quatrième quart, il rencontra sa petite amie. Ils finiront par couchés ensembles, comme leurs parents. Jusqu'à qu'à son tour elle tombe enceinte commence alors le premier cycle de l'enfant et le dernier cycle des parents. Au troisième quart le temps pèse sur le corps. Au second et troisième les parents peuvent prendre le rôle de grand-parents, arrière grand-parents, arrière arrière grand-parents... Atteignant à la fin du troisième et début du quatrième quart, l'Homme meurt et l'âme part au paradis. Pendant que le corps se dégrade, l'âme prend tout de suite où plus tard un nouveau corps et ainsi recommencer le cycle.
6. L'année est un quatre quarts de saisons, qui selon les pays: démarre au centre de l'hiver comme au "Cycles 4", qui couper en deux, comme l'âme est séparée du corps. Mais il peut aussi commencer comme au "Cycles 3", allant pile poile au début du printemps et donc à minuit.

7. La forme du Yin comme du Yang est c'elle du nombre d'or: L'un démarre au début de l'équinoxe du printemps, et finit à la fin du solstice d'été. L'autre démarre au début de l'équinoxe d'automne et finit à la fin du solstice d'hiver. Le cycle la position des étoiles est divisible en deux par le Yin et Yang, voir en quatre par les quatre saisons.
Le Yin est lié à la féminité, à la matière. Et le Yang qui est lié à la masculinité, et donc à l'énergie. Même si en décrivant le corps physique, le Yin remplacerait le Yang: La femme a un physique léger Mais porte l'ovule, et a le mental le plus solide. Inversement l'homme est physiquement fort, il porte les spermatozoïdes, mais est mentalement faible.

1. L'opposition des deux matières se retrouvent dans la conception lorsque l'ovule de la femme rencontre, le plus fort des spermatozoïdes, celui qui après la sélection travaillera comme un sculpteur sur le matériau qu'il a choisis. De la même manière que la lumière travail sur la matière.
2. Le corps se compose principalement d'eau, avec le reste des autres éléments représentés par la terre, la structure fonctionne grâce à la lumière, de la même manière que la machine à vapeur fonctionne avec le feu.
3. Le soleil brûle la terre jusqu'à prendre feu créant de la fumée, comme l'eau s'évapore. Le côté solaire, est représenté pour le corps, par la terre et, l'esprit par le feu. Le côté lunaire, est représenté, par. le, vent et le corps par l'eau. Inversement la vapeur redeviens de l'eau jusqu'à redevenir de la glace.

Pour représenter le cycle, chaque quart s'associe à un dieu. Grâce à leurs capacités, chaque dieu représente un des quatre éléments principaux. Qui compose le corps humain:
- Premier quart: Dans le quart précédent, le cadavre est devenue de l'engrais. La déesse de la terre va grâce à cette terre construire un nouveau corps.
Lier à la terre, elle est aussi le quart de l'Homme.
- Second quart: Donnant, naissance à la vie comme au "Cycles 1" et "Eléments 1". Le soleil s'élève de l'aurore au zénith. Projetant de plus en plus, comme le feu, ,sa lumière et chaleur, se qui donne vie expliquer au "Eléments 1".
- Jusqu'au point culminant, il masque la matière pendant une courte durée.
- Troisième quart: La lumière a une durée de vie limitée. Elle s'épuise en revenant vers la matière. Le soleil descend pour finir caché sous l'horizon. vif L'ordre s'inverse et la lumière finit par dominée second au troisième quart ses quarts suivent le pique du triangle le point dominant au centre Représente Le fils mais aussi le père fils de la matière il est aussi le père étant la lumière qui créer la vie, et la réaction suivant: est c'elle du, fils. Le soleil est accompagné de sa mère, Venus Venus est la plus brillante des étoiles de la voie lactée, et comme le soleil, elle parcours le même chemin que le soleil, au point de disparaitre derrière lui lorsque le soleil domine le ciel.
- Le quatrième quart se compose de deux quarts différents:
- Le premier quart est représenté par la déesse de l'eau. La lune agit sur l'eau.
C'est aussi la période où la mère tombe enceinte.
- Le second quart est, représenté par la même déesse. La pure matière noir, mais aussi à la dégradation du corps, revenue à la terre. L'âme représentée soit comme séparer du corps. Soit la lumière est revenue au corps. Dominant la nuit, comme la lune.


1. The universe has the structure of a solid. However, it gives birth to light, an active material and source of all living and conscious energies. Create by the projection of waves and each frequency of which is linked to a taste, an odor, a color; giving all of the light the color white while the inactive universe is black...
2. Light: the sun, lights up the day. The night, while continuing, lit the moon, disappears as soon as evening comes, passing the horizon, and reappears at dawn. Separating horizontally, the sky and the earth, day and night, as vertically, the solar gods of the first and second quarter against the third and fourth quarter of the gods of the moon.
3. The time itself is divided into four quarters lasting six hours: The first starts at midnight and ends at six in the morning the second begins at six o'clock and ends at noon From noon the sun goes down until six o'clock in the evening or in the evening he will finish his shift at midnight.
4. Man has a life cycle in the form of a riddle: "What walks on all fours in the morning on two legs at noon and on three legs in the evening?" Answer: "The Man". At midnight the soul being in paradise while the body remained on earth.
5. Parents conceive their son in the last quarter of their first circle. The mother then spends her pregnancy period on the first quarter of the son's first circle. From birth to adolescence, the son will spend the second quarter under the protection and education of his mother .; In the third quarter, having become a teenager, he will gradually gain his independence, while remaining under the tutelage of his mother. In the fourth quarter he met his girlfriend. They will end up lying together, like their parents. Until she in turn becomes pregnant, the first cycle of the child and the last cycle of the parents begin. In the third quarter time weighs on the body. In the second and third, parents can take on the role of grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents ... Reaching at the end of the third and beginning of the fourth quarter, the Man dies and the soul goes to the paradise. As the body degrades, the soul immediately or later takes on a new body and thus begins the cycle again.
6. The year is a four-quarter season, which depending on the country: starts in the middle of winter as in "Cycles 4", which cut in two, as the soul is separated from the body. But it can also start like in "Cycles 3", going right on in early spring and therefore at midnight.

7. The form of Yin as of Yang is that of the golden ratio: One starts at the beginning of the spring equinox, and ends at the end of the summer solstice. The other starts at the start of the fall equinox and ends at the end of the winter solstice. The cycle the position of the stars is divisible in two by the Yin and Yang, see in four by the four seasons.
The Yin is linked to femininity, to matter. And the Yang which is linked to masculinity, and therefore to energy. Even if by describing the physical body, the Yin would replace the Yang: The woman has a light physique But carries the ovum, and has the most solid mind. Conversely, the man is physically strong, he carries the sperm, but is mentally weak.

1. The opposition of the two materials is found in the conception when the woman's ovum meets the strongest sperm, the one who after the selection will work like a sculptor on the material he has chosen. In the same way that light works on matter.
2. The body consists mainly of water, with the rest of the other elements represented by the earth, the structure works with light, in the same way that the steam engine works with fire.
3. The sun burns the earth until it catches fire creating smoke, as water evaporates. The solar side, is represented for the body, by the earth and, the spirit by the fire. The lunar side, is represented, by. the wind and the body by water. Conversely, the vapor becomes water again until it becomes ice again.

To represent the cycle, each quarter is associated with a god. Thanks to their abilities, each god represents one of the four main elements. Who makes up the human body:
- First shift: In the previous shift, the corpse has become fertilizer. The goddess of the earth is going to build a new body thanks to this earth.
Tied to the earth, it is also the quarter of the Man.
- Second quarter: Giving, birth to life as in "Cycles 1" and "Elements 1". The sun rises from dawn to the zenith. Projecting more and more, like fire, its light and heat, which gives life to explain to "Elements 1".
- Until the climax, it hides the material for a short time.
- Third quarter: The light has a limited lifespan. It is exhausted by returning to matter. The sun goes down and ends up hidden under the horizon. The order is reversed and the light ends up dominated second to the third quarter its quarters follow the spike of the triangle the dominant point in the center Represents the son but also the father son of the material he is also the father being the light who create life, and the following reaction: is that of, son. The sun is accompanied by its mother, Venus Venus is the brightest star in the Milky Way, and like the sun, she follows the same path as the sun, to the point of disappearing behind it when the sun dominates the sky.
- The fourth quarter consists of two different quarters.
- The first quarter is represented by the goddess of water. The moon acts on the water.
This is also the period when the mother becomes pregnant.
- The second quarter is, represented by the same goddess. Pure black matter, but also to the degradation of the body, returned to the earth. The soul represented either as separate from the body. Either the light has returned to the body. Dominating the night, like the moon.


Oct 13, 2020
:oops:what do you mean by weird stuff?
the same things we discuss here but applied to ggs. i know tw1c3 has a formation that creates the shape of an eye in icsm (i can’t st0p me) and keep in mind their album is called eyes wide open i think, and then when u remember that there’s a movie called eyes wide shut which was a watered down version of occultism in hollywood . . . just very strange connections. i actually saw a tweet that pointed out how the formation they made was in the shape of an eye but i cannot seem to find the tweet anymore but i’ll draw it out myself instead.


Jan 23, 2021
the same things we discuss here but applied to ggs. i know tw1c3 has a formation that creates the shape of an eye in icsm (i can’t st0p me) and keep in mind their album is called eyes wide open i think, and then when u remember that there’s a movie called eyes wide shut which was a watered down version of occultism in hollywood . . . just very strange connections. i actually saw a tweet that pointed out how the formation they made was in the shape of an eye but i cannot seem to find the tweet anymore but i’ll draw it out myself instead.
Actually there is also a book Eyes wide open by Fiona Barnett, pdf is free on the net. She called it oposite to the movie because she's victim of the system and it's story from her perspective. It's 400 pages long, some parts might not be relevant for this thread right now, but you can find some eye-openers that will change your view on world generally, and it will also reflect on the way you see kpop. At least for me it did. Same thing with Jessie Czebotar. She was born elite. So far she had done about 30 hours of interview with Aquarius rising YT channel (speed up video to 1.25, she speaks slowly :D). If you understand their world, more things will make sense and click into place also with kpop.


Oct 13, 2020
Actually there is also a book Eyes wide open by Fiona Barnett, pdf is free on the net. She called it oposite to the movie because she's victim of the system and it's story from her perspective. It's 400 pages long, some parts might not be relevant for this thread right now, but you can find some eye-openers that will change your view on world generally, and it will also reflect on the way you see kpop. At least for me it did. Same thing with Jessie Czebotar. She was born elite. So far she had done about 30 hours of interview with Aquarius rising YT channel (speed up video to 1.25, she speaks slowly :D). If you understand their world, more things will make sense and click into place also with kpop.
i’ll read into it soon ! thank u :)


Oct 13, 2020
the same things we discuss here but applied to ggs. i know tw1c3 has a formation that creates the shape of an eye in icsm (i can’t st0p me) and keep in mind their album is called eyes wide open i think, and then when u remember that there’s a movie called eyes wide shut which was a watered down version of occultism in hollywood . . . just very strange connections. i actually saw a tweet that pointed out how the formation they made was in the shape of an eye but i cannot seem to find the tweet anymore but i’ll draw it out myself instead.
so i drew it out bc i still can’t find the tweet.



Oct 13, 2020
that's remind me the video of Katy Perry before a performance ,she looks in trance
that's remind me the video of Katy Perry before a performance ,she looks in trance
i’m not rly getting bad vibes from s1cheng in that video maybe i’m biased lol bc he’s my fave in nc7. but yes to me it seems like he’s daydreaming or dissociating. also do u have the video of katy perry


Jan 19, 2021
Actually there is also a book Eyes wide open by Fiona Barnett, pdf is free on the net. She called it oposite to the movie because she's victim of the system and it's story from her perspective. It's 400 pages long, some parts might not be relevant for this thread right now, but you can find some eye-openers that will change your view on world generally, and it will also reflect on the way you see kpop. At least for me it did. Same thing with Jessie Czebotar. She was born elite. So far she had done about 30 hours of interview with Aquarius rising YT channel (speed up video to 1.25, she speaks slowly :D). If you understand their world, more things will make sense and click into place also with kpop.
im curious, could you explain what you mean on how it reflected the way you see kpop?