Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Apr 6, 2018
I did not put it but it also had in the clip Peek-A-Boo of Red Velvet: They represent in this clip cannibalists. She orders a pizza not for the pizza but for the deliveryman. At the end of the clip they will finally kill him and the only thing left of it is his top that will be stored in a showcase. In this clip, the highs represent the victims.
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Mar 6, 2019
Hi, so i've been reading this thread since December and i stopped around the page 200. Anyway, i wanted to thank you all for this thread, it really is amazing and opened my eyes for a lot of things.
Honestly, i don't even know how to introduce myself lol the only reason i'm posting here is because i've come across this very interesting article (i don't know if somebody else already posted it, so just ignore this if it had already been posted):
P.s.: i don't understand where this came from and who is writing this because the page of the article doesn't exist anymore, but all of this seems legit and i believe in it.

"Hello Jacky,

Its been a while since I checked in with you. I've been lurking in the shadows on the music discussions on HSK. I wanted to share a couple of behind the scenes facts with your crew.

Not all artists are aware that the dark side exists within the industry. In fact, few do and even fewer believe it when told. We live in a GTFOH society and everyone wants their version of proof. Like the old African proverb "if you believe, no proof is required, if you do not, no amount of proof is enough" or something to that effect.

Artists make music. The real mayhem starts after the studio sessions. More than a couple execs and shady producers have ordered engineers to bury sounds, howls, words, chants, occult terminology deep into tracks. Subliminal messages our conscious is not aware of. Chants calling on Satan, 6-6-6, names of demons, words spoken backwards, etc. Your local supermarket does it everyday. Strip it down and you'll hear buy, spend, shop, spending makes you feel good. Records have animal sounds and all kinds of crazy shit buried in there. Police sirens and gavels are often used in hip hop. I don't need to tell you why. Its racist of course. The occult images are much easier to spot in the music videos. They don't even try to hide those anymore.

My point is if a certain song makes you feel aggressive or want to fight its not an accident. Sometimes the artist has no idea. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they are crossing over into the occult world and their programming causes them to seek the darkness out. The versions of songs played in a concert almost always contain something demonic. The energy of all of those souls chanting, vibing, singing, embracing the negative imagery is vital to those at the top who truly believe and serve that other master. The hoods, black and white floors, all seeing eye, throwin up the baph all means something. I've seen artists seduced by fame, attention, sex, drugs, the hype but it aint got nuthin on that dark side. You're literally surrounded by evil. The monarch butterfly symbolism is almost always used for young female artists. By the time an artist realizes all this; do they throw their career away? Or go all in?

The industry pretends to like young artists so they can have a long career, but that isn't the real reason. Who would you rather match wits with: a child or a seasoned and savvy adult? They have not yet learned to control their impulses. The private parties have cameras everywhere.

In vases, teddy bears, eye glass frames, dvd players, headboards. They have your every move recorded from the time you audition. We have hours upon hours of tape on people we never even signed. We film people slingin on their block. We have your favorite male stars on tape begging to give industry men oral for slots on a particular tour, bookings on S/N/L or to perform at certain events. We have many of them on tape renouncing their Lord and savior. Like they say the eyes are the window to the soul and when they get empty so too is the soul.

God speed, Jacky."

He's talking about Hollywood, but i really doubt that Kpop is different than that.


Aug 31, 2018
Dang, way to debut them... I translated the title and this came out of it : "One day my horns grew in my head." and then i watched the video and was overwhelmed by the symbolism... from the few times i looked i noticed; the red, black and white colour scheme, the black dots on yellow colour scheme, a LOT of horns, pentagrams, checkerboards, neon drawings over them; one of them are angel wings even tho they already showed us in the first few seconds it's gon' be evil, duplicating, triangles, flowers with those X-X eyes, mirrors, one eye symbolism, a LOT of confusing imagery (like sitting on a wall?) which i notice a lot; be careful of very confusing or strange imagery in music videos imo, they're bad news a lot of the time. that's what i got from this video before giving up cos it's gross how strong the symbolism is. Oh, can someone also explain the significance of number 5? I have been seeing a lot of groups with 5 members recently, I'm intrigued as to why.
It reminds me if when so many groups started to become 9


Apr 6, 2018
@JinnieAnne ......with regard to red roses you mentioned in an earlier post about monstax mv and also in connection with bt3
Red roses are symbolic of anti-christ.

You are right about all the symbolism.........that resemblance with j0nghyun seems deliberate especially at 2:22 when the focus is blurred.........also,notice the checkers,two pillars on either side of door,lots of green which is symbolic of change and transformation and turning a new leaf.......and there are sketches of saturn on his arms
notice the blue-orange combination in his clothes surrounded by dancers in black and white clothes?...besides the emphasis on orange colour?
I mentioned earlier in a post about the new duality combination of blue and represents the elite while orange represents babylon.......there is even a tower-like structure on which the singers symbolise the tower of babylon.
Also,there are lots of stars on his clothes,besides the word five prominently written on his mentioned earlier,five represents the fifth age of man,baphomet head,pentacle,law of on and so forth in the occult will see a lot more fives in the coming days.

As for the numbers........the video starts and ends with the same imagery and also the numbers.........03 05 08 01........meaning the beginning and the ending is the other words,they are the mirror images of each other.......In story-telling,the beginning and the ending are two halves of the same whole. In some senses, they’re mirror images of one another. The beginning asks a question, and the ending answers it. This is the key........that is why in many movies and books,the ending scene is quite similar to beginning give a sense of completion.
then the second set of numbers 08 10 03 06 which changes to 09 01 04 07......they all increased by one number with 10 followed by 1
and later,it continues from here....09 01 04 07.........10 02 05 08.....01 03 06 09.......02 04 07 10
04 06 09 02........05 07 10 on until 01 03 06 09 then
07 09 02 05......08 10 03 06......09 01 04 07..then
03 05 08 01.......04 06 09 02 then
07 09 02 05......08 10 03 06 then
04 06 09 02.....05 07 10 03
and finally it's once again 03 05 08 01.......notice how the numbers repeated on either side of 03 05 08 01(they went upto that set and then went down)
why only these numbers?......could only guess......though it kind of looks like a reduced sum of 8(symbolises saturn)

This might not answer all questions but I hope that this makes some sense.
Speaking of Saturn and oppositions, I published two very interesting definitions of a "Dictionary of Symbols" about Janus and Saturn:


Mar 8, 2019
Hello all! I've just found this forum, and I'm so glad. I got into kpop when I was like 14, I've been aware of the sinister meaning behind the videos almost from the beginning, but I thought I was being silly, or just 'imaginative'. However no matter how much I was intent on being in it, during that time I also fell in love with Jesus and as I saw more and more of Him, He became more and more attracting, all those other things just kind of fell away. My favourite has always been Taemin, and I could write an essay on why, but I'm not gonna :) maybe one day.

MY POINT IS, since his 'MOVE' comeback (I can't escape kpop completely as i have friends that like it, comes up on YT etc) I've been really drawn to him again, although I can see his involvement in the occult is stronger than ever. Before, I used to be able to pretend that he's completely oblivious and a victim, but now.. he seems to have fully given himself. Why is no one speaking about his new MV 'WANT'?? It's just.... so, so..obvious.

Biblical references galore. The lyrics too, the average fan would say it's about lust etc. but to me it seems he is speaking of that taste of power in the occult, partaking in evil, first cautiously, then fully and willingly.. Overall, it seems to me that Taemin is likening himself to the devil himself, in many ways. Also, I am becoming more aware of how these MVs make me feel and this one.. hm. I would say be careful if you want to watch it to see for yourself, make sure you are in your spirit.

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Oct 14, 2018
their hungr
View attachment 20019
weird painting of a person behind Hyunjin
View attachment 20020
checkerboard flooring and han's and minho's masksView attachment 20021View attachment 20022
View attachment 20023
seungmin's mask has butterflies on it
View attachment 20024
they're trying to pick up the diamond from the machine?

This was all i could find. I would like to hear your opinions on this I'm very worried about them because i know that they are all Christians and han especially talked about God and his faith quite often. I would be heartbroken if they get involved in this mess, also because they are one of the only groups which i still stan among ateez, nct and oneus :(
Their hungry for fame, thats what the diamond symbolizes. They want to get the diamond in the claw machine, they wanna get fame. Anyone who is in the Kpop industry is obviously not gonna be a christian because you cannot service two masters money and God. Its either you'll hate one and love the other. No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24


Oct 14, 2018
umm what? You realize that not everyone becomes a singer just for the money, right? It's their dream to become artists and they actually make very little money, especially in the beginning.
Umm What?
Stop acting as if you don't know the truth. All celebrities that are making secular music are doing it for money. Not all dreams are good. Why else all the symbolization, because they want fame. If they where christian and actually loved Jesus they would make music to glorify God, but they chose to glorify satan. You can't be a Lukewarm christian, its either your hot or cold.


Jan 6, 2019
gw$n comeback givin' me the creeps and i haven't even listened to it lol

what i noticed from the start; white bunnies (disassociation), pillars, checkerboards, infinity sign/ masquerade masks??, baby angels, a full moon, a lot of wonderland-esque imagery, over the rainbow symbolism, kitties, a lot of stars with 5 points (could someone explain the different shapes of the stars if there is any?), crescent moons, roses, a lot of relgious imagery like lambs, the forbidden fruit and possibly a bible? (to the left a wonderland bunny is holiding something resembling a bible or something)

idk what is your guy's take on this? i'm geninuly intrigued to see what symbolism is present here that i haven't noticed or have misinterpreted..


Jan 6, 2019
wow.........just filled with esoteric symbolism to the've found out almost everything.......also,the picture reminds of this

notice the four pillars,angels,checker floor and the moon and sun on either side..........the red carpet and all the grandeur,alongwith the full moon .......... looks like an initiation ceremony(initiation night)........there is also inversion and one eye symbolism there.
Five pointed star is a pentagram used in wiccan and other black magic rituals.....especially with one point downwards when it represents baphomet's head.......especially with a circle around it,is called a pentacle and used in rituals.
The six pointed star with a circle around it,like those along the pillars are hexagrams,used by witches to cast spells and are different from star of david which is a 6 pointed star without a circle around it.
The seven pointed star is a heptagram(also called elven star or fairy star) as seen all over that picture.The Heptagram is treated as a sacred geometry symbol in various pagan and witchcraft traditions.In alchemy, a seven-sided star can refer to the seven planets which were known to ancient alchemists......also has importance in kabbalah.......The seven pointed star is an important part of the seal of the A.A., the inner order of the OTO, the secret society made famous by Aleister Crowley.

Also,the lamb and angel imagery besides the rainbows and the caption are symbolic of the "order of odd fellows"

and the caption......"if you possess unique strength,it must be used for good"...........that sounds like what an initiate is told......also,it is to be noticed that alice in wonderland programming is usually depicted for female artists........wonder if they easily identify with alice.
anyway,even their name is written in the style of nordic runes......that angular font.......this group is not hiding it's loyalties......really straightforward.
Thank you so much for these detailed analysis and explanations... i'll keep in mind more about these things when I look at new releases, again, thanks a lot! XD Also... i know right? they are pretty much testing the crowds who mindlessly fall in love with these evil imagerys and taunting the ones who know.. i'm intrigued to see how much more obvious they'll be next time lol