Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
I just saw Korean and some I-fans on X cry about a company "mistreating" their idol because they were seen wearing the same outfit for 2-3 events and I am flabbergasted because Isn't this a good thing? In India female celebrities are praised for rewearing outfits because it discourages wasteful spending among the masses. I see similar praises for western artists who wear minimalist clothes and buy from affordable brands but why is this being seen as a form of "mistreatment" in Kpop? Are Koreans really that materialistic that they think an idol rewearing outfits is somehow diminishing their value?


Sep 21, 2021
With the Hara law hopefully being approved, I hope these "parents" are looked into. We shout all day about companies abusing their idols but the main part here is that many of these "parents" sold their very young children to these companies.

Some were as young as elementary age.

These nëw j÷ans girls are clearly brainwashed and their parents side with this obvious groomer just because she got their kids to make money. Often in these cases the parents get all the money, spend it and once their children's popularity ends the children end up penniless. Jackie Coogan, anyone?

MHJ has 2 deceased idols who she was involved with. Křystal hardly shows her face anymore, Tæmin is obviously socially stunted. Ønew went to a yoga cult and lost so much weight.

In a few years I'm sure these nëw j÷ans kids will have similar stories.
They suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after being repeatedly subjected to those various unhealthy situations...and very sadly, the worst is suicide...

New Jeans members are already showing some of these PTSD symptoms...such as having a distorted sense of reality...sabotaging their own future due to an unhealthy sense of loyalty...a blind allegiance...


Dec 31, 2022
It's really a case to case basis...Some may be too young to understand what they are signing, so they just agree with their managers/handlers...or their parents sign on their behalf...But their parents could be too ignorant to understand as well...

Would be safer if they have a lawyer to explain to them the contract and all its legal meanings/implications...But if they can't pay a they just have to face all the risks...
thats what I think many of them seem to go into this naively without realising just how crooked it is and how those in charge wont ever have their best interests, atm I dont think new jeans could afford to leave as why I stated its best just to put up with the changes, buckle down and get on with it instead of crying on social media cause this stuff is getting tiring and its going to put people off from wanting to work with the newjeans members. either they need to grow up and realise if they want to act like grown ups in grown up business they sometimes have to just let things slide.


Dec 31, 2022
I just saw Korean and some I-fans on X cry about a company "mistreating" their idol because they were seen wearing the same outfit for 2-3 events and I am flabbergasted because Isn't this a good thing? In India female celebrities are praised for rewearing outfits because it discourages wasteful spending among the masses. I see similar praises for western artists who wear minimalist clothes and buy from affordable brands but why is this being seen as a form of "mistreatment" in Kpop? Are Koreans really that materialistic that they think an idol rewearing outfits is somehow diminishing their value?
their fans will cry about anything :rolleyes: in kpop its common for fans to make a non issue be an issue its just petty and childish atp i dont think kpop comanies bother to take their fans seriously anyway they literally dgaf about protest trucks non of that shit lmao.


Sep 21, 2021
thats what I think many of them seem to go into this naively without realising just how crooked it is and how those in charge wont ever have their best interests, atm I dont think new jeans could afford to leave as why I stated its best just to put up with the changes, buckle down and get on with it instead of crying on social media cause this stuff is getting tiring and its going to put people off from wanting to work with the newjeans members. either they need to grow up and realise if they want to act like grown ups in grown up business they sometimes have to just let things slide.
That's true.


Jun 2, 2021
"If there is a conspiracy Koreans are working for a different cause which is bringing about Jeonggamnok. Their music is full of references to the Jeong and hidden witchy-Magou and Buddhist-Confucian-Christian messages that line up with the Jeonggamnok lore. Clearly different goal from NWO involving CIA and MK-ultra"

I found this comment on Kpop_uncensored under a post talking about possibility of NJ being MKULTRA victims. Anyone knows what or who is Jeonggamnok?? This could explain all the satanic symbolism in Kpop


Dec 31, 2022
If your favourites are a BG from 4th-5th gen they are less likely to have faced such issues. Taemin was from 2nd Gen when Kpop wasn't as big as it is today and many idols came from poor backgrounds. Also, he wasn't forced to debut being a soloist was his dream since childhood and that's probably the case for most idols. In the age most trainees are scouted children have dreams of becoming influencers and celebrities. Kpop sells dreams to these children and they join willingly.
Also, this doesn't usually happen to male idols who have a traditionally masculine image. If they are minor or have a flower boy look they might face harassment but still if they come from well-off backgrounds they can avoid this stuff. 2nd gen was f**ked up in general. We had Sulli who was passed around JYJ fighting to end slave contracts idols like Taeyeon saying they were beaten up with chairs by their vocal coaches and K-variety shows bullying and harassing idols on live TV. It was brutal and idols had to hustle to make a decent career. Nowadays Idols come from rich families and don't have to live in such harsh conditions. That's also why idols aren't as talented or passionate as before because most of them don't have to work hard like 2nd gen idols. New Jeans is a perfect example of 4th gen privilege. The worst form of mistreatment these girls faced is a manager allegedly telling their group to "ignore" them. Compare this to JYJ who fought over SM overworking idols and paying idols pennies and New Jeans sound entitled now.
thats why I was confused why everyone even other idols coddeling them to no end for their fake livestream of some fake issue that didnt even affect them as a whole, they couldve just kept continuing but had to make a drama out of a non issue cause idols are becoming more entitled. not all but some. i think newer younger grouos these days have a weaker mindset without realising how difficilt older groups had it, like newjeans actually have smth good going for themselves and so much popularity for their songs i really did not understand this whole debacle. older groups had it much worse


Mar 4, 2019
not san too? :( damn hes my fave vocalist in ateez. but just let me ask what if we are just applying meanings to things when it might not be that deep or even true? i think the western entertainment does symbolism more than kpop, if kpop dont give a f about learning other cultures then its not going to give a f what meanings the symbols have just my opinion on the subject.
Don't delude yourself. The evil in the entertainment is worldwide. Both western and Eastern entertainment worship Satan KNOWINGLY!


May 12, 2023
I never understood the whole drama, how was NewJeans taking down HYBE exactly? From what I remember MHJ wanted Ador to split from HYBE, HYBE found out about the buyout, stopped it, and fired MHJ.

So Ador was carrying HYBE? I don't understand. If the rumor is true NJ will be put on indefinite hiatus, then HYBE doesn't give a crap.

I'm guessing the materials HYBE got when they raided Ador offices will now be given to LSF and ILLIT
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Journal atlas

Oct 2, 2021
"If there is a conspiracy Koreans are working for a different cause which is bringing about Jeonggamnok. Their music is full of references to the Jeong and hidden witchy-Magou and Buddhist-Confucian-Christian messages that line up with the Jeonggamnok lore. Clearly different goal from NWO involving CIA and MK-ultra"

I found this comment on Kpop_uncensored under a post talking about possibility of NJ being MKULTRA victims. Anyone knows what or who is Jeonggamnok?? This could explain all the satanic symbolism in Kpop
It's basically korean jesus, there's even a korean american church that was in the media for cult activity last year I think, they have so many cults in korea it's impossible to name. Many are in america under the guise of christianity. They don't tell non members what they believe only after awhile do they reveal the full doctrine or that is what most former cult members say. This way they can keep secrecy. So I believe most if not all K celebs are connected to these churches.

This is why they are so comfortable being worshiped.There's a netflix doc on at least of them,'dancing for the devil' in america and 'in the name of god: holy betrayal' in south korea. It's most definitely not a new thing, but recently they've been getting exposed due to social media. Parents of members began reporting the cult and it's activities, it's real deal mk ultra. Isolation, ritualistic abuse, and magic healing. This is what the former members said. They could not have cellphones and record so it's just there word, but allegedly magic is somewhat involved.

One of the guys in L.A actually made a talent agency inside the church many of the members are famous and do events give him all the money and go right back to the cult house. Just like kpop. They basically worship him, he is the leader. Just like how kpop ceo's have devout loyalty from their people. Lots of mental tricks and abuse go on. I assume it's the same in Korea. When there was bad press for the church he told them to go back to their families and play pretend. The families thought their was something wrong with the people, they didn't seem to be themselves anymore. They were hollow. They only did exactly as the leader said, nothing more and nothing less. This is basically kpop and the american ent industry, they are tiny leaders of a larger cult faction.

Also idk what they are talking about it's the easiest thing in the world to get people who already mix multiple religions into one to believe in the nwo. The c/a is extremely deceptive and Koreans "owe" american for world war 2. They've been trying to pay their way into the top order of the u.n since the 1960s after the k gov was caught trying to bribe other countries for protection. They may have their own faction which the c/a allowed them to have but it would still be under the global u//s m/litary /ndustrial complex. They have too much symbolism that is western based to not be. Even people in the same club can have different goals they still are working under the same organization.

also s@tanic is a bit of a stretch, it's basically like the religion of science but to the extreme, morals are subjective but they still have codes which is why everything they do is so obvious. I say it's a stretch because very few of them actually believe in this literally concerning some higher ranking members everything is more or less a metaphor or allegory for something scientific. They believe in stretching the human brain and body to the highest limits. Mk ultr@ is basically like what they do to your average navy seal or elite soldier they do the same thing, so this is not even a big secret. It's just the average person is dulled down to the extent that they would never make the connection.


May 8, 2023
I never understood the whole drama, how was NewJeans taking down HYBE exactly? From what I remember MHJ wanted Ador to split from HYBE, HYBE found out about the buyout, stopped it, and fired MHJ.

So Ador was carrying HYBE? I don't understand. If the rumor is true NJ will be put on indefinite hiatus, then HYBE doesn't give a crap.

I'm guessing the materials HYBE got when they raided Ador offices will now be given to LSF and ILLIT
NewJeans don't have the brainpower to "take down" a powerful company like HYBE, at least by themselves.

I don't think NJ had anything to do with anything, MHJ just falsely accused ILLIT of copying NJ and that's what started this whole fiasco. Basically MHJ made shit up.

Journal atlas

Oct 2, 2021
I never understood the whole drama, how was NewJeans taking down HYBE exactly? From what I remember MHJ wanted Ador to split from HYBE, HYBE found out about the buyout, stopped it, and fired MHJ.

So Ador was carrying HYBE? I don't understand. If the rumor is true NJ will be put on indefinite hiatus, then HYBE doesn't give a crap.

I'm guessing the materials HYBE got when they raided Ador offices will now be given to LSF and ILLIT
I stopped paying attention to the politics in 3rd gen. But fourth gen groups seem to straight up be about money laundering, these groups last about a year or two. They disband and all the hard work is disregarded. I feel like they are just using these kids to hide dirty money and when they clean the cash with their obsessed fans they disolve it. No losses. One hit or maybe three big hits is likely all they will ever get anyway. Which now and days is an incredibly quick process. Unlike back in 2012 where a group selling a million on an album or going viral was a long process. Now they can hurry and ditch the group, possibly sell the rights to a hit single and just collect money on the spotify and youtube views. No worrying about when they are going to loose out because a group, any group, will inevitably flop it's just a matter of when. Now that they can make big cash quick these groups stand no chance. Plus now trainees are more desperate than ever, joining companies with absolutely no five year plan, just promises of fame. They are easier to use and manipulate than even the previous generations because literally all kids care about now is fame. Of course they don't have debt, the kids are probably paying the company to debut now. Rich families would love to have kpop star on their child's college application. Very easy exchange. There is also no longevity in the industry anymore, so these kids probably get bored fast and want out asap. That's the vibe I get from 4th gen and the future. They will be famous for two years and then take their following to tiktok or twitch. And tbh that's not a bad thing, at least their trauma will be way less than the generations before.


May 12, 2023
HYBE has been accused of pressurizing the media to remove unfavorable reports about their ongoing feud with Min Hee Jin and the clash of interest with NewJeans.

After the members of NewJeans held a guerilla livestream, demanding Min to be reinstated and ADOR to be restored to its previous state, KBS, one of the leading media outlets of South Korea, published a report claiming Min Hee Jin’s team had advised the members against such a move.

The report said that NewJeans wanted to hold a press conference right after Min was dismissed as the CEO of ADOR, but her team had argued that it could lead to risks such as breach of exclusive contracts and misunderstandings. But the members were resolute to put their stance out there, and hence made the decision independently.

Soon after the article’s publication, it was removed from the KBS website, which struck netizens as odd. A post on Instiz went viral after highlighting this removal, where the OP (original poster) argued that HYBE engaging in such muscle flexing with the media to avoid bad press will only turn the public against them.

Meanwhile, HYBE received even more criticism recently after HYBE employees were caught mocking BTS’s Jungkook following his post in support of NewJeans.


May 12, 2023
During her early trainee days, Han Seo Hee seemed to have a promising future. She had been accepted by multiple entertainment companies as a trainee and was slated for her debut. Before that could happen, her reputation quickly spiraled and her name became one that was highly avoided in the Korean entertainment industry.

Her most recent controversial headline surrounded shocking reports from May 30, 2022, revealing Han Seo Hee had met Yang Hyun Suk at a high-end brothel over ten times. The reports surfaced after a line of questioning from Yang Hyun Suk’s 5th day of trial regarding allegations of him threatening Han Seo Hee. Yang Hyun Suk’s lawyer stated that Han Seo Hee had previously worked at a high-end brothel, which Han Seo Hee did not deny.

Text messages between Yang Hyun Suk and Han Seo Hee revealed they had a closer relationship than just acquaintances and that he had been directly sending her tickets to YG Entertainment artists’ concerts.


Dec 31, 2022
i do have a general question or thing i want to rant on with kpop heavily catering for younger audiences I feel like they dont really get certain things

for instance if u try to discuss a quality of a song somell either denounce a song before its even been given enough chance orrr theyll overhype a song even if its clearly awful i dont expect everyone to have the same taste but ive noticed a lack of varied opinions when discussing with others on other platforms, then certain idols are definitely more the influencer type than someone whos serious about what they do, i can think of the times where blackpink wasnt taken seriously enough due to uncoordinate performances sometimes nit does feel like some groups didnt have to try as hard as others have had too or that newer groups maybe only have a view of playing the victim in the media and having everyone running to their defense all the time all bc theyre kids (ahem new jeans)

it just seems to be very much more messier in current times than how it was years ago when groups were just gaining the momentum and more often than not im kinda just waiting for the next thing to come about from kpop like ok that newjeans thing hapened so what now? whos pulling what strings to make everyone overreact on the internet and then moly coddle some toddlers again it all seems to aid the babying of the modern day idol

theyll often then use the wtf are u on? sorry for expecting more from groups that should be further ahead in their time in kpop but yaknow I guess people just dont learn the word preference anymore if a group has only 12 songs to their name then its a bit shameful compared to what others have done and I can think of many groups who are being shelved to collect dust but its like so many people really do settle for less nowadays instead of expecting better or more from a group / agency? certain idols dont get to do enough opportunities outside their group roles because they are of value to their group so they get hindered a lot in their own path to success, certain idols are also heavily tied to certain ships thus hindering the type of interactions or reactions theyll get for always having to "act gay" with a member even if they dont want too do do skinship and so much else is really making it seem like an unserious then comes the outrage when they are seen with a woman and shock, horror that idol actually wasnt gay in the first place

also the over use of saying xyz groups paved the way no they fucking didnt its just that they wanted to go international and thats the result of them debuting at a time of lesser competiton compared to nowadays where kpop is oversaturated with literal toddlers wanting to debut before they have even learn how to be mature, sorry not sorry had to say it like it is but i wonder how the staffs actually view these younger groups like it must often feel like a creche or nursery at times and the k in kpop stands for kids