Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
we wont know which it is and not much has been brought up. do u think its similar to woojins case though? some say he wasnt kicked out but he still had "evidence" against him
As far as I know Woojins scandal was real but he too was used as a scapegoat. About Taeil I don't want to comment rn. SK is a very misogynistic country so personally I don't want to defend any idol who gets caught in an SA related scandal. We are women we should side with the victim unless any proof of his innocence comes out.


Jun 2, 2021
thats called coddeling a man and not making them own up to their own devices / behaviours. ive seen so many folk do this with male idols then if anything bad innerintely gets exposed or released about them they lose their minds over it cause their beloved princess baby boy wasnt such a perfect angel. i dont think its all male idols but it definitely does some ego boosting especially if its a younger audience which it usually is and folk who arent there to really appreciate the talent but more so lust after their bodies. been done countless times and we women fall for it. i still love the idols i love but sometimes u can tell whos really feeling it too much on stage and whos got an ego the size of a football pitch or whos putting on a front / facade. i can defo think of a few who are moly coddeld to no end. and what doesnt help is kpop keeps idols in such a tightly controlled environment so they dont really know how to handle anything outside of idol life. bit sad really. they really must rely much on their staffs and as talented or likeable as they are i dont think a lot of the fans realise how difficult dating an idol would be. i think some idols i can think of rn is very much what u see is what u get but others nahhh they have two sides to them defo. felix / han / hyunjin of skz for example. maybe bangchan too remind me a lot of this type of behaviours where it just is overdone to know end to the point they are unhealthily chronically online so desperate for stays adoration and affection

but yh theres definitely more than a few im sus of that i think they have two different very different sides to them. not teribly bad as in theyd do a crime just ones where they overflaunt themselves and play into the bf narrative too much. bit like if they overdo it on the aegyo but most regular men dont really do aegyo to get womens attention, sometimes its endearing but sometimes its overdone. its almost like kpop waters down every inch of an idols personality before they debut by conditioning them to act on certain ways or that doing and saying xyz things is healthy when it isnt
Ohh they coddle them so much. One of the reasons I made that post about Onew in particular is because I got jumped by his stans recently. I will tell you guys the story. So, an Onew stan got into an argument with me because I said on one online Kpop space I didn't like his album and that girl argued with me over 2-3 days over this. She and her gang who were all Onew stans tried to Cyber Bully me like they usually do in Kpop spaces but fortunately I don't care about these things and I shut them down by using logical arguments but the girls were so dumb and obsessed they kept crying about how hard their fav had worked and said stuff like "ohh he just wants to be happy", "he went through a lot" "why do you want to steal this tiny moment of happiness from him" loll and I cringed so hard reading their comments because they were talking about this 35 year old man who is a millionaire like he is some child who will have a mental breakdown from reading 1 bad review of his album. I was surprised because I have dropped critical remarks about idols more popular and successful than Onew and none of their fans acted as bad as this guy's fan and I figured his cute and innocent act is leading to his fans becoming obsessed with him to a dangerous level. They think these idols are their friend when all these males care about is the money. They won't even smile at their female fans if it were not for the money. But, What's sad is the girls who were defending him probably earn less than him and have to work harder to live a decent life but in their obsession they forget their own self-worth.


Dec 31, 2022
As far as I know Woojins scandal was real but he too was used as a scapegoat. About Taeil I don't want to comment rn. SK is a very misogynistic country so personally I don't want to defend any idol who gets caught in an SA related scandal. We are women we should side with the victim unless any proof of his innocence comes out.
ik that about the last part but something feels off about this whole case and i dont want to take any exact accusations as being true or false without solid evidence


Jun 2, 2021
It's probably no different than what Sakura did back in the day

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About this. Some speculation on my part so don't take this too seriously but in Japan sex work is legalized. I watched videos of Japanese women who worked in the sex industry. This is a legit profession for women there so I guess some Japanese female celebrities might be doing this. I have a feeling the MomoxHeechul thing was also something like this because they have a lot of age difference.


Dec 31, 2022
It's probably no different than what Sakura did back in the day

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probably occurs a lot more than we realise. still there must be other ways people can garner such success, do u think smth then happened around bts debut? cause they keep peddling the bts paved the way narrative in some way its true but also kpop wouldnt really exist if not for western pop scene that openly accepted this new form of performing and westerners were their target audience for some time so i kinda wish the bts members moved on to another narrative its just quite boring to hear them utter it over n over again its like when someone says the same unfunny joke over n over again if they are no longer aiming their songs to be korean based or inspired then its kinda just regular pop music with corny english lyrics that dont usually make sense.


Dec 31, 2022
Ohh they coddle them so much. One of the reasons I made that post about Onew in particular is because I got jumped by his stans recently. I will tell you guys the story. So, an Onew stan got into an argument with me because I said on one online Kpop space I didn't like his album and that girl argued with me over 2-3 days over this. She and her gang who were all Onew stans tried to Cyber Bully me like they usually do in Kpop spaces but fortunately I don't care about these things and I shut them down by using logical arguments but the girls were so dumb and obsessed they kept crying about how hard their fav had worked and said stuff like "ohh he just wants to be happy", "he went through a lot" "why do you want to steal this tiny moment of happiness from him" loll and I cringed so hard reading their comments because they were talking about this 35 year old man who is a millionaire like he is some child who will have a mental breakdown from reading 1 bad review of his album. I was surprised because I have dropped critical remarks about idols more popular and successful than Onew and none of their fans acted as bad as this guy's fan and I figured his cute and innocent act is leading to his fans becoming obsessed with him to a dangerous level. They think these idols are their friend when all these males care about is the money. They won't even smile at their female fans if it were not for the money. But, What's sad is the girls who were defending him probably earn less than him and have to work harder to live a decent life but in their obsession they forget their own self-worth.
fr people act like idols are such fragile individuals wholl breakdown for one mere critique i often feel the same about some of bts recent songs sorry jimin but his songs r corny its the only word i can describe them and i think theres other groups now that are tad more interesting with more varied songs / talent. not that bts arent talented just they definitely had the helping hand of the fact tnat they had debuted at s time when there wasnt an other next big boy group about so really.

idols defo have two sides to their personalities and koreans have this clouded view about it where they act so shock when something "scandal" like comes about when in the west its usually nothing new. if ppl dont like something we shouldnt always lap it up willingly. i do wonder why music in general is becoming unlistenable not all of it but a lot of it is so centred around social media and every thing an idol does is centred around social media it still doesnt paint an honest picture of the idol in question thats why i often hate this chronically online era of kpop / music groups in general it feels like its the only way they can connect to people. some dont even tour properly my country anymore not like they used to in the 00s. every other country instead gets varied events and extra bonuses in terms of merch shops, the groups seem so poorly promoted here like they only come to one major city and even then its not worth forking that much out for the events itself. america usually gets the most events nowadays. i think its hard to genuinely meet them out of schedule to actually "be a friend" of theirs would require much sacrifice of ur own schedules and whatever u do. i think theyre so kept in their pen bubble they dont fully know their idols besides what is shown so unfortunately i can only base my assumptions off social media. they have made it so difficult to follow music groups compared to the 00s. used to go to loads of concerts and now kpop ones are like 1000s just for that brief interaction where all the audience does is wait to film that one viral moment. same for like when they go to airports whats even the point? they barely going to get an in person interaction cause all of its for social media / media articles etc. i dont think idols genuinely know how to connect with folk who dont use online platforms. even fancalls are a letdown bc again u have to always splurge just for one random chance of a random member to fancall them. it feels like its more catered for younger generation even tho the group i like generally has a very mixed age range audience it still feels like they like a lot of promotions potential. especially because if they come over this way they can more so be themselves then when theyre in their home country but once again we miss out on it.


Dec 31, 2022
im also concerned what sm is doing to doyoung 6D36DB36-AD45-444F-9C9C-F24F6B13616A.jpeg

humiliation? profitting off vulnerability in a challenging time to promote other members works despite not allowing respite during whatever the hell is going on in sm. not saying male idols cant be emotional on stage but it seems odd timing for solo promotion almost like its perfect opportunity for fans to further push the narrative and pity the other members even if nothing is going on or its just an act again could be wrong but u dont know these days.


May 12, 2023
About this. Some speculation on my part so don't take this too seriously but in Japan sex work is legalized. I watched videos of Japanese women who worked in the sex industry. This is a legit profession for women there so I guess some Japanese female celebrities might be doing this. I have a feeling the MomoxHeechul thing was also something like this because they have a lot of age difference.
In a similar vein I recall years ago there was a Japanese sex worker who was very popular. She started when she was 16. She eventually became a gravure idol when she turned 18, but that was just the public SFW advertising for her escort services, which a few Japanese sleuths found, but her face was censored on the Japanese escort websites under another name. She even made Japanese TV appearances for cheesecake content. But because she continued working for the escort websites with the assumed name and blurred face, it was never publicly brought up. But I'm sure it meant a lot more demand for her and allowed her to increase her prices.
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Dec 31, 2022
In a similar vein I recall years ago there was a Japanese sex worker who was very popular. She started when she was 16. She eventually became a gravure idol when she turned 18, but that was just the public SFW advertising for her escort services, which a few Japanese sleuths found, but her face was censored on the Japanese escort websites under another name. She even made Japanese TV appearances for cheesecake content. But because she continued working for the escort websites with the assumed name and blurred face, it was never publicly brought up. But I'm sure it meant a lot more demand for her and allowed her to increase her prices.
not related to kpop but im wondering about junko furuta and how she wanted to be an idol singer before her tagic ending early on in her life would she have had to do s*x work just to get into the industry? are the yakuza also involved with japanese idol groups?


May 12, 2023
not related to kpop but im wondering about junko furuta and how she wanted to be an idol singer before her tagic ending early on in her life would she have had to do s*x work just to get into the industry? are the yakuza also involved with japanese idol groups?
We have cases already of idols who have failed who have moved on to other work. Sometimes it might be a coffee shop worker, sometimes its a streamer or similar.

More K-pop musicians struggling to succeed in the entertainment industry are turning to the local livestreaming platform AfreecaTV as a way to make money.
But considering what they may have had to do while in the kpop industry, it probably doesn't seem like a big deal to them.





Dec 31, 2022
We have cases already of idols who have failed who have moved on to other work. Sometimes it might be a coffee shop worker, sometimes its a streamer or similar.

But considering what they may have had to do while in the kpop industry, it probably doesn't seem like a big deal to them.

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thats a real shame honestly do u think its due to kpop not being able to pay for the groups longevity. even if i wanted to be an idol i dont think i could slave away all childhood then have to sell my body to get by. again it shows how much weaker kpop actually is


May 12, 2023
thats a real shame honestly do u think its due to kpop not being able to pay for the groups longevity. even if i wanted to be an idol i dont think i could slave away all childhood then have to sell my body to get by. again it shows how much weaker kpop actually is
It seems the only difference between the successful girls and the unsuccessful girls is that they aren't in demand by the elite, so they have to start to advertise publicly they are available.

Recently a big TikTok star came on hard times and switched from huge sponsorship deals from makeup companies to advertising herself as available publicly. Of course they could leave any time, but they want to fuel their lifestyle. Sunk cost fallacy now.



Dec 31, 2022
It seems the only difference between the successful girls and the unsuccessful girls is that they aren't in demand by the elite, so they have to start to advertise publicly they are available.

Recently a big TikTok star came on hard times and switched from huge sponsorship deals from makeup companies to advertising herself as available publicly. Of course they could leave any time, but they want to fuel that lifestyle.

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thats what i dont like dressing in terms of womens clothes theres hardly anything on them. not remotely interesting enough to look at and not relatable at all. when does it cross the line into narcissism? it just gives me the ick to see people having to do things like that to get by honestly. it says if they arent wonyoung and a doll like figure dainty then no ones interested in them for them to succeed. i think jessi somewhat regrets her choices to act the way she acts as well, u can see she doesnt mean too but she does make more conservative idols uncomfortable or uncertain over her actions compared to wonyoung for example who is absolutely adored and worshipped like some perfect being even if shes nice i dont hate either of them just think its unlucky for some and i dont really care about tiktok so im hardly going to know them if they arent relevant to what i watch / like.


May 12, 2023
thats what i dont like dressing in terms of womens clothes theres hardly anything on them. not remotely interesting enough to look at and not relatable at all. when does it cross the line into narcissism? it just gives me the ick to see people having to do things like that to get by honestly. it says if they arent wonyoung and a doll like figure dainty then no ones interested in them for them to succeed. i think jessi somewhat regrets her choices to act the way she acts as well, u can see she doesnt mean too but she does make more conservative idols uncomfortable or uncertain over her actions compared to wonyoung for example who is absolutely adored and worshipped like some perfect being even if shes nice i dont hate either of them just think its unlucky for some and i dont really care about tiktok so im hardly going to know them if they arent relevant to what i watch / like.
I think they get addicted to the lifestyle, private jets, chauffeured cars, bodyguards, personal stylists, being given outfits by top line companies, being offered big money to party on a $100 million dollar yacht. They don't want to go back to being "nobody". So they end up chasing it.


Dec 31, 2022
I think they get addicted to the lifestyle, private jets, chauffeured cars, bodyguards, personal stylists, being given outfits by top line companies, being offered big money to party on a $100 million dollar yacht. They don't want to go back to being "nobody". So they end up chasing it.
i do think its possible to still be a somebody but they have to have something to show for, otherwise it screams everyone look at them give them attention. even if they fake it still give them attention the kartrashians are the worst for making it normal to want their lifestyle. i was thinking this about some footballers and how erling haaland earns 900k a week. one cause hes a man isnt he and two cause he kicks a ball about and sometimes wins things occasionally then he gets worshipped to no end and its all who people talk about who earns more who has more. i wonder if it would still be possible to do something like that but more for the enjoyment instead of the "benefits" of earning that much? they cant be humble surely not