Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 8, 2023
This is why I hate the Enlightenment Era and this white race superior bullsh1t (-_-)
I hate it too and the problem is not only white supremacy, but also jewish supremacy which is zionism, their man-made political ideology by Theodore Herzl, and their organization of freemasonry.

Freemasonry is a globally dispersed 5 million man army of their slaves, who they have trained to become elite, dark, occult left hand path, Luciferian-Satanists, who are skilled black wizards/magiis in black magick, hermetic magick, and Kabbalah magick.
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May 8, 2023
they love black culture and copy a lot of stuff. Why can't they be working towards acceptance and having black people in their media? It's a positive thing to encourage multiculturalism and hopefully will reduce racist mentalities.
Unfortunately, many (but not all, but still a large enough number) Koreans are old fashioned in their thinking, even today. They love black music but don't like black people it seems. The same goes for some Japanese people. They love black music but not black people.

A significant portion of Koreans are xenophobic, sexist and misogynistic, even racist, homophobic, transphobic, and discriminatory to disabled individuals, are colourist, and are classist.
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Dec 31, 2022
Plus they know people are naive to believe it never question slander against such public figures. Scary times.

I really find this sus though I cant explain it.
what i find sus is the timing is off, theyre still promoting other members

if u mention that u try to defend him u get shitted on and told off for being "delusional" sorry for being delusional for not believing every piece of articles about the idols and i dont doubt there are criminals in kpop just maybe not the idol in question cause they use them as media attacks / pawns just like in the west when rappers wind up dead early on. i liked some of their songs and taeil seemed like a sweet guy i really dont think he would risk all of it just to do a crime he cant even defend himself for?

it always seems like clockwork every other year another idol does a "crime" allegedly or another idol winds up in a car accident or some type of situation where they arent alive anymore. i might still listen to their songs but i dont fully trust what is going on i think there is something more to it than what meets the eye. kpop is a broken af system as it is its not a genre in its own rights, ppl can lie to defame someone in nano seconds.


Dec 31, 2022
you know, you bring up some good points. Many people are jumping the gun and believing the post. I like to think why him, why now. Even before the scandal, he had that accident, maybe he was supposed to d!e but didn’t so they found another way to get rid of him. I also agree that maybe he was trying to do a bk too. Also there is no proof that this happened. Let’s wait and see what happens in the case.
this happens all the damn time and every other ktuber is repeating the same info over and over as though they being paid too. i think they do try to off an idol once they are less profitable or if they reach a point where they cant manipulate and force them to do xyz things. when u look at how kpop has swiftly changed into debuting more minors taeil has sort of reached the edge of the acceptable age range and it will only push kpop to debut more minors thus making them easily swayed even blackpink totally changed their views on yg and how restricted they were by him. what is a bk?


Dec 31, 2022


Dec 31, 2022
You mean they plan to use this to extend contracts and keep existing idols attached to their companies? OMG!! If this is true it could be a reaction to the recent trend of senior idols leaving their labels for solo careers.
ding ding ding. i wonder if taeil tried to leave at some point?


Dec 31, 2022
Yes!!! Amen. I’m like how is he going to be hacking, he don’t have no time. I think he must’ve pissed some elites off. He is not controllable anymore so they could possibly blackmail him.
In America they did it mj, Dave Chappell or any celebrity that doesn’t comply. Sometimes it’s even fatal.
He might have to flee Korea for his own safety until the investigation is over.

The other enseetee members need to watch their backs, they could be next.

also it’s weird that Runjun still gone too.
he was my fave member too cause he was kinda quiet, bit like myself same age as myself too and less obnoxious than the foreign members. plus he had that accident some time ago where i think they really did try to end his life. i dont even know how to process this i dont care if its delusional but idols are still pawns to the media and their sleazy companies know how to use something against them to make them stay put or get them exiled from their respective groups. orr my other thought jsut know was the group is totally fine and they just let him leave but then later churned all this fabricated nonsense out to defame him on the way out. but at the same time i dont think he would willingly risk all hes worked for and blip hes gone from the group or never to be seen again. either way smths not right.


Dec 31, 2022
I also wonder if some s@s3ng planted it. It’s possible that maybe this isn’t what happened. I just don’t think this dude has time to be hacking. So far the plot has many holes so I’m on the fence too.
ur so right and we know sasaengs are paid to go to airports and find their ways around hotels to gain insight info and track the idols every move.


Dec 31, 2022
I wish I could frame this entire post but the highlighted part especially. Your last few posts have hit the nail right on the head.

I am on the fence about him being guilty but something is fishy here. Esem is deep with the government (Grandpa sending his idols to hang with officials and even the North) they are in bed with kakao and naver, wealthy ceos and the list goes on. If they don't want things to show up in the news they won't. Period. I have heard of terrible things that have happened in that company over the years but it was never mainstream news.

Maybe it is because Grandpa is gone and is not protecting his artists with an iron fist anymore?

Idol news is also notorious for covering up scandals that involve the 1%.
i totally agree on this, idols are pawns and because this is an older idol therell be more influx of them being able to lure kids and minors into being idols so they too can be further manipulated and controlled


Jun 2, 2021
I will give you an outline of the elites' plans regarding this, and these are their (the elites) beliefs, not mine:

I must warn you, what you're about to read are the very offensive, racist delusions of the psychopathic elites.

The ashkenazi zionist jew elites, who are 33° freemasons and are the inner circles of freemasonry, think they have the highest IQs in the world, and that everyone else has a lower IQ.

The elites firmly believe that IQ is an accurate measure of intelligence, while we know it isn't. IQ isn't the end-all of intelligence; there is also emotional intelligence and a theory of 9 types of intelligence.

Yes this push of Africans in Korean entertainment, is part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan (created by 33° freemason and judeophile Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi, who is FOUNDER OF THE EU, outlined in his 1925 book Praktischer Idealismus), where the elites wish humanity to become one massive population of "light brown" mixed-race of "lower-IQ" African-Caucasian-Asians, that due to their lower IQ, can be easily ruled over, manipulated and controlled, and then later discreetly killed off, by a smaller group of "superior intellectual elites" (the zionists).

The racist eugenicist psychopathic elites view race-mixing with "disgust", and are vehemently against it for their own race; however they are in favour of it for all outgroup races (outgroups refer to any groups of people who aren't them).

The elites are hypocrites and pathological liars; they hold those who participate in race-mixing with mockery, hatred, and disgust, despite some of the elites having participated in race-mixing in the past, themselves.

This is the main reason behind mass immigration into Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and North America from the third world.

The zionist ashkenazi jewish elites are racist eugenicist psychopaths that believe that each race "has their own average IQ", and that blacks are "genetically and intellectually inferior", and believe this "inferiority" is genetic and thus also neurodevelopmental, and inheritable in offspring conceived though sexual reproduction.

The elites believe blacks to be the "least intelligent" of all human races.
The elites also believe "Muslims" (even though they are followers of a religion and not a race) are also the least intelligent.

The elites believe if non-blacks race mix and sexually reproduce with "Muslims" and/or blacks, the half-Muslim and/or half-black child will inherit the "intellectual and genetic inferiority" of the Muslim and/or black parent.

The offspring, the elites think of as, "racial-hybrids", and "mixed-mystery-meat" children and infants will inherit any medical, genetic and psychiatric disorders, diseases and/or conditions that each race in the mixed-race child is susceptible to. The elites, being owners and investors of big pharma, will try to profit off of these aforementioned ailments.

The elites believe and hope that this way, the "gene pool of the non-black and/or non-Muslim race(s) will be 'diluted' by the 'inferior genes' of the black and/or Muslim parent race", and this cannot be reversed.

The elites believe that the offspring being "part-or-half-other-race" will also result in a "genetic loss" to the race of the non-Muslim and/or non-black parent.

The elites believe that "mixing genes of incompatible and inferior races" will "lower the IQ" of the half-Muslim and/or half-black child and thus, if an entire society or population of "mixed-race lower IQ individuals" can be theoretically "created" or "engineered", they (the society or population) can be easily ruled over, manipulated and controlled, then later killed off, by a small but powerful, "intellectually superior" elite.

The elites view all European nationalities, they dub as "the white race", having an IQ of 100+, as "competitor" races in "world colonization/conquest and domination", and want to genocidally exterminate "the white race", in order to prevent them (the white race) from:
1) having access to any possible resources in their own European and and other countries
2) Creating and/or "colonizing" any European country/colony/state
3) Having their own countries landmass belong to their native people (the elites think of the European countries landmasses as their own colony-corporations that they own, and not belonging to the common European native citizens)

The elites are genocidal racist eugenicist psychopaths, (who are racist to an extreme psychopathic homicidal-genocidal degree/level that many cannot understand and have trouble understanding), want to genocidally exterminate ALL races, not just the white race.

The elites believe all outgroup races, races that don't aren't their own, are "subhuman".

They will replace the exterminated populations with AI robots and machines.

They want to particularly genocidally exterminate the white race first , keep all other races alive for a limited period of time to profit off of them, then exterminate them all (all human races), except the Chinese, as the elites believe and hope the Chinese Han race will be their 500 million slaves, as the Chinese are the race that are the "most obedient to authority".

The average IQs of the populations of Hong Kong and Taiwan are 106, and of China, 104, and these countries populations are also viewed as "intelligent" by the elites.
While it is a Chinese cultural custom to show respect for and to obey authority, the elites, view this as a "outgroup weakness", and want to try to exploit this perceived "weakness" of this host culture against its very own people.

The elites want to turn this cultural custom of respect and obedience to authority against the Chinese themselves.

The elites believe that the entire world (all land masses, as countries are corporations), and the entirety of the world's resources and wealth belong only to them.
They do not want any of the peasants, they dub, "useless eaters", to have any thing at all nor any resources.

This is the basis of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Then the elites thought, why not make the entire WORLD into a mixed-race, low-IQ society, not just Europe? That's why blacks are being pushed in Korean and Japanese entertainment. The elites believe "the Korean and Japanese races to be 'intelligent' races" as their average IQs are ~102.35 and ~106.48, respectively.

However, while respect for and obedience to authority are also cultural customs in the Korean and Japanese cultures, the elites believe that, the Koreans and Japanese are intelligent enough that, they may or will NOT obey authority, and will question authority, protest against and be generally disobedient to authority.

This means the Koreans and Japanese societies can't be easily controlled like the elites want. So the elites thought, how do we manipulate them without them ever knowing, to make them less intelligent, so they can be more easily controlled and made obedient?

The elites believe that since Korean and Japanese societies are racially homogenous, they have "strength in their racial homogeny and unity" and the elites hate this the most.

The elites want to permanently destroy and irreversibly disunite and break up racially homogenous societies/populations as this will not give the affected race the "strength in racial homogeny and unity" to effectively unite and fight back against the elites.

Since the elites are extreme racists, they view "racial tensions" between races as key divide-and-conquer tactic, including their own race wars they fund and psychologically and socially engineer.

George Soros is a 33° freemason and member of The Committee of 300, and funds both BLM and Antifa, who participated in the engineered July 2020 BLM riots in Minnesota.

Of course they want everything and all aspects of their plans to be permanent and irreversible.

So, the elites thought, why not create a "society, population, and entire world of 'retards', that are smart enough to do simple work but too stupid to grasp anything", that will
be easily enslaved by psychological warfare weapons such as weaponized p0rn, music, zionist-owned entertainment and mass media, alcohol and drugs, that will indulge in their base passions daily, that won't try to even think of colonization and/or resource obtainment?

This is why multinational, multi-racial "global" groups such as Blackswan, Katseye, X:IN, Vcha, Z-Boys and Z-Girls, UHSN, and AKB48's global sub-unit Quadlips are and were being pushed, and JYP was pushing a survival show called Latin2Korea (L2K), which was similar to A2K (America to Korea) which resulted in Vcha.

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Back in 2002, the elites did a mass survey of "IQ by country" and while IQ rates are low for developing countries, the elites found that the world IQ average is unfortunately 82, which is "dull".
However I believe this to be inaccurate.

We don't know the following factors that may have interfered with IQ scores:
• social, economic and educational status of tested populations
• tested population sample sizes
• literacy rates of tested populations
• education levels of tested populations
• mental health conditions, psychiatric disorders of tested populations
• nutritional factors affecting IQ, such as malnutrition
• the presence of diseases including nervous system diseases, that can affect IQ, such as parasites

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This comment is so long I haven't read all of it but you are spot on about the race mixing stuff and I would like to add the concept of the Ashkenazi Jews elites' probably comes from a twisted interpretation of Judaism or mixing of some Nazi elements into the Judaism. Jews consider themselves God's chosen people please look up the concept of Amelekites or Non-Jews in their books basically all the non-Jews are considered inferior to Jews and Jews have a right to commit full genocide against non-Jews in war including killing children, women, elderly and the disabled.

If I add some points from my own perspective which is influenced by my religion Islam I would say this is all a part of Satan's plan. We know Satan's sin was pride. He was prideful and arrogant and believed he was superior to humankind that's why he has used his tricks to turn these elites into his puppets who are now following the footsteps of Satan by becoming prideful like Satan and believing they are superior to other races.

Satan does everything that is against God's system so he likes to reverse the natural order of things. This is why we see them push the Gender blurring Agenda and the LGBTQ stuff so much. LGBTQ is not natural. To better explain it is not the Law it is the exception. Yes some people can be LGBTQ but they are minority but Satan and the elites want to reverse the law and make LGBTQ the Law while hetrosexual relationships will become the exception. This will have a huge impact on birth rates worldwide and like OP said is being used as a tactic to exterminate non-elite races. Same with gender blurring and reversing the roles of the man and the woman. He wants the man to become like the woman and the woman to become like the man and again it's about the Law Vs the exception he wants to reverse the laws of human society.

Satan uses drugs, alcohol, p0rn and all forms of entertainment industry to brainwash people and to make us waste all our energies on chasing short term pleasure. All of these things affect our mental and physical health and stop us from reaching our full potential as humans. They also serve as an distraction to keep us occupied with these things while Satan and his minions plot against us and destroy our countries so they can turn us into their slaves.

Please to any Jew member reading this is not a hate tweet against you or your religion. I know a lot of Jews do not adhere to these beliefs and it's probably the 1% in power who decided to twist the concept of Jews being God's chosen people into a form of Neo Nazism. I believe Satan is our real enemy and he is the enemy of entire humankind not just one specific race or religion. He is an enemy of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Atheists, blacks, whites, Asians and even the 1% Elites who are his puppets but the Elites are not aware they have fallen into Satan's trap and are living in their own delusions.


Jun 2, 2021
ding ding ding. i wonder if taeil tried to leave at some point?
I am not a fan of NCT but I don't think Taeil is the only member who is suspicious in NCT. I have heard rumors about Johnny, Mark as well about being connected to sex trafficking somehow. Idk the truth I saw posts from NCT stans themselves. Also Lucas had a similar although less severe scandal but he was protected by Chris Lee himself the then CEO of SM. Also, I want to say SM did kick out Taeil but I find it so suspicious how they haven't made any announcement to take action against the people who are spreading deep fakes of their female idols. SM's female idols are one of the biggest victims of this crisis and while both YG and JYP have taken action and even small companies like BPM have taken notice but it's crickets from SM despite Taeil's scandal. I mean SM is the company whose own idol was caught in sex crimes related case but how come they haven't taken any action? If the accusations against Taeil are true wouldn't their own female idols be in danger? So I don't think they care about this scandal or the female idols. I am not defending Taeil but I will say he seems to be a scapegoat. He was the only idol who was exposed yet no actor, chaebol, politician or anyone with considerable influence and power was caught? This case was literally being suppressed by SK government and they only started to take action when Korean Feminists started to share about it online and global pressure forced their government to take action. The SK government definitely seems involved but they will not arrest anyone important. Just like Burning Sun idols will be used as scapegoat to cover up the crimes of the real masterminds.


Dec 31, 2022
I am not a fan of NCT but I don't think Taeil is the only member who is suspicious in NCT. I have heard rumors about Johnny, Mark as well about being connected to sex trafficking somehow. Idk the truth I saw posts from NCT stans themselves. Also Lucas had a similar although less severe scandal but he was protected by Chris Lee himself the then CEO of SM. Also, I want to say SM did kick out Taeil but I find it so suspicious how they haven't made any announcement to take action against the people who are spreading deep fakes of their female idols. SM's female idols are one of the biggest victims of this crisis and while both YG and JYP have taken action and even small companies like BPM have taken notice but it's crickets from SM despite Taeil's scandal. I mean SM is the company whose own idol was caught in sex crimes related case but how come they haven't taken any action? If the accusations against Taeil are true wouldn't their own female idols be in danger? So I don't think they care about this scandal or the female idols. I am not defending Taeil but I will say he seems to be a scapegoat. He was the only idol who was exposed yet no actor, chaebol, politician or anyone with considerable influence and power was caught? This case was literally being suppressed by SK government and they only started to take action when Korean Feminists started to share about it online and global pressure forced their government to take action. The SK government definitely seems involved but they will not arrest anyone important. Just like Burning Sun idols will be used as scapegoat to cover up the crimes of the real masterminds.
if there are idols who are sus in sm dont you think they would have been long gone from the group? I dont understand if it took them 6 plus years to figure whatever taeil was supposedly doing then the other members should be on their guard. i do however agree that its definitely a cover up for real crimes cause idols can seemingly be used as scapegoats to hide just about any crime. i dont know what tf is going on these days, but kpop in general is getting more and more corrupt. orrr it could just all be a hoax and we wouldnt know? predictive programming has a lot to answer for because i swear that its the samey stuff coming up time and time again and it always wants peoples emotional reactions to such news even if its real or not, people always seem to make points against the idols in question but doesnt question any further like no one else in sm get called out for criminal behaviours? thats suspicious. no perverted producers or gossipy staff that mignt have a vandetta against an idol


Dec 31, 2022
and the idols names were only brought about because people like milking the situation for all its worth so that list was fake af what else is fake af then?


Jun 2, 2021
if there are idols who are sus in sm dont you think they would have been long gone from the group? I dont understand if it took them 6 plus years to figure whatever taeil was supposedly doing then the other members should be on their guard. i do however agree that its definitely a cover up for real crimes cause idols can seemingly be used as scapegoats to hide just about any crime. i dont know what tf is going on these days, but kpop in general is getting more and more corrupt. orrr it could just all be a hoax and we wouldnt know? predictive programming has a lot to answer for because i swear that its the samey stuff coming up time and time again and it always wants peoples emotional reactions to such news even if its real or not, people always seem to make points against the idols in question but doesnt question any further like no one else in sm get called out for criminal behaviours? thats suspicious. no perverted producers or gossipy staff that mignt have a vandetta against an idol
What I wanted to say was SM probably didn't kick out Taeil because they care about the deep fake crisis or sex crimes in general because other SM idols have had similar scandals and rumors but SM didn't do anything. Either they got pressured or if the allegations are true the media might have threatened to leak it in the news and SM only kicked him out to protect their image.


Dec 31, 2022
What I wanted to say was SM probably didn't kick out Taeil because they care about the deep fake crisis or sex crimes in general because other SM idols have had similar scandals and rumors but SM didn't do anything. Either they got pressured or if the allegations are true the media might have threatened to leak it in the news and SM only kicked him out to protect their image.
we wont know which it is and not much has been brought up. do u think its similar to woojins case though? some say he wasnt kicked out but he still had "evidence" against him


Dec 31, 2022
I know this is not related to the Taeil scandal but I want to post this because I find this behaviour creepy to say the least.

This is Onew SHINee's oldest member and leader he is turning 35 in a few months but he is acting like a baby in this clip promoting his next song his facial expressions looks so artificial too but the question is why? He's not the Maknae of the group nor did he have this image when he debuted? And he owns his company and is producer for his next album so can't blame SM for giving him that image either.

A 35 year old man doesn't act like this in real life and he's supposed to be the leader and the oldest member like do you imagine Suho or RM ever acting like this??

SHINee fans always think this is cute and find it endearing somehow that the the oldest member acts like a baby while the official maknae acts the most mature but Imo this is not funny or cute at all. In SHINee's case they are all in their 30s now and they should be expected to act like mature men and it's not like this only happens in SHINee because I have seen the fake maknae Vs real Maknae thing for other groups as well Including comments about Taeil being the "fake" maknaeof the group.

In the best case scenario Onew acting like this is to manipulate his fans to buy more albums and in the worst it is a way to make people forget about his sexual harassment scandal and both cases are bad.

People are always shocked when idols who have sweet, cute or modest image end up being the worst in the group but it does make sense in a certain perspective. The ones who are out there acting like f*CK boys on stage are probably not deprived and have their "needs" met by doing horny stuff on and off stage and their ego boosted by getting called hot and sexy all the time by women but those who don't get called "sexy" or don't have many female fans are deprived and could develop self-esteem issues about their "masculinity" and then they take it out on women or become incels when they don't get female attention. Obviously, this is not always the case but my point is don't take celebrities for face value. You can't trust someone if they appear modest or have an innocent baby like image.
thats called coddeling a man and not making them own up to their own devices / behaviours. ive seen so many folk do this with male idols then if anything bad innerintely gets exposed or released about them they lose their minds over it cause their beloved princess baby boy wasnt such a perfect angel. i dont think its all male idols but it definitely does some ego boosting especially if its a younger audience which it usually is and folk who arent there to really appreciate the talent but more so lust after their bodies. been done countless times and we women fall for it. i still love the idols i love but sometimes u can tell whos really feeling it too much on stage and whos got an ego the size of a football pitch or whos putting on a front / facade. i can defo think of a few who are moly coddeld to no end. and what doesnt help is kpop keeps idols in such a tightly controlled environment so they dont really know how to handle anything outside of idol life. bit sad really. they really must rely much on their staffs and as talented or likeable as they are i dont think a lot of the fans realise how difficult dating an idol would be. i think some idols i can think of rn is very much what u see is what u get but others nahhh they have two sides to them defo. felix / han / hyunjin of skz for example. maybe bangchan too remind me a lot of this type of behaviours where it just is overdone to know end to the point they are unhealthily chronically online so desperate for stays adoration and affection

but yh theres definitely more than a few im sus of that i think they have two different very different sides to them. not teribly bad as in theyd do a crime just ones where they overflaunt themselves and play into the bf narrative too much. bit like if they overdo it on the aegyo but most regular men dont really do aegyo to get womens attention, sometimes its endearing but sometimes its overdone. its almost like kpop waters down every inch of an idols personality before they debut by conditioning them to act on certain ways or that doing and saying xyz things is healthy when it isnt


Dec 31, 2022
i also wanted to ask how do ndas work in the idol world? is it same as it is in the west or is the west more relaxed about ndas since cleebs in the west date and break up every 5 days. if an idol was to hookup and get fun with their fans to avoid controversy how is thats person then presented with the nda? arent they heavily watched or guarded in hotel rooms i cant imagine a hotel manager listening to an idol group going at it in a separate room cause the hotel walls are generally thin asf. how do staff not pay much attention to the idols personal lives? since they are underpaid babysitters when all said and done they must catch on to some things