Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 12, 2023
Shes poor

She's see a way out but it comes with a caveat

She been made crazy Libra -Symmetry, duality, splitting.

Drew Barrymore was alcoholic at 9, had to go to rehab for cocaine at 13
This is the path to success. She's been drugged.


It looks like a movie, shes not in control, she just watches

I service important people on the weekend

It's kept a secret

I see myself in the mirror but I can't believe what I'm doing

I thought it was a dream, but my other split personality is also me
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Jul 24, 2022
there's a theory that celebrities are just actors who have a script given to them by the elite to push certain agendas. they then later "kill" characters, from the world stage to traumatise and hurt the public. a few honourable mentions are, megyn kelly was nicole brown simpson. natalie la rose was aaliyah. lady gaga was amy whinehouse. i think the same could be true of kpop idols but i've never heard it be talked about. this may be the case with celebrities who are alive "playing" different characters. selena gomez is lucy hale and the list goes on.

they often won't look 100% the same because that would be too obvious but they'll make tweaks to certain features to throw you off.

this may also explain why there are so many look a likes in the entertainment industry, including kpop.

william shakespeare said "all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts"

there's a family guy episode that exposes this:
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Jul 26, 2023
there's a theory that celebrities are just actors who have a script given to them by the elite to push certain agendas. they then later "kill" characters, from the world stage to traumatise and hurt the public. a few honourable mentions are, megyn kelly was nicole brown simpson. natalie la rose was aaliyah. lady gaga was amy whinehouse. i think the same could be true of kpop idols but i've never heard it be talked about. this may be the case with celebrities who are alive "playing" different characters. selena gomez is lucy hale and the list goes on.

they often won't look 100% the same because that would be too obvious but they'll make tweaks to certain features to throw you off.

this may also explain why there are so many look a likes in the entertainment industry, including kpop.

william shakespeare said "all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts"

there's a family guy episode that exposes this:
Someone is also awake
I have been saying this for years now
Posted about this stuff earlier this year on this thread also
World is stage
They use something called gematira (kabbalah)
Gematria is a code system (words turn into numbers)
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Jul 26, 2023
posted this months ago on this thread
i am bringing this back

World is a stage
Everything is scripted
They play roles wearing bodysuit/mask
one person can play many roles
Kobe bryant is played by a Belgian man named matthias schoenaerts in black face. Kobe character died. He is now playing a guy named Myles Garrett. Kobe retired in 2016. Myles debuted in 2017.
The weeknd is Justin Bieber. Bella hadid is Hailey Biebr (same person)
Selena Gomez is Linda ronstadt (she is 70 years old). Both of them share the same middle name (marie). Both born on the same month. Both half mexican. Now this is where its get weird Jim Carrey might be Justin Bieber. Linda used to date Jim Carrey. Its fucking creepy. I dont think they are human.
Also they are everywhere on the world stage worldwide playing roles as celebs-royals-politicans.
Many of them dont exist (AI/CGI)
They always tell us the truth in movies
white chicks
Justin Bieber
kobe bryant
Never die kill of the role. Go play a new one.
I know many of them its easy to see (eyes dont lie)
John lennon used to be Steve Jobs. Both of them created a company called apple. John in 1967. Steve in 1976.
Ashley Biden (joe biden daughter is Meghan Markle in blackface)


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Jul 26, 2023
They play roles
they tell us in movies-tv series
skin suits/body suits/wigs etc
CIA runs hollywood
cloning is not real
You guys need to open your horizon (they are mocking us)
They play as celebs/royals/politicans worldwide
cia agent pranking George w bush
watch this clip
truth in plain sight
another clip
posted this on bts thread early 2024


Jul 26, 2023
posted last year on bts thread

I came across this account
exposes who is playing who (wearing bodysuit/mask)
She thinks european royals play roles worldwide as politicans/celebs/royals.
She thinks that bts are Dutch royals in bodysuit/mask
Blackpink are played by the Denmark (danish) royals.

This for me is very weird but you know this earth is crazy.
  • "RM" (Rap Monster) the leader and founder of the group, is played by Crown Princess Catharina Amalia of the Netherlands
  • "JIN", officially the most handsome man in the world, is interpreted by Princess Alexia.
  • Eloise van Oranje-Nassau, the first grandchild of Queen Beatrix, plays "V" (like Van Oranje-Nassau)
  • Princess Ariana, the youngest daughter of the King of the Netherlands is "SUGA" (the one who denounces the stereotypes of masculinity)
  • "JIMIN" the principal dancer of the group is interpreted by the only boy of the team, the only boy among all the grandchildren of Queen BeaTriS.
  • "JUNGKOOK", singer, dancer, composer-performer is embodied by Zaria Orange-Nassau
  • "J HOPE" queen Maxima of Netherland. the last of the 7 "idols" as they baptized themselves. The adult of the group disguised as teenagers to supervise the 6 spoiled teenagers without scruple


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Jul 26, 2023
World is a stage
They play roles wearing bodysuit/mask
I will give you a example
Jim carrey is Justin Bieber aka The Weekend
(All of them are from Canada)
Hailey Bieber is Bella Hadid
Selena Gomez is Linda Ronstadt (btw both are half mexican)
Selena Gomez will play in a biopic as Linda (news came out today)
Linda used to date Jim carrey
Selena and Linda both have the same surname (Marie)
Both born in the same month (July)
both bella/hailey and selena dated the weekend and justin bieber
Justin Bieber looks like Paul Wesley from tvd-Paul looks like Paul Walker
Back in 2013 Justin Bieber tweeted “I am Paul Walker” and Paul Walker quoted his tweet and said “no I am Paul Walker.” And then in novemeber 2013 he died in a car crash. And January 2014 Justin Bieber was arrested for dui.
And then a fan asked Justin Bieber in 2015, "what happened too the old Bieber?" And he said "old Bieber died in a fatal car crash." And Paul Walker died in a fatal car crash
Paul played on startrek as captain james t kirk. Jimmy played captain james on saturday night live.

Jim Carrey talks about his friendship with the weeknd. 'Then I did the video [Out of Time] and I realize in the middle of it - Oh, wow! I'm now putting the mask on you! Tag, you're it!'
Jim carrey in the weekend music video
selena is Linda

I know a girl
She has an account on twitter
She exposed them back in 2022
Jim carrey being the weeknd and justin bieber
Selena Gomez is Linda
She is stalked now by them
Getting money/sms from them
Its fucking creepy
Everyday she gets weird messages from accounts who potray themselves as Jim Carrey
Saying that they know her/know where she lives/wants to send her money etc
They know everything about her (family background everything)
They know when she is awake/asleep
She exposes celebs (roles they play on world stage)
People dont realise that this shit is not a game
The elite are dangerous

her account name:

hispanic conspiracy realiest




Jul 26, 2023
I know i sound crazy
But there are many people out there who think the same way i do
There are many theories
1. Some people think they are the fallen ones acting as humans using fallen angels technology
2. Others think they are the children of the fallen ones with human women (demigods). They never die cause their souls cant leave earth.
3. Reptillians (androgynous beings)
4.CIA agents doing their job (truman show)
many theories.
How come they all look like each other (hollyweird is a small place)
Why are they all related to each other via royal blood
Hollywood loves making vampire/werewolf/fallen angels movies
Why is that?



Mar 4, 2019
I know i sound crazy
But there are many people out there who think the same way i do
There are many theories
1. Some people think they are the fallen ones acting as humans using fallen angels technology
2. Others think they are the children of the fallen ones with human women (demigods). They never die cause their souls cant leave earth.
3. Reptillians (androgynous beings)
4.CIA agents doing their job (truman show)
many theories.
How come they all look like each other (hollyweird is a small place)
Why are they all related to each other via royal blood
Hollywood loves making vampire/werewolf/fallen angels movies
Why is that?

You don't sound crazy to me, I definitely think most A-list celebs are actually fallen angels that can shape-shift. Which would make since how someone who is supposedly 50+ , can play the role of someone in their 20's.