BTS discussion thread


Jul 26, 2023
I know what you mean. Lately I’m picking up more on what seems to be “signs and symptoms” of celebrities playing “multiple roles” as some on this forum have mentioned. It’s weird as heck! I’m still not exactly sure what’s going on with these roles though. It seems like some of these folks could be some type of scientific experiment/project though.
World is a stage
They play roles wearing bodysuit/mask
I will give you a example
Jim carrey is Justin Bieber aka The Weekend
(All of them are from Canada)
Hailey Bieber is Bella Hadid
Selena Gomez is Linda Ronstadt (btw both are half mexican)
Selena Gomez will play in a biopic as Linda (news came out today)
Linda used to date Jim carrey
Selena and Linda both have the same surname (Marie)
Both born in the same month (July)
both bella/hailey and selena dated the weekend and justin bieber

Jim Carrey talks about his friendship with the weeknd. 'Then I did the video [Out of Time] and I realize in the middle of it - Oh, wow! I'm now putting the mask on you! Tag, you're it!'
Jim carrey in the weekend music video


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Nov 10, 2023
World is a stage
They play roles wearing bodysuit/mask
I will give you a example
Jim carrey is Justin Bieber aka The Weekend
(All of them are from Canada)
Hailey Bieber is Bella Hadid
Selena Gomez is Linda Ronstadt (btw both are half mexican)
Selena Gomez will play in a biopic as Linda (news came out today)
Linda used to date Jim carrey
Selena and Linda both have the same surname (Marie)
Both born in the same month (July)
both bella/hailey and selena dated the weekend and justin bieber

Jim Carrey talks about his friendship with the weeknd. 'Then I did the video [Out of Time] and I realize in the middle of it - Oh, wow! I'm now putting the mask on you! Tag, you're it!'
Jim carrey in the weekend music video
Hmmm…Dang this sounds so wild! The world is very strange though. Linda Ronstadt also looks like that other Disney actress, Jenna Ortega. Linda has some scary eyes as well.


Nov 10, 2023
Interesting. V has been Mr. Blue and Grey for years, and it seems like more than a concept. Instead it is more like this guy is a character on the world stage, living out a complete persona. And the color inversion photos are definitely trying to equate the darkness and light as one, which as you pointed out is a vile Satanic lie; what’s white in one image, becomes black in the other and vise versa.

I also notice very clear one-eyed symbolism in V’s photos. These photos are so creepy! His face almost looks like a mask or something. And why are his arms up and crossed like that? It almost looks like how Jesus was nailed and hung as a type of mockery or something.

And going with the whole immortality/crown/power symbolism you brought out. I noticed this theme in his last solo project b/c he was wearing the crown, his video featured the crown, and he had on the shiny clothing, rode the shiny van, etc.

Also these elements have been represented by V through the numbers. 8 is seen by occultists/numerologists as a symbol of eternity, and it represents power. In gematria, the nickname “V”= 8 (like the juice, hmmmm). Furthermore, “crown”= 26 and 62. 2+6= 8 and 26+62= 88. Interestingly enough, 8 is both the (6th) Fibonacci number and (2nd) cube number. I would like to point out though that the numbers 26 and 62 both have more relationships to the number 8 other than just adding up to 8, and I will explain a few of these relationships later.

At any rate, V’s album, Layover, was released on September 8th. “Layover”= 98 in gematria (reminding of date 9/8), and the digital root of 98=8. September 8th was the day of the year Queen Elizabeth II died (going with the crown theme). September 8 is also a Catholic holiday where they celebrate the birth of Mary (mother of Messianic King in heaven). So notice this date September 8th is associated with a widely recognized birth and death, reminding of the cycle of life/mortality, which contrasts with immortality. Also mortality vs. immortality relates back to the concept of black and white/duality.

Also a key element of V’s release involved his dog. In gematria “dog”= 26. Of course, the reverse of “Dog” is “God”, which is also 26 (due to same letters). And God as you know is the ultimate source and embodiment of power, glory, immortality, wisdom, etc.

Also of note, consider again Queen Elizabeth, who died on September 8. Those numbers 8 and 26/62 marked important dates in the queen’s life. She was born princess in ‘26. Her reign as queen began on 2/6/(52) (52=2x26) a span of 76 days (7+6=13, 13x2=26) from her 26th birthday. (Also for the number 52, 5+2=7, and the sum of divisors of 7= 8.) She was coronated (crowned) the next year on 6/2/(53) (note 5+3=8). 53 is also the 16th prime, and of course 16 is divisible by 8. It really seems as though her reign and coronation went down by the numbers.

Plus, if you think about it, the 2/6 date marking the beginning of her reign as queen, as well as the 6/2 date of her coronation illustrate the concept of duality and even equal opposites in a sense. Interestingly “equal opposites” = 125 and 71, two numbers with a digital root of 8. What is more, 125 is 5 to the 3rd power, (5^3), reminding of 53 which was previously mentioned. The sum of divisors of 71 is 72, and 72 is divisible by 8. And to elaborate even further, the related phrase “equal and opposite”= 72, as well as 80, which is of course divisible by 8 as well.

To go along with this, the queen even died at the age of 96, which is also divisible by 8. (96/12= 8) 96 is also an octagonal (having 8 sides and 8 angles) number btw. Also 9+6= 15. 15 is the (5th) triangular number and (3rd) hexagonal number, and of course 5+3=8. Also the sum of divisors of 15= 24, which is also divisible by 8. Furthermore, 24 has 8 divisors.

And speaking of dates, V’s 12/30 birthday is an interesting representation of the number 8 as well. 12+30= 42 (4x2=8). There are 8 divisors of the number 42. 42 relates to the number 26 as well. The sum of divisors of 26= 42.

The sum of divisors of 42 is 96, a number that was explained previously. Also 42 is 52 in octal, a number also mentioned earlier. But for extras concerning 52, the sum of divisors of 52= 98, a number previously highlighted. Also 52 is 64 in octal (8x8, the 8th square). 64 is 2 to the 6th power (2^6) reminding of 26. Also, 6x4= 24, which is divisible by 8. 52 is also 44 in duodecimal (4+4=8).

Another thing with V’s birthday is 12x30= 360, the number of degrees in a circle. The circle is a symbol for eternity. “Eternity”, “strength” “powerful” and “immortal” all equal 44. 4+4=8, while 4x4=16, which is divisible by 8.

Furthermore, in gematria, “circle”= 88. The number 88 of course is divisible by 8, and has 8 divisors as well. The sum of divisors of 88= 180, which is half a circle. Two halves make a whole. And “half and half” goes along with the concept of duality. Interestingly, the phrases “half and half” and “two halves” each equal 44. “Two halves”= 64 as well (a number previously highlighted). Furthermore, “duality”= 88. “Duality” also = 96 (also number previously brought out).

Also the number of degrees in a circle, 360, has 24 divisors, and 24 is divisible by 8 (and has 8 divisors as well). Also 360 is 260 in duodecimal. 260 is divisible by 26. Plus in numerology the zero has no value, so 260= 26. “Eternal” is 26 in gematria as well.

And so with V, he also appears to be living out some type of script/theme by the numbers and based on Archetype(s).
Also there is something else about 26 and 62 related to Queen Elizabeth II’s reign as queen beginning on 2/6 and her coronation happening on 6/2. Not only does “crown”= 26 and 62 in gematria, but “queen” does as well. Also 26 + 62= 88. “Queen” with a capital “Q” is 88, so is “Crown” with a capital “C”.
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Jul 26, 2023
Looking at their portraits and I don't see the similarity.
They play roles
they tell us in movies-tv series
skin suits/body suits/wigs etc
CIA runs hollywood
cloning is not real
You guys need to open your horizon (they are mocking us)
They play as celebs/royals/politicans worldwide
cia agent pranking George w bush
watch this clip
truth in plain sight
another clip


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Nov 10, 2023
Looking at their portraits and I don't see the similarity.
Well I agree they are not identical. Jenna also has traits that are not like Linda’s, but to me, strikingly like other celebrities. For example, I did not mention it in the previous post, but I also see a bit of Rosie Perez and Eartha Kitt in Jenna as well.

And to me, Linda Ronstadt doesn’t really look like Rosie or Eartha. Rather, I’d say Linda’s look has elements of Selena Gomez, Sally Field, and Melissa McCarthy - although a part of Linda still reminds me of Jenna.

What’s funny about this is that if I take the names of 2 people who remind me of Linda Ronstadt- Melissa McCarthy and Jenna Ortega, I can reshuffle to get the name of another celebrity- Jenna McCarthy.

Also since I mentioned Selena Gomez, and Rosie Perez, even though I don’t think these 2 look alike, a reshuffling of their names together creates another celebrity name as well- Selena (Quintanilla) Pérez.
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Jul 26, 2023
Well I agree they are not identical. Rosie has traits that are not like Linda’s, but to me, strikingly like other celebrities. For example, I did not mention it in the previous post, but I also see a bit of Rosie Perez and Eartha Kitt in Jenna as well.

And to me, Linda Ronstadt doesn’t really look like Rosie or Eartha. Rather, I’d say Linda’s look has elements of Selena Gomez, Sally Field, and Melissa McCarthy - although a part of Linda still reminds me of Jenna.

What’s funny about this is that if I take the names of 2 people who remind me of Linda Ronstadt- Melissa McCarthy and Jenna Ortega, I can reshuffle to get the name of another celebrity- Jenna McCarthy.

Also since I mentioned Selena Gomez, and Rosie Perez, even though I don’t think these 2 look alike, a reshuffling of their names together creates another celebrity name as well- Selena (Quintanilla) Pérez.
selena is Linda
I know a girl
she exposed them back in 2022
Jim carrey being the weeknd and justin bieber
Selena Gomez is Linda
she is stalked now by them
getting money/sms from them
Its fucking creepy
They know everything about her (family background everything)
They know when she is awake/asleep
People dont realise that this shit is not a game
The elite are dangerous


Nov 10, 2023
selena is Linda
I know a girl
she exposed them back in 2022
Jim carrey being the weeknd and justin bieber
Selena Gomez is Linda
she is stalked now by them
getting money/sms from them
Its fucking creepy
They know everything about her (family background everything)
They know when she is awake/asleep
People dont realise that this shit is not a game
The elite are dangerous
Well, Selena and Linda do have birthdays like a week apart, although different years. So they just doing the mask/body suit thing? I know the Weeknd has gone viral about facial modifications as well. So there are probably some elements of truth that are being portrayed as weird as it all sounds. I personally think the elite can tamper with genetics like designer and test tube people and such.


Jul 26, 2023
Well, Selena and Linda do have birthdays like a week apart, although different years. So they just doing the mask/body suit thing? I know the Weeknd has gone viral about facial modifications as well. So there are probably some elements of truth that are being portrayed as weird as it all sounds. I personally think the elite can tamper with genetics like designer and test tube people and such.
test tube and cloning is fake
thats why they look different everytime
they are played by different people
people have to open their eyes
height/eyes/face etc


Jul 26, 2023
Well, Selena and Linda do have birthdays like a week apart, although different years. So they just doing the mask/body suit thing? I know the Weeknd has gone viral about facial modifications as well. So there are probably some elements of truth that are being portrayed as weird as it all sounds. I personally think the elite can tamper with genetics like designer and test tube people and such.
I am trying to figure out why they are doing this
Are they human or is this all just a CIA psyop
Is it adreochrome that keeps them looking young


Nov 10, 2023
I am trying to figure out why they are doing this
Are they human or is this all just a CIA psyop
Is it adreochrome that keeps them looking young
I honestly don’t know. But I get the feeling that it’s truth mixed in with plenty of lies to mislead, distract, confuse, and frustrate. You really have to be careful with all the information out there.


Jun 26, 2022
Well I agree they are not identical. Rosie also has traits that are not like Linda’s, but to me, strikingly like other celebrities. For example, I did not mention it in the previous post, but I also see a bit of Rosie Perez and Eartha Kitt in Jenna as well.

And to me, Linda Ronstadt doesn’t really look like Rosie or Eartha. Rather, I’d say Linda’s look has elements of Selena Gomez, Sally Field, and Melissa McCarthy - although a part of Linda still reminds me of Jenna.

What’s funny about this is that if I take the names of 2 people who remind me of Linda Ronstadt- Melissa McCarthy and Jenna Ortega, I can reshuffle to get the name of another celebrity- Jenna McCarthy.

Also since I mentioned Selena Gomez, and Rosie Perez, even though I don’t think these 2 look alike, a reshuffling of their names together creates another celebrity name as well- Selena (Quintanilla) Pérez.
Bella Hadid also look Like italian top model and ex premier dame Carla Bruni, Ellen Paige and Justin Bieber (both canadian Too)..
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Journal atlas

Oct 2, 2021
You are so full of shit lol. Abortion SHOULD be legalized and was legalized because women were dying and suffering due to the repulsive views of inhumane forced-birthers like you.
You read like one thing out of everything I wrote, it's not about women it was never about women. They(the us and every other 1st world country) have literally have been killing women and forcing them to birth children since the 1500s potentially even before then. It's about dna and lineage they literally would get rid of 99.99 percent of the population if they could do it easily and without a fight. The rights you think you are fighting for are non existent if people in power want them to be. It's completely pointless to have too much emotion tied into this. Read a biology book and a few HIStory books please, if not then you'll never understand why any rights you think you have will easily and effortlessly be taken away from you because of ignorance. I literally don't care what another human being does that's on them and their body literally if you read the whole thing you'd know that, speed reading is good for test taking but not writing a response. Also when did I talk about forced birthing?
1705752916906.png This was a eugenics organization just like I said and it got rebranded, again PLEASE READ THE FULL POST BEFORE RESPONDING. I am a woman and I stand with women's rights obviously but I'm also black so yeah...I already know there's more than meet's the eye. People who truly want to help and care about women would know most women who go to abortion clinics would prefer financial help rather than anything. Women with health issues most of the time can get an abortion in a timely manner and third world countries need assistance the most but mostly due to high levels of violence. Coincidentally once these women can get an abortion people stop caring about these women's other problems, like starvation, violence, femicide, poverty, lack of infrastructure in their countries. People mainly being internet activists, politicians and fake feminists.