Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Jun 26, 2021
frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i sometimes find myself watching tarot readings on celeb passings
tarot readings on people's death? that's ridiculous

even if there is dark twisted controlling ent industries its still never brought to light even by those that work there, think how many employees that are normal folk, if what they did to idols was oh so bad they would not allow it to be so public esp with all the supposed symbols and clues etc etc dont you think that by now much else wouldve been leaked or revealed?!
I used to think the same but they're humans who make miscalculations even if every existing satan gets involved. either that or what's gotten out has been planned. Depends

I still dk what's the purpose of airing their dirty laundry like themselves that though (one eye one triangle one satan hand or wtv in their music videos). What about the subliminals messages everyone speaks about? What does seeing triangles and one eyes everywhere will make me do if I never noticed them? Genuine question. Are they showing their love and loyalty to whoever it is?
The only thing i'm sure of is that their music is dangerous for the mind and the heart.


May 18, 2023
even if there is dark twisted controlling ent industries its still never brought to light even by those that work there, think how many employees that are normal folk, if what they did to idols was oh so bad they would not allow it to be so public esp with all the supposed symbols and clues etc etc dont you think that by now much else wouldve been leaked or revealed?!
The problem is, too many people don't care. I've shown a lot of people how demonic and satanic some entertainment is and people still want to watch it. You can't convince someone to change no matter how hard we try especially if they enjoy the darkness.
Sep 4, 2023
The problem is, too many people don't care. I've shown a lot of people how demonic and satanic some entertainment is and people still want to watch it. You can't convince someone to change no matter how hard we try especially if they enjoy the darkness.
then we must all be miserable inside and have a joyless experience because the ent industry is too satanic for ya liking, so what gives? if we cannot enjoy ent industry for its dark shit then what else are we meant to do with ourselves? hmm it gonna make us look and sound so boring and im already unpopular and irrelevant, why bother trying to force people to believe in something they dont believe in, you guys seem to miss the point of what i was saying, its got to a point where internet users on here literally shoving their opinions every time they suspect something and still expect people to agree with them all the time. yes theres a lot of dull repetitive uninteresting entertainment but to label it something without truly knowing what it is like wont get you the brownie points that you seek.
Sep 4, 2023
tarot readings on people's death? that's ridiculous

I used to think the same but they're humans who make miscalculations even if every existing satan gets involved. either that or what's gotten out has been planned. Depends

I still dk what's the purpose of airing their dirty laundry like themselves that though (one eye one triangle one satan hand or wtv in their music videos). What about the subliminals messages everyone speaks about? What does seeing triangles and one eyes everywhere will make me do if I never noticed them? Genuine question. Are they showing their love and loyalty to whoever it is?
The only thing i'm sure of is that their music is dangerous for the mind and the heart.
for real i agree so much. idfk anymore that was my question too like it aint gonna make us fully stop following entertainment and ppl on here seriously need to stop acting so higherarchy bc they might suspect things. its another case of picking sides and having to stick to it bc if we dont then users on here dont like it if we dont agree. its just bullshit, i do not care anymore what the ent industry does it isnt going to stop so get tf over it. maybe they just want ppl to believe these narratives like any other website. and whining about it online is doing nothing literally posting one or two pics of celebs or videos of celebs doing hand gestures isnt going to make them seem any more dark if anytjing its gimmicky and kinda hilarious at this point that ppl would think hmmm xyz celeb doing xyz hand gesture they must be illuminatiiiiiiiiiiiii and on here its pretty much believe these theories or else


May 18, 2023
then we must all be miserable inside and have a joyless experience because the ent industry is too satanic for ya liking, so what gives? if we cannot enjoy ent industry for its dark shit then what else are we meant to do with ourselves? hmm it gonna make us look and sound so boring and im already unpopular and irrelevant, why bother trying to force people to believe in something they dont believe in, you guys seem to miss the point of what i was saying, its got to a point where internet users on here literally shoving their opinions every time they suspect something and still expect people to agree with them all the time. yes theres a lot of dull repetitive uninteresting entertainment but to label it something without truly knowing what it is like wont get you the brownie points that you seek.
Well for me, exposing it is entertaining. There are plenty of ways to occupy oneself. I personally work a lot and exercise and read my bible and play an occasional video game without violence or sexual themes. That takes up all of my time. I don't really NEED kpop or entertainment or tv or movies or social media or even youtube (other than specific Christian channels)
Sep 4, 2023
I like to read the theories because I'm currently not actively watching or supporting it. I used to a lot but got out around the time G@ram got canceled. My girlfriend is still a huge fan though and I have to "keep up" with all the new videos just for her. I also like to come here just to get insight on the MVs so I don't have to watch many of them myself and so I can explain the symbolisms to her. I want to convince her to stop watching it but she's not listening.
not you too with the symbolisms, seriously you lot either must not have jobs or be so bored with yourselves. go be clown elsewhere im tired of all the symbolism bullshit. this is why we can never truly enjoy things in modern society and why modern society sucks arse bc someone always got to take something fun and twist it to fit some narrative then shove said narrative on every website ever with no concrete evidence besides one or two pics of them doing said "crime". just go get lobotomoy at this point. u cannot force someone to believe something they do not believe in.
Sep 4, 2023
this forum do be one sided considering its supposedly a safe place to debate topics and debates usually supposed to be open ended but soon as we question their theories or "info" which i have seen little of, its just hearsay. i came for different information not the same shit that i could google on google images


May 18, 2023
for real i agree so much. idfk anymore that was my question too like it aint gonna make us fully stop following entertainment and ppl on here seriously need to stop acting so higherarchy bc they might suspect things. its another case of picking sides and having to stick to it bc if we dont then users on here dont like it if we dont agree. its just bullshit, i do not care anymore what the ent industry does it isnt going to stop so get tf over it. maybe they just want ppl to believe these narratives like any other website. and whining about it online is doing nothing literally posting one or two pics of celebs or videos of celebs doing hand gestures isnt going to make them seem any more dark if anytjing its gimmicky and kinda hilarious at this point that ppl would think hmmm xyz celeb doing xyz hand gesture they must be illuminatiiiiiiiiiiiii and on here its pretty much believe these theories or else
It's just entertainment for me. Don't read too much into what I say. However, I have seen a lot of entertainers get depressed like J0nghyun, whom by the way, was the topic that started this thread in the beginning 6 years ago. There is plenty of darkness going on and plenty of people who have exposed it have died. It's hard to find because the elite do not want us to know the truth. They want us to keep cranking into their system, mainly for money and power.


May 18, 2023
this forum do be one sided considering its supposedly a safe place to debate topics and debates usually supposed to be open ended but soon as we question their theories or "info" which i have seen little of, its just hearsay. i came for different information not the same shit that i could google on google images
IP you are free to debate anything you want. I also have a 6 hour video that exposes the whole entertainment industry if you want it. That could help you understand a little more of the darkness of the ent industry and it gives you something to do during your free time whenever you have free time to relax.
Sep 4, 2023
It's just entertainment for me. Don't read too much into what I say. However, I have seen a lot of entertainers get depressed like J0nghyun, whom by the way, was the topic that started this thread in the beginning 6 years ago. There is plenty of darkness going on and plenty of people who have exposed it have died. It's hard to find because the elite do not want us to know the truth. They want us to keep cranking into their system, mainly for money and power.
yeah i read the start of the thread. then it lost its plot and got repetitive so what else hasnt already been yammered about? we aint doing nothing worthwhile imho, to actually put an end to whatever it is that these users claim to go on. u answered ur own question sometimes there is no more digging to be done, hate to break it to you but the way every thing on here is automatically sus due to the word sacrifice being thrown around almost as loosley as the word racism on other sites. but u still giving the companies what they want... they wanted people divided into groups picking sides and sticking to it. what about simply not giving a fuck? have u tried that


May 18, 2023
not you too with the symbolisms, seriously you lot either must not have jobs or be so bored with yourselves. go be clown elsewhere im tired of all the symbolism bullshit. this is why we can never truly enjoy things in modern society and why modern society sucks arse bc someone always got to take something fun and twist it to fit some narrative then shove said narrative on every website ever with no concrete evidence besides one or two pics of them doing said "crime". just go get lobotomoy at this point. u cannot force someone to believe something they do not believe in.
You really don't have to take this too seriously. It's just for fun for me. I don't expect you to believe what I believe. I'm going to do what I want and you can do the same.
Sep 4, 2023
B-but but but! You don't understand how much work I put into taking some of those screenshots! I EXPOSED THEM!!!
but google exist bruh i could literally google umpteen celebs and their hand gestures on duckduckgo browser so what the point? even i realised it was pointless trying to post a measley pick trying to discuss if someone was bio male or not. we still dont know shit all about the celebs or what their situations are sometimes its their own choice too but no one on here thinks about that
Sep 4, 2023
You really don't have to take this too seriously. It's just for fun for me. I don't expect you to believe what I believe. I'm going to do what I want and you can do the same.
you guys sound so butthurt lol kinda like how you drop a discussion the moment it questions your beliefs i didnt say u was wrong but come on its ridiculous at this point and my point was not everything to do with ent is satanic or sacrificial


May 18, 2023
yeah i read the start of the thread. then it lost its plot and got repetitive so what else hasnt already been yammered about? we aint doing nothing worthwhile imho, to actually put an end to whatever it is that these users claim to go on. u answered ur own question sometimes there is no more digging to be done, hate to break it to you but the way every thing on here is automatically sus due to the word sacrifice being thrown around almost as loosley as the word racism on other sites. but u still giving the companies what they want... they wanted people divided into groups picking sides and sticking to it. what about simply not giving a fuck? have u tried that
Well for me I can't just simply say that I don't care, because I do. I was inspired by kpop to become a better person and I can link that post here if you want. I just say it's sad to see them go down a dark path so I pray for them daily in the name of Jesus. I have seen God move in some of these people's lives. Pretty much every single idol I have stanned since I liked kpop has gotten out of the industry. I don't credit myself for praying for them, I credit God for answering my prayers and delivering them from evil. There are still plenty more to be delivered you know.


May 18, 2023
you guys sound so butthurt lol kinda like how you drop a discussion the moment it questions your beliefs i didnt say u was wrong but come on its ridiculous at this point and my point was not everything to do with ent is satanic or sacrificial
I think we can agree that both of us are trapped on here and stuck in the entertainment lol
Sep 4, 2023
Well for me I can't just simply say that I don't care, because I do. I was inspired by kpop to become a better person and I can link that post here if you want. I just say it's sad to see them go down a dark path so I pray for them daily in the name of Jesus. I have seen God move in some of these people's lives. Pretty much every single idol I have stanned since I liked kpop has gotten out of the industry. I don't credit myself for praying for them, I credit God for answering my prayers and delivering them from evil. There are still plenty more to be delivered you know.
nah u just want a pat on the back for not being for something aka picking a side and sticking to it then u want someone to always agree with u on every other minor irrelevant opinion that anyone ever has on here