Is Drinking Alcohol A Sin?

True World Order

May 12, 2017
I know the word is haram, which means forbidden and haram is haram. It's forbidden because He says so, I get it, yet it exists and people drink because it is His Will for them to do so...

Honestly, this religious stuff has helped me get off the hard stuff, that and seeing enough of what they do to people. Alcohol is one of the worst, but I'm lucky enough to be a happy drunk, it doesn't turn me into a violent idiot like most people. I just smoke now, have a drink on the odd occasion and trip once every blue moon. There is no way I am going through this whole meaningless existence sober the entire time, call me Al-Fasiqun, but I don't really care what God says about it. I honestly feel like we are set up to fail a lot of the time, so I just stick two fingers up and do it anyway.

True World Order

May 12, 2017
Eh, Muslims derailing Thunder's thread.
The verse which refers to not approaching prayers in a drunken state was revealed before alcohol was prohibited. ANyone questioning the prohibition of alcohol in Islam will find the topic thoroughly covered with all proofs from the Noble Quran and Saheeh Sunnah here inshaa'Allah:

I don't think Muslims are derailing this thread, it hasn't really gone off topic at all. Muslims are just very certain regarding the sinful nature of alcohol.



Mar 15, 2017
Eh, Muslims derailing Thunder's thread.
The verse which refers to not approaching prayers in a drunken state was revealed before alcohol was prohibited. ANyone questioning the prohibition of alcohol in Islam will find the topic thoroughly covered with all proofs from the Noble Quran and Saheeh Sunnah here inshaa'Allah:

Didn't intend to derail the thread...the topic was alcohol which is what was being discussed but apologies if I disrupted the original thread.


Mar 13, 2017
There's a pub culture in the U.K. Where people literally get pissed on Friday nights and vomit everywhere on the streets. I know there are more sophisticated drinkers who probably can control themselves but in general I just see alcohol a means of escapism. How could you find being tipsy or drunk enjoyable?
There's also a promiscuity culture in the UK and elsewhere Is sex a sin? Obviously not in itself, but like alcohol, it needs to be handled responsibly.

The argument that booze is forbidden because it can lead to destruction doesn't add up. Just like alcohol, sex can destroy lives. But God didn't forbid sex, he just warned against the self-destructive use of it. Why would he trust us with one and not the other?


Mar 13, 2017
Eh, Muslims derailing Thunder's thread.
The verse which refers to not approaching prayers in a drunken state was revealed before alcohol was prohibited. ANyone questioning the prohibition of alcohol in Islam will find the topic thoroughly covered with all proofs from the Noble Quran and Saheeh Sunnah here inshaa'Allah:

I don't mind the discussion at all. I am finding it interesting.


Mar 13, 2017
Christ turned water to wine at a wedding party and I highly doubt that people there weren't getting at least a little bit tipsy... So forgive me if I think drinking isn't sinful.

Drunkenness, sure. I mean I abused by body far more than I should have and it's not something I'm proud of or that I would suggest for anyone. But I don't think a drink is something bad. But then again, my roots are Irish, English, and Italian so I might be a touch biased.
The wedding party had drunk so much wine that they ran out. Then Jesus made more. I don't know that there's much you can draw from that other than Jesus being OK with drinking.

I have catered many weddings in my time, and the number one rule is: Don't run out of alcohol. You always bring in more than you think you will ever need, just in case. This was obviously a big wedding, planned professionally, and you can be sure that job number one was, "Make sure there's lots of wine."

To run out of wine at a wedding would have been looked at as a bad omen. That's why the mother of Jesus came and found him. She knew it was a big deal and she knew he could do something.

And it must have been a big wedding, because the amount of wine Jesus made was more than 600 litres.

True World Order

May 12, 2017
There's also a promiscuity culture in the UK and elsewhere Is sex a sin? Obviously not in itself, but like alcohol, it needs to be handled responsibly.
I'm sure I could come up with some arguments that sex is inherently sinful...

Religion is fun like that and God certainly has a sense of humour.

The argument that booze is forbidden because it can lead to destruction doesn't add up.
Dude, it totally does.

Just like alcohol, sex can destroy lives. But God didn't forbid sex, he just warned against the self-destructive use of it. Why would he trust us with one and not the other?
Who says He actually trusts us with either? As our Creator, God knows that mankind can't really be trusted with anything. He should do, because it is painfully obvious to me...


Mar 26, 2017
Personally I believed sins is a doorway for evil to influences our life. Drinking a few bottle of beers or shots of liquor doesn't necessarily open this door. However once this door is opened then it became sinful because you're losing the abilities to make free will decision. This is probably why some people don't recall what they did or who they are when drunk. Usually they are pretty perverted as well, which explained the evil influences or demonic oppression. I think God just want to protect us from falling into the rabbit holes.

door closed = not sinful
door opened = sinful


Mar 15, 2017
There's also a promiscuity culture in the UK and elsewhere Is sex a sin? Obviously not in itself, but like alcohol, it needs to be handled responsibly.

No sex isn't a sin but pre martial sex is. A desire has to be governed to lessen the repercussions and consequences of what happens when you sin. Alcohol has no value and can be addictive, this is my understanding to why it's a sin. Ultimately we're human, when God forbids something it's for our own good. In Christianity I guess alcohol isn't forbidden, so all I would say is Christians just need to limit their intake because i do see it as a sinfulness act

The argument that booze is forbidden because it can lead to destruction doesn't add up. Just like alcohol, sex can destroy lives. But God didn't forbid sex, he just warned against the self-destructive use of it. Why would he trust us with one and not the other?

Well sex can't really be compared to alcohol because we have to procreate and satisfy our animalistic urges in a governed manner. What kind of God would ban sex? We'd all just be illegitimate and damaged children because the sanctity of marriage and the family unit would no longer be necessary

God tells us to stay away from self destruction. It's unfair to single out alcohol, smoking is also under this umbrella of prohibition. You're killing yourself slowly if you smoke ciggrettes and alcohol can lead to all sorts of liver issues. My personal stance is, do we really need alcohol to enjoy ourselves? Do we need it to socialise? Are we than uncomfortable with ourselves that we drink in order to get tipsy and interact? I guess I don't see the positive benefits of it.


Mar 15, 2017
Who says He actually trusts us with either? As our Creator, God knows that mankind can't really be trusted with anything. He should do, because it is painfully obvious to me...
Yup ,pretty spot on. As humans our understanding is limited and we sometimes don't have to capacity or wisdom to understand why god prohibits certain things. Our understanding and knowledge is surface level, God knows temptation of alcohol will be too much and There's a likelihood most us will indulge and alcohol will be as commonly consumed as water. Imagine a world where everyone was tipsy! Nothing would ever get done

True World Order

May 12, 2017
Why do you think the Bible has one way of looking at alcohol and the Quran has another?
They seem pretty similar to me, both warn against drunkenness.

I know the Christians here are desperately trying to justify it, but none of you can honestly say that drinking alcohol doesn't lead to drunkenness.