Hard drugs and The New World Order


Dec 21, 2018
I will run it through google translate later and check it out! Btw, how much work have you done with sports-medicine and PEDs (performance Enhancing Drugs)? Big controversy in the US right now with the USADA testing company.
I just usually advice against it. It only happened two times. Once a dude was trying to buy thyroid medicine to speed up his metabolism but his trainer didn't warned him about goiter. The other time a person asked for a vasodilatator but I warned him that they don't really increase performance.

Most stuff people use we don't sell here in my drugstore. There is just one person who uses testosterone shots but he is over 50 already so he really needs it


Jan 29, 2018
I just usually advice against it. It only happened two times. Once a dude was trying to buy thyroid medicine to speed up his metabolism but his trainer didn't warned him about goiter. The other time a person asked for a vasodilatator but I warned him that they don't really increase performance.

Most stuff people use we don't sell here in my drugstore. There is just one person who uses testosterone shots but he is over 50 already so he really needs it
TRT is also a big controversy. My opinion is that if people who are proven to "need" it wish to take it, thats their prerogative so long as its legal (and if it aint, they roll their own dice on concerns of both health and legality).....
But as far as Combat Sports, its mainly people whom have blown out their own ability to replace testosterone through years of compromising their testosterone systems due to steroid and other various PED abuse (cheating). They cant produce enough test t maintain a high level of activity through training camp and dont have the oomph to get through competitions... so now they are lobbying to re-introduce TRT as a legal supplement lol The hypocrisy of USADA is insane...... and this is before we even get into their illegal activities.....


Dec 21, 2018
TRT is also a big controversy. My opinion is that if people who are proven to "need" it wish to take it, thats their prerogative so long as its legal (and if it aint, they roll their own dice on concerns of both health and legality).....
But as far as Combat Sports, its mainly people whom have blown out their own ability to replace testosterone through years of compromising their testosterone systems due to steroid and other various PED abuse (cheating). They cant produce enough test t maintain a high level of activity through training camp and dont have the oomph to get through competitions... so now they are lobbying to re-introduce TRT as a legal supplement lol The hypocrisy of USADA is insane...... and this is before we even get into their illegal activities.....

Really? I really dont know what to say, this is am absurd


Jan 29, 2018

Really? I really dont know what to say, this is am absurd
Yes, recently USADA has been completely compromised with scandal after scandal involving the UFC here in the US. Mainly it regards around their avoiding tests and fudging test results so that some athletes could compete (whom the UFC desired to keep active due to those athletes generating pay-per-view buys) with their unfair advantage while others (deemed as "less valuable" by the UFC promotion) were hit with the book lol

The most recent scandal revolves around the despicable character of UFC fighter John Jones and USADA's attempts to hide his positive sample return for PEDs and their subsequent attempt to cover it up those positive returns and then when busted about it by the media, lie some more. Its an absolute disgrace......


Mar 16, 2017
Knowing people from the ghetto and spending time in the ghetto is nothing like living there. You are judging situations from your own points of reference, which are wholly irrelevant to people actually trying to survive these places day-after-day. Im not implying that your perspectives ain't valid or that your heart aint in the right place.... I aint even saying your are "wrong"... because technically, you are "right".

But that does not factor into survival.

When generation after generation of people are pushed to the edge and daily life becomes a struggle to see the next day, the rules of "normal" society cease to matter, and the laws of the jungle become the creed of survival. This is something a person whom has not experienced these situations cannot really understand.

So no, Im not defending them, but Im not condemning them either.
Do you think the above struggle scenario only applies to people from the ghetto? Cuz it doesn’t, been there done that. Still there. Always another option and there is no justification for poisoning children for your own material comfort.


Jan 29, 2018
Do you think the above struggle scenario only applies to people from the ghetto? Cuz it doesn’t, been there done that. Still there. Always another option and there is no justification for poisoning children for your own material comfort.
Ghetto life only applies to the ghetto.... Im not sure what you mean other than that........
And no, there is not "always another option".... thats what I mean, if you dont live under these circumstances day in and day out, you wont be familiar with what it takes to survive these environments. I admit, modern rap culture has poisoned peoples minds into thinking they cant be anything more than what is presented to them, but when there are not "other options" available for survival, people often do what the have to do to get by.

I never knew dealers whom would sell drugs to children. The closest it came was a few sleazebags who would have to sneak away from the public in the PJ's so that they could sell to a pregnant addict where nobody could see. Generally, pushing drugs towards the youth is something that happens in more affluent and Caucasian communities than it does in communities of color. I also think you confuse the situation... many are not dealing drugs for material comfort.... when you live in an area with no jobs, little infrastructure, an overwhelmingly violent police presence & rival gangs....... not even stores to buy decent food at and with limited public transportation access and etc. etc. I think you get my drift.......


Apr 22, 2017
I was just trying to point out some of the reasons that he was talking about it when previously it wasn’t talked about. Plus the opioid overprescription issue didn’t start until the 90’s. Prior to that there wasn’t anything to talk about. The current rappers grew up never knowing anything but the current state of affairs..
You're good.
Yes, recently USADA has been completely compromised with scandal after scandal involving the UFC here in the US. Mainly it regards around their avoiding tests and fudging test results so that some athletes could compete (whom the UFC desired to keep active due to those athletes generating pay-per-view buys) with their unfair advantage while others (deemed as "less valuable" by the UFC promotion) were hit with the book lol

The most recent scandal revolves around the despicable character of UFC fighter John Jones and USADA's attempts to hide his positive sample return for PEDs and their subsequent attempt to cover it up those positive returns and then when busted about it by the media, lie some more. Its an absolute disgrace......
I don't see what the issue with PEDs even is. The U.S. wrongly banned PEDs over the myth of roid rage yet major athletes still use them and I don't see why they can't. Strongman doesn't ban PED users but the media demonizes users when they don't even realize how much actual work his involved in maintaining the benefits from PEDs. There's nothing absurd about professional athletes trying to gain maximum performance for a salary much higher than the average person. Physical work is still required because the average person can do a full year cycle but if they don't eat right and train right they won't even retain 15% of the muscle they gained.

If a sports medicine doctor monitors ones PED cycles send works with a coach then the harm it's minimal and the athlete can gain a higher level of performance. It's only cheating because the world makes it out to be cheating while disregarding the work necessary to maintain that high level of performance.


Jan 29, 2018
You're good.

I don't see what the issue with PEDs even is. The U.S. wrongly banned PEDs over the myth of roid rage yet major athletes still use them and I don't see why they can't. Strongman doesn't ban PED users but the media demonizes users when they don't even realize how much actual work his involved in maintaining the benefits from PEDs. There's nothing absurd about professional athletes trying to gain maximum performance for a salary much higher than the average person. Physical work is still required because the average person can do a full year cycle but if they don't eat right and train right they won't even retain 15% of the muscle they gained.

If a sports medicine doctor monitors ones PED cycles send works with a coach then the harm it's minimal and the athlete can gain a higher level of performance. It's only cheating because the world makes it out to be cheating while disregarding the work necessary to maintain that high level of performance.
1. It creates an unfair, unnatural advantage.
2. The health risks are pretty clear-cut. If you have found something to take which either works for you or you feel is worth the risk, thats your decision. But MMA is a Combat Sport and PED's not only create an unlevel playing field, they produce unnecessary risk injury for the athletes whom are competing in a sport which is specifically designed to elicit injury.


Apr 22, 2017
Do you think the above struggle scenario only applies to people from the ghetto? Cuz it doesn’t, been there done that. Still there. Always another option and there is no justification for poisoning children for your own material comfort.
Is there really always another option? I've had to sell in various occasions to either take care of myself or my mother at one point because I just don't make enough money despite my skills. So I pull myself up by my boot straps and deal weed so that I can pay my bills and eat because I can't strip or prostitute. Everyone has various situations where the only viable option is fast money so we don't get evicted, eat, buy our kids clothes. Not every situation is the same and not everyone only has the option to sell drugs but to a certain degree, and I think this is what tempest was getting at, the system is stacked against certain demographics more than others.

I know you're a social worker and I'm not denying your experiences but many of these communities have essentially been forced together and have these inherited traumas that are collectively stacked on each other from past generations. There may be other options but they aren't always the fastest or the best. I'm not even saying dealing is right but when the time comes these other options probably won't feed my kids in time, keep my apartment, keep my car or anything like that.


Apr 22, 2017
1. It creates an unfair, unnatural advantage.
2. The health risks are pretty clear-cut. If you have found something to take which either works for you or you feel is worth the risk, thats your decision. But MMA is a Combat Sport and PED's not only create an unlevel playing field, they produce unnecessary risk injury for the athletes whom are competing in a sport which is specifically designed to elicit injury.
It's not unfair when the majority of athletes use them. It's unfair too go to an amateur bodybuilding event and be on PEDs because they have sections for everyone. Being on PEDs enhances recovery, increases muscle, and so on. Not every PED poses a risk especially if a doctor monitors you. I don't think the average person should take then unsupervised but I have no problem with them. Sports aren't fair to begin with because every individual is different so even in fighting sports there will always be an unbalanced aspect because you have so many factors that if someone is on PEDs the difference isn't so vast that it can be considered cheating.

PEDs aren't some super drug that creates talent or negates work. You have to be good to begin with.


Jan 29, 2018
It's not unfair when the majority of athletes use them. It's unfair too go to an amateur bodybuilding event and be on PEDs because they have sections for everyone. Being on PEDs enhances recovery, increases muscle, and so on. Not every PED poses a risk especially if a doctor monitors you. I don't think the average person should take then unsupervised but I have no problem with them. Sports aren't fair to begin with because every individual is different so even in fighting sports there will always be an unbalanced aspect because you have so many factors that if someone is on PEDs the difference isn't so vast that it can be considered cheating.

PEDs aren't some super drug that creates talent or negates work. You have to be good to begin with.
I compete in MMA. PEDs have no legitimate place in this sport. If a fighter cant get it done without them, they need to find a different sport.


Apr 22, 2017
I compete in MMA. PEDs have no legitimate place in this sport. If a fighter cant get it done without them, they need to find a different sport.
But you aren't a high level fighter. You aren't paid to win, sponsored because you're a winner, or anything like that. High level athletes are going to the PEDs because it is their job. You can move around weight classes and everything but skill and talent aren't the whole equation. Might as well tell fighters to not train, they should have the skill and talent to not have to practice and to refrain from supplements. You have to practice even harder on PEDs because you will waste time, lose gains, and because PEDs allow a higher rate of recovery.

You can be the biggest, strongest strong man competitor in PEDs but it won't make yup for poor technique and skill. I think it was Charles Poliquin who said steroids took a competitor from 90-100% because they make that little of a difference if the competitor lacks the skill, training, and talent then that 10% means nothing. There was a study by Greg Knuckols comparatively showing the difference between professional power lifters on PEDs and non users. The difference were small and a lot of it came down to body structure rather than steroids.


Jan 29, 2018
But you aren't a high level fighter. You aren't paid to win, sponsored because you're a winner, or anything like that. High level athletes are going to the PEDs because it is their job. You can move around weight classes and everything but skill and talent aren't the whole equation. Might as well tell fighters to not train, they should have the skill and talent to not have to practice and to refrain from supplements. You have to practice even harder on PEDs because you will waste time, lose gains, and because PEDs allow a higher rate of recovery.

You can be the biggest, strongest strong man competitor in PEDs but it won't make yup for poor technique and skill. I think it was Charles Poliquin who said steroids took a competitor from 90-100% because they make that little of a difference if the competitor lacks the skill, training, and talent then that 10% means nothing. There was a study by Greg Knuckols comparatively showing the difference between professional power lifters on PEDs and non users. The difference were small and a lot of it came down to body structure rather than steroids.
You dont know anything about me or my level within the sport. You just made some convenient assumptions so that you could further your defense of cheaters. You dont have any professional experience with this do you?


Apr 22, 2017
You dont know anything about me or my level within the sport. You just made some convenient assumptions so that you could further your defense of cheaters. You dont have any professional experience with this do you?
I don't see how this is relevant to PEDs. But I can recommend you various websites that can educate you and have forums where professional, athletes, trainers, and doctors can explain the process for amateurs and professionals alike. Plus PEDs are expensive and dedicating takes more money than amateurs can afford.


Jan 29, 2018
I don't see how this is relevant to PEDs. But I can recommend you various websites that can educate you and have forums where professional, athletes, trainers, and doctors can explain the process for amateurs and professionals alike. Plus PEDs are expensive and dedicating takes more money than amateurs can afford.
I dont refuse to take PEDs because I dont have access. I refuse because I neither need them, nor desire to utilize them. You made some pretty serious claims about me out of nowhere homie.


Apr 22, 2017
I dont refuse to take PEDs because I dont have access. I refuse because I neither need them, nor desire to utilize them. You made some pretty serious claims about me out of nowhere homie.
I guess. Anything else you want to share about PEDs?


Jan 29, 2018
I was discussing PEDs, which are drugs, w/Mr.Anderson.
You put yourself in the mix of that convo.
Each of my posts to you since you invited yourself into the convo have been about PEDs, other than setting you straight that you dont know about me that which you profess to.
Is there anything else you want to share homie?


Apr 22, 2017
I was discussing PEDs, which are drugs, w/Mr.Anderson.
You put yourself in the mix of that convo.
Each of my posts to you since you invited yourself into the convo have been about PEDs, other than setting you straight that you dont know about me that which you profess to.
Is there anything else you want to share homie?
Nah I'm good, just sharing perspective on what steroids actually do. You can keep the rest of the shit to yourself.


Jan 29, 2018
Nah I'm good, just sharing perspective on what steroids actually do. You can keep the rest of the shit to yourself.
Tough guy routine now? Is this where the endless back-and-forth is supposed to start? Lets cut that ish right away. You in Sweden right? Plenty of MMA orgs over there, Viking and Superior still going? In case you aint there, plenty of other orgs in Western Europe.

Contact VC and set up a plane ticket and etc. My passport is good and Im on the first flight smokin over there if you got it like that.


Apr 22, 2017
Tough guy routine now? Is this where the endless back-and-forth is supposed to start? Lets cut that ish right away. You in Sweden right? Plenty of MMA orgs over there, Viking and Superior still going? In case you aint there, plenty of other orgs in Western Europe.

Contact VC and set up a plane ticket and etc. My passport is good and Im on the first flight smokin over there if you got it like that.
Lol the fuck you on?