
Oct 16, 2020
2010-2013 was the time frame that alot of money was poured into mRNA and around which time that Moderna was founded (IIRC).
In March 2013, Moderna and AstraZeneca signed a five-year exclusive option agreement to discover, develop, and commercialize mRNA for treatments in the therapeutic areas of cardiovascular, metabolic, and renal diseases, and selected targets for cancer. The agreement included a $240 million upfront payment to Moderna, a payment which was "one of the largest ever initial payments in a pharmaceutical industry licensing deal that does not involve a drug already being tested in clinical trials".


Dec 1, 2019
What if they wait until 2030 to kill all the vaccinated people?
They already show us CERN symbolic -- Fiona Barnett, MK ULTRA survivor, states that CERN is the tecnology to kill 99% of us. COVID only to take your guns away.

They poison our houses
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Lil axe

May 11, 2020
Eric Clapton after COVID vaccination: 'I should never have gone near the needle'

wow, surprised , especially after stand and deliver with van morrison


May 13, 2021
They already show us CERN symbolic -- Fiona Barnett, MK ULTRA survivor, states that CERN is the tecnology to kill 99% of us. COVID only to take your guns away.

They poison our houses
Well Shiva (god of destruction ) in CERN is pretty strange ..
I read the part of the book that you mentionated of Fiona Barnett about to kill 99% of population in 2030.

But what is the relation with CERN?
How it works?
Because if they create a BIG black hole, with the power to end with the Planet...then all the members of the illuminati are going to die too. What is the point ? I guess they want to live too.

But if they want to kill 99% of people, and preserve only 1 %, the technology to use must be very "direct" to the target.

And I'm wondering, how they can use the CERN to kill specific targets...
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The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
It is so ridiculous to think unvaxxed people will wear masks. The husk in the White, Blue, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Orange and Fusha House is woke. So are they going to card people LOL? They're up to something... round 2 could be real. Meanwhile, the world is back to normal in the ME which is a sign the warmongers are about to get involved. During the uncertain happenings, I hope all here realize the manipulation involved to make them hate and divide.


Mar 23, 2021
This is a comment that I saw this morning....
View attachment 55760

What if they wait until 2030 to kill all the vaccinated people? Before the illuminati can kill 7.000 millions of persons, all people should have the jab first. But I think is too obvious kill all 7.000 millions persons in 1 year... Maybe they are planning to do it in differents stages ( kill 10% every year for example).
Maybe I'm too negative... I don't know...

Rightnow, I don't know what to think : (

I pray : /
Here is how they will do it...people that are deemed important by "them" they keep alive...the tech is gathering info on each person with it in them that's for sure. So important little slaves keep rest dead.


Mar 23, 2021
Well Shiva (god of destruction ) in CERN is pretty strange ..
I read the part of the book that you mentionated of Fiona Barnett about to kill 99% of population in 2030.

But what is the relation with CERN?
How it works?
Because if they create a BIG black hole, with the power to end with the Planet...then all the members of the illuminati are going to die too. What is the point ? I guess they want to live too.

But if they want to kill 99% of people, and preserve only 1 %, the technology to use must be very "direct" to the target.

And I'm wondering, how they can use the CERN to kill specific targets...
Cern is to open a portal or portals


Mar 18, 2017
Apparently, mRNA is lucrative business
"Thousands evacuated from St.Vincent as the volcano erupts BUT ONLY THOSE VACCINATED AGAINST COVID" WTF???
Everyone saw the clip anyway, i wonder why it's gone now. Anyway, when you first posted it, i wondered to myself why the network (ABC/CBS?) would post such a short clip on the rescue of vaxxed-only, instead of posting a much longer news segment that included that story. I figured they were sending a message to the American audience. Can we really put it past FEMA to not do the same thing should there be a massive "natural" disaster on CONUS?
Mar 30, 2017
This was great to listen to because Rocco pulls no punches when he discusses what's going on. As well, he and even Raj with their candidacy, put things into perspective to tell viewers what's really going on. I subscribe to the channel, but don't have time to sign in and listen to WholeHeartedMedia as much as I would like. I even like the description in the video "Parents grow up!", which is what needs to happen, not only to parents, but people everywhere who are cowering to these fear tactics.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Today's the day the CDC changed the rules.
Covid-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases

From WhatsHerFace
The CDC will soon be changing how they record covid-19 breakthrough cases. With this change, breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals will no longer be recorded unless the infection results in hospitalization or death. As expected, this change is happening at a time when thousands of breakthrough cases are being reported in the fully vaccinated. I suppose when you start seeing numbers you don’t like, it's easiest to just stop counting. It’s like that classic scientific adage says “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”. So in a few weeks, when you start seeing the artificial drastic decline in covid infections among the vaccinated, remember to give the CDC a big ol’ pat on the back for its hard world… or lack of it.


Aug 29, 2017
The former vice-president of Pfizer clearly and calmly lays out the vast issues with the shots in an interview with Robert Kennedy. He even said he would be very upset if he found out his adult children got it.



Dec 1, 2019
So to further the food chain strain, the bridge crossing the Mississippi on 1-40 is shut down indefinitely. This will also effect barge traffic in Memphis. This is the third heaviest freight corridor in the country.

Absolute no suspitios.
Later they will play card of elections to offer some NWO leaders of theirs. Dont' fall for it -- if voting could change something we wouldn't be allowed to vote.


Jan 23, 2021
Well Shiva (god of destruction ) in CERN is pretty strange ..
I read the part of the book that you mentionated of Fiona Barnett about to kill 99% of population in 2030.

But what is the relation with CERN?
How it works?
Because if they create a BIG black hole, with the power to end with the Planet...then all the members of the illuminati are going to die too. What is the point ? I guess they want to live too.

But if they want to kill 99% of people, and preserve only 1 %, the technology to use must be very "direct" to the target.

And I'm wondering, how they can use the CERN to kill specific targets...
Well, according to this lady cern is located where one of main ancient spirit gates is. She was born into elite and run out of it as soon as she could. She talks about spirit gates from 8:56 to around 23:30 and briefly mentions cern as well.
What she says actually supports what Justen Faull covered in his documentary about opening of portals (starts at 12:10).
Personally, I don't think it's about creating a black hole, but rather letting something out of the portal, from a different dimension, or a spirit world if you will.


Aug 21, 2017
I will periodically watch what the MSM says to "read between the lines" of how they want to lead the masses. The example I will give is on the vaccine.

In The Economist, a publication of the CFR, March 27th edition, it had an article titled, "Bright side of the moonshots", in which along with the title, its description was," Covid-19 has brought together biomedical technologies that will transform human health," emphasis on transform...and NOT the transform we're thinking, if u know what I mean.


When I saw the beaker as a prism (ie- triangle), along with the rainbow colors, I felt occult symbology was being used here. Let me explain.

The graphic above is a derivative of a famous graphic from the infamous band Pink Floyd's album, "Dark Side of the Moon". That graphic on their album cover is this:


Notice how the article title does a play on words from Pink Floyd's album title. Also, notice the up AND down triangle and the rainbow reference to communicating with the "other side". Again, truth is stranger than fiction!

Going on a side trail to cement what I am saying, the album art was designed by Storm Thorgerson...

Occult meaning behind how he poses

...whose company name at the time was Hipgnosis! Again, truth is stranger than fiction. Two things with that name. One, a reference to hipnosis. Secondly, it's spelled using the word gnosis...or, in other words, gnostic. Here is some of his other famous album art. Very surreal and mystical, but you can be sure, it is meant to have meaning. Let me explain the meaning behind his company's name in a few paragraphs...

Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge. The term is used in various Hellenistic religions and philosophies. It is best known from Gnosticism, where it signifies a knowledge or insight into humanity's real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence, which is how many bands make their records (ie- using heroine, LSD) communing with the other side.

In regards to the hipnosis reference, the Pied Piper in today's vernacular represents the devil and his instrument's magical power on children, which was referenced in the famous song by Led Zeppelin,"Stairway To Heaven", a band heavily influenced by occultism, especially Alleister Crowley's brand of occultism. Nothing they wrote was by accident and most times had specific occultic meaning, especially in this song. My point is the Pied Piper hypnotizes with his music...hence the hipnosis portion of Hipgnosis. Storm Thorgerson knew what he was doing and why he was doing what he did with his graphics.

With that said, back to The Economist article. An excerpt from the article states:

"The basis of all this is the application of genetics to medicine in a systematic and transformative way—not just in understanding the pathology of diseases but in tracking their spread and curing and preventing them. This approach could underpin what is becoming known as “natural security”—the task of making societies resilient in the face of risks stemming from their connection to the living world, whether because of disease, food insecurity, biological warfare or environmental degradation."

In other words, causing a marked change in our genetics so we are able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions in our surrounding environment.

With that said, let's go back to the graphic that precedes the article. There are two things to notice here. One, the triangular shape of the beaker (ie- prism) and the transformation of white light to the spectrum of color (ie- rainbow). The prism and the rainbow have significance in the world of the occultist. Again, remember, symbols rule the world for these people.

In alchemical symbolism, the triangle represents the three planes of existence which practitioners experience in their journey of human consciousness. There is the physical plane (body), the mental plane (mind) and the astral plane (spirit or soul). In other words, a triangle represents manifestation, enlightenment, revelation, and a higher perspective. It is often used to mark the cycles of growth that lead to a higher state of being. Spiritually, it represents a path towards enlightenment or connection to an omnipresent being. What omnipresent being you might ask? That's where the rainbow comes in. According to Constance Cumbey in her book Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, the rainbow (or in this case refracted light that emanates from the triangle) in New Age terms signifies the building of the Rainbow Bridge (antahkarana) between man and Lucifer who, they say, is the over-soul, or a divine spirit supposed to pervade the universe and to encompass all human souls.

Are you getting the full picture on my theory? Could it be that the oligarchy is secretly telling us that the Covid vaccine will cause a marked change in our genetics providing transcendent connection between us and Lucifer (aka, the mark)?
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Jan 23, 2021
I will periodically watch what the MSM says to "read between the lines" of how they want to lead the masses. The example I will give is on the vaccine.

In The Economist, a publication of the CFR, March 27th edition, it had an article titled, "Bright side of the moonshots", in which along with the title, its description was," Covid-19 has brought together biomedical technologies that will transform human health," emphasis on transform...and NOT the transform we're thinking, if u know what I mean.

View attachment 55789

When I saw the beaker as a prism (ie- triangle), along with the rainbow colors, I felt occult symbology was being used here. Let me explain.

The graphic above is a derivative of a famous graphic from the infamous band Pink Floyd's album, "Dark Side of the Moon". That graphic on their album cover is this:

View attachment 55790

Notice how the article title does a play on words from Pink Floyd's album title. Also, notice the up AND down triangle and the rainbow reference to communicating with the "other side". Again, truth is stranger than fiction!

Going on a side trail to cement what I am saying, the album art was designed by Storm Thorgerson...

View attachment 55791
Occult meaning behind how he poses

...whose company name at the time was Hipgnosis! Again, truth is stranger than fiction. Two things with that name. One, a reference to hipnosis. Secondly, it's spelled using the word gnosis...or, in other words, gnostic. Here is some of his other famous album art. Very surreal and mystical, but you can be sure, it is meant to have meaning. Let me explain the meaning behind his company's name in a few paragraphs...

Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge. The term is used in various Hellenistic religions and philosophies. It is best known from Gnosticism, where it signifies a knowledge or insight into humanity's real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence, which is how many bands make their records (ie- using heroine, LSD) communing with the other side.

In regards to the hipnosis reference, the Pied Piper in today's vernacular represents the devil and his instrument's magical power on children, which was referenced in the famous song by Led Zeppelin,"Stairway To Heaven", a band heavily influenced by occultism, especially Alleister Crowley's brand of occultism. Nothing they wrote was by accident and most times had specific occultic meaning, especially in this song. My point is the Pied Piper hypnotizes with his music...hence the hipnosis portion of Hipgnosis. Storm Thorgerson knew what he was doing and why he was doing what he did with his graphics.

With that said, back to The Economist article. An excerpt from the article states:

"The basis of all this is the application of genetics to medicine in a systematic and transformative way—not just in understanding the pathology of diseases but in tracking their spread and curing and preventing them. This approach could underpin what is becoming known as “natural security”—the task of making societies resilient in the face of risks stemming from their connection to the living world, whether because of disease, food insecurity, biological warfare or environmental degradation."

In other words, causing a marked change in our genetics so we are able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions in our surrounding environment.

With that said, let's go back to the graphic that precedes the article. There are two things to notice here. One, the triangular shape of the beaker (ie- prism) and the transformation of white light to the spectrum of color (ie- rainbow). The prism and the rainbow have significance in the world of the occultist. Again, remember, symbols rule the world for these people.

In alchemical symbolism, the triangle represents the three planes of existence which practitioners experience in their journey of human consciousness. There is the physical plane (body), the mental plane (mind) and the astral plane (spirit or soul). In other words, a triangle represents manifestation, enlightenment, revelation, and a higher perspective. It is often used to mark the cycles of growth that lead to a higher state of being. Spiritually, it represents a path towards enlightenment or connection to an omnipresent being. What omnipresent being you might ask? That's where the rainbow comes in. According to Constance Cumbey in her book Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, the rainbow (or in this case refracted light that emanates from the triangle) in New Age terms signifies the building of the Rainbow Bridge (antahkarana) between man and Lucifer who, they say, is the over-soul, or a divine spirit supposed to pervade the universe and to encompass all human souls.

Are you getting the full picture on my theory? Could it be that the oligarchy is secretly telling us that the Covid vaccine will cause a marked change in our genetics providing transcendent connection between us and Lucifer (aka, the mark)?
Maaaan, some nice research. Many Christians I know willingly went to get the jab without second thought. Their reasoning was that other Christians (including doctors) got the jab, and "if it was the mark of the beast, God would let us know for sure". I'm also very hesitant to call it the mark, but it doesn't mean there's nothing bad behind it.

Lil axe

May 11, 2020



Mar 23, 2021
Maaaan, some nice research. Many Christians I know willingly went to get the jab without second thought. Their reasoning was that other Christians (including doctors) got the jab, and "if it was the mark of the beast, God would let us know for sure". I'm also very hesitant to call it the mark, but it doesn't mean there's nothing bad behind it.
Just remember type then arch type. Or dry run before true implementation.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Excellent resource with lots of doctor quotes.
What You Need to Know About the Experimental Covid-19 Gene Injections

Safety Concerns
  • The Covid-19 “vaccine” is not a vaccine in the traditional sense.
  • It is an experimental biological agent.
  • It is brand new technology that has never been used on people before.
  • The new biological agent uses what is called mRNA technology.
  • There has historically been a tremendous failure in previous coronavirus vaccines; they could not be safely administered to animals or humans.
  • There are no independently published animal studies to prove the safety of this experimental agent. In the process of fast tracking the experimental agent, all safety testing has been bypassed.
  • There is also evidence and concern that this biological agent can cause permanent infertility.
  • The pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the biological agent are immune from all liability. This means that you have no legal recourse if you are injured or killed by the biological agent.