Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Hundreds in Orange County protest COVID-19 vaccine passports: ‘You’re not going to brand us’

“I will not be bullied, coerced, harassed in any way, shape or form ... into participating into a massive human experiment in order to fit in,” said one woman, who did not provide her name.
Another speaker cited county data, arguing that the majority of Orange County residents who haven’t yet been vaccinated are against vaccines and the use of passports.
“It’s not about availability, it’s about the legal right of choice,” she said. “I’m a millennial in my prime who dreams of having a family, and I’m terrified to bring children into a world that violates their conscience and disrespects their freedom as citizens of the United States of America.”

Lil axe

May 11, 2020
This is amazing!!! The province of Manitoba knew the PCR threshold was too high.

Dr. Bullard acknowledged that Manitoba has known for some time that a given PCR test’s Ct value is inversely correlated with infectiousness. This means that testing for Covid at higher threshold levels can result in false positives as explained in this article. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) notes that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed.

Manitoba Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist: 56% of positive “cases” are not infectious

WINNIPEG: The Justice Centre represents churches and individuals who are challenging government lockdown restrictions in the Court of Queen’s Bench as unjustified violations of the Charter freedoms to associate, worship, and assemble peacefully. The hearing commenced on May 3, 2021 and is continuing this week.

The onus is on the Manitoba Government to justify its restrictions on Charter rights and freedoms as being reasonable, necessary and beneficial.

One of the crucial issues in this trial is the operation and reliability of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test that is used by governments across Canada, including the Manitoba Government, to diagnose Covid and measure its spread.

The Westphalian Times explains PCR tests as follows:

The current COVID testing is based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) – “a fast and inexpensive technique used to ‘amplify’ – copy – small segments of DNA.” Many internationally recognized experts on virology and PCR testing are questioning if the tests have been made overly sensitive and many positives are the result of long dead and no longer contagious virus or even contamination in labs. PCR testing was invented to find genetic viral material in a sample and has not traditionally been used as the sole method for identifying people suffering from a viral or bacterial disease.

COVID testing is typically performed using a nasopharyngeal swab, a 6-inch long swab inserted deep into the nostril. The swab is rotated for a while and then it is sent to a lab where a PCR test will dramatically amplify the amount of genetic material captured and then compare it to the DNA or RNA of a particular segment of the COVID virus (reference RNA).

To get enough genetic material to test, the PCR process increases the genetic material present by copying it and then copying it again, over and over. Each of these increasing steps is called a “cycle” and the genetic material in the solution is reacted against the reference DNA to determine a positive. If the sample contains a large amount of COVID virus it will react positive after only a few cycles, while a sample with small amounts of genetic material will require more cycles to amplify enough genetic material to get a positive result.

Since the PCR test amplifies traces of COVID-19 through cycles, a lower number of cycles needed to get a positive suggests the presence of a higher viral load for the person being tested and therefore a higher contagion potential.

The number of cycling required to identify viral material in a given sample is called the cycle threshold (Ct).

The Justice Centre’s expert medical witnesses, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, world-famous epidemiologist and Professor of Medicine from Stanford University, and Dr. Thomas Warren, infectious disease specialist and medical microbiologist, both provided evidence that the PCR test is unreliable in determining whether a person is infectious with the actual Covid-19 disease.

Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist Dr. Jared Bullard is a witness for the Manitoba government in this hearing. Questioned under oath by Justice Centre lawyers on Monday May 10, Dr. Bullard acknowledged that the PCR test has significant limitations. The head of Cadham Provincial Laboratory in Winnipeg, Dr. Bullard admitted that PCR test results do not verify infectiousness, and were never intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.

Dr. Bullard testified that PCR tests can be positive for up to 100 days after an exposure to the virus, and that PCR tests do nothing more than confirm the presence of fragments of viral RNA of the target SARS CO-V2 virus in someone’s nose. He testified that, while a person with Covid-19 is infectious for a one-to-two week period, non-viable (harmless) viral SARS CO-V2 fragments remain in the nose, and can be detected by a PCR test for up to 100 days after exposure.

Dr. Bullard testified that the most accurate way to determine whether someone is actually infectious with Covid is to attempt to grow a cell culture in the lab from a patient sample. If a cell culture will not grow the virus in the lab, a patient is likely not infectious. A study from Dr. Bullard and his colleagues found that only 44% of positive PCR test results would actually grow in the lab.

Dr. Bullard’s findings call into question the practice used in Manitoba (and elsewhere in Canada) of the results of classifying positive PCR tests as “cases,” which implies infectivity. Equating positive PCR tests to infectious cases, as so many provinces have done over the course of the past 13 months, is incorrect and inaccurate, according to this Manitoba Government witness.

Dr. Bullard acknowledged that he has been closely studying the correlation between Cycle threshold (Ct) value and infectiousness since at least May 7, 2020. Dr. Bullard acknowledged that Manitoba has known for some time that a given PCR test’s Ct value is inversely correlated with infectiousness. This means that testing for Covid at higher threshold levels can result in false positives as explained in this article. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) notes that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed.

Weak results are those run at higher thresholds (more cycles). For example, someone with a positive PCR test that is run at 18 cycles is more likely to be sick and infectious than someone who has a test run at a Ct value of 40.

Dr. Bullard confirmed this was one of the first studies of its kind linking Ct value to infectiousness, and his study confirmed the findings of other studies in France and elsewhere.

Dr. Bullard also testified that Ct value (how many amplification cycles were used in a given PCR test to reach a positive test result) is significant as a proxy or indicator for infectiousness.

However, despite Dr. Bullard’s findings and recommendations in his two peer-reviewed studies, Manitoba still does not consider Ct values as a proxy for infectiousness in its public health response to Covid-19. Both Dr. Bullard and Manitoba Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brent Roussin confirmed under cross-examination that Ct values are not provided to public health officials by laboratories. Dr. Roussin admitted that he could mandate that the Ct value be provided to him, but that he has not done so.

Some jurisdictions, for example Florida, do consider Ct value in their public health response to Covid.

Finally, it should be noted that some Canadian news agencies have quoted Dr. Bullard as testifying that a positive PCR tests indicates infectivity 99.9% of the time. This is incorrect. Rather, Dr. Bullard testified that a PCR test will detect any viral RNA that is present in a sample 99.9% of the time. However, Dr. Bullard testified that determining whether or not a sample is actually infectious (containing a viable virus, capable of replicating) needs to be confirmed by lab culture. As noted, only 44% of the “positive” samples using a Ct of 18 returned a viable lab culture. Samples tested at a Ct of over 25, according to Dr. Bullard’s report, produced no viable lab cultures.

Manitoba has confirmed that it utilizes Ct’s of up to 40, and even 45 in some cases. This indicates “cases” resulting from such tests (above a Ct of 25) are almost certainly not actually infectious.

The hearing into Manitoba’s response to Covid and its violation of Charter rights and freedoms continues this week.
good news, then good ol cbc -




Jan 22, 2018
OK, it's now official. The UK has lost it's shit....completely.

Read here how they now wanna jab over 18's before they're due because of one of the "new" Indian variants.

Over-18s in Blackburn to be offered Covid jab after rise in Indian variant cases

And on the very first link you click on within this article they are telling you this.

Just focusing on this part for a second....

"The concern is that certain new variants of the virus, like this one, may be able to spread more easily, make people sicker, or overpower vaccines"

So putting both these stories together, they are now asking 18 year olds to get jabbed up/magnified up/whatever, because there is a new Indian variant that can overcome the jab they are having.

I'm now emigrating at the earliest opportunity.


Mar 23, 2021
OK, it's now official. The UK has lost it's shit....completely.

Read here how they now wanna jab over 18's before they're due because of one of the "new" Indian variants.

Over-18s in Blackburn to be offered Covid jab after rise in Indian variant cases

And on the very first link you click on within this article they are telling you this.

Just focusing on this part for a second....

"The concern is that certain new variants of the virus, like this one, may be able to spread more easily, make people sicker, or overpower vaccines"

So putting both these stories together, they are now asking 18 year olds to get jabbed up/magnified up/whatever, because there is a new Indian variant that can overcome the jab they are having.

I'm now emigrating at the earliest opportunity.
Where 2? This BS is EVERYWHERE!


Mar 18, 2017
"The concern is that certain new variants of the virus, like this one, may be able to spread more easily, make people sicker, or overpower vaccines"
Overpower vaccines...that's funny. So will Matt Hancock's booster shots overpower the variants? It's all funny anyway

Isn't interesting that in April 2021...
He said: "We have been working on a programme of booster shots... for over a year now, and we back some of the only clinical trials in the world looking specifically at booster shots.


Mar 18, 2017
An article with cautious optimism for the future.

Deleting the Reset: The Imminent Struggle Ahead
This was lovely to read. Thanks for posting. I'll just comment on afew sections of it.

Elite factionalism is a real thing and within the conspiracy world, this subject has been written about by a couple people and i think i posted a link in a thread on this topic i can't possibly remember. Like any family, they'll also argue and fight about "what car and route to take" to a destination they all agree upon. The faction that Dr Reiner mentions as having grown impatient may have forgotten about/abandoned this "wisdom". Frontal assaults don't work.

"The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault." CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April l974 issue of the CFR's journal, Foreign Affairs.

This was very intriguing and my brain did spin over it. Maybe that's why alot of people feel or felt caught off guard by 2020. I suspect that this decision may have been reached circa 2005-2013. Iam basing that on; the Rockefeller documents of 2010 & 2013, the 2025 forecasts (which have so conveniently vanished), 2012 as the year that smartphones proliferated and when the "genetic scissors"/CRISPR Cas9 was "discovered". 2010-2013 was the time frame that alot of money was poured into mRNA and around which time that Moderna was founded (IIRC). 2030 &2050 always popped up more often in documents than 2020.
Last edited:

Lil axe

May 11, 2020
This was lovely to read. Thanks for posting. I'll just comment on afew sections of it.

View attachment 55755
Elite factionalism is a real thing and within the conspiracy world, this subject has been written about by a couple people and i think i posted a link in a thread on this topic i can't possibly remember. Like any family, they'll also argue and fight about "what car and route to take" to a destination they all agree upon. The faction that Dr Reiner mentions as having grown impatient may have forgotten about/abandoned this "wisdom". Frontal assaults don't work.

"The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault." CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April l974 issue of the CFR's journal, Foreign Affairs.

View attachment 55756
This was very intriguing and my brain did spin over it. Maybe that's why alot of people feel or felt caught off guard by 2020. I suspect that this decision may have been reached circa 2005-2013. Iam basing that on; the Rockefeller documents of 2010 & 2013, the 2025 forecasts (which have so conveniently vanished), 2012 as the year that smartphones proliferated and when the "genetic scissors"/CRISPR Cas9 was "discovered". 2010-2013 was the time frame that alot of money was poured into mRNA and around which time that Moderna was founded (IIRC)
i'm always reminded of this classic -


Jan 22, 2018
Overpower vaccines...that's funny. So will Matt Hancock's booster shots overpower the variants? It's all funny anyway
I think so yes Karly. If I've got this right the vaccine beats the virus but the new variants have subsequently fought back and now beats the vaccine but the booster possibly may overpower the new variants in a new battle leaving the booster wide open to get beaten by another much more deadly variant.

This will continue until Bill Gates switches on the big magnet and all the people who fell for it get sucked up into the clouds.

Population reduced. Boom!

....could happen :eek:
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Mar 23, 2021
This was lovely to read. Thanks for posting. I'll just comment on afew sections of it.

View attachment 55755
Elite factionalism is a real thing and within the conspiracy world, this subject has been written about by a couple people and i think i posted a link in a thread on this topic i can't possibly remember. Like any family, they'll also argue and fight about "what car and route to take" to a destination they all agree upon. The faction that Dr Reiner mentions as having grown impatient may have forgotten about/abandoned this "wisdom". Frontal assaults don't work.

"The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault." CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April l974 issue of the CFR's journal, Foreign Affairs.

View attachment 55756
This was very intriguing and my brain did spin over it. Maybe that's why alot of people feel or felt caught off guard by 2020. I suspect that this decision may have been reached circa 2005-2013. Iam basing that on; the Rockefeller documents of 2010 & 2013, the 2025 forecasts (which have so conveniently vanished), 2012 as the year that smartphones proliferated and when the "genetic scissors"/CRISPR Cas9 was "discovered". 2010-2013 was the time frame that alot of money was poured into mRNA and around which time that Moderna was founded (IIRC). 2030 &2050 always popped up more often in documents than 2020.
I have heard the same with the time of 2050 & then 2040 & now 2032 is the last i heard of so fits.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Unvaccinated soldiers should not expect ‘business as usual’ summer leave, says Fort Campbell general

“It would be irresponsible of me to allow soldiers to travel unvaccinated throughout the United States and bring that back and have an impact on our soldiers, their families and our overall operational readiness. I’m sure that’s not gonna be a popular decision for some, and that’s quite alright,” McGee said.