Duke University removed a statue of General Lee overnight while people were sleeping from it's famous chapel. In Durham., where Duke is located, there were rumors of a KKK march that did not happen and it is the same place some tore a statue down via mob like rule. I am okay if this is talked out and statues go to places like reenactment sites for the history that needs to be remembered is that we killed one another. Far too many people are commenting and assuming people in the south US are racist instead of the fact they had lineage with people who died in the war. While said war was partly due to slavery, it was also due to industrialization and people in the south fought for their land, not so much slavery. If the Union army marches in and is ready to kill, what are people in the south going to do?
There really is a lack of history knowledge here. General Lee's parents smuggled slaves out of the south. His wife taught black children school which was against the law in the south. He did not really want to fight for the South and the North recruited him after West Point then decided to go where his family lived and led the south. The Union Army under Sherman then put the south i flames and killed innocents once the war was decided under the guise that there would be no more uprising, but it was overkill and it is a fact they killed slaves as well for some really think Sherman gave crap. Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground yet you don't hear of people calling that out. The bottom line is that the war was complicated and the only goof thing that came out of it was slavery being abolished but the fight was for more than just that.
It is also worth noting that people went years without batting an eye at statues and it is not like they are going o come alive and kill someone. I certainly see why black America could take offense now that this is in the spotlight but most commenting here already have their minds made up and there is no rational in between discussion happening. Neither the north or south won in this instance. We all lost and some seem willing to go into another civil war because they are unwilling to negotiate.
Also, Antifa and White nats do not make up the majority of our country. There is hate there yet the media wants you to think this is the norm while they fan the flames of your emotion. They have pitted people against one another while they sap your freedom with what is to come.