burning man 2023


Sep 21, 2021
Yeah, this particular event seems rather suspicious. If there really isn't much water, there should be no reason for all these crazy restrictions. I guess this is how we know that this is an elite controlled thing for sure. Just that alone is evidence. It seems they are going to extremes lately, and I'm sad to know what next year will be like!
The "Burning Man Project" started in the early 80s as a ritual in the summer solstice...a Celtic pagan practice where "sacrifices" are made...and culminates in the burning of "the wicker man..."
Originally intended for the bohemians...it has envolved into a countercultural gathering...




Sep 21, 2021

"Sergey Brin and Elon Musk's brother, Kimbal, spotted at Burning Man as attendees struggled to deal with swampy, chaotic conditions..."


"The Nevada event has been a favorite of business elites and was previously attended by major tech players, including Elon Musk, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes.

The festival encourages anonymity and privacy. Nicknames and costumes often make it difficult to identify high-profile festivalgoers. Google cofounders Brin and Larry Page have reportedly attended the event repeatedly over the years. The pair even took former CEO Eric Schmidt to the arts festival more than two decades ago to see if he had what it took to become CEO."



Sep 21, 2021
"...Here are the famous CEOs and billionaires who have attended tech bros' favorite party, from Elon Musk to Ray Dalio..."

Dalio attended in 2019...

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Jul 12, 2022
The "Burning Man Project" started in the early 80s as a ritual in the summer solstice...a Celtic pagan practice where "sacrifices" are made...and culminates in the burning of "the wicker man..."
Originally intended for the bohemians...it has envolved into a countercultural gathering...

View attachment 90704

Yeah, I remember hearing this was a pagan based event. Sad, really. Maybe this was one of the reasons why the elites used their excuse to put out there weird redistrictions and such?

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
frequencies rule everything cause everything has
a resonate frequency
there is the thread that shows what can be done
using sound on water which is all Peoples are made
up of mostly
imagine the same effects but in Our bodies

Your a 100% correct
it would mimic eebowla which could be what's happening
specially since it's not usually Seen in the usa or canaduh
except on a few occasions
Peoples won't even think about that or how it could've
gotten to bm and where else the "infected"could've been
like stores,airports etc...

all they need is some sorta symptoms that can look
like whatever "disease"they've already terrorized the Peoples
with,that's why I figured eebowla cause it's been talked
and shown enough that most Peoples Know what it is
and that it's terrifying
Not sure if this has been posted already, but its worthwhile.



Jun 17, 2017
rain seems very suspicious.

i couldnt find any information on the satellite images for the past week-- i was wondering if they did some weather manipulation to create the rain and pin the people at the burning man site.


is this a test for Marburg?


Jul 20, 2023
I never believed in the "people see patterns where none exist" canard as has been used to explain away all too many 'coincidences', but on the other hand, at this juncture I feel that many who have gained some level of occult gnosis through exposure to decoding of the many ritualistic and symbolic events and high profile crimes through sites like VC and others, are indeed now looking for the symbolic under every stone and trying to detect patterns everywhere all the time, as if anticipating a pattern then going 'hunting' for it, rather than just observing from a detached point of view to see 'what is'.

One must exercise a great deal of discernment in the investigation of occult phenomena. In my opinion, from all I've seen, much of the speculation about Burning Man are at this stage jumping the gun and/or going overboard.

It's very easy to jump from one conspiracy to the next as if one were reading an engrossing true crime novel where you never know what's going to happen next, and getting lost in the story from the point of view of the protagonist and actively trying to 'solve' it all, but in reality engaged in a form of passive, almost trivial, entertainment. I'm not saying the subject of the occult and what the wizards behind the curtain are doing in the world is trivial, but that it can easily become trivialized if the basis for accumulating ever more knowledge about it becomes a subtle form of escapism, and that this very danger or 'trap' could be a larger meta narrative it is important to step back and give some consideration to. Just a word of caution, fwiw.


Mar 19, 2018
In my opinion, from all I've seen, much of the speculation about Burning Man are at this stage jumping the gun and/or going overboard.
Yup. Rain happens. With about 70,000 cellphones there, shouldn't we be relying on photographic and video evidence rather than "people are saying" and "we're hearing reports of..." type of stuff? If any of the rumors were true, there would be video.

Even then, things should be questioned and corroborated because the "fiery tornadoes" pics were not even from this year.

I'm not defending the festival itself - someday they'll reap what they sow. But hasn't everyone figured out by now that social media whores and influencers will absolutely lie for a few more likes and a few more followers? Actual evidence reigns supreme.
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Mar 19, 2018
It's quite intriguing how the Burning Man event is similar to Bohemian Grove...
It is totally similar, which makes sense since they are both the result of man's absolute rejection of God and celebration of themselves, other gods, and evil for all the world to see. Same demons at work, different events.

Actually, it's really interesting how BG operates in secrecy while BM is openly flaunted. That's how far the world has "progressed", I guess.
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Oct 20, 2021
I would bet that a large percentage of that audience got vaxxed. Also a large percentage is LGQBSWTF. My sympathy goes out to the Maui victims but these freaks not so much. The Maui victims were minding their own business and are totally innocent. These freaks were asking for trouble and looks like they got it. I nominate them all for Darwin awards
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Mar 19, 2018
I would bet that a large percentage of that audience got vaxxed. Also a large percentage is LGQBSWTF. My sympathy goes out to the Maui victims but these freaks not so much. The Maui victims were minding their own business and are totally innocent. These freaks were asking for trouble and looks like they got it.
It was completely self-inflicted, so zero sympathy. This makes me laugh -

Play stupid games...


Mar 19, 2018
The MSM will definitely use this event as another reason to cram the climate change agenda down our throats. Who knows maybe that's what this is all about in the final analysis.
Hot and dusty? Climate change.
Cold and rainy? Climate change.
Pleasantly moderate? Climate change.

There is no winning the climate change agenda.


May 15, 2017
The "Burning Man Project" started in the early 80s as a ritual in the summer solstice...a Celtic pagan practice where "sacrifices" are made...and culminates in the burning of "the wicker man..."
Originally intended for the bohemians...it has envolved into a countercultural gathering...

View attachment 90704

wonder if this is a public version of the grove as We
Know it's being setup by tptb or at least someone with
connections to them imo


May 15, 2017

"Sergey Brin and Elon Musk's brother, Kimbal, spotted at Burning Man as attendees struggled to deal with swampy, chaotic conditions..."


"The Nevada event has been a favorite of business elites and was previously attended by major tech players, including Elon Musk, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes.

The festival encourages anonymity and privacy. Nicknames and costumes often make it difficult to identify high-profile festivalgoers. Google cofounders Brin and Larry Page have reportedly attended the event repeatedly over the years. The pair even took former CEO Eric Schmidt to the arts festival more than two decades ago to see if he had what it took to become CEO."

wonder if they were allowed to leave since the airspace
was shutdown too
I betchya they were allowed special privileges the normal
Peoples weren't

that's a lot of "elites"in attendance there that were ok being
Seen by Peoples
that the event promotes anonymity,nicknames and costumes,
wonder how many more were there that no one noticed

makes me think even more that it's a public version of the grove
they're getting Peoples to celebrate something without even
realizing they're celebrating
We Know tptb do that sorta thing with other events to feed off the
energies of Peoples


Sep 21, 2021
wonder if they were allowed to leave since the airspace
was shutdown too
I betchya they were allowed special privileges the normal
Peoples weren't

that's a lot of "elites"in attendance there that were ok being
Seen by Peoples
that the event promotes anonymity,nicknames and costumes,
wonder how many more were there that no one noticed

makes me think even more that it's a public version of the grove
they're getting Peoples to celebrate something without even
realizing they're celebrating
We Know tptb do that sorta thing with other events to feed off the
energies of Peoples
Yes, and many of these "elites" have been attending for years... it seems "mandatory" for them to do so...