burning man 2023


May 15, 2017
something strange happening at this event
I figured We should have a thread to discuss any news
that is coming out about it

here a couple videos showing that there is barely any water
on the ground
so I'm not sure why Peoples aren't being allowed to leave,
unless of course there is the "disease"being said going around
course some "elites" are being allowed to leave
while normal Peoples are being made to shelter in place

there is Peoples saying that 13 have died and there's roughly
75k Peoples trapped there

there's been fiery tornadoes
there was even a double(black)rainbow over the place

there is also stories like this one coming out of Peoples being
evacuated and quarantined at lax
that fiema has showed up(strange how fast that was eh)and
there is a fence being erected around bm by another agency not

also saw someone mention this which I can totally Believe
I did say awhile back that the next attack would be something that
scares Peoples into submission because of the high mortality rate

it will be something that has Peoples bleeding from their eyes,
nose,mouth similar to eebowla
which is already a "disease"Peoples are familiar with and afraid

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May 15, 2017
found this interesting with what's happening
so if the place is crawling with police where
are all the police now and are they having to
stay sheltered in place

this doesn't sound like a Good time whatsoever

Jun 26, 2022


May 15, 2017
The fact that the place is called BLACKROCK city is very telling, in my opinion.
yeah pretty much tells Us everything We
need to Know about whose doing it every year

My personal opinion? Could be a planned outbreak event, using the fact that the conditions are absolutely filthy to begin with gives plausble deniability. With the kinds of things that go on i would not be surprised if people come back from there with diseases they didn't already have under normal dry conditions...
I thought the same thing
the conditions give a perfect excuse as to why
any sorta outbreaks would happen

We Know tptb do everything they do against Us
with as much plausible deniability as they can
the more the better as this way it's always just
crazy ctheorists making up theories eh

with how many Peoples attend the bm it's a very
logical place to use a bioweapon
there is more then enough to "infect" and have enough
slip out even from a quarantined area that tptb could say
ended up spreading it
why I think We're Seeing/Hearing about so many being
stopped and kept at lax
so tptb have that excuse and it can become another "pandemic"

what are the chances that it would be eebowla even,how would
it have gotten there a festival goer?
that's probably gonna be the excuse to how it got there or is this
gonna be marrburg weapon?
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Jun 26, 2022
with how many Peoples attend the bm it's a very
logical place to use a bioweapon
there is more then enough to "infect" and have enough
slip out even from a quarantined area that tptb could say
ended up spreading it
why I think We're Seeing/Hearing about so many being
stopped and kept at lax
so tptb have that excuse and it can become another "pandemic
Yes, there's definitely a hyping up going on, plus msm "debunking", knowing many don't trust msm.

At the same time according to the burning man official tweet they are allowing people to leave if they leave on foot

It is possible to walk to the blacktop County Road 34. If you do this make sure you have water and the strength to walk as much as 5 miles through the mud. This isn’t a simple solution, but it is a possible one should you need or want to make the trek


May 15, 2017
Yes, there's definitely a hyping up going on, plus msm "debunking", knowing many don't trust msm.

At the same time according to the burning man official tweet they are allowing people to leave if they leave on foot

if they can leave on feet than they should be allowed to
leave by car
what about those with vehicles there,they just leave em
until whenever they're allowed to get them back

are they testing whoever leaves for anything that is being said
to be spreading there or for w/e they're quarantining/fencing Peoples
in for
if not then there's the excuse needed to say it came outta bm


May 15, 2017
Sounds like a 5G targeted attack exercise.
at 2:45
that is exactly what that is Frank and tptb have no
issue showing/telling Us about it but want to say it's
just a ctheory if someone like Us bring it up

that's what all the g5 towers do they're the invisible fence
to keep Us in their prison cities and a punishment if We
step outta line

if Ya step outta line they will have the ability to turn Us off
(forget the movie but it shut the girl down so she couldn't
move anything not even blinking)or do w/e else for an attack
We have quite a few posts showing the damages that can
be caused by this weapon

for all We Know the things being found in xav is something that
interacts with the frequencies put forth by the towers and I also
Believe they make Peoples walking antennas that can cause the
same or similar frequencies as the towers do only they're everywhere
cause they are mobile

any sorta technology tptb give Us as entertainment,tools etc..
was a weapon first and is still a weapon after just most Peoples
don't Know it
Jun 26, 2022
if they can leave on feet than they should be allowed to
leave by car
what about those with vehicles there,they just leave em
until whenever they're allowed to get them back

are they testing whoever leaves for anything that is being said
to be spreading there or for w/e they're quarantining/fencing Peoples
in for
if not then there's the excuse needed to say it came outta bm
Theyre using the excuse that if the vehicle gets stuck in the mud it will block traffic.

I doubt theyre testing either, as their official site is claiming there is no disease spreading


May 15, 2017
Imagine someone being hit with serious EMF waves that burn your skin and cook you while your alive. It would mimic Ebola.

edit: Burning man...exactly.
frequencies rule everything cause everything has
a resonate frequency
there is the thread that shows what can be done
using sound on water which is all Peoples are made
up of mostly
imagine the same effects but in Our bodies

Your a 100% correct
it would mimic eebowla which could be what's happening
specially since it's not usually Seen in the usa or canaduh
except on a few occasions
Peoples won't even think about that or how it could've
gotten to bm and where else the "infected"could've been
like stores,airports etc...

all they need is some sorta symptoms that can look
like whatever "disease"they've already terrorized the Peoples
with,that's why I figured eebowla cause it's been talked
and shown enough that most Peoples Know what it is
and that it's terrifying

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
frequencies rule everything cause everything has
a resonate frequency
there is the thread that shows what can be done
using sound on water which is all Peoples are made
up of mostly

imagine the same effects but in Our bodies as Your
a 100% correct
it would mimic which could be what's happening
specially since it's not usually Seen in the usa or canaduh
except on few occasions
Peoples won't even think about that or how it could've
gotten wherever

all they need is some sorta symptoms that can look
like whatever "disease"they've already terrorized the Peoples
with,that's why I figured eebowla cause it's been talked
and shown enough that most Peoples Know what it is
and that it's terrifying
People forget that Wuhan was a testing city for 5G. People were dropping because they couldn't breath. It was like altitude sickness. Reminds me of that satanic rapper Travis Scott festival where all those people died.

Controlled corporate media spin..

Some social media users are falsely claiming that the death of at least eight people at Astroworld, a U.S. music festival in Houston, Texas, was caused by 5G technologies.
An example can be seen here with the text: “Houston News now reporting 17 dead of cardiac arrest at last night’s Travis Scott concert. Number keeps going up. Youngest 10 years old. I hope I am wrong but my gut tells me this is just the start of a lot of ‘unexplained’ sudden deaths.” The description of the post reads: “The youngest was 10 years old!!!! This stadium was recently installed with wide band FIVE G. Look it up yourself. Tell me this isn’t a weapon.”
Comments on the post read: “Yeah 5G is clearly a tool for the enemy to use! But Travis was doing demonic rituals. That’s what happened last night. But yeah 5G is 100000% a tool they use”, “5G attack?” and “Frequencies”.
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May 15, 2017
Theyre using the excuse that if the vehicle gets stuck in the mud it will block traffic.

I doubt theyre testing either, as their official site is claiming there is no disease spreading
ok well why not put down some planks or something then
there is ways they can create a temporary lane to allow
Peoples to drive out

are We shocked it's not being reported in any msm yet
I Know I'm not
if there is gonna be a "outbreak" it won't get mentioned by
msm until a few days-week later
this way they can say it's spread even more and farther
cause all the Peoples coming out wouldn't be going straight
home with no stops


May 15, 2017
People forget that Wuhan was a testing city for 5G. People were dropping because they couldn't breath. It was like altitude sickness. Reminds me of that satanic rapper festival where all those people died.

edit:Travis Scott
Peoples forget a lot of things as tptb keep distraction
after distraction going

there is also the Havana episode which I think was a
g5 attack


May 15, 2017

this is one the biggest gatherings for the event and its the first time it's
seen rain since 1986

no worries as the party can continue the local bars are Seeing record
numbers packed into them
guess Ya have to keep Peoples inebriated so they don't rise up but than
again Ya would think drinking/drugs would be a bad idea in this situation
cause a lot of Peoples grow ten foot tall and bullet proof
I can See Peoples trying to get out more because of this

mentions that on top of not riding motor/bicycles,they recommend not even
pushing Your bikes around lol that's crazy next thing they'll be saying is to sit
where ever Your camp is and no leaving at all oh wait I think they did say that eh
no vehicles of any kind even walking is discouraged according to this article

they're urging anyone with rv's,suv's etc.. to offer shelter to those who're
staying in tents
which is just what I would want to camp out with Peoples idk doing who
Knows what to alter their state of mind

why would they being doing that though,if fiema is on the scenes why
wouldn't they be offering better shelter,food,water etc.. what are they there for
why is there another unknown agency putting up a fence around them

We also See the police/security got to high ground by driving their vehicles
up a hill but I thought it was too treacherous to drive
I guess that's only for Us,rules for thee but not for me with tptb always

this also has some images,videos that wasn't shared yet

I still stand by what I said above
I don't understand why this is bringing the place to a lockdown and a shelter
in place as there isn't as much flooding as they made it seem like I was thinking
feet of water when I Heard about this and there's what maybe 2inches if that
there is still no idea of how long they will be there and no one is saying any estimated
time of this lockdown
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Jul 12, 2022
Yeah, this particular event seems rather suspicious. If there really isn't much water, there should be no reason for all these crazy restrictions. I guess this is how we know that this is an elite controlled thing for sure. Just that alone is evidence. It seems they are going to extremes lately, and I'm sad to know what next year will be like!