Aisha's age at the time of her marriage


Jan 29, 2018
And what about the little girls who didn't get pregnant? This shows that their body is NOT old enough to be "called" and adult...because they aren't...they're fucking children!...but the only way your type can find this out is by sticking your dick in them.

Since whem has a man's penis been the barometer of a female's physical development?

It wouldn't stand in any court I know as a form of defence.

Whichever book told you it's OK to do that...go burn the thing.
"Since whem has a man's penis been the barometer of a female's physical development?

It wouldn't stand in any court I know as a form of defence."
You dang skippy A2... and once inside jail, the inmates aint going to want to hear any of these justifications either. Confrontation is mandatory on-sight if the paperwork proves someone is a Cho-mo.


Jan 22, 2018
"Since whem has a man's penis been the barometer of a female's physical development?

It wouldn't stand in any court I know as a form of defence."
You dang skippy A2... and once inside jail, the inmates aint going to want to hear any of these justifications either. Confrontation is mandatory on-sight if the paperwork proves someone is a Cho-mo.
It's a sad indicator of current society and also highly ironic that the only people dishing out real justice to these perverts are the guys behind bars.


May 20, 2017
1. 1, 437 years ago I bet all of our ancestors married early and died early.
2. No one knows for sure her age, there are different numbers present in hadith literature including older ones.
3. Nevertheless they did marry early and consummate at puberty, and there was no concept of teenage years in those ancient times.
The Quran upholds the fact that there is a marriage age.
And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. Then if you perceive in them sound judgement, release their property to them. And do not consume it excessively and quickly, [anticipating] that they will grow up. And whoever, [when acting as guardian], is self-sufficient should refrain [from taking a fee]; and whoever is poor - let him take according to what is acceptable. Then when you release their property to them, bring witnesses upon them. And sufficient is Allah as Accountant. Quran 4:6
4. Permission had to be sought from the girl in question otherwise the marriage was invalid religiously.
5. Women are allowed to divorce in Islam and she could have divorced if there was any injustice, also marriage is an honorable institution not a dishonorable one.
6. That culture should be evaluated by other cultures of that time not today otherwise you are being subjective and punitive. Early marriage was the norm of all cultures of that time, and such marriage customs were ubiquitous. Hence early marriages were found in all the tribes, lands and empires of that time.
7. it is said that people matured early historically.
8. Your own ancestors and that of most of your religious ,political and historical figures are full of early marriages.
9. Be just and examine western history in recent times! 600 years ago Richard the 2nd of England married Isabel of France when she was 7. The discussions in scholarship are focused on how he helped Europe and not his marriage.
10. Take a look at the bible. Mary peace be upon her, according to the bible was 12 and Joseph was 90 years ago. (Muslims believe she was not married to him btw)
11. Rebecca was married at 3 years old and where are the discussions about Judaic law which allows for consummation and marriage at that age.
12. Note that marriage customs have changed and that customs are not revelation and are allowed to change.
I already posted on this thread the ages people were allowed to marry at:
However here is another excerpt about this topic and please note we are discussing marriage here for the last 400 years not even 1, 400+ years ago.
"Many people in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and indeed nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did not know when they were born and had only vague understandings of how old they were. For many, precise ages were not an important part of their self-understanding. Marrying at younger ages in such a world would be far less noteworthy than it would be for us. But earlier Americans also reckoned age differently than we do. They did not believe, for instance, that there were particular ages at which a person should go to school (especially if there were no schools), start working, or get married. These things happened when a person was large enough or able enough or financially prepared enough, and those moments might come at different times for different people.

For most of American history there was no distinction between the marriage of two minors or that between one party who was older (sometimes considerably so) and one who was younger. Once contracted, marriage has been, and largely remains, a one-size-fits-all institution. Culturally and socially, however, observers may react very differently to these phenomena, understanding the former as perhaps foolhardy, whereas the latter could be dangerous or exploitative. Contemporary observers may recoil when an older man marries a girl below the age of eighteen because they suspect him of p***philia. Marriage, in this analysis, is simply a back door to that which is illegal outside of it, especially when divorce is widely available; the man can simply divorce the underage girl when he tires of her (or when she ages). These concerns are not invalid, but they were usually not shared by Americans before the twentieth century, who were far more concerned that premarital sex led to the ruin of girls who would be unable to marry and might thus be destined for lives of prostitution. Before the 1920s, most people also did not share our understanding of p***philia, the sexual predilection of some adults for children. Because of this, most objections to the marriage of girls (or boys) would not have been framed around the issue of sex or sexual exploitation. Instead, early critics of youthful marriage worried that it robbed girls of girlhood or that it might lead to divorce. Although I never dismiss the very real imbalance in power that characterized marriages with great age disparities, in this book I also explain why earlier Americans did not necessarily see this as a problem and offer historical context for how and when Americans came to see man-girl marriage as sexually suspect."

May the Creator guide us all. Ameen!
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May 20, 2017
Although people would be betrothed early, consummation was only allowed after puberty was established.
Early marriages were worldwide customs.
Age of Consent in European-American History:

Quran 4:6
And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. Then if you perceive in them sound judgement, release their property to them. And do not consume it excessively and quickly, [anticipating] that they will grow up. And whoever, [when acting as guardian], is self-sufficient should refrain [from taking a fee]; and whoever is poor - let him take according to what is acceptable. Then when you release their property to them, bring witnesses upon them. And sufficient is Allah as Accountant.

May Allah give us all wisdom and guidance. Ameen.
Last post here, God willing.
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Mar 26, 2017
then why do you get ballistic about legal marriage. why dont you go crazy on the immoral/illegal sex epidemic in the west?
- Can you use that squishy thing in your head? This thread is NOT about sex with multiple girls, hellooo. I know that's what going on in your head throughout the day but this is not the thread to expose your fetish.

then why Jesus is depicted as a european white worldwide, even in Africa ??
- There is a black Jesus and Korean Jesus...etc Does this make it a black man or asian man religion? No one cares about what His skin color was except some non believer like you. Matter of fact, no one know what he look like. If there is a picture of him, it's not accurate.
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Jan 29, 2018
your own attempts at introducing Islam, Mohammad (pbuh), Aisha etc. into the dialog here is irrelevant. Nobody is forcing you to do so... i am talking about puberty and its affects and meaning.

those who had "Harem" did not force definition of their liking down your throat. so that bizzare mention has nothing to do here.
Nowhere in my post which you are responding to did I mention Mohammed Aisha or Islam specifically... although they represent the main topic of this thread. You made your wackadoo comment about Western morals being responsible for multiple partner sexual activity... I just exposed your accusation as faulty with one question... which you conveniently refused to answer. So where did the word "haram" origionate from? What is its meaning?


Jan 29, 2018
Instead I would like to paste the article so that the readers on this forum see the evidence for themselves against those who object wrongfully and without evidence on marriage of young adults.

Age of Consent in European & American History
By Discover The Truth • September 9, 2013

What was the ‘Age of Consent’ in European and American history, prior to the 20th century? In this article, I shall bring forth evidences which demonstrate that the ‘Age of consent’ was indeed, very young, even by today’s standards. I will provide academic sources which show that girls were allowed to be married at the age of 10 years old and sometimes times, as young as 7 years old, legally. It was norm just over 100 years ago to see girls being married off at very young ages. In most cultures, the marriage would have been consummated at the onset of puberty.

1. Professor of history Margaret Wade Labarge

2. Professor Richard Wortley and Professor Stephen Smallbone, both of whom state that prior to the 1900s girls married very young,

3. In the book, ‘Sex and Society’,

4. Richard A. Posner is chief judge of the U.S court of appeals, Seventh Circuit Chicago. Katherine B. Silbaugh is associate Professor at Boston University School of Law, they say that before the 1900s age of consent was ten years old,

5. The Scottish Law prior to 1900s by Sir John Comyns and Stewart Kyd,

6. Professor of Sociology Anthony Joseph Paul Cortese says that a 50 year old man being with a girl under 10 (being intimate) Under United States law was legal until the mid 1960s,

7. Maureen Dabbagh is a writer and author. Born in Michigan, she serves as a Virginia Supreme Court Family Mediator, she echoes the same statements as previous authors,

8. Mike A. Males is an American sociologist who writes from a pro youth rights perspective. Males is a professor at the University of California, he writes,

9. Arthur Siccan Author of the Book: ‘What’s Wrong in America: A Look at Troublesome Issues in Our Country’, goes in a lot of detail on the issue of marriage at earlier times,

10. The ’American Bar Association’ Journal [August 1996]:

11. Sinikka Elliott

12. Susan M. Ross

13. Carolyn Cocca:

14. Merril D. Smith says that the age which a girl could marry was 10 to 13 in most societies,

15. Melissa Hope Ditmore

16. Caryn Neumann

17. Martha Rosenthal:

18. Paula S. Fass

19. Edward J. Wood says that Thomas Lord Berkley was contracted to a girl who was at the time 7 years old and were to consummate the marriage 4 years later, but due to illness the marriage was consummated the following year,

The following Table below shows most of the European countries and American States, ‘Age of Consent.’
I would like to thank ‘’ for all the information they have provided on age of consent in 1880. I retrieved the information from this website:


Date compiled from the following sources: Hirschfeld, Magnus. The Homosexuality of Men and Women. Translated by Michael Lombardi-Nash. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2000; Killias, Martin. “The Emergence of a New Taboo: The Desexualization of Youth in Western Societies Since 1800.” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 8 (2000): 466; Odem, Mary. Delinquent Daughters: Policing and Protecting Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995; “Worldwide Ages of Consent,” AVERTing HIV and Aids, (accessed November 29, 2007).

Primary Source Text: Age Limit in Age of Consent Laws in Selected Countries.

England & Wales131616
New South Wales121616
Western Australia121416
United States
District of Columbia121616
New Hampshire101616
New Jersey101616
New Mexico101617
New York101817
North Carolina101616
North Dakota101818
Rhode Island101616
South Carolina101616
South Dakota101816
West Virginia121616

Don’t forget to follow Discover The Truth on Facebook and Twitter. PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favourite social networks. Thank You!

A Medieval Miscellany By Margaret Wade Labarge page 52
[2]Internet Child Pornography: Causes, Investigation, and Prevention By Richard Wortley, Stephen Smallbon page 10
[3] Sex and Society, Volume 1 page 54
[4] A Guide to America’s Sex Laws by Richard A. Posner & Katharine B. Silbaugh page 44
[5] Sir John Comyns, Stewart Kyd A Digest of the Laws of England, Volume 2, page 73
[6] Opposing Hate Speech By Professor of Sociology Anthony Joseph Paul Cortese page 85
[7] Parental Kidnapping in America: An Historical and Cultural Analysis By Maureen Dabbagh Page 128
[8] Teenage Sex and Pregnancy: Modern Myths, Unsexy Realities By Mike A. Males page 40
[9] What’s Wrong in America: A Look at Troublesome Issues in Our Country By Arthur Siccan
[10] ABA [American Bar Association] Journal Aug 1996 page 87
[11] Not My Kid: What Parents Believe about the Sex Lives of Their Teenagers By Sinikka Elliott page 14-15
[12] American Families Past and Present: Social Perspectives on Transformations by Susan M. Ross page 40
[13] Adolescent Sexuality: A Historical Handbook and Guide by Carolyn Cocca page 15
[14] Encyclopedia of r*pe by Merril D. Smith page 40
[15] Prostitution and Sex Work By Melissa Hope Ditmore page xxi [Introduction]
[16] Sexual Crime: A Reference Handbook By Caryn Neumann page 17
[17] Human Sexuality: From Cells to Society, [1st ed.: From Cells to Society] By Martha Rosenthal page 422
[18] The Routledge History of Childhood in the Western World by Paula S. Fass page 235
[19] Edward J. Wood, The wedding day in all ages and countries (1869) page 209 – 210
[20] “Age of Consent Laws
,” in Children and Youth in History, Item #24, (accessed September 7, 2013). Annotated by Stephen Robertson

Related Articles :

Bible: Child Marriage in Ancient Israelite times Does Numbers 31:18 Sanction Pre-Pubescent Marriages (Child Marriage)? 12 Year-old Mary’s Marriage To Joseph the Carpenter! Isaac’s Marriage To 10 Year Old Rebecca? Minimum Age For Marriage In The Bible


1957 a 22 year old Jerry Lee Lewis legally married his 13 year old cousin.

America’s Child-Marriage Problem (

CHILD MARRIAGE IN AMERICA: ( , 1 , 2 , 3 ., 4 )

Child marriage chart reveals girls can wed at 12 in some parts of the US (

1937: Homer Peel, 34, Kisses His 12-Year-Old Bride Geneva On The Steps Of A Tennessee Courthouse ( 1 , 2 , 3 )

Jewish Child Brides — Why the Barbaric Practice of Marrying Off Young Girls Persists” (

Haredi Parents Marry Off 13-year-old Daughter as ‘Penance’ for Flirtations” (

Hassidic Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Schick Suspected of Officiating Marriages of Underage Couples ” (

Eunice Johns 9, Married 22-year-old Charlie Johns 1937 (Feb 2nd 1937 ) ( 1 , 2 , 3 ,)

India: Villagers attack police who prevented child marriages ” ( * * *)

Commenting on the “Palestinian child brides” fabricated story ” ( * * * * )

Thirty-seven percent of girls in Nepal marry before age 18, and 10 percent are married by age 15 ” ( * * * * )

Police break up wedding involving 14-year-old girl ” ( * *) (30th August 2017)
This is all irrelevant distraction and deflection in order to take the focus away from the epidemic of child r*pe and trafficking in the Muslim world, which traces its justifications back to your crowds faulty theological justifications... justifications which you have failed to defend here. There is a reason you people keep shouting "look over there" while finger pointing at the rest of the world. If you wish to start a thread about these topics, feel free to do so, but please remain on topic here.


Jan 29, 2018
Although people would be betrothed early, consummation was only allowed after puberty was established.
Early marriages were worldwide customs.
Age of Consent in European-American History:

Quran 4:6
And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. Then if you perceive in them sound judgement, release their property to them. And do not consume it excessively and quickly, [anticipating] that they will grow up. And whoever, [when acting as guardian], is self-sufficient should refrain [from taking a fee]; and whoever is poor - let him take according to what is acceptable. Then when you release their property to them, bring witnesses upon them. And sufficient is Allah as Accountant.

May Allah give us all wisdom and guidance. Ameen.
Last post here, God willing.
What does medieval Europe have to do with the current plague of ped activity afflicting the Muslim world or its supposed theological justification?


Jan 29, 2018
1. 1, 437 years ago I bet all of our ancestors married early and died early.
2. No one knows for sure her age, there are different numbers present in hadith literature including older ones.
3. Nevertheless they did marry early and consummate at puberty, and there was no concept of teenage years in those ancient times.
The Quran upholds the fact that there is a marriage age.
And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. Then if you perceive in them sound judgement, release their property to them. And do not consume it excessively and quickly, [anticipating] that they will grow up. And whoever, [when acting as guardian], is self-sufficient should refrain [from taking a fee]; and whoever is poor - let him take according to what is acceptable. Then when you release their property to them, bring witnesses upon them. And sufficient is Allah as Accountant. Quran 4:6
4. Permission had to be sought from the girl in question otherwise the marriage was invalid religiously.
5. Women are allowed to divorce in Islam and she could have divorced if there was any injustice, also marriage is an honorable institution not a dishonorable one.
6. That culture should be evaluated by other cultures of that time not today otherwise you are being subjective and punitive. Early marriage was the norm of all cultures of that time, and such marriage customs were ubiquitous. Hence early marriages were found in all the tribes, lands and empires of that time.
7. it is said that people matured early historically.
8. Your own ancestors and that of most of your religious ,political and historical figures are full of early marriages.
9. Be just and examine western history in recent times! 600 years ago Richard the 2nd of England married Isabel of France when she was 7. The discussions in scholarship are focused on how he helped Europe and not his marriage.
10. Take a look at the bible. Mary peace be upon her, according to the bible was 12 and Joseph was 90 years ago. (Muslims believe she was not married to him btw)
11. Rebecca was married at 3 years old and where are the discussions about Judaic law which allows for consummation and marriage at that age.
12. Note that marriage customs have changed and that customs are not revelation and are allowed to change.
I already posted on this thread the ages people were allowed to marry at:
However here is another excerpt about this topic and please note we are discussing marriage here for the last 400 years not even 1, 400+ years ago.
"Many people in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and indeed nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did not know when they were born and had only vague understandings of how old they were. For many, precise ages were not an important part of their self-understanding. Marrying at younger ages in such a world would be far less noteworthy than it would be for us. But earlier Americans also reckoned age differently than we do. They did not believe, for instance, that there were particular ages at which a person should go to school (especially if there were no schools), start working, or get married. These things happened when a person was large enough or able enough or financially prepared enough, and those moments might come at different times for different people.

For most of American history there was no distinction between the marriage of two minors or that between one party who was older (sometimes considerably so) and one who was younger. Once contracted, marriage has been, and largely remains, a one-size-fits-all institution. Culturally and socially, however, observers may react very differently to these phenomena, understanding the former as perhaps foolhardy, whereas the latter could be dangerous or exploitative. Contemporary observers may recoil when an older man marries a girl below the age of eighteen because they suspect him of p***philia. Marriage, in this analysis, is simply a back door to that which is illegal outside of it, especially when divorce is widely available; the man can simply divorce the underage girl when he tires of her (or when she ages). These concerns are not invalid, but they were usually not shared by Americans before the twentieth century, who were far more concerned that premarital sex led to the ruin of girls who would be unable to marry and might thus be destined for lives of prostitution. Before the 1920s, most people also did not share our understanding of p***philia, the sexual predilection of some adults for children. Because of this, most objections to the marriage of girls (or boys) would not have been framed around the issue of sex or sexual exploitation. Instead, early critics of youthful marriage worried that it robbed girls of girlhood or that it might lead to divorce. Although I never dismiss the very real imbalance in power that characterized marriages with great age disparities, in this book I also explain why earlier Americans did not necessarily see this as a problem and offer historical context for how and when Americans came to see man-girl marriage as sexually suspect."

May the Creator guide us all. Ameen!
What do your distraction and deflection attempts here have to do with the epidemic of ped activity in the Muslim world or the faulty theological justification used to excuse this shameful activity?


May 20, 2017
What do your distraction and deflection attempts here have to do with the epidemic of ped activity in the Muslim world or the faulty theological justification used to excuse this shameful activity?
Early marriage is a custom and its values and norms were informed by ancient cultural norms.
However, marriage customs are changeable unlike revelation and forced marriages are downright against our faith.
I support all efforts to end these customs and applaud organizations that aid in these efforts.
For example, Islamic Relief's efforts to stop this practice.
Putting an end to early and forced marriage


Jan 29, 2018
Early marriage is a custom and its values and norms were informed by ancient cultural norms.
However, marriage customs are changeable unlike revelation and forced marriages are downright against our faith.
I support all efforts to end these customs and applaud organizations that aid in these efforts.
For example, Islamic Relief's efforts to stop this practice.
Putting an end to early and forced marriage
But if you support the hadeeth, then you are supporting the practice today... because we both know that it provides the main component used for justifying these actions by the criminals who commit them. People can full-on support both the hadeeth/activity, or they can say "I recognize how things used to be, but I reject the practice today..." However the people who want to use this as justification for their evil deeds continue to find a shield to hide behind via these hadeeths. That is why Im trying to discern the truth, and it appears the truth is that Aisha was older at the time of her marriage to Muhammed than what the most-accepted hadeeth system claims.


Jan 29, 2018
That is breaking news. Muslims did not know that.

You have brought no evidence at all and insist on your personal opinion.

it is Natural Justifications DUDE.
So you are denying the epidemic of child-trafficking, r*pe and worse in the Muslim world? Funny how you are so quick to call this obvious epidemic out when the participants come from outside Muslim populations...

"You have brought no evidence at all and insist on your personal opinion."
I brought no evidence that group/multiple partner sexual activity exists within the global Muslim population? Why are you so obsessed with this unrelated aspect of human sexuality? Why havent you still been able to explain the definition and origin of the word "harem"?

"it is Natural Justifications DUDE."
There is NOTHING "natural" regarding a grown man raping a child and then expecting her to act as a lifelong spouse.
Dec 22, 2019
yh she was defo 8 years old at the time she was married.
This is Aishas own words on the subject. One would think that she would know...........Narrated ‘Aishah that the Prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).”[1]
“The Messenger of God came to our house and men and women of the Ansar gathered around him. My mother came to me
[Aisha] while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. Jumaymah, my nurse, took over and wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door, she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was then brought [in] while the Messenger of God was sitting on a bed in our house. [My mother] made me sit on his lap and said, “These are your relatives. May God bless you with them and bless them with you!” Then the men and women got up and left. The Messenger of God consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old.”[2]


Jan 29, 2018
yh she was defo 8 years old at the time she was married.
Feel free to produce some new evidence which the ped-apologiststs here have failed to produce regarding the matter to prove your contention. If you have conclusive proof one way or the other, this is the place to present it.
Dec 22, 2019
Feel free to produce some new evidence which the ped-apologiststs here have failed to produce regarding the matter to prove your contention. If you have conclusive proof one way or the other, this is the place to present it.
honestly, tho, the quran scriptures quoted she was 8.

Im not against muslims, they are peaceful with their beliefs, I just wanted to come here and agree.
Dec 22, 2019
then why do you get ballistic about legal marriage. why dont you go crazy on the immoral/illegal sex epidemic in the west?

then why Jesus is depicted as a european white worldwide, even in Africa ??
Jesus is depicted as a european white man because the white media white washes people of colour. This is a common fact. Jesus WAS a jew, the people who wrote the bible were people of colour. The white men who rewrote the bible made it seem like it was a white man's religion.
Dec 22, 2019
So you are denying the epidemic of child-trafficking, r*pe and worse in the Muslim world? Funny how you are so quick to call this obvious epidemic out when the participants come from outside Muslim populations...

"You have brought no evidence at all and insist on your personal opinion."
I brought no evidence that group/multiple partner sexual activity exists within the global Muslim population? Why are you so obsessed with this unrelated aspect of human sexuality? Why havent you still been able to explain the definition and origin of the word "harem"?

"it is Natural Justifications DUDE."
There is NOTHING "natural" regarding a grown man raping a child and then expecting her to act as a lifelong spouse.
I agree, but I want to ask, was it true that Mary was 14 when she was with Joseph?


Jan 29, 2018
honestly, tho, the quran scriptures quoted she was 8.

Im not against muslims, they are peaceful with their beliefs, I just wanted to come here and agree.
If you could post the Quranic scriptures where it quotes her as 8, Im willing to check out your contentions. So long as people are respectful and on-topic, this topic thread is for dialog and for us to examine evidence together here, in the open.


Jan 29, 2018
I agree, but I want to ask, was it true that Mary was 14 when she was with Joseph?
That I honestly do not know about. There is a thread all about Mary, but many of the same people who came here to distract and deflect have done the same over there.
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May 20, 2017
But if you support the hadeeth, then you are supporting the practice today... because we both know that it provides the main component used for justifying these actions by the criminals who commit them. People can full-on support both the hadeeth/activity, or they can say "I recognize how things used to be, but I reject the practice today.
I think you need to understand that marriage practices are a component of customs and are therefore changeable. What was common practice at that time is no longer common practice at this time and it has no bearing on our belief system anymore than other wedding traditions and practices which differ around the Muslim world. Those hadiths pertain to events at that time and the cultural practices of that time. They are historical facts like other events of that time. People are actually marrying later around the Muslim world except in some war torn regions and this is an area where people can benefit from more informed decisions.

That is what I tried to explain here:
"DesertRose, post: 485888, member: 458"]
Early marriage is a custom and its values and norms were informed by ancient cultural norms.
However, marriage customs are changeable unlike revelation and forced marriages are downright against our faith.
I support all efforts to end these customs and applaud organizations that aid in these efforts.
For example, Islamic Relief's efforts to stop this practice.
Putting an end to early and forced marriage
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