Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

lady rose

Feb 23, 2018
I think as time goes on Taemin gets darker and darker. He is now referred to as being the Korean Michael Jackson. I don’t know if I believe that Jonghyun was sacrificed because I truly believe he committed suicide, but if he WAS it seems like it was for Taemin.

Also, not related to success, but Taemin is even being called the King of Gays haha. As time goes on he gets more and more dark and more and more feminine. I don’t think there is anything wrong with men being feminine but there has been a huge change in him.
That is why..I also don't know if Jonghyun was sacrificed or not.But after his death,suddenly everything about Taemin.If its true Jonghyun was sacrificed for taemin,that is so cruel and too much.Wonder what Jonghyun think at that time of his death..:'(


Dec 26, 2017
EXO and BTS have several members who claim to be friends.- do you think this is fake and for publicity?
Also, what about Taemin and his "exclusive" group of friends? he seems to be the leader and they use an illuminati symbol on their jackets.
do you think Taemin is deeply into the occult? He is just a puppet or more than that?
This wasn’t a question for me, but among his friend group they all have the master number of 11. (Aside from two. But he, Kai, and Jimin have that same master number)

I think that his friend group is probably more sinister than we realize. I think they may actually be friends, but I do think that they may be used by the elite more than others (and will be used more in the future)
I think that there is a chance bag their friend group isnt purely just an innocent friendship.


Dec 22, 2017
This wasn’t a question for me, but among his friend group they all have the master number of 11. (Aside from two. But he, Kai, and Jimin have that same master number)

I think that his friend group is probably more sinister than we realize. I think they may actually be friends, but I do think that they may be used by the elite more than others (and will be used more in the future)
I think that there is a chance bag their friend group isnt purely just an innocent friendship.
yeah I talked about their numerology before
I notice that all of them have a very similar style and even look and act the same. Jimin started to act more feminine (like Taemin) after becoming friends with him

It's also a mistery how he entered that group because Taemin and Kai know eachother since predebut and the other members of the group know eachother from years ago too but jimin is the one who entered the "squad" late and when he is asked about how he met Taemin he always ignores the question

Ravi from the group VIXX was part of this group before but since Jimin joined they never include him anymore. when Taemin talks about his "squad" he completely ignores Ravi, and it seems he was replaced for jimin.


Dec 26, 2017
yeah I talked about their numerology before
I notice that all of them have a very similar style and even look and act the same. Jimin started to act more feminine (like Taemin) after becoming friends with him

It's also a mistery how he entered that group because Taemin and Kai know eachother since predebut and the other members of the group know eachother from years ago too but jimin is the one who entered the "squad" late and when he is asked about how he met Taemin he always ignores the question

Ravi from the group VIXX was part of this group before but since Jimin joined they never include him anymore. when Taemin talks about his "squad" he completely ignores Ravi, and it seems he was replaced for jimin.
Yeah I never even knew that Ravi was their friend until his recent song. It is weird that suddenly he is no longer mentioned by Taemin. Taemin usually talks about his friends very often because he seems to be proud of them, but I never knew he was friends with him.

Well, if what you say is true (i always have doubts on anonimous sources without any proves for their claims) EXO are really a bunch of bitter men.
Maybe they should stop bitching and bullying each other and start working together instead of claim how can people like "ugly idols" that are more focused than them and work more than them.
Many things can be said but one thing is for sure, BTS and BigHits are not stupid, they chose right people with talents instead of just pretty faced lazy guys.
there is a video of Suho reacting to BTS win at one of the latest award shows and a lot of fans were angry over his behavior. I am not so sure of the reason for his behavior, but a lot of people suspected that Suho was annoyed. He even mocked them by saying “Not just in America” when their success was brought up.

Suho reaction:
Vs Taemin and Kai:
Either Taemin is really good at acting, or he seems to really be friends with Jimin. I think that even if he may be involved in some negative things, that these individuals still have genuine feelings and are still human. I don’t think that every interaction is fake, and that Taemin’s reaction in this video is real. I think Taemin is probably a decent, and supportive person despite it all


Dec 26, 2017
Yea, it's actually very possible that most boybands are bitter about BTS success(or that inside BTS there are jelousies despite them acting all supportive to each other), it's just that i have resonable doubts about EXO going with the "They are better at dancing but we are so handsome why people are following them instead of us" basically.
I've been in internet enough to know that lies are build up on some rumors/stuff we can find and invent an interpretation on them.
I'm not saying that Ranfan is lying, it's just that i am a person that don't trust too much unsourced rumors.
Unsourced rumors can ruin innocent persons.
And i'm not saying this to defend EXO because i don't like them.
Yes I agree! Everything is taken with a grain of salt if it doesn’t have proof.

I would really like to see concrete proof from RanFan, especially since some of the claims are so serious.


Jan 9, 2018
Not sure if I belive RanFan, but assuming they're telling the truth, I have a request: Can you name 3 idols (don't have to be popular) who are NOT Satanists/illuminati and who don't like either of those things? And preferably weren't forced into prostitution/didn't sleep their way to success or lack thereof. I hope Amber from f(x) is in that list. She seems to "real" to be a Satanist and has friends who I know for a fact aren't in the illuminati or satanists, and would never associate with those types of people.


Jan 9, 2018
ZE:A didn't wanted to. They were punished for this.The leader was forced to watch how his teammates are getting hurt. It was terrible for him because ZE:A was close with each other very much.In the end they made agreement with their CEO in exchange for money. Only few of them are involved in the occult. The other ones who didn't want had to take care of themselves alone. Taeheon from ZE:A said he would never meet his parents in heaven if he would do that. That was the saddest thing I ever heard and even I regreted that I do what I do for living.

Jessica H.O didn't want to. She had huge fall out with SM and cat fight with female SM singer. She tried luck in USA but it didn't happen on her terms. She has back up from very rich korean person. She dated many famous people but it was not for money but for fun.

Seokwon from No Mercy show. He refused everything that was offered to him. He didn't want to be involved in occult.
If he didn't refused he probably would be in Monsta X.

Bonus: Sharp Gun didn't wanted to be satanist. Bringing I.M. was a test for him. He refused and didn't get a place in Monsta X. He regreted that very much later and had a other deal with Starship. They accepted him as solo artist. You can see that he is wearing reversed pentagram necklace and has tattoo of horns.

Singer Lexy didn't want to be satanist. She was treated very badly and had depression but she couldn't do what they wanted her to do.

One more thing: If you hear bad things about Park Yoochun please don't believe in them. He is in big trouble. No matter what the media will tell you it's not his fault. He has enemies who wants to destroy him and I'm worried for him.
Hearing Jessica is surprising because she always rubbed me the wrong way, like she's a psychopath/narcissist or something. Are those the only people in kpop who aren't satanists or are there more?

Edit: I was thinking of the wrong Jessica, never even heard of Jessica H.O.

Edit 2: Wait, that's Jessi the rapper? The one who did that hilariously uncomfortable song with [whispers] JYP? So she either worked with a Satanist or my feelings about JYP are correct (about him probably not being down with Satanism, or if he is one he doesn't like it)...interesting. Even more shocked now considering her style lmfao
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Jan 9, 2018
I wanted to make more posts but I think I won't do it. I said more that I should have and I really don't want my identity to be exposed. I would be in serious danger. Anyway I had urge to say things that I witnessed because keeping so many secrets is slowly killing me inside. I don't ask you to believe in what I said, you will judge it yourself. It was not my intetion to make certain idols look bad. Like everywhere there are good and bad people. It doesn't matter what they do behind scenes until their music is giving joy to the fans. And most of them really love their fans. But I didn't expected death of Jonghyun. It saddened me very much. I knew him many years. He didn't deserve this. He did some things that would probably schocked you but I would never reveal it. I can tell you that he never hurted anybody and he was a very nice person despise fact that he was strongly involved in occult.I hope fans will remember him as the talented idol that he was during his performances.I'm angry that people who are
behind his hurt are doing well and walking free.I'm angry that many people know the truth and probably will never reveal it.After his death i spend one week at home and not going to work. I just cried all alone. And I hope you forgive me confessing this but I didn't attend his funeral. It was too much to handle. I couldn't stand with all those lying people and watch their faces. I gave my respects in other,personal way... Honestly.. I even had idea to show my face and make a youtube video and tell everything. But I got back to my senses and I realized that would make me end up dead or in jail. I wanted to say things that I wanted to say and be listened. Thank you all for your feedback.
Take care all.

PS. Small advice from me: Don't get involved in dangerious practices. Even for money. It's not worth it.
Oh, well thank you for the possible insight.
Dec 26, 2017
That's what I've been proposing since we first discussed it a few weeks ago. I'm sure that's the main reason why they kill him.
Also, there's another idea that when the Antichirst comes there will be a lot of miracles being performed. So one of those "miracles" may be resurrecting a lot of dead celebrities(and that means those celebrities may be still alive but hidden somewhere; I still have some doubts if Jonghyun is really dead). Doing so, people will worship him even more. That's the whole idea behind celebrities.
I don't know why but I am also have feelings that Jonghyun could be alive secretly, also there is no autopsy has been made which is suspicious thing.


Dec 22, 2017
Well, if what you say is true (i always have doubts on anonimous sources without any proves for their claims) EXO are really a bunch of bitter men.
Maybe they should stop bitching and bullying each other and start working together instead of claim how can people like "ugly idols" that are more focused than them and work more than them.
Many things can be said but one thing is for sure, BTS and BigHits are not stupid, they chose right people with talents instead of just pretty faced lazy guys.
just today EXO's producer went on a live broadcast and talked badly about BTS saying their song "mic Drop" is trash
not the first time he does this because in the past he also said they were not popular in Asia and their fans were only kids

for me this proves there is some bad blood between the groups (or at least there is a lot of jealousy from SM staff) this man works for EXO and he is talking like this about BTS in public?
if this is what he says on camera I can only imagine what they are saying behind the scenes
Dec 26, 2017
Jonghyun died in 18 December 2017 during New Moon. It's also called "dark" moon because it's invisible in the sky. The "first quarter" of the moon was visible in 26 of December. It's when the moon is "half" visible. The photos that were posted as "jonghyun's moon" are clearly visible as "full" moon phase. Full moon phase was taking place in 2 January 2018. And the photos of "jonghyun's moon" were posted around 21 of december if I'm not wrong. It's impossible to see the whole moon during "New moon" phase. There is your answer.

I don't know what are Suho's true religious belifes. Some celebrities are involved in satanism but they still going to church. And I know most of you thinks that satanist would never enter church because is a holy place but trust me.. Many occultist are actually going there to keep their image clean. I mean.. devil can be in presence of God if he wants to..
Thanks for your brief answer
what I understand(I doubt if my understanding was right) is that moon was unnatural, so thats mean the illuminati changed the moon color? this question for any one understand the statement above, english is not my first language, so.
Dec 26, 2017
Before relationship between EXO members was very bad. There was a time that some of the current members would not speak with each other at all. They would speak when fans or cameras were around or they were in studio. But in their privite time they avoided each other. There was a lot of talk going between company and EXO. Now their relations are much better but they treat each other just like acquaintances in work. EXO are very jealous of BTS success. EXO wanted very much to be worldwide successful, to hang out with american celebrities, to attend american award ceremonies etc.. They wanted to dominate China and Korea first and later America. One of the dance choreographers spoke about BTS dance in the practise room and one of the EXO members said "whatever,we are more handsome" and discussion started why people would like to watch ugly idols etc..The choreographer mentioned something like: "maybe you should just get naked and have sex on the concert" "C" from EXO said: "just like in Incheon?" (it's a korean city btw) and all of them laughed. I don't know what he meant by that. Super Junior were incredible jealous when EXO debuted and gained many fans. There was many comments that EXO is Super Junior replacement, that they are too old etc.. Super Junior wanted desperately new album but it was postponed because of EXO. A lot of drama went down because of this...

I wanted to state something. I never worked for BTS or for Big Hit. I do saw them in many occasions but I can't say anything worth mentioning. Most of the time I saw them in public where many people were around so I can't tell you anything about their off scene behaviour. Also Big Hit has people working exclusively only for them. They don't share workers.

Jonghyun was that day in apartment with the younger one. They were very close. He called the other two to come and do what they did. No they are not idols. I saw the younger one after Jonghyun's death and I was schocked by his behaviour. I knew immediately what he did. I was so angry that I decided to read forums and see if somebody would actually find out what really happened. That was my reason to post here. There is something in me that wants to say everything and feel better but I can't. (Jonghyun bought snacks before death because he was with that person in the apartment).
wow so there is friendship betrayal here, Jonghyun friend wanted to kill him? what an awful situation. those people should be exposed, there should be way to expose them and spread their pic everywhere in the net, let horror rule their life
Dec 26, 2017
That is why..I also don't know if Jonghyun was sacrificed or not.But after his death,suddenly everything about Taemin.If its true Jonghyun was sacrificed for taemin,that is so cruel and too much.Wonder what Jonghyun think at that time of his death..:'(
I think Jonghyun sacrificed for BTS, I don't think its for taemin, there is too many evidence suggest BTS are connected, their dog weird name, the first group attend full the funeral despite not being friend, even big news channel confusing shinee with BTS, like what, its clearly he was sacrificed for BTS, I am not sure about taemin but I don't see any evidence


Dec 23, 2017
I wanted to make more posts but I think I won't do it. I said more that I should have and I really don't want my identity to be exposed. I would be in sesayus danger. Anyway I had urge to say things that I witnessed because keeping so many secrets is slowly killing me inside. I don't ask you to believe in what I said, you will judge it yourself. It was not my intetion to make certain idols look bad. Like everywhere there are good and bad people. It doesn't matter what they do behind scenes until their music is giving joy to the fans. And most of them really love their fans. But I didn't expected death of Jonghyun. It saddened me very much. I knew him many years. He didn't deserve this. He did some things that would probably schocked you but I would never reveal it. I can tell you that he never hurted anybody and he was a very nice person despise fact that he was strongly involved in occult.I hope fans will remember him as the talented idol that he was during his performances.I'm angry that people who are
behind his hurt are doing well and walking free.I'm angry that many people know the truth and probably will never reveal it.After his death i spend one week at home and not going to work. I just cried all alone. And I hope you forgive me confessing this but I didn't attend his funeral. It was too much to handle. I couldn't stand with all those lying people and watch their faces. I gave my respects in other,personal way... Honestly.. I even had idea to show my face and make a youtube video and tell everything. But I got back to my senses and I realized that would make me end up dead or in jail. I wanted to say things that I wanted to say and be listened. Thank you all for your feedback.
Take care all.

PS. Small advice from me: Don't get involved in dangerious practices. Even for money. It's not worth it.
Thank you for all the info you gave us. I believe every word you say. If you ever feel like joining the thread again could you tell us about TOP drug overdose, whether Shinee members are aware of what really happened, about Mk ultra among kpop stars. There are so many questions I would like to ask but I completely understand your life is at stake. Take care.


Dec 26, 2017
I think Jonghyun sacrificed for BTS, I don't think its for taemin, there is too many evidence suggest BTS are connected, their dog weird name, the first group attend full the funeral despite not being friend, even big news channel confusing shinee with BTS, like what, its clearly he was sacrificed for BTS, I am not sure about taemin but I don't see any evidence
Them going to the funeral first and being proof for why he was sacrificed doesn’t even make sense. Why does them going to the funeral first seem suspicious to you? would them going fifth make it less suspicious? I don’t understand.
The name IS weird though.
And them being confused can just be a reflection on Western Media being shit and careless about distinguishing KPOP groups like they always do. They have time and time again did this, especially online. Again it’s weird but not enough to blame a group from another company, who doesn’t have many connections with him, for his death.

It doesn’t make sense that BTS would sacrifice someone from another company especially when you see sacfrices usually happen among people close to the individuals. BTS have nothing to do with Jonghyun for Jonghyun to be sacfriced for some “western success” that they were already gaining before his death. They didn’t and don’t need his life for their gain.

It makes more sense for TAEMIN to benefit from it. Already hes being called the Korean Michael Jackson, which is an incredible honor and a huge deal. He isn’t even promoting at the moment so why would he even be referred to as that now? Taemin has been pushed the front of SHINee for years, is easily the most popular, and SM are very determined to take over and continue to have the most successful artists. SM would clearly sacrifice one of their own for the rise of another one of theirs, especially the one that they have been pushing to the front and clearly wanting to become huge for years.

Taemin has been more active such as being on idol programs, dance programs, dramas, which is even more of a reason why he would benefit from the sacfrice because he is truly on the road to becoming even more huge.

BTS don’t have anything to do with his death. They are involved with the elite, but it’s a reach to say they’re responsible because they went to his funeral first and they made a mistake on air.
Dec 26, 2017
Well, if what you say is true (i always have doubts on anonimous sources without any proves for their claims) EXO are really a bunch of bitter men.
Maybe they should stop bitching and bullying each other and start working together instead of claim how can people like "ugly idols" that are more focused than them and work more than them.
Many things can be said but one thing is for sure, BTS and BigHits are not stupid, they chose right people with talents instead of just pretty faced lazy guys.
I am not fan of EXO at all, but from my personal opinion, they are more talented than BTS
and there is no evidence suggest BTS work more than other groups, they are just like any other group that have hectic schedule.
at the end of the day, Kpop is scripted, all awards, popularity etc...are decided years a head, so it have nothing to do with who work more honestly.
Dec 26, 2017
I wanted to make more posts but I think I won't do it. I said more that I should have and I really don't want my identity to be exposed. I would be in serious danger. Anyway I had urge to say things that I witnessed because keeping so many secrets is slowly killing me inside. I don't ask you to believe in what I said, you will judge it yourself. It was not my intetion to make certain idols look bad. Like everywhere there are good and bad people. It doesn't matter what they do behind scenes until their music is giving joy to the fans. And most of them really love their fans. But I didn't expected death of Jonghyun. It saddened me very much. I knew him many years. He didn't deserve this. He did some things that would probably schocked you but I would never reveal it. I can tell you that he never hurted anybody and he was a very nice person despise fact that he was strongly involved in occult.I hope fans will remember him as the talented idol that he was during his performances.I'm angry that people who are
behind his hurt are doing well and walking free.I'm angry that many people know the truth and probably will never reveal it.After his death i spend one week at home and not going to work. I just cried all alone. And I hope you forgive me confessing this but I didn't attend his funeral. It was too much to handle. I couldn't stand with all those lying people and watch their faces. I gave my respects in other,personal way... Honestly.. I even had idea to show my face and make a youtube video and tell everything. But I got back to my senses and I realized that would make me end up dead or in jail. I wanted to say things that I wanted to say and be listened. Thank you all for your feedback.
Take care all.

PS. Small advice from me: Don't get involved in dangerious practices. Even for money. It's not worth it.
Thanks for being here with us, appreciated
I know its risky to do that, but I believe there is way to expose these people if you can hide, of course don't do it if can't, if they should be exposed, and its good if all people know that Jonghyun was sacrificed(murdered), but any way, good luck

I hope you will come here again visit us :)
stay safe


Feb 22, 2018
Hearing Jessica is surprising because she always rubbed me the wrong way, like she's a psychopath/narcissist or something. Are those the only people in kpop who aren't satanists or are there more?

Edit: I was thinking of the wrong Jessica, never even heard of Jessica H.O.

Jessica H.O. is Jessi, the one who became popular from Unpretty Rapstar.

Edit: found it already. yep, that Jessi.

ZE:A didn't wanted to. They were punished for this.The leader was forced to watch how his teammates are getting hurt. It was terrible for him because ZE:A was close with each other very much.In the end they made agreement with their CEO in exchange for money. Only few of them are involved in the occult. The other ones who didn't want had to take care of themselves alone. Taeheon from ZE:A said he would never meet his parents in heaven if he would do that. That was the saddest thing I ever heard and even I regreted that I do what I do for living.

Jessica H.O didn't want to. She had huge fall out with SM and cat fight with female SM singer. She tried luck in USA but it didn't happen on her terms. She has back up from very rich korean person. She dated many famous people but it was not for money but for fun.

Seokwon from No Mercy show. He refused everything that was offered to him. He didn't want to be involved in occult.
If he didn't refused he probably would be in Monsta X.

Bonus: Sharp Gun didn't wanted to be satanist. Bringing I.M. was a test for him. He refused and didn't get a place in Monsta X. He regreted that very much later and had a other deal with Starship. They accepted him as solo artist. You can see that he is wearing reversed pentagram necklace and has tattoo of horns.

Singer Lexy didn't want to be satanist. She was treated very badly and had depression but she couldn't do what they wanted her to do.

One more thing: If you hear bad things about Park Yoochun please don't believe in them. He is in big trouble. No matter what the media will tell you it's not his fault. He has enemies who wants to destroy him and I'm worried for him.
ZE:A... surprised to see their name here. their situation made me sad, i really like them and have only heard nice things of them even from other industry insider's posts i've read before. i'm tempted to ask about who's/how many of them are not involved in occult...but i doesn't matter....i'm assuming certain member(s) who has it all to become popular but didn't, would be among the ones not in it...but i guess i'll never know. i just hope whoever in the industry who fight hard against it will find their way out from torture and misery. even if it seem unlikely.

And thank you for all the insights, RanFan. That surely took courage to be let out since it can be very dangerous and i hope you'll be safe. Whether truth or not and to believe or not, i'm sure we all have our own discretion...not to worry about it. truth and lies are not things we can easily tell or even prove. because even proofs can be lies. and that's even more frightening. i've also heard from insider in media industry of how much truth are controlled/hidden/turned into lies and how people actually go to jail for reporting unaltered truth they're instructed surprise me, pretty sure it's happening almost everywhere in the world. the world has been dirtied this much. i don't mind learning disturbing things about the industry...whether it's true or not, one thing for sure, it adds perspective and help people to keep their guard up and not believe whatever facade presented to them so easily.

If anything, this thread/forum definitely has definitely helped my 'attachment' to kpop to grow fader.

Thanks for your brief answer
what I understand(I doubt if my understanding was right) is that moon was unnatural, so thats mean the illuminati changed the moon color? this question for any one understand the statement above, english is not my first language, so.
About the moon thing...i've seen some comments at some site saying that the blue/green moon was result of some photography/camera lighting effect or something...there were explanation as well....but i'm not sure if i can find back that post....will try to look for it...but maybe other people have better explanation.

Another possibility is that they've purposely timed the time of his death with an upcoming moon phenomenon as can be seen in the photos. to create an impact with his fans...which it did.

and i couldn't find the original source of the comments i saw but there are some in the comments section here that talked about camera techniques and so on...

Anyway, not exactly kpop related but have you guys ever heard/read about Lee Jung Hee case from some years ago where she and her two sons asked for help saying they're being abused by her husband who's a powerful figure in occult or sth(too much details to elaborate the whole story)....and people grew interest and started movement to help her, but then....poof...there's a documentary for her where there's an 'unplanned hidden camera' revealing that she n her sons were actually lying...and then there were other crazy details came out all proving that she's actually a scammer under some shaman n people quickly dismissed their earlier worries for her case based on those proofs that all smell like major BS to me....scary how some convenient 'proofs' can easily dissolve people's trust or whatever judgment that has been gradually built before. idk bout you guys but i don't believe medias and their convenient proofs. i won't even be surprised if the woman n boys in those proof weren't even the real ones(since they always covered their faces with masks so we wouldn't know)...sorry i can't recap the whole thing because it's too long, and once the 'proofs' came went to a whole nother level of 'trying to confuse' as much as possible. i just thought of mentioning it since i followed the case/movement at that time and how it all resolved just felt major ridiculous to me, and even until now i'm still bothered by how almost nobody questioned/challenged the so called evidence and just accept it all, so i thought...might as well let it out in case anyone remembers it. for me, it just seem painfully obvious they're trying to shut down the interest in that case ASAP to avoid further investigation on the husband, and what better way than providing 'evidence', and of course, it worked. for those unfamiliar with this n have interest, you can google her name...but i'm sure you'll just get confused by the whole thing since it is confusing.
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Dec 24, 2017
Before relationship between EXO members was very bad. There was a time that some of the current members would not speak with each other at all. They would speak when fans or cameras were around or they were in studio. But in their privite time they avoided each other. There was a lot of talk going between company and EXO. Now their relations are much better but they treat each other just like acquaintances in work. EXO are very jealous of BTS success. EXO wanted very much to be worldwide successful, to hang out with american celebrities, to attend american award ceremonies etc.. They wanted to dominate China and Korea first and later America. One of the dance choreographers spoke about BTS dance in the practise room and one of the EXO members said "whatever,we are more handsome" and discussion started why people would like to watch ugly idols etc..The choreographer mentioned something like: "maybe you should just get naked and have sex on the concert" "C" from EXO said: "just like in Incheon?" (it's a korean city btw) and all of them laughed. I don't know what he meant by that. Super Junior were incredible jealous when EXO debuted and gained many fans. There was many comments that EXO is Super Junior replacement, that they are too old etc.. Super Junior wanted desperately new album but it was postponed because of EXO. A lot of drama went down because of this...

I wanted to state something. I never worked for BTS or for Big Hit. I do saw them in many occasions but I can't say anything worth mentioning. Most of the time I saw them in public where many people were around so I can't tell you anything about their off scene behaviour. Also Big Hit has people working exclusively only for them. They don't share workers.

Jonghyun was that day in apartment with the younger one. They were very close. He called the other two to come and do what they did. No they are not idols. I saw the younger one after Jonghyun's death and I was schocked by his behaviour. I knew immediately what he did. I was so angry that I decided to read forums and see if somebody would actually find out what really happened. That was my reason to post here. There is something in me that wants to say everything and feel better but I can't. (Jonghyun bought snacks before death because he was with that person in the apartment).
Hi.. about jonghyun. If it’s okay, may I ask what kind of behaviour the younger one did? I’m totally understand if you can’t answer this. Thank you so much.


Dec 26, 2017
More on the Jonghyun being sacrificed for Taemin, in Taemin’s latest album there is a song called Love. Here are the lyrics below:

Your faraway shadow
Still lingers around me
Covered by that image, I still miss you
I can't escape

Your name echos in the air (fans chanting his name at their recent concert?)
The reason for not hearing anything else
If you regret it after all this time
Come back to me

Love, you left me without a word (he died when no one expected it)
You left me baby
Love, you trapped me in sadness
Trapped me, baby
Our ending is so far away now
The last line is empty (during last song for their recent concerts, the last line is sung by Jonghyun. Of course he wasn’t there to sing it)
Until I can find you, this ending won't happen
Love, I'm in the same place in the end

You wash over me again
I can't even fall asleep tonight
My days are only filled with darkness
It erodes like sinking in a deep swamp

My trust has completely broken to pieces
Only questions fill up your empty spot
Words that will end this cruel wandering
Please answer me

Love, you left me without a word
You left me baby
Love, you trapped me in sadness
Trapped me, baby
Our ending is so far away now
The last line is empty
Until I can find you, this ending won't happen
Love, I'm in the same place in the end

I can't take a single step
No matter how much I try, I'm in the same place
I shout until I run out of breath
But there's no answer
I want to erase you from my heart
You, who cruelly left me
But when tomorrow comes, as if yesterday was erased
I'll miss you again

Love, you woke me from my dreams
Woke me, baby
Love, you completely left me
Left me, baby
Our ending is so far away now
The last line is empty
Until I can find you, this ending won't happen
Love, I'm in the same place in the end.

His entire album has a weird theme of someone that is close to him leaving, and how much he misses them