Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 22, 2017
I have heard that rumor many time about EXO having bad relations with each other from a writers who clime to be insider, I remember someone said their relation to repair needs years a head, it will be good if the insider here can confirm that thing or not.

"the youtuber talked about in few years time there will be a boy group from SK that will become very famous in oversea but not in SK"

can you please provide the video? thats exactly what I am saying, I said many time here that BTS are not popular in Korea, they are only overseas, and it seems they designated to be in this way for some reason

"when i see BTS like "everywhere",it makes me wonder,what so good about this group?'

exactly, finally someone feels the same like me, I guess only Kpop veteran those with many years of being fan are able to understand this thing, the new Kpop fans that know Kpop only from BTS won't get this thing, they are not special in any way, the elite just publicize them every where, and here is it, they are famous, just nothing more.

you are right about Jonghyun, I don't think he have serious mental issues, he could be depressed because he know they are going to kill him, he said in 2014 as joke there will be death in SHINee, what a creepy and sad thing to be said in TV, he might tried to escape or do something but couldn't succeed, I hope he is in better place right now and the moon changing color was indicative of that. I also feel sad whenever I think of him or see his pictures, I understand how you feel.
Can you give me a link to where Jonghyun said there'll be a death in SHINee? :O
BTS has always looked mediocre to me. Nothing special about their skills or talent. Well,, it's the same lie satan has used from the beginning - for us to be like gods. He'd lie that you're unique and can be the ruler but the truth is we're all replaceable. And that's the opposite of how God created us. Revelation 3 "I am coming soon. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will never again leave it. Upon him I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God (the new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven from My God), and My new name."

And don't worry about the WW3. Everything is part of God's plan. We'll all die one way or another. If you're close to God, nothing can come against us and Him.
Dec 26, 2017
There are people who wants out... Some of them regret very much by getting into this.. Unfortunately I can't do anything. I have to follow strict rules and even if I wanted to help I can't because I'm not in position that could do something. Before working with idols everytime their managers will ask me and other people who are working there to leave all phones,cameras,bags even wallets. Sometimes they will personally search us. Few times they searched my pockets and told me to take off my shoes. They want to be sure that nothing what is happening in celebrities life could leak outside. My only proof of the happenings behind scenes is my word and words of my colleagues who also work there. To get out in your own terms is either obey your handlers until the contract is over or to have back up of other powerful people.
I also have some question if you don't mind :D

is Suho is real buddhist? or he is fake satanist? not anything more just whats his true religion
did the moon that turned blue when Jonghyun was dead, was it done by the illuminati or its naturally has been changed in color? I was so happy when I heard that but was also thinking if illuminati are behind it and they are mocking us, please just say if its natural or not.

and oh for all of the celebrities that wanted out, I hope they will make it safely, it will be good if you give us hints on who wanted to be out.

Thanks for sharing your information and being here
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Dec 22, 2017
Thanks for the welcome :)....i've been wanting to contribute n think i observed quite a lot but then...i realized even watching music's wayyyy harder to find an MV NOT contaminated by symbolisms, now even more blatant than ever. i remember sometime ago...i think somewhere in page 60-70+ here you guys were saying about how most agendas have been delivered in MVs except cannibalism...or sth like that..and then i'm reminded...

pretty sure i've seen their other mv shared here but not this one. and even their newest mv is abt killing people with poisoned apple...murder seems to be a highly favoured concept in kpop MVs these days....especially girlgroups(or maybe i just don't watch enough boygroups)....and seeing the comment sections, kpop fans sure loooovee those now murder is normalized as cool...just like how i feel depression been popularized to pave way for suicides and murders that will just be called suicide due to depression because nobody would question it....idk....just my thought...human's minds are so weak that we just believe so easily what they want us to believe through medias...and most often we don't even realize how easy our minds are manipulated, brainwashed, poisoned right under our noses...hmm....

and yeah...i've been suspicious of Loona eversince seeing how much money spent on their predebut...and upon learning their agency related to Ladies Code...i knew something is definitely up with this group...and true enough with each gets more disturbing...won't be surprised at all if they blow up like BTS.

Ahh....thank you for the clarification. i guess i was getting paranoid that i ended up suspecting wrong target. yikes. i feel pretty bad about it so i've edited my earlier post to not damage the wrong person...if it's from the same group then...i guess it could either be a former member who's older than the rest or there could be fake age going on...which i suppose is common in kpop groups(?) but i guess i'll stop taking guess now, take a step back and reevaluate everything... or not...this whole thing is really making my paranoia level go up...need to gather back my thoughts to not jump to conclusions. anything is possible after all. thanks again for all the sharing. stay safe.

and to everyone too, stay safe and thank you again for all the sharings, i'd address and reply to each one if i could, but it's not easy to go back to all the pages but really, i've gotten so many great inputs and perspectives to be added and evaluated from thanks again.
It was me who was wondering about the cannibalism. It's m first time seeing this mv and it was gross. We need gay couple to be revealed and the list would be almost completed.


Jan 9, 2018
Hey guys I will try to answer your questions. As I said I know all of this because I work with them. Not only with korean idols but with chinese too. I'm involved in the occult too but not as heavy as the celebrities. I work behind scenes, I travel with them sometimes I even translate for them. I share all this stuff with you because I think people who are looking for answers deserve to know the truth. In my job I'm required to keep everything that I see or hear in grave secret.There would be very damaging consequences for me if somebody would find out that
I talk about this. Sometimes I can't tell you full name of the idol because of that. But if you read something in different place and what I told you would make sense to you, you will know that I said the truth. Sometimes I will use codename for the idol that I'm talking about but I'm pretty sure most of you will know who I'm talking about. Now your questions:
" does that mean all Kpop celebrities are satanist?" - No. There are categories and hierarchy in this world of elite.
There are kings,queens,dukes,barrons,princes and princesses, high priestes and high priestess,magicians...And below them are MK Ultra slaves.You just don't become satanist just like that. You have to be choosen by Lucifer himself do be one of his followers.This celebrities are going through special teaching, were they are given books that you can nowhere to find and you got a teachers who were born into this occult.By making a pact with Satan you must be worth his attention otherwise he can make your body become very ill or even incredible big bad luck can start follow you. This is why all of thise celebrities will throw all these signs with gestures, wore satanic clothes and sin all the time.They want to be "worthy". If they can't do that, they will make pact with a demon who is under Satan's command. This demon will become a part of personality of the idol. The idol can choose whichever demon he wants because they have own names and powers. The demon become something like "protector" and not allow the person to get hurt until all wishes of the idol will come true. The person who is summoning the demon will know what he wants in return. Celebrity will make rituals, draw sigils, cast spells, practise divination and all of kind magic. They feel special by doing this.These are things that it needed to make the pact happen. When it's done this person can become for example very sexual,revengful,creative or talented.It's a part of the personality of the demon that was summoned. They "work" together. Some of you will call that possesion. It's not yet. Posession will happen if the person will try to stop worshipping the devil, will not make rituals on the altar for the demon or will try to seek help to cancel the pact. MK Ultra slaves are people who are "denied" by Satan. They are weak in his eyes and not worthy. He needs people who will spread his agenda and do good work for him. They become elite's slaves. They will get their fame and money but they will be constantly used and abused in worst ways by those in higher position. Sometimes the split of the personality of MK Ultra slave will be so bad that they even don't remember who is their current boyfriend or girlfriend...They will lost memories all the time and feel dull. Some of them doesn't even recognize members of their family. They are constantly programmed.

There was question about Jonghyun. You don't know that because it was not allowed to the media but when Jonghyun was found in that apartment his wrists and ankles were tied... Believe me or not but that day 3 people killed him. 2 who were much older and 1 young.

Siwon and one of Super Junior member had threesome with a trainiee girl named Stella. She almost debuted with Girls Generation but get scared about being devil's follower and quit.

In A Team Entertainment there is a boygroup and one of the members (I will call him "Ace") is sexually harrased by other one. (I will call him "Bee"). Bee in the waiting room put his hands on Aces thights and started to caress him. Ace told him to stop. Bee put his hand on Ace crotch and told him "Why? don't you like it? It feels good right?" Ace said: "Stop it or I swear I will hit you". The manager heard that and hit Ace on the head with fist. He told Ace to not start fights. Ace almost cried and said he will find himself a girlfriend and make a scandal. The manager answered: "do it if you want to die".In the other occasion the group were filming MV. Bee started to hug Ace and told him: "kiss me here on the neck. do it. i'm older than you. you must listen to me."Ace tried to push him. Bee started to tell him that he is so cute and good looking. Ace tried to walk away. Bee grabbed his face and yelled at him: just kiss me!! Ace give him light kiss on the neck and walked away. Later he was talking with the other members and told them he has enough. They told him: "you have no place to go,no education, no money, be good son for your mother and stop acting like this." He asked them to talk with Bee to stop harrasing him. One of them answered: "you know we can' must listen to him." Ace put his baseball hat on his face and cried.

Next time I will tell you about girl groups and prostitution.

PS. Thanks all for feedback.
Oh wow, I remember Stella. She has an interview on Youtube.


Dec 27, 2017
Can you give me a link to where Jonghyun said there'll be a death in SHINee? :O
BTS has always looked mediocre to me. Nothing special about their skills or talent. Well,, it's the same lie satan has used from the beginning - for us to be like gods. He'd lie that you're unique and can be the ruler but the truth is we're all replaceable. And that's the opposite of how God created us. Revelation 3 "I am coming soon. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will never again leave it. Upon him I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God (the new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven from My God), and My new name."

And don't worry about the WW3. Everything is part of God's plan. We'll all die one way or another. If you're close to God, nothing can come against us and Him.

Jonghyun talks (jokingly) about a member's death at 2:55.


Jan 9, 2018
It is the weirdest thing EVER.
I've definitely said some strange, prophetic stuff in my life (like randomly telling my mother in Walmart that I was going to marry a guy named ******, despite having no opinion on the name, I just had an extreme urge to say that, and now my hubby is named that), but nothing like that.

lady rose

Feb 23, 2018
The eldest daughter of U.S. President Donald Trump revealed, "I showed K-Pop to my children and they're having a dance party to it every day." She added, "I will teach Korean to my kids and have them sing the songs next time we visit."

Trying to unite each other through music. It's getting more and more evident we're at the end times. They are rushing things to look as if everything is pure happiness. We all love each other, we are one (just like EXO's slogan). I'm sick of this fakeness with kpop. C'mon it was just 2-3 years ago when almost everyone was making fun of kpop. And suddenly kpop is everywhere and BTS is loved by so many famous people? I think now it'll be really easy to see that it's not just business and money but way more than that. That's satan's plan to enslve us here instead of going back to our creator. That's why at the end you'll either choose to go back to our original creator who will give us new bodies and we'll be forever with Him or you'll choose to worship satan who will give you "eternal life" with the RFID chip.
Revelation 9:6 "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."
1 Thessalonians 5 "Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you. For you are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief. For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day; we do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not sleep as the others do, but let us remain awake and sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night; and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and the helmet of our hope of salvation.

For God has not appointed us to suffer wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him. Therefore encourage and build one another up, just as you are already doing."
This is so weird you know.I agree with you kpop nowadays more than just entertainment and business.I read somewhere frok akp that ivanka trump teach her kids about kpop.It sounds like teaching her kids new religion.Hurmm..Kpop like everywhere now and it seems like not normal to me anymore.It's beyond than that and it's scary.


Jan 27, 2018

Thoughts on this music video? For a song about "debuting" as a whole new girl (for the record, the lyrics are perfectly innocent and seem to just be about a girl who's trying to be more put-together than she was before to get a guy's attention) you'd think the music video would have allusions to monarch programming, but nah, it's just super girly. Tzuyu does do the ok hand sign, but it's over the lyrics "step 3" and it's 3 fingers so...yeah. Mina briefly puts a tissue up to her eye at 1:42 but her other hand is occupied by the phone and she's supposed to be crying, so I think that makes sense/is innocent in context. Can anyone else see anything? I'd watch more but the mute button doesn't work on my phone and this song is most definitely satanic, because nothing assaulting my ears with such sickeningly sweet sounds can be holy. :mad:

I'm actually surprised, for being basically the top girl group their music videos generally lack any hints/symbolism of satanism/mind control. There'll be something here or there but it's usually just one or two things that, since there's nothing else, kind of fall flat in the evidence department. I wonder if that's JY Park's doing. I've watched other JYP artists music videos too, big and small, and they're pretty innocent. JYP... He's kind of a creep, and he still forces his idols to that terrible weigh-in thing, but he doesn't give me the same vibes that YG or SM do. He seems like he mildly cares about his artists, and like he wouldn't sell his soul to the devil or the illuminati or whoever. (That'd explain why Korea's Board Of Banhammers really likes to ban JYP artists from performing anything even remotely sexual, while the other 2 companies can get away with pretty much anything) YG and SM, the music videos for all their artists, especially the big ones, are filled to the brim with the symbolism. And then there's Twice, bringing Satanism in the form of terrible sounding Japanese releases. :rolleyes:
They're have been show it since LOA.
TT have much symbolism and some were sexually refer to something which is well, you will know what I mean when you see the entire video.
Knock Knock is maybe really telling you about some different personalities from them.
And for this one, Brand New Girl, I see what you see too. Do you see that in the end of video Tzuyu seems being outed? In the part when they're looking up, Tzuyu's standing position were seems more far than another. Does it will be mean something? I don't know if it's just me or anyone else.


Dec 22, 2017
Red Velvet's Wendy turns into an AI avatar for next-gen speakers

SK Telecom and SM Entertainment have collaborated to create 'HoloBox', the next-gen speakers.
The latest tech gadget will be revealed at the 'Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2018' in Barcelona, Spain on February 26.
Incorporating the latest technological advancements, 'HoloBox' features a holographic AI Avatar, allowing humans to interact with the robotic figure in their day-to-day activities. (Yes, just like the AI robots depicted in movies and pop culture.)
In this case, Red Velvet member Wendy was featured in hologram form at the event, fusing the world of science and K-Pop together.

Even if the device isn't physically around, users can summon the avatar at any time with Augmented Reality (AR) via a smartphone.

The HoloBox is 365mm in height and 170mm going across and has the capability to project holographic images in HD using laser rays (Ultra Short Throw), portraying every gesture and expression in 3D.
In addition to communicating with avatar 'Wendy', users can also control everyday appliances such as lights, humidifiers, televisions, plug outlets, and much more, in addition to streaming music, provide weather forecast and other cool content.
SK Telecom is looking to utilize 5G to its full capacity in order to bring the newest mobile technology to the masses, as this seems to be the next-gen media platform


Jan 27, 2018
Red Velvet's Wendy turns into an AI avatar for next-gen speakers

SK Telecom and SM Entertainment have collaborated to create 'HoloBox', the next-gen speakers.
The latest tech gadget will be revealed at the 'Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2018' in Barcelona, Spain on February 26.
Incorporating the latest technological advancements, 'HoloBox' features a holographic AI Avatar, allowing humans to interact with the robotic figure in their day-to-day activities. (Yes, just like the AI robots depicted in movies and pop culture.)
In this case, Red Velvet member Wendy was featured in hologram form at the event, fusing the world of science and K-Pop together.

Even if the device isn't physically around, users can summon the avatar at any time with Augmented Reality (AR) via a smartphone.

The HoloBox is 365mm in height and 170mm going across and has the capability to project holographic images in HD using laser rays (Ultra Short Throw), portraying every gesture and expression in 3D.
In addition to communicating with avatar 'Wendy', users can also control everyday appliances such as lights, humidifiers, televisions, plug outlets, and much more, in addition to streaming music, provide weather forecast and other cool content.
SK Telecom is looking to utilize 5G to its full capacity in order to bring the newest mobile technology to the masses, as this seems to be the next-gen media platform
Oh wow, the next generation speakers huh?
Just wait until they're releasing robots featuring these idols which is really same just like a human.:oops::mad:
Releasing the cloning of them! -_-"