Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Dec 26, 2017
Hey guys,
I watched a Korean series a month ago. The series is called "Kill me; Heal me". Does one of you know the series? The series is really good. It is quite new from 2015. The series tells the story of a man who developed 7 personalities through a trauma. I think that's interesting. Maybe the series will point to MK Ultra or if the Kpop stars experience a trauma they will develop many personalities. Also that the man in the series changed his appearance every time a different personality was. She reminded me a bit about BTS because 7 personalities - BTS has 7 members. I do not know if that has a connection but it is always interesting intressant.

Even the OST from the series has an interesting lyrics

Jang Jae In feat. NaShow (장재인 feat. 나쑈) – Auditory Hallucination (환청)

There are so many hidden things inside of me
It made me change so much
It put me to sleep, it tied my hands and feet
It trapped me in a dark room
The pieces of lost time
The memories of love that I threw away
They have been deleted and thrown away
Only the outer shells remain
Without knowing anything, I just shouted
I just have that memory
My heart that was cold as ice
It will be forgotten after I sleep
I want to escape from this pain that chains me down
Someone wake me up
From my soul that is filled with scars

The deeply colored night sky
Is filled with you, who won’t leave
It wakes me from my sleep
Kissing me again

Your voice that whispered I love you
Your scent, I hear it in my ears every day
Where are you?
You’re hidden in a place where I can’t see you
The pain you received for me
When my anger becomes one
I’ll chase the lost memories from the deep sleep
I want to find the real me that is not you
But the bruises in my heart are too big
I try hiding it but they hide in my heart and wake me up
I met you on the other side of my horrible memories
You embraced even my lost feelings
Helping me get up from being broken
I’m trying not to let go of your hands
I’m trying to erase the nightmares
I’m trying so hard
In this place where I trapped myself

I want to roll up the darkness
And find you
Though I can’t touch you
Or be held by you

What controls me
Isn’t what lives in me
What can heal me isn’t strong medicine
It’s just love
The voice I hear in my ears
Wakes me up from being lost
After it wraps around me and kisses me
It disappears and I can’t see it anymore

The deeply colored night sky
Is filled with you, who won’t leave
It wakes me from my sleep
Kissing me again
Your voice that whispered I love you
Your scent, I hear it in my ears every day

Where are you?
In the night sky that I can’t touch
I see you turning back
Making me escape from the exhausted days
Making it into a picture

I’m sorry, I say as I hold onto you
Don’t go far away, I call out to you
In the sadness that I can’t ever see again
Tears fall again
I watched two first episode of this series before one month, it was first time I watch Kdrama, I watch it because I already knows it was about mind control, its so obvious, and most commenters are commenting how awesome some of his personalities, its just upsetting seeing those blind fans, I haven't seen any comment talking about Mk ultra, any way, this series is trying to make the public familiar with mk ultra and glamorizing it, thats why some comments saying some of his personalities are awesome, its programming that is working on them without realizing, they want to normalize having different personalities, even at the beginning of this series, you see some audio sound that is informing the viewers about it like a programming, I don't think its specifically related to BTS but its related to Kpop in general, but I wonder if this is accurate how people under mind control are

sorry for my bad english, its not my first language
Dec 26, 2017

This video was posted back in 2011 but he explains symbolism and it's connection to kpop really well.
I watched this guy two videos he made about Kpop years back then when I get into Kpop, I was surprised when he as a Korean was talking about how weird for them to wear make up for men, I was brainwashed Kpop fan who thought its normal in Korea to be like that, I posted his video to Kpop forum and I got replay from the fans their saying he doesn't knows anything, it is just happen for him to be Korean lol, they are brainwashed
Dec 26, 2017
It felt great knowing you agreed with the end of the world part yeah its scary since today lots ppl being fooled by the industry. I believe its the part of the Illuminati agenda. I read one of the conv that you guys want to create a video about this topic, have you guys started it? Sorry for my bad English. Im not an english speaker
New World order is very near, closer then what people think, I believe also its mentioned in my religion(may be many others religions as will)

as creating video about it, I thought of creating videos, but so far haven't made any yet


Jan 27, 2018
I watched two first episode of this series before one month, it was first time I watch Kdrama, I watch it because I already knows it was about mind control, its so obvious, and most commenters are commenting how awesome some of his personalities, its just upsetting seeing those blind fans, I haven't seen any comment talking about Mk ultra, any way, this series is trying to make the public familiar with mk ultra and glamorizing it, thats why some comments saying some of his personalities are awesome, its programming that is working on them without realizing, they want to normalize having different personalities, even at the beginning of this series, you see some audio sound that is informing the viewers about it like a programming, I don't think its specifically related to BTS but its related to Kpop in general, but I wonder if this is accurate how people under mind control are

sorry for my bad english, its not my first language
I watch that drama. The man had few personalities. From the bad one until the "just like a child" one.


Dec 22, 2017
X: The Symbol of Transformation
In Freemasonry one must go through various initiation rituals before attaining the next rank in their journey of enlightenment. The 17th degree is conferred upon the initiate and is considered the transformation, or change of the initiate. They cite the crossing of cordons as part of the ritual as a reference of the point in the heavens where the celestial equator crosses the plane of the ecliptic, basically referring to changes made over time. This 17th degree marks the transformation of spiritual power into the Law of Love (which reminds me of occultist Aleister Crowley’s “Love is the law, love under will” saying, and it should also be noted that Crowley’s Star of Babalon serves as the logo for his Thelema system which has the X and O at the top center):

The cordons used in this ‘X’ transformation ceremony are depicted with black and white- the classic symbol of duality these various groups are always referencing. They are pushing the idea of joining opposites and finding a new equilibrium. This is conveyed in various manners in conspiracy theories like the Ordo Ab Chao (Order Out of Chaos), the Hegelian Dialectic (creating the New World Order through new, cultural “norms”), the Baphomet with its aspects of dual sexuality (it’s both female and male), and the Boaz & Jachin pillars which show us the entrance to a new, mystical place of transformation.
To add a bit more on the idea of Baphomet and transformations; you’ll read further on that ancient Egypt was unified when the North and South regions were merged together. They also combined the deities of Horus and Set together and said it symbolized synthesis and integration by showing the red and white headpieces together.
This is just an idea, but what if the ancient mystery schools of Egypt influenced these occult ideas of the Baphomet and its androgynous characteristics? We see some of the more extreme occult practitioners like Genesis P. Orridge (he had links to Crowley’s OTO and the Satanic Process Church) taking on these sex change transformations and it seems that they aren’t doing it for the sake of an internal gender identity disorder; but rather to convey an occult message of transformation into a superior being. This is a concept referred to as pandrogyny where they embrace both sexual roles.
Perhaps these ideas of transforming man into some new creature are why we see characters like the X-Men who are mutants with “super” powers. The storyline of this group are meant to sympathize with these people who are labelled as outcasts, and some theorists believe this is a way of predictively programming us to accept alterations to the creation of man and woman.

X: The Symbol of Death
Another theory is that the ‘X’ signifies death; the journey into the ultimate unknown. Texe Marrs says it is used a symbol for the Egyptian deity Osiris because you see it in Egyptian pyramids and temples, while we find pharaohs buried with their arms and legs crossed in devotion to this sun god.

No doubt this idea has permeated pop culture with its use in sayings like “cross my heart and hope to die”, and in cartoons where we see ‘X’s placed over the eyes of dead characters.For example, the Royal Arch’s Super-Excellent Master’s Degree has the first sign being that of crossing the hands over the chest, which says that the initiate will be penalized with death if they ever reveal the secrets.This talk of oaths is reminiscent of the “cross my heart and hope to die” phrase from earlier- it’s an oath taken which goes against Christian dogma of not taking any sorts of oaths. In Matthew 5:33-34 , Jesus Christ Himself warns us against swearing oaths to anyone but God, basically saying that trust cannot be secured by swearing an oath by things that aren’t in man’s possession to do so.
You’ll surely recognize this last symbol as the well-known Yale Skull and Bones secret society, which also incorporates the crossed bones with the skull as well:

X Marks the Spot: Illuminati Events
Theorists also claim that the ‘X’ signifies important “Illuminati” events. This symbol is used for the entire “Illuminati” spider-web in order for all its members to know who and what is marked as one of the people or events that have some kind of Illuminati influence.

The jocks of our generation (Generation X; that is) are known for participating in these extreme sports. The Olympics version of these sports is called the X Games and you can guess that they’ve got the fusion of the X and the O on their medal. Texe Marrs also claims this ‘X’ is used to activate subconscious programming. Psycho-analyst Carl Jung referenced a ‘collective unconscious’ which I translate as some kind of connective web in which we are all in touch with one another (kind of like the ecology of the film Avatar).

X: The Mark of the Beast
This final explanation of the ‘X’ could possibly be the most accurate hypothesis.
One aspect of the ‘X’ is to use it to symbolize the entrance to the unknown. We’ve seen it used in television shows like X-Files that is devoted to exploring the unknown, the supposed Planet X of Nibiru that Ancient Astronaut theorists claim is the hidden planet that has Annunaki aliens inhabiting it, and with generic names of items like Brand X (not to be confused with the show by Russell Brand).

We also see the ‘X’ referring to the unknown by philosopher Rene Descartes and in algebra (used as the primary placeholder for the unknown variable). This is also why the X-Ray is labeled as such; they didn’t know what they were at the time of discovery.

The Kabbalah Influence
In terms of Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah has a Tree of Life which is a depiction of ten divine emanations, or characteristics of god. Some of the occult-Kabbalah practitioners believe they can navigate through these emanations and reach the top most Sephirot- that of Kether (Heaven). They can approach this realm through one of three paths or ‘pillars’ (technically there are 22 if you consider jumping around the nodes). The three paths are up the left hand side, the right, or the center:

This center path takes the practitioner from Malkuth (the Earth) and into Kether (Heaven) through the unseen realm call Da’at (or Da’ath). This path is referred to as the “G” path (or camel), which is yet another theory for why we see a “G” in the Freemason compass and square:

Taking the center “G” path leads the follower into the realm known as the Abyss; which is similar to the previously mentioned “unknown” realm. This path is referred to as the “pillar of consciousness” (recall that there are three distinct paths up the Tree of Life referred to as pillars). This Abyss is more or less the shortcut of reaching the top most Sephirot. In Liber 418 (The Vision and the Voice), occultist Aleister Crowley detailed his journey through the Abyss using John Dee and Edward Kelley’s Enochian magick rituals. This book would help form the foundations of his Thelema belief system, and describe the Scarlet Whore, aka the Thelema goddess, Babalon. In this book, Aleister Crowley himself even warned of entering into the Abyss because it is guarded by a demon (or a “dweller” as he calls it) named Choronzon:

And let the Demon be invoked within a triangle, wherein is
inscribed the name of Choronzon, and about it let him write
in the angles MI-CA-EL: and at each angle the Seer shall slay a
pigeon, and having done this, let him retire to a secret place,
where is neither sight nor hearing, and sit within his black robe,
secretly invoking the Æthyr. And let the Scribe perform the
Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram, and let him
call upon the Holy Names of God, and say the Exorcism of
Honorius, and let him beseech protection and help of the Most
And let him be furnished with the Magick Dagger, and let

him strike fearlessly at anything that may seek to break through
the circle, were it the appearance of the Seer himself. And if the
Demon pass out of the triangle, let him threaten him with the
Dagger, and command him to return. And let him beware lest he
himself lean beyond the circle. And since he reverenceth the
Person of the Seer as his Teacher, let the Seer bind him with a
great Oath to do this.
Now, then, the Seer being entered within the triangle, let him

take the Victims and cut their throats, pouring the blood within
the Triangle, and being most heedful that not one drop fall
without the Triangle; or else Choronzon should be able to
manifest in the universe.
And when the sand hath sucked up the blood of the victims,
let him recite the Call of the Æthyr apart secretly as aforesaid.
Then will the Vision be revealed, and the Voice heard.
This is also why we see mention of the occult belief in the ’66 fallen angels’ of the Qlippoth (a concept I heard from theorist Freeman Fly). The Qlippoth is supposed to be a realm that is the dark shadow of the Tree of Life and similar to the Abyss, anyone who traverses it would go insane because it requires the destruction of the ego and that would cause subsequent madness (as if actually believing any of this stuff would make you more rational??… but that’s just my opinion).

There also appears to be another character in this Abyss and that is Typhon: the lord of the Abyss. At some point in occult history this Typhon character gets conflated with the Celtic god Nodens, the Greek Olympian Poseidon, the Bible’s Leviathan, and the Greek Titan Atlas. There will be more on this in a few paragraphs…

The Bible says that the Beast comes from the Abyss, and I find it strange that these occult groups try to actually summon entities from the Abyss (like Crowley attempted); yet say there is nothing “evil” about these things. Granted all of this is confusing, but to me that seems a bit telling of their intentions. In Revelations Chapter 13 we read the following warning:

People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” 5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.
In the next chapter it talks about a second beast arising that controls the first beast:

Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
I find it interesting in Judaic Kabbalah the number 666 is actually used to represent the creation and perfection of the world. Why would they use that specific number when the Bible warns us against it? Since we’re ultimately trying to explore the ‘X’, it should also be noted that in Greek the letter ‘X’ (Chi) has a numeric equivalent of 600; so 666=XXX. In Roman numerals, the ‘X’ is equal to 10, which is the number of Sephirot in the Kabbalah Tree of Life.


Dec 22, 2017
Creatures of the Abyss
Another usage for the Tree of Life Sephirot is to describe the beginning of God’s creation. It is believed to use attributes of each pillar of the Tree of Life to go from the Kether (Heaven) Sephirot and zig-zag down all the way to Malkuth (Earth), resulting in a change on the material level. This is the process often times referred to as “As Above So Below” which is a crucial concept magick practitioners believe in. They think that the universe can create a world for them in the material realm by conducting certain rituals and such. It’s causing change in the world through your own desires and will. The occult practitioners believe they can climb back up the Tree of Life in reverse of this zig-zag pattern to reach the Kether Sephirot; arguably becoming gods themselves (or so they seem to believe). This concept is depicted as a lightning bolt:

This is a lightning bolt we see in Crowley’s Thelema Unicursal Hexagram as well:

This same pattern can also be seen as tattoos on some of our beloved celebrities. For example, Lenny Kravitz celebrated his and Katy Perry’s Illuminati Super Bowl performance by getting a tattoo on his finger in honor of his daughter Zoe; but take notice of the shape of the “Z”:

Going back to the talk about the entities that exist within this Abyss; we see names like Nodens and Typhon that appear in many forms and depictions throughout pop culture. To reference the lightning bolt of the Tree of Life; we also hear theorist Freeman Fly talk about the “Spirit of Nodens” which is referenced in Kenneth Grant’s book on Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God:

Nodens is the lightning war god, and in the book it claims that he “flashed forth as lightning from the depths and formed a throne in the celestial realm; a seat of stone where the goddess was established.” The book goes on to talk about the heart of Noden’s sigil is the same as that of the Mark of the Beast; a fusion of X and O which produced the lightning flash from the depths. It is believed that this initiates the establishment of the goddess because the union of the X and O is analogous to the union of the phallus and vagina.

Freeman goes on further to explain a process which I translate as the reason why we see this X and O so often in pop culture. The reason they do it is because they believe the fusion of X and O will initiate the goddess Isis who will grant their every wish and desire as a way of saying “thanks” for evoking her. Freeman provides many examples to support this, and this includes the Madonna Super Bowl performance where we prominently see the X and O:

There are many other examples of the fusion of the X and O, here are a couple examples you might recognize:

We’ve seen the transformation of the female character in the 1927 occult film Metropolis when the sinister forces create the False Maria character (a robot that proceeds to deceive the people into the plans of rebuilding Babel). You’ll notice during the film (this is the Giorgio Moroder remake) that there is a fusion of the X and the O during the transformation process; effectively evoking the spirit of Isis into this new monstrosity:

Watcher Fleurdamour provided a great finding with the links the fusion of the X and the O has with Alchemy; here is the comment provided:

A clear explanation is found on page 68 of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Alchemy by Dennis Hauck:
“The cipher for the First Matter can be shown in two orientations. Shown here [in an accompanying illustration] as a cross “+” inside a circle, it signifies the purified or rectified First Matter. If it were shown as an “x” in a circle, it would have signified the chaotic or unrefined First Matter.”
The First Matter, or Prima Materia, is the primordial chaos. In alchemy it must be processed and refined through great effort in order for spiritual development to occur. Posting the symbol for its unregenerate state over and over again in pop culture sends a pretty clear signal discouraging spiritual development and refinement. Or is truth in advertising – underdeveloped primordial soup is what you are getting if you purchase this crap.​

Is the X and O symbolism used by occult practitioners who seek to evoke the 66 fallen angels of the Qlippoth in the Abyss of the Tree of Life? There are many followers of branches of Kabbalah in entertainment, but they don’t talk about their beliefs enough to know how ‘dark’ their belief systems take them. The only tell-tale sign of Kabbalah beliefs is the red string bracelet we see so many celebrities sporting:

Freeman ascertains that this Mark of the Beast symbolism not only belongs to the depictions of the X and O, but also the letter “F” since they are all equivalent to six if you look at them from the numerology aspect:


This means that any combination of F, O, and X, will give the number 666. Here are some examples you’ll recognize:

The energy drink Monster also uses the Hebrew letter of Vav, which is equal to six on their logo. It has three Vavs which signify 666 yet again:



Dec 22, 2017
V- ALSO the Mark of the Beast?…
Another of Freeman’s ideas is that the letter “V” plays a role here, and let me take a little bit of time to explain why this is so, because it seems that there is a lot out there that supports this theory as well.

First, one must understand that the followers of this occult, left-hand path believe in a certain historical tradition that traces back to ancient Egypt (a recurring theme in conspiracy theories). They believe that the Egyptian god Set is the true “good” deity because he helped humanity by bestowing knowledge upon them (similar to the Greek tale of Prometheus).

Set and his followers were always labeled as outsiders who bucked against the social norms; possibly because Set killed Horus using magick and deception (or so the story goes). They also believed he was the great god of hunting, war, destruction, and brute force, and was the true sun god.

When Northern and Southern Egypt merged and become one territory, they embraced the followers of Set by depicting the new god of Egypt with Horus (from the North) and Set (from the South) as one single, bipolar entity. This fusion of two entities reminds me of the Baphomet/androgynous topic we covered earlier, but here is the depiction of this Egyptian mixed deity where you’ll see the white portion of the cap that represents Horus and the red represents Set:

Of course there is a lot more to all of that, including the Osirian cult that tried to destroy the followers of Set (which included torturing crocodiles since they were believed to embody Set). Speaking of crocodiles depicting Set; maybe that’s why we saw Rihanna portrayed with scales like a crocodile in her video for Where Have You Been…

Anyhow, the Setian cult was chastised and broken up into various sects and the Greek historian Plutarch even wrote about Egyptian rituals in his compilation book Moralia:

But the power of Typhon, weakened and crushed, but still fighting and struggling against extinction, they try to console and mollify by certain sacrifices; but again there are times when, fat certain festivals, they humiliate and insult him by assailing red-headed men with jeering, and by throwing an ass over the edge of a precipice, as the people of Kopto do, because Typhon had red hair and in colour resembled an ass. The people of Busiris and Lycopolis do not use trumpets at all, because these make a sound like an ass; and altogether they regard the ass as an unclean animal dominated by some higher power because of its resemblance to Typhon, and when they make cakes at their sacrifices in the month of Paÿni and of Phaophi they imprint upon them the device of an ass tied by a rope.
Moreover, in the sacrifice to the Sun they enjoin upon their worshippers not to wear any golden ornaments nor to give fodder to an ass. It is plain that the adherents of Pythagoras hold Typhon to be a daemonic power; for they say that he was born in an even factor of fifty-six; and the dominion of the triangle belongs to Hades, Dionysus, and Ares, that of the quadrilateral to Rhea, Aphroditê, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera, that of the dodecagon to Zeus, that of a polygon of fifty-six sides to Typhon, as Eudoxus has recorded
The Setian cult was broken up into smaller groups and one of these was a branch of Gnostics who claim that the world is a creation of an evil Demiurge and used to deceive us. They thought that Set was the “good” serpent god who tried to educate us of this deception and they worshipped Seth-Typhon as their true god. The Egyptians referred to this sect of Gnosticism as the “sons of Typhon” which you’ll recognize from the earlier text.

I talk a little bit about the Gnostic believers in my beginner’s guide to conspiracies: A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory, but it should be noted that this Gnostic group spilled over into other cultures and allegedly went further underground and potentially is part of what we now refer to as the “Illuminati.”

Fast forwarding hundreds of years, we see Typhon (aka Nodens) appearing again in popular culture. For example, HP Lovecraft wrote an entire storyline called the Chtulhu Mythos. In it an “elder god” named Nodens- Lord of the Great Abyss appears as an elderly man with white hair and grey beard, yet is an expert hunter with incredible strength (recall the brute strength and hunting of Set).

Lovecraft apparently based Nodens on one of his favorite author’s work: Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan, which describes Nodens as Pan. Surely you’ll recognize the satanic links of Pan; if not review my post on Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Moloch, Owls, and the Horns of Satan.

Another pop culture example is from JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. In this familiar tale, the ring not only uses a concept of sympathetic magic (I lay out the concepts of magick in pop culture in my book SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC), but also has a curse on it from the King of Noden. Some may not know that this tale he derived had some factual basis…

In 1929, Tolkien researched the etymology of the name “Nodens” after archaeologist Sir Mortimer Wheeler found the connection of a cursed ring in an ancient Roman temple grounds in Lydney Park, England. The ring said “Among those who bear the name of Senicianus to none grant health until he bring back the ring to the temple of Nodens.” This ring; referred to as the “Vyne Ring” features the goddess Venus on it, which some can link into Isis (the goddess who grants those that evoke her desires and such; which surely comes at a cost…).

This ring was what inspired Tolkien to write Lord of the Rings, several years later- linking Nodens with Sauron (the All Seeing Eye of evil).

Another example comes from Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom novels. The protagonist of these books is Randolph Carter and he traverses strange worlds in an attempt to locate a visionary place he sees in his dreams. Towards the end of his journey he finds a quarry-land called Inganok where he finds Pan-like beings with horns on their heads. He also finds that entities are worshipping Nodens.

We saw a Disney rendition of this with the film John Carter, in which we saw reptilian beings and whatnot; and it should also be noted that Disney bought Marvel Comics which released the X-Men films (that’s another X-O fusion):

More examples come by way of the music industry with their obsession with naming albums after the “V” (often times the fifth album). This includes Maroon 5 who has the Vesica Pisces logo embedded into their name:

The Hierophant card in the Crowley deck of Tarot cards is the fifth card; also referred to as “V”. It is supposed to represent the authority in which a person makes confessions (as in secret society confessions where initiates reveal their most inner secrets). Freeman asserts that the card depicts the Hierophant as a hermaphrodite with male and female body parts, and I’ve also read that the name comes from the combination of hermaphrodite and elephant. You’ll also notice that he is using the “V” hand sign with the index and middle fingers:

This is the same “V” we saw the allied forces use to show “victory” after WWII, and Freeman says that Winston Churchill actually met with Aleister Crowley and learned that the “V” sign calls upon Typhon and was the only force that could battle the Nazi solar powers. Strangely true is the fact that Churchill had an entire campaign that boasted the “V for Victory” logo, and it’s also rumored that Crowley was a temporary member of the British MI5 program and he was the one that told Churchill the magick powers of the hand gesture, which would make sense because it was originally used as a sign of insult.

If you consider that the 60’s also saw a rise to prominence with Discordianism (a whole ‘other beast/subject that says that order is an illusion and chaos is king), you could see that they subscribe to the Law of Fives which states that the number 5 is of high significance. They cite the number 5 from the Roman numerals as the “V” and the letter “W” is the 23rd letter of alphabet (2+3=5) which makes it equivalent. This brings us back to the symbolism of the “VW” being of occult origin.

The pervasive use of the “V” peace sign and “X” is rampant throughout society- hippies used the “V” during the 60s and it flourished ever since with anybody and everybody using it with the intention of promoting peace (myself included). One has to wonder; are we spreading a message of peace? Or are we sending energy into the Abyss for Typhon to use for his own purposes? Are the occult groups taking advantage of this for their own rituals? These are all questions we might never find the answer to.

Here is the original article:


Dec 22, 2017
Here's the new MV by VAV where you can see the X combined with enlightment, trancending, portal at the same time.

For the past 2-3 years kpop MVs has been strongly incorporating statues of false Gods and deities. There so many MVs with ones. For example:
Jay Park - You know
DPR LIVE - Right Here Right Now (ft. LOCO, JAY PARK)
BTS - Blood, sweat, tears
Sonamoo - I knew it

I guess they are trying to "revive" them once again.


Jan 1, 2018

Hello everyone, that video link is from new boyband , target - awake mv.
Many netizen know name people from that boyband because that boyband (targe ) should be debut in 2014 but end up this year they do their debut.

What i want to say is... They from small company, i think they late their debut because they dont have many money.

And... Sadly, i think they sell their soul. In the mv , start they all close their eyes and they sit with a machine. And in the mv including one big eyes , and someone from them prayer to God. And they end up awake from that machine.

Someone in this group say dean is part of illuminat ( not just zico ) sad i can deny it. :'( his recent last post show illuminati sign ,

Hi , welcome new member