I don't think things are quite so simple and clearly cut. For instance, if a "system of Islam" invariably, I emphasize invariably, removes all freedom of religion, please explain how and why it is that, when, for example, in 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella, Catholic King and Queen of Spain, expelled Jews as a whole from Spain, many of the Jews who survived the ordeal went down into
(Muslim) Morocco, Fez, and even Palestine itself and were received and became active participants in the Turkish Empire. That "freedom" might not have been perfect, by any means, and it won't stand up to modern standards and definitions of the term, but it was better than their collective fate in "Christian," as the author below no doubt objectionably describes it, Spain.
"... Ferdinand and Isabella rejected Torquemada's demand that the Jews be expelled until January 1492, when the Spanish Army defeated Muslim forces in Granada, thereby restoring the whole of Spain to Christian rule. With their most important project, the country's unification, accomplished, the king and queen concluded that the Jews were expendable. On March 30, they issued the expulsion decree, the order to take effect in precisely four months. The short time span was a great boon to the rest of Spain, as the Jews were forced to liquidate their homes and businesses at absurdly low prices. Throughout those frantic months, Dominican priests actively encouraged Jews to convert to Christianity and thereby gain salvation both in this world and the next.
The most fortunate of the expelled Jews succeeded in escaping to [Islamic] Turkey. Sultan Bajazet welcomed them warmly. "How can you call Ferdinand of Aragon a wise king," he was fond of asking, "the same Ferdinand who impoverished his own land and enriched ours?"