Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 30, 2017
Say, Jonghyun was sacrificed.. do you guys think the other members of SHINee knew/know? I really felt for their sadness in the funeral video, but I wonder if they had known ahead of time? (Not saying that they couldn’t be sad even if they did know ahead of it.)

( I remember someone saying that it was possible Jonghyun knew it was going to happen to, so if that person is reading this, perhaps this question is largely directed towards you.)
Its possible that they knew but a friend is a friend no matter what so i think they realized it at that time OR they didn’t know it will be done this soon


Dec 30, 2017
I'm going to try and stop watching and listening to anything secular altogether. I've cut out most but k entertainment has had a strong hold on me. I have to pray and fast about it. We now know the things the artists have to do to get rich and famous. They have to spill blood in order to succeed and they do the devil's bidding through their music or dramas. They package the Satanism with good looking and talented artists and give them fake personalities to brainwash and distract the population (especially the young ones) to draw them away from God.

I can't say for sure how Jonghyun died because I wasn't there. Whether he killed himself or if he was suicided, our eyes have been opened. We see through the symbolism and lyrics whose agenda they are promoting. When we follow or stan them, we too compromise our beliefs and distance ourselves from God. Our subconsciouses always take in the information whether its images or the lyrics we hear. It can't be helped. We have to guard what we let into our brains (foreheads).
You are sooo right listening to them have distanced me so much from my religion and GOD i feel so guilty for falling into their trap fir believing in their personality that is scripted fake i am more disappointed in BTS because i followed them for maybe 2 years i have waisted 2 years of my life in these people who sees us as rats who have to follow the sound of their flute I’m disgusted disappointed sad for Jonghyun ahh this is so wrong


Dec 27, 2017
You are sooo right listening to them have distanced me so much from my religion and GOD i feel so guilty for falling into their trap fir believing in their personality that is scripted fake i am more disappointed in BTS because i followed them for maybe 2 years i have waisted 2 years of my life in these people who sees us as rats who have to follow the sound of their flute I’m disgusted disappointed sad for Jonghyun ahh this is so wrong
We should be grateful that we are out of their path now. God gave us a second chance. Lets be happy bout this. :)
Dec 26, 2017
So his death was pre-planned that early since RDD? Like omg. Why him of all people? If he really was threatened to be killed, why didn't he tell anybody about it? Although tbh, I think he wouldn't want to have burdened anyone with his problems. But still, with the noisy engine revving.. The suicide letter.. I wonder why he couldn't just write/tell someone the cold hard truth. So many questions so little answers. Sigh.
"So his death was pre-planned that early since RDD?"
I believe yes
as for his knowledge about his death, I believe he probably have say it to his close people, but have no power to stop it
he said to a fan that he is going to rest in december, so probably his close friends and family knows about it but they cannot talk

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
And it's getting darker when it play backwards.
Jimin - Lie Backwards

Who's there? Whats going on?
Theres nothing
Oh swore us shattered
Save us, knocking
Save us, need help, love me
Its open
Oh swore us shattered
Hey whats this?
Hurting us
Not in a ..its in a room, its in there, its open
Oh swore us shattered
Hey ghost is not me
Not in a ..i see you..stop
Hey ghost lets talk
We'll stop, push longer
Hey go sleep
Who's there? Who woke me up? There was no one.
Sinking sinking
What happens if I?
Who's there? Whats going on? There is nothing
Oh swore us shattered
Save us, not me, oh save us
Not in a..its in a room, its in there, its open
Hey ghost is knocking
Gotta look, got it from us
Hey I'll begin

Imo, it's RM and Suga first who had that ambition for money and fame (look at agust d's lyrics). In jimin's case, he only want to do dance. But he got tangled in the middle of this mess, and he can't escape.
Oh my.....
I feel sorry for him. He should've never took the oath. :(
Dec 26, 2017
It's from Produce "101" actually. "One-o-one" sounds the same as "Wanna One".
Anything strange? Yup. These are called angel numbers (number patterns are a way that your angels communicate messages).

Number 101 is comprised of the vibrations of number 1, plus the powerful energy of number 0. Number 1 relates to the attributes of new beginnings, creation and creativity, motivation, progress, initiative and assertiveness, intuition and inspiration, happiness and positivity, attainment, achieving success and personal fulfilment. Number 0 resonates with the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies and resonates with the vibrations of eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice and is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects. It is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It also suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 0 amplifies and magnifies the energies of the number/s it appears with.
From what I found on Naver:
일루미나티의 대표적인 상징인 피라미드를 전면에 내세운 프로듀사 101이 2회차 방송을 통해 본격적으로 피라미드 계급사회의 모습을 보여주고 있다.
Produce 101 showed the appearance of a pyramid-class society in earnest on the second broadcast.

101명의 출연자들을 a, b, c, d, f의 5 등급(한우등급인가?)으로 나눠 각 계급별 위치와 그들이 누릴 수 있는 권리에 대해서 보여주고 있다.
The performers of Produce 101 were divided into 5 different classes (a, b, c, d, f). It shows the position of each rank and the rights they have.

가장 많은 숫자를 차지하는 f 등급의 출연자들은 모든 권리를 박탈당한채 노예와 같이 비참한 생활을 하는 모습을, a 등급을 받은 출연자들은 모든 특혜와 권리를 누리는 모습을 보여주고 있다.
The performers in F class who occupy the most numbers of all classes are deprived of all rights and live in a disastrous life like slaves, while the A class performers are allowed to enjoy all the privileges and rights.

식사 뿐 아니라, 입는 옷과 연습실도 계급 별로 차등을 두어 제공되는데, a 등급을 받은 연습생들이 핑크 옷을 입고 쾌적한 환경에서 연습을 하는데 반해, f 등급을 받은 출연자들은 칙칙한 회색 옷을 입고 역시 회색바닥으로 된 연습실이 배정된 것을 확인할 수 있다.
In addition, even meals, dresses and practice rooms are provided with different grades. The performers in class A are practicing in a pleasant environment with pink outfits, whereas performers who are in F class are dressed in dull gray clothes. You can see that the practice rooms have been assigned for each class.

걸그룹 데뷔라는 허울 좋은 명분을 내세우고 있지만, 이 프로그램의 진정한 목적은 앞으로 펼쳐질 일루미나티 계급사회(NWO)를 대중들이 자연스럽게 받아들이도록 세뇌하는데 있음을 알 수 있다.
Even though the girl group debuted well, the real purpose of this program is to brainwash the public to accept the future Illuminati class society (NWO).

시청률 1%에 불과한 이 프로그램에 왜 저들이 이토록 막대한 인력과 자원을 쏟아 붇고 있는지 그 진정한 의도를 알아야 한다.
You need to know the true intentions of this program (which has 1% audience rating) and why they are putting so much power and promoting it aggressively.
its good that we have korean here who can translate some articles to us ;) ....thanks
I was curious about how much koreans generally are knowledgeable about the many know or only very small minority?

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
its good that we have korean here who can translate some articles to us ;) ....thanks
I was curious about how much koreans generally are knowledgeable about the many know or only very small minority?
Many Koreans are much much like the American mass, they heard of it but they believe it's just some stupid conspiracy that's made up. Only a small pocket of Koreans believe it's not made up.


Dec 27, 2017
Thank you for your analysis. And what was with the pill that was dropped into the cup of tea? Could it allude to someone poisoning him and setting up the briquettes to make it seem like suicide?
I think it was Jonghyun's "friend" Nine9 who stated that He couldn't even fall asleep the last time due to his insomnia and depression. In an Interview (I think it was at about the time he was still a Radio DJ) Jonghyun himself mentioned that he hardly got to sleep more than 2 hours at night.


Dec 30, 2017

This is japanese version and Jin is not really in this mv that much.
OMG why is this mv so creepy omg
And i think jungkook is forces to do things because look how namjoon forces him to drink and after he vomit it and slap suga
I think jimin is trying to escape because he is searching his innocent self life he doesn’t want to eat the apple or some idk and dis u see how when he sees his other self suga prevent him from seeing
Namjoon looks so pitiful at the end im shook
Taehyung fighting with jin what is thiiis!?
This is sooooooo creepy


Dec 22, 2017
I think it was Jonghyun's "friend" Nine9 who stated that He couldn't even fall asleep the last time due to his insomnia and depression. In an Interview (I think it was at about the time he was still a Radio DJ) Jonghyun himself mentioned that he hardly got to sleep more than 2 hours at night.
What if Jonghyun rented another apartment because was afraid that "they" will get him in the old one? Not because, as someone said, he didn't want to be found quickly after suicide


Dec 26, 2017
What if Jonghyun rented another apartment because was afraid that "they" will get him in the old one? Not because, as someone said, he didn't want to be found quickly after suicide
Then he wouldn’t have left his apartment so he can be seen on CCTV. He would have hidden himself, and probably somewhere much more hidden.

Also, the method used doesn’t make sense. He wasn’t dead when he was found, and had a chance of survival had the police found him sooner. If they wanted him dead, they wouldn’t have left him with that possiblity.
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Dec 27, 2017
Thank you for your analysis. And what was with the pill that was dropped into the cup of tea? Could it allude to someone poisoning him and setting up the briquettes to make it seem like suicide?
And as if this VCR and all the other "coincidences" that where pointed out here earlier weren't enough I checked out Super Junior's "Black Suit" after seeing Jonghyun's following IG post:

The clip is about an auction...
The object of this auction is a black suit. I didn't analyze the whole video, but there where two key scenes that made me think that the clip is actually about Jonghyun's sacrifice.
At 1:34 6 women dressed all in red perform a cultic dance beneath the suit. (Peek-A-Boo, anyone?)

At 2:15 a clock is showing us the time 6:30 - After that the room is turning black as all the candles are blown out as a woman dresses all Black approaches the suit.
EDIT: Jonghyun's death was officially confirmed at 6:32 pm

I get the feeling that the suit is symbolizing JH's Death.

Little extra: 2:33 - 666 handsign

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Dec 28, 2017
What if Jonghyun rented another apartment because was afraid that "they" will get him in the old one? Not because, as someone said, he didn't want to be found quickly after suicide
If your a celebrity the illuminati will know your every move especially if your about to be killed by them. So they were going to know where he was. Maybe he knew it would be heartbreaking to die in his home because for many its place of comfort and peace so he went to an unfamilair place that he has no emotional attachment to.


Dec 27, 2017
If your a celebrity the illuminati will know your every move especially if your about to be killed by them. So they were going to know where he was. Maybe he knew it would be heartbreaking to die in his home because for many its place of comfort and peace so he went to an unfamilair place that he has no emotional attachment to.
I also got confused by the reporting and varying Information we got. First, it was said Jonghyun was found unconscious at home by his sister. A frying pan with "Brown liquid" was mentioned. How can someone confuse coal briquettes with a liquid? Strangely we can see a woman holding a pot with a dark liquid at the begin of the VCR.

Later the reports changed and it was pointed out that Jonghyun wasn't actually at home, but in a rented apartment and was already found at the state of cardiac arrest.
(I can post the links if someone needs them).
Furthermore, in Wikipedia there is talk of "traces of vomit".


Dec 29, 2017
You are sooo right listening to them have distanced me so much from my religion and GOD i feel so guilty for falling into their trap fir believing in their personality that is scripted fake i am more disappointed in BTS because i followed them for maybe 2 years i have waisted 2 years of my life in these people who sees us as rats who have to follow the sound of their flute I’m disgusted disappointed sad for Jonghyun ahh this is so wrong
These are all just theories so don’t get too upset by it. Illuminati controls most food chains as well does that mean we should stop eating? We can’t do anything other than educate people to tell them the world is a dangerous dangerous places and nothing else really can be done.


Dec 30, 2017
These are all just theories so don’t get too upset by it. Illuminati controls most food chains as well does that mean we should stop eating? We can’t do anything other than educate people to tell them the world is a dangerous dangerous places and nothing else really can be done.
I agree with u but cant believe all of this even if its theories there are lyrics of bts that creeps me out lately like pied piper
I’m just done!


Dec 29, 2017
These are all just theories so don’t get too upset by it. Illuminati controls most food chains as well does that mean we should stop eating? We can’t do anything other than educate people to tell them the world is a dangerous dangerous places and nothing else really can be done.
I agree with u but cant believe all of this even if its theories there are lyrics of bts that creeps me out lately like pied piper
I’m just done!
They would have never made it that obvious there is some other meaning to pied piper and I can’t put my finger on it. By the way if bighit find this forum they will most likely sue vigilant citizen for defamation. Bighit finds everything on the internet so be careful.