Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 27, 2017
I'm going to repeat myself - God has put it clearly in my heart the mark of the beast is going to be the RFID chip. God words are made simple so even a child can understand them.
My question to you guys opposing the view - why would they build technology and promote transhumanism? There's no logic for that if the mark of the beast isn't physical.
It's obvious it'll be the RFID chip because now we have the technology for it on a global scale.
This is my last post on this! Everyone will be responsible for their words one day in front of God!
God does not put in anyone's heart what is contrary to His word in the Bible. If it doesn't go hand in hand with His word then its not of God. The RFID maybe one of the tools that may be used in the end time to control and spy on people but it is not the mark of the beast. That is what you want it to be, but the Bible explains itself well. The mark of the beast is the opposite of the seal or mark of God which is Sunday worship. When the time comes we are all going to have to choose between God and the beast. Between God and Satan.
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Dec 26, 2017
I was reading on FB comments about Jonghyun's death. A fan wrote this. (I attach the screenshot)View attachment 2582

I dislike Bryan Singer as well. After I watch the documentary 'An open secret' I cant really stand watching series/movies with kids or teenagers.
Thank you very much for this post, its further confirm that Jonghyun has been killed, it is sad that people is calling him suicidal when he wasn't, I think that is very disrespectful for him, while one youtuber called me I am disrespecting him for pointing out he was killed by the illuminati...I really don't know how these people think
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Dec 26, 2017
Amen! I used to be dreaming about these things. Now i'm not straying from my Lord for anything. All that we can find on this planet is vanity. I'm so thankful that God has cleanse me from this mess!

I don't want to impose my opinion but since i created this topic with the purpose to expose satan's lie I have to interfere on this.
"You can't contact the dead. Any attempt to dabble in spirit contact is strictly forbidden in the Bible. It is sometimes called necromancy or sorcery or dealing with familiar spirits. Remember, demons can masquerade as the dead. They can even mimic the voices of our loved ones and give information that only the dead person would have known (for more on this subject, see Leviticus 19:26-28, Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Galatians 5:20). In case this isn’t clear, let me make it plain. Do not attempt to contact the dead through any means at all—séances, parlor games, crystal balls, psychic readers, channelers, or mediums. You are involving yourself in that which God forbids. Leave the dead alone."
I appreciate the one who makes the above post about Jonghyun soul, I don't see any problem with it, I am not christian by the way and I hope I won't be judged by that

any way, I am very interested to know what do you guys think about the moon aqua color? is it the illuminati who has done that? I hope it will be open for both christian and non-christian to answer this question



Dec 26, 2017
I appreciate the one who makes the above post about Jonghyun soul, I don't see any problem with it, I am not christian by the way and I hope I won't be judged by that

any way, I am very interested to know what do you guys think about the moon aqua color? is it the illuminati who has done that? I hope it will be open for both christian and non-christian to answer this question

No offense to anyone in this thread, but I still have yet to accept that he was sacrificed. I agree that the signs are eerie, but knowing Jonghyun’s struggles I feel he did commit suicide. I am here because I am open to listen to what others have to say.
Therefore I don’t think it’s the illuminati controlling the moon. My religion says that he’s not in heaven so I don’t know how he could control the moon or show he’s in peace. I really feel lost about what I think. I’d like to think he’s in Heaven so that’s what I’ve told myself and I’ve accepted the color of the moon because that’s what has helped me cope with the death of him


Dec 22, 2017
In the other side, Red Velvet, the girlgroup in the same agency as EXO in SM Ent, their agency made them to had sexy dance to in their ice cream live.

The overall dance especially at 1.56.
While their youngest at 16 years old.
It's not helping that ice cream song about them begging someone to put cream in their mouth while they screaming.
Yes this whole ice cream cake song is actually about oral sex. Here are some of the lyrics of the song

"Pops, it’s melting in my mouth, Putting so much in
That it’ll feel like my mouth is melting down
Baby boy, other guys don’t know anything,
You’re so fine so only wear clothes
That don’t make you stand out

Gimme That, Gimme That, Gimme That
Gimme That Ice Cream

Hurry and give me that soft taste, ice cream cake
I’ll light the candles as I only wait for you
In my warm heart, ice cream cake
Kiss me before it melts
It’s so tasty, come and chase me
Your lips are sweetly melting, I’m closing my eyes

That sweet taste, ice cream cake
With a flavor that fits this special day
The ice cream that’s on my mouth
Makes your heart pound and you’ll come to me
It’s so tasty come and chase me,
I can’t hold it in I Scream, You Scream
Gimme that, Gimme That Ice Cream"

Its so creepy how they dress them like children but at the same time make them sing those sexual songs and like you said that part of the choreo was very sexual too.
Dont understand how fans see a 16 year old girl doing that choreo while singing those lyrics and think it's OK
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Dec 26, 2017
No offense to anyone in this thread, but I still have yet to accept that he was sacrificed. I agree that the signs are eerie, but knowing Jonghyun’s struggles I feel he did commit suicide. I am here because I am open to listen to what others have to say.
Therefore I don’t think it’s the illuminati controlling the moon. My religion says that he’s not in heaven so I don’t know how he could control the moon or show he’s in peace. I really feel lost about what I think. I’d like to think he’s in Heaven so that’s what I’ve told myself and I’ve accepted the color of the moon because that’s what has helped me cope with the death of him
He certainly didn't commit suicide, in his lonely video he was drowned and have 27 marks symbolize his age, he have done a show where he covered himself in blood and pretended he is dead, can it be more obvious?
he said to a fan who asked him in april what he is going to do in december, he say he is going to rest, if he commited suicide, do he need to wait in december? its obvious he did know they will kill him but have no choice, there is so many others so called coincidence as will
its made in the way to fool people and brainwash them to believe its suicide, even SM statement about his death has asked the fans to stop speculate and search about his death, they are not even hiding it


Dec 22, 2017
No offense to anyone in this thread, but I still have yet to accept that he was sacrificed. I agree that the signs are eerie, but knowing Jonghyun’s struggles I feel he did commit suicide. I am here because I am open to listen to what others have to say.
dont know if he was sacrificied but still think that V's tweet a few hours before the news were out is creepy because coal brickete is not a normal name. but this could be a coincidence

also the dates have a lot of meaning = Dead on the 18th and the funeral on the 21st (during saturnalia) but this could be a coincidence

In shinee's video MTTM he had a supicious scene where all the members are carrying him just like in his funeral. but this could be a coincidence

Some user in this thread pointed out the member of ladies code who died a few years ago appeared in one video with the exact same marks on her body that Jonghyun had in his music video too (another person said he had 27 marks on his arm in this same video) but this could be a coincidence

Other user said the number 9 has importance in the numerology of his death and then we found out he gave his suicide note to a friend called NINE but this could be a coincidence

In the end this is just speculation and of course everything could be a coincidence but at the same time the elite are sending us a message in their music too

So its good to pay attention to the details and dont believe what the media tells us
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Dec 26, 2017
He certainly didn't commit suicide, in his lonely video he was drowned and have 27 marks symbolize his age, he have done a show where he covered himself in blood and pretended he is dead, can it be more obvious?
he said to a fan who asked him in april what he is going to do in december, he say he is going to rest, if he commited suicide, do he need to wait in december? its obvious he did know they will kill him but have no choice, there is so many others so called coincidence as will
its made in the way to fool people and brainwash them to believe its suicide, even SM statement about his death has asked the fans to stop speculate and search about his death, they are not even hiding it
I do believe some murders can be covered up as suicide, but it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t entirely make sense for them to alert him that they’re going to kill him, especially months in advance. Also, Jonghyun had expressed so many times that he didn’t think it was possible to live a life with such feelings. He was depressed and wasn’t silent about it. Perhaps they could have ran with his depression, but he was struggling for a very long time.


Dec 26, 2017
dont know if he was sacrificied but still think that V tweet a few hours before the news were out is a creepy because coal brickete is not a normal name. but this could be a coincidence

also the dates have a lot of meaning
Dead on the 18th and the funeral on the 21st (during saturnalia) but this could be a coincidence

In shinee's video MTTM he had a supicious scene where all the members are carrying him just like in his funeral. but this could be a coincidence

Some user in this thread pointed out the member of ladies code who died a few years ago appeared in one video with the exact same marks on her body that Jonghyun had in his music video too, (another person said he had 27 smarks on his arm in this same video) but this could be a coincidence

Other user said the number 9 has importance in the numerology of his dead and then we found out he gave his suicide note to a friend called NINE but this could be a coincidence

In the end this is just speculation and of course everything could be a coincidence but at the same time the elite are sending us a message in their music too

So its good to pay attention to the details and dont believe what the media tells us
Yes I do think a lot of things are strange coincidences, which is why I’m open to hear what everyone has to say!


Jul 13, 2017
No offense to anyone in this thread, but I still have yet to accept that he was sacrificed. I agree that the signs are eerie, but knowing Jonghyun’s struggles I feel he did commit suicide. I am here because I am open to listen to what others have to say.
Therefore I don’t think it’s the illuminati controlling the moon. My religion says that he’s not in heaven so I don’t know how he could control the moon or show he’s in peace. I really feel lost about what I think. I’d like to think he’s in Heaven so that’s what I’ve told myself and I’ve accepted the color of the moon because that’s what has helped me cope with the death of him
No one can really know about his afterlife. It doesn't help at all to be pessimistic. I would like to have hope that Jonghyun will see his loved ones again, including Shinee.
Dec 26, 2017
I do believe some murders can be covered up as suicide, but it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t entirely make sense for them to alert him that they’re going to kill him, especially months in advance. Also, Jonghyun had expressed so many times that he didn’t think it was possible to live a life with such feelings. He was depressed and wasn’t silent about it. Perhaps they could have ran with his depression, but he was struggling for a very long time.
all american celebrities who have died, has predicted their death, like tupac and others, so yeah they know for some reason they allert them but probably use MK ultra method to erase the memories so they could live normal
Dec 26, 2017
Yup! I’ve been argued down that he’s in hell but it certainly isn’t helping anyone. I really do hope he’s at peace and I believe he is
all of the signs so far suggest he is in good place, I don't think he is in hell, the moon thing at least suggest that


Dec 22, 2017
all american celebrities who have died, has predicted their death, like tupac and others, so yeah they know for some reason they allert them but probably use MK ultra method to erase the memories so they could live normal
If these celebs are victims of MK ultra maybe their handlers can make them depressed or suicidal too?
That would explain a lot of things because they can make them comit suicide on an specific date (a ritualistic date) or an specific age (a lot of celebs die when they are 27 years old)
I believe he maybe killed himself but he had some "influence" from the outside to do it at that exact date
Dec 26, 2017
If these celebs are victims of MK ultra maybe their handlers can make them depressed or suicidal too?
That would explain a lot of things because they can make them comit suicide on an specific date (a ritualistic date) or an specific age (a lot of celebs die when they are 27 years old)
I believe he maybe killed himself but he had some "influence" from the outside to do it at that exact date
I agree, either they killed him or make him do suicide through Mk Ultra, it is certainly one of the two


Dec 26, 2017
If these celebs are victims of MK ultra maybe their handlers can make them depressed or suicidal too?
That would explain a lot of things because they can make them comit suicide on an specific date (a ritualistic date) or an specific age (a lot of celebs die when they are 27 years old)
I believe he maybe killed himself but he had some "influence" from the outside to do it at that exact date
I really hope this wasn’t the case.


Dec 27, 2017
I'm going to try and stop watching and listening to anything secular altogether. I've cut out most but k entertainment has had a strong hold on me. I have to pray and fast about it. We now know the things the artists have to do to get rich and famous. They have to spill blood in order to succeed and they do the devil's bidding through their music or dramas. They package the Satanism with good looking and talented artists and give them fake personalities to brainwash and distract the population (especially the young ones) to draw them away from God.

I can't say for sure how Jonghyun died because I wasn't there. Whether he killed himself or if he was suicided, our eyes have been opened. We see through the symbolism and lyrics whose agenda they are promoting. When we follow or stan them, we too compromise our beliefs and distance ourselves from God. Our subconsciouses always take in the information whether its images or the lyrics we hear. It can't be helped. We have to guard what we let into our brains (foreheads).


Jul 13, 2017
Yup! I’ve been argued down that he’s in hell but it certainly isn’t helping anyone. I really do hope he’s at peace and I believe he is
Those saying that are holier than thou assholes who don't know anything. Thank God such people aren't God, eh?