Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 24, 2017
Sorry to say, but those are not the actual lyrics of SHINee's Lucifer. Most of the "Kpop English covers" you see on Youtube don't use the original lyrics cause they don't match the arrangement so they have to rewrite the lyrics. Take a look at the full original English lyrics:

This particular part is alarming:
I feel like I’ve become
A clown trapped in a glass castle
I dance for you
Who will never be satisfied
You look into me openly
Touching my brain
I think I’ve become a fool
I think I’m only getting
More and more attracted to you

Why would anyone compare someone (in this care: a girl) to Lucifer anyway? Making people think that those lyrics are not harmful are their purpose in the first place, they want us to feel adjusted with the use of sinister lyrics with hidden meanings. Making people think that "they're just talking about the girl they like" is the reason why so many people deny the truth that there's more to Kpop than meets the eye. It's the same as Rihanna's Umbrella, in which she's talking about being seduced and possesed by the Devil. She doesn't even have to use obvious words such as "Lucifer" or "The Devil" to make it convincing. Even VC agrees:
Good reference. VC analysed Shinees Lucifer a few years ago.

You look into me openly
Touching my brain
I think I’ve become a fool

sounds like MK-Ultra to me


Jul 13, 2017
Sorry to say, but those are not the actual lyrics of SHINee's Lucifer. Most of the "Kpop English covers" you see on Youtube don't use the original lyrics cause they don't match the arrangement so they have to rewrite the lyrics. Take a look at the full original English lyrics:

This particular part is alarming:
I feel like I’ve become
A clown trapped in a glass castle
I dance for you
Who will never be satisfied
You look into me openly
Touching my brain
I think I’ve become a fool
I think I’m only getting
More and more attracted to you

Why would anyone compare someone (in this care: a girl) to Lucifer anyway? Making people think that those lyrics are not harmful are their purpose in the first place, they want us to feel adjusted with the use of sinister lyrics with hidden meanings. Making people think that "they're just talking about the girl they like" is the reason why so many people deny the truth that there's more to Kpop than meets the eye. It's the same as Rihanna's Umbrella, in which she's talking about being seduced and possesed by the Devil. She doesn't even have to use obvious words such as "Lucifer" or "The Devil" to make it convincing. Even VC agrees:
I'm very aware of the fact the lyrics have to be slightly altered in order for the English words to fit into the song. I'm not ignorant of that. However, even with a direct translation, it's the same message as the guy's cover I posted. Different wording, but the same message. And the reason it is comparing this "girl" to Lucifer is because of manipulation. I already said that. It's supposed to be a song you can relate to in some way.

I do believe there is evil music and music with hidden meanings, but this is not one of them. It's only targeted because of it's title, that's it. There is a such thing as reaching, and you'd have to be doing that to see this song as bad. The visuals of the music video are even benign, otherwise someone would have posted it by now. The only symbolism in the entire video is the "As above, so below" at the very end. Some people take that as some visual form of worship, but that's just guessing without having full context.

I know some here will consider me some brainwashed idiot, but i've studied all this stuff for years. Evil in the music industry, I mean. I know what evil music looks like, and this song just doesn't fit.

Oh and I don't care if VC agrees. I don't judge things based on his standards. He can bring up solid points, but at the end of the day, he's a person just like all of us, and is also just as capable of reaching.


Dec 24, 2017
I'm very aware of the fact the lyrics have to be slightly altered in order for the English words to fit into the song. I'm not ignorant of that. However, even with a direct translation, it's the same message as the guy's cover I posted. Different wording, but the same message. And the reason it is comparing this "girl" to Lucifer is because of manipulation. I already said that. It's supposed to be a song you can relate to in some way.

I do believe there is evil music and music with hidden meanings, but this is not one of them. It's only targeted because of it's title, that's it. There is a such thing as reaching, and you'd have to be doing that to see this song as bad. The visuals of the music video are even benign, otherwise someone would have posted it by now. The only symbolism in the entire video is the "As above, so below" at the very end. Some people take that as some visual form of worship, but that's just guessing without having full context.

I know some here will consider me some brainwashed idiot, but i've studied all this stuff for years. Evil in the music industry, I mean. I know what evil music looks like, and this song just doesn't fit.

Oh and I don't care if VC agrees. I don't judge things based on his standards. He can bring up solid points, but at the end of the day, he's a person just like all of us, and is also just as capable of reaching.
To each his own then. So the question would be, since when did SM Entertainment put symbolism and sinister lyrics in SHINee's concept and music videos? Cause they are definitely there, anyway. It gets more and more blatant with every release of their new album. They can only do it if people already approved the previous ones. "It's supposed to be a song you can relate to in some way" well yes, we all are supposed to relate to Lucifer cause if they tell us to worship her directly (Lucifer is said to be a female), we will certainly drive away and say "Wtf am I listening to?". I did a quick search on Google and found this thread from 2010, note that most of them admit that they are Christians

Person 1:
lol.. me too im also Christian I love the song too. people are just over reacting to it,
the shinee members are even Christian excpt jjong

the song is a "love" song about a very tempting and undeniable lady which controls over you, that you are totaly crazy over her.

that's what i understand about the song .
Nothing wrong with it, unless they use the word "SATAN", now that is totaly WRONG!!

Person 2:
That's pretty interesting n_n I never thought of it as the Satan way though since my friend told me earlier. I love Lucifer even more knowing this though

Wow, right? The purpose is so people can accept Lucifer in the most humanly way possible. She's not "Satan" anyway.
Speaking of SM, SHINee isn't the only one doing this as many people have mentioned before. Almost (or all) every group or soloists included in SM Entertainment are made to sing those kind of lyrics and their MVs contain heavy symbolism too, let's say TVXQ, SNSD, f(x), Red Velvet, Super Junior, EXO, NCT, etc. It's as old as H.O.T, the most popular group in the 1990s from SM Entertainment. So I am basically saying that it's nothing new for SM to put heavy symbolism in their music videos and hidden meanings in their lyrics. Knowing the company's culture and views, it's just not questionable or to be argued. Take a look at the first 3 seconds:
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Dec 23, 2017
I've discovered another really sinister video. It`s by far one of the creepiest.
It's from Jaejoong (former TVXQ) and it's called Mine.
The MV is full of symbolism - diamond skulls, devil horns, fallen angels, snakes, one eye symbolism....

There's a skull with definite diamonds and the glittery mask could be diamonds or glass shards (core persona shattered) into alters.

If they are diamonds, then the diamonds show a person's level of availability -

For bona-fides & recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they are presidential models. Emeralds mean drugs, rubies mean prostitution, diamonds (rhinestones) Presidential Model work

Also the owl ....depending upon where you're drawing your reference - S.Americans view owls as bad luck/black magic (they kill 'em if they're roosting nearby) and Native Americans view owls in a very positive, good way (you're set if an owl nests near you) - they're a teacher. General representations include athena, wisdom, hidden knowledge and links between the veil. Darker meanings can be found - Medieval europe symbolized the owl as the Satan (of course, if u read old/middle english - the devil was never far away). The owl is the symbol of Bohemian Grove & the owl named Moloch... (who likes to eat kids).

As for the black dog, it is curious. Christianity, Judasim and Islam are all abrahamic faiths (much like jello comes in a few different flavors). In both Judaic and Islamic texts, they acknowledge a 3rd race - Djinn (shapeshifters made out of fire, much like we're of earth, angels of light). They are believed to be quite real (as real as angels) and whispered to come in a few shapes (they can appear as anything) and one is of a black dog. Snakes are another form (which is why you're not suppose to kill one if it comes into your house - take it out - let it out alive). Commonly they can come as black smoke.

Somebody else a few pages back posted a MV with black smoke swirling beings. I'd have to think about other MVs I've seen it in, but they show it regularly in enough MVs

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
To each his own then. So the question would be, since when did SM Entertainment put symbolism and sinister lyrics in SHINee's concept and music videos? Cause they are definitely there, anyway. It gets more and more blatant with every release of their new album. They can only do it if people already approved the previous ones. "It's supposed to be a song you can relate to in some way" well yes, we all are supposed to relate to Lucifer cause if they tell us to worship her directly (Lucifer is said to be a female), we will certainly drive away and say "Wtf am I listening to?". I did a quick search on Google and found this thread from 2010, note that most of them admit that they are Christians

Person 1:
lol.. me too im also Christian I love the song too. people are just over reacting to it,
the shinee members are even Christian excpt jjong

the song is a "love" song about a very tempting and undeniable lady which controls over you, that you are totaly crazy over her.

that's what i understand about the song .
Nothing wrong with it, unless they use the word "SATAN", now that is totaly WRONG!!

Person 2:
That's pretty interesting n_n I never thought of it as the Satan way though since my friend told me earlier. I love Lucifer even more knowing this though

Wow, right? The purpose is so people can accept Lucifer in the most humanly way. She's not "Satan" anyway.
Speaking of SM, SHINee isn't the only one doing this as many people have mentioned before. Almost (or all) every group or soloists included in SM Entertainment are made to sing those kind of lyrics and their MVs contain heavy symbolism too, let's say TVXQ, Red Velvet, Super Junior, EXO, NCT, etc. It's as old as H.O.T, the most popular group in the 1990s from SM Entertainment). So I am basically saying that it's nothing new for SM to put heavy symbolism in their music videos and hidden meanings in their lyrics. Knowing the company's culture and views, it's just not questionable or to be argued.

A lot of musical artists refer to Lucifer/Satan as "she" or "her."

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017

There's a skull with definite diamonds and the glittery mask could be diamonds or glass shards (core persona shattered) into alters.

If they are diamonds, then the diamonds show a person's level of availability -

For bona-fides & recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they are presidential models. Emeralds mean drugs, rubies mean prostitution, diamonds (rhinestones) Presidential Model work

Also the owl ....depending upon where you're drawing your reference - S.Americans view owls as bad luck/black magic (they kill 'em if they're roosting nearby) and Native Americans view owls in a very positive, good way (you're set if an owl nests near you) - they're a teacher. General representations include athena, wisdom, hidden knowledge and links between the veil. Darker meanings can be found - Medieval europe symbolized the owl as the Satan (of course, if u read old/middle english - the devil was never far away). The owl is the symbol of Bohemian Grove & the owl named Moloch... (who likes to eat kids).

As for the black dog, it is curious. Christianity, Judasim and Islam are all abrahamic faiths (much like jello comes in a few different flavors). In both Judaic and Islamic texts, they acknowledge a 3rd race - Djinn (shapeshifters made out of fire, much like we're of earth, angels of light). They are believed to be quite real (as real as angels) and whispered to come in a few shapes (they can appear as anything) and one is of a black dog. Snakes are another form (which is why you're not suppose to kill one if it comes into your house - take it out - let it out alive). Commonly they can come as black smoke.

Somebody else a few pages back posted a MV with black smoke swirling beings. I'd have to think about other MVs I've seen it in, but they show it regularly in enough MVs


Jonghyun had a black dog tattoo.
Hmm? Do you think that's a coincidence? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

downloadfile-5.jpg I don't think so...


Dec 24, 2017

Jonghyun had a black dog tattoo.
Hmm? Do you think that's a coincidence? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

View attachment 2648 I don't think so...
I quoted this from
Earlier this year, Jonghyun got a new tattoo on the left side of his body of a black dog. Beside the dog, he tattooed the words: “I have a black dog. If you touch, you’ll get bitten!”

A “black dog” is commonly used as a metaphor for depression and a symbol of depression. The symbol comes from Winston Churchill, who battled with depression for all of his life and referred to his depression as his “black dog”.

Look where he got the inspiration from. According to this book, at least, Winston Churchill was part of the Illuminati:
or this


Dec 28, 2017
Here is what I noticed with AOA:
fallen angel symbolism displayed by them in their debut teaser.. they walk in synch like robots.
black and white split persona/ badvsgood displayed in their confused MV the also sport red heels. black, white and red displayed together are a popular color combo for Satanists.
Again, in miniskirt, the same color combo is very present. White representing innocence while black representing sensualness. one of the members also is in a bathtub (satanic baptism) and at one point the members are doing a chair dance with the chairs placed in a circle.
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory.....just look at the title
I couldn't find a lot of symbolism in moya and short hair's music videos but both have black and white checkerboard flooring in both.
It's also interesting to note that they also have subunits called AOA black and AOA white. Once again, using bad vs good, ying and yang.

I joined this forum after watching red velvets peekaboo. the amount of symbolism in it woke me up and made me realize that kpop is not free from Illuminati control/symbolism. Delusional me thought it was only entertainment in the west. As a Blink and a ReVeluv, this is extremely scary and sad to wake up too. Also could those rude netizen comments directed towards yeri after jongs death just be sm company bots posting them as a humiliation ritual for yeri? she was so sad at the recent gayo daejuns and hid behind Seulgi at one point.
Dec 26, 2017
I am so glad that there are people who think like me in the world.
I wish I was a detective or could go to korea and search for the real cause behind jonghyun's death
I have been really upset by his death. As a person who has suffered from depression and previously attempted suicide there were questions that flooded my mind. His songs were a great strength during my hard times that is why I am even more sad. For a person who has depression there has to be a trigger for him/her to attempt a suicide.
-Why would he rent a apartment when he already has one? For what purpose?
-If he had already planned his suicide why would he go to the store to buy snacks and ciggerettes?
- why would he press the accelerator so hard?if he was going to do it willingly?
-why didn't he mention anything about his mother/sister in his suicide letter?
-there are no coal briquettes in a rented apartment? Where did he buy them?
-the suicide letter was delivered to a friend few weeks before his death and they didn't take any action?
-his actions during the last concert?
He didn't die because he wanted to..
There must be a trigger or either he was killed..
I wish I could do something..
He has been killed 100%, there is no possibility he has committed suicide with his free will
as I said in previous post, his video lonely clearly prove the elite intention to kill him, he is dead with 27 marks symbolize his age
he have done a show which covered himself in blood, symbolize elite intention to sacrifice him
he is the only one who have different wing color in Ring Ding Dong
I believe he has been sacrificed for both BTS and the olympic games in Korea
I really wish this stupid olympic games would be ruined, at least it won't be well for these so called elite


Dec 26, 2017
He has been killed 100%, there is no possibility he has committed suicide with his free will
as I said in previous post, his video lonely clearly prove the elite intention to kill him, he is dead with 27 marks symbolize his age
he have done a show which covered himself in blood, symbolize elite intention to sacrifice him
he is the only one who have different wing color in Ring Ding Dong
I believe he has been sacrificed for both BTS and the olympic games in Korea
I really wish this stupid olympic games would be ruined, at least it won't be well for these so called elite
but why BTS? he's not even from the same label, so why would someone from a different group and completely different entertainment company be sacrificed?
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Dec 26, 2017
but why BTS? he's not even from the same label, so why would someone from a different group and completely different entertainment company sacrifice him?
yes it can, it doesn't matter the company
as members has pointed out the bts member who tweeted about his dog name as Coal briquettes before 4 hours just of announcing the death of JongHyun from Coal briquettes! no its not coincidence, as nobody names his dog with this thing
BTS have almost no friendship with Shinee, while all of the members full has attended the funeral! not even SNSD, Super Junior, has attended with full members despite their friendship with shinee
There is American Tv Channel that mistaken Jonghyun with BTS Rap seriously! simple google search could stopped this mistake....there is no way any Real Tv Channel could make that mistake, its obvious they send messages through their media to give a hint for what reason JongHyun sacrificed for....people need to wake up and see these stuff, and believe 0 any thing the mainstream media saying


Dec 24, 2017
but why BTS? he's not even from the same label, so why would someone from a different group and completely different entertainment company be sacrificed?
To make it simple, everyone in the same industry is a competitor. Doesn't matter they are from the same company or not. I personally see this as a competition between two companies, which are SM Entertainment and Big Hit Entertainment. We all know that SM has been really popular since the first wave of Kpop, but ever since Big Hit Entertainment hit the ground with BTS, everything has changed. Not to mention that they are planning for an IPO (Initial Public Offering) (Read more: that is certainly gonna make them potentially the richest entertainment company in Korea. There's always the price to pay for a success that huge though. I remember someone here said that he or she didn't get why BTS became that popular (even the western media gives a damn about it, wow. SM Entertainment has failed at the western entertainment industry ridiculously), especially since they are from a small company. Of course, there's always a chance for everyone who works hard to become successful, but we're talking about the Korean entertainment industry here. Imagine how much price they have to pay for the fame and success?


Dec 26, 2017
yes it can, it doesn't matter the company
as members has pointed out the bts member who tweeted about his dog name as Coal briquettes before 4 hours just of announcing the death of JongHyun from Coal briquettes! no its not coincidence, as nobody names his dog with this thing
BTS have almost no friendship with Shinee, while all of the members full has attended the funeral! not even SNSD, Super Junior, has attended with full members despite their friendship with shinee
There is American Tv Channel that mistaken Jonghyun with BTS Rap seriously! simple google search could stopped this mistake....there is no way any Real Tv Channel could make that mistake, its obvious they send messages through their media to give a hint for what reason JongHyun sacrificed for....people need to wake up and see these stuff, and believe 0 any thing the mainstream media saying
But BTS also attended Ladies Code's funeral, and SEVENTEEN went to Jonghyun's as well. Was he sacrificed for SEVENTEEN's gain as well?


Dec 26, 2017
To make it simple, everyone in the same industry is a competitor. Doesn't matter they are from the same company or not. I personally see this as a competition between two companies, which are SM Entertainment and Big Hit Entertainment. We all know that SM has been really popular since the first wave of Kpop, but ever since Big Hit Entertainment hit the ground with BTS, everything has changed. Not to mention that they are planning for an IPO (Initial Public Offering) (Read more: that is certainly gonna make them potentially the richest entertainment company in Korea. There's always the price to pay for a success that huge though. I remember someone here said that he or she didn't get why BTS became that popular (even the western media gives a damn about it, wow. SM Entertainment has failed at the western entertainment industry ridiculously), especially since they are from a small company. Of course, there's always a chance for everyone who works hard to become successful, but we're talking about the Korean entertainment industry here. Imagine how much price they have to pay for the fame and success?
i understand it better when it's explained this way haha. thank you!!!


Dec 26, 2017
I think Korea started being all evil ever since the sewol ferry incident. They clearly couldve saved all those kids, but chose not to. I remember watching the news as the boat was sinking. There was a big controversy because nearby boats were told they didnt need to come, and more.
that makes taking them two hours to reach jonghyun more suspicious lol


Dec 28, 2017
I personally think that Jonghyun was depressed but died not from suicide but from being sacrificed. I saw the last footage of him in the convenience store and instead of looking depressed he looked in fear for his life. I wonder who killed him? obviously, members of the Illuminati/occult but I wish i knew the name/names. a fellow high ranking Korean idol(s)? a high ranking kpop producer? a high ranking politician? one of his own bandmates? (which I do not by any means want to believe) I just want to know who. who were the bystanders/witnesses? if there were any at his sacrifice?


Dec 24, 2017
But BTS also attended Ladies Code's funeral, and SEVENTEEN went to Jonghyun's as well. Was he sacrificed for SEVENTEEN's gain as well?
I don't think so. Not everyone who attended the funeral gained something from it. We're simply pointing our finger towards BTS cause they are really suspicious, considering the rivalry between BTS' and SHINee's companies and that weird tweet about V's dog name (Like everyone's dog name's "coal briquette", heck yeah). The way the funeral was filmed too, it's like filming an Oscar ceremony with full team BTS as the "caring and soft-hearted group to attend their rival's death ceremony".