Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 22, 2017
To this, Zion.T fired back with explanations. He wrote over the screenshot,

"I did go. I went when there were no reporters. I'm a human too so I'm sad. Do you pay a visit (to a funeral) to get your picture taken? I'm sad."

There's a lot of celebrities goes to the funeral without their complete member. What kind of relationship bts had with jonghyun tho, they're not that close. Yet they come with full member, if they're not that busy. Sth seems fishy.
now this is interesting I talked before about all the cameras and the videos that were released and how weird and planned that looked
Its true that BTS were the first to arrive the day Jonghyun died (even before his own labelmates)

V is close with Minho and Jimin with Taemin, but I dont think the other members were close with Jonghyun or shinee at all
Of course maybe they all went thogether because of respect but not even other SM groups like Suju or SNSD went there with all the members


Dec 23, 2017
17129ED2-29A0-4794-993A-F74283675860.jpeg DC856CF9-76AE-428C-BA70-DEC24F8EF41A.jpeg BBDC9BBB-9D25-456D-A364-450CAF4639F3.jpeg Does anyone remember ladies code? The girl group that was in a car accident in 2014 where two members were killed, it was said to be a sacrifice. But right before they were killed, in their last MV there was a lot of foreshadowing, namely the “tally lines” that were present which indicates counting down an “expected event”, funny enough jonghyun also had those tally lines in his MV


Dec 22, 2017
Hello everyone, I'm glad I found a place I can talk about kpop. There are so many things I'm wondering about. I read the forum thread on allkpop and keep thinking about its contents. One user wrote about prostitution among idols. Do they do it voluntarily or they switch between their personas? (What is worse - being mind controlled and not knowing anything or being aware of kpop sinister side and doing it with your free will?)
- someone in the comment section below Jonghyun's death said that in BangtanBombs there are moments indicating that bts' members are traumatized. What are they? I've seen a couple of them but I didn't see any
- there was no Jonghyun's autopsy because he was supposed to be an organ donor? Is it even possible when a person had carbon monoxide poisoning? Aren't tissues damaged because of oxygen deficiency?
- have you heard bts' 2!3! song? Isn't it about playing with someone's mind? MK ultra? Hypnosis? I say one two thee and your memories are erased (they sing about bad ones but still...) Have you heard pied piper? It kind of reminds me of Rabbit heart by Florence and the Machine (don't/know why). Follow the sound of flute and you are tricked into sth there's no turning back
-did you know that Park Bo Gum is V's closest friend?
- I read that Teddy Park (wrote Bigbang songs with GD and Top) was asked to work for Lady Gaga but refused and decided to go to Korea to work for Yg entertainment.
Hello, welcome to our thread! :)
Your point abt Jonghyun donating his organ is really good. Is it really possible?
Edit: Here's what I found:
[ Currently, it is estimated that less than 1% of all donated organs in Western Europe and the USA are procured from CO-poisoned donors [33]. Although reports of successful solid organ transplantation using organs from CO-poisoned donors have been published, there have also been reports of donor organ failure, resulting in early recipient death. Thus, the use of these organs for transplantation remains controversial, as little data exists from which to draw any firm conclusion. Since CO poisoning is common, organs procured from CO-poisoned donors could save the lives of those on donor waiting lists.]
SO it's really, really rare and it's controversial.
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Dec 22, 2017
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Dec 22, 2017
There's no official news however from the Korean media about it, or a legit source. It's like the whole news spread from a tweet which cited Weibo (Chinese blog platform) as the source. If it's true that he did donate his organs after the suicide, then there should have been official news or at least some talk regarding this matter on Korean forums. Instead, I found these discussions on Nate and Instiz and even the Korean netizens have no idea. This particular discussion page got 3 thumbs down on Nate:
Also this:
Those fans should stop adding to everything from themselves.


Dec 24, 2017
Those fans should stop adding to everything from themselves.
Agreed, it's a way to romanticize his death and it's not good at all. Sure, he was a good person and he had a soft heart but there's no need to fake some news just to show what a good person he was. He was a real person, after all.

On "romanticizing" the news about his death, I found these articles which might interest you. Someone on VC's main article on this already mentioned that the publicity of his death was weird:

South Korea has guidelines, too. The Journalists Association of Korea released a set of guidelines in 2004 on the ethics of suicide reporting. In many ways the South Korean guidelines echo the Austrian ones, as well as the WHO manual for media professionals: Don’t romanticize the suicide. Don’t describe the specifics of the location and method of death. Avoid putting the word ‘suicide’ in headlines. Avoid featuring a celebrity’s suicide as the main story of the day.

“It’s shameful to think about the current status of Korean media, which reports on a deceased celebrity’s wake like it would on an Oscar ceremony,” wroteMedia Us, a left-leaning outlet that critiques media practices in South Korea, in 2013.

“[Sharing the note] increases the possibility of imitative suicide and memorializing/romanticizing a suicide death in a way that puts others at risk,” Ackerman told The Mighty. “That person has lost their life to suicide. Postvention best practice asks us to value healing, grieving and the safety of others as the priority. Sharing the note does not serve those ends.”

Again, the publicity of Jonghyun's death and funeral is unsettling, it's like they had to capture everyone coming to his funeral which was supposed to be private (at least according to the news). Not to mention, Zion.T's comment about "going to the funeral just so everyone will notice"

"I did go. I went when there were no reporters. I'm a human too so I'm sad. Do you pay a visit (to a funeral) to get your picture taken? I'm sad."
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Dec 22, 2017
Agreed, it's a way to romanticize his death and it's not good at all. Sure, he was a good person and he had a soft heart but there's no need to fake some news just to show what a good person he was. He was a real person, after all.

On "romanticizing" the news about his death, I found these articles which might interest you. Someone on VC's main article on this already mentioned that the publicity of his death was weird:

South Korea has guidelines, too. The Journalists Association of Korea released a set of guidelines in 2004 on the ethics of suicide reporting. In many ways the South Korean guidelines echo the Austrian ones, as well as the WHO manual for media professionals: Don’t romanticize the suicide. Don’t describe the specifics of the location and method of death. Avoid putting the word ‘suicide’ in headlines. Avoid featuring a celebrity’s suicide as the main story of the day.

“It’s shameful to think about the current status of Korean media, which reports on a deceased celebrity’s wake like it would on an Oscar ceremony,” wrote Media Us, a left-leaning outlet that critiques media practices in South Korea, in 2013.

“[Sharing the note] increases the possibility of imitative suicide and memorializing/romanticizing a suicide death in a way that puts others at risk,” Ackerman told The Mighty. “That person has lost their life to suicide. Postvention best practice asks us to value healing, grieving and the safety of others as the priority. Sharing the note does not serve those ends.”

My comment on BTS' full team appearance at Jonghyun's funeral, could it be that they felt "responsible" for what happened? Considering the conspiracy theories, or did they just want to "celebrate" it? Or did they just had to make a full team appearance so the whole world would know what a good and caring group they are? Again, the publicity of Jonghyun's death and funeral is unsettling, it's like they had to capture everyone coming to his funeral which was supposed to be private (at least according to the news). Not to mention, Zion.T's comment about "going to the funeral just so everyone will notice"

"I did go. I went when there were no reporters. I'm a human too so I'm sad. Do you pay a visit (to a funeral) to get your picture taken? I'm sad."
That's what I said as well before on some of my posts. They are glamorising and romanticising suicide, depression, "do what you want to do", etc. It's so sick. If I were younger I'd totally have the thoughts of suicide crossing my mind.
Those 2 years were the beginning of a new era in kpop. BTS, Sulli, TOP, etc were the start of breaking all the norms. The satanic agenda is not hidden anymore.
They tried to do it with TOP but maybe thought it's too fast so they left it as an attempt.
Then, Sulli and her mentally unstable behaviour on social media.
And now they officially completed it with the supposed suicide.


Dec 22, 2017
This might explain something:
But that's to much to read lol
What I paid attention to is this part:

"This enormous dilution, losing in quality what it gains in quantity, is accompanied by a levelling down of present taste and its immediate result will be to shroud the near future in mediocrity.
In conclusion, I hope that this medicrity, conditioned by too many factors foreign to art
per se, will this time bring a revolution on the ascetic level, of which the general public will not even be aware and which only a few initiates will develop on the fringe of a world blinded by economic fireworks.
The great artist of tomorrow will go underground.”
(Marcel Duchamp. Symposium at Philadelphia Museum College of Art, March 1961. Adress to a symposium at the Philadelphia Museum College of Art, March 1961.)

Sounds like prophetic words lol - mediocrity becames something cool :(
Thank you. I will read it.

I think idols are under mind control, maybe not MK ultra level yet, but their lives are totally controlled, they have no freedom. The undeniable thruth is the agenda behind kpop to promote certain ideas and create realities, transhumanism, microchip, sexual perversions, etc. Fans 'worship' their idols and don't think or question anything.

Here it is the link to aoa's seolhyun performance she is the most famous member, she might be a betta kitten slave, since she fits the profile.

Also, I think BTS member, but RM are clueless about everything they represent, they are just puppets. Although, at some point, if you read about hollywood elite, they (idols/celebrities) learn about the occult and agree to continue promoting it. There are plenty of examples in hollywood, and the music industry in general. I don't think they agree because they want, but they have no other choice. The entertainment world is sinister and dark.

I remember this news too.

As someone said in a previous post in the forum, Sully is an example of a mental breakdown in my opinion and she is still in SM. (weird)

There are many many weird things in this kpop world. I hope fans can open their eyes to the truth.


Dec 22, 2017
I think we are witnessing a new form of programming with kpop.
Here, they can't do it since birth or parents selling them to be MK Ultra as in Hollywood. That's why they have to find regular kids for that. That's why it just starts as a regular job. Later they increase more and more the practising hours. The companies don't need them to know what's really going on. They risk to be outed in public.
Those kids fell into the trap believing that they'll make modern music and people will appreciate their efforts. Once they're in the trap, it slowly starts to close itself. Their purpose is to just go out there to sing and dance the songs given to them. The more famous they get, the more "toys" and "freedom" they receive. So they slowly and successfully make them believe that this is the path that all celebrities walk. You gain and lose certain things.
On a global scale the agenda is almost completed. By that time kpop idols will want to promote the Antichrist and the RFID chip consciously. Their position as kings, princesses, nation sister, etc will be solidified. They will believe themselves to be part of the chosen ones. After years of overworking and idolising they will start to become self-indulgent. They will see us as the lower ones because they had gone trough so much to give themselves to us. And we were the weak-minded who couldn't be like them.
We see this in real life as well. See how the ones in higher positions (ex. professors at uni, bosses) look at you as if you're nothing. They lose touch with reality. Imagine if you have such a large public and you're a celebrity.


Dec 24, 2017
Hello everyone! I made an account just to join this discussion. I love how you are all aware and how open you are (unlike some immature fans, don't get me started). I've been into kpop since 2011 and yes I did notice a lot of satanic stuff. I was into YG groups and I still think YG is not as bad as others like SM. They're kind of meh lately, their idols are not as successful as they were before.

Jonghyun's death really got me. Something is not right there. Was he sacrificed for BTS? But why? I think SM is bitter because of their popularity and maybe wants a slice of it also. I was thinking about TOP's suicide attempt and how strange that was, the police were late also if I'm not mistaken. That girl that was linked with TOP during his drug scandal, posts about Jonghyun's death Is she just an attention seeking brat or what? It's creepy.

About BTS, I still don't know why they are so popular. They don't have anything special compared to other kpop groups. I'm not saying this as a hater, they are great dancers I give them that, but so are many other kpop groups. Something must be up behind the scenes and I can't believe that no one sees that. They give me really bad vibes

Also I have a theory about how BAP was supposed to be as big as BTS but something went wrong along the way. That was so fishy. BAP's agency treated them like crap, they left, and they came back. Things were never the same after that. They're not as successful as they were before. Not to mention that BTS kind of stole their concept with their debut song/video. BAP also had some depressing videos also like :


Dec 22, 2017
Hello everyone! I made an account just to join this discussion. I love how you are all aware and how open you are (unlike some immature fans, don't get me started). I've been into kpop since 2011 and yes I did notice a lot of satanic stuff. I was into YG groups and I still think YG is not as bad as others like SM. They're kind of meh lately, their idols are not as successful as they were before.

Jonghyun's death really got me. Something is not right there. Was he sacrificed for BTS? But why? I think SM is bitter because of their popularity and maybe wants a slice of it also. I was thinking about TOP's suicide attempt and how strange that was, the police were late also if I'm not mistaken. That girl that was linked with TOP during his drug scandal, posts about Jonghyun's death Is she just an attention seeking brat or what? It's creepy.

About BTS, I still don't know why they are so popular. They don't have anything special compared to other kpop groups. I'm not saying this as a hater, they are great dancers I give them that, but so are many other kpop groups. Something must be up behind the scenes and I can't believe that no one sees that. They give me really bad vibes

Also I have a theory about how BAP was supposed to be as big as BTS but something went wrong along the way. That was so fishy. BAP's agency treated them like crap, they left, and they came back. Things were never the same after that. They're not as successful as they were before. Not to mention that BTS kind of stole their concept with their debut song/video. BAP also had some depressing videos also like :
Hello! Welcome to our thread! :) I'm glad that more and more people who are wakening to what's really going on. This thread would be impossible on any kpop forum because their fans would cut us to pieces...
I still wonder how BTS got so popular bearing in mind they're not from a rich company. But they're useful for the agenda with the topics they speak of in their lyrics.
SM will be on top again with LSM's AI celebrities. They won't let themselves be not the best one.


Dec 22, 2017
I have another topic that I'm curious about. I did my research on hidden trannies(transgenders) in Hollywood and in other areas. When I was little most actors/actresses used to scare me. They didn't look normal to me.It took me awhile to really see that almost all celebrities there are trannies.
Do you think they will launch hidden ones in kpop as well? Do you have any suspicious that some of them may be one?
For example, a few months ago I came around this japanese group. I'm sure the singer is a male.
Just look at those male legs at 3:16. You can't make believe this is a woman. :O The other music videos of them are weird as well.


Dec 22, 2017
Hey guys,
I´ve done some research on this topic as well. We should consider that some asian popstars could be transgendered.

This video is definitely worth investigating:
Hello! Nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy our thread. :)
Yes, there was one for SNSD as well. I'm still conflicted because BTS have prominent adam's apples. I have a little suspicion about BlackPink (especially Lisa).


Dec 24, 2017
Thank you for your warm welcome :)

We can only speculate whether these boys were born male or not. There are many indications, that some idols could be transgendered. Although I have to admit, that Asians tend to look more androgynous than europeans.

Nevertheless a lot strange things happen in the asian world of showbusiness.
Have you heard about the chinese 'all girl boyband'?
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Dec 22, 2017
Thank you for your warm welcome :)

We can only speculate whether these boys were born male or not. There are many indications, that some idols could be transgendered. Although I have to admit, that Asians tend to look more androgynous than europeans.

Nevertheless there are a lot strange things happen in the asian world of showbusiness.
Have you heard about the chinese 'all girl boyband'?
No need to thanks me at all! I'm glad our small circle is getting bigger. :)
Who strikes you as trans in kpop?
I recall watching Harisu's mvs and I'd have never guessed it's a man if I hadn't known it beforehand.
For the Japanese industry I'm pretty sure Utada Hikaru,Namie Amuro and Koda Kumi are trannies.
Yes, I've heard and watched their mv. If it hadn't been for their voice I'd have said they are just one of the many new groups out there.
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