Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020

Israeli army taking advantage of Lebanon situation to continue genocide in Gaza

The Israeli army is actively operating on both fronts – in Gaza and the Lebanese front.

They are taking advantage of moving the intensity of the fighting to Lebanon to continue their genocidal campaign in Gaza.

In the past 72 hours, at least three evacuation centres housing thousands of Palestinian families have been hit, leading to a very high rate of casualties among civilians, including children and women.

People in Gaza believe that now the Israeli government is taking advantage of attacking Lebanese territory in order to turn a blind eye to a ceasefire deal, especially as there is no significant breakthrough to reach a ceasefire.

And now Netanyahu is taking that golden opportunity to focus on the Lebanese front and to maintain a security path zone with Lebanon.

People in Gaza believe that these strikes on Lebanon will negatively affect the possibility of reaching a ceasefire in Gaza.


Mar 18, 2017
You know what? At this point in time, after the pager attack, iam just waiting for Israel & Co. to play the psyops card. It's the ultimate card. They will have to when all else fails...because everything is on the table and considering that it's the Middle East (cradle of the 3 abrahamic faiths), it makes the whole thing a wild ride.

'There are four different techniques and technologies that can pipe voices into an individuals head. Once you can do that, you can control them using neural linguistic techniques. You are rewiring their thought processes and brains. And so this gets into offensive information warfare. They used it I believe in the Gulf War to tell the enemy at their time ‘lay down your guns, this is Allah.’ It worked pretty well, because hearing voice which have no direction or sound, you have to assume its some spiritual entity.

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Jun 17, 2023

You know what? At this point in time, after the pager attack, iam just waiting for Israel & Co. to play the psyops card. It's the ultimate card. They will have to when all else fails...because everything is on the table and considering that it's the Middle East (cradle of the 3 abrahamic faiths), it makes the whole thing a wild ride.

'There are four different techniques and technologies that can pipe voices into an individuals head. Once you can do that, you can control them using neural linguistic techniques. You are rewiring their thought processes and brains. And so this gets into offensive information warfare. They used it I believe in the Gulf War to tell the enemy at their time ‘lay down your guns, this is Allah.’ It worked pretty well, because hearing voice which have no direction or sound, you have to assume its some spiritual entity.

Wow, that's really crazy.


Nov 8, 2022
The healthy (partial) awakening of both internal and foreign political activity of the Thread is highly appreciated. The recently organized attack right in the Eye of Israel and the spiritual battle behind the war aroused the most sincere sympathy, because we (some of us) do not believe a word of both Israel and those organizations, groups, media and individuals who support Israel. I don't believe them. Because of "what else they support" and they do. They craft, plan, launch, and execute the move toward the most dystopian world ever (because of the unheard of possibilities that are available today unlike ever before).

Now let's see what some of those who oppose Israel and pro-Israel organizations support, etc. Just a small look.
This story is reminiscent of some of the posts on these forums. It's what happens when an individual has no independent thought, lacks humanity and gets ALL their information from MSM. They're so much into the matrix, they can't see straight.

I can appreciate what you're stating, Stucky. Some of this is really hard to digest. I hope if the IDF are on the ground, that they will be calling on their own demise.

Below is a small foundation in Canada, CJPME that offers a healthy perspective. My friends and I used to work with them on events years ago, and I still get their emails:

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Words cannot express our worry and fear for the two million civilians of Gaza. Over the weekend, Israel has ordered half the population of Gaza to move to the south of the territory, and has taken actions that suggest they plan to dispossess millions of Palestinians from Gaza - literally a Nakba 2.0.

Seemingly indifferent, the Trudeau government refuses to push for a ceasefire even after more than 2500 Palestinians have been killed. Let it be said that you did not sit idly by while our political leaders watched Israel turn Gaza to dust, slaughter its people, and commit another mass atrocity.

This email provides 1) an option for political action for Gaza, 2) an option for humanitarian aid to Gaza, 3) an option for media action for Gaza, 4) an option to ramp up your knowledge on the situation, and 5) an option to express your anger and frustration with the government and media.


Be on record to show that you did all you could to stop Israel from committing another mass atrocity against Palestinians. Even if you’ve already sent our indifferent leaders emails in the past, send another! Show them we will not be silent!

2.. Send humanitarian aid for Gaza

As we all know, Israel has ignored international law and is preventing food, water, fuel, medicines and other supplies from entering Gaza this past week. Nevertheless, the CJPME Foundation has been communicating with its partners, and is in a position to pass aid to Gaza as soon as the territory is open again. Please donate to its Gaza Emergency Appeal: the money will be used to provide 1) food aid, in the form of rations and vouchers, 2) fuel, and 3) medical supplies, in the form of medical consumables and medicines. For Canadians, these gifts are tax deductible, and 100% of the gift gets to the field.

4. Join our fight against media bias

Earlier today, we sent a 3-page statement highlighting the many ways the media is disserving Canadians, especially Palestinian-Canadians. We highlight the many problems we have observed as they interview Palestinians and present the events. Our task is to fight against the bias and expand the story. CJPME, its reps and its statements have been quoted or cited by media in well over 100 media spots since Oct. 7, including CBC, CTV, Global News, TVA, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, and the Canadian Press. Many of our friends and allies have also been articulate with the media. Many media outlets have been forced to update and edit their coverage as a result of our media advocacy. Since Saturday, we have contacted media about poor coverage in over 60 different instances. But we need your help!
  • We need greater participation on our media alerts, so please sign up as a CJPME Media Responders if you can.
  • And if you’re Palestinian and are willing to talk to the media about your experiences and feelings, please get in touch. We’re constantly contacted by media who want to hear from Palestinians.
  • Email or send us links to articles with poor journalistic coverage. We’ll try to incorporate them into our media response if we can.
  • Send us letters or articles that you’ve written that were never published.
4. Ramp up your ability to speak to the issues

CJPME recently published some key talking points about the current crisis, with supporting principles. See our points 1) on Hamas’ recent violence, 2) on Israel’s recent violence, 3) on Canada’s response, and 4) on the ongoing conflict. But there’s more:
3. Share your frustration and anger

Last week, hundreds of our supporters shared their anger and frustration with us. We are reviewing the feedback, and hope to present much of it to media and politicians as a reflection of how upset and anxious many Canadians are. It's not too late to participate. We need to help the media and politicians understand how Palestinians and their allies are struggling in the current climate.
  • Please use this form to write a few sentences about your frustration, anger, or worries, whether about the escalating violence in Gaza or the response in Canada. Use the form’s checkbox to control permission over how the feedback may be used.
  • Protect yourself emotionally. Take a break from the news if you’re feeling overwhelmed or overly frustrated. Don’t get pulled into political discussions with friends or co-workers unless you’ve decided ahead of time that you’re comfortable and ready.
Can you support our work?
CJPME's impact on these fronts is only possible through the generosity of donors. If you believe in what CJPME is doing to influence the media and public, please consider making a gift of financial support to CJPME. Our work depends entirely on private donations. Monthly donations are especially helpful, as they sustain our ongoing work and make it easier for us to strategize for the future. If you don't like to donate by credit card, you may donate via email transfer, over the phone (438-380-5410), or complete and mail in this form.

Thank you for supporting this campaign. Every added voice makes a difference!

Warmest regards,

Tom, Michael, Jason, Lynn, Dan, Alex, Fatima and the rest of the CJPME team (CJPME Email:
Below is a small foundation in Canada, CJPME that offers a healthy perspective. My friends and I used to work with them on events years ago, and I still get their emails:
Read the rest of the updates from The Mentor about the activities of this organization.
And more. They give a link to:
Changing Systems, Transforming Lives: Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy 2024-2028
https ://www
Anti-Black Racism, Antisemitism, Islamophobia..
https ://www,Race,-Race%20is%20a
Race is a "social construct". This means that society forms ideas of race based on geographic, historical, political, economic, social and cultural factors, as well as physical traits, even though none of these can legitimately be used to classify groups of people."
https ://www,Canada%27s,-Anti%2DRacism%20Strategy
Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy 2024-2028 takes a comprehensive, holistic approach by addressing all aspects of society that contribute to systemic racism. Recognizing that multiple factors, including the widening of racial disparities over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, contribute to the perpetuation of racism, the Strategy targets four priority areas within federal jurisdiction.
Changing Systems, Transforming Lives: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy 2024-2028 is about making a better, fairer, more inclusive Canada where everyone can fully participate and thrive."

Montreal, September 17, 2024 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) condemns the rise of far-right Zionist vigilante groups in Canada and is urging media to provide accurate and comprehensive coverage of their activities and ideologies.[...] To help journalists better understand the issue, CJPME has released an essay on four increasingly prominent Canadian organizations purporting to support security for the Jewish community, titled “The Rise of Zionist Vigilante Groups in Canada.”


Mr. Issa’s letter was written in response to a recent op-ed that falsely accused pro-Palestinian protesters at Pride events of being antisemitic.
The letter also emphasizes the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the importance of preserving the intersectionality of Pride, ensuring that all marginalized communities, including Palestinians, are embraced and protected."


We are deeply alarmed to hear that Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Lyons is imminently preparing to publish a dangerous handbook to guide institutions in applying the extremist anti-Palestinian IHRA definition of antisemitism. IHRA strategically conflates antisemitism with nearly any criticism of Israel and Zionism, and is often used to suppress, censor, and persecute Palestinian perspectives.

It is clear that this anti-Palestinian, pro-censorship handbook will be used to target anti-genocide protestors and put a deep chill on criticism of apartheid, genocide and Zionism. Stand with us against Trudeau’s censorship campaign!"


Montreal, February 23, 2021 — Like many Canadians, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is deeply alarmed by Israel’s actions which impede the ability of Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip to access COVID-19 vaccines. Last week, when the Palestinian Authority tried to send its first shipment of vaccines (2,000 Sputnik V doses) for medical staff in Gaza, Israel blocked its entry for days. Meanwhile, Israeli politicians debated leveraging the shipment in return for extracting political concessions. CJPME urges the Canadian government to demand an immediate end to Israel’s illegal blockading of vaccines, and demand a promise from Israel that it will no longer endanger the lives of Palestinians by playing “vaccine politics.”


CJPME Factsheet No. 224, published June, 2021
Yes. Israel’s refusal to vaccinate Palestinians under occupation is a clear act of Apartheid. Nowhere is this more evident than in the West Bank, where Israeli settlers can access Israeli vaccines, but Palestinians living in the same territory cannot. As Human Rights Watch has noted, in the West Bank, “people on one side of the street are receiving vaccines, while those on the other do not, based on whether they’re Jewish or Palestinian.”
The occupied West Bank and Gaza were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and have been in a State of Emergency since March 2020. Prior to the pandemic, Palestinian authorities were already facing serious barriers to meeting the population’s health and security needs, in part due to the restrictions of the Israeli occupation (see below). Medical journal The Lancet reported that the capacity of health authorities in both the West Bank and Gaza “to contain the spread of COVID-19 is limited by ongoing and pre-existing shortages in health-care equipment, including medications and disposable equipment.”



Nov 8, 2022

This joint report provides recommendations to the Canadian government regarding the renewal of the federal Anti-Racism Strategy. It argues that Canada's strategy must address antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian racism together hand-in-hand using an intersectional framework. This is a joint submission from Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA), Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV), and Canadian Muslim Public Affairs Council (CMPAC).

Issued May 2024


Both Canada and Israel are settler-colonial states, created as an outcome of British imperialism. Given this intersectional history, Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy must approach racism through the lens of settler-colonialism and therefore antisemitism and anti-Palestinian racism, like all forms of racism, must be understood within the structure of settler-colonialism present in Canada.

..Handbooks and guides should be consistent with an anti-racist approach that includes a definition of anti-Palestinian racism, along with other definitions of racism and discrimination. Importantly, anti-Palestinian racism must be understood as distinct from, but in instances intersectional with Islamophobia (anti-Muslim racism). Conflating anti-Palestinian racism with Islamophobia, erases the identity and experiences of Palestinians as well the root causes of the racism they experience.

The recent rise in antisemitic, anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian, and Islamophobic incidents cannot be separated from the escalation of racism and xenophobia we are seeing throughout the world; phenomena linked to the diminution of liberal democracy as it is influenced by the effects of ethnonationalism, surveillance capitalism, and environmental breakdown. Fighting and educating against antisemitism must be part of a larger struggle against white supremacy, eurocentrism, and all forms of group hatred and discrimination.
(read more in the link)

"This is a joint submission from Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA), Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV), and Canadian Muslim Public Affairs Council (CMPAC)."

Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV)

Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) is a grassroots organization grounded in Jewish tradition that opposes all forms of racism and advocates for justice and peace for all in Israel-Palestine. Our strength comes from our members. IJV has active chapters in cities and on university campuses across the country.
Thematic areas
Palestine Solidarity: IJV was the first national Jewish organization to endorse the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. We continue to support and defend BDS as well as to hold Canadian organizations accountable when complicit in Israeli oppression of Palestinians.

Anti-racism and Indigenous solidarity: IJV stands in solidarity with Indigenous peoples and with all marginalized peoples in Canada against racism, settler colonialism and white supremacy. IJV also works to combat antisemitism and distinguish it clearly from critiques of Zionism and Israeli policies.
IJV Principles

4. We oppose all forms of racism, including antisemitism, anti-Arab racism, anti-Black racism, Islamophobia, and intra-Jewish racism, which marginalizes Jews of colour, Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews.
7. We strive to be inclusive, justice-seeking, democratic, and open to diverse ideas and practices.
8. We believe that true security requires justice and solidarity.

We hereby reclaim the tradition of Jewish support for universal freedoms, human rights and social justice. The lessons we have learned from our own history compel us to speak out.

IJV Halifax condemns bigoted stickers appearing around the city

October 2, 2020

A message possibly connected to “Q-Anon,” a conspiracy theory alleging a worldwide cabal is kidnapping and abusing children.

Unknown individuals are placing unattributed adhesive stickers around Halifax that promote conspiracy theories and foment hatred toward vulnerable groups, especially using COVID-19 as a starting point.

Independent Jewish Voices condemns this spate of hate and is calling on people of good will to report these affronts so that we can monitor their proliferation and messages and take measures to stop them.

The stickers appear to be similar and may be related. The message seems to be that both the pandemic itself and the measures taken to reduce its spread are part of a secret scheme to rob individuals of their freedom. The so-called “Q-Anon” movement, originating in Donald Trump’s US is part of a reaction to the Movement for Black Lives.

Halifax has seen its share of right-wing and white-supremacist hatred of late: acts of anti-Black racism in HRM employment sites, including Fire, Police and Transit. insults to people of colour on Transit, the so-called Soldiers of Odin marching through the north end, the so-called “Proud Boys” (the same group Donald Trump, in the recent presidential debate told to “stand down and stand by”) disrupting a protest at Halifax’s Cornwallis statue, counter-demonstrations against the indigenous treaty fishery.

The proper response to all of this is solidarity – among all the groups targeted: African-Canadians, Indigenous folks, other people of colour, Jews, women, LGBTQ2+ people and immigrants.

One of the stickers targets Jewish people. As Jews, we are, of course, concerned. But it is essential to recognize that antisemitism is not an exceptional form of bigotry. People who hate, discriminate and/or attack Jews can, and also do, hate, discriminate and/or attack other vulnerable groups.

In addition, privileging the efforts to combat discrimination against one of these groups, risks further marginalizing the other targeted groups, and undermines solidarity and cooperation among them in fighting their common enemies.

Fighting and educating against antisemitism must therefore be part of a larger struggle against all group hatred and discrimination."

Medical Apartheid in Israel-Palestine

May 10, 2021

Independent Jewish Voice Canada has applauded Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem for issuing reports finding that Israeli authorities are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution. It is important to understand how Israeli apartheid operates as a system by denying Palestinians access to healthcare resources.
February 16, 2021: Democracy Now reported that Israel has halted the shipment of 2,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the Gaza Strip, where they were due for medical workers. The besieged territory is home to more than two million people but has yet to receive any vaccines. This comes as Israeli health officials reported a nearly 95% drop in symptomatic coronavirus infections among 600,000 Israelis who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. About 30% of Israeli citizens have received at least one vaccine dose — the highest rate of any major nation — but that figure excludes Palestinians in the Occupied Territories who remain largely unvaccinated.
What you can do
Support the People’s Vaccine Campaign for an equitable and just COVID-19 global distribution plan.

People’s Vaccine Campaign:
There is no moral justification for millions to die whilst pharma billionaires line their pockets with profits gained in part from public research and investment. We cannot continue on a path where pharma shareholders call the shots and women, minorities, and people in poorer countries suffer the consequences.

We must break up monopolies, improve global research capacities, and support tech transfers that ramp up production of lifesaving vaccines, tests and treatments.

Pandemics should not be a case of survival of the richest.

The Alliance advocated for the waiving of IP barriers to boost global production of COVID-19 vaccines, tests and treatments.

The Alliance has played a pivotal advocacy role in the negotiations surrounding the Pandemic Accord.

Alliance Co-Chair Winnie Byanyima and leading world figures advocate for a People's Vaccine - because no one is safe until everyone is safe

IJV Stands with Trans and Non-Binary People at the University of Waterloo and Beyond

July 7, 2023

Last Wednesday, June 28, a gender studies class at the University of Waterloo was targeted in an apparent hate crime that left a professor and two students injured. This was not an isolated incident, but rather another disturbing sign of the rise of transphobia and hate in Canada.

Extreme anti-trans policies are inflaming the United States, but Canada is showing symptoms too. This can be seen in the rise in transphobic rhetoric online and by politicians, as well as the targeting of events like all-ages drag storytime and of teaching and research critical of racial, ethnic, and gender-based intolerance. As an organization established to oppose hate, violence, and oppression, Independent Jewish Voices condemns these hate-fueled attacks and stands in solidarity with trans people all over the globe. We are proud to count trans and non-binary Jews as part of our membership and continue to work to make our organization trans-inclusive. We also recognize that our Palestinian comrades, both at home and in the diaspora, include trans and non-binary people who experience greater susceptibility to violence because of their intersecting identities.

Our fight for Palestinian liberation and an end to antisemitism is deeply intertwined with the struggle for trans liberation and an end to transphobia. It is no coincidence that those who oppose the existence of trans people also perpetuate antisemitic tropes and call for a white nationalist state. The alt-right movement is the latest stage in a long colonial history that has tried to impose a white, Christian, capitalist, patriarchal power structure on societies the world over. We see this now with groups such as White Lives Matter and their targeting of Jews, racialized people, and trans people, which makes those with overlapping marginalized identities especially vulnerable. But this type of hate is not new, and neither are the direct parallels between oppression of Jews and oppression of queer people.

In the 1940s, the LGBTQ+ community was targeted alongside Jews for systematic genocide by the Nazi regime. While both Jews and trans folks represent a small portion of the overall population, they are often highlighted by hate groups as being responsible for the social and moral decay of (Western) society.

These hate groups understand that white heteropatriarchal nationalism involves targeting of *all* vulnerable communities. We know that to oppose them, we must continue to see our struggles as interwoven. Today and every day, we stand in solidarity with our trans kin under attack and we will fight for a world where everyone is free, from Turtle Island to Palestine.

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Nov 8, 2022
Good points Karly, also from your other posts. It's well known the government of Jordan is a puppet of the West. It was made extremely apparent when they helped the US/Israeli coalition against the Axis of Resistance retaliation back in April- offering their airspace, shooting down Iranian missiles, etc.

Many agree that Israel is a proxy state of the US/Britain but the settlers are so evil and flagrantly criminal, it's causing a rift in Israel between the extremist representatives against their own security establishment. Liberal Israelis like Blinken and J-Street are appalled because the psychopath settlers are exposing the diseased nature of Zionism/Judaism that they would rather be kept as a quiet, slow movement toward complete occupation.

Every time I watch the maniac settlers I envision them as a Red, Enoch, Tempest, Irrational Ninja, Maldarker, etc.some of the most ill, scary, possessed fanatics who talk here because they've been banned from other forums. Their malice might just be words online but let these types of individuals loose in the Holy Land on stolen property, armed with guns to terrorize and loot their Islamic "enemies"...God help us.

Considering what you said about settlers being pawns, maybe the fake liberal Israelis are feigning their shock at the increase of terrorism. I mean you'd have to see this coming:

U.S. Handgun Exports to Israel Soar as Civilian Demand Grows
The surge in exports comes after the Israeli government loosened gun ownership requirements in response to the October 7 attack by Hamas.

Israeli government has transferred over 150,000 guns and hundreds of other weapons to Israeli settlers since October 7

"Every time I watch the maniac settlers I envision them as a Red, Enoch, Tempest, Irrational Ninja, Maldarker, etc.some of the most ill, scary, possessed fanatics who talk here because they've been banned from other forums. Their malice might just be words online but let these types of individuals loose in the Holy Land on stolen property, armed with guns to terrorize and loot their Islamic "enemies"...God help us.

Considering what you said about settlers being pawns, maybe the fake liberal Israelis are feigning their shock at the increase of terrorism. I mean you'd have to see this coming:

U.S. Handgun Exports to Israel Soar as Civilian Demand Grows
The surge in exports comes after the Israeli government loosened gun ownership requirements in response to the October 7 attack by Hamas.

Israeli government has transferred over 150,000 guns and hundreds of other weapons to Israeli settlers since October 7

JVP’s Core Values
Our accountability to Palestinian partners is a set of principles, commitments, and structures that serve as the foundation of our work.
We work to answer the call of our Palestinian partners to build a mass movement of Jews that can effectively interrupt the U.S. state and institutional support that sustains Israeli settler-colonialism, occupation, and apartheid. Rooted in the understanding that systems of oppression are interconnected, we work to build with allied U.S.-based movements for justice towards liberation in Palestine and everywhere.
We organize our people and we resist Zionism because we love Jews, Jewishness, and Judaism. Our struggle against Zionism is not only an act of solidarity with Palestinians, but also a concrete commitment to creating the Jewish futures we all deserve. We are fighting for a thriving Judaism and Jewish communities, for a multiplicity of Jewish cultures and for the future of the Jewish people.

We gain strength from the long lineage of Jewish freedom fighters. Behind us are Salonican socialists, Warsaw Ghetto fighters, Israeli Black Panthers, labor organizers, Civil Rights veterans and many more ancestors who worked tirelessly for liberation – of Jews and all people.

We know our communities are under threat. We commit to dismantling antisemitism in the most effective way possible: as part of our struggle against all forms of oppression and bigotry. Our struggles must be united to succeed and we intend on succeeding.

Racial Justice & Collective Liberation

Our commitment to racial justice is a core praxis in our work, by which we mean an ongoing cycle of action and reflection within which we are striving to dismantle racism–both outside and within the organization–while also working to grow a liberatory culture for our organizing.

We understand that racism shapes everything in the US, Israel and beyond. Racism dictates who lives and dies, who has the resources they need to survive, who has the power to govern, who faces the most violence, who has the freedom to stay in or move from their homes, whose stories are told and believed. As a diverse, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of Jews we also understand that white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, patriarchy, colonialism, militarism, and capitalism are intertwined at the roots, and that we can’t fully address any of them without addressing all of them. Our commitment to Palestinian liberation is fundamentally a commitment to fight against racism and for a world where everyone lives with dignity, power, love, community, beauty, and justice.



May 17, 2020

"Like the Palestinians, the Lebanese know that you are lying. Like the Palestininas, the Lebanese know that Israel's leadership is as unscrupulous as eager to expand its genocidal violence to the region in order to maintain power and advance its settler-colonial agenda. Like the Palestinians, the Lebanese know that most of the Israeli society may simply be too hurt, traumatised or indoctrinated to see any alternatives beyond living in a perpetual state of war. Like the Palestinians, the Lebanese may be wondering why you are not in the #Hague yet. "


Mar 18, 2017
Wow, that's really crazy.
This ex-Mossad agent said of the pager attacks:
“The problem is that this operation is so fascinating, so creative and so out-of-the-box, that only the CIA, MI6 or Mossad could do something like this. You need a government backing, a lot of connections, and money, to do something crazy like this.”

Now, if we have a "voice of God/Allah/Jesus hologram" situation, you can be sure it's the same players. Here's another article from 1999. I don't see how they will refrain from deploying this tech. There is a reason UFOs have been renamed UAPs (anomalous phenomena). Just don't fall for whatever appears in the skies of the Middle East...regardless of your religious inclinations.

But the "strategic" PSYOPS scheming didn't die. What if the U.S. projected a holographic image of Allah floating over Baghdad urging the Iraqi people and Army to rise up against Saddam, a senior Air Force officer asked in 1990?
According to a military physicist given the task of looking into the hologram idea, the feasibility had been established of projecting large, three-dimensional objects that appeared to float in the air.

But doing so over the skies of Iraq? To project such a hologram over Baghdad on the order of several hundred feet, they calculated, would take a mirror more than a mile square in space, as well as huge projectors and power sources.

And besides, investigators came back, what does Allah look like?

The Gulf War hologram story might be dismissed were it not the case that has learned that a super secret program was established in 1994 to pursue the very technology for PSYOPS application. The "Holographic Projector" is described in a classified Air Force document as a system to "project information power from space ... for special operations deception missions."


Mar 18, 2017

Israel has declared an emergency "special situation":

The cabinet approves a “special situation” on Israel’s home front, according to multiple media reports.
A “special situation” is a legal term used in times of emergency, granting authorities greater jurisdiction over the civilian population in order to streamline efforts to safeguard the population. It is valid for 48 hours unless extended by cabinet ministers.
No specific changes in IDF Home Front Command instructions were announced.
...that sure sounds a lot like martial law. Source
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May 17, 2020
Children, UN staff, Journalists.

Two UNHCR staff killed in Israeli air attacks on Lebanon

The UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR) says two of its staff were among the people killed in Israel’s bombardment of Lebanon.
“Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon are now relentlessly claiming hundreds of civilian lives,” UNHCR head Filippo Grandi said on X.
“And I am very saddened to confirm that two UNHCR colleagues were also killed yesterday,” he added, extending his condolences.

Journalist Hadi Al-Sayed, who worked for the Lebanese TV channel Al Mayadeen, succumbed to his injuries on 23 September after his home in southern Lebanon was hit by an Israeli airstrike, in the deadliest day for the country since 2006.

The president of the Lebanese Journalists’ Syndicate Joseph Al-Qasif said: “We mourn the loss of Al Mayadeen journalist Hadi Al-Sayed and extend our deepest condolences to his beloved family, friends and colleagues at Al Mayadeen [...] The union condemns Israel’s brutal aggression that claimed the lives of many and led to the displacement of thousands, and laments that journalists and media workers have become victims of the ongoing massacre. We demand accountability for those responsible for the unfolding bloodshed”.
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May 17, 2020


May 17, 2020
15 Rules For Discussing Israeli Warmongering

Israel killed some 500 people in a massive new onslaught in Lebanon on Monday which saw the IDF launch more than a thousand airstrikes.

The US is once again sending additional troops to the middle east as things escalate, on the orders of god knows who because the president’s brain has completely stopped functioning.

It’s been a few minutes since Israel last began a new project of mass military violence, so perhaps it’s time for a refresher on the official rules on how we’re meant think and talk about such matters.

Rule 1: Recorded history began on October 7 2023. Maybe some things happened before that date, but nobody can remember.

Rule 2: Anything bad that Israel does is justified by Rule 1. This is true even if it does things that would be considered completely unjustifiable if it were done by a nation like Russia or Iran.

Rule 3: Israel has a right to defend itself, but nobody else does.

Rule 4: Israel never bombs civilians, it bombs terrorists. If shocking numbers of civilians die it’s because they were actually terrorists, or because terrorists killed them, or because a terrorist stood too close to them. If none of those reasons apply then it’s for some other mysterious reason we are still waiting for the IDF to investigate.

Rule 5: Criticizing anything Israel does means you hate Jewish people. There is no other reason anyone could possibly oppose military explosives being dropped on areas packed full of children besides a seething, obsessive hatred for a small Abrahamic faith.

Rule 6: Nothing Israel does is ever as bad as the hateful criticisms described in Rule 5. Criticism of Israel’s actions is always worse than Israel’s actions themselves, because those critics hate Jews and wish to commit another Holocaust. Preventing this must consume 100 percent of our political energy and attention.

Rule 7: Israel can never be the victimizer, it can only ever be the victim. If Israel attacks Lebanon, it’s because Hezbollah attacked it completely unprovoked while Israel was innocently minding its own business trying to commit a little genocide in peace. If people protest against Israel bombing entire cities into dust, then Israel is the victim because the protests made Israel’s supporters feel sad.

Rule 8: The fact that Israel is literally always in a state of war with its neighbors and with displaced indigenous populations must be interpreted as proof that Rule 7 is true instead of proof that Rule 7 is ridiculous nonsense.

Rule 9: Arab lives are much, much less important to us than western lives or Israeli lives. Nobody is allowed to think too hard about why this might be.

Rule 10: The media always tell the truth about Israel and its various conflicts. If you doubt this then you are likely in violation of Rule 5.

Rule 11: Unsubstantiated claims which portray Israel’s enemies in a negative light may be reported as factual news stories without any fact checking or qualifications, while extensively evidenced records of Israeli criminality must be reported on with extreme skepticism and doubtful qualifiers like “Lebanon says” or “according to the Hamas-run health ministry”. This is important to do because otherwise you might get accused of being a propagandist.

Rule 12: Israel must continue to exist in its current iteration no matter what it costs or how many people need to die. There is no need to present any logically or morally grounded reasons why this is the case. If you dispute this then you are likely in violation of Rule 5.

Rule 13: The US government has never lied about anything ever, and is always on the right side of every conflict.

Rule 14: (Americans only) Nothing that happens in the middle east is as urgent or significant as making sure the correct person wins the US presidential election. Ignore any inconvenient facts which distract you from this mission of unparalleled importance.

Rule 15: Israel must be protected because it is the last bastion of freedom and democracy in the middle east, no matter how many journalists it has to assassinate, no matter how many press institutions it needs to shut down, no matter how many protests its supporters need to dismantle, no matter how much free speech it needs to eliminate, no matter how many civil rights it needs to erase, and no matter how many elections its lobbyists need to buy.



Mar 18, 2017