Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG

Mar 30, 2017
Current story making the rounds. A landlord taking in too much Zionist propaganda broke into an apartment and stabbed a 6 yr old child repeatedly and his mother as well. The boy died but his mother lives.

This happened in Chicago, in the US. This is your "day of jihad" your Zionist media has been propagandizing the masses with this week.

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This story is reminiscent of some of the posts on these forums. It's what happens when an individual has no independent thought, lacks humanity and gets ALL their information from MSM. They're so much into the matrix, they can't see straight.

I'm sorry i haven't posted more stuff guys. I thought if i took some time away i'd be able to comeback and start over...but i can't. And now it's been reported that Israel has "loosened it's terms of engagement" ie soldiers are getting the green light to shoot any and every Palestinian.

I feel like my mind is about to shutdown.
I can appreciate what you're stating, Stucky. Some of this is really hard to digest. I hope if the IDF are on the ground, that they will be calling on their own demise.

Below is a small foundation in Canada, CJPME that offers a healthy perspective. My friends and I used to work with them on events years ago, and I still get their emails:

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Words cannot express our worry and fear for the two million civilians of Gaza. Over the weekend, Israel has ordered half the population of Gaza to move to the south of the territory, and has taken actions that suggest they plan to dispossess millions of Palestinians from Gaza - literally a Nakba 2.0.

Seemingly indifferent, the Trudeau government refuses to push for a ceasefire even after more than 2500 Palestinians have been killed. Let it be said that you did not sit idly by while our political leaders watched Israel turn Gaza to dust, slaughter its people, and commit another mass atrocity.

This email provides 1) an option for political action for Gaza, 2) an option for humanitarian aid to Gaza, 3) an option for media action for Gaza, 4) an option to ramp up your knowledge on the situation, and 5) an option to express your anger and frustration with the government and media.


Be on record to show that you did all you could to stop Israel from committing another mass atrocity against Palestinians. Even if you’ve already sent our indifferent leaders emails in the past, send another! Show them we will not be silent!

2.. Send humanitarian aid for Gaza

As we all know, Israel has ignored international law and is preventing food, water, fuel, medicines and other supplies from entering Gaza this past week. Nevertheless, the CJPME Foundation has been communicating with its partners, and is in a position to pass aid to Gaza as soon as the territory is open again. Please donate to its Gaza Emergency Appeal: the money will be used to provide 1) food aid, in the form of rations and vouchers, 2) fuel, and 3) medical supplies, in the form of medical consumables and medicines. For Canadians, these gifts are tax deductible, and 100% of the gift gets to the field.

4. Join our fight against media bias

Earlier today, we sent a 3-page statement highlighting the many ways the media is disserving Canadians, especially Palestinian-Canadians. We highlight the many problems we have observed as they interview Palestinians and present the events. Our task is to fight against the bias and expand the story. CJPME, its reps and its statements have been quoted or cited by media in well over 100 media spots since Oct. 7, including CBC, CTV, Global News, TVA, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, and the Canadian Press. Many of our friends and allies have also been articulate with the media. Many media outlets have been forced to update and edit their coverage as a result of our media advocacy. Since Saturday, we have contacted media about poor coverage in over 60 different instances. But we need your help!
  • We need greater participation on our media alerts, so please sign up as a CJPME Media Responders if you can.
  • And if you’re Palestinian and are willing to talk to the media about your experiences and feelings, please get in touch. We’re constantly contacted by media who want to hear from Palestinians.
  • Email or send us links to articles with poor journalistic coverage. We’ll try to incorporate them into our media response if we can.
  • Send us letters or articles that you’ve written that were never published.
4. Ramp up your ability to speak to the issues

CJPME recently published some key talking points about the current crisis, with supporting principles. See our points 1) on Hamas’ recent violence, 2) on Israel’s recent violence, 3) on Canada’s response, and 4) on the ongoing conflict. But there’s more:
3. Share your frustration and anger

Last week, hundreds of our supporters shared their anger and frustration with us. We are reviewing the feedback, and hope to present much of it to media and politicians as a reflection of how upset and anxious many Canadians are. It's not too late to participate. We need to help the media and politicians understand how Palestinians and their allies are struggling in the current climate.
  • Please use this form to write a few sentences about your frustration, anger, or worries, whether about the escalating violence in Gaza or the response in Canada. Use the form’s checkbox to control permission over how the feedback may be used.
  • Protect yourself emotionally. Take a break from the news if you’re feeling overwhelmed or overly frustrated. Don’t get pulled into political discussions with friends or co-workers unless you’ve decided ahead of time that you’re comfortable and ready.
Can you support our work?
CJPME's impact on these fronts is only possible through the generosity of donors. If you believe in what CJPME is doing to influence the media and public, please consider making a gift of financial support to CJPME. Our work depends entirely on private donations. Monthly donations are especially helpful, as they sustain our ongoing work and make it easier for us to strategize for the future. If you don't like to donate by credit card, you may donate via email transfer, over the phone (438-380-5410), or complete and mail in this form.

Thank you for supporting this campaign. Every added voice makes a difference!

Warmest regards,

Tom, Michael, Jason, Lynn, Dan, Alex, Fatima and the rest of the CJPME team (CJPME Email:


Jun 28, 2020
I'm sorry i haven't posted more stuff guys. I thought if i took some time away i'd be able to comeback and start over...but i can't. And now it's been reported that Israel has "loosened it's terms of engagement" ie soldiers are getting the green light to shoot any and every Palestinian.

I feel like my mind is about to shutdown.
Take some solace in knowing ultimately none of them will get away with it.

No one lives forever, all of us will taste death. But it is only once. The soul is literally made eternal. When retribution comes for the evil people in the next life they will beg for not only death but complete and total eradication. It will never find them. Justice is coming and those who escape it in this life will find the brunt of it waiting for them in the next.

No one can imagine putting their hand on the stove and holding it there. But a never ending life is coming where people will drink boiling water like a thirsty camel. Human bodily waste will be their food and they will eat it like a man who hasn't ate in weeks. Every time their flesh is completely incinerated God will regrow it so they can taste the punishment over and over.


Fools think hell is a endless party with satan. They couldn't be more mistaken. It is complete and utter torment and it is forever.

God see's everything and everything will be brought to account.


It is hard to see the suffering and try to rationalize it. But there is comfort knowing those who die defending their homes are martyrs and will be given heaven because of it.

It is said God will take the richest man who had the entire world at his disposal, dip him into hell for a second and ask if he's ever had any pleasure in this life and he will swear never.

God will take the poorest individual who suffered daily and dip him into heaven for a second and ask him if he's ever know hardship in this life and he will swear never.

Nothing in this post is speculation. All of it is in the Quran. Consider it a promise.

z gharib

Sep 26, 2017
Take some solace in knowing ultimately none of them will get away with it.

No one lives forever, all of us will taste death. But it is only once. The soul is literally made eternal. When retribution comes for the evil people in the next life they will beg for not only death but complete and total eradication. It will never find them. Justice is coming and those who escape it in this life will find the brunt of it waiting for them in the next.

No one can imagine putting their hand on the stove and holding it there. But a never ending life is coming where people will drink boiling water like a thirsty camel. Human bodily waste will be their food and they will eat it like a man who hasn't ate in weeks. Every time their flesh is completely incinerated God will regrow it so they can taste the punishment over and over.

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Fools think hell is a endless party with satan. They couldn't be more mistaken. It is complete and utter torment and it is forever.

God see's everything and everything will be brought to account.

View attachment 93415

It is hard to see the suffering and try to rationalize it. But there is comfort knowing those who die defending their homes are martyrs and will be given heaven because of it.

It is said God will take the richest man who had the entire world at his disposal, dip him into hell for a second and ask if he's ever had any pleasure in this life and he will swear never.

God will take the poorest individual who suffered daily and dip him into heaven for a second and ask him if he's ever know hardship in this life and he will swear never.

Nothing in this post is speculation. All of it is in the Quran. Consider it a promise.
mashallah brother well said barakallahu fika wahafazaka


Jun 28, 2020

Interesting verse as the people of Israel are divided in multiple ways.
From the Torah Jews who fight with Zionist Jews everyday.
To those calling for truce to those calling for genocide.
From the pious to the secular.

Israelis have been fighting with themselves all year from the attempted usurping of the Supreme court. Quarreling is severe when protestors have literally been ran over.

As Israel bombs from above too scared to go in on foot reiterates the point in the Quran when it states they will only fight from behind fortified walls.

Just an interesting ayah is all.


Sep 4, 2023
Catholic leaders kick out (excommunicate) anybody who doesn't follow the catholic line and tell them "Clear off, you're not a proper catholic"
Maybe Islamic leaders should follow suit and kick out people (including Hamas/Hezbollah etc) or do the leaders condone their actions?


Jun 28, 2020
Catholic leaders kick out (excommunicate) anybody who doesn't follow the catholic line and tell them "Clear off, you're not a proper catholic"
Maybe Islamic leaders should follow suit and kick out people (including Hamas/Hezbollah etc) or do the leaders condone their actions?
Hamas is literally the government and they are funded by Israel. Why don't you go kick Rishi Sunak out?


Being American with propaganda everywhere it is difficult to know who Hamas actually is.
One things for sure, Israel is not attacking them regardless.

47 fam.jpg
Feb 12, 2022

Husam Zamlot, Palestinian Ambassador to UK here is talking about Churches condemning these attacks , mentioning the Palestinian archbishop of Anglican Church, still here some people support Israel.


Jun 28, 2020
What? Israel is paying Hamas to attack Israel?
And what's Sunak got to do with it?
Israel gave rise to Hamas. Through "charity" they've funded Hamas.

This is why so many people are calling Hamas invading Israel a week ago a psy op.

An Israeli security military expert has went on camera saying the IOF would get triggered if a cat activated a sensor. All of them would go look into it. But Hamas broke in at 15 separate points and Israel gave no response for 7 hours?

(note, this last link is a video with TLAV and Corbett)

Sunak is your example. Just like i can't remove Biden and you can't remove Sunak, the average Gazan can't remove Hamas.


Sep 4, 2023
..Israel gave rise to Hamas. Through "charity" they've funded Hamas..
Sorry mate I never read anybody's long links and long vids, why don't you just tell us in your own words why you think Israel is paying Hamas to attack them?
I've heard of some consp-theorise in my time but that one takes the biscuit..:)


Jun 28, 2020
Sorry mate I never read anybody's long links and long vids, why don't you just tell us in your own words why you think Israel is paying Hamas to attack them?
I've heard of some consp-theorise in my time but that one takes the biscuit..:)
Ya, its conspiracy theory like 9/11, right?

I don't read long posts myself but i have already given the proof.


If you can't be bothered to read it. Why should i be bothered to explain it?

The "long video" contains alot of damning evidence. If you can't be bothered to watch it why should i be bothered to explain it? I've already mentioned the relevant part anyway. Israel KNEW Hamas was invading and not only allowed it. Literally waited half a day to respond to it. Netanyahu intentionally let Israelis die for political purposes.

As we speak Israel has killed / injured over 12,500 people and the bombing continues. While Hamas is currently attacking the IOF.

Why is Israel attacking civilians and not Hamas?
Mar 30, 2017
Sorry mate I never read anybody's long links and long vids, why don't you just tell us in your own words why you think Israel is paying Hamas to attack them?
I've heard of some consp-theorise in my time but that one takes the biscuit..:)
Then clearly, you don't want the answer. Answers are posted for PEOPLE to either listen or read them. If you're not interested in the information that's longer than your attention span, which is very minute because its your CONSTANT and CONTINUAL response, don't ask the question, it's that simple.


Sep 4, 2023
Then clearly, you don't want the answer. Answers are posted for PEOPLE to either listen or read them. If you're not interested in the information that's longer than your attention span, which is very minute because its your CONSTANT and CONTINUAL response, don't ask the question, it's that simple.
A good compromise would be for people to answer a question in their own words in just a couple of sentences, and then say- "And here's a link and video to find out more if you want"
That way we can decide for ourselves whether we want to be shunted off to a longwinded link or vid..:)


Mar 15, 2017
A good compromise would be for people to answer a question in their own words in just a couple of sentences, and then say- "And here's a link and video to find out more if you want"
That way we can decide for ourselves whether we want to be shunted off to a longwinded link or vid..:)
you're just infiltrating multiple threads and chatting nonsense. People are concerned and worried about what’s happening in Palestine. I don’t expect you to sympathise with the cause, but have the decency to respect people who want to keep up to date with the conflict and not see constant nonsense being posted with totally inappropriate smiley faces.

I have responded to you attempting to answer your questions and people have had the courtesy to do so on here too. If you’re not bothered to read anything, then you’re not interested and you’re asking questions and chiming in for distraction? Entertainment?

why are you on this thread if you’re not concerned with the topic?
Feb 12, 2022
A good compromise would be for people to answer a question in their own words in just a couple of sentences, and then say- "And here's a link and video to find out more if you want"
That way we can decide for ourselves whether we want to be shunted off to a longwinded link or vid..:)
I saw your comments in a thread, people appreciate you for something, what was that again? You think people have time to read so many comments hating or appreciating you but you don't have 10 minutes to read on a serious issue lol. Umm the World does not revolve around you, you need to step up the game and research what's going on.
For starters, search shaunking at Instagram, watch some clips, ask yourself how does it makes you feel?